
Supply, Installation, Testing And Commissioning Of Electro-Mechanical Equipments At Water Supply Scheme Thathoo (Lift) Of Jal Shakti (Phe) Mechanical Division South Awantipora Under Jjm., awantipora-Jammu And Kashmir

Public Health Engineering Department has published Supply, Installation, Testing And Commissioning Of Electro-Mechanical Equipments At Water Supply Scheme Thathoo (Lift) Of Jal Shakti (Phe) Mechanical Division South Awantipora Under Jjm.. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-02-2025. Electromechanical Machinery Tenders in awantipora Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply, Installation, Testing And Commissioning Of Electro-Mechanical Equipments At Water Supply Scheme Thathoo (Lift) Of Jal Shakti (Phe) Mechanical Division South Awantipora Under Jjm.
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Electro-Mechanical equipments at water supply scheme Thathoo (Lift) of Jal Shakti (PHE) Mechanical Division South Awantipora under JJM.-Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Submersible Pumping Unit as per IS 8034 with latest amendments havingspecification are as under:PUMP:Discharge : 4000 GPHHead : 125 MtrEfficiency= Not less than 50% Speed =2900 RpmType of pump = Mixed Flow Type of fluid to be handled = Spring waterMATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION: Impeller= Stainless Steel/Bronze/Chrome steel Pump Shaft= Stainless Steel SS 410. Pump Casing= Cast Iron/Stainless steelIMPELLER: Impeller is of the enclosed or semi – enclosed type and properly balanced.Enclosed Impellers equipped with seal rings on their hubs. COUPLING: A suitable coupling arrangement provided with pump set.Non Return Valve: - Non Return Valve of the suitable size provided above the pump discharge case.MOTOR:- Rating: not less than 20 HPMethod ofstarting= Star – Delta Class of insulation=F/BSpeed= 3000 (Sync). Frequency = 50 ± 3 % Hz Working Voltage = 380 -415 ± 15% V, 03 phase Efficiency = as per IS 9283 (2013) with latest amendmentsSubmersible motor should be water filled water lubricated squirrel cage type having capacity for above pumping parameters and working on 3 phase; AC supply ranging from 380 to 415 volts, 50Hz. The motor should be sealed by radial rings to avoid mixing of well water with motor filled water. a) The job includes providing and fitting of interlocking arrangement against any failure of coupling. It must be fabricated out of MS strips of suitable size and length.b) The job includes providing and fitting of appropriate size MS nipple 2 feet long threaded on one end and welded to same size MS flange ofthickness (as per Table-17) at other end for 65 mm diameter column pipe as per site requirement. The threaded portion should be as per size of pumping out let for proper fixing.The job includes providing and fitting of R. I. cloth joints/rubber washers with nuts, bolts and washers for all joints of column pipe. The job also includes lowering of pumping unit in the well then proper testing and commissioning of pumping unit on full load at site Note: Providing of test certificate & Characteristic Curve of pumping equipment is compulsory and pumping unit is to be approved before procuring. 2 Fabrication, providing, fitting and lowering of column pipe conforming to IS: 1239 of length 10 Rft into the 200 mm dia casing dia up to the desired depth; The job includes Providing and welding of flanges conforming to IS: 6392, Table-17 to these pipes and welding of flanges in two layers to make the flanged joint strong and leak proof. The pipe of 10 ft length is to be weld on both sides with flanges using welding rod of reputed make. The job includes all types of skilled labors, arrangement of power supply/ diesel Generator set etc required for the job including P/F of suitable size nuts bolts and R.I Gasket in the flanged joints of column pipes. The job further includes cutting of 2 No. rectangular cable slots in each flange. Any modification to the column pipes/flanges required during lowering is included in the job.Size: DN 65Class: C (Heavy)Test/inspection certificates from the Manufacturer must be produced on delivery of the item. 3 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of G.I flanged Rising Main. The Pipe shall be hot dip Galvanized, Pipe confirming to IS 1239. The job includes providing and fitting of M.S Flanges conforming to BIS 6392/1997 Table 17 (Rating PN16). The flanges shall be double welded both from inside and outside of the pipe using standard electrode of reputed make. The job includes nuts, bolts, gaskets etc as per site requirement.• Flanges (as per IS 6392/1997 Table:17)Thickness shall conform to IS 6392 Part 1st Table-17. The flange welding shall be carried out in double layers using reputed make electrodes to form strong welding joint.• Welding ElectrodeDC Arc Welding using welding electrode having diameter not less than 4mm.• Nuts and BoltsNuts and Bolts (conforming to IS:1363 Part 1st).