
Tender For Procurement Of Machineries, Instruments, Tools And Equipments Etc. Related To Electrical Engineering And Electronics And Telecommuniction Engineering Laboratories And Workshops Of Mathabhanga Government Polytechnic, Mathabhanga, Cooch Behar, W, mathabhanga-West Bengal

Technical Education and Training Department has published Tender For Procurement Of Machineries, Instruments, Tools And Equipments Etc. Related To Electrical Engineering And Electronics And Telecommuniction Engineering Laboratories And Workshops Of Mathabhanga Government Polytechnic, Mathabhanga, Cooch Behar, W. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-03-2025. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in mathabhanga West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Corrigendum : Tender For Procurement Of Machineries, Instruments, Tools And Equipments Etc. Related To Electrical Engineering And Electronics And Telecommuniction Engineering Laboratories And Workshops Of Mathabhanga Government Polytechnic, Mathabhanga, Cooch Behar, W
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West Bengal

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Tender Details

PROCUREMENT OF MACHINERIES, INSTRUMENTS, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS ETC. RELATED TO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICTION ENGINEERING LABORATORIES AND WORKSHOPS OF MATHABHANGA GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, MATHABHANGA, COOCH BEHAR, WEST BENGAL- 1 ANALOG ELECTRONICS LAB-I (3RD SEM) 2 50 MHz Dual Channel CRO• Automatic Measurements of Signal Parameters like .Pk-Pk, Average, Max. , Min., rms, top etc. Voltages and Frequency, Period,Width,Duty Cycle, Rise Time, Fall Rime • Waveform and Set up storage facility.• Colour Display. • Advanced features like sequential acquisition of up to 1000 trigger events should be possible.• Standard USB Host & Device Connectivity. • Standard 23 Automatic Measurement andMath Function Including FFT.• Education student Lab guide and professor slide set.DETAILED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:-a)No. Of Channels:2b)Bandwidth :50 MHzc)Maximum Input:400 V (peak ac + dc) d) Sample Rate :1 GSa/sece)Waveform Update Rate : 400 Waveforms/secf)Memory : 16 Kpts/Ch.g)Time Base : 5nsec / div. To 50 sec./div.h) Resolution : 8 bitsi) Display: 5.7 inch Colour QVGA TFT LCD Display.j)Trigger Modes: Force, Edge, and Video, Pulse width.k) Built In Interface : Standard USB 2.0 (Host and Device)l)Power Supply: 230 V AC Supply, 50 Hz. 3 Function Generatori)Itshould be a waveform / function generator which can be upgraded to an arbitrary waveform generator . It may also have the feature upgrade the frequency of operationii) Should have low harmonic distortion and jitter.DETAILED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION:--• Frequenc : 1Hz. to 20 MHz for Sine , Square and PulseWaveforms and 1 Hz. to 20 MHz. for Noise• No. of Channels: 1• Frequency Resolution : 1Hz.• Amplitude : 1 mVpk-pk to 10 v (pk - pk) in 50 ohms. • Duty Cycle for Pulse : 0.01 % to 99.99 %• Standard Waveforms: Sine,Square,Ramp,Pulse,Triangle,•Operating Modes: Continuous,Modulate,. .• Modulation Types: AM,FM,PM,FSK,BPSK,PWM• AM : Source both Internal & External, Depth 0 to 120 %With 0.01 % resolution.• FM : Source both Internal & External, Deviation 1Hz to 15 MHz• PM: Source both Internal & External, Deviation 0 to 360 deg C.• PWM : Source both Internal & External. Deviation 0 % to 100 %.• Power Supply : 230 v,50 Hz. ac. 4 Digital MultimeterDC Voltage:400mV to 1000V , AC Voltage: 400mV to 1000V,DC Current: 4mA to 10A, AC Current: 4mA to 10A, Resistance: 100 ohm to 40Mohm, Resistance: 100 ohm to 40Mohm,Capacitance: 4nF to 200µF, Duty Cycle: 0.1% to 99.9%, Frequency: 10Hz to 10MHz, Temperature: 20oC to 750oC,Transistor Test: Yes (for NPN & PNP), Diode Test: Yes, Continuing Buzzer: Yes, Power Supply: 9V, Manual and Auto ranging,Display: 4½ Digit 5 To study the V-I characteristics of UJT Trainer kitVariable DC Power Supply 1.2V to 12V/500m,A DC Power Supply for DPM 5V/500m,A UJT (2N2646) UJT Characteristics UJT Relaxation Oscillator with two different Timing Capacitors ,DigitalMeters for Measuring Voltage and Current ,Set of Patch Chords & User Manual 6 To study the input and output characteristics and to find the h-parameters of a BJT for : —(a) C-E configuration,(b) C-C configuration,(c) C-B configurationHARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS :Dual Variable DC Power Supplies 0V to 12V/500mA and0V to 15V/500mA DC Power Supply for DPM 5V/500mAIndependent Base Limiting Resistors - 2 Nos.(low value) Independent Collector Resistor - 1 No. Transistor( NPN Type SL100) .All Inputs/Outputs through 2mm Sockets set with provision of Digital Multimeter for measuring input and output. 7 ANALOG ELECTRONICS LAB-II (4TH SEM) 8 Feedback Amplifier Trainer12 V DC supply with +/- 10%accuracy,configurable circuit,Inbuilt sine wave generator with frequency range 10 Hz to 10 KHz rangeand Amplitude variation 10mV to 4V, NPN transistor. Voltage Series & Shunt and Current Series & Shunt configurable operation. 9 Oscillator Trainer KITi) Hartley, Colpitt ,Wien Bridge Oscillator Trainer kit : i) NPN Transistor ii)On boardoscillator section,separate tank circuit (iii)Biasing Voltage :+12 V , -12 V ,+12V SMPS Adaptor provided with the trainer for power supply.Designed by considering all the safety standards. Provided with an extensive manual.Power Supply to Kit: 230VAC,50Hz, All interconnections are made using 2mm banana Patch cords 10 To determine the following characteristics of op-amp: —a) input offset voltage, b) slew rate, c) non-inverting gain, d) inverting gain e) adder, f) subtractor, g) differentiator, h) integratorandi) voltage followerTo adjust offset null, setup the closed loop amplifier using IC741 op-amp also to (a) dc gain (b) ac gain. The set complete with +/-12V DC regulated power supply with milli voltage source, Null arrangement and 2V/20V dual range digital voltmeter , In built sine wave,triangular wave & square wave Generator of1 KHz, 15V Vpp (approx.), DC Power Supply : 0 - 5 V (vary through (2No.) rotary switch for specific voltage level 11 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB (3RD SEM) 12 Complete setup to implement encoder, decoder ,multiplexer andde-multiplexer5V D.C. at 100mA, IC regulated power supply,21 Input Switches for data input,IC For Multiplexing 74150 is provided on board with Combinational Circuit, IC For Demultiplexing 74154 is provided on board with Combinational Circuit, One Not Gate is provided on board using 7404 ,16 Output LEDs with driver circuit to observe the output of Multiplexer Demultiplexer, A Pulser to provide the pulses manually for triggering,230 V ±10% at 50 Hz A.C. Mains,necessary patch cords and user mannuals. 