
Tender For Annual Rate Contract Of Laboratory Consumables., Navsari-Gujarat

Navsari Agricultural University has published Tender For Annual Rate Contract Of Laboratory Consumables.. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-02-2025. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in Navsari Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Annual Rate Contract Of Laboratory Consumables.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Annual Rate Contract Of Laboratory Consumables. 01. β -mercaptoethanol 1. ACS 02. -( +)- Cysteine 2. Advent 03. -( +)- Leucine 3. Agilent Technologies 04. (9 -Fluorenylmethyl) Chloroformate 4. Applied Biosystems 05. 1 - Aminocyclohexane Carboxylic Acid 5. Bionule Biotech 06. 1 - Butanol / Butan-1-ol 6. Biorad 07. 1 ,3 Dihydroxy Naphthalene 7. Cole-Palmer 08. 1 ,3,5 Triphenyltetrazolium Formazan 8. Cyanagen 09. 1 ,4 Diaminobutane Dihydrochloride 9. DesiGen 10. 1 ,5-Diphenylcarbazide 10. Dr. Ehrenstorfer 11. 1 -Amino-2-Naphol - 4- sulphonic Acid 11. Eurofins 12. 1 -aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid 12. Fisher Scientific 13. 1 -Butanol 13. Fluka 14. 1 -Propanol 14. Genaxy 15. 2 % E- gel cassettes 15. Genei 16. 2 - Ethoxyethanol (Ethylenglykolmonoethyl ether) 16. Genetics 17. 2 - Propanol iso- Propyl Alcohol 17. Genotypic 18. 2 ,2,Azino bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid 18. Hicare 19. 2 ,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl 19. Himedia 20. 2 ,3,5- Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride 20. Horiba 21. 2 ,4 Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid 21. Invitrogen 22. 2 ,4 Dinitrophenyl Hydrazine 22. JTBaker 23. 2 ,6 – Dichloro Indophenol 23. Kappa 24. 2 ,6,Dichlorophenol Indophenol 24. Loba 25. 2 -D SDS-PAGE Standards 25. Lobachemie 26. 2 -Mercaptoethanol 26. MagGenome 27. 2 -Propanol 27. Merck 28. 3 ,4-Dimethoxybenzyl alcohol 28. Molychem 29. 4 - Aminoantipyrine 29. MP 30. 4 -aminobutyric acid 30. MP Biomedicals 31. 5 -Sulfosalicylic acid dihydrate Extra pure 31. NEB 32. 9 6 well Region of Interest (ROI) and Background plates 32. Qiagen 33. A BTS 33. QUALIGEN 34. A cacia Powder 34. Ranbaxy 35. A cetic Acid 35. SDFCL 36. A cetobacter Agar 36. SERVA 37. A cetone 37. Sigma 38. A cetonitrile 38. SLS 39. A cid Phenol 39. SRL 40. A cridine orange 40. Takara 41. A crylamide 41. Thermo fisher 42. A ctinomycete Isolation Agar 42. Thermo Scientific 43. A ctivated Charcoal 43. Titan biotech 44. A denosine 5- triphosphate Disodium Salt 44. UNICHEM 45. A gar/Agar-agar Powder 46. A garose Powder 47. A garose special high EEO Note: Those listed 48. A garose special low EEO Chemicals available 49. A lbumin Bovine Serum in above listed brands, 50. A ldehyde C11 Quote brand wise 51. A leksandrow broth in Appendix-III 52. A leksandrow Agar 53. A lgae culture agar 54. A llyl Isothiocyanate (Tocopherol) 55. A ltropine 56. A luminium Chloride 57. A luminium Potassium Sulphate 58. A luminium Sulphate 59. A mmonia Buffer Solution 60. A mmonia Solution 61. A mmonim Fluoride 62. A mmonium Acetate 63. A mmonium Metavanadateg 64. A mmonium Bicarbonate 65. A mmonium Ceric Sulphate Dihydrate 66. A mmonium Chloride 67. A mmonium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate 68. A mmonium Feric sulphate 69. A mmonium Ferric Citrate ( Ammonium iron(iii) citrate purified) 70. A mmonium Ferrous Sulphate 71. A mmonium Formate 72. A mmonium Metavanadate 73. A mmonium Molybdate 74. A mmonium Oxalate 75. A mmonium Peroxide Sulphate 76. A mmonium Phosphate Monobasic 77. A mmonium Potassium Nitrite 78. A mmonium Purpurate 79. A mmonium Sulphate 80. A mmonium Tartrate 81. A mmonium Thiocynate 82. A mmonium Thiosulphate 83. A mpicillin 84. A rsenic Standard 1000 ppm 85. A mpyrone, 4-Aminoantipyrine free bas 86. A myl Acetate 87. A mylose From Potato 88. A myloglucosidase 89. A ndrade’s indicator 90. A nilline 91. A node Buffer Container 92. A nthracene pure 93. A nthrone 94. A nthroquinone-2-sulphonic acid 95. A ntimony Potassium Tartrate 96. A ntimony Potassium Tartrate Hemihydrate pure, 98% 97. A scorbic Acid GR 98. A shby’s Mannitol Agar 99. A sparagine 100. A zetobacter agar (Mannitol) 101. A zomethine H 102. A zospirillum Medium 103. A zospirillum medium agar Part A 104. A zospirillum medium agar Part B 105. A llicin 106. A llin 107. A nthocyanin Standard 108. α -Amlase (Tpe VI-B from Porcine Pancrease) 109. B acillus cereus Hiveg agar base 110. B acterial DNA Isolation Kit Page 18 of 38 111. B AP 112. B arium Chloride 113. B arium Hydroxide Octahydrate 114. B arium Sulphate 115. B eef Extract Powder 116. B entonite Powder 117. B enzene 118. B enzoyl Chloride 119. B enzyl Alcohol 120. B enzyl Chloride 121. b eta Carotene 122. B eta- Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Hydrate 123. B etaine Hydrochloride 