Tender for 1. surge pipe -in this work station watch side of pump including inserting cutting, lingco riveting/wetting as necessary tools, coat, scrap, reck required primer, apps etc. painting to coat bank synthetic enamel paint con new year 221.16 m superior quality wash as oxygen bag, wrapcoat, reak tulux inleting ball material as per bill of quantity, zipper, shavings of pump is call view rope etc. required for proper compliance of work of surge water in front of man pradhapat side ball delivery side between the steel/oven 4.88 mt for surge water mean-this work station watch side of pump including inserting cutting, lingco riveting/wetting as necessary tools, coat, reck required primer, apps etc. painting to coat bank synthetic enamel paint con new year 221.16 m superior quality wash as oxygen bag, wrapcoat, reak tulux inleting ball material as per bill of quantity, zipper, shavings of pump is call view rope etc. required for proper compliance of work by engineer in charge at naramanpur pump canal. a king supply, installation, testing each coming soft ht channel server circuit becharge of rating 80 ampere, harmanic earth backing includes it min emmit 2no+2nc punt for mdne 6nd+ 6nc uttery session mc backing cancel, and shipping fan, push bandan kbar ashta rating prevendor. package same as suitable for person suitable for all such high fiber + euc reader category how to use it is ok to ensure that all the components are as per the requirement. providing, isolation, commissioning & testing of 01 no. original steamer emission (ese-h 70) lightning arrester with gai mast & arning strip lightning protection with pump docks & other equipment at narakhnapur pump canal head in respect of bill shroff bunity. maitri kewan blasting, poxy painting apps section of cement number and of vidhivi pahun number 14.244 meter and 4.70 meter long, by b 1223 nbc 10 mm bic ss plate both in front with flannery 1306 n pug, he 1550 n pc 125 mn: shaking 20 nos, don with 20 mm hole, 25 mm bic akhkh plate with 14 nos cheat of 10 mm plastic hammer plate fit for girning. 12. narayanpur pump at canal head, installation, testing & signing of insertion type voltrasonic insertion time flowmeter complete cent ambient time transducer khesar measuring of 13 pairs comment protect tap complete view data scanner, public address transmitter, colour gramin nvd day play bank licence inclusion yardley battery sc/st support unit, strap cable footstock, bata log setup & other accessories relax for issue of functioning of the equipment kim prefer cleaning of the pipe surface poching, inputting the measuring pour meter presizing of transducer my bhi war pod navs putting capsent on quality for 14 nos. delivery pipe line 12 mnec of 10 mm ms plate vis sepat box, centre trauma range 5 two selfix r server rage, complete in os respect pet npc. gation blasting at nahakapur cum canal head, poxy painting and length of cement no. 06 of delivery piece no. 02, 282 meter log, is 13th aesta vis bathing ms bet ms, pmcas 125 mm hacking 20 nos, hose with 28 mm two left side hole 23 nos mik mack plate vis 15 nos bolt of 15 hindoor shrk ms plate rate here pass