
Providing Unit Rate For The Different Items For Various Type Of Works In Tapi District Under Jurisdiction Of Panchayat Irrigation Division, Tapi-Vyara, Tapi-Gujarat

Narmada Water Resources has published Providing Unit Rate For The Different Items For Various Type Of Works In Tapi District Under Jurisdiction Of Panchayat Irrigation Division, Tapi-Vyara. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-02-2025. Desilting Tenders in Tapi Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Providing Unit Rate For The Different Items For Various Type Of Works In Tapi District Under Jurisdiction Of Panchayat Irrigation Division, Tapi-Vyara
Open Tender

Tender Details

Providing Unit Rate For The Different Items For Various Type Of Works In Tapi District Under Jurisdiction Of Panchayat Irrigation Division, Tapi-Vyara; 1a De-silting of canal/drain with lead up to 50 meter and lift up to 1.50 including dewatering if any required for following depth etc. Complete as directed. (A) for dry condition (a) For canals above (500 Cusecs) 14.17cumecs. 1 m3 1b (b) For canals between (250 to 500 Cusecs) 7.0 to 14.17cumecs. 1 m3 1c (c) For canals between (20 to 250 Cusecs) 0.56 to 7.0 cumecs. 1 m3 1d (d) For canals below (20 Cusecs) 0.56 cumecs 1 m3 2a Removing and destroying the thick Gha Bajariya from the canal/drain bed under water pool including cutting, carting it away as directed and burning the same etc. complete for all lead and lifts. (a) canals having 500 cusecs capacity & above 1 KM 2b (b) For Canals having 500 cusecs to 250 cusecs capacity 1 KM 2c (c) Canals below 250 cusecs capacity 1 KM 3 Dewatering the foundation trenches during excavation of canals, drains, foundation trenches, concrete, masonry etc. till completion and diversion of surface and subsurface water by using pumps of suitable capacity either diesel or electrical driven including cost of labour, pipelines etc. for delivery distance beyond 50 meters. 1 Hp/ Hr. 4 Dismantling the existing foundation concrete including disposing the dismantled stuff including sorting out and stacking the useful materials and removing the debris and making good the damage etc. complete as directed. (b) In Cement Concrete. 1 CM 5 Dismantling the R.C.C. work & disposing off the stuff including stacking of the useful materials etc. complete as directed. (a)Light reinforcement. (Main bar up to 16 mm dia.) 1 CM 6 Dismantling the existing brick masonry including sorting out and stacking the useful materials and removing the debris and making good the damage etc. comp. as directed. (b) in cement mortar 1 CM 191 7a Dismantling the existing R.C.C. pipes of the following diameter including sorting out and stacking of the useful materials including refilling the trenches etc. complete as directed. (NP-2 pipes) (a) 225 mm to 400 mm dia. 1 M 7b (b) 450 mm to 600 mm dia. 1 M 7c (c) 650 mm to 900 mm dia. 1 M 7d (d) 1000 mm to 1200 mm dia. 1 M 7e (e) above 1200 mm dia. 1 M 8 Clearing the canal land width including removing the shrub, bushes, cactus, weeds other vegetation including cutting down trees upto 0.50 cm. girth and depositing the removed materials outside the canal land width up to lead of 50 meter as directed etc. complete. (Without water pool) 1 SM 9a Excavation of canal/drain in all sorts of soils(including wet and slushy condition of soil)including yellow, sandy and gravelly soils & soft murrum including depositing the excavated stuff in uniform layers in canal banks or in spoil banks or as and where directed including dressing the canal section up to lead of 50meter and lift shown below including clearing the site, dewatering etc. Complete.(manual operation with dewatering) (a) up to 1.50 m 1 CM 9b (b) 1.50 to 3.00 m 1 CM 9c (c) 3.00 to 4.50 m 1 CM 9d (d) 4.50 to 6.00 m 1 CM 9e (e) for additional depth slab of 1.50 m or part there of beyond 6.00 m 1 CM 10a Excavation for foundation in all sorts of soil including yellow, sandy, gravelly soil, soft & hard murrum, etc. dry condition including depositing the excavated stuff in uniform layers in banks or as directed etc. complete for lead up to 1.0 Km and all lifts. (By machinery) (a) Above water table. 