13 Complete setup to design / construct parity generator, checker andcomparatorDC Regulated Power Supply 5 VDC/150 ma,5 SPDT switches provided for selecting logic ‘1’ & logic ‘0’,2 output indicators,Sufficient no of 4mm Patch Cords for Interconnection,Power Cords 230v, 50Hz,necessary patch cords and user mannuals. 14 Complete setup to design / construct binary synchronous and asynchronous counterTrainer kit for binary Synchronous and Asynchronous counter. with power supply, display unit, patch cords, manuals and necessary IC. 15 Digital I.C TesterUniversal IC tester: 40 pin DIP ZIF socket, 50 cherry keys Key pad and 16 X 2 LCD Display, suitable for testing of Analog IC, Digital IC and 7-segment display. 16 A/D & D/A Converter TrainerFEATURESAnalog To Digital Converter• 8-bit descrete ADC•12-bit monolithic ADC IC•On-board signal generator with adjustable amplitude levels•On-board LED bank to observe digital outputs•Power supply : +5V, ±12V GND•Interconnection is provided by 2mm connectors•Experimental manualDigital To Analog Converter•8-bit binary weighted resistors DAC•8-bit ladder type D to A converter•8-bit D to A converter using monolithic IC•Simple construction using Op-Amp and resistors•Onboard switches are provided for digital pattern generation•8-bit digital inputs ranges from 00 to FF•Variable frequency counter to study the settling timeSPECIFICATIONS•8-bit binary weighted and 4-bit ladder type DAC are constructed using discrete components•8-bit monolithic DAC having settling time in the range of ns, wide power supply range, low power consumption, full scale error ± 1LSB•8-bit digital ramp ADC constructed using discrete components•12-bit monolithic ADC having conversion time in the range of μs, industry standard pin out, wide input range•8 onboard switches to provide digital inputs to DAC•8-bit counter running on external clock frequency to study settling time of DAC• Built inlow frequency clock generator•1 KHz sine wave with adjustable amplitude level•Onboard variable DC voltage source for studying unipolar and bipolar modes of ADC •12 output LEDs to observe ADC outputs•ADA operates on DC power supply (+12V,-12V,+5V and GND)•Interconnection is provided by standard 2mm connector•Extensive experimental manual is provided with the kit EXPERIMENTSAnalog To Digital Converter• To study and measure resolution of ADC•To measure the conversion time of the ADC•To study full scale adjustment for unipolar and bipolar signals•To study the working of ADC 17 NETWORK ANALYSIS LAB ( 3RD SEM) 18 To study the series and parallelresonant circuitIndependent Resistors - 3 Nos. ,Independent Capacitors - 3 Nos.,Tapped Inductance. All Inputs/Outputs through 2mm Sockets Set of Patch Chords & User ManualWITH SIGNAL GENERATOR, COUNTER, DIGITAL METERS FOR INPUT & OUTPUT and user manual 19 To test and to measure the cut –off frequencies of the following: —(a) constant k-type low pass filter;(b) constant k-type high pass filterTwo Independent Passive LC Filter Networks (LPF & HPF) All Inputs/Outputs through 2mm SocketsSet of Patch Chords & User Manual 20 To study standing wave pattern for a transmission line of finite length with:(a) open termination,(b) shorted termination andmatched termination. 2.To measure the attenuation constant and phase shift constant for matched terminationTransmission Line Trainer Features:* 30-300 Mhz sweep source with detector* Calibrated attenuator* Displays standing waves/maxima-minima on CRO* Uses actual coaxial lines rather than simulated ones.* Impedance matching.* Measures VSWR, reflection coefficient, characteristic impedance, velocity of propagation, dielectric constant and signal attenuation in TDR.* Measure parameters of 50, 75 and 300 Ohms cables* Study Time Domain Reflectometry.* Study location and nature of discontinuities,Open/short, mismatched terminations, etc.* Offers a complete view of the transmission line in analog and digital domains, which is essential for complete understanding of transmission line behavior.Technical Specifications:A. Frequency Domain AnalyzerFrequency range : 30-300 MHz typical LCD Display. Level : 100mV p-p Attenuator 50 Ohms : 0.5, 1, 2,4, 8,15 dB,Output Impedance : 50 Ohms Scope out : X-Y output to scopeB. Resistive Impedance Analyzer ,Characteristic Imp. : upto 800 ohms ,Display : LCD C. Time Domain ReflectometerPRR Short range : 10MHz typical,Pulse width : <10ns typical, PRR Long range : 100KHz typicalAmplitude : 1V nominal, Output Impedance : 50 OhmsAccessories:Lengths of 50 ohms and 75 ohms coaxial cable, 300ohms, parallel line, lossy line, Tee connectors, ,Standard load of 50and 75 ohms, Various capacitive and inductive loads, shorts, Balun 1:1 & 1:4, Operating manual, Mains cord 21 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE LABORATORY (3RD SEM) 22 Computer Programming Language LaboratoryTURBO C++ Software 23 MICROPROCESSOR LAB (4TH SEM) 24 8085Microprocessor Trainer KitHigh performance 8085A CPU operating at 3 MHz.16 K powerful monitor FIRMWARE expandable to 32 K. 64 K user RAM. Expanded RAM accessible using bankWrite protect facility for RAM. 3.6 V Ni-Cad battery back up. Versatile Keyboard/Display controller using 8279. 