124. B G 11 Broth 125. B G11 broth with minerals 126. B igdyeXterminator purification kit 127. B igDye™ Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit 128. B ile salt 129. B ile salt Mixture 130. B is-Acrylamide 131. B is-Acrylamide N,N-methylenebis acrylamide 132. B ismuth ammonium citrate 133. B leaching powder 134. B oric acid powder 135. B oron standard 1000 ppm 136. B oron trifluoride methenol complex 14% in methenol 137. B ovine Albumin Fraction 138. B rilliange Blue G 139. B rillienr green bile broth 140. B romine 141. B romocresol green 142. B romothymol Blue 143. B uffer Capsule (4.0) 144. B uffer Capsule (7.0) 145. B uffer Capsule (9.2) 146. B uffer Solution pH 4.00 147. B uffer Solution pH 7.00 148. B uffer Solution pH 9.20 149. B uffered Peptone Water 150. B ushnell Hass Broth 151. B utan-1-OL (n-Butyl alcohol) 152. B utanol 153. B utyl Hydroxy Toluene LR 154. C admium Chloride Monohydrate 155. C admium Standard 1000 ppm 156. C affeic acid (3,4 dihydroxycinnamic acid) 157. C alcium Acetate 158. C ry 2A ELISA Kit 159. C alcium Carbonate 160. C alcium Chloride 161. C alcium Hydroxide 162. C alcium Nitrate Tetrahydrate 163. C alcium Oxide Powder 164. C alcium Standard 1000 ppm 165. C alcium Sulphate 166. C apsule Stain Kit 167. C arbohydrate Kit168. C arbon Disulfide 169. C arbon Tetrachloride 170. C arbon tetrachloride for HPLC 171. C arboxy Methyl Cellulose 172. C arboxy Methyl Cellulose Sodium Salt 173. C asein Hydrolysate 174. C asein Protein Rich Refined 175. C atechol (pyrocatechol) 176. C athode Buffer Container 177. C austic Soda Pellets 178. C edarwood Oil 179. C ellulase from Aspergillus niger 180. C ellulose Microcrystalline TLC 181. C ellulose Powder 182. C etyletrimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) 183. C harcoal Activated 184. C hitin 185. C hitosan 186. C hloragenic Acid 187. C hloral Hydrate 188. C hloramphenicol 189. C hlorobenzene 190. C hloroform 191. C holesterol extrapure 192. C hromazurol (Eriochiomeazurol S) 193. C hromium Oxide 194. C hromium Standard 1000 ppm 195. C innamic Acid 196. C innamic alcohol 197. C itric Molybdic Acid Reagent 198. C itric Acid 199. C itrate Bicarbonate 200. C itronellol 201. C lerigel 202. C lorohexane AR 203. C lostridium Agar 204. C love Oil 205. C obalt Chloride 206. C obaltous Chloride Hexahydrate 207. C onditioning Reagent For 3500/Seqstudio™ Flex 208. C ongo Red 209. C oomassie Brilliant Blue 250 210. C opper (II) sulphate pentahydrate 211. C opper chloride dihydrate (cupric acid) 212. C opper standard 1000 ppm 213. C ry 1A ELISA Kit 214. C TAB 215. C ue lure 216. C upric Sulphate 217. C upric Chloride 218. C upric Nitrate 219. C yclohexane 220. C ytosine extrapure 99% 221. C zapek Dox agar (Granulated) 222. C orn Starch 223. C haratin 224. D -(-)- Salicine Page 20 of 38 225. D -(+)- Glucose Anhydrous 226. D (+) Xylose 227. D -Arabinose 228. D -Biotin 229. D -Cellobiose 230. D ecalin (Decahydronaphthalene) 231. D EPC 232. D evar das Alloy 233. D extrose 234. D -Fructose (D-Levulose) 235. D -Galactose 236. D -Glucose 237. D -Glucose Assay Kit (GoPoD format) (Magazyne) 238. D -Glutamine 239. D i- Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate 240. D i- Sodium Tetraborate 241. D iacetyl monoxime 242. D i-Ammonium Oxalate 243. D ibutyl Phthalate 244. D ichloromethane 245. D iethyl Ether 246. D iethylamine 247. D iethylene Triamine Penta Acetic Acid (DTPA) 248. D igolLR 249. D iluent for DNA Extraction 250. D imethyl 2- Oxoglutarate 251. D imethyl Formamide for UV spectroscopy 252. D imethyl Sulphoxide 253. D initro Salicylic Acid 254. D iphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) 255. D i-Potassium Hydrogen Orthophosphate 256. D isodium Tartrate 257. D i-Sodium Tetraborat 258. D i-Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate LR ( Borax) 259. D L- Dithiothreitol 260. D L-Malic acid 261. D L-Tryptophan (3-β-Indolylanine) 262. D L-Tryptophan (L-αAmino-3-indolepropionic acid) 263. D -Maltose monohydrate 264. D -Mannitol 265. D -Mannose 266. D NA Gel Loading Dye 267. D NA Isolation Kits 268. D NA Ladder 50 bp 269. D NA Ladder 100bp 270. D na Polymerase 271. D nase 272. D neasyMericon 96 Qiacube HT kit 273. D neasy Plant Mini Kit (50) 274. d NTPs mix 275. D orinia 276. D -Raffinose 277. D -Sorbitol powder (D-glucocitol) 278. D TPA 279. D iosgenin 280. E DTA 281. E DTA disodium salt dihydrate Page 21 of 38 282. E -Gel sizing DNA ladder 283. E hrlich’s reagent 284. E llagic acid 285. E MB Agar 286. E ndospore stain kit 287. E osin yellowish 288. E richrom Black T 289. E tBR 290. E thidium Bromide 291. E threl 292. E thyl Acetate 293. E thyl Methyl Ketone 294. E thylene Acetate 295. E xaltolide 296. E xosap Cleanup 297. E xtran 298. F eCl3 hexahydrate 299. F ehling Solution – A 300. F ehling Solution – B 301. F