• Rubber Insertion GasketsRubber Insertion Gaskets (conforming to IS: 638/79) to be used between flanged joints. The main technical specifications of the pipe are given here under:Test/inspectioncertificates from the Manufacturer must be produced on delivery of the item.Size: ND 65 MM Class: C (Heavy) 4 Earth work in excavation by manual means in trenches for foundations, drains, pipes, cables etc. (not exceeding 1.5 m in width) and for shafts, wells, cesspits and the like not exceeding 10 sqm on plan, including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out excavated earth and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed: All kinds of soil- 1m from cutting edge. 5 Filling available excavated earth in trenches, plinth, sides of foundation etc. in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by reaming and watering, lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5m. 6 Fabrication, providing and fitting of split type MS clamps 10 mm thick, 2 ft long and 3 inch wide for lowering and holding of pumping unit fitted. The job includes the cost of required size of nuts and bolts.Size: DN 65 mm 7 Fabrication, Providing and fitting of90-120 degree bend/elbowto be fabricated out ofClass C GI pipe, 1 m lengthand flanged on both ends ato make it leak proof. The flanges shall be M.S Flanges conforming to BIS 6392/1997 Table 28 (Rating PN 17) and welded on both sides. The job includes nuts, bolts, gaskets etc as per site requirement.Size: DN 65 Class :- C (Heavy) 8 Fabrication, providing and fitting of washout Tee with arm length1 feet each (Approx). The Tee shall be fabricated out of G.I C-class pipe with M.S Flanges conforming to BIS 6392/1997 Table 17 (Rating PN16) fastened with weld joints on three ends. The size of the Tee is given Below:Size: DN 65 MM Class: C (Heavy) 9 Fabrication, Providing and fitting of Y- junction having 1m length (Approx.) of each arm to be fabricated out of hot dip galvanized G.I, C-Class pipe. The job also includes Providing and welding of M.S flanges to the ends of each arm. The Thickness of flange shall conform to IS 6392 Part 1st Table-17. The flange welding shall be carried out in double layers using reputed make electrodes to form strong welding joint by dint of DC arc welding. The job further includes Providing and Fitting of nuts and bolts (conforming to IS:1363 Part 1st) and Rubber Insertion Gaskets (conforming to IS: 638/79) to be used between flanged joints. The size of the Y- junction is given below :Size: DN 80 mmClass: C (Heavy) 10 Providing, fitting, testing and commissioning of ARV (Air Release valve) as per IS 14845 to be fitted to G.I rising Main. The ARV Shall have the following specifications: -i. Valve type - single chamber, single/double orifice.ii. End connection - flanged ends to IS 1538iii. Working temperature - 450c to -150 civ. Test pressure - body / seat 2.5 x PNv. Sealing ring - EPDMvi. Construction-ductile iron with stainless steel floats vii. Coating - epoxy with corrosion resistanceBesides the above works, The job also cost on account of P/F R.I gasket, GIPipe, nuts and bolts required for installation of ARV and arrangement of gas cutter/ welding set at site.Size: DN 50 mmRating: PN 16 11 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Ductile Iron double flanged, non-rising spindle Resilient seated gate/ sluice valves (PN16) in accordance with BS 5163 part 1 and part 2 / EN 1074 Part 1 & 2/ IS 14846 for regulating the water supply outside the pumping units. The body and bonnet of the valve shall be of ductile iron, wedge with fully vulcanized EPDM rubber (Approved for drinking water) and NBR seal. The Gate/Sluice valve shall be compatible for buried applications and shall be safe to install in both horizontal and vertical positions. It shall have electrostatic epoxy coating (approved for drinking water) both inside and outside of the valve. The valve shall be supplied along with hand wheel.Cost on account of Nuts, bolts, gaskets, etc required for the job is included in the scope of work.The job includes providing and fitting of 02 Nos. M.S flanges perfectly adaptable to the inbuilt flanges of the valve which shall be fitted with rising main of the pumping unit at appropriate spots as per site requirement. The job includes the cost on account of P/F of nuts, bolts and gasket required for the job. The Test Certificates of Sluice/Gate Valves mentioning the Material of Construction as above duly stamped by OEM shall be provided at the time of supply of material.Size: DN 65 mm Rating: PN 16 12 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Ductile Iron double flanged, Slanted seat swing check valve (NRV) (PN16) as per EN 1074- Part -3 / BS 5153/IS 5312. The body shall be of ductile cast iron with fully encapsulated vulcanized EPDM rubber (Approved for drinking water). The valve shall be compatible for buried applications and shall be safe to install in both horizontal and vertical positions.It shall have electrostatic epoxy coating (approved for drinking water) both inside and outside of the valve.Cost on account of Nuts, bolts, gaskets, etc required for the job is included in the scope of work.The job includes providing and fitting of 02 Nos. M.S flanges perfectly adaptable to the inbuilt flanges of the valve which shall be fitted with Rising main of the pumping unit at appropriate spots as per site requirement. The job includes the cost on account of P/F of nuts, bolts and gasket required for the job. The Test Certificates of Check Valves (NRVs) mentioning the Material of Construction as aboveduly stamped by OEMshall be provided at the time of supply of materialSize: DN 65 mm Rating: PN 16 13 Fabrication of gantry mechanism by way of providing Structural steel in built up sections , trusses and framed work, including cutting , hoisting , fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete, Welded. The drawings and Dimensionswill be provided by Site In Charge at the time of execution of job. 14 Providing, installation and testing of manual type triple spur gear chain pulley block along with monorail geared travelling trolley having following features.Gears:- The hoist shall have precision machine case Hardened alloy steel gear mounted on bearings and housed in a dust proof gear box.The lubrication of gears should be of high viscosity and temperature for longer life of gears.Load Chain:- The load chain be made of high tensile alloy steel having wear resistance and greatest mobility. The chain should be accurately collaborated, tested and have adequate in built factor of safety for safer operation.Load chain wheel:- the load chain well should be double ball bearing supported and Specially designed, perfectly machined wheel providing correct grip of load chain to makes the hoist most safe and reliable against any failure. The main specifications of C.P Block are given below :Make = Reputed makeCapacity = 2 ton No. of load chain falls = 2 or above Min. Height of lift = 6 M 15 Earth work in excavation required for installation of gantry by manual means in trenches for foundations, drains, pipes, cables etc. (not exceeding 1.5 m in width) and for shafts, wells, cesspits and the like not exceeding 10 sqm on plan, including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out excavated earth and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed: All kinds of soil- 1m from cutting edge. 16 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form work for Foundation, footings, bases for columns. 17 Providing and laying of stone soling including manual compaction. 18 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade including curing but excluding the cost of centring and shuttering, all work upto plinth level with 1: 2 : 4 mix (1 cement , 2 coarse sand , 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). 19 Painting of the gantry and plate form of well using one coat of red oxide metal primer and two coats of enamel paint of different shades. 20 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of outdoor type Electric Sub Station as per the technical specifications given here under -Specifications conforming to IS: 1180 (Part 1) 2014 with latest amendments.Type: HT/LT Transformer (Level-2)Capacity: 63 KVAType of cooling:ONAN.Operating conditions:Input= 11000 voltsOutput = 433 volts AC supply in 3- phase.Terminals:Input = 3 No. HT Brass bush rods with insulators, washer, nuts etc.Output = 4 No. LT Brass bush rods switch insulators, washers, nuts etc.Core: The core shall be of high permeability to reduce core losses and the strips shall be of suitable size and gauge. Transformer Coils: Suitable number of HT and LT coils in each leg of the core. The transformer coils shall be fabricated out of superior quality aluminum wire/strips, properly wound. The HT transformer is completely filled with suitable grade transformer oil up to required level. The job includes carriage, and all leads and lifts involved.The HT transformer shall be of reputed make from an ISO certified company as per relevant standards and a test certificate shall be provided before installation. The transformer shall also be provided with breather fill with silica jel crystals, conservator with oil level indicator, explosion vent and adequate radiator fins/ Tubes. The impedance of transformer shall be as per IS: 1180 (Part 1) 2014 with latest amendments.NOTE: The scope of the work shall include obtaining of necessary inspection/clearance certificate from the concerned department for all the required equipment. 21 Providing and fitting G.I Channel /Angle/ Flat of sizes including clamps. The job includes fitting of Channels on two poles for the installation of insulators and safety devices, GO Set, Lighting Arrestor etc. It also includes the channels for fitting of LT Meter and LT Distribution Box. The job includes P/F of GI channels at Tapping point for installation of GO Link Set, Pin Insulators Etc as per site requirementSize of Channel= ISMC 75X40MM & ISMC 100x50mm 22 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of Polymeric Gang operated Air break switch, outdoor type, triple pole, suitable for vertical installation, single break provided with locking arrangement at both ON and OFF position consisting ofHT pole double insulator, copper or copper alloy high pressure heavy contact assembly, rod with bearings, operating handle and 32mm dia. GI pipe conforming to IS 1818 1961, 06 No. of insulators, rated voltage 11KV 200A complete as per IS specs. The 11 KV AB switches shall conform to IS: 9920 (Part-I to IV).01 No. GO Set is to be fitted at tapping point and 01 No at HT Transformer (Substation).Testing/Inspection Certificate as per IS 9921 Part IVis mandatory and is to be produced at the time of supply of material. 