24 highly reliable dual function keys. 6 digit seven segment LED display.Parallel I/O lines available through two 8255 chips. Serial I/O through 8251 USART, with on-board level shifters 1488,1489.Programmable communication parameters. Built-in audio cassette interface.3 channels of 16 bit timer/counters from 8253.Powerful 8085 interrupt capabilities. On-board EPROM programmer with ZIF socket for programming 2716 to7512 EPROMs and various EEPROMs. Normal and intelligent programming modes.On-board ADC,DAC, opto-isolator, reed relay and miniature speaker. On-board logic probe.Single stepping, break pointing and machine cycle single stepping facility. Monitor functions can be called through software interrupts. Large collection of application software provided. All address, data and control lines from the CPU, buffered and brought out on 50 pin connector. Additional Stepper motor of specification:Shaft type: 5 mm DCurrent rating: 1200 mA2Voltage rating: 4 VHolding torque: 44 oz·inSteps per revolution: 200Resistance: 3.3 Ohm2Inductance per phase: 2.8 mHNumber of leads: 6Lead length: 30 cm 25 Microprocessor 8086 Trainer KitINTEL 8086CPU AT 4.77 MHZ CLOCK SPEED,16KB for monitor EPROM upgradable to 64kb16KB RAM expandable to 64KBBattery backup provision for RAM upto 64KB16 x 2 (or) 20 x 4 Alphanumeric LCD display101 keys IBM compatible keyboard24 TTL I/O lines brought out to two nos., of 26 pin FRC connector1 number of standard RS232C compatible serial port brought out to a pin D type male connector.3 channel 16 bit counter/timer using 8253.Fully buffered address data and control signals terminated at a 50 pin header(VXT BUS) for interfacing VBMB seriesof experiment boards and bus expansion.8 no’s of interrupt lines are terminated at a 10 pin connector.Kit operates with a single +5V/DC supplyThe kit and the power supply are mounted on a attractive light gray color fiber glass cabinet with fiber glass top cover.Built-in line assembler & DisassemblerPowerful debugging monitor to develop user program. 26 ELEMENTARY COMMUNICATION ENGG. LAB 27 To study the amplitude modulation and demodulation Ttrainer kit Features of Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation Trainer:On-board message signal with variable Amp/Freq On Board carrier signal with variable Amp/Freq AM Modulation using MC 1496 IC Demodulation using Diode Detector and LPF,6th Order LPF,Op Amp Based Variable AmplifierInternal Power Supply +5V , +12V/ 500 mATechnical Specification :Message Signal:Sine wave Frequency 100 Hz to 2.8 KHz, Amplitude 0 to 3VCarrier Signal: Sine wave Frequency-28 KHz to 108 KHzAmplitude 2V,Modulation : Balanced ModulatorAmplifier : Op Amp BasedDemodulation : Diode Detector & LPFLow Pass Filter : 6th Order LPFSupply Voltage (Board) : +12V, +5V / DCSupply current : 100 mA (Minimum)Input Voltage : 230 V/ 50 Hz ACInterface connectors : 2mm socket 28 AM/FM Radio Receiver kitFrequency range: 400KHz ~ 1.5MHzIntermediate frequency: 455KHzInputs: RF signalOutput IF frequency: 455KHz adjustableIF filter: Dual tune LC, RF amplifier with variable gain ,Mixer (frequency converter),Local oscillator:Output Signal: Sine waveFrequency range: 400KHz ~ 1.5MHz ,Amplitude: Adjustable from 0Vpp ~ 2VppOutput impedance: 50 Ohm ,1st and 2nd IF amplifierCentral frequency: 455KHz, Load impedance: Variable R-L-CGain: 40db with automatic gain control, Diode envelope detectorDetection of the envelop with variable RC filter. Audio output:Amplifier with audio jack, Audio amplifier gain: 26Db, Receiving media :MW coil antennaFM radio receiver, Reception range: 88MHz ~ 108MHz with continuous tuningTuning circuit: Using GANG capacitorIntermediate frequency: 10.7 MHz with ceramic filterEXPERIMENTS:Study of double sideband AM reception using envelope diode detector,Study of single sideband AM reception using product detector,Study of image frequencies,Study of adjustment of receiver tuned circuits,Voice reception using DSB/ SSB AM receiver (super heterodyne receiver)Effects of switch faults FM detection output level: 77.5Vrms (typical)FM detection output distortion factor: 0.3% (typical)Audio amplifier: Gain up to 46DbReceiving media: Adjustable telescopic antennaPower supply: -12V,+12V,+5V,GNDOutput volume regulation, output load impedance of 8 OhmEXPERIMENTS AM radio receiverTo study AM radio receiverTo study of image frequencies for AMFM radio receiverTo study FM radio receiverTo measure the frequency response of Audio amplifier 29 Pulse code Modulation and Demodulation system trainerInbuilt variable DC and 1 kHz AC Modulating Signals, Facility for applying external AC or DC Modulating Signal, Modulating circuit consists of a Positive Clamper, Sample and Hold (S and H), Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), Parallel to Serial Converter and Control Signal Generator, Observation of binary coded analog information by the LED status for both Modulation and Demodulation, PCM Modulation technique using IC, Built-in Pulse Code Demodulation circuit using a Serial to Parallel Converter and Parallel Shift Register DAC, Low Pass Filter for both AC & DC, Observation of Modulated & Demodulated waveform, Provision to monitor output on CRO, Clock to be provided from the Pulse Code Modulator to Demodulator circuit, Built-in IC based DC Regulated Power Supply with indication for power ON & fuse, 4 mm Patch Cords – 4 nos, Supply required 230V, 50 Hz and 1 phase AC, Comprehensive instruction manual complete with theory and operating details. 30 Frequency Modulation andDemodulation kitFM Modulators :Audio Oscillator : Sine wave (10Vpp adjustable) Frequency (300 Hz - 3.4 KHz) FM Modulators : 3 nos. • Reactance Modulator : Carrier Frequency - 455 KHz (± 3KHz) Varactor Modulator : Carrier Frequency - 455 KHz (± 2KHz) VCO Based Modulator : Carrier Frequency - 10 KHz - 200KHz (adjustable) ,Mixer / Amplifier adjustment FM Demodulator:Detuned Resonant DetectorQuadrature DetectorFoster-Seeley DetectorRatio DetectorPhase-Locked Loop Detector (IC HEF4046 based)Phase-Locked Loop Detector (IC LM565 based), Low Pass Filter : 3.4 KHz Cut off Frequency Amplifier (with adjustable gain) 31 DPCM & ADPCM MODULATION / DEMODULATION KITDPCM & ADPCM MODULATION / DEMODULATION KITOn Board Signals:. Frequency: 500KHz, Amplitude: 0 to 4 v pp 32 CONSUMER ELECTRONICS LAB (4TH SEM) 33 Black & White TV Trainer kit with provision of fault findingSystem: CCIR-B, 625 lines, Power supply :230V Ac, 50 Hz, Regulation range170v Ac to 270v Ac.,Power consumption :70 watts,Gain Limited sensitivity:55 dB for Video & 25 dB for AudioSound output :2.0 watts maximum. Screen size :20 Diagonal. Channel :VHF 2 to 12, UHF 21 to 68,S-band and Hyper-band. Isolated shockproof chassis. Sections:Electronic tuner, VideoI.F Section, Sound I.F, Video amplifier, Horizontal oscillator, Horizontal driver and EHT, Verticaloscillator, and output, S.M.P.S power ,Controls: Volume, tone, Brightness, contrast. Distortion :10 to 15% in Live program due to expanded P.C.B. All parts are soldered on Tags on SINGLE PCB of size 19x15” with complete circuit diagramSCREEN PRINTED in different colors with FAULT CREATING FACILITIES to create more than 25 faults. Standard Accessories : 1. Frame with PCB mounting.2. Picture tube fitted in wooden cabinet 3. A Manual having 20 practical. 