1 CM 10b (b) Below water table. 1 CM 11 Excavation of canal/drains in all sorts of soils (including wet and slushy condition of soil) including depositing the excavated stuff in uniform layers in canal banks or in spoil banks or as and where directed including dressing the canal section upto lead of 50 meter and all lift including clearing the site etc. complete (By machinery for canal/drain maintenance) (up to 1.5 cumecs capacity of canal/drain) 1 CM 192 12a Earthwork in embankment from canal borrow pits in all sorts of soil and soft murrum including breaking clods, dressing to the design section with lead up to 50 meter and height of embankment above ground level as under.(manual without dewatering) (a) Upto 1.5 meter. 1 CM 12b (b) 1.5 m to 3.0 m 1 CM 12c (c) For each additional Height of 1.50M Beyond 3.0 m. 1 CM 13 a Earthwork in embankment using selected soil, soft & hard murrum excavated from approved borrow area/village tanks etc.including breaking clods, dressing to the design section with lead up to 500 meter and all lifts.(By JCB4CX machinery) (a) Lead up to 500 meter 1 CM 13 b (b) Lead beyond 500 meter & but up to 1 Km 1 CM 13c (c) Basic charges for lead beyond 1 km but up to 2 km 1 CM 13d (d) Basic charges for lead beyond 1 km but up to 3 km 1 CM 13e (e) Basic charges for lead beyond 1 km but up to 4 km 1 CM 13f (f) Basic charges for lead beyond 1 km but up to 5 km 1 CM 14 Earthwork in embankment using selected soil, soft & hard murrum excavated from approved borrow area/village tanks etc.including breaking clods, dressing to the design section with lead up to 1.0 kilometer and all lifts.(By poclane machinery) 1 CM 15 Compaction of selected soil/hard murrum/soft murrum in even thickness of 15 to 20 Cms including watering rolling of suitable capacity etc. complete as directed. 1 CM 16 Back filing the foundation trenches around the structures etc. with selected excavated stuff including watering, ramming, compacting etc. complete.(By machinery) 1 CM 17 Providing and placing in position reinforcement bars including cutting, bending welding, joints where necessary, hooking etc. complete as per drawing for all lead and lifts. (b) TMT 1 Qtl 18a Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced cement concrete of cement, sand and metal ( above 12mm & up to to 20mm size) in following proportion laid in situ including centering, shuttering, temping, smooth finishing, curing etc. complete as directed for all leads and lifts ( Manually With Convectional Mixer) (i) 1 : 4 : 8 1 CM 193 18 b (ii) 1 : 3 : 6 1 CM 18 c (iii) 1 : 2 : 4 1 CM 18d (iv) 1 : 1.5 : 3 1 CM 19 a Providing and laying plain/reinforced nominal Mix cement concrete of various grade with cement, sand and coarse aggregates including centering, shuttering, batching, mixing, transporting, placing, vibrating, smooth finishing, curing etc. Complete for all lead and lift.(Manually With Conventional Mixer, Including dewatering) (A) Foundation (ii) M10 grade.(1:3:6) 1 CM 19b (B) Raft, Bottom slab of barel, footing of columns etc. (i) M-15 grade.(1:2:4) 1 CM 19 c (ii) M-20 grade.(1:1.5:3) 1 CM 19d (C) Piers, abutment, wing walls, headwall, return wall etc..