Tender For Supply And Installation Of Biotechnology Instruments - BOD Incubator with stabilizer:- Features available in BOD Incubator -Toughened glass window, Air circulation fan Removable tray Temperature, sensor, Door hinges, PID temperature controller. 2 Optional Features available in BOD Incubator Stainless steel perforated trays No of Trays 3 Air Circulation Motorized Blower Exterior body material Mild Steel and painted in Epoxy Powder Coating Insulation material Glass wool Outer door material Mild Steel Inner door material Material of removable tray Toughed Glass Material of removable tray Stainless Steel wire mesh Tray Chamber Capacity(in Itr) 250-299 Thickness of sheet (in MM) 0.7 Thickness of Toughed Glass/Acrylic Sheet (in MM) 7 Diameter of Stainless Steel wire in mesh (in MM )3 Temperature Range 10°C to 70°C Temperature Accuracy ± 0.5°C Temperature Uniformity ± 1°C. Cooling Centrifuge 20000 rpm with Rotator head and stablizer :- Type of Motor Brushless (without carbons) Type of lid lock Both Manual and Electronic No of acceleration and deceleration profiles in built for rotor speed while automatic braking Option to accelerate and decelerate speed at various rates Configuration of Rotor supplied with centrifuge machine Angle rotor Size of rotor supplied with centrifuge in ml 12x15ml(for angle rotor) RPM 13000 Warranty period for equipment & Roto Condensed Water Drainage System, The Equipment shall be installed and demonstrated before Acceptance, Servo Controller Voltage Stabilizer supplied with item Deep Freezer with stabilizer :- Type Vertical Features PUF Insulation, Frost Free Capacity (L) >=250L Temperature range in °C-10 °C to -40 °C or better Temperature Uniformity in Degree Celsius +/-3°C or Less Temperature Stability of System in Degree Celsius +/- 3 °C Rotatary Shekar Incubator with stabilizer:- Castor wheels Range of Temperature 5 degree centigrade to 60 degree centigrade Type of Display LCD, Type of speed control Stepless continuously variable, Orbital shaking amplitude in mm25 mm, Type of flask which can be accommodated 100 ml 250 ml,500 ml 1000 ml, 2000 ml, Interior illumination LED Bulbs, Construction of Body Double walled with inner and outer walls, Door Insulated double walled door with glass window, Internal length of Equipment in mm 765 Internal width of equipment in mm 660 Internal Height of equipment in mm 650 Outer length of equipment in mm 1150 Ouiter width of equipment in mm 800 Outer height of equipment in mm 1300, Range of Temperature 5 degree centigrade to 60 degree centigrade Temperature accuracy plus minus 0.5 degree centigrade Temperature controller Microprocessor based Digital Temperature controller and indicator Type of sensor PT-100, ype of Motor Brushless Motor Shaking mechanism controller Microprocessor controller Orbital Shaking speed in RPM Upto 250 Type of speed control Stepless continuously variable Increment of Step variation 10 Orbital shaking amplitude in mm 25 mm Timer adjustment in hours 99 Autoclave vertical:- Chamber Capacity/Size Approx. 80-120 Liters Operating Pressure 15 - 20 psi Pressure Gauge Type Analog Pressure Gauge (0-400) psi Temperature Accuracy +/-0.5 °C (at 121 °C) Operating Temperature (Max) 123 °C Features Automatic Start/Stop Timer, Low water level heater cut-o and Alarms, Over Pressure cut-o with audio-visual Alarm, Low Heat Warning, Inner Temperature Indicator, Over Temperature cut-o with audio-visual Alarm, Door cannot unlock until chamber pressure reaches room pressure, Temperature calibration Function Spares & Accessories Perforated Corrosion Free Basket made up of SS 304 (3-4 Nos) that are Stackable Two High or More Levels Additional