
Tender For Baradwadi Water Supply Scheme At Baradwadi Tal Radhangari Dist - Kolhapur - Sub Work No.1:- Trench Gallaryexcavation In General Soft Material Comprising Of Soft Soil, Soft Murum, Sand, Hard Murum With Boulders In Wet Or Dry Condition For Head , kolhapur-Maharashtra

Rural Development Department has published Tender For Baradwadi Water Supply Scheme At Baradwadi Tal Radhangari Dist - Kolhapur - Sub Work No.1:- Trench Gallaryexcavation In General Soft Material Comprising Of Soft Soil, Soft Murum, Sand, Hard Murum With Boulders In Wet Or Dry Condition For Head . Submission Date for this Tender is 08-02-2025. Water Supply Project Tenders in kolhapur Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Baradwadi Water Supply Scheme At Baradwadi Tal Radhangari Dist - Kolhapur - Sub Work No.1:- Trench Gallaryexcavation In General Soft Material Comprising Of Soft Soil, Soft Murum, Sand, Hard Murum With Boulders In Wet Or Dry Condition For Head
Open Tender

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Tender Details

Tender for Baradwadi Water Supply Scheme At Baradwadi Tal Radhangari Dist - Kolhapur - Sub Work No.1:- Trench GallaryExcavation in general soft material comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, hard murum with boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works I.e. Intake Well, Connecting Pipe, Jack Well, Pump House, Supply Well etc. for lift as below and lead of 150 M. including barricading, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.50 Km. as directed by Engineer-in-charge etc. complete excluding refilling. Lift 0.00 to 1.50 M 2 Lift 1.50 to 3.00 M 3 Lift 3.00 to 4.50 M 4 Lift 4.50 to 6.00 M 5 Lift 6.0 to 7.50 M 6 Excavation in general Hard material comprising of soft rock, hard rock, Manjara rock etc. by blasting / controlled blasting, chiselling as required in wet or dry condition for Head Works i.e. Intake Well, Connecting Pipe, Jack Well, Pump House, Supply Well etc. for lift as below and lead of 150 M. including barricading, guarding, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.50 Km. as directed by Engineer-in-charge etc. complete excluding refilling.Lift 6.00 to 7.50 M 7 Lift 7.50 to 9.00 m 8 Providing at site of works ISI standard R.C.C. Slotted pipes of NP-3 class ofincluding cost of all central and local taxes, octroi, inspection, transportation including cost of R.C.C. coller etc. complete.A) 450 mm dia RCC Slotted Pipe 9 Lowering, laying, and jointing R.C.C. Slotted pipes of following diameters including all leads and lifts, cost of jointing material, labour etc. complete as directed by Engineer-incharge.A) 450 mm dia RCC Slotted Pipe 10 Providing ISI standard R.C.C. pipes in standard lengths of following class and diameter suitable for collar joints, including all statutary duties and taxes such as GST levied by GOI and GOM in all respect, inspection charges, transport to departmental stores/ site, unloading and stacking etc. complete as per IS-458/1988.A) 450 mm dia RCC pipe NP-III class 11 Lowering. laying and jointing inproper grade and alignment R.C.C.with collar jointsinC.M.1 :1proportion or socketed R.C.C. pipes with rubber joints (excluding cost of rubber ring or R.C.C. collar,) including cost of conveyance from stores to site of work, cost of jointing material, labour, etc. complete as directed by Engineerin- charge (For all class of pipes.} as per IS- 783-1985.A) 450 mm dia RCC pipe NP-III class 12 Providing, lowering, laying and placing in position, shrouding material for porous pipe gallery / slotted pipe gallery / trench gallery with all leads and lifts involved including transportation of materials to site of works, screening and washing of materials and placing in position with given section etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge.40 mm gauge metal 13 12 mm to 20 mm guage metals 14 6 mm to 12 mm guage metals 15 Coarse Sand 16 Refilling the trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeline and then hard material in 15 cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging etc. complete. 17 Dewatering the excavated trenches and pools of water in the building trenches / pipeline trenches, well works by using pumps and other devices including disposing off the water to safe distance as directed by Enginneer-in-charge etc. complete. 18 Providing, constructing coffer dam in river basin / dam storages as per type design including excavation, filling the middle portion with B.C. soil. Providing impervious / semipervious materials on both side of B.C. soil including ramming, compacting to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge, till the completion of work including dismantling coffer dam after completion of works and disposing off the material as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 19 Sub Work No.2 :- Jack WellExcavationin general in soft materil comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, hard murum with boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works i.e. Intake Well, Connecting Pipe, Jack Well, Pump House, Supply Well, etc. for lift 0 to 1.5M and lead of 150 M including barricading, guarding, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km. as directed by Engineer-in- charge, etc. complete excluding refilling.For Head Works on river for dam submeraence for initial lift of 0 to 1.5 M 20 Lift of 1.5 to 3.0 M 21 Lift of 3.0 to 4.5 M 22 Lift of 4.5 to 6.0 M 23 Lift of 6.0 to 7.5 M 24 Excavationin general in hard material comprising of soft rock, hard rock, Manjara rock, etc. by blasting / controlledblasting, chiselling as required in wet or drycondition for Head Works i.e. Intake Well,Connecting Pipe, Jack Well, Pump House, Supply Well, etc. for lift 0 to 1.5 M and lead of 150 M including barricading, guarding, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km. as directed by Engineer-in-charge, excluding refilling.For Head Works on river for dam submeraence for initial lift of 6.0 to 7.50 M 25 Lift of 7.5 to 9.0 M 26 Providing at site of works ISI standard R.C.C. Slotted pipes of NP-3 class ofincluding cost of all central and local taxes, octroi, inspection, transportation including cost of R.C.C. coller etc. complete.A) 450 mm dia RCC Slotted Pipe 27 Lowering, laying, and jointing R.C.C. Slotted pipes of following diameters including all leads and lifts, cost of jointing material, labour etc. complete as directed by Engineer-incharge.A) 450 mm dia RCC Slotted Pipe 28 Providing and casting in situ C.C. of trap / granite/ quartzite / gneiss metal of approved quality for RCC works as per detailed drawings and designs or as directed by Engineerincharge including normal dewatering, centering, form work, compaction, finishing the formed surfaces with C.M. 