(i) M-15 (1:2:4) 1 CM 19 e (ii) M-20 grade. (1:1.5:3) 1 CM 20a Providing and laying plain / Reinforced cement concrete lining of 1:2:4 proportion (Normal mix) in bed, side slope and curvature including mixing transporting, placing, smooth finishing, curing including dewatering where required (manually with conventional mixer without Paver) a) 7.50 cm in bed & Slope (with water curing ) 1 SM 20 b b) 10.0 cm in bed & slope (with water curing ) 1 SM 20c c) 7.50 cm in Bed & slope (with membrane curing ) 1 SM 20d d) 10.0 cm in Bed & slope (with membrane curing ) 1 SM 21 Providing and filling Asphalt of the approved make and sand in Expansion and contraction joint in the C.C. Lining including clearing the joint with air water jet 1 M 22 a Providing and fixing in position (different diameter) NP2 R.C.C pipe with collar including filling and caulking the joints with cement mortar 1:1 proportion, finishing, curing etc. complete for all lead and lifts. (a) NP2 class 250 mm dia pipe. 1 M 22b (b) NP2 class 300mm dia pipe. 1 M 22c (c) NP2 class 450mm dia pipe. 1 M 22d (d) NP2 class 600mm dia pipe. 1 M 22e (e) NP2 class 750mm dia pipe. 1 M 22f (f) NP2 class 800mm dia pipe. 1 M 22g (g) NP2 class 900mm dia pipe. 1 M 22h (h) NP2 class 1050mm dia pipe. 1 M 22i (i) NP2 class 1100mm dia pipe. 1 M 22j (j) NP2 class 1200mm dia pipe. 1 M 194 23 Manufacture, supply and erection of vertical gate consisting gate leaf, stiffeners, rubber seal, embedded parts as shown in drawings including cost if materials, fabrication, painting, erection in position with all accessories second stage concreting etc complete as per drawing and specifications. (1.10X2.50) 1 No. 24 Providing and fixing in position vertical steel out late gate including fabrication, cutting, welding and two coat oil paint and one coat red oxide (primer coat), greasing ect. Complete as per drawing or as directed. Rate for one gate (1) (size 0.45 M x 1.00 M) 1 No. 25 Providing and Running Charges of Hydraulic Excavator Ex.200 LC (Without interest) including Driver and Diesel, Oil lubricants, maintenance etc in all sorts of soil (including wet and slushy condition of soil) including depositing the excavated stuff on the bank of Canal/Drain or as and where directed with all lead and lifts etc Complete. (A) With Bucket 1 Hr. 26 Providing and Running Charges of JCB - 4 CX (Without interest) including Driver and Diesel, Oil lubricants, maintenance etc in all sorts of soil (including wet and slushy condition of soil) including depositing the excavated stuff in uniform layers on the bank of Canal/Drain or as and where directed with all lead and lifts etc Complete. 1 Hr. 27 Providing and laying geo fabric filter (GWF-40- 200 category) over the excavated surface as per manufacturers specification incl. Stitching with overlape to the designed profile as directed in tidal range etc.complete. 1 Sq.Mt. 28 Supplying and laying bedding layer of 30 cm thick layer of gunny/Nylon bags filled with stone grit (up to 5 mm size) including all leads & lifts as directed in tidal range etc. Complete (A) -do- Layer of 15 cm thick 1 Sq.Mt. 29 Supplying and laying rubbel stone 5 to 20 kg. In weight for toe and core filling incl.conveying and stacking to required line, level,slope section incl.all leads and lifts conveying material and from stacks and laying etc complete. 1 Cum 30 Supplying and laying rubbel stone 50 to 200 kg. In weight for toe and core filling incl.conveying and stacking to required line, level,slope section 1 Cum 195 31 Supplying and laying rubbel stone of 1.0 t to 1.5 t In weight for toe and core filling incl.conveying and stacking to required line, level,slope section incl.all leads and lifts conveying material and arranging in layer with the help of crane of required capacity from stacks and laying etc with all labour, Machinery, Royalty, Quarry lease charges etc complete. 1 Cum 32 Supplying and laying rubbel stone of 1.5 t to 2.0 t In weight for toe and core filling incl.conveying and stacking to required line, level,slope section incl.all leads and lifts conveying material and arranging in layer with the help of crane of required capacity from stacks and laying etc with all labour, Machinery, Royalty, Quarry lease charges etc complete. 