Requirement Calibration Certicate from ISO17025 accredited lab for temperature, Pressure Gauges & Timer. D Heating Element multicombine:- Power source Electric Material Ceramic Application Heating Shape Rectangular Dimension Diameter 200 millimeter Width 200 millimeter Thickness 8 millimeter Length 600 millimeter Specications Resistance 5 Operating power 100 kiloWatt Operating voltage 220 Volt Operating temperature 200 degree Celsius Frequency 50 Hertz withSoxhlet Extraction Apparatus with 03 Holes. Mini centrifuge 10000 гpm: Type of Motor Brushless(without carbons) Type of lid lock Electronic lid locking with automatic lid opening at end of run No of acceleration and deceleration proles in built for rotor speed while automatic braking Acceleration & Deceleration time to be less than 15 sec Conguration of Rotor supplied with centrifuge machine Angle rotor Size of rotor supplied with centrifuge in ml PCR strip rotor with 1500 грm/18000G which can hold upto 4xPCR strips RPMI15000 Tissue Culture Rack With UVLight And Autotimer:- Distance Between Shelves 16 Total No. of Fluorescent Tube 12 Usage storage Surface Treatment Powder Coated Product Type Lab Lighting Facility in Shelves 3 No. of Shelves 4 Dimensional Parameter Length 500 millimeter Hight 2000 millimeter Width 900 millimeter Temperature 45 degree Celsius Electrical Parameter Input Voltage 240 Volt Frequency 550 Hertz Constructional Parameter Thickness of Surface 3 millimeter Load per Layer 90 kilogram Material Mild Steel. Vertex Mixture:- Type of Drive Motor Carbon Brush DC Motor Display Option/Output Read out Option Analog Material of Mixing Head/vortex cup Plastic Type of Controller other Base material Die cast aluminium Number of Sample tubes testable simultaneously Multi-Tube User Interface Analog Front Panel Largest Volume of the tube testable 250 milliliter Finish of Body material Powder coated Body Material Die cast Aluminium Noise Level (maximum) (db) 40 decibel Maximum Load capacity 0.1 kilogram IP rating or Ingress protection rating21 Activation mode Press Activated and Continuous run Speed mode Variable Speed Number of Programmable/Programmed modes 2 Minimum Speed (RPM) 2500 Timer Provided Programmable Pulse mode Speed control Accuracy (+/-) (RPM) 40 Orbital Diameter 6 millimeter. Variable speed control Shaking or vortex action Continuous or touch-control mixing with accesries UV Transalluminator with filter & stablizer:- Compact benchtop UV Transilluminator, MD-20 comprises with 6 X 8W, 302mm/365nm UVtube, 200 x 200mm filter size, low background filter, UV radiation blocking cover, high/low intensityswitch, and reflection aluminum plate. Min. Detection-0.1 ng Selection of intensity - Variable Intensity Type of illuminator - Benchtop Type Wavelength type - Dual No. of UV Tubes - 6 NosUV Wavelength (nm) 312 nm Wavelength Type Dual Size Of Filter Screen (LxW), mm 200200 mmxmm UV Tube Wattage 8 W No. Of UV Tubes 6 Nos Input Voltage, V 220 V UV Safety Screen Yes Intensity Control - High/Medium/Low Yes Cooling System by fan air cooling Digital Stereo zoom microscope:- Microscope Type Stereo Zoom Integrated Camera Objective lenses Type Achromatic Microscope with Objective lenses Magnication 0.7X, 1.0X, 1.5X, 1.6X 2.0X 3.0X,4.0X,5.0X,6.0X) Numerical Aperture of Objective 0.10 Zoom Ratio 10:1 Stage Type Standard stage with transmitted light bases Zoom/Magnication operation Manual Filters Without Filter Type of lamp for Illumination LED Display ThroughSystem (System/Laptop etc) Type of External System Camera type Still + video Camera Image sensor CMOS Eective Pixel/Resoloution Monochrome (MP)5 Eective Pixel/Resoloution Colour(MP) 5 Video recording. Digital phase