erric 2,4,6,tripyridyl-s-triazine(tpzt) 302. F erric chlorid anhydrous 98% 303. F erric chlorid hexahydrate 304. F erric chloride 305. F erric Nitrate 306. F erric sulphate 307. F erroin Indicator 308. F errous Sulphate 309. F errozine (3-(2-Pyridyl)-5-6-Diphenyl, 1,2,4- Triazine 4’,4” Disulphonic Acid) 310. F erulic acid (4-hydroxycinnamic acid) pure 311. F lagella stain kit 312. F lorisil 30-60 mesh ( activated magnesium silicate) 313. F olic Acid 314. F olin and Ciocalteu’s Phenol Reagent 315. F ormaldehyde 316. F ormic Acid 317. F ructose Extra pure 318. F uchsin Basic 319. G alactose 320. G allic Acid 321. G allotanine/Tannic Acid 322. G amborg B5 medium 323. G el loading dye 324. G elatin 325. G elatin Bloom Strength 326. G elatin Purified 327. G eraniol 328. G ibberellic Acid (GA3) 329. G lass beads (Undrilled), (Diameter 21pprox.. 3 – 5 mm) 330. G lassware Cleaning Solution 331. G lucose 332. G lutamic Acid 333. G lutaraldehyde 334. G lutathione 335. G lycerol 336. G lycine 337. G ram stain kit 338. G ram’s Crystal Violet Page 22 of 38 339. G ram’s Decolourizer 340. G ram’s Iodine 341. G reen stain 342. G uanidine Thiocynate 343. G um Acacia 344. H aemoglobin Powder 345. H and disinfectant Gel 346. H Cl 347. H gCl2 348. H i fidelity Taq 349. H iDi formamide 350. H igh sensitivity reagent kit for fragment analysis 351. H PLC Water 352. H umic Acid 353. H ydrochloric acid 354. H ydrofluoric Acid (HF) 355. H ydrogen Peroxide 356. H ydroquinone (1,4, Benzenediol) 357. H ydroxyethyl-cellulose 358. H ydroxylamine Hydrochloride 359. H ydroxylammonium Chloride 360. H ydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HMC) 361. In digo Carmine 362. In doacetamide 363. In dole-3-Acetic acid (IAA) 364. In dole-3-butyric Acid 365. In ocitol 366. Io dine 367. Io doacetamide 1632109 368. Io n 16S Metagenomics kit 369. Io n 510™ & Ion 520™ & Ion 530™ Kit – Chef 370. IO N 530 CHIP 371. IO N 540 CHIP 372. Io n 540 Control Ion Sphere Particles 373. IO N 540 KIT-CHEF 374. Io n 540 Loading Reagents OT2 375. Io n Library TaqMan Quantification kit 376. Io n Plus Fragment Library kit 377. Io n S5 Controls Kit 378. Io n Shear Plus Reagents Kit 379. Io n total RNA seq kit v2 core kit 380. Io n total RNA seq. Primer set v2 381. Io n universal Library Quantitation kit 382. Io n Xpress Barcode Adapters 1-6 kit 383. Io n Xpress RNA seq. Barcode 1-16 kit 384. Io none Alpha 385. IP GReadyStrip™, pH 4-7 386. Ir on (Fe) Standard 1000 ppm 387. Ir on Chloride 388. Ir on Sulphate Heptahydrate 389. Is oamile alcohol extra pure 390. Is oamile alcohol mixture of isomers 391. Is oamyl Alcohol (3-Methyl 1-Butanol) 392. Is o-Butyl Methane Ketone 393. Is ocitric Acid 394. Is o-Octane 395. Is opropanol Page 23 of 38 396. Is o-propyl alcohol 397. Je nsen’s Media 398. K CN 399. K inetin 400. K ings Medium Base 401. K ovacs indole reagent 402. L - Alanine 403. L - Ascorbic Acid 404. L - Aspartic Acid 405. L - Glutamic Acid Y- monohydroxamate 406. L - Methionine 407. L Proline 408. L - Tyrosine 409. L (+) Tartaric acid 410. L actic Acid 411. L actophenol cotton blue 412. L actose monohydrate 413. L -Arginine 414. L -Aspargine 415. L auryl Sulphate Sodium 416. L -Cysteine 417. L -Cysteine HCl monohydrate 418. L ead Acetate 419. L ead Nitrite 420. L ead Standard 1000 ppm 421. L -Glutamic acid 422. L -Histidine 423. L igation Sequencing Kit V14 424. L ignin 425. L imonene 426. L inoleic acid 427. L -Isoleucine 428. L isteria Enrichment Medium 429. L ithium Sulphate Monohydrate 430. L -Leucine 431. L -Lysine 432. L -Methionine 433. L -Phenyalanine 434. L -Proline 435. L uria Bertani Agar 436. L uria Hiveg agar 437. L ysozyme 438. L abolene 439. M acConkeys broth 440. M odified Dworkin and Foster Salt Medium 441. M agbetic bead cleanup module 442. M agnesium Carbonate 443. M agnesium chloride 444. M agnesium Hydroxide 445. M agnesium Hydroxide Carbonate 446. M agnesium Standard (Mg) 1000 ppm 447. M agnesium Sulphate 448. M agnessium Chloride 449. M agnetic Beads 450. M agniferin from mangiferaidica bark 451. M alachite Green (oxalate) 452. M alonic acid Page 24 of 38 453. M aleic Acid 454. M alt Extract 455. M anganese (II) sulphate monohydrate 456. M anganese chloride, tetrahydrate 457. M anganese Standard (Mn) 1000 ppm 458. M anganese Sulfate 459. M eat Extract Powder 460. M ercaptoethenol 461. M ercuric Chloride 462. M ercuric Iodide 463. M ercury Oxide 464. M ercury Standard 1000 ppm 465. M ES buffer 466. M eta Phosphoric acid 467. m eta- Phosphoric Acid (Glacial sticks) 468. M ethanol 469. M ethelene Blue 470. M ethionine 471. M ethoxyamine Hydrochloride 472. M ethyl eugenol 473. M ethyl Orange Solution 474. M ethyl p- Hydroxybenzoate 475. M ethyl Red Indicator 476. M ethyle Orange Solution 477. M ethyle Red Solution 478. M ethylene blue 479. M gCl2 480. M inimal Broth 