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface wherever necessary or roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing, etc. complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M250 and M300 only. Use of L&T, A.C.C., Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree, etc. cement is permitted.) (Excluding M.S. or Tor reinforcement)A) For wall and landing M 25 29 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC piles, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules; including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required, etc. complete (including cost of binding wire). (BdF17/306) 30 Dewatering the excavated trenches and pools of water in the building trenches / pipeline trenches, well works by using pumps and other devices including disposing off the water to safe distance as directed by Enginneer-in-charge etc. complete. 31 Refilling the trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeline and then hard material in 15 cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging etc. complete. 32 Providingandfixing inposition M.S. ladder 0.50 M wide consisting of 75 x 10 mm M.S. flats as stringers and 16 mm dia M.S. bars in double rows as steps placed at 25 cm c/c including cost of material and labour involved, welding, anchoring and applying 3 coats of anticorrosive paint, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 33 Providingstructuralsteelworkin single stanchionscomposedofRSJ,channel, etc. withcaps,bases,mild steelplates, angles,brackets,cleats,gussetplates, anchorbolts, etc. as per detailed design and drawing or as directed by Engineerin­ chargeincluding cutting, fabrication, hoisting, erecting, fixing in position, makingrivetedIboltedIwelded connections and one coat of anticorrosive paint and over it two coats of oil painting, etc. complete. (Bd-C-6/277) 34 ProvidingandfixingM.S.chequerred plate flooringoffollowingthicknesssupportedon M.S. angles (25 x 25 x 5 mm size) including welding, cutting and fabricating the plates to the required square or rounding shape, making holes in the plate, including providing and applying 3 coats of anticorrosive paint, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 35 Sub-work No. 3 : Pump at jackwellSubmersible pump setsProviding erecting and commissioing & giving satisfactory test & trial of Submersible pump sets conforming to IS 8034/76 and motor conforming to 9283.with waterproof windingPump shall be suitable for various discharging 13 LPS against total head of 60 Mtr follow complete with stainless steel shaft Motor suitable for working on 415 V+ 10% , 3Ph, 50 Hz., A.C. supply with Cable guard, thrust carbon/ fibre bearing to withstand entire hydraulic thrust The pump set shall be suitable for direcr coupling with suitable suction strainer. Antithrust stream lined non return valve shall be provided with the pump 3 m submersible copper conductor cable in double run & 2 pairs of suitable size erection clamp 10 mm thick shall be provided with each pump HP - 20 pump , Head 143 m 36 2) MECHINICAL SEALProviding mechinical Seal of TCTC construction 37 2) SLUICE VALVE ( P.N.1.6)Providing, Erecting,Testing, Commissioning 80 mm dia.cast Iron Glandless Sluice valve suitable for working pressure of 10 kg / cm2 withstandard non rising spindle handwheel Cap etc & manufactured as per IS 2906 / 14846 & as per detailed specifications enclosed 38 3) REFLUX VALVE ( P.N.1.6)Designing, Providing, Erecting , Testing ,Commissioning 80 mm dia.Castlron D.F. Reflux valve of P.N. -1.0 rating Part l with renewable gun metal sealing face on swing door without bypass arrangement as per detailed specifications enclosed 39 4) SLUICE VALVE (P.N.1.6) FOR R.M.Providing, Erecting,Testing, Commissioning 150 mm dia.cast Iron Glandless Sluice valve suitable for working pressure of 16 kg / cm2 withstandard non rising spindle handwheel Cap etc & manufactured as per IS 2906 / 14846 & as per detailed specifications enclosed 40 5) KINETIC AIR VALVE (P.N.- 1.6)Providing, erecting Kinetic Double Orific type 40 mm dia. Air Valve as per MJPs standard specifications combined with screw down isolating valve, small orific, elastic ball resting on a gun metal orific nipple, large orific vulcanite ball seating on moulded seat ring, interface & drilled including all taxes 41 6) G.I.PIPE ( MEDIUM CLASS)Providing & erecting ISI mark G.I. Pipe of medium class & of 80 mm dia. Excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect inspection charges, transportation to stores etc. complete as per IS- 1239 /2004 42 7) M.S D/F PIPES & SPECIALSDesigning, fabricating, providing, erecting MS pipes and specials for cable tray supports Drain pipes for D.G. set pipe works & items related to all other similler work including, cutting, bending & Painting as per detailedspecifications 43 7 B) FLANGED JOINTS ( 80 MM)Providing & making flanged joints of 80 mm dia. To flanged M.S. pipes of all classes / specials etc including cost of jointing materials (rubber packing nut bolts etc.) labour hydraulic testing etc. complete 44 7 C ) M. S. FLANGESProviding fabricating erecting M.S.Flanges sleep on type of required size & thickness with both side machined 45 8) PRESSURE GAUGEDesigning,Providing ,Erecting,Commissioning with test 7 trial of Pressure gauge of 150 mm capacity complete with Syphon tube, isolating cock etc suitable for 12 mm dia. pipe 46 9) L.T.PANELDesigning,Providing ,Erecting,Commissioning L.T. Control Panel comprising of M.C.C.B. for incoming from MSEDCL Transformer Supply & for allied equipment as per detailed specifications 47 10) Chain Pulley Block ( 2 MT Cap.)Providing, Erecting triple spur gear type Chain Pulley Block suitable for capacity 2 Tonne with 6 m lift complete with load chain & hand chain suitable for above lift tested to 50 % over load as per IS 3832 carrying ISI mark 48 B) Travelling TrolleyProviding , Erecting Travelling Trolley of capacity 2 Tonne with 6 m lift tested to 50 % overload 49 11) EARTHING FOR INDOOR EQUIPMEMNTSuppling & erecting Galvanised cast iron plate 60 x 60 x 0.6 cm burried in specially prepared earth pit refilling with 40 kg charcoal &salt in aliternate layer 19 mm dia. Vertical G.I. Pipe 1.5 mtr lon with funnel & mesg @ top for watering a break mansonry block C.I.cover complete etc. complete as per detailed specifications 50 11 B) G.I. STRIPSupplying & erecting G.I.strips 25 x 5 mm as per detailed specifications 51 12)M.S FABRICATION WORKSupplying & erecting iron, sheet metal work consisting of CRCA sheets various section of iron, plates, chequrred plates, rods bars, MS pipes etc for panel board or any other purpose with bending, cutting, drilling & welding complete erected at the position with necessary materials duly painted with