23 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 11KV polymer fuses Set Horn Gap 3-phase 200 A suitable for vertical installation. 24 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of Gapless Surge arrestor station class, 10KA, 9KV, LA With polymer housing, Station Type. 25 Supply and fitting of 11 KV polymeric composite pin insulator 12 KV, 5KN, Lighting impulse 75KV Positive, and 80 KV Negative, creepagedistance 320 mm. 26 Supply, installation, erection, testing and commissioning of 9 mtrs long H.TSteel Tubular pole of specifications ST- 410 (SP-33). The job further includes drilling of holes for installation of various accessories .wherever required the job further includes G.I wire earthing of pole as per IEC standard. The tubular steel poles shall conform to the latest edition of Indian Standard specification IS: 2713 (Part – I, III): 1980 The materials used in construction of tubular steel poles shall be of the tested quality of steels of minimum tensile strength 540 MPa. The Poles shall be fitted with base plate as per above standard. strength 540 MPa. The Poles shall be fitted with base plate as per above standard. 27 P/F of Galvanized nuts bolts of various sizes as per site requirement. 28 Earth work in excavation required for installation of HT poles by manual means in trenches for foundations, drains, pipes, cables etc. (not exceeding 1.5 m in width) and for shafts, wells, cesspits and the like not exceeding 10 sqm on plan, including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out excavated earth and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed: All kinds of soil- 1m from cutting edge. 29 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form work for Foundation, footings, bases for columns. 30 Providing and laying of stone soling including manual compaction. 31 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade including curing but excluding the cost of centring and shuttering, all work upto plinth level with 1: 2 : 4 mix (1 cement , 2 coarse sand , 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). 32 Painting of poles with red oxide. 33 Painting of poles with Aluminum Paint. 34 P/F Danger Plate with clamps on every HT pole. 35 Providing and fixing G.I Barbed wire for anti-climbing/ anti-climbing devices. The barbed wire shall be tightly close wrapped around the pole for 10-12 turns, commencing at 2.50m above the datum line. 36 Providing and Fitting of PG Clamps. 37 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Galvanized stay set with 50 X 8 mm Stay Clamp, Guy insulator (2 No.), Anchor plate (200X200X6mm), nuts and bolts, 2 No.- turn buckle, 1.8 m long, 16 mm diameter solid G.I stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia. G.I stranded wire complete. 38 Providing and fitting of ACSR as per IS 398 (part-2) 1996 for 50 sqmm ACSR (Galvanized steel reinforced) for fitment of various accessories. 39 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 35 sqmm XLPE HT cable (ABC type) of 11 KV Grade with following specifications size cross sectional area in square mm) = 3x35phases Red, Yellow, BlueThe Cable should conform to IS: 8130-1984, IS: 398 (Part-IV)-1994, IS: 7098 (Part-II) - 2011 & IS: 5831-1984 with up to date amendments, if any. 40 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning 11 KV cable termination kit for connecting 35 Sq mm ABC cable (ABC type) with the existing HT line near tapping point and HT transformer. 41 Providing and fitting ofLT Distribution box for H.T transformer with MCCB For incomer and SFU for outgoing circuits. The LT distribution Box is to be fitted on GI Channels.Capacity of transformer: 63 KVA 42 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of PRODIGY LT Meter of following specification complete with all fixturesrequired for fitment at site Type: 3 Phase, 4 wire Measurements offered: KWh, KVARh, KVAh, KVAVoltage : 3x240V (415v), 50HZIb : 40A Imax: 200A Battery: LithiumThe Prodigy Meter must be fitted inside theBox, thatis to be fitted on GI Channels near LT Distribution Box. Both the enclosures must be symmetrical Sealing /Inspection report of Prodigy meter from JKPDCL (Concerned) is to be submitted by the firm at the time of charging of SUBSTATION. 43 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Modular motor control panel (MUG-40) of appropriate size fabricated out of 14 SWG sheet having required openings/vents and protection Class : IP-55 & fitted with accessories as under:a) Bus bar Chamber:The bus bar chamber shall be fitted at the top of the panel horizontally throughout the length. There shall be 3 Nos. of phase bus bar and 1 No neutral bus bar and 1 No earthing bus bar. The bus bars shall be air insulated and made-up of high conductivity COPPER with current density of suitable rating for100/200 Ampere. All panel compartments shall be provided with suitable cable alley and vertical bus bar alley. Suitable segregation shall be provided in between bus bar chamber and adjoining compartments. The bus bar shall be PVC sleeved with color strips of red, yellow, blue and black and the same be arranged in accordance with IS-375 specs. Electrical clearances shall be maintained between phases, neutral and