34 DTH TV and SET TOP BOX TRAINER KITPower supply 230 V ,50 Hz, Input frequency: KU Band, Output frequency: 950-1450 Mhz.Noise temp: 35 degree,DISH ANTENA ,LNBIF FREQUENCY: 70 MHz 35 Colour TV Trainer with provision of fault findingStandard : CCIR-B-PAL-G, 625 Lines Channels : 230, 2 - 4 VHP I (VL), 5 - 12 VHP III (VH), 12 - 100 : BAND IV & V, else : S BAND & HYPER BAND Picture Tube Size : 36 cms. Diagonal RF Input Impedance : 75 W (Ohm) 36 DIGITAL & MICROWAVE COMMUNICATION ENGG. LAB 37 Spectrum AnalyzerFrequency range:9 KHz to 26.5 GHz,Phase noise :-102dBc/Hz, Max third order dynamic range, 1 GHz: 111dB, Displayed average niose level,1GHz:-163dBm,Standard attenuator range/step:50dB/10dB,70dB/10 squaredb,Overall amplitude accuracy:+/- 0.50dB 38 Antenna Trainer 86 - 860 MHZSPECIFICATIONS:Radiation pattern plotting software• Stepper motor controlled receiver stand.Antenna Measurement System:RF Source•Source types :PLL Synthesized with integrated VCO• Frequency range :100MHz to 3GHz• Dynamic range :85dBm• Transmitted power min:-50dBm• Transmitted power max:+5dBm • Impedance :50W / SMA RF Detector• Detector type: logarithmicdetector• Frequency range : 1MHz to 8GHz• Resolution: 0.1dB• Dynamic range : 85dB (±3dB)• Noise level : -90dbm• Impedance: 50W /SMA• Representation of RF level : dBmDisplay•128x64 Graphic LCD Display with backlit. Keypad•15 Key Membrane Keypad for user entry.Stepper motor controller•1.80 Resolutions.List of Standard 22 Antenna Suppliedwith the setupWire Antenna1.Monopole Plane base ground2.Dipole (2nos.) 3.Yagi4.Folded Dipole 5.Vee Dipole6.Rectangular Loop 7.HelicalMicrostrip Antenna 1.Planar Dipole 2.Planar Monopole3.CMSA 4.TMSA5.2X1 ARRAY 6.Annular ring7.Chip Antenna8.RMSA9.RMSA- Circular PolarizedAperture Antenna 1.E- Horn2.Open ended Waveguide Rectangular Array Antenna 1.Broadside Array2.Collinear ArrayReflector Antenna 1. Corner reflectorSOFTWARE• Radiation pattern plotting and analysis software suitable for windows environment Antenna PositionerThe Transmitter and Receiver Antenna stand is made of special material which is inhert to EM frequency and it has engraved height and angle scale on It. It has facility to adjust the height and level. Universal plug and fix Antenna mounts are provided to hold the antenna assembly in vertical and horizontalorientation for co and cross polarization.ACCESSORIES • SMA (M) to SMA (M) 50W flexible cable : 02nos• USB cable ( Male A to Male B): 01no• 3 Pin 6 Amp Power chord: 01no • Manual : 01no • Software on CD: 01no EXPERIMENTS• Measure the variation of field strength /inverse square law• Prove the reciprocity theorem of antenna• Plot Radiation pattern of WIRED Antenna Omni directional antenna• Plot Radiation pattern of all Aperture Antenna• Plot Radiation pattern of all Reflector Antenna• Plot Radiation pattern of all Array Antenna• Measure co-polarization, cross polarization 39 Microwave Test Bench (KLYSTRONBased)Klystron Power Supply: Specifications:Input Voltage -230V+/- 10%, 50Hz AC, Beam supply- Voltage:200-450V continuously variable; Current:Regulation: better than 0.5% for +/-10% variation in mains supply voltage; Ripple: less than 5mV rms ,Repeller Supply -Voltage:-10V to -270V continuously variable with respect to klystron cathodeRegulation: better than 0.25% for +/-10% variation in mains supply volt , Heater Supply - 6.3V DC (regulated)Modulation- Square Wave : Frequency 500Hz to 2000Hz; Max. Amplitude- +110V peak to peak, Amplitude and frequency continuously variable; Sawtooth- Frequency 50Hz to 150Hz; Max. Amplitude- 60V peak to peak, Amplitude and frequency continuously variable.VSWR Meter: (Sensitivity: 0.2 micro Volts at a 200 ohm input impedance for full scale deflection, Noise level: At least 5 dB below full scale at rated sensitivity and maximum, bandwidth with input terminated in 100 ohms and 500 ohms for low and high respectively, A/C output : BNC Connector for amplified output, Frequency : 1000Hz +/- 10%,Power : 230 Volts AC, 50Hz, mains supply) 40 ASK / PSK / FSK Modulation And Demodulation KitFEATURES•VLSI based design •Separate component and operational area •Acrylic cover for component safety •Modular organization of circuit functions •Test points to access signals at every stage of circuit operation •Multimedia based interactive e-manual Data Simulator: Onboard 8-bit variable NRZ-L pattern,Crystal Oscillator: 32.768 MHz,Data Clock: 256 KHz,Data Format: NRZ (L),Onboard Carrier Sine Waves : 1MHz (0°), 1MHz (180°), 500 KHz (0°),Power Supply: +12V, -12V, +5V, GND. 41 Microwave Test Bench (GUNN Based)Gunn microwave test bench:Gunn Power Supply (0 - 12 Volts variable,1 Amp. Max,Modulation Frequency: 1KHz +/- 10% (900-1100 Hz),Output Connector: BNC(F) for Gunn Oscillator & TNC(F) for Pin Modulator,Modulation: Square Wave, Frequency : 500Hz to 2000Hz)• Gunn Oscillator • Isolator• PIN modulator• Variable attenuator • Detector Mount• SWR meter(Sensitivity: 0.2 micro Volts at a 200 ohm input impedance for full scale deflection, Noise level: At least 5 dB below full scale at rated sensitivity and maximum, bandwidth with input terminated in 100 ohms and 500 ohms for low and high respectively, A/C output : BNC Connector for amplified output, Frequency : 1000Hz +/- 10%,Powe : 230 Volts AC, 50Hz, mains supply) 42 1 GHz spectrum Analyser1 GHz spectrum Analyser with tracking generatorFrequency range: 150 KHz to 1000 MHzFreqency Resolution: 1 KHz CF entry 40 Hz sweep resolution at 2 KHz per Division,Frequency Display: 61/2 digitFrqency Control: Digital Phase LockResolution Bandwidth: 3 KHz, 30 KHz, 220 KHz, 4 MHz. 43 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS LAB -I (5TH SEM) 44 Trainer Kit to study Reverse Recovery Characteristics of Power DiodesThe single Board trainer Kit should contain IC Regulated Power Supply, Different types power diodes, Digital Ammeter and Voltmeter and other necessary passive components 45 To study drive circuit of SCRIsolated 230 V/40 W AC Power Supply1.2 V to + 15 V/500 mA DC Power Supply* 0-18 V/500 mA,50 Hz, AC Power Supply* Variable frequency triggering pulses* DC Gate signal control, Pulse gate signal * Synchronous AC gate control signal through DIAC* UJT Triggering* 10:1 On- board resistive attenuator * Provision for 40 W Lamp Load* Set of Patch Chords & userManual. 