contrast microscope-Trinocular Phase Contrast Compound Microscope 9 inch LCD Digital Microscope kit, Electron microscopes Light, Biological Microscope LAB with Screen 400x 1000x Micro Scope Package Dimensions 58.8 x 38.89 x 32.28 cm; 10.64 kg Light Source Type LED Compatible Devices Laptop Maximum magnification 1000.00 Minimum magnification 40 x Voltage 240 Volts Power Source Corded Electric UV-Vis Spectrophotometer- Light Source Deuterium Lamp, Tungsten Halogen Lamp Diraction Grating (lines/mm) 1200 Switching of Light Source Automatic Wavelength Setting And Scanning Automatic Type of Spectrophotometer double beam/split beam Type of Optical System Double Beam Monochromator Type Czerny-turner Detector Type Photodiode Spectral Bandwidth Type Fixed Bandwidth Source Wavelength - Minimum 190 nanometer Source Wavelength - Maximum 1000 nanometer Resolution 0.3 nanometer Wavelength Accuracy (+/-) 0.1 nanometer Bandwidth (nm) 0.1 Focal length (mm) 250 to 299 Photometric measurement modes Transmittance, Absorbance, Concentration (Wavelength, time) Photometric Absorbance (Max) (Abs) (+/-)3 Photometric Absorbance Accuracy (Max) (+/-)0.001 Photometric Transmittance (Max) (+/-)100 percent Photometric Transmittance Accuracy (Max) (+/-) 0.001 percent Photometric Reectance (Max) (+/-) 100 percent Display In-built display Display type TFT Display Size 10 inchTest result printing Through external printer Digital Weighing machine 0.0001-Capacity 220g/121g Graphic display Black and white, Weighing balance shall have Multi unit display Display Size 5.7 inch, Response time 3 second Weighing pan, mm 78x73 or better, Eccentricity deviation (sd) (test load) 0.1mg(100g) Capacity 220g/121g Linearity Deviation, mg 0.1 Sensitivity oset, Nominal load,mg 0.01Repeatability, mg 0.01 Readability 0.1 mh Binocular Microscope With Camera- Microscope Type pathological binocular non hinged type with built in light and with camera & light intensity regulator Eye piece Type Compensating Eye Piece with magnification Set of Two For Binocular 10x Objective Type achromatic Objective Magnification 10 x 40 x 100X, 4X Numerical Aperture of Objective 0.25,0.65,1.25,0.10 B Magnetic stirrer- Type of Drive Motor Motorless magnetic coil type Display Option/Output Read out Option Digital Magnetic stirrer is: with a hot plate or some other means for heating the liquid Mangnetic stirrer Type variable speed Controler type Microprocessor, Speed Control Accuracy of set speed (+/-) (RPM) 5 Maximum Stirring capacity perposition 1 milliliter pH meter-Type Microcontroller Based Accuracy (pH) ±0.01 Temperature Compensation Type Automatic Temperature Accuracy (Degree C) +-0.5, Display LED/LCD/Touch Screen, 3 digits Calibration up to 3 points with auto buer pH Range (pH) 0.00 to 14.00 Accuracy (pH) ±0.01 Corrosion Resistant Yes Power Requirements 230 V +-10, 50 Hz AC Modes pH MV-C Parallel temperature indication Yes Temperature Compensation Type Automatic Temperature Accuracy (Degree C) +- 0.5 Temperature Compensation Range (Degree C) 0 to 100 Resolution (pH) 0.01 Operating Humidity: RH in (%) 85 Operating Temperature (Degree C) 30 Microscope with 3 objective Lens- Microscope Type pathological monocular non hinged type with built in light and with light intensity regulator Eye piece Type Huygenian, Eye Piece with magnication monocular10 x, 40X & 100X Objective Type achromatic Objective Magnfication 100X Numerical Aperture of Objective 1.25 Digital Water Bath-Temperature range of bath chamber: 5°C above ambient to 99.9°C Temperature control sensitivity: ±0.5°C or better Least temperature increment Step available1 degree C Temperature Accuracy: ±1°C or better Safety Features: Redundant safety thermostat Power requirement: 220 V 50 Hz Single Phase AC, Water bath Chamber Capacity over 8 to 10 litre, Heating Capacity (>=): 1000 Watt Control Panel has: ON/O Switch, Power mains Indicator, Temperature controller. Microplate reader- Type of Reading Plate Number of samples at a time 96 Availability of external Laser printer Inbuilt Key Board USB Port Memory Storage capacity for test results. Dynamic range in OD (Optical Density) 0,1,2,3,4 Wavelength range in nm 400-800 Filter 405,450,492,630 nm with provision to add three more filters Resolution 0.001 Accuracy ±1% or better Hot Plate- Size (Dimension) (W)(inch) 6 Pilot lamp indicator (On/O) Indicates heat Temperature control 250 decidegree Celsius Surface Temperature 250 degree Celsius Diameter 8 inch Humidity (%) 85 Minimum time to reach boiling point 1 Lt. H2O (approx) 15 minute Shape Square Coating MS powder coating Controller Digital PID Controller Glass ceramic area 235 millimeter Weight 4 kilogram Material Stainless steel, Voltage 220 Volt., stirrer volume 5 L,parameter 100-1500 rpm speed 50-500 °C temp. range, platform size 120 mm x 120 mm. Desicator- material polycarbonate feature CE compliant packaging pack of 1 ea manufacturer/tradename Bel-Art F42073-1220 H x W x D41.7 cm x 34.1 cm x 41.4 cm door opening H x W 31.2 cm x 22.5 cm) Protecting valuable humidity sensitive items such as reagents or pipettes is easy and totally automatic with Secador Auto-Desiccator Cabinets. Three different size models are available to best match individual storage needs, and can be stacked together to save space. The 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 models have internal volumes of 1.1 cu.ft., 1.5 cu. ft., and 1.9 cu.ft. respectively. The cabinets are molded of rugged polycarbonate resistant to staining, crazing and chemical attack. A patented electronic dehumidification system is designed to reduce the relative humidity inside the cabinet from 75 to 25% and circulate dry air automatically, freeing users form monitoring or changing chemical desiccant. All contents are easily viewed through a large clear door that seals with positive latches and can be securely closed with tamper evident seals. A hygrometer in the door allows for easy monitoring of relative humidity. Electrophoresis Unit (submarine)- Length of the Gel tray (cm) 20 Width of the Gel tray (cm) 20 Number of well combs 16 Thickness of comb (mm) 1.5Construction of Unit (Moulded/Fabricated) Fabricated Type of Electrodes (Fixed/Removable) Removable. Maximum Sample Capacity 26, Maximum buffer volume500(ml). Digital Hot Air Oven- Capacity in litres 125 Power ratings in watts 1000 Ambient temperature range in °C Ambient to 250°C Temperature Accuracy in °C ±0.5°Cinsulation Glass wool Type of Display LED Availability of Double glass window on door Type of Shelves Removable Number of shelves 3 Material of Outer Chamber MS with powder coated paint Material of Shelves SS wire mesh Air purifier for laboratory- air purifiers With Remote Control, Number of Air cleaning stages 3 Clean air delivery rate (CADR) at maximum speed (Minimum) (Cubic metre/hr) 351-400Number of Air cleaning stages (Filtration stages) (Nos.)3 Pre-filter, HEPA (High Efficiency Particular Arrestance) Filter Activated carbon filter, lonizer, Timer, Speed mode, Auto mode, Remote Control Air Circulator for cooling - Remote Control panel (for Use in Shelter) with Regulated On/OFF Buttons, 20 MTR Cable with Thermostat Sensor, Ducts, Filters, Compressor, Condensor Coil with ns Copper Tubes, Evaporator Coils with ns, High/Low pressure gages, Switches Thermostatic, Expansion Valve, Solenoid Coil, Digital temperature controller