body as per standards.b) Main Circuit Breaker (Incomer MCCB): Qty. = 02 No.No. of poles = 4 PoleCurrent Rating = As per requirementRated operational voltage = 415 V ± 10 %Rated frequency = 50 ± 3%HzAmbient temperature =-70C to 40 0CType of release= Thermal-MagneticOverload protection = 0.8 – 1×ln adjustableShort-circuit protection = 6-10×ln adjustable.Ultimate S.C Breaking Cap. at (415V AC, 50 Hz) = As per requirementc) Change over Switch:Qty. = 01 No.Rating = As per requiremntType= Front operated, on load, 4 pole, 415 +10 %V, 50 + 3%Hz.d) Motor Back-up Protection MCCB: with Spreaders on incoming and outgoing terminalsQnty = 2 No.No. of poles= 3PCurrent Rating= 100ARated operational voltage= 415 V ± 10 %Rated frequency = 50 ± 3% HzAmbient temperature = -70C to 40 0CUltimate S.C Breaking Cap. at (415V AC, 50 Hz) = As per requiremente. Submersible starters: Fully automatic star delta starters.Power Specs = 3 Ф, 415 ± 10 % V, 50 ± 3 % Hz.Relay range = As per requirementCoil Voltage = 380 v Protection = single phasing, phase Reversal, phase unbalance (55 ± 5 V) ,Conformity to standard=IS/IES 60947-4-1 Qty. = 2 No’sf) Auxiliary MCCB for Heating/Lighting:Circuit Breaker = MCCB (Outgoing)Qty.= 1 No.No. of poles = 4PCurrent Rating= As per requirementRated operational voltage = 415 V ± 10 %Ultimate S.C Breaking Cap. at (240V AC, 50 Hz) = As per requirementg) Motor Protection Relay :Digital Motor Protection Relay with LCD Displayfor 3-phase supply with following protections suitable for the Modular Control Panel:-Protections = Thermal Overload with pre-alarm, Short Circuit, Phase Loss, Unbalance, Phase reversal, Under Current, Prolong starting, Locked Rotor & Earth fault. And over current Qty. = 02 No’s (01 No. for each starter)h) M-power module for mobile starter for submersiblemotor1P/3P 3 wire Quantity – 02 No.(01 No. for each starter) IVRS Languages – English , Hindi, Suitable Region- North Indiai) Over Voltage and Under Voltage Protection relay(02 No.) to be fitted separately for both starters The panel shall be provided with phase indicators (03 No.) and digital ammeter of range 0-60 A, digital voltmeter of range 0-500 V, and digital frequency meter (01 No. each). The enclosure of the panel shall be of excellent fit and finish, corrosion resistant and powder coated gliding hinges for smooth and noiseless movement of windows and advanced locking arrangements. MUG 40 Details/description i) Bus bar size (10 mtrx .02 mtrx 0.003 mtr x) 8960 kg/m3 =5.38 kgs 200Aii) D-sine MCCB 4 pole (DN2 250N, 160-200, 50KA)iii) Change over switch 200Aiv) D sine MCCB 3 pole (DZ1 160D ,84-125, 36KA)v)Mug x 2 (Mug 40, 36-60A Relay)vi)Auxiliary MCCB 63Avii) MM 10 of L&T (Motor Protection) viii) Module for mobile starter ix Meters, (Ammeter & voltmeter) 2 No. each and Freq Meter x) Indicators LSxi) Over load and Under Voltage Minlec 44 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 50 KVA voltage stabilizeras per specifications below: Type of voltage controller: Manually operated copper wound, 3-phase, AC power supply multi step.Type of Regulator: Double plate type with electrolytic copper contacts.Input voltage :190-400 volts.(3 phase)Output voltage: 415 ± 10% volts.Frequency : 50 ±3 C/S.Windings : Electrolytic grade copper of adequate section, vacuum impregnated and Oven-dried.Insulation : Fiber glass insulations to tested parameters.Cooling: Naturally, Oil cooled (ONAN)Temp. Rise (Max) : 30°C above ambientMounting : On Uni-directional wheels.Correction rate : 40 volts per stepWave form distortion: virtually nilDuty cycle : 100% continuous.Enclosure : MS sheet enclosure in pressed CGR Sheet powder coated with radiators.Core laminates: High grade, low eddy loss, grain oriented silicon steel laminations.Load: Three phase induction motor load.Load Amperes (continuous)Overload in 24-hours operation: 10% above continuous Ampere rating.The voltage stabilizer shall have T-oil level indicator gauge preferably glass type tube or otherwise visible to naked eye. The top of the container to have a display panel for housing 02 numbers Digital voltmeters (0-500V) along with 4-way selector switch and set of neon indicators for incoming and outgoing phases (06 No’s).Insulating media (T. Oil) of 11 KVA grade to be provided and filled up to top level, with dielectric strength of 5 KV at 4m air gap. The T-Oil of specific grade should be provided in separate barrels and filled at site up to top level.The voltage Stabilizer shall be accepted with manufacturers dully stamped test certificate and shall have name plate with specifications. 