46 To study a single phase rectifier—output waveform with phase control circuitTrainer Kit to study Single Phase Full wave Bridge Rectifier for fixedDC output, Half Controlled and fully controlled rectification facilities with R and RL, loads 1000 Ohms 10 Watts, 14 ma @ 0.05 A inductive loads.The Single Board Trainer Kit contains :(i) Source for rectification of 4 to 24 V DC fixed and variable output @ a max of 500 ma helps to construct and study Series and Parallel resonance Circuit.(ii) Four Diodes and 4 SCRs in bridge configuration with gradual firing controls and necessary capacitive, inductive and Pie filter components.(iii) Digital Ammeter and Voltmeter. 47 To study a polyphase rectifierIsolated 230 V/40 W AC Power Supply Isolated stepped down 3 PH supply. * 3 Phase diode rectifier in open condition*Provision for Load& CRO output.* Electronic phase sequence finder.*Set of Patch Chords & user Manual 48 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS LAB-II (6TH SEM) 49 Servo Regulator Stabilizer Study Kit500VA Servo stabilizer , 2 Amp Variac, Digital input & output meters, Lamp load, Set of Patch Chords & userManual. 50 To study a Jones chopperIsolated 230 V/40 W DC Power Supply, + 5 V/500 mA DC Power Supply* SCR Jones chopper* Gate firing pulses for Jones Chopper* 10:1 On-board Resistive Attenuator* Provision for 40 W Lamp Load* Set of Patch Chords & userManual. 51 To study speed control of induction motor by voltage and frequency variationV/F CONTROLLER 1 HP, AC SQ. CAGE IND. MOTOR 1 HP,DIGITAL VOLT & AMMETER. 1 PHASE I/P & 3 PHASE O/P,3 PH & 1PH MCB PROTECTION 52 To study the speed control of DC motor by:(a) varying field current keeping armature voltage constant; and,(b) varying armature voltage keeping field current constant DC SHUNT MOTOR (FULL COPPER WINDING) .5 HP WITH BASE MOUNT FRAME 1 No VARIAC CONTROLLED 2 DC POWER SUPPLY ( 1 FOR FIELD & 1 FOR ARMATURE)DC VOLT & AMMETER DIGITAL………4 NosPANEL MOUNTED RPM METER………1 No.WHITE BAKELITE FRONT WITH CONN. DIAGRAM & WOODEN SAFETY BOX.METAL FRAME TABLE (Ply board with sun mica) CUM STAND FOR PANEL 53 Power Electronics Devices Trainer KitShould have Built in power supplyDC supply : +/- 12V, 500mA,Power supply 17V / 750mA,Regulated 13.5V/3A O/P mustbe provided as 12V Battery charging supply. Isolated DC supply +12V/ 300mA with isolated common.On board Inverter transformer of Primary : 230V & Secondaries 12-11-0-11-12/3AOn board Lamp load of 15W (100W) should be provided.AC supply : 230V AC line voltage must be made available on two banana 4mm socketsMust have Two pulse transformers of 1:1:1 are provided for isolation & supplying firing pulsesalong with required DC Power supply to experiment panel under test through 15 pin female ‘D’connector.R-L-C Load PanelMust have Load resistor of 10W / 40W --- 1no.Must have Centre tapped 3A choke 4mH/ 16mH each ----2nos.Must have Commutation capacitors of 10mF/100V -------4nos.Must have AC Paper capacitor of 4mF/440V ---1no. 54 PLC Trainer (EXPERIMENT 1-Use of simulation package for different function of PLC. EXPERIMENT 2- Verify function of logic gates by using PLC. EXPERIMENT 3- Write and verify ladder program for motor ON-OFF Control with two push button)HARDWARE SPECIFICATION:TTL Input Switches : 8 Nos,TTL Momentary Switches : 8 Nos., Proximity Switch : 1 No.,Optical Transducer (two state) : 1 No., Programmable LEDs : 8 Nos., Analog input 0 to 5V DC : 8 channels, Analog output 0 to 5V DC : 1 No., 4 to 20mA Transmitter : 1No., 4 to 20mA Receiver : 1No., Current Meter : 25mA FSD 1No.,Voltmeter : 10V FSD 1 No., Piezo Electric Alarm : 1 bit.Built-in power supply.Dedicated I/O interface card suitable for IBM computer suitable for ISA slot. SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION:This is a GUI based LADDER LOGIC SOFTWAREDRAG AND DROP (D&D) an instruction instead of typing an instruction. This eliminates errors in typing. All the instructions are displayed ON-SCREEN during Design time. Each and every element is directly addressed with their NAMES not by numbers or codes, which are very difficult to remember. Ex: At design time, you call a SWITCH#0 in your Ladder program by D&D the component called SWITCH#0, and that’s it, not by typing a few digits numbers or codes.Appropriate LIST boxes (input, output) open as you D&D an instruction in LADDER WORKSPACE.Ladder workspace is 24X100 instruction CELLs are available for your use.TOOL TIP features are available at the end of each instruction prompting you “what to do next”Very user friendly.Extensive ON-LINE HELP menu available.GUI based STATUS of the entire PLC is displayed during RUN TIME.Programs are saved, retrieved, edited by simply clicking on Menu list box.Extensive EDIT features are available. 55 Power Electronics Development TrainerSize of Breadboard : 172.5 mm × 128.5mmDC Power Supply :+5 V, -5 V 500 mA,+12V, -12 V 500 mA+15 V, 250 mA+35V, -35V, 250 mAAC Power Supply :18V-0V-18V ,0V-15VOn board Firing CircuitsFrequency range : 30Hz to 900Hz variableAmplitude : 12VPWM control of G1, G2, G3 and G4Duty cycle control of “Gate”Signal is 0 to 100%SCR Assembly : 4 SCRs 2P4M, 400V/2APower Devices : IGBT-G4BC20S, MOSFETIRFZ44N,UJT-2N2646, DIACDB3,TRIAC-BT136, PUT-2N6027Circuit Components on board : Electrolytic Capacitor 10µF, 63V,Electrolytic Capacitor 1µF, 63V ,Met. Capacitor 0.33µF, 63V ,Diode 1N4007, Inductor 220uH, 4.7µH, 10mH.Pulse transformer on board :2 nos. PT4502 1:1 and one is PT4503 1:1:1Load selector : 6 load resistances- 47E/7W,1K/1W, 1K/10W, 10K/10W,120E/5W, 2K2/2W.Test points : 10 nos (Gold plated)Power Supply (Mains) : 220V/110V, 50Hz/60HzIncluded Accessories :Bread boards : 2 nos.Connecting wires : 20 nos.2mm to 1mm Patch cords : 15 nos.2mm Patch cords (Red) 16” : 4 nos.2mm Patch cords (Black)16’’ : 4 nos.2mm Patch cords (Blue) 16’’ : 12 nos.Mains cord : 1 no.with