
Tender For Provision Of Borewell At Af Stn Deesa, deesa-Gujarat

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Provision Of Borewell At Af Stn Deesa. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-02-2025. Bore Well Tenders in deesa Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Provision Of Borewell At Af Stn Deesa
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Provision Of Borewell At Af Stn Deesa; 1 Boring/Drilling Trialbore holesof 200diameter bore in all kinds of soils, unconsolidated & semi-consolidated formations, Sandy soil formation, rocks by using suitable method by riverse rig method or auguring by hammering or any other suitable drilling method upto 200 mtr depth below ground level inany type of soil rock/ hard rock / loose boulders with sand including collection of strata samples in transparent polybags @2m or whenever there is any change in strata, selection of site for boring by standard method/ practice disposal of materials obtained (sand, soil,boulders, etc) from boring to distance not exceeding 50 meter includingcomplete in all respects with all labour, materials, tools and tackles, equipments, rig, etc. all as specified in IS 2800 and direction of the Engr in charge complete all as specified and directed. 2 --ditto-- All as per item No 1 here in before but depth above 200Mtr but less then 400 Mtr 3 Reaming of borewell from 200mm to 450 mm drillingusing suitable method by riverse rig method or auguring by hammering or any other suitable drilling methodor any approved method at site below ground level in any kind of soil strata incl hard stone/boulder complete all as specified in IS 2800 and directed. 4 Development of bore wells indulding flushing out tree roots, silt, fine sand by air compressor of suitable capacity not less than 450 CFM at 150 PSI & over pumping (25% extra capacity pump) to make water free from trubidity till clear water is obtained from bore well complete all as specified and directed 5 Yield test of borewell after completion of development of bore well by V notch method or any method of compresser or by pumping as required complete all as per IS and as directed.Note: Necesssary equipment such as collection V notch water collection Tank motor pump set for testing for yield test shall be arranged by the contector. The cost of the same is deemed to be included with unit rate of item. 6 Supplying and lowering in the bore hole, the plain assemblyMS casing pipe Fe 410 and Fe 450 grade steel as per IS-4270 and nominal bore of pipe 200mm ID & 219.1 mm OD and wall thickness of 8 mm including welding of pipe at site with two coats of approved anti-corrosive paint on outer faces of the pipe and specials including supply of all labour, equipments and materials complete all as specified and directed. 7 Supplying and lowering in the bore hole 219.1 mm OD, 8mm thick slotted pipe with all necessary fittings and painting of pipe with two coats of anti corrosive approved paint on outside surface of pipe before lowering including supplying all labour, equipments and materials complete as per IS and specified and directed. 8 Supply fixing and loweringbail plug, suitable for 200 mm bore plain pipe thickness 8 mm complete with welding and painting of pipes complete all as specified and directed. 9 Supply and erection of housing clamp fabricated out of MS flat iron, bent to shape 50 mm x 8 mm thick including nuts, bolts and washersas per IS-2800 complete all as specified and directed. 10 Supply of pea gravel size ranging from 12mm to 6 mm.All gravel shall consist of hard well rounded particles reasonably uniform with uniformity coefficient of less than 2 including packing in the annular space betweencasing pipe & drilled bore complete all as specified and directed. 11 Carry out resistivity survey to find out ground water aquifier by the team of Central ground water board/State ground water dept, define of water aquifier at 3 locations in Kanjoli line area incluiding submission of test report complete all as spicified and directed 12 Supply and fix Unplasticised PVC pipes of 75 mm dia with pressure rating 10 kgf/cm2 fixed complete to walls, ceilings or in floors etc., ISI marked with fittingscomplete all as specified and directed. 13 Supply and fixing of UPVC ball valve of 80mm dia (2) complete all as specified and directed . 14 Supply, lowering,testing and commissioning of Submersible pump and motoras per IS-9283 (latest),for a long and trouble-free life, corrosion and abrasion-resistant parts,motor capacity 50 HP/37.5KW,pumping capacity/dischrge of pump 75 L /Min to 510 L /min , at respective head 343m-223 m, 18 stage, outlet size 75 mm , Sand Fighter designs - Innovative Sand Fighter Designs restrict the entry of sand in motors, protect the pump and motor bushes to perform well in sandy borewells, and increase the pump set life,Dynamically Balanced Rotating Parts - Minimum vibrations protect components from damage during operation, resulting inconsistent performance as concentricity is maintained, Longer and Trouble-Free Life - High-grade engineering materials like Graded Cast Iron Components, Stainless Steel Shaft, Noryl Impellers, Bronze Bushes, Heavy duty Carbon + SS Thrust Plate, 99.9% Electro Grade Copper Rotor and Winding Wires for longer and trouble-free lifecomplete all as specified and directed.Make Crompton Greaves Model CG8V18R15-50/ equivalent in Kirlosker brother 15 S&F 10 Sqmm X 3 Core Flat Submersible Cable as per IS:694/1990 with multi-stranded copper conductor 1100 volts grade heavy duty including all accessories for connection pump from panel board, testing and commissioning complete all as specified and directed. 