
Tender For Provn Of Certain Works In Tech Area At Af Stn Jamnagar, jamnagar-Gujarat

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provn Of Certain Works In Tech Area At Af Stn Jamnagar. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-03-2025. Pump House Construction Tenders in jamnagar Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provn Of Certain Works In Tech Area At Af Stn Jamnagar
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Provn Of Certain Works In Tech Area At Af Stn Jamnagar; 0.1 NOTE: . Bidders shall insert their lumpsum amount in the Green coloured field under Col-6 only. 1.01 Sch `A’ Part I : Design and Construction of PUMP HOUSE BUILDING with permamnent specification such as RCC framed specification, RCC roof, WPT, PCC block masonary etc, complete all specified and shown in drawing. 1.02 Sch `A’ Part I : Design and Construction of SUB STATION BUILDING with permamnent specification such as RCC framed specification, RCC roof, WPT, PCC block masonary etc, complete all specified and shown in drawing.Note for item No 1.01 and 1.02 (i) Plan, Elevation, Section, Schedule of finishes and connected TD drawing is attached herewith.(ii) Schedule A Part-I not pre-price by MES and bidder shall be insert their lump-sum amount in green coloured field under Col-6 only(iii) Structure design of building, Structural drawing and complete estimate prepared by the contractor based on architectural Plan, elevation, section, schedule of finishes and connected TD drawing.(iv) For designing the foundation conducting structure is designed based on considered SBC of 30 T/SQM at depth of 1.50m below natural ground level as per soil investigation report (iv) Rate quoted by contracor also deemed to include Design, gert appruval and installation of Fire fighting system 1.03 Sch `A’ Part I : Construction of RCC UG SUMP of 100000 Litre capacity complete all as specified and directed and as shown in STD drawing (CEAG/STD/01/2012 SHT 1/1) such as RCC framed specification, RCC roof, water proofing and joints as specified. PCC. Incoming and out going Connection upto 1m from outer wall face etc, complete all specified and shown in drawing. 2 Lump sum price worked out for (SITE CLEARANCE, EXCAVATION AND EARTH WORK) as listed in Sch `A’ Part II 3 Lump sum price worked out for INTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION as listed in Sch `A’ Part III. 4 Lump sum price worked out for External Electrification as listed in Sch `A’ Part IV. 5 Lump sum price worked out for Path hardstanding as listed in Sch `A’ Part V. 6 Lump sum price worked out for Misc as listed in Sch `A’ Part VI. 7 Lump sum price worked out for FIRE FIGHTING as listed in Sch `A’ Part VII. 8 Lump sum price worked out for External Water Supply as listed in Sch `A’ Part VIII. 9 SCHEDULE A PART - IX (MISC ITEMS)(Note for items here in after: The contractor shall quote his rate for each of these items separately. The estimated rate is left blank since the same is not prepriced by MES) 10 Supply & installation of Air Cooled Inverter based split AC unit with cooling functions and suitable to operate at ambient conditions of (-10 to 46 Deg C in cooling Mode).Air conditioner will have following conditions:-(i) Refrigerent - R 410a (ii) EER - min 5 w/w (5 star rating)(iii) Tonnage - 2(iv) Indoor Noise Level - Not more than 48 Db(v) Filter - (a) Must have PM 2.5 µ Filter (b) Electrostatic dust filter (c) Oxidizer dust filter(vi) Functions of remote : (a) Air directional control (b) Auto Timer (c) Economic sleep mode (d) Auto fan speed (e) Auto swing (f) Temp display (g) Turbo mode (h) MS bracket for outdoor unit (I) copper pipe duly imvlated proper indoor unit to outdoor unit complete as per site requirement.All specification will be as per IS-1391 (Part 2) 1992Room Air Conditioners 11 Voltage stabilizer for automatic operation single phase as per BIS 8448: 1989 reaffirmed 2003 air cooled, digital display, copper wound, wall mount, indoor type with digital voltmeter & designed for input voltage variation between 140 to 280 Volt with output voltage stabilised at 220 volt ± 9% with time delay relay (TDR ) of 2 to 3 minutes and high low voltage cut off.Capacity 5 KVA 12 Supply and fix chemical dehumidifier continuous operating complete, with heaters, ducting, electrical connection for unit must be suitable to 360 Cfm capacity at Jamnagar Area. 13 M & L for Cutting the existing cast iron/DI pipes 150MM in position for insertion of new tees for making branche connection( Including provision of Tee and joint. 