1 Cum 33 Supplying and laying mechanically woven double twisated Hexagonal Zn+ PVC coated box wire mesh gabions Size 2m x 1m x 1m filled with 30 to 50 kg. trap rubble stone (approximate 3.0) tone with mesh size 10x12 cm including packing, interlocking of stones & fusing top of gabion & tying to each other & laying to the required line, level slope with all leads & lifts as directed etc. comp. (Considering lead of 45 km for 85% & 15 km for 15% rubble materials) 1 Nos. 34 Supplying & laying mechanically woven double twisated Hexagonal Zn+ PVC coated box wire mesh reno mattress size 2.0mt. x 1.0mt. x 0.30mt. filled with 10 to 15 kg. trap rubble stone (approximate 2.70) tone with mesh size 6cm x 8cm including packing, interlocking of stones & fusing top of gabion & tying to each other & laying to the required line, level slope with all leads & lifts as directed etc. complete. (Considering lead of 45 km for rubble materials) 1 Nos. 35 Providing Videography on the occasion of function or for on going construction work including dubbing,titeling etc. Complete (a) for whole day 1 Day 36 Supplying and fixing M.S. gates with all hoisting and finishing arrangements as per design and dimension with necessary two coats of oil paints etc. complete. (a) With Frame and 3 mm plate for gate As per Drawing (b) Without Frame 3 mm plate for gate As per Drawing 1 No. 37 Providing and fixing in position 110 mm dia PVC pipe weep holes in abutment wing wall and laying training etc.complete 1 Rmt. 38 Providing and laying dry rubble pitching of various thickness to required grade including trimming of earth work hand packing the interstices with spools filling earth in interstices panelling complete for all lead and lifts. (a) 300mm thick 1 Sq. M 196 1 The Contractor shall exhibit a board with brief details of work as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge for which no extra payment shall be made. 2 The labour cess will be deducted as per prevailing rules i.e. 1% of the work done. 3 GST and Income tax TDS will be deducted at a source while making payments of bills 4 In all R.C.C. Items in Rate Analysis Standard Cement Consumption has been taken as per Govt. G.R. NO.: MIS102010/17/K1 Dated:30/07/2018 as stated in S.O.R. 39 Providing and laying pucca rubble pitching in cement mortar 1:4 proportion with the surface pointed with cement mortar of 1:3 proportion proportion including curing etc. complete for all leads & lifts. (a) 450 mm thick 1 Sq.mt. (b) 300 mm Thick 1 Sq.mt. ( c) 230 mm thick 1 Sq.mt. 40 Providing and Fixing in position (different diameter) NP3 R.C.C. pipes with collar including filling and caulking the joints with cement mortar 1 : 1 proportion finishing , curing etc. completed for all lead & lifts (a) NP3 300 mm Dia. Pipes 1 Rmt. (b) NP3 600 mm Dia. Pipes 1 Rmt. (c) NP3 900 mm Dia. Pipes 1 Rmt. (d) NP3 1200 mm Dia. Pipes 1 Rmt. 41 Providing and laying burnt brick (conventional size) masonry for foundation in ordinary Portland cement mortar in proportion 1:6 including racking out joints up to 15mm deep curing etc. complete for all lead and lift. 1 Cmt. 42 Providind cement plaster in various thickness and proportion including smooth finishing, curing, scaffolding etc. complete for all lead & lifts as under. (a) cement plaster 1:3 proportion (ii) 12mm thick 1 Sq.mt. 43 White or colour wash in following coats including scraping scaffolding etc. complete. (A) For two coats 1 Sq.mt. 44 Online E-Tender Uploading on (n)procure website 1 Nos. 45 Online E-Tender Opening on (n)procure website 1 Nos. 46 Deepening of tank in all type of soil with yellow, sandy, gravelly soil including wet and slushy condition of soil including soft murrum & hard murrum by machinery including conveying and spreading excavated stuff as & where directed with lead up to 0.50 km and all lift etc. complete. (Excavated material should be spread on the existing embankment and as suggested by engineer in charge) 1 Cmt.

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INR 1500 /-
INR 100000.0 /-
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