16 Supply, installation, commissioning and testing factory made (including CPRI approved manufacturer) LT panel box (KIOSK) out door type size not less then size 1500 W x 1500Hx 500 D platform mounted suitable for 415 volt , 3 phases, 4 wire , 50 Hz ACsupply system all as specified and directed having busbar chamber with 4 Nos insulated Aluminium bus bars 600 Amps rating installed on percelain insulators, the panel shall be dust and vermin proof double door made of 3.15 mm CRCA MS sheet outer & inner and individual compartment for MCCB/ Volt/Ampsmeter and 50 x 50 x 6 mm thick angle iron for base frame work having angle iron4 Nos each Suitablelong welded to frame/cubical and grouted in ground upto 0.5 Meter by using PCC1:2:4 B2of Suitable size in depth and over the ground level upto 1 Mtr height . 2 Nos earth terminal to be welded with feeder pillar.The complete feeder pillar box shall be anti corrosive coating and finally epoxy polyester powder coating of flint grey shade (RAL-7032) including internal wiring with PVC insulated solid copper conductor FRLS cables appropriate size but not less than 2.5 Sqmm. Frontand back opening type for cable entry with double door shutter including locking arrangements as per manufacturers with 2 Keys reconnecting all existing UG cable with suitable lugs for incoming/outgoing feeders and comprising of all as specified :- 17 Incomer 18 (a) MCCB FP315 A 36 kA with Electronic microprocessor release with over load Zone of adjustment 0.4 to 1.0 In and Electronic release withShort circuit Zone ofadjustment 1.5 to 10.0 Ir. (Adjusted current) with time with Extended Rotary Handle vari-depth type and Spreader between phases and neutral. -01 no 19 (b) 4 Nos copper Bus bars of 500 Amp current rating capacity, of suitable size of length as actually required at site for 3 phase andneutral, mounted on epoxy/FRP bus bar insulator complete with nut bolt fixing arrangements complete- 01 set 20 Outgoing :- 21 (c) MCCB FP 250 A 36 kA with Adjustable Thermal release for over load 0.7 to 1.0 and Adjustable magnetic release (10.0 In) forShort circuitwith Extended Rotary Handle vari-depth type and Spreader between phases and neutral. -01 Nos 22 (d) MCCB FP 100 A 16 kA with Adjustable Thermal release for over load 0.7 to 1.0 and Adjustable magnetic release (10.0 In) forShort circuitwith Extended Rotary Handle vari-depth type and Spreader between phases and neutral. -05Nos 23 Metering Compartment 24 (e) Digital type Amp meter 0-300 Amp(size 96mmx96mm) with Selector switch and3 Nos CT of ratio 250 A/5A-1No 25 (f) Digital Type volt meter 0-500 V with selector switch -1Nos 26 (g) Digital Multifunction meter having for mearing KW, KVA KVRa, KWAH, KVAH , Pf, Hz etc-1Nos 27 (h) RYB LED incating lamp -3 Nos 28 Note :- (ii) Earth work, PCC baseetc is deemed to be included with unit rate of item. 29 Supply installation testing and commissioning of LT panel board outdoor cubical type IP55 protection,vermin and dust proof factory made of CRCA sheet 3.15 mmthick back door detachable type fixed with nuts and bolts and front door fixed with hinges and knobs, powder coated for 3 Phase 415 volts, 50 Hz, AC supply complete allas specified and directed by Engr in Charge and comprising of the following:-a )CopperBus bar fixed on epoxy insulators capacity 500 Amp and bakelite insulation sheet at the back with coloured tape- 01 Set(3 phases and one neutral)b) Incoming MCCB250 Amp 50 KAcapacity -01 No.(c) Out going MCCB 63 Amp 4 P 25 KA with thermal and magnetic release -2 Nosc)Outgoing MCCB TP 160 Amp 35 KA capacity -02 No.d) Electronic Digital type Ammeter flush type 0-300 Amp with selector switch and CTs. - 02 No.e)Electronic Digital type Voltmeter flush type 0-500V with Selector Switch- 02 Nosf) Set of indicator lamp RYB - 01 Setg) FASD Motor Starter 50 HPML -3 with suitable relay sheet metal encloser -02 No.h) Fully automatic phase sequence corrector to correct input reverse phase and also protect against single phasing voltage unbalancing, low/ high voltage, Earth fault protection, short circuit protection andwith time delay 4 to 7 seconds and automatic digital timer switch with automatically on/off the motor starter 50HP as per time setting - 2 No.j) Dry run protection ( An electrode sensor shall be lowered along with borewell for sensing of low water level.k)Complete internal wiring with suitable size copper conductor including cable lugs,glands etc. 30 Note :-(i) Earth work, PCC baseetc is deemed to be included with unit rate of item.