14 Design,Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of dust, damp and vermin proof free floor standing on MS angle iron frame duly painted & factory built sheet steel enclosed non-drawout modular fire fighting panel, fabricated out of suitable sized square tubular section and covered with 2.00mm thick CRCA sheet hinged doors of 2.00mm thick CRCA sheet, duly painted complete with copper bus bars, inter-connection with solid copper conductor wires/copper strips, neutral links earth bus etc necessary metering protections & indications and mounted with the following as per specification suitable for 1 Main Electrical pump, 1 Jockey pump, 1 diesel pump & Booster pump for auto start & stop functions complete in all respect panel also included system controller to control operation of Main Electric fire pump, diesel pump, pressurization pump in sequence as per specification consisting of relays, timers, sensors, annunciation window for fault indication complete as per specification. The panel shall consist of following arrangement Incomer: 4 Pole MCCB 250 Amps 35 KA 415 Volts -01 No, copper bus bar of suitable rating. 0-500 Volt Digital type Voltmeter with selector switch, Digital type ammeter 0-300 Amps with selector switch and suitable rating CTs, LED type indication lamp RYB with MCB 3 Nos. Outgoing MCCB/MCBs, 415 volt, 14.01 TP/ FP with min 16 KA suitable ratings for electric pump ,jockey and booster pump sets - 01 set for each with metering arrangement. Suitable fully automatic star delta starter for suitable elecric hydrant pump.-01 No. Suitable fully auomatic star delta starter for jockey pump -01 No and suitable starter for booster pump (terrace pump) set -01 No. Inbuilt battery charger of suitable rating at 24V/12V DC complete with necessary boost/trickle charging arrangement I/C providing and fixing necessary control system component such as timer, relay & contactors I/C DC meter etc as required for engine driven pump set of control system including relays, contactor timers, sensors, annunciation window for fault indication etc. To make the system automatic as per functional requiremenr complete all as specified and directed. Note-:Any additional technical control and functional requirements in panel and pumps shall be deemed to be inclusive of rates. 15 Supply, installation , tesing and commissioning of electric terrace fire control panel metal clad cubicle double door outdoor type suitable for 415 V AC 3 Phase 4 wire 50 Hz supply system . The panel should be suitable for automatic operation for the fire pump as per pressure swich and the specifies parameter. The Panel shall be copmpletely compartmenatlised and compplete with relays , contactors, starters, aluminium bus bar , designation labels as per requirement continuus earth bar , panel seperaters , protective screens , cable clamping,support system, Top/bottom cable gland plate for incomig and outgoing cable entry, complete all as specified and directed. 16 Supply & Fixing Double Flanged Flexicon Rubber Expansion Joint (Suitable for System Test Pressure) of standard length as per manufacturers specification including rubber gaskets, flanges, nuts, bolts and washers complete as specified and directed. 16.01 (a) 150 mm dia 16.02 (b) 100 mm dia 16.03 (c) 80 mm dia 16.04 (d) 65 mm dia 17 Supply & Fixing of Pressure/Air Release Valve 63 mm Suitable for Pressure of 15 Kg/sq.cm including Flanges, Nuts, Bolts, Washers etc complete as specified and directed. 18 Supply & Fixing 150 mm Diameter, Bourden type, Brass, Dial type Pressure Gauge Caliberated for 0-16 kg / Sq. mm range with Brass Isolation Valve complete all as specified and directed. 19 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning CI Foot Valves 80mm dia with all accessories complete all as specified and directed. 