45 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 3.5-Core, XLPE, 1.1KV and 11KV grade Armored Aluminum Cable of various sizes conforming to IS: 7098 part 1st as service line from the HT transformer to control panel including necessary thimbling, crimping, taping etc. The Test Certificate of Cables duly stamped by manufacturer shall be provided at the time of supply of material.i) 50 sqmm, 3.5 core, LTcable 46 Providing and fitting of 3-Core flat submersible copper cable conforming to IS: 694 (Part 1st) – 1964 & IS: 694 (Part 2nd) - 1964 for Submersible Pumping Unit and other electrical Equipment. The cable connections terminal shall be fitted with copper thimbles of required size. The main specification of the cable is given below:Size :- 16 sqmm 47 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of earthing station for electric substation, LT panel and stabilizer comprising of company fabricated GI earthing electrode as per IS: 3043. The job includes Auguring of bore of required dia/depth for installation of electrode along with backfill compound mixed with soil and all other items required thereof for achieving the best result. The job includes connecting of electric gadgets through GI strip (25x3mm) as per relevant standards.Safe earthing electrode size:80 mm dia,Length:2000 mmBack fill compound :30 kg 48 Illumination of Premises:Providing and erection of 9 Mtr long Hot Dip Galvanized octagonal pole (single Section) with bottom 150mm, top 75mm wide, thickness 3mm with 70 Microns Zinc coating having inside arrangement for providing of power connection along with following items.1) 3 Way Terminal Connector 20 Amp.2) 3 No MCB 8 Amp.The job includes fabrication, providing and fitting of three arm GI structures at the top having 120˚ angle between arms and each arm having 15˚ inclination with respect to horizontal plane. Each arm should be of 2’ length and size and shape appropriate as per requirement of the luminary.The job also includes providing and fitting of required length of flexible multi strand 2 mm copper wire from each terminal connector to each holding arm.The pole is mounted on 1:2:4 Cement concreting of size not less than 2’x2’x6” (cost of concreting not included in the job) using 04 No anchor bolts of required size not less than 7” in length. The complete job includes earthing in GI Electrode as per relevant IS Code. 49 Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of area lighting 120 Watt LED (Street Light Type) on top of octagonal pole. Having following specs:Input: 90-240 V 50 HzPower Factor: >0.9Colour Temperature: 4K - 6.5KBeam Angle: 120˚ - 170˚Lumens: >12000Operating Temperature: -20˚C to 60˚CThe LED is pressure die cast aluminum housing with power coated finish and having Ingress Protection up to IP-68.The LED is properly fitted on the arm of the pole and connected to the copper wire as provided inthe high mast pole. 50 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of L.T, 1 core, capable to work up to 1.1 KV, XLPE insulated, galvanized steel strip armored coppercable conforming to IS : 7098(part -1) 1988 With latest amendmentsto be fitted frommodular control panel to stabilizer etc.(interconnecting cable). The job includes providing and fitting of suitable rating copper thimbles duly crimped and taped at conductor ends by hydraulic crimping tool. The job includes earth work in excavation wherever required for laying of cable underground.i) 25 sqmm, 1 core, LTcable 51 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 2 core XLPE, 1.1KV and 11KV grade Armored Aluminum Cable of various sizes conforming to IS: 7098 part 1st as service line from the HT transformer to control panel including necessary thimbling, crimping, taping etc. The Test Certificate of Cables duly stamped by manufacturer shall be provided at the time of supply of material.i) 10 sqmm, 2 core, LTcable 52 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Junction Box with DP 32 A MCB to serve as Main switch for LED Lighting. The job includes connecting the junction box to the main power supply from panel. 53 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 2KVA fully automatic voltage stabilizer with input voltage 70-240 V and output 220 V. The stabilizer shall be installed and connected to the electric circuit as per location provided by site in charge. The voltage stabilizer is to be connected to the heating and lighting circuit of the scheme including the street lights. 54 Supply, installation, Testing & commissioning of 1050VA Full Sine wave power inverter including Providing / Installation of 12V, 180AH Tubular inverter Battery with trolley and cover with 2-core 4 mm2 Cu (25 m)wiring as per site requirement along with other accessories like SS-Combine (02 No’s), 3-pin plugs etc of reputed make for proper fitment and installation of the item. 55 Providing, laying & fixing with adhesive/bonding material of insulation rubber mats on the floor of the pump house, covering area around electro-mechanical machinery for safeguarding the life & limb of the workmen due to possible leakage of current & short circuit. The floor surface shall be made good & shall be free from dust, grease, foreign material & moisture free. The mats shall be as per IS 15652:2006 & shall have the following specifications: -Composition: Rubber (synthetic mats for electrical purpose)Thickness: - 2.5mm Size: - 1M wide.The rubber mats shall be accepted with manufacturers test certificate. 