481. M ixed Indicator 482. M olybdenum Trioxide 483. M olybdic Acid 484. MMo lybdic Anhydride (MO)3 485. M onosodium-L-Glutamate 486. M ontmorillonite K 10 487. M OPS Buffer 488. M R-VP Medium (Glucose Phosphate Broth) 489. M S Salt 490. M S Vitamins 491. M ueller Hinton Broth 492. M uller Hinton agar 493. M urexide (5,5- Nitrilbarbituric Acid Monoammonium Salt) 494. M ycostatin 495. n - Butyl Alcohol 496. N -(1-Naphthyl) Ethylene Diamine Dihydrochloride 497. N , N, N, N-Tetramethyl p-Phenylene Diamine Dihydrochloride 498. N ,N Methylene Bisacrylamide 499. N ,N,N,N- Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) 500. N -Acetyl-D-Glucosamine (chitin std) 501. n -Butanol 502. n -Butyl Acetate 503. N EB Next FFPE Repair Mix 504. N EB Next Quick Ligation Module 505. N EB Next Ultra II End repair/dA-tailing Module 506. N EB NextR Companion Module 507. N ephthalene 508. n -Hexane 509. N apthalene Acitic Acid Page 25 of 38 510. N ickel (II) chloride hexahydrate, extra pure 511. N ickel Standard 1000 ppm 512. N icotinic Acid 513. N essler’s Reagent 514. N ight blue 515. N igrosine for microscopy 516. N inhydrin 517. N itrate Broth 518. N itric Acid 519. N itro B.T. 520. N itrobenzene 521. N itroblue Tetrazolium Chloride 522. n -propanol 523. N uclease-free water 524. N utrient Agar 525. N utrient Broth 526. N utrient Gelatine 527. O ctane 528. O -Dianisidine 529. O ligonucleotide Primer 530. O ligonucleotide synthesis 531. O ligonucleotides DNA 0.01 umol 532. O ligonucleotides PCR Primer 533. O mni PurTEMED 534. O -phosphoric acid 535. O rcinol monohydrate 536. O rthophospheric acid 537. O xalic Acid 538. O xobutyric Acid 539. p -Aminobenzoic acid pure 540. p -Anisaldehyde (4-methoxybenzaldehyde) 541. P araffin Liquid 542. P araffin Liquid Heavy 543. P araffin Liquid Light 544. P -Coumaric Acid 545. p -Coumaric acid trans-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid 546. P CR clean up kit 547. P CR master mix 548. P CR purification kit 549. P epsine 550. P eptone 551. P eptone No. 5 552. P erchloric Acid 553. P etroleum benzine 554. P etroleum Ether 555. P etroleum Spirit 40’-60’ Petroleum Ether 556. p H buffer capsules 557. P henol 558. P henol Disulphonic Acid 559. P henol red 560. P henolphthalein indicator 561. P henolphthalein Solution, 1% in Ethanol solution 562. P henyl Acetic Acid 563. P henyl Ethyl Acetate 564. P henyl Ethyl Alcohol 565. P henyl Mercury Acetate 566. P hloroglucinol Page 26 of 38 567. P hophorus pentoxide (di-phosphorus pentoxide) 568. P hosphomolybdic acid 569. P hosphotungstic Acid Hydrate 570. P hosphurus Standard 1000 ppm 571. P icric Acid 572. P ikovaskaya’s Agar 573. P ikovaskaya’s Broth 574. P iperizine 575. P IPES Buffer (piperazine-N,N, bis (2-ethansulphonic acid) 576. P lant DNA isolation kit 577. p -Nitrophenol, pure 578. P oly Ethylene Glycol 579. P olyacrylamide 580. P olymer performance polymer7 (POP7) 581. P olyvinyl Alcohol 582. P olyvinyl Pyrrlidone 583. P olyvinylpyrrolidone (pvp) K-30 584. P otassium Dichromate 585. P otassium Metabisulphate 586. P otassium Acetate 587. P otassium bichromate (Potassium 26ethanol26e) 588. P otassium Bromate 589. P otassium Carbonate Anhydrous 590. P otassium Chloride 591. P otassium Chromate 592. P otassium Clorate 593. P otassium Dichromate 594. P otassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate 595. P otassium Disulfide 596. P otassium Ferricyanide 597. P otassium Ferrocynide 598. P otassium hexacyanoferrate (II) trihydrate 599. P otassium hydrogen carbonate 600. P otassium hydrogen pellates 601. P otassium hydrogen phthalate 602. P otassium Hydroxide 603. P otassium Hydroxide palets 604. P otassium Iodide 605. P otassium Nitrate 606. P otassium oxalate 607. P otassium Permanganate 608. P otassium Persulfate 609. P otassium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous 610. P otassium Phosphate Monobasic 611. P otassium Sodium Tartrate 612. P otassium Standard 1000 ppm 613. P otassium Sulphate 614. P otassium Tetraborate Tetrahydrate 615. P otassium Thyocynate 616. P otassium Tricarbonate 617. P otato Dextrose Agar 618. P otato Dextrose Agar (Granulated) 619. P otato Dextrose Agar W/ Chloramphenicol 620. P otato Dextrose Broth 621. P otato Dextrose Broth (Granulated) 622. P otato Starch Pure 623. P ottasium Antimony Oxidetartrate Hemihydrate Page 27 of 38 624. P ottasium Oxalate 625. P rolin 626. P epsine 627. P romethIONFlowcell 628. P ropanol-1-ol 1-Propanol 629. P ROTEAN® Plus Overlay Agarose 1632092 630. P roteinase 631. p -Touenesulfonic Acid 632. P ullulan 633. P VP 634. P yridine 635. P yrocatechol 636. P yrogallol,AR. (Pyrogallic acid)(1,2,3, trihydroxybenzene) 637. P yridoxine Hydrochloride 638. P yruvic acid sodium salt 639. Q 5 Hi-Fi polymerase 640. Q IAxcel DNA Screening kit 641. Q ubit kit for dsDNA, 642. Q