one coat of red oxide & two coats of enamel paint 52 13) Cement Concrete FoundationMakingCement Concrete Foundation in 1:3:6 cement concrete ( 20 to 25 ) mm stone metal duly plastered with necessary curing for complete 53 14 ) Tools as per ListTools as per List 54 15) ElectrificationProviding, Electrification arrangement in Pump House as per detailed specifications enclosed 55 16 )Cables :- Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioningwith test and trial of Aluminium conductor XLPE, 1.1 kV armoured cable complete erected in approved trench or trays as per direction of Engineer in chargeA) 1.1 KV Aluminium XLPE armoured cable out door transformer to main Panel 3.5 c x 35 sq. mm Aluminium XLPE armoured cable from MSEDCL to T. Panel 56 B) Submersible Flat cable 3c x 6 mm 2 from Starter to 22.5 HP Submersible pump 57 C) AI armoured Cable for Capacitor 3 x 6 mm 2 58 17 )EMF Flow Meter Supply instal & commission Electromagnetic folw meter as per ISO 4064 for raw water with accuracy + / - 0.5 % of measured value for size 100 mm including senser transmitter, surge arrester, cable suitable size for 25 mtr built in GSMA) 100 mm size 59 B) Valve Chamber with precast RCC cover Providing & constructing B.B.masonary valve chamber of 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2 with precast RCC slab cover 60 18) Test & Trialtesting Operating & trials of Pumping Machinery as per detailed specification attached 61 Sub-work No. 4 : -Pump at sump (From Ex. Jackwell to prop.WTP)Submersible pump setsProviding erecting and commissioing & giving satisfactory test & trial of Submersible pump sets conforming to IS 8034/76 and motor conforming to 9283.with waterproof windingPump shall be suitable for various discharging 6 LPS against total head of 145 Mtr follow complete with stainless steel shaft Motor suitable for working on 415 V+ 10% , 3Ph, 50 Hz., A.C. supply with Cable guard, thrust carbon/ fibre bearing to withstand entire hydraulic thrust The pump set shall be suitable for direcr coupling with suitable suction strainer. Antithrust stream lined non return valve shall be provided with the pump 3 m submersible copper conductor cable in double run & 2 pairs of suitable size erection clamp 10 mm thick shall be provided with each pump 6 IPS 145 mtr 20 HP 62 2) MECHINICAL SEALProviding mechinical Seal of TCTC construction 63 2) SLUICE VALVE ( P.N.1.6)Providing, Erecting,Testing, Commissioning 80 mm dia.cast Iron Glandless Sluice valve suitable for working pressure of 10 kg / cm2 withstandard non rising spindle handwheel Cap etc & manufactured as per IS 2906 / 14846 & as per detailed specifications enclosed 64 3) REFLUX VALVE ( P.N.1.0)Designing, Providing, Erecting , Testing ,Commissioning 80 mm dia.Castlron D.F. Reflux valve of P.N. -1.0 rating Part l with renewable gun metal sealing face on swing door without bypass arrangement as per detailed specifications enclosed 65 4) SLUICE VALVE (P.N.1.0) FOR R.M.Providing, Erecting,Testing, Commissioning 150 mm dia.cast Iron Glandless Sluice valve suitable for working pressure of 16 kg / cm2 withstandard non rising spindle handwheel Cap etc & manufactured as per IS 2906 / 14846 & as per detailed specifications enclosed 66 5) KINETIC AIR VALVE (P.N.- 1.0)Providing, erecting Kinetic Double Orific type 40 mm dia. Air Valve as per MJPs standard specifications combined with screw down isolating valve, small orific, elastic ball resting on a gun metal orific nipple, large orific vulcanite ball seating on moulded seat ring, interface & drilled including all taxes 67 6) G.I.PIPE ( MEDIUM CLASS)Providing & erecting ISI mark G.I. Pipe of medium class & of 80 mm dia. Excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect inspection charges, transportation to stores etc. complete as per IS- 1239 /2004 68 7) M.S D/F PIPES & SPECIALSDesigning, fabricating, providing, erecting MS pipes and specials for cable tray supports Drain pipes for D.G. set pipe works & items related to all other similler work including, cutting, bending & Painting as per detailedspecifications 69 7 B) FLANGED JOINTS ( 150 MM)Providing & making flanged joints of 80 mm dia. To flanged M.S. pipes of all classes / specials etc including cost of jointing materials (rubber packing nut bolts etc.) labour hydraulic testing etc. complete 70 7 C) FLANGED JOINTS ( 200 MM)Providing & making flanged joints of 80 mm dia. To flanged M.S. pipes of all classes / specials etc including cost of jointing materials (rubber packing nut bolts etc.) labour hydraulic testing etc. complete 71 7 D ) M. S. FLANGESProviding fabricating erecting M.S.Flanges sleep on type of required size & thickness with both side machined 72 8) PRESSURE GAUGEDesigning,Providing ,Erecting,Commissioning with test 7 trial of Pressure gauge of 150 mm capacity complete with Syphon tube, isolating cock etc suitable for 12 mm dia. pipe 73 9) L.T.PANELDesigning,Providing ,Erecting,Commissioning L.T. Control Panel comprising of M.C.C.B. for incoming from MSEDCL Transformer Supply & for allied equipment as per detailed specifications 74 10) Chain Pulley Block ( 2 MT Cap.)Providing, Erecting triple spur gear type Chain Pulley Block suitable for capacity 2 Tonne with 6 m lift complete with load chain & hand chain suitable for above lift tested to 50 % over load as per IS 3832 carrying ISI mark 75 B) Travelling TrolleyProviding , Erecting Travelling Trolley of capacity 2 Tonne with 6 m lift tested to 50 % overload 76 11) EARTHING FOR INDOOR EQUIPMEMNTSuppling & erecting Galvanised cast iron plate 60 x 60 x 0.6 cm burried in specially prepared earth pit refilling with 40 kg charcoal &salt in aliternate layer 19 mm dia. Vertical G.I. Pipe 1.5 mtr lon with funnel & mesg @ top for watering a break mansonry block C.I.cover complete etc. complete as per detailed specifications 77 11 B) G.I. STRIPSupplying & erecting G.I.strips 25 x 5 mm as per detailed specifications 78 12)M.S FABRICATION WORKSupplying & erecting iron, sheet metal work consisting of CRCA sheets various section of iron, plates, chequrred plates, rods bars, MS pipes etc for panel board or any other purpose with bending, cutting, drilling & welding complete erected at the position with necessary materials duly painted with one coat of red oxide & two coats of enamel paint 79 13) Cement Concrete FoundationMakingCement Concrete Foundation in 1:3:6 cement concrete ( 20 to 25 ) mm stone metal duly plastered with necessary curing for complete 80 14 ) Tools as per ListTools as per List 81 15) ElectrificationProviding, Electrification arrangement in Pump House as per detailed specifications enclosed 82 16 )Cables :- Designing, Providing, erecting, commissioningwith test and trial of Aluminium conductor XLPE, 1.1 kV armoured cable complete erected