20 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of MS Fabricated Air Vessel at Pump Room about 450 mm diameter and 1000/1200 mm high on MS stand with Pressure Relief Valve and Drain valve, leading to the Drain Pipe at Pump Room, complete all as specified and directed. 21 Supply & Fixing Water Level Indication Including all Necessary Fittings & Cabling up to the Panel, complete all as specified and directed. 22 Supply, Fabrication & Installation of Anti-Vortex Device including Elbow for 150 mm diameter Pump Suction Line, complete all as specified and directed. 23 Supply & Fixing 63 mm diameter Instantaneous Pattern Branch Short Gunmetal Pipe, 25 mm diameter Nozzle Conforming to IS 903, Suitable for Inter Connection to Hose Pipe Coupling, complete all as specified and directed. 24 Supply and fixing Fire Man Axe conforming to IS : 926:1985 with Clamps, complete all as specified and directed. 25 Supply & Fixing Wall Mounted Swinging Type First Aid Fire Hose Reel Coforming to IS: 884:1985 and specifications having 25 mm diameter and 45 meter length.The Hose Reel must be non kinking type made up of thermo plastic, complete all as specified and directed. 26 Supply, Fixing, Testing and Commissioning of Sprinkler Installation Control Valve of Cast iron body and brass/bronze working parts comprising of water motor, alarm, bronze seat clapper and clapper arm, hydraulically driven mechanical gong bell to sound continuous alarm when the Sprinkler system activates, pressure gauges, emergency releases, strainer, pressure switch, cock valve complete with drain valve and bypass, test control box, ball valves, MS pipe of required size, flanges, orifice plate, gasket etc. of size as required, complete all as specified and directed. 26.01 (a) 150 mm dia 27 Supply & Fixing of Corrugated Stainless Steel (AISI 304) braided Flexible Sprinkler Pipe drops of 20 mm dia of following length and maximum working pressure of 175 psi with all accessories and clamps as required. The flexible pipe drop shall be UL approved. The pipe drop shall be of following sizes: 27.01 (a) 1200 mm long 28 Supply & Fixing Inspector Test Connection with Sight Glass 25 mm dia with by pass line Isolation Ball valve and drain valve, complete all as specified and directed. 29 Supply and fix Foot Valve conforming to IS 4038, 80 mm (3”) dia. 30 Supply and lay pipe galvonized ,Heavy Class including fittings 80 mm(3) dia complete all as specified and directed 31 Supply only ABC type fire extinguisher (IS:15683) -09 Kg capacity 32 Supply only mechanical foam type fire extinguisher 9 Ltrs capacity 33 Supply only Wheeled dry powder extinguisher (IS:16018) 25 kg capacity 34 Supply only Fire bucket 35 Supply & Fixing of 80 Ltrs. Capacity seamless Cylinder CCOE Approved, complete with valve assembly and pressure gauge with a safety burst disc and a safety cap gauge. Complete all as specified and directed. 36 Supply & Fixing of FK-5-1-12 ( per fluero ketone/ Penta-fluoro-ethane/Hepta-fluoro-propane /( NOVEC 1230 ) Agent filled in, 80 Ltrs. Cylinder, complete all as specified and directed.The Inert Gas Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing system shall complies all the technical Specification with NFPA 2001 and for IG-541 37 Supply & Fixing of Electric Control Head operated electrically from the Detection & Control system or locally with a manual lever on the control head, complete all as specified and directed. 38 Supply & Fixing Pressure Operated Control Head which allows for pressure actuation slave cylinders and is mounted directly on top of the slave cylinders valve. 39 Supply & Fixing Master Cylinder Adapter Kit used to actuate the Slave Cylinder. 40 Supply & Fixing Flexible Actuation Hose (Pilot pressure is directed to a pressure operated control head on each cylinder valve using 1/4 inch actuation hose) 41 Supply & Fixing Brass Male Elbow 42 Supply & Fixing Discharge Nozzles are designed to provide the proper flow rate and distribution of FK-5-1-12 to total flood a hazard area : 180 deg. / 360 deg. 43 Supply & Fixing Discharge Hose, 2” (use with 80 & 120 Ltr. Cylinders) 44 Supply & Fixing 2 Way Manifold 45 Supply & Fixing 2 Manifold Check Valve installed at the discharge manifold to allow removal of any FK-5-1-12 cylinder from the manifold while still retaining a closed system. 