i) Power Semiconductor Application Experiment Panel ii)CON / INV Panel iii)Triggering circuit / dv/dt Protection panel 56 ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENT LAB (6TH SEM) 57 Digital LCR meterVariable measured- L,C,R and loss angle (D factor ) Measured frequencies: 1 KHz, 100KHzDisplay: 3⅟₂ digit , Resistance: 0 to 20 MΩ, 0.1 Ω , Capacitance: 0 to 20000μF, 0.1 pF Inductance: 0 to 20000 H, 0.1μH ,D factor: 0.01 to 8.0 with 1% error 58 Distortion Factor MeterFrequency : 20 Hz to 200KHz Distortion:0.1% to 100% f.s.d. in steps ,Input sensitivity: 100mV (r.m.s.), Input impedance: 1MΩ/160pF, Voltmeter range: 300μv to 300v f.s.d. in 13 range 59 To measure L & Q by Maxwell methodFULL BRIDGE WITH OSCILLATOR, LED NULL BAR GRAPH & AUDIO AMPR WITH SPEAKER INBUILT FOR NULL IND., DIGITAL MULTIMETER & CRO SIG. O/P INBUILT, IMPORTED (BOURNA) 10 TURN POT FOR NULL ADJ., DECADE INDUCTANCE WITH ROTARY SWITCH INBUILT, BACKLIGHT LED & WOODEN HARD BOX 60 To measure the unknown capacitance by Schering bridgeFULL BRIDGE WITH OSCILLATOR, LED NULL BAR GRAPH & AUDIO AMPR WITH SPEAKER INBUILT FOR NULL IND., DIGITAL MULTIMETER & CRO SIG. O/P INBUILT, IMPORTED (BOURNA) 10 TURN POT FOR NULL ADJ., DECADE INDUCTANCE WITH ROTARY SWITCH INBUILT, BACKLIGHT LED & WOODEN HARD BOX 61 To measure the unknown frequency by Wein BridgeFULL BRIDGE WITH OSCILLATOR, LED NULL BAR GRAPH & AUDIO AMPR WITH SPEAKER INBUILT FOR NULL IND., DIGITAL MULTIMETER WITH FREQ. COUNTER & CRO SIG. O/P INBUILT& CRO SIG. O/P INBUILT, IMPORTED (BOURNA) 10 TURN POT FOR NULL ADJ., BACKLIGHT LED & WOODEN HARD BOX 62 MICROCONTROLLER AND EMBEDDED LAB (5TH SEM) 63 Microcontroller Trainer Kit 1.Write a Simple Assembly Programs fora. Addition b. Subtraction b. Multiplication d. Division2. Write a Programs for (any two of the following)i. 4 x 4 Matrix Keypad Interfaceii. character based LCD Interfaceiii. Analog to Digital Conversion (On chip ADC)iv. Serial EEPROMv. Seven Segment LED Display Interfacevi. Interfacing With Temperature Sensorvii. Stepper Motor Interface8 BIT EMBEDDED MICROCONTROLLER TRAINERFEATURES•Single board design with various resources•Excellent training platform for embedded applications•Software development tools include assembler and ‘C’ compiler•Easy adaptability to different versions of microcontroller in the same family SPECIFICATIONS•Experimental board for 40 pin MCS51 and AVR family of microcontrollers•In-system programming (ISP) facility for many microcontrollers•Double RESET signal with manual key•Crystal frequency: 11.0592MHz•On-board RS232 compatible serial interface terminated in a 9 Pin D female connector•4×4 matrix keyboard•16×2 alphanumeric LCD connector (4-bit interface) and trimmer for contrast adjustment•Four 7-segment LED displays•I2C EEPROM (24Cxx)•Real time clock (DS1307) with lithium battery and SRAM•8-high current output port (500mA) for driving external loads•Two 12V sugar cube relays•Continuous tone piezo buzzer•Temperature sensor socket with thermostat functions•Four 8-bit A/D converter, one 8-bit D/A converter provided by PCF8591•All port-pins available on 10-pin box header•8 LEDs for easy logic state monitoring•8 input trigger switches using 8 push buttons•ISP programming with Flash ISP for AT89S51/52/8252/AVR•Infrared remote control receiver module IC supported•P89V51RD2BN•AT89S52 Installable software on CD•Programmers notepad : Free, open source, text editor•Flash ISP programmer software for 89SXX•Bascom basic compiler (demo version)•MIDE-51: An IDE for MCS-51 microcontroller•WinAVR : open source C compiler for AVR•Sample programs for peripherals DC 12V/500mA output power supplyEXPERIMENTS• Study of LED blink• Study of dancing light• Study of LCD display• Study of LCD-keyboard display• Study of 7 –segment display• Study of RC5 remote control test program• Study of analog to digital converter• Study of real time clock (RTC) 64 ADVANCE COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING LAB 65 To be familiar with the following network components:THIS WILL BE A FULL PACKAGE OF THE FOLLOWINGS:-** RJ5/CAT5CABLES 100 METERSRJ 45CONNECTORS 100 PCSCUTTER & CRIMPING TOOLS FOR RJ45/CAT-5CABLESCABLE TESTER/TRACKER…….. 4 PCSHUBS WITH ACCESSORIES & TOOL KIT NETWORK INTERFACE DIFFERENT CARD 66 COMPUTER NETWORK LAB 67 Network ComponentsCAT 5/5E/6 cable :100mtrs (Rs 2000/-), RJ 45 Connectors: 200pcs (Rs. 500/- )RJ 45 Crimping Tools: 05(Rs. 800/- each)LAN Cable Tester (RJ 45): 05 (Rs 1000/- each) 68 24 Port managed switchNo. of Ports: 10/100 Mbps 24 Ethernet ports, Switch Fabric: 32 Gbps, Form Factor: Rack Mountable,OS: LAN base Image, Console port: Availavble for configuration, Mac Address table: 4000 or higher, VLAN: Supported, MTU: 9100 with support for jumbo frames, Warranty: 3 years onsite comprehensive warranty including parts and labor plus onsite technical support with 24x7 69 24 Port Unmanaged switch24-port 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet switch Wifi Router: 300 Mbps wireless router with 4 LAN ports and 1 WAN port 70 8 port HubExternal Power Supply, 8 Nos RJ-45 connectors for 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX,Ethernet Ports 8-Port, Capacity 1.6 Gbps, Wireless Speed 10 / 100 Mbps 71 Access points54 Mbps Access point for wifi network: No.of Channel: Dual channel for support upto 108 Mbps ( 2x54Mbps), Backbone connectivity: connect over Fast Ethernet through backbone switches, Security: Security enabled Wifi connectivity with option for Broadcast of SSID,Network:802.11 a/b/g/n network support, PoE: PoE enabled, Form factor: Wall or ceilling mountable with physical lock suppor. Warranty and support: 3 years on site comprehensive warranty including parts and labour plus on site technical support with 24 X 7 72 LAN TrainerEthernet (IEEE 802.3 wireless LAN (802.11),Token bus ( 802.4) Token ring ( 802.5), Data rate : 10/100 Mbps for ethernet, 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps for wirless & LAN as per IEEE 802.11b, connectivity through RJ 45 connector. 