in approved trench or trays as per direction of Engineer in chargeA) 1.1 KV Aluminium XLPE armoured cable out door transformer to main Panel 3.5 c x 35 sq. mm Aluminium XLPE armoured cable from MSEDCL to T. Panel 83 B) Submersible Flat cable 3c x 6 mm 2 from Starter to 22.5 HP Submersible pump 84 C) AI armoured Cable for Capacitor 3 x 6 mm 2 85 17 )EMF Flow Meter Supply instal & commission Electromagnetic folw meter as per ISO 4064 for raw water with accuracy + / - 0.5 % of measured value for size 100 mm including senser transmitter, surge arrester, cable suitable size for 25 mtr built in GSMA) 100 mm size 86 B) Valve Chamber with precast RCC cover Providing & constructing B.B.masonary valve chamber of 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2 with precast RCC slab cover 87 18) Test & Trialtesting Operating & trials of Pumping Machinery as per detailed specification attached 88 Sub Work No.5:- Rising Main 4500 mExcavation for foundation or pipe trenches in earth soils of all types, sand gravel and soft murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 m and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, Preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling etc. complete.Lift 0 to 1.5 M. 89 Excavation for foundation or pipe trenches in hard murum & boulders , WBM roadincluding removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 m beyond the area and lifts as below stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer in charge normal dewatering , preparing the bed for foundation excluding back filling etc.Lift 0 to 1.5 M. 90 Excavation for pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt roadincluding trimming and leveling the bed by chiseling where necessary and removing the excavated material stcking it in measurable heaps within a distance of 50 M from the area and lifts as below, normal dewatering, excluding back filling Lift 0 to 1.5 M. 91 Excavation for pipe trenches in hard rock by controlled blasting, including trimming and leveling the bed by chiseling where necessary and removing the excavated material stcking it in measurable heaps within a distance of 50 M from the area and lifts as below, normal dewatering, excluding back filling etc complete.Lift 0 to 1.5 M. 92 Excavation for foundation or pipe trenches in hard rock by controlled blasting , including trimming and levelling the bed by chiselling where necessary and removing the excavated material and stacking it in measurable heaps within a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below ,normal dewatering, excluding back filling etc.complete.Lift 0 to 1.5 M. 93 Filling in plinth ad floors murum beddig in trenches with approved murum from excavated materials from foundation 15 cm. to 20 cm. layers including watering ad compaction complete. 94 Providing and supplying in standard lengths Polyethelene Pipes, confirming to IS 4984 / 14151 / 12786 / 13488 with nesessary jointing material like mechanical connector i. e. thread / insert joint / quick release coupler joint / compression fitting joint or flanged joint excluding coupler/specials, including transportation and freight charges, inspection charges, loading / unloading charges, conveyance to the departmental stores & stacking the same in closed shade duly protecting from sunrays & rains, excluding GST levied by GI & GOM in all respect etc. complete.HDPE 160 mm dia /16 kg 95 HDPE 160 mm dia /12.5 kg 96 HDPE 160 mm dia /10 kg 97 HDPE 160 mm dia /6 kg 98 Lowering, Laying and Jointing H. D. P. E./M. D. P. E. pipes in proper position including all specials by compression fitting/electrofusion and butt fusion jointing procedure as per relevent IS Code complete with all materials for jointing procedure like Electrofusion machine, Electric heater/butt fusion welding machine with hydraulic jack, top loading clamp etc. and all labours as directed by engineer in charge as per IS-7634 Part IIHDPE 160 mm /16 kg To6 kg 99 Providing ISI mark G.I. pipe of following class and dia. excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, inspection charges, transportation to stores, etc. complete as per IS-1239/2004.Note : One coupler shall be provided with each full length of pipe cost of which is included inrates below.150 mm dia. GI medium class 100 Lowering, laying and jointing G. I. pipes andspecials of following class and diameter includingconveyance from stores to site of works, all labour, etc.complete either underground or in vertical position, as directed by Engineer-in-charge.150 mm dia. GI medium class 101 Providing double flange sluice valve confirming for IS- 14846 including worn gear arrangements as per test pressure, stainless steel spindle, caps, including inspection charges, transportation upto departmentalstore, unloading, stacking excluding GSTlevied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc.completea)Sluice valves - PN -1 (Without by pass)150 mm dia sluice valve 102 150 mm diaNRV 103 Lowering, laying and jointing in position following C.I.D/F Reflex valves, Butterfly valves and Sluice valves including cost of all labour jointing material, including nut bolts and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing etc. complete. (Rate for all class of valves.)150 mm dia S.V 104 Providing and supplying Air Valves as per IS- 14845 -2000 and MJP’s standard specifications of approved make and quality of following diameters including railway freight, inspection charges, unloading from railway wagons, loading into truck,transportation upto departmental stores, unloding and stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete.25 mm dia air valve 105 Lowering, laying and fixing in proper alignment and position all types of C.I. air valves as directed by Engineer-in-charge including cost of conveyance from stores to site of work, cost of all material and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing, etc. complete.(for all class of valves).20 mm dia air valve 106 Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion Fittings in accordance with BS EN12201: Part-3 suitable for drinking water with in black/ blue colour manufactured from compounded PE80/ PE100 virgin polymer and compatible with PE80/PE100 pipes, in pressure rating SDR11 with min PN12.5 rated for water application and shall be inclusive of all cost such as testing, inspection charges, transportation up to store, transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, etc. complete.160mm dia coupler 107 160mm dia LNPE 108 Hydraulic testing of C.I./D.I. pipe line to specified pressure including cost of all materials and labour and water for testing for specified length including cutting, placing end cap making arrangement for filling safe water using reciprocating typepumps which should be able to provide specified test pressure gauges and other necessary equipments, labour, operation charges, etc. required for testing. The rate under this item shall also include cost of retesting, if necessary and reinstating to original position using water supplied by the contractor.HDPE 6 Kg to 10Kg PE100 90 mm Dia 109 Refilling the trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipe lie and then hard material I 15 cm. layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc. complete. 