56 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of40 kVA, 3 Phase, 415V AC, Silent DG Set comprising of Engine, with minimum 50 BHP, at 1500 RPM, coupled with alternator and mounted on a common base frame complete with • Fuel tank • Battery & leads • Silencer – Residential • AVM (Anti-Vibration Mounting) pads• Standard control panel•First Fill of lube oil • Acoustic enclosure • Aluminium Power cable ( upto 60 mtr) •Transportation upto Site•CommissioningThe DG set shall be able to operate at 1800m ASLTECHNICAL REQUIREMENT DIESEL ENGINE Type : The Diesel Engine shall be suitable for generating set application• Developing specified BHP at 1500 RPM under NTP conditions of BS: 5514 or equivalent in IS, Liquid cooled, Turbocharged Inter-cooled, powered by four (4) strokes, multi cylinder with engine performance requirement as specified below. Diesel engines shall be as per MOEF (MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE) notification dtd. 3rd November 2022. Only Indian origin Engine is acceptable as per PPP (Public Procurements P-45021/2/2017-PP(BEII)) policyNominal Output : To match with, alternator 40 kVA at 0.8 pf (lagging) i.e., 32 kW.•Revolution : 1500 rpm•Starting System: 12 V battery operated electric motor starting.•Fuel : High speed diesel oil•Governing Class: G3/G2•Aspiration System : Turbocharged Inter-cooled•Cooling System : Liquid cooled •Lubrication System: As per engine OEM StandardEngine shall meet the following parameters: - The Engine shall be enclosed in an enclosure to make it work silently (as per CPCB IV norms) without any degradation in its performance. - The fuel shall be used: High Speed Diesel (HSD) as per IS: 1460. - Filter shall be dry type air filter with replaceable elements. - The Engine shall have closed loop lubricating system. No moving parts shall require lubrication by hand prior to the start of engine or while it is in operation. - The Engine shall be electric starting (by 12 V DC starter motor system for 40 kVA DG Set). - The engine shall be fitted with Governor Class G3/G2Instrument Control Panel shall be furnished for the engine, which shall comprise the following:● Push Button ● Water temp. gauge ● Hour meter with rpm indicator ● Lube oil pressure gauge ● Other item as considered necessary by manufacturer The Instrument Control Panel shall preferably be mounted on the Diesel Generator skid. Otherwise it may be of separately pedestal / floor mounted type.GENERATOR / ALTERNATOR:Alternator with rated output of 40 kVA at STP suitable for continuous operation at 1500 RPM developing 415 volts at 0.8 p. f. (lag) suitable for 50 Hz, three phase, 4 wire system. The alternator shall be brushless type, drip proof, screen protected as per IP-23, self excited & self regulated. The alternator shall conform to IS: 4722. The salient features of the alternator are: +/- 1% voltage regulation in static conditions. IP 23 protection with class ‘H’ insulation Permissible overload of 10% for one hour in 12 hours of operation●Type : Self excited ● kVA : 40 kVA 3 Voltage : 415V, solidly grounded● Phase : 3 phase ● Frequency : 50 Hz ● Power Factor : 0.8 (lagging) ● Excitation System : Brushless exciter ● Insulation Class : Class “H” insulation with temperature limitations for Class-H ● Connection : Star, with neutral terminal wired up to external bushing ●Voltage Regulator : Solid State Electronic typeSTANDARD CONTROL PANEL:The Control Panel shall be fabricated out of steel sheet 1.5 mm thick duly pre-treated and aesthetically finished. It shall be totally enclosed, dust, vermin proof with IP-53 degree of protection as per IS 2147-62. The panel shall consist of following instruments:a) 0 – 600 V, AC Voltmeter of class 1.5 accuracy with phase selector switchb) A.C. Ammeter of Class 1.5 accuracy.c) HRC Fuses of required rating.d) One No MCCB of required rating.e) Frequency Meter.f) Power factor meter.g) Pilot Lampsh) Energy Metrei) Push Button Switch for ON-OFF operation.All the above components shall be properly mounted duly wired and shall be of reputed make.Engine Instrument Panel:The Engine Instrument Panel shall be fitted with starting switch with keys, Lube Oil Gauge, Temperature & Pressure Gauge, Speedometer, Kilowatt Hour Meter etc and all other accessories as required.Safety Control:The D. G. Set shall be provided & fitted with all the safety controls i.e. for Low lube oil Pressure indication switch, High water temperature indication, RPM indication, water temperature indication, battery charging indication etc.Metering ● 3 phase current ● 3 phase voltage ● 3 phase Kilo-watt ● 3 phase KVA ● Kilo-watt hour ● Power factor ● System frequencyStarting Battery Starting battery shall be furnished along with the set, as per following particulars:i)Type : Lead acid ii) Nominal voltage: 12 V D.C.iii) Capacity : Minimum 1 Nos. of 130 AH battery iv) Mounting: Inside the Acoustic Enclosure. v) Battery: The Battery should be same brand as engine to avail single window service.Battery Charger Starting battery shall be furnished along with the set, as per following particulars:i) Type : Lead acid ii) Nominal voltage: 12 V D.C.iii) Capacity : Minimum 1 Nos. of 130 AH battery iv) Mounting: Inside the Acoustic Enclosure. v) Battery: The Battery should be same brand as engine to avail single window service.Battery Charger i) Type : SMPS based ii) Charging System : Automatic float and boost chargingiii) Input voltage: 230V 1 phase, 50 Hz. Or 415V, 3 phase, 50 Hz. iv) Capacity: Adequate to restore the fully discharged battery state of full charge in twelve (12) hours.BASE FRAME (i) The DG set complete with its accessories shall be mounted on a common base frame. (ii) In