73 Installation & commissioning of network(i) Laying ofOFC & CAT 6 Cable (ii) splicing (iii) Installation & network testing 74 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL LAB (6th sem) 75 To measure displacement with LVDT ACTUAL LVDT WITHINSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIERDC O/P WITH DIGITAL METER, 3and 1/2 digit LED display with polarity indicator, sensitivity of 10mV/mm in the range of 10mm. 76 To measure temperature with thermocoupleTHERMOCOUPLE SENSOR IN STEEL CASEELECTRIC WATER JAG.INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER WITH DIGITAL METERCIRCUIT DIAGRAM PRINTED ON KITEXTERNAL MOUNTED ACTUAL SENSOR MERCURY THERMOMETER 77 To measure temperature with thermistorTHERMOCOUPLE SENSOR IN STEEL CASEELECTRIC WATER JAG.INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER WITH DIGITAL METERCIRCUIT DIAGRAM PRINTED ON KITEXTERNAL MOUNTED ACTUAL SENSOR MERCURY THERMOMETER 78 To measure pressure with strain gauge STRAIN GAUGE SENSOR WITH WAIGHT LOADING SYSYTEM SAMPLE WEIGHTS.INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER WITH DIGITAL METERCIRCUIT DIAGRAM PRINTED ON KITEXTERNAL MOUNTED ACTUAL SENSOR 79 To plot the Characteristics of RTD (PT-100)RTD 3 WAIR SENSOR IN STEEL CASEELECTRIC WATER JAG.INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER WITH DIGITAL METERCIRCUIT DIAGRAM PRINTED ON KITEXTERNAL MOUNTED ACTUAL SENSOR MERCURY THERMOMETER 80 Temperature controller with on-off controller, Temperature controller with PI controller, Temperature controller with PID controllerTemperature controller with facilities for P, I, D and relay control blocks, Operating temperature: Ambient to 90°C, Separate controls for P, I, D channel gains,Two settings for relay hysteresis, Fast 25W oven fitted with IC temperature sensor, Forced cooling option to ready oven for next experiment, Digital display of set and measured temperature on a 3½ digit built-in DVM, 0-9999 sec, timer on panel for a convenient temperature response experiment, Buffered output for recorder 81 CIRCUIT THEORY LAB 82 Determine the permeability of magnetic material by plotting its B-H curveHysteresis Loop Tracer/ BH Curve apparatus220volt AC, 50Hz supply 83 Series parallel resonance of R-L-C cktKit for Series parallel resonance of R-L-C ckt: The Set-up consist of Power supply (with variable frequency), audio oscillator with digital readout, digital RMS meters and different number of inductors (smoothly variable), capacitors, Rheostat, patch cord & manual. 84 SWITCH GEAR LAB 85 Speed control of Induction motor 1ph by using SCR3Φ, 400V ac, 50HZ.,1HP, 1440 rpm. Speed control using ac back to back configuration of SCRs and to note Speed vs. Load Characteristics at open loop condition. This unit should consist of AC 3Φ Induction Motor (1HP) coupled with a (i) DC Shunt Generator (1HP) for loading and (ii) a DC Tachogenerator to be used for speed feedback control. A DC meter must be provided for displaying the speed of the motor from the Tachogenerator with suitable AC Ammeter and Voltmeter for the measurement (AE Make Panel Type or digital) Sheet Metal enclosure with powder coating paint must be provided. (with foundation & Experiment Table) 86 C.T. & P.T. testing trainer kit C.T. & P.T.testing trainer kit - Variable AC voltage source (0-220V)& variable AC current source (0-25A), CT for 25/5A, PT for 220/110V, Autotransformer for voltage & current adjustment, MCB protection, To determine Ratio error, Phase angle error of CT & PT, with Burden box. , polarity check indicator , range selector switch. 87 Induction type electromagnetic relay* Over Current (IDMTL Electro- Mechanical Type , Model CDG-11 or equivalent) Relay,*PSM, TSM setting* Auxiliary Relay,* Counter /Timer,* D.W. Transformer, * Variac,* Knife Switch,* DC power supply for DC auxiliary relay and the relay,* Portable Ammeter.Necessary panel for the complete set up with wooden (teak wood) table (4x3x2.5) 88 Air Circuit BreakerCut section model 89 Transmission line protection simulation KitOver Current, Earth Fault, Over Voltage, Under Voltage, Directional, Differential, Distance protection 90 POWER PLANT LAB 91 Diesel generator power plantmodel of small diesel generator power plant 92 Hydro power plantmodel of micro Hydro power plant 93 Horizontal axis small wind turbinemodel 94 CSP plantmodel 95 MEASUREMENT LAB 96 Kelvin double bridgeCompletely self contained, stand alone unit with built in power supply, required meters, Standard Resistance, wooden bench, high sensitivity spot light type galvanometer, connecting patch chords and operating manuals. 97 RENEWABLE ENERGY LAB 98 Renewable Energy Labsolar PV plant- Model 99 Renewable Energy Labvertical axis small wind turbine- Model 100 ELECTRIC MACHINE LAB 101 VoltmeterVoltmeter (M.I type) 0-150V/300V/500V 102 VoltmeterVoltmeter (M.I type) 0-20V/50V 103 AmmeterAmmeter (M.I type) 0-5A/10A/20A 104 AmmeterAmmeter (M.I type) 0-1A/2A/5A 105 MultimeterAnalog Multi-meter of ISI marked: DC : 0-200 mV/ 1000 V & 0- 2mA – 10 A,AC : 0 – 200mV/1000V &0-2 mA – 20 A, Resistance : 0 – 200 Megaohm, with shock proof protection & other facilities and operatingmanuals. 106 MultimeterDigital Multi-meter of ISI marked: DC : 0-200 mV – 1000 V & 0-2mA – 10 A,AC : 0 – 1000 V & 0- 2mA– 20 A, Resistance : 0 – 200 Megaohm, with diodetesting, data hold, shock proof protection , auto power off etcfacilities and operating manuals. 107 WattmeterDynamometer Wattmeterof ISI marked : Low Power Factor ( 0.2 ) : Current Rating : 5/10 A , Voltage Rating : 150/300 / 600 V , with anti-parallax mirror , 120 mm scale length , knife edge pointer, mouldedBakelite body, portable. 108 VoltmeterVoltmeter (PMMC type) 0-150V/300V 109 AmmeterAmmeter (PMMC type) 0-2A/5A 110 StarterDC 3-point Starter : 220 V DC , 15 A 111 StarterDC 4-point Starter : 220 V DC , 15 A 112 DC Power SupplyDC Power Supply : Input : 415V, #-Phase AC, 50 Hz;Output : 220V DC , 5 KW of a standard make . 113 RheostatRheostat with sliding Jockey : 100 Ohm , 5 A 114 RheostatRheostat with sliding Jockey : 500 Ohm , 5 A 115 Digital Energy MeterDigital Energy Meter of ISI marked: Three Phase AC , 440 V , Maximum 30 A, 50 Hz with operatingmanual. 