46 Supply & Fixing Manifold Supervisory Switch for indication of discharge of system 47 Supply & Fixing Cylinder Protective Cap for 25 Bar System 48 Supply & Fixing Cylinder Strap for 80 Ltr. Cylinder 49 Supply & Fixing Gas Release Control Panel 50 Supply & Fixing Smoke detector with Base 51 Supply & Fixing Response Indicator 52 Supply & Fixing Sounder with Strobe 53 Supply & Fixing Manual Release 54 Supply & Fixing Manual Abort 55 Supply & Fixing PVC insulated copper conductor armoured cable 2 Core 1.5 Sq. mm FRLS with all accessories complete all as specified and directed 56 Piping, fittings & supports, etc. Pipe (S) : M.S. Seamless To ASTM A-106, SCH. 40 57 Supply and fixing MAP 90 Powder tyep 5 kg automatic Modular type fire extinguisher 58 Meterial and labour for testing and commissioning of Fire Supression system complete as per NFPA StandardNote : Before commissioning of fire supression system shall be checked for its functionality by using Nitrogen or any other dummy Gas 59 Material and labour for construction of brick masonry valve pit of size 900mmx900mmx900mm with PCC 1:4:8 Type D2 for foundation, brick work wall in ement mortar (1:4), PCC 1:2:4 type B1 copping rendering plaster in CM 1:4, 15mm thick including provision of MS sheet top cover 3mm thick with brazing of MS flat of size 25mmx4mm at edges and in diagonal and angle iron base frame of 40mmx40mmx5mm, painting ith two coat of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer and locking arrangement including necessary excavation earth work complete all as specified for gate valve complete with 3.00 mm thick MS sheet cover with locking arrangements incl. All necessary excavation & earth work, brick work, plastering and flooring complete all as specified. 60 Supply and fixing cable tray made out of MS duly powder coated of size 300mm (width) including supporting of suitable size duly painted fixed vertically in wall/ceiling complete all as specified and directed. 61 Supply and fixing cable tray made out of MS duly powder coated of size 150mm (width) including supporting of suitable size duly painted fixed vertically in wall/ceiling complete all as specified and directed. 62 Supply and lay PVC insulated 4 core copper conductor cable of size 6 Sqmm sheathed 1100 volts conforming to IS 694 complete all as specified and directed. 63 Supply and lay PVC insulated 4 core copper conductor cable of size 10 Sqmm sheathed 1100 volts conforming to IS 694 complete all as specified and directed. 64 M & L for designing the fire fighting and fire supression system of building pertains to internal and external Fire Hydrant,Sprinkler and Fire supression system as per CFEES recommendation including detailed drawings. Contractor shall submit the detailed drawing of the same befor execution of work and drawing shall be got approved by Accepting Officer .The work shall be carried out as per approved drawing and measured and paid seprately. 65 Shut down the HT supply from main source, disconnecting the incomming and outgoing cable from Transformer , Servo Stabilizer,Isolation transformer, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in charge. 66 Meterial and labour for shifting of,Transfromer 160KVA, ServoVoltage Stabilizer 160KVA, Isolation Transformer 160KVA from bldg Power room to New sub station, placing of DG Set 160KVA on platform complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in charge 67 Meterial and labor for connecting HT/LT cable in Transformer,Voltage stabilezer,Isolation Tranfromer ,testing and commissioning complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 07-02-2025 Corrigendum No 1 Other 26-02-2025
2 26-02-2025 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 05-03-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 192750.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.17 Crore /-
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