Tender For Strengthening To Chitali To Mali Wasti Road Vr 316 Tal Khatav - Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification inciuding spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening / binding material to fill the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting with Vibratory roller to the required density. - By Mechanical Means - Grading I Using Screening type-A (13.2 milimetre Aggregate)Item / Page No : 18 / 29Specification No : MORTH-401,402,404,902,112Spec. Page No : 109-111,112-116,121-129,417-421,19-21 2 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening / binding material to fill the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting with Vibratory roller to the required density. - By Mechanical Means - Grading II Using Screening type-B (11.2 milimetre Aggregate)Item / Page No : 20 / 29Specification No : MORTH-401,402,404,902,112Spec. Page No : 109-111,112-116,121-129,417-421,19-21 3 Providing and constructing 50 milimetre thick modified penetration macadam road surface including all materials, preparing the existing road surface, spreading 40 milimetre stone metal layers 30 percent crusher broken metal plus 70 percent hand broken (by breaking rubble obtained by blasting), heating and spraying the bitumen of specified grade at the rate of 1.75 kilogram per square metre, spreading 12 milimetre size chips, compacting with static roller having weight 8 to 10 metric tonnes to achive the desired degree of compaction as per technical specification Clause 506, excetra complete. Including picking of existing water bound macadam surface. (Using VG-30 bulk bitumen)Item / Page No : 37a / 32Specification No : IRC-SP-20Spec. Page No : 215 4 Providing and Laying open graded premix surfacing of 20 milimetre thickness composed of 13.2 milimetre to 5.6 milimetre aggregates premixed with bituminous binder, transported to site with vehicle tracking system, laid over a previously prepared surface, finished to the required grade, level, alignment, and rolling to achieve the desired compaction, excluding prime / tack coat and seal coat. For Bitumen VG-30 bulk (Grade 60/70) - Using drum mix type hot mix plant without Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Paver and vibratory roller. (Over modified penetration macadam surface)Item / Page No : 12 / 36Specification No : MORTH-501,510,511,902,903,112,MORTH-503Spec. Page No : 149-162,198-205,205-207,417-421,421-436,19-21,168-170 5 Providing bituminous type-A liquid seal coat on bituminous surface including supplying all materials and bitumen of VG-30 grade, preparing existing road surface, heating and applying bitumen at the rate of 0.98 kilogram per square metre by mechanical means, spreading chips and rolling by static roller having weight 8 to 10 metric tonne, excetra complete.Item / Page No : 1 / 35Specification No : MORTH-511Spec. Page No : 149-162,205-207,198-205,417-421,19-21 6 Supplying hard murum / kankar at the road site, including conveying and stacking, excetra complete.Item / Page No : 29a / 25Specification No : MORTH-408Spec. Page No : 139-142 7 Spreading hard murum / soft murrum / gravel or kankar for side width, excetra complete.Item / Page No : 30 / 25Specification No : MORTH-408Spec. Page No : 139-142 8 Compacting the hard murum side widths including laying in layers on each side with vibratory roller including artificial watering, excetra complete.Item / Page No : 31 / 25Specification No : MORTH-408Spec. Page No : 139-142 9 Laboratory testing charges for various materials required for items of work, on the basis of testing frequency and charges fixed by Vigilence and Quality Control Circle, Pune.Item / Page No : 4 / 0Additional Specifications : 1. The amount of laboratory testing charges will be paid to contractor only after submission of the original receipt from the Vigillence and Quality Control Office with the name of work mensioned on it.2. Above / below percentage quoted by the contractor will not be applicable for this item. 10 Providing and fixing Road junction / Information sign board of size 0.90 metre X 0.60 metre prepared on 16 gauge mild steel sheet with angle iron frame of size 35 milimetre X 35 milimetre X 5 milimetre including painting with one coat of zinc cromate stoving primer and two coats each of green/ white back ground and back side gray stove enamelled, bonded with red retro-reflective sheet Engineering grade, border / letters / numeral / arrows, coated with non pealable crystal clear protective coat retaining 100 percent reflection including two angle iron post of size 50 milimetre X 50 milimetre X 5 milimetre of 3.65 metre long inflated at bottom drilled on top and painted in white and black bands of 30 centimetre. with 4 numbers high strength galvanised iron bolts and nuts of size 10 milimetre diameter and 20 milimetre long sheet and angle iron post in one piece without joints including all taxes, conveying, fixing in ground with cement concrete 1:4:8 block of 60 centimetre X 60 centimetre X 75 centimetre size as directed by Engineer-in-charge, excetra complete. Mild Steel Board with Engineering Grade.Item / Page No : 47 / 64Specification No : MoRTH-801Spec. Page No : ---Additional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as per instructions of Engineer in charge. 11 Royalty charges for various building construction bonafied materials which are used for government bonafied works and for which Royalty charges are to be paid by the contractor. (This Item is to be paid to the contractor only after he pays the Royalty amount to Revenue department and produces the required voucher.)Item / Page No : 3 / 0Additional Specifications : 1. Government of Maharashtra, Revenue and Forest Department Gazette Number 146 Dated 04/06/2021 and Government of Maharashtra Public Works Department State Schedule of Rates 2021-22 General Note Number A(v), Page 5.2. The amount of royalty charges will be paid only after submission of the receipt in original from Revenue authority for payment of royalty to Government, stating the name of work.3. Above / below percentage quoted by the contractor will not be applicable for this item.