116 Digital MeggerDigital Megger for measuring insulation resistance of ISI marked: 250 / 500 V, Maximum 200 Mega ohmwith operating manual 117 VariacSingle Phase Variac of ISI marked : Input:– 230 V AC, Output : 0 – 270 V AC , 1 KVA, 50 Hzof a standard make 118 VariacThree Phase Variac of ISI marked : Input:– 415 V AC, Output : 0 – 500 V AC , 3 KVA, 50 Hzof a standard make 119 Clamp on MeterClamp on Meter of ISI marked : Digital type : For measuring Voltage ( AC/DC ), Current ( AC/DC ) , resistance, Power & Power Factor with operating manuals 120 Phase Sequence IndicatorPhase Sequence Indicator of ISI marked : 50 – 500 V AC, 25 – 60 Hz 121 Frequency MeterFrequency Meter of ISI marked: Digital Type : 240 V, 47 – 99 Hz 122 TransformerSingle-Phase Transformer : 1 KVA , 230 V/115V , 50 Hz( Air Cooled) 123 TransformerThree-Phase Transformer : 3 KVA , 415/230 V , 50 Hz 124 3-Ph Resistive LoadThree phase resistive load : 400 V , 6 KW 125 3-Ph Inductive LoadThree phase inductive load : 400 V , 3 KW 126 3-Ph Capacitive LoadThree phase capacitive load : 400 V , 3 KW 127 3-Ph StarterStar Delta automatic starter for 3 Phase,400 V, 5 Hpmotor 128 3-Ph DOL StarterDOL & Auto -Transformer Starter : 3-phase AC , 400V, 10A, 50 Hz 129 StroboscopeDigital Stroboscope - 10,000 rpm 130 DCGenerator Voltage build UPSupply, Installation , Commissioning & Testing with suitable ISI markedammeter, voltmeter, starter, rheostat , digital tachometer , protective devices and all other accessories mounted on a standing Bakelite panel board as per following specification :For Building up Voltage in DC Generator ( Open Circuit / Saturation Characteristics: DC Shunt Motor of ISI marked : 2HP or 5HP, 220 V. Machines will have to be set on M.S.Channel base with suitable footing/fixtures and screws etc. and operating manual isalso must.(with foundation & Experiment Table) 131 Brake test in DC Series Motor Supply, Installation , Commissioning & Testing with suitable ISI markedammeter, voltmeter, starter, rheostat , digital tachometer , Spring balance & loadings, protective devices and all other accessories mounted on a standing Bakelite panel board as per following specification :For Brake test in DC Series Motor& load Characteristics: DC Series Motor of ISI marked : 2HP, 220 V.Machineswill have to be set on M.S.Channel base with suitable footing/ fixtures and screws etc. and operatingmanual is also must.(with foundation & Experiment Table) 132 Speed Controlof 3-Phase Squirrel cage Induction motorSupply, Installation , Commissioning & Testing with necessary & suitable ISI marked meters such as ammeter, voltmeter, frequency meter , starter, protective devices and all other accessories mounted on a standing panel board as per following specification :For Speed Controlof 3-Phase Squirrel cage Induction motorby – (i) volt /freq control method : Three phase Squirrel cage induction motor : 2HP, 400V with v/f controller.Machineswill have to be set on M.S.Channel base with suitablefooting/fixturesandscrewsetc.includingtheoperating manual.(with foundation & Experiment Table) 133 Load Test of an Alternator & % regulation at various loads with Unity Power factorSupply, Installation , Commissioning & Testing with suitable ISI marked ammeter, voltmeter, starter, star connected load , digital tachometer , protective devices and all other accessories mounted on a standing Bakelite panel board as per following specification :For Load Test of an Alternator and Determination of%-age regulation at various loads with unity power factor : DC Shunt Motor of ISI marked : 3HP, 220 V , AlternatorISI marked: 2 KVA, 415 V , 50 Hz.Machineswill have to be set on M.S.Channel base with suitable footing/fixtures and screws etc. and andoperating manual is also must.(with foundation & Experiment Table) 134 Measurement of Slip of 3-Phase induction motorSupply, Installation , Commissioning & Testing with suitable ISI marked meters such as ammeter, voltmeter, frequency meter, stroboscope etc , starter , digital tachometer , protective devices and all other accessories mounted on a standing Bakelite panel board as per following specification :Measurement of Slip of 3-Phase induction motor by –(i) Stroboscopic& (ii ) Tachometer methods and reversing the direction of rotation of the motor : Three phase squirrel cage induction motor of ISI marked: 2 HP , 415 V , 50 Hz .Machineswill have to be set on M.S.Channel base withsuitable footing/fixtures and screws etc. and and operating manual is also must.(with foundation & Experiment Table) 135 Synchronization of two 3-Phase alternatorsSupply, Installation , Commissioning & Testing with suitable ISI marked meters such as ammeter, voltmeter, frequency meter etc , starter , digital tachometer , protective devices and all other accessories mounted on a standing Bakelite panel board as per following specification : Synchronization of 3-Phase alternator ( 2 SETS ) by– (a) Three Lamp & (b) Synchroscope Methods : DC Shunt Motors of ISI marked : 5HP, 220 V ,Alternators of ISI marked: 3 KVA, 400 V, 50 Hz.Machineswill have to be set on M.S.Channel base withsuitable footings/fixtures and screws etc. and and operating manual is also must.(with foundation & Experiment Table) 136 POWER SYSTEM LAB 137 KIT FOR STUDY OF ACTIVE & REACTIVE POWERWITH SIMULATIOL KIT & LAPTOPStudy of Active & Reactive power with simulator Kit and Laptop with appropriate software, The kit should consist of variable Inductive & Capacitive load to observe change in active & Reactive power 138 MODEL OF VARIOUS TYPES OF TURBINES USED IN POWER GENERATING STATIONSModel Piece of each type of Turbine 139 PYRANOMETERMEASUREMENT OF SOLAR RADIATION BY PYRANOMETER 140 PHOTO VOLATIC SYSTEM USED IN STREET LIGHTWITH SOLAR PLATE,PV CELL,BATTERY,CHARGER 141 STUDY OF POWER SYSTEM OF 6.6 KV/400 V SUBSTATION USED FOR A HOUSING CONPLEXMODEL 142 D.C NETWORK ANALYSERD.C NETWORK ANALYSER FOR STUDY OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF FAULTS 143 DIFFERENT TYPE OF EXCITATIONS SYSTEM USED IN ALTERNATORSTATIC EXCITER,SHAFT MOUNTED,ROTATNG TYPE EXCITER & Brushless exciter ( Model only) 144 MISCELLANEOUS 145 MOTOR-ALTERNATOR SET FOR SYNCHRONISATION OF TWO ALTERNATOR WITH SYCHRONISING PANEL INCLUDING CHECK SYNCHROSCOPE & BULB ARRANGEMENT TO PERFORM TWO BRIGHT ONE DARK LAMP METHOD1.TWO SET OF D.C MOTOR 2.5 KW,230 VOLT,3000 R.P.M WITH SPEED CONTROL ARRANGEMENT 2. TWO SET OF 1 KVA,3 PHASE,440 VOLT,3000 R.P.M ALTERNATOR WITH BASE MOUNTING & EXCITATION SYSTEM. 146 PlierPlier of good quality 147 TesterTester Screwdriver of reputed brand 148 Screwdriver setScrewdriver set of reputed brand

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