(iii) All MCCB to be onstalled vertically therefore panel shall be designed accordingly. 31 Supply, installation,testing and comminsioning of outdoor type, Self standing, made out of MS sheet thickness 3.15mm duly powder coated double door, front and back openable, APFC panel fabricated (CPRI approved manufacturer)compartmental type with APFC relay 9 stage with heavy duty MPP capacitor bank 50 KVAR (2 x 5KVAr + 2 x 20KVAr) with power contactor and MCCB TP of 16 KA of 1.5 time of rating currect of capacitor suitable for each capacitor control and MCCB TPN 160 Amp 16 KA as incomer including control CT & control wiring completedust and vermin proof double door made out of 3.15 mm CRCA MS sheet outer & inner and individual compartment for MCCB/ volt/Ampsmeter and 50 x 50 x 6 mm thick angle iron for base frame work having angle iron4 Nos each Suitablelong welded to frame/cubical and grouted in ground upto 0.5 Meter by using PCC1:2:4 B2of Suitable sizethe ground over the ground level upto 1 Mtr height . 2 Nos earth terminal to be welded with feeder pillar.The complete feeder pillar box shall be anti corrosive coating and finally epoxy polyester powder coating of flint grey shade (RAL-7032) including internal wiring with PVC insulated solid copper conductor FRLS cables appropriate size but not less than 2.5 Sqmm. Frontand back opening type for cable entry with double door shutter including locking arrangement as per manufacturers with 2 Keyshaving following assessories including control wiringwith HR FRLS copper wire complete all as specified and directed 32 Supply and laying LT UG cable 1100 Voltsgrade XLPE insulated, armoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor including aluminium lugs and cable glands of size 120 Sq mm 3.5 Core complete all as specified and directed. 33 Excavation in trenches not exceeding 1.5 M wideand not exceeding 1.5 M deep for foundation/ cable trench, not exceeding 10 Sq mm on plan and getting out in soft/loose soil complete all as specified and directed. 34 Returning, filling in, including spreading, leveling and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25 Cm thick in soil complete all as specified and directed. 35 Removal of surplus soil to a distancenot exceeding 50 M and depositing where directedat a level not exceeding 1.5 M above the starting point complete all as specified and directed. 36 Supplying, spreading and punning sand for cushoining to cablesin treches complete all as specified and directed.Note : Punned thickness will only be measured 37 M&L for brick protectionwith sub Class`B` bricks old size laid dry, flat over cable perpendicular across the cable in trenches complete all as specified and directed. 38 Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of pressure gauge (0 to 10.6 kg/sqcm) complete with needle valve and connection pipe complete all as specified and directed. 39 M&L for Earthing complete as per electrical plate No 3 of MES SSR Part I with galvanised steel plate earth electrode 60 cm x 60 cm x 6.0mm, burried directly vertically in ground in a pit of depth not less than 2.25 metres below ground level with the top edge of earth plate at a depth not less than 1.5m below normal ground level connected to and including galvanised iron or steel earth strip lead 32X6mm dia by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanised iron or steel earthing lead protected by galvanised iron or steel pipe 20mm bore medium grade and connected to continuous earth wire on pole/ test point.Watering pipe shall be 15mm bore GI medium grade including excavation and earth work in any type of soil, PCC pit and RCC cover complete all as specified and directed. 40 M&L for PCC 1:2:4 type B1 using 20mm graded stone aggregate as in coping of existing/new poles / foundation for poles, struts, posts etc including necessary form work, finished the exposed surfaces fair and even without usingextra cement complete all as specified and directed. 41 M&L SS wire rope 6 mm dia complete all as directed. 42 Supply and laying Steel water tubes, 80mm nominal bore medium grade, ISI Marked as per IS-1239 part-I galvanized, with all fittings such as bends, tees, elbows, reducers, unions, plugs, sockets etc., laid in trenches complete all as specified and as directed 43 Note for all items :- If any item gets repeated in this schedule, the lowest rate quoted for those same items by the L-1 bidder shall be considered for payment and decision of Accepting Officer i.e. GE(AF) Baroda in this regard shall be final and binding.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 15-02-2025 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 22-02-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 87200.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 43.60 Lakhs /-
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