ubit kit for protein 643. Q ubit kit for RNA 644. Q uinic Acid 645. Q uimociac Reagent 646. Q uiniline Solution 647. Q uercetin Hydrate 648. Q X Alignment Marker 649. Q X size marker (50-800 bp) 650. R eady Prep 2 D Rehydration sample buffer 1632106 651. R eadyPrep™ 2-D Starter Kit 652. R estriction enzyme ApekI, 653. R estriction enzyme MspI, 654. R estriction enzyme PstI 655. R estriction enzyme EcoRI 656. R estriction enzyme Hind III 657. R hodamine B,Practical grade (tetraethylrhodamine) 658. R iboflavin (Vit B) 659. R NA isolation kits 660. R NA loading dye 661. R nase A 662. R nase H 663. R neasy Plant Mini Kit (50) 664. R ose Bengal agar 665. R ose 27ethan agar with chloramphenicol 666. R ose oxide 667. S abouraud Dextrose Agar 668. S abouraud Dextrose Broth 669. S afranine 670. S alicyclic acid 671. S almonella shigella agar 672. S andal mysore core 673. S DS 674. S DS Smple Buffer 675. S ilica gel 60-120 mesh LR 676. S ilica Gel G 677. S ilica Gel H 678. S ilicone standard 1000 ppm 679. S ilver Nitrate 680. S ilver Sulphate Page 28 of 38 681. S immon citrate agar 682. S kim milk powder 683. S odium Acetate 684. S odium Acetate Anhydrous 685. S odium alginate 686. S odium Arsenate Hydrate 687. S odium Azide 688. S odium Benzoate 689. S odium bicarbonate 690. S odium Borate (buffer solution Ph:8) 691. S odium Carbonate 692. S odium Chloride 693. S odium 28ethanol28e dihydrate 694. S odium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate 695. S odium Dithionate 696. S odium Flouride 697. S odium gluconate 698. S odium hydrochloride solution 699. S odium Hydrogen Carbonate 700. S odium Hydrosulfite 701. S odium Bicarbonate 702. S odium Hydroxide 703. S odium Hydroxide Flakes 704. S odium Hydroxide pallet 705. S odium Hypochlorite (NaClO) 706. S odium lactate solution 707. S odium Lauryl Sulphate 708. S odium methoxide solution in 28ethanol (sodium methylates) 709. S odium Molybdate 710. S odium Nitrate 711. S odium Nitroprusside 712. S odium oxalate 713. S odium perchlorate monohydrate 714. S odium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous (Di-Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate) 715. S odium Phosphate Monobasic Anhydrous 716. S odium Pyruvate 717. S odium Succinate 718. S odium succinate hexahydrate dibasic 719. S odium Sulfate 720. S odium tangstate Dihydrate 721. S odium Tartrate 722. S odium thioglycolate extrapure 723. S odium Thiosulphate 724. S odium thiosulphate pentahydrate 725. S odium tungastate 726. S olid Peptone 727. S orbic Acid pure 98% 728. S tannous Chloride 729. S tarch 730. S tarch Agar 731. S tarch Hydrolysed 732. S tarch soluble 733. S teptomycine Sulphate 734. S uccinic Acid 735. S ucrose 736. S ulfur 737. S ulphur Standard 1000 ppm Page 29 of 38 738. S ulfuric Acid 739. S ulphanilamide 740. S ulphanilic acid 741. S ulphosalicylic acid 742. S uper Script cDNA synthesis kit 743. S ybr green qPCR kit 744. S ybr safe 745. S ynthetic Quinoline 746. T 4 DNA ligase 747. T AE buffer 748. T alcum powder (soaptone) 749. T annic acid 750. T annic Acid Powder 751. T aq Buffer 752. T aqpolymerage 753. T aqman Probe 754. T aqMan RNase P96-well instrument verification plate 755. T artaric acid 756. T CBS Hiveg Agar 757. T ert-Butyl Methyl Ether 758. T etracycline 759. T etrahydrofuran HPLC 760. T etramethyl Ammonium Chloride 761. T etrazolium Salt 762. T hiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1 hydrochloride) 763. T hioglycolic acid 764. T hiosemicarbazone 765. T hiosulfate-Citrate-Bile Salts-Sucrose (TCBS) Agar 766. T hiourea 767. T hymol blue 768. T in(II) Chloride Dihydrate 769. T oluene 770. T oluene HPLC (Methyl Benzene) 771. T rans-Cinnamic acid 99% 772. T ri chloro acetic acid 773. S odium Dithionite Citrate 774. T ributylphosphine (TBP) 1632101 775. T ri-Calcium Ortho-Phosphate 776. T ricalcium Phosphate 777. T richloroacetic Acid 778. T riclogel 779. T riethyl Amine 780. T rifluoroacetic Acid 781. T ris (4- Nitrophenyl Diamine) 782. T ris aminomethene (This buffer) 783. T ris Base 784. T ris Buffer 785. T ris hydrochloride 786. T ris (Hydroxymethyl) Amino Methane 787. T risbuffer 788. T ri-Sodium Citrate 789. T ri-Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate 790. T riton x-100 791. T ryptone 792. T ryptone Water broth 793. T ween – 80 794. T ween20 Page 30 of 38 795. T yrosine 796. U rea 797. V aleric Acid 798. V anillic acid (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) 799. V anillin 800. W esson Salt mixture 801. W ilson Blair agar Part A 802. W ilson Blair Agar Part B 803. W ilson Blair Agar Part C 804. W ilson Blair Hiveg agar base 805. W ilson Blair medium 806. X ylan 807. X ylene 808. Y east extract powder 809. Y east Mannitol Agar Congo Red 810. Y east Mannitol broth 811. Z inc Acetate dihydrate 812. Z inc Chloride dry 813. Z