
Tender For Construction Of Sub Base Road And Cd Work At Dd Puram Scheme Phase-2 - 1 Clearing Jungle Including Uprooting Of Rank Vegetation, Grass, Brush Wood, Trees And Saplings Of Girth Upto 30 Cm Measured At A Height Of 1 M Above Ground Level And Remo, ajmer-Rajasthan

Ajmer Development Authority has published Tender For Construction Of Sub Base Road And Cd Work At Dd Puram Scheme Phase-2 - 1 Clearing Jungle Including Uprooting Of Rank Vegetation, Grass, Brush Wood, Trees And Saplings Of Girth Upto 30 Cm Measured At A Height Of 1 M Above Ground Level And Remo. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-02-2025. Drainage Tenders in ajmer Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of Sub Base Road And Cd Work At Dd Puram Scheme Phase-2 - 1 Clearing Jungle Including Uprooting Of Rank Vegetation, Grass, Brush Wood, Trees And Saplings Of Girth Upto 30 Cm Measured At A Height Of 1 M Above Ground Level And Remo
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Construction Of Sub Base Road And Cd Work At Dd Puram Scheme Phase-2 - 1 Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth upto 30 cm measured at a height of 1 m above ground level and removal of rubbish upto a distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared. 2 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator )/ manual means over areas (exceeding 30cm in depth. 1.5m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including disposal ofexcavated earth, lead upto 50m andlift upto 1.5 m , disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed : All kinds of soil 3 Providing and layin in position cement concrete including curing, compaction etc. complete in specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering- All work up to plinth level M10 grade Nominal Mix 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) 4 Providing and laying in position Ready mix concrete manufactured in fullyautomatic Batching Plant andtransported to site intransit mixer for having continous agitated mixer, manufactured as per approved mix design of specified grade of RCC work including pumping of R.M.C. from transit mixer to site of laying , exculding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement with all lead and lift including cost of admixtures in recommended portion as per IS 9103 to accelerate/ retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer in charge. All works upto floor V floor M25 grade Design Mix by using cementas per codal provision. 5 Centering and Shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways and removal of formwork for foundation , footings,strap beam, raft , bases of columns etc. 6 Centering & shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways with steel propsand removal of formwork for upto floor five level for : Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters,buttressesplinthandstring course. 7 Centering & shuttering with plywood or steel sheets including strutting, propping bracing both ways with steel propsand removal of formwork for upto floor five level for : Suspended floors, roofs, landings, staircases, balconies, girders, cantilevers, bands, coping bed plates,anchorblocks,sills,chhajjas,lintel,beam, plinth beam etc. 8 Providing and fabricating reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding (including cost of binding wire) all complete up to floor five level. Thermo-mechanically Treated bars (Conforming of relevent IS code) 9 Construction of Embankment with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Constructionofembankmentwithapprovedmaterialobtained fromborrowpitswithaliftupto1.5m,transportingtosite, spreading,gradingtorequiredslopeandcompactingtomeet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per Technical Specification Clause 301.5 : with lead500mtr to 1000 mtr 10 Haulage excluding Loading & Unloading 11 Case-I : Surfaced Road (5Km) 12 Case-III:KatchaTrackandTrackinRiverBed/NallahBedand Choe Bed (2Km) 13 Providing,laying,spreadingandcompactingspecifiedgraded crushed stone in sub-base course including premixing the material at OMC in mechanical mixer (Pug mill), carriage of mixed material, laying in uniform layers with motor grader, F.E.loader on a preparedsurfaceandcompactingwithvibratorycompactor to achieve the desired density including all material, labour, machinery, lighting barricading and maintenance of diversion complete.[MoRTH specification Clause 401] with all lead 14 ProvidingandlayingPrecastreinforcedcementconcreteBox culvert section of M-40 grade designed for AA class loading as per IRC specifications including to effect ofimpact, EQ etc. complete onformbaseof200mmthickleanconcreteofM-10gradewith aggregate of size 40mm nominal of following internal size the work includes required safety measures construction of drain for diversion of flowing water cost of design of RCC Precast Box and its proof checking from IIT/MNIT Jaipur complete in all respect as per specifications 15 Size 2.00 M x 2.00 M 16 Size 1.50 M x 1.25 M

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Document Fees
INR 3000 /-
INR 800000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 4 Crore /-
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