110 Sub Work No.6:- R.C.C.Sump ( 50000 Lit )Designing (aesthetically), and constructing RCC ground service reservoirs / RCC sumps in M-300 mix of required capacity including excavation in all types of strata, foundation concrete, container walls, bottom slab top RCC roof slab / or dome, 20 mm thick cement plaster with water proofing compound in CM 1:3 proportion to inside face of the container, including epoxy paint from inside including refilling and disposing of surplus stuff within lead of 50 M, all labour and material charges, for laying and jointing of pipe assembly for inlet, outlet washout, over flow and bypass arrangement consisting of C.I. M.S. D/F. pipes, specials and valves of given diameters, providing and fixing accessories such as M.S. ladder inside and outside, C.I. Manhole frame and cover, water top slab, B.B. masonry chamber for all valves, ventilating shafts, including giving satisfactory hydraulic test and water tightness test as per IS code and providing three coats of cement paints to all exposed surface of structure including roof surface etc. complete as per design data, criteria, obligatory requirements and detailed specifications. Anti-termite treatment shall be given for underground portion of the structure.C.I. manhole frame and covers, water level indicators, lightening conductor, G.I. pipe railing around walk way and top slab, providing spiral stair case from ground level to roof level, M.S. grill gate of 2 M height with locking arrangement of approved design, B.B. masonry chambers for all valves, ventilating shafts, providing and applying three coats of cement paint to the structure including roof slab, epoxy painting to internal surface and anti-termite treatment for underground parts of the structure and giving satisfactory water tightness test as per I.S. code. The job to include painting the name of the scheme and other details on the reservoir as per the directions of Engineer-in-Charge.50000 Lit For baradwadiNotes1. The design shall be in accordance with various relevant I.S. specification (I.S.456/1978, I.S. 875 - 1987, I.S. 3370 -1965 or revised.)2. Only M.S. bars grade I conforming to I.S. 432 part-I or high yield strength deformed bars conforming to I.S. 1786 or I.S. 1139 shall be used. Grade -II M.S. bars shall not be used.3. Entire structure shall be in M-300 only.4. The scope of pipe assembly work shall be upto 5 metre beyond outside face of the wall, cost of pipes valves and specials is not included in the rate but labour cost for laying and jointing is included.5. The G.S.R. / Sump above 15 lakh litres capacity shall be in two compartment.6. The Job includes designing the structure for uplift pressure and dewatering if required during entire execution and disposal of surplus excavated stuff within lead of 50 metres as directed by Engineer-in-charge. If uplifts considered in design, then these rates shall be increased by 7.5%.7. G.S.R. outlets shall be with bell mouth of approved pattern in bottom slab and cost of designing bell mouth is included in the rate. Sump well includes cost of suction pit required at bottom.8. For pipe diameters upto 300 mm only CI pipes and CI specials shall be used. For pipe diameters above 300 mm, M.S. pipes and specials minimum 10 mm thick shall be used with proper anticorrosive epoxy treatment from inside and outside.9. Cost of pump house is not included in these rates.10. Above rates are applicable for SeismicZones 2, 3 and 4..11.75% part rate shall be payable for reinforcement, concrete and plastering items of all types of G.S.R.s and sumps till satisfactory hydraulic testing for water tightness test is given and till that work shall be treated as incomplete.12. The rates indicated in the table are excluding the cost of pipes, specials and valves required for inlet, outlet, washout, overflow and bypass arrangement. The scope of work, however, includes cost of erecting, laying and jointing of pipes and valves including cost of jointing materials upto 5 M beyond outer face of outermost column.Note : Conditions from Sr. No. 1 to 11 shall form a part and parcel of tender and must be included in the draft tender papers for work of R.C.C. GSRs and sumps. 111 Providing ISI mark G.I. pipe of following class and dia. excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, inspection charges, transportation to stores, etc. complete as per IS-1239/2004.Note : One coupler shall be provided with each full length of pipe cost of which is included in rates below.150 mm B class pipe 112 Lowering, laying and jointing G. I. pipes and specials of following class and diameter includingconveyance from stores to site of works, all labour,etc. complete either underground or in vertical position, as directed by Engineer-in-charge.150 mm B class pipe 113 Providing double flange sluice valve confirming for IS- 14846 including worn gear arrangements as per test pressure, stainless steel spindle, caps, including inspection charges, transportation upto departmental store, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete.Sluice valves - PN -1 (Without by pass)150 mm dia. CIDF sluice valves 114 Lowering, laying and jointing in position following C.I.D/F Reflex valves, Butterfly valves and Sluice valves including cost of all labour jointing material, including nut bolts and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing etc. complete. (Rate for all class of valves.)150 mm dia. CIDF sluice valves 115 Sub Work No.7:-Distribution SystemExcavationfor foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, manual dwatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete.Lift 0 to 1.5 M. 116 Excavation for foundation or pipe trenches in hard murum & boulders , WBM roadincluding removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 m beyond the area and lifts as below stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer in charge normal dewatering , preparing the bed for foundation excluding back filling etc. Lift 0 to 1.5 M. 117 Excavation for pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt roadincluding trimming and leveling the bed by chiseling where necessary and removing the excavated material stcking it in measurable heaps within a distance of 50 M from the area and lifts as below, normal dewatering, excluding back filling etc.complete.Lift 0 to 1.5 M. 118 Excavation for foundation or pipe trenches in hard rock by controlled blasting , including trimming and levelling the bed by chiselling where necessary and removing the excavated material and stacking it in measurable heaps within a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below ,normal dewatering, excluding back filling etc.complete.Lift 0 to 1.5 M. 119 Filling in plinth and floors murum beddigin trenches with approvedmurum from excavated materials from foundation 15 cm. to 20 cm. layers including watering andcompaction complete. 