inc Standard 1000 ppm 814. Z inc Sulphate 815. Z inc Sulphate Heptahydrate 816. Z ink Dust 817. α -Bromonaphthalene 818. α -naphthylamine solution B. Insecticide standrds SN Name of standard SN Name of standard Brands 1 Abamectin 63 Flufenzine 1. Dr.Ehrenstorfer 2 Acephate 64 Flupyradifurone 2. Merck 3 Acetamiprid 65 Flupyrimin 3. Sigma 4 Acequinocyl 66 Fluvalinate 4. Hi-media 5 Afidopyropen 67 Fluxametamide 5. Cole-Palmer 6 Allerthrin 68 Hexythiazox 7 Alphacypermethrin 69 Imidacloprid 8 Aluminiumphosphide 70 Indoxacarb 9 BariumCarbonate 71 Isocycloseram 10 Benfuracarb 72 Lambda-cyhalothrin 11 Benzoate 73 Lufenuron 12 Benzpyrimoxan 74 Malathion 13 Beta-cyfluthrin 75 Metaflumizone 14 Bifenazate 76 Metaldehyde 15 Bifenthrin 77 Methoxyfenozide 16 Brodifacoum 78 Methyl Bromide 17 Broflanilide 79 Metofluthrin 18 Bromadiolone 80 Milbemectin 19 Buprofezin 81 Monocrotophos 20 Carbofuran 82 Novaluron 21 Carbosulfan 83 Oxydemeton-methyl 22 CartapHydrochloride 84 Permethrin 23 Chlorantraniliprole 85 Phenthoate 24 Chlorfenapyr 86 Phosalone 25 Chlorfluazuron 87 Phosmet 26 Chlorpyrifos 88 Pirimiphosmethyl 27 ChlorpyriphosMethyl 89 Prallethrin 28 Chromafenozide 90 Profenofos 29 Clothianidin 91 Propargite Page 31 of 38 30 Coumatetralyl 92 Propetamphos 31 Cyantraniliprole 93 Propoxur 32 Cyclaniliprole 94 Pymetrozine 33 Cyenopyrafen 95 Pyrethrin 34 Cyfluthrin 96 Pyribenzoxim 35 Cypermethrin 97 Pyridaben 36 Cyphenothrin 98 Pyridalyl 37 DDT 99 Pyrifluinazon 38 Deltamethrin 100 Pyriproxyfen 39 Diafenthiuron 101 Quinalphos 40 Diflubenzuron 102 Renofluthrin 41 Dimethoate 103 S-Bioallethrin 42 Dimpropyridaz 104 Spinetoram 43 Dinotefuran 105 Spinosad 44 D-transallethrin 106 Spiromesifen 45 Emamectinbenzoate 107 Spirotetramat 46 Ethion 108 Sulfoxaflor 47 Ethofenoprox 109 Temephos 48 Ethylene Dichloride and Carbon Tetra chloride mixture (EDCT) 110 Tetraniliprole 49 Etoxazole 111 Thiacloprid 50 Fenazaquin 112 Thiamethoxam 51 Fenitrothion 113 Thiocyclam Hydrogen Oxalate 52 Fenobucarb 114 Thiodicarb 53 Fenpropathrin 115 Tolfenpyrad 54 Fenpyroximate 116 Transfluthrin 55 Fenvalerate 117 Triflumezopyrim 56 Fipronil 118 Zinc Phosphide 57 Flocoumafen 119 Fluopyram 58 Flonicamid 120 Endosulfan 59 Fluazandolizine 121 Aldrin 60 Flubendiamide 122 HCH 61 Flufenoxuron 123 Dicofol 62 Flumite 124 Endrin C. Herbicides standards D. Fungicides standards Sr. No. Name Sr. No. Name List of Brands 1 2,4-D 1 Amisulbrom 1. Dr.Ehrenstorfer 2 Ametryn 2 Aureofungin 2. Merck 3 Anilofos 3 Azoxystrobin 3. Sigma 4 Atrazine 4 Bitertanol 4. Hi-media 5 Azimsulfuron 5 Buprimate 5. Cole-Palmer 6 BensulfuronMethyl 6 Captan 7 Bentazone 7 Carbendazim 8 Bispyribac Sodium 8 Carboxin 9 Butachlor 9 Carpropamid 10 Carfentrazone ethyl 10 Chlorothalonil 11 Chlorimuron Ethyl 11 CopperHydroxide 12 Cinmethylin 12 CopperOxychloride 13 Clethodim 13 CopperSulphate 14 Clodinafop propargyl 14 Cyazofamid 15 Clomazone 15 Cyflufenamide 16 Cyhalofop-butyl 16 Cymoxanil 17 Dicamba 17 Difenoconazole 18 Diclofop-methyl 18 Dimethomorph Page 32 of 38 19 Diclosulam 19 Dithianon 20 Diuron 20 Dodine 21 Ethafluralin 21 Edifenphos 22 Ethoxysulfuron 22 Ethaboxam 23 Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 23 Flusilazole 24 Florpyrauxifen-benzyl 24 Fluxapyroxad 25 Fluazifop-p-butyl 25 Fosetyl-Al 26 Flucetosulfuron 26 Hexaconazole 27 Fluchloralin 27 Iprobenfos(Kitazin) 28 Flufenacet 28 Iprodione 29 Flumioxazin 29 Isoprothiolane 30 Flurochloridone 30 Kasugamycin 31 Fluroxypyrmeptyl 31 Kresoxim-methyl 32 Fluthiacetmethyl 32 LimeSulphur 33 Glufosinate Ammonium 33 Mancozeb 34 Glyphosate 34 Mandipropamid 35 Halosulfuron methyl 35 Meptyldinocap 36 Haloxyfop R Methyl 36 Metalaxyl 37 Imazethapyr 37 Metiram 38 Ipfencarbazone 38 Metrafenone 39 Isoproturon 39 Myclobutanil 40 Isoproturon 40 Oxathiapipron 41 MCPA,Aminesalt 41 Oxycarboxin 42 Metamifop 42 Paclobutarzole 43 Metamitron 43 Penconazole 44 Methabenzthiazuron 44 Pencycuron 45 Metolachlor 45 Penflufen 46 Metribuzin 46 Picoxystrobin 47 Metsulfuron-methyl 47 Polyoxin D Zinc salt 48 Orthosulfamuron 48 Prochloraz 49 Oxadiargyl 49 Propiconazole 50 Oxadiazon 50 Propineb 51 Oxyflourfen 51 Pyraclostrobin 52 Paraquatdichloride 52 Pyriofenone 53 Pendimethalin 53 Tebuconazole 54 Penoxsulam 54 Thifluzamide 55 Pinoxaden 55 Thiophanate-methyl 56 Pretilachlor 56 Thiram 57 Propanil 57 Triadimefon 58 Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl 58 Tricyclazole 59 Pyribenzoxim 59 Triflumizole 60 PyrithiobacSodium 60 Validamycin 61 Pyroxasulfone 61 Zineb 62 Quinclorac 63 Quizalofop-ethyl 64 Saflufenacil 65 Sulfentrazone 66 Sulfosulfuron 67 Tembotrione 68 Topramezone 69 Triallate 70 Triasulfuron 71 Mesotrione 1-Methylcyclopropene 1. Dr.Ehrenstorfer 2 AlphaNaphthylAceticAcid 2. Merck 3 ChlormequatChloride 3. Sigma 4 Chlorpropham 4. Hi-media 5 Ethephon 5. Cole-Palmer 6 Forchlorfenuron 