Procurement Of Aph Seals, Cold End Gratings, Deluge Pipe Etc For Rotary Type Air Preheater For Unit 6 Oh In Aug-2026 Under Bmd,Stps , Grating For Cold End Baskets (01 Sets Consist Of 24 Nos, 01 Aph Requirement) For Rotary Air Pre Heater 27.5 Vmit 2000, Moc: Carbon Steel , Rotor Angles,For Hot End & Cold End $For Regenerative Aph 27.5 Vimt 2000 Isa 75X75x6,2334L,Is 2062,1 Set=24 Nos,01 Aph Requirement,Drg.No.25201002147 , T-Bar, T100x79, 2412 L, For Hot End & Cold End For Rotary Air Pre Heater 27.5 Vmit 2000, 1 Set (24 Nos) Consists Of One Aph Requirement, Drg. No. 25201302263, Moc: Carbon Steel , Rad Sl Lf Ib He Sh2.5X155x1460(Cw), Moc:Corten-A , Seal Leaf Ib He Sh2.5X155x1460(Ccw), Moc:Corten-A , Rad Seal Leaf Ib Ce Sh2.5X155x1460(Cw), Moc:Corten-A , Rad Sl Lf Ib Ce Sh2.5X155x1460(Ccw), Moc:Corten-A , Rad Seal Leaf Inter Sh2.5X155x1280, Moc:Corten-A , Rad Seal Leaf Inter Sh2.5X155x1020, Moc:Corten-A , Rad Seal Leaf Ob He Sh2.5X155x492, Moc:Corten-A , Rad Sl Lf Ob Ce Sh2.5X155x492, Moc:Corten-A , Ib Hold Strip Ce Sh 2.5X80x1425, Moc:Corten-A , Hold Strip Inter Sh2.5X80x1100, Moc:Corten-A , Seal Hold Strip He Sh2.5X80x1005 (Inboard), Moc:Corten-A , Hold Strip Outer Sh2.5X80x530, Moc:Corten-A , Diaph Seal Ib He Sh2.5X93x1460 (Cw), Moc:Corten-A , Diaph Seal Ib He Sh2.5X93x1460(Ccw), Moc:Corten-A , Diaph Seal Interm Sh2.5X93x1280(He&Ce), Moc:Corten-A , Diaph Seal Interm Sh2.5X93x1020(He&Ce), Moc:Corten-A , Diaph Seal Ib Ce Sh2.5X93x1460 (Cw), Moc:Corten-A , Diaph Seal Ib Ce Sh2.5X93x1460(Ccw), Moc:Corten-A , Seal Tab He Sh 2.5X138x138, Moc:Corten-A , By Pass Seal He Sh1.6X238x914, Moc:Corten-A , By Pass Seal Ce Sh1.6X181x914, Moc:Corten-A , Holding Strip Sh 2.5X104x909(Bypass Seal) , Seal Tab Outer He Sh2.5X56x100[Ce Ccw(24)+He Cw(24)] , Seal Tab Ce Sh 2.5X132x138 , Washer Punched Plain A16,Size:Id-18,Od-50,Th-3Mm. , Deluge And Wash Pipe Assy Ce $For Regenerative Aph 27.5 Vimt 2000 Matl.,Carbon Steel,Drg.No.:15230200751 , Soot Blowing Pipe Assy For Regenerative Aph 27.5 Vimt 2000 Along With 02 Nozzles & 01 Adopter,01 For One Aph Requirement,Drg.No.15232601329