120 Providing and supplying in standard lengths ISI mark rigid unplasticised PVC pipes suitable for potable water with solvent cement joints including cost of couplers, as per IS specification no. 4985 / 1988 excluding GST levied by GOI and GOM in all respect, including transportation, freight charges, inspection charges, loading, unloading, conveyance to the departmental stores and stacking the same in closed shed duly protected from sun rays and rains including cost of jointing material i.e. solvent cement, etc. complete (selffit type to be jointed with cement solvent).HDPE 110/6kg (ForDistn main) 121 HDPE 90/6 kg 122 HDPE 75/6 kg 123 Providing double flange sluice valve confirming for IS- 14846 including worn gear arrangements as per test pressure, stainless steel spindle, caps, including inspection charges, transportation upto departmental store ,unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete.Sluice valves - PN -1 (Without by pass)100 mm dia. Sluice Valve - PN-1 124 80 mm dia. Sluice Valve - PN-1 125 65 mm dia. Sluice Valve - PN-1 126 Providing ISI mark G.I. pipe of following class and dia. excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, inspection charges, transportation to stores, etc. complete as per IS-1239/2004.Note : One coupler shall be provided with each full length of pipe cost of which is included in rates below.80 mm B class pipe 127 Providing and fixing C.I. road box including loading, unloading and carting to site of work including all necessary excavation in all types of strata and fixing in murum packing, etc. complete.100 x 225 128 Providing and laying in situ 1:2:4 (M-15) grade of C.C. of trap/granite/gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including dewatering formwork, compacting and curing, finishing etc. complete with initial lift of 1.5 M below / above ground level. 129 Refilling the trenches with available excavatedstuff with soft material first over pipe line and then hard material in 15 cm. layers with all leads andlifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc. complete. 130 Supplying hard murum/ kankar at the road site, including conveying and stacking complete. 131 Spreading hard murum/ soft murrum/ gravel or kankar for side width complete 132 Compactingthehardmurumsidewidthsincludinglayinginlayersoneachsidewithvibratory roller including artificial watering etc. complete. 133 Providing and fixing road junction/ information sign boards of size 1.80 x 1.20 Meter Prepared 16 guage M.S.sheet on frame of size 40x40x5 mm with cross bracing of size 35x35 x 5 mm including painting with one coat of zinc cromate stoving primer and two coats each of green/white back ground and back side gray stove enamelled, bonded with red retro reflective sheet Engineering grade, border / letters / numeral /arrows, coated with non pealable crystal clear protective transperent coat retaining 100% reflection includingtwo angle iron post of size 65 x 65 x 6 mm of 3.65 m. long inflated at bottom drilled on top and painted in whiteand black bands of 30 cm. with 4 Nos. high strength G.I. bolts and nuts of size 10 mm dia. and 20 mm long sheet and angle iron post in one piece without joints including all taxes, conveying, fixing in ground with cement concrete 1:4:8 block of 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm size as directed by Engineer-in- charge etc. complete. Mild Steel Board with Engineering Grade. 134 Sub work No. 8 :- 38 KW Solar System at Jaclwell Part ASupplying, installing, testing and commissioning of38 kWp capacity on grid solar power pack with GI mounting structure. The above benchmark cost includes cost of solar pv panels (with 540W mono half cut cells) AC:DC 1:1 Ratio inverter (Single phase ) balance of system eg.cables,switches / circuit breakers / connectors /junction box, mounting sturctue earthing, lightning arrestor ,civil works,installation and commisioning CMC for five yrs transportation insurance applicable taxes etc. The above cost are excluding of net metering and battery back up cost.- Benchmark cost for Grid Connected Roof-top Photo-voltic Systems for financial year 2021-22dt-27/10/21 135 Supplying and erecting AC three phase LT CT multifunctionnet meter DLMS compliance of accuracy class 0.5, 3 x 240V, 50Hz, with backlit LCD display, optical port & RS 232 port (measures import kWh, kVAh, export kWh, kVAh, Net kWh, kVAh, V, I, kW, 6 months history of energy, load survey,TOD, tamper detection & logging, power ON/OFF events, instantaneous parameters of rating 1/5A with display in absence of power) with wiring connections and mounting hardware on provided panels complete with calibration certificate from manufacturer. 136 Supplying and erecting LT CT multifunction DLMS compliance energy meter of accuracy of class 0.5 , 3x240V,50 Hz with optical & RS 232 port, backlit LCD, measures & displays trivector energy, load survey, TOD, tamper detection & logging, power ON /OFF events, instantaneous parameters of rating 1/5 A with display in absence of power complete with zero adjustment & test certificate from manufacturer erected on provided M.S. box and connected to CTs. 137 Supplying, erecting & terminating XLPE armoured cable 3 core 4 sq. mm. copper conductor continuous 5.48 sq.mm. (12 SWG) G.I. earth wire complete erected with glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/ pole or laid in provided trench/ pipe as per specification no. CB-LT/CU 138 Providing &erecting prewired meter module suitable for MCCB panel board with CTs and emfs VIF meter complete 139 Net meter, energy meter, CT for Net meter and CT for energy meter testing chargesas per MSDECL 140 Sub Work No.9 :- 38 KW Solar System at Jaclwell Part BPart BFOUNDATION AND G.I. STRUCTURE FOR PV MODULESolar PV mounting structure hot deep galvanized/pre galvanized with necessary fitments which should withstand high wind velocity upto 150km/hr 18ft above ground level Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. 141 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. 142 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. 