6. Fluka 7 Gibberellic Acid Technical 7. MP 8 Hydrogen Cynamide 9 Mepiquat chloride 10 Nitrobenzene 11 Paclobutrazol 12 Prohexadione-Ca 13 Sodiumparanitrophenolate 14 Triacontanol 01. Sp ecimen tube 50x15 mm 1. ABDOS 02. Am ber Bottle with cap 500 ml 2. ABS 03. Am ber Bottle with cap 1000 ml 3. Borosil 04. Am ber Bottle with cap 2000 ml 4. Corning 05. Am ber Bottle with cap 5000 ml 5. Duran 06. Be aker 50 ml, 6. Gallen 07. Be aker 100 ml 7. Gerv 08. Be aker 150 ml 8. Glaciar 09. Be aker 250 ml 9. Glasco 10. Be aker 500 ml 10. JSGW 11. Be aker 1000 ml 11. Labsolv Scientific Pvt. Ltd. 12. Be aker Quarts 150 ml 12. Nalgen 13. Be aker, Low Form 25ml 13. Nunc 14. BO D Bottle 125 ml 14. Omsons 15. Re agent Bottle 150 ml 15. Reivera 16. Re agent Bottle 250 ml 16. Rescholar 17. Re agent Bottle 500 ml 17. SUN 18. Re agent Bottle 1000 ml 18. Thermo 19. Re agent Bottle 2000 ml 19. Titan biotech 20. Re agent Bottle wide mouth 100 ml 21. Re agent Bottle wide mouth 500 ml 22. Re agent Bottle wide mouth 1000 ml 23. Re agent Bottle wide mouth 2000 ml Note: Those listed 24. Co ndenser 400 mm (Coiled) Glasswares available 25. Co ndenser 400 mm (Single surface) in above listed brands, 26. Co ndenser 400 mm (Double surface) Quote brand wise 27. Co ndenser Double Surface for Kjeldhal Distillation Unit (250 mm) in Appendix-IV 28. Co ndenser Single Surface for Kjeldhal Distillation Unit (250 mm) 29. Lie big condenser 30. Co nical flask 50 ml 31. Co nical flask 100 ml 32. Co nical flask 150 ml 33. Co nical flask 250 ml 34. Co nical flask 500 ml 35. Co nical flask 1000 ml 36. Me asuring cylinder 5 ml 37. Me asuring cylinder 10 ml 38. Me asuring cylinder 50 ml 39. Me asuring cylinder 100 ml 40. Me asuring cylinder 150 ml 41. Me asuring cylinder 250 ml 42. Me asuring cylinder 500 ml 43. Me asuring cylinder 1000 ml 44. Me asuring cylinder with stopper 1000 ml 45. Me asuring Cylinder, Class-A 10ml 46. Di gestion Tube 47. Di stillation flask 500 ml 48. Di stillation flask 1000 ml 49. Vo lumetric Flask 25 ml 50. Vo lumetric Flask 50 ml 51. Vo lumetric Flask 100 ml 52. Vo lumetric Flask 250 ml Page 35 of 38 53. Vo lumetric Flask 500 ml 54. Vo lumetric Flask 1000 ml 55. Vo lumetric Flask 2000 ml 56. Fu nnel 50 mm 57. Fu nnel 75 mm 58. Fu nnel 100 mm 59. Gl ass Stopper, penny head clear, 10/9 60. Gl ass Stopper, penny head clear, 12/21 61. Gl ass Stopper, penny head clear, 14/23 62. Gr aduate pipette 2 ml 63. Gr aduate pipette 5 ml 64. Gr aduate pipette 10 ml 65. Gr aduate pipette 50 ml 66. Kj eldhal Distillation Unit 67. Pe tri dish 60 mm 68. Pe tri dish 70 mm 69. Pe tri dish 90 mm 70. Pe tri dish 95 mm 71. Pe tri dish 100 mm 72. Pe tri dish 120 mm 73. Pe tri dish 200 mm 74. S l ine petridish (100X15 mm) 75. Fix pipette 2 ml 76. Fix pipette 5 ml 77. Fix pipette 10 ml 78. Fix pipette 25 ml 79. Fix pipette 50 ml 80. Qu artz circular capsule 81. Be aker (Quartz) 25 ml 82. Be aker (Quartz) 50 ml 83. Be aker (Quartz) 100 ml 84. Be aker (Quartz) 150 ml 85. Be aker (Quartz) 250 ml 86. Be aker (Quartz) 500 ml 87. Be aker (Quartz) 1000 ml 88. Re agent Bottle Screw cap 500 ml 89. Re agent Bottle Screw cap 1000 ml 90. Te st tube 25 ml 91. Te st tube with rim (15 x 150 mm) 92. Te st tube with rim (15 x 180 mm) 93. Te st tubes 150 mm 94. Til t measure 10 ml 95. Tis sue culture bottle400 ml with 63 mm plastic cap 96. Tis sue culture bottle 400 ml with 63 mm Autoclavable plastic cap 97. Tis sue culture bottle 350 ml with Autoclavable plastic cap 98. Tis sue culture bottle 250 ml with Autoclavable plastic cap 99. Tu be with cap 5ml 100. Gl ass distillation unitverticle2.5 litre/hours 101. Gl ass distillation unit verticle 4.0 litre/hours 102. Gl ass distillation unit verticle 5.0 litre/hours 103. Gl ass distillation unit Horizontal 2.5 litre/hours 104. Gl ass distillation unit Horizontal 4.0 litre/hours 105. Gl ass distillation unit Horizontal 5.0 litre/hours Page 36 of 38 APPENDIX-X: LIST OF LABWARES AND BRANDS SN Nameof Labwares List of brands 01. Fi lter Paper No. 1(100 Sheet) 1. ABDOS 02. Fi lter Paper No. 42(500 Sheet) 2. Abdroz 03. Fi lter Paper No. 1(100 circles of 90 mm) 3. Agilent Technologies 04. Fi lter Paper No. 1(100 circles of 110 mm) 4. Analab 05. Fi lter Paper No. 1(100 circles of 150 mm) 5. Applied Biosystems 06. Fi lter Paper No. 42(100 circles of 90 mm) 6. Axiva 07. Fi lter Paper No. 42 (100 circles of 110 mm) 7. Axygen 08. Fi lter Paper No. 42 (100 circles of 150 mm) 8. Bio-rad 09. G lass Fibre Filter paper 9. Borosil 10. G ooch Crucible Grade 4 10. ECHO PACK 11. Sy ringe filters 0.22 micron 11. Eppendorf 12. M icropipette 10 μl 12. GENERAL 13. M icropipette 20 μl 13. GENEXY 14. M icropipette 100 μl 14. Gentip 15. M icropipette 200 μl 15. Glaciar 16. M icropipette 1000 μl 16. Glasco 17. M icropipette 5000 μl 17. Himedia 18. Pi pettetips10 μl 18. kimberly 