case the manufacturer recommends vibration isolators for the installation of the equipment, the same shall be included in their scope, in required quantities (iii) AVM Pads as per engine manufacturer standard shall be provided with DG Set.The Acoustic enclosure consisting of the following:- a) Acoustic Insulation: Insulated and noise reduction type, properly clamped shall be provided on all doors, roof and sides to absorb noise. b) Door Locks and Door Hinges: Special designed Stainless steel Door Locks and doors hinges ensuring for smooth operation and long life. c) Residential Silencer: Absorption type non-resistance Residential Silencer insulated from inside with glass wool shall be provided to suppress exhaust noise from the enginePERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT Performance Requirement ● Nominal output of the set : 40 kVA● Rated speed : 1500 rpm ● Rated voltage : 415 volts ● No of phases : 3 ● Rated frequency : 50 Hz ● Overload capacity : 10% for 1 hour ● Over speed withstand capacity : 110% of rated speed for 1 min ● Voltage Regulation : Within +/- 1% of rated voltage from no load to Full load ● Frequency Regulation : Within +/- 4% from no load to full loadTESTS AT SITE DG Set shall be tested for 4 hours running at site. Diesel for testing to be provided by the firm, however load will be provided by the department.TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE CLAIM ●Manufacturer’s catalogues, ●Copy of ISO : 9001 : 2015 certificate issued in the name of DG Set OEM, ● Copy of ISO : 14001 : 2015 certificate issued in the name of DG Set OEM,● Copy of ISO : 27001 : 2013 certificate issued in the name of DG Set OEM, ● Copy of ISO: 19011: 2018 certificate issued in the name of DG Set OEM.PACKING ● The materials shall be property packed before dispatch to avoid damage during transport, storage and handling. ● Proper arrangement shall be provided to handle the equipment.INSTALLATION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING● The generator set, control panel, as well as the neutral of the generator shall be effectively earthed. ● Power cabling upto 60 mtrs shall be done by the contractor. Necessary aluminum power cable, cable glands, cable end lugs, PVC numbering ferrules, tapes etc. shall be supplied and installed by the contractor. In case Power cable beyond 60 mtr is required, then the same will be provided by the department. ● Residential Silencer and The exhaust pipe upto Silencer shall be provided with each DG Set ● The Supplier shall follow occupational health and safety norms, 57 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of earthing station for DG Set comprising of company fabricated GI earthing electrode as per IS: 3043. The job includes Auguring of bore of required dia/depth for installation of electrode along with backfill compound mixed with soil and all other items required thereof for achieving the best result. The job includes connecting of electric gadgets through GI strip (25x3mm) as per relevant standards.Safe earthing electrode size:80 mm dia,Length:2000 mmBack fill compound :30 kg 58 Providing of good quality bedding for night stay/Shift consisting of: - i) Mattress with warm cover size 6x3 (6Kg)- 02 No’s.ii) Quilt with warm cover size 5x8 (6Kg)- 02 No’s. iii) Pillows with covers - 02 No’s.iv) Single bed warm blankets with one sided Fur- 02 No’s The filling material for mattress, quilt and pillow shall be of good quality cottonb) The job also includes providing of pressure cooker 5ltr 02 No’s, Steel patella(utensil) 5ltrs 02 No’s, cooking heater 01 No., room heater 01 No., steel buckets 10 litre capacity 01 No., Plastic bucket 10 litre capacity with Mug 02 No’s each, steel glasses 06 No’s, steel Plates with large spoons and bowls 03 No’s each, Cup and Saucer set (01 No. Set) and, 5kg Gas cylinder with burner/ stove. The job also includes providing of thermo-cool 15’x12’ along with excel matting of 15’x12’ size. The job also includes providing of unbreakable Plastic Chair table set consisting of chairs 04 No’s, extra heavy Table 01 No. The job also includes providing of good quality safety Door locks (03 No’s) of Godrej, Link locks. 59 Fabrication of 6 x 6 angle iron bed for operators by way of providing and fitting of Structural steel in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete welded. 60 Providing and fitting of 19 mm thick multilayered ply sheet of size 6 x 3 feet, 2 No’s including cutting, fixingall complete including painting of the play sheet by one coat of primer and two coats of enamel paint. 61 Providing of solar/electrical lantern chargeable on both solar & electrical 220v supply. The solar lantern is to be provided with solar plate (provided in box with lantern) 62 Providing of 1 KW heat convector for operators for winter season. 63 Providing and fitting of 01 No. angle iron/sheet metal board duly painted showing various specifications of the mechanical and electrical equipment installed at site. The details, drawings and specifications will be provided by Site Incharge.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 139163.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 46.38 Lakhs /-


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