143 Providing and laying in situ Cement Concrete M-15 of trap/ granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailing out water, form work, compaction, curing, etc. complete. 144 Providing and erecting chain link fencing 1.6M. height with G.I. chain link of size 50x50mm, 8gauge thick and fixed 75 mm above ground level on vertical M.S. Angles of 40x40x6 mm size, including excavating pits for foundation and embedded in C.C. block of 1:4:8 mix of size 450x450x670 mm. at 1.75M. c/c with iron bar 16mm dia as hold fast including welding link with angle frame at 30cm c/c with nuts and bolts and horizontal M.S. Angles at top and bottom of 25x25x5 mm size and vertical M.S. flat 35x5 mm and 25x5 mm horizontal including cross support of 40x40x6 mm angles both side at every corner or bend embedded in concrete blocks of 1:4:8 of size 450x450x670 mm including 3 coats of oil painting etc.complete. 145 Providing and fixing 50mm. dia. medium class G.I. pipe gate with wicket gate of approved drawing with all fixtures and fittings in two leaves with strong hold fast embedded in c.c. block at top and bottom with locking arrangement including cutting, bending, making holes and with one coat of primer etc. complete. 146 Providing and fixing board displaying information,such as Name of work,Tender cost, Name of Contractor, Work completion and liability period etc, having rectangular shape of 1.20mx0.90m size made out 18gauge(1.25mm) thick mild steel sheet painted with one coat of Zinc chromate stoving primer and two coats of enamel paint on front side and grey stove enamel on backside and border/ messages/ symbols etc. with approved colourshade paint complete, on M.S.angle of size35x35x3mm frame with properly cross braced M.S.angles of size 35mmx35mmx3mm duly painted including Two M.S.angle iron posts of size 65mmx65mmx6mm,3.65m long painted with alternate black and white bands of 25cm width including all fixtures etc.and fixing the board sin1:4:8 concrete block of size 60cmx60cmx75cm including, excavation, refilling, transportation, and labour etc complete. Spec. No. As directed by Engineer in Charge 147 Providing and fixing heavy duly inter locking concrete Grey paving blocks of 60 mm thickness of having a strength of 300 kilograms/ sq.cm. of approved quality and shaps on bed of crushed sand of 25 to 30 mm thick including skirting joints and cleaning etc complete 148 Providingandfixing inposition M.S. ladder 0.50 M wide consisting of 75 x 10 mm M.S. flats as stringers and 16 mm dia M.S. bars in double rows as steps placed at 25 cm c/c including cost of material and labour involved, welding, anchoring and applying 3 coats of anticorrosive paint, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 149 ProvidingandfixingM.S.chequerred plate flooringoffollowingthicknesssupportedon M.S. angles (25 x 25 x 5 mm size) including welding, cutting and fabricating the plates to the required square or rounding shape, making holes in the plate, including providing and applying 3 coats of anticorrosive paint, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 150 Providingstructuralsteelworkin single stanchionscomposedofRSJ,channel, etc. withcaps,bases,mild steelplates, angles,brackets,cleats,gussetplates, anchorbolts, etc. as per detailed design and drawing or as directed by Engineerin­ chargeincluding cutting, fabrication, hoisting, erecting, fixing in position, makingrivetedIboltedIwelded connections and one coat of anticorrosive paint and over it two coats of oil painting, etc. complete. (Bd-C-6/277) 151 Sub work No. 10 :- 45 KW Solar System at Jaclwell Part ASupplying, installing, testing and commissioning of45 kWp capacity on grid solar power pack with GI mounting structure. The above benchmark cost includes cost of solar pv panels (with 540 W mono half cut cells) AC:DC 1:1 Ratio inverter (Single phase ) balance of system eg.cables,switches / circuit breakers / connectors /junction box, mounting sturctue earthing, lightning arrestor ,civil works,installation and commisioning CMC for five yrs transportation insurance applicable taxes etc. The above cost are excluding of net metering and battery back up cost.- Benchmark cost for Grid Connected Roof-top Photo-voltic Systems for financial year 2021-22dt-27/10/21 152 Supplying and erecting AC three phase LT CT multifunctionnet meter DLMS compliance of accuracy class 0.5, 3 x 240V, 50Hz, with backlit LCD display, optical port & RS 232 port (measures import kWh, kVAh, export kWh, kVAh, Net kWh, kVAh, V, I, kW, 6 months history of energy, load survey,TOD, tamper detection & logging, power ON/OFF events, instantaneous parameters of rating 1/5A with display in absence of power) with wiring connections and mounting hardware on provided panels complete with calibration certificate from manufacturer. 153 Supplying and erecting LT CT multifunction DLMS compliance energy meter of accuracy of class 0.5 , 3x240V,50 Hz with optical & RS 232 port, backlit LCD, measures & displays trivector energy, load survey, TOD, tamper detection & logging, power ON /OFF events, instantaneous parameters of rating 1/5 A with display in absence of power complete with zero adjustment & test certificate from manufacturer erected on provided M.S. box and connected to CTs. 154 Supplying, erecting & terminating XLPE armoured cable 3 core 4 sq. mm. copper conductor continuous 5.48 sq.mm. (12 SWG) G.I. earth wire complete erected with glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/ pole or laid in provided trench/ pipe as per specification no. CB-LT/CU 155 Providing &erecting prewired meter module suitable for MCCB panel board with CTs and emfs VIF meter complete 156 Net meter, energy meter, CT for Net meter and CT for energy meter testing chargesas per MSDECL 157 Sub Work No.11 :- 45 KW Solar System at Jaclwell Part BPart BFOUNDATION AND G.I. STRUCTURE FOR PV MODULESolar PV mounting structure hot deep galvanized/pre galvanized with necessary fitments which should withstand high wind velocity upto 150km/hr 18ft above ground level Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. 158 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. 159 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. 160 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock by controlled blasting, including trimming and levelling the bed by chiselling where necessary and removing the excavated material and stacking it in measurable heaps within a distance of 50 metres from the area and lifts as below, normal dewatering, excluding backfilling, etc. complete. 