19. Pi pettetips20 μl 19. Kimtech 20. Pi pettetips100 μl 20. Labsolv Scientific Pvt. Ltd. 21. Fi lter Paper No. 1(500 Sheet) 21. Molychem 22. Pi pettetips200 μl 22. NM filter paper 23. Pi pettetips1000 μl 23. Omsons 24. B eaker 2000 ml 24. PerkinElmer 25. Fi lter Paper No. 42(100 Sheet) 25. pfact 26. Pi pettetips5000 μl 26. Polycab 27. A cid dispenser pump up to 25ml 27. Polylab 28. M ultichannel pipette 8 channel variable volume (30 to 300 μl) 28. Polyplast 29. M ultichannel pipette12 channel variable volume (30 to 300 μl) 29. Reivera 30. Sp lash head 30. Rescholar 31. B eaker 25 ml 31. Sartorious 32. B eaker 50 ml 32. Senswell 33. B eaker 100 ml 33. Shree Vinayak Gases 34. B eaker 150 ml 34. SUN 35. B eaker 1000 ml 35. SUNBEAM 36. B eaker 250 ml 36. Tarson 37. B eaker 500 ml 37. THERMO FISHER 38. B eaker 5000 ml 38. Titan biotech 39. B eaker with handel 500ml 39. Uniplast 40. B lotting paper (40 x 57 cm) 40. Vadilal 41. B urner 41. Whatman 42. B utter Paper Roll/Sheet 43. C arboy 5 liter 44. C arboy 10 liter Note: Those listed 45. C arboy 20 liter labwares available 46. C entrifuge Tube with Screw cap 10 ml in above listed brands, 47. C entrifuge Tube with Screw cap 15 ml Quote brand wise 48. C entrifuge Tube with Screw cap 50 ml in Appendix-V 49. C rusible Porcelain 50. C rusible steel 51. D igital Burette 50 ml 52. B urette with pinch cock 50 ml Page 37 of 38 53. D igital micropipette Autoclavable increment 0.1 μl (10-100 μl) 54. D igital micropipette Autoclavable increment 0.01 μl (0.5-10 μl) 55. D igital micropipette Autoclavable increment 0.02 μl (2-20 μl) 56. D igital micropipette Autoclavable increment 0.2 μl (20-200 μl) 57. D igital micropipette Autoclavable increment 1.0 μl (100-1000 μl) 58. D igital micropipette Autoclavable increment 1.0 μl (5000 μl) 59. Pe tri dish 60 mm 60. Pe tri dish 70 mm 61. Pe tri dish 90 mm 62. Pe tri dish 95 mm 63. Pe tri dish 100 mm 64. Pe tri dish 120 mm 65. Pe tri dish 200 mm 66. Pe tridishes, PS3 compartment individual pealoff, gamma sterile (90 mm) 67. Fi sher clamp 68. H eat resistant Gloves medium size 69. H eat resistant Gloves large size 70. In sect Cage, round shape (Acrylic) 45*15 cm 71. In sect Mailing Box. Card Board 72. A luminium Tray 12’’x10’’ 73. Pa stic Utility Tray 320x260x70 (LxWxH) mm 74. Pa stic Utility Tray 320x260x100 (LxWxH) mm 75. Pa stic Utility Tray 360x310x130 (LxWxH) mm 76. Pa stic Utility Tray 540x435x130 (LxWxH) mm 77. M easuring Cylinder-Plastic 10ml 78. M easuring Cylinder-Plastic 50ml 79. M easuring Cylinder-Plastic 100ml 80. M easuring Cylinder-Plastic 250ml 81. M easuring Cylinder-Plastic 500 ml 82. M easuring Cylinder-Plastic 1000 ml 83. M easuring Cylinder-Plastic 2000 ml 84. PC R Tube 200 μl 85. M icrocentrifuge Tube 0.5 ml 86. M icrocentrifuge Tube 1.5 ml 87. M icrocentrifuge Tube 2.0 ml 88. 96 well qPCR Plate optical 89. 96 well qPCR Plate white 90. M icrotiter plates (96 well-flat bottom) 91. M ini coolent (-20 ºC) 12 place 92. M ini coolent (-20 ºC) 32 place 93. M ini PCR coolent (0 ºC) 96 well place 94. N ichrome wireloop 95. N itrile Hand Gloves (Small) 96. N itrile Hand Gloves (Medium) 97. N itrile Hand Gloves (Large) 98. N on- absorbent cotton 99. O ne end flat and one end spoon 100. Pa rafilm (4*125) 101. Fu nnel 50 mm 102. Fu nnel 75 mm 103. Fu nnel 100 mm 104. Fu nnel 120 mm 105. Fu nnel 160 mm Page 38 of 38 106. Pa stic tray 37 x 30 x 7 cm 107. Pa stic tray 45 x 35 x 7.5 cm 108. R eagent bottle 100 ml 109. R eagent bottle 125 ml 110. R eagent bottle 250 ml 111. R eagent bottle 500 ml 112. R eagent bottle 1000 ml 113. R etort stand 114. R od- Plastic 25cm 115. S. S. Test Tube Basket Made out of dia 3 mm wire,Size : 6” X 6” X 6” 116. Si lica basin 117. Sp atula- Large size 118. Sp atula-Medium Size 119. Sp atula-Small Size 120. L arge Stainless Steel Forcep 121. Sm all Stainless Steel Forcep 122. T est Tube Holder 123. T ip boxes for 10 μl 124. T ip boxes for 200 μl 125. T ip boxes for 1000 μl 126. T issue Paper 127. N on-absorbent Tissue Paper 128. T issue role 129. T ong for beaker and Flask 130. T ong for Crusible 131. T ong Long-for Muffle Furnace 132. T ripod stand 133. W ash bottle 500 ml 134. W ash bottle 1000ml 135. W ire Gauze 136. R etort Stand 137. A spirator bottle 10 litre 138. A spirator bottle 20 litre 139. G as purification and control panels with accessories 140. A rgon Gas Refilling for Labanalytical Purpose 141. H elium Gas Refilling for Labanalytical Purpose 142. A cetiline Gas Refilling for Labanalytical Purpose 143. O xygen Gas Refilling for Labanalytical Purpose 144. H ydrogen Gas Refilling for Labanalytical Purpose 145. Z ero Air Gas Refilling for Labanalytical Purpose 146. N itrogen Gas Refilling for Labanalytical Purpose 147. T emperature and humidity data recorder

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