161 Providing dry trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss, rubble stone soling in 15 cm to 20 cm thick layers including hand packing and compacting, etc. complete. (Bd-A-12/264) 162 Providing and laying in situ Cement Concrete M-15 of trap/ granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailing out water, form work, compaction, curing, etc. complete.In PCC M -150 163 Providing and laying in situ Cement Concreteof trap/ granite I quartzite I gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft. grillage, strip foundation andfooting of RCC columns and steel stanchions including normaldewatering,formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc. complete.(By weighbatchingand mix design for M250 and M-300 only. Use of L&T, A.C.C., Ambuja,Birla Gold,Manikgad,Rajashree, etc.cement is permitted.) (Excluding M.S.or Torreinforcement)In RCC M-200 164 Providing andcastingin situCement Concreteoftrap/graniteIquartziteI gneiss metal of approved quality for RCC works asperdetaileddrawings and designsorasdirectedbyEngineerin- charge including normal dewatering, centering,form work,compaction, finishing the formed surfaces with CM 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness if special finish is to be provided and curing, etc. complete.(By weighbatchingand mix design for M-250 and M-300 only. Use of L&T, A.C.C., Ambuja,Birla Gold, Manikgad,Rajashree,etc.cementis permitted.) (Excluding M.S. or Tor reinforcement)In RCC M-200 165 Providing and laying Cast in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 oftrap/graniteIquartziteI gneiss metal fot R.C.C. beams and lintels as per detailed designs and drawings or as directed including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying / pumping, compaction and roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete ( Excluding reinforcement and structural steel ) with fully automatic micro processor based PLC with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer / concrete Batch mix plant ( Pan mixer etc. complete. With fine aggregate ( Crushed sand VSI Grade ) M 200 For Beam 166 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcementof variousdiametersfor RCCpiles,caps,footings,foundations, slabs,beams,columns,canopies, staircases,newels,chajjas,lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc. as per detailed designs, drawingsand schedules; including cutting, bending, hookingthebars,binding with wiresor tack welding and supporting as required, etc. complete (including cost of binding wire). (Bd-F-17/306)Tor steel 167 Filling in plinth and floors murum bedding in trenches with approved murum from excavated materials from foundation in 15 cm to 20 cm layers including watering and compaction, etc. complete. 168 For structureProviding, fabricating and erecting at site of work the tubular steel structure (shed) as per standard design and specifications having various spans in between trusses and in multiples of standard length of baysas specified as per standard specifications, inclusive of cost of steel tubular trusses, tubular columns purlins, tierunners, foundation bolts, baseplates, nutsand bolts, welding wherever required etc. as per detailed drawing inclusive of one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of oil painting of approved quality and shade etc. complete. Spec. Number : As directed by Engineer-in-charge. 169 For structure ( LESS Painting Charges) Providing and applyingtwo coats of oil paint and one coat of primer/red oxide of Iron Paint externally including cleaning the surface of pipe with steel scrapers wire brushes and metal cleaning solution etc complete. 170 For structureProviding and applying material & labour for hot dip galvanizing of above structure including transportation for galvanizing as per R.C GSDA /SOLAR PUMP /RC /F- NO 25/834/2013-14 dt 1.3.2014 171 For structure- Transporting charges of vehicle per trip for Appox. 50 km eadincluding loading unloading & stacking charges. 172 Rent for Crane for erection of structure- 173 Providing and erecting chain link fencing 1.6M. height with G.I. chain link of size 50x50mm, 8gauge thick and fixed 75 mm above ground level on vertical M.S. Angles of 40x40x6 mm size, including excavating pits for foundation and embedded in C.C. block of 1:4:8 mix of size 450x450x670 mm. at 1.75M. c/c with iron bar 16mm dia as hold fast including welding link with angle frame at 30cm c/c with nuts and bolts and horizontal M.S. Angles at top and bottom of 25x25x5 mm size and vertical M.S. flat 35x5 mm and 25x5 mm horizontal including cross support of 40x40x6 mm angles both side at every corner or bend embedded in concrete blocks of 1:4:8 of size 450x450x670 mm including 3 coats of oil painting etc.complete. 174 Providing and fixing 50mm. dia. medium class G.I. pipe gate with wicket gate of approved drawing with all fixtures and fittings in two leaves with strong hold fast embedded in c.c. block at top and bottom with locking arrangement including cutting, bending, making holes and with one coat of primer etc. complete. 175 Providing and fixing board displaying information,such as Name of work,Tender cost, Name of Contractor, Work completion and liability period etc, having rectangular shape of 1.20mx0.90m size made out 18gauge(1.25mm) thick mild steel sheet painted with one coat of Zinc chromate stoving primer and two coats of enamel paint on front side and grey stove enamel on backside and border/ messages/ symbols etc. with approved colourshade paint complete, on M.S.angle of size35x35x3mm frame with properly cross braced M.S.angles of size 35mmx35mmx3mm duly painted including Two M.S.angle iron posts of size 65mmx65mmx6mm,3.65m long painted with alternate black and white bands of 25cm width including all fixtures etc.and fixing the board sin1:4:8 concrete block of size 60cmx60cmx75cm including, excavation, refilling, transportation, and labour etc complete. Spec. No. As directed by Engineer in Charge 176 Subwork No 12 :-RUNNING THE SCHEME (FOR ONE MONTH)Commissioning, running and maintaining the scheme to quantities, rated capacity, including manning necessary personnel such as operator, valveman, etc. as per requirements of the scheme and who should also administer chemical dose for a period of 1 month for individual scheme and 3 months for regional scheme, together with training of personnel spared by MJP / Local Body and handing over the scheme to Local Body after completion of the above period as directed by Engineer-in-charge.Note : Required chemicals to be supplied by Department free of cost and electricity bill will also be paid by the Department.a) For single village ( One Month ).

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 30-01-2025 Technical PQ Technical Bid 08-02-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 48000 /-
INR 249832.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 2.49 Crore /-


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