
Tender For Stmc From Km 257/800 - 267/400 (9.6 Km) Of New Nh 948 Coimbatore To Sathyamangalam Road For The Year 2024 - 25, sathyamangalam-Tamil Nadu

Ministry Of Road Transport And Highways has published Tender For Stmc From Km 257/800 - 267/400 (9.6 Km) Of New Nh 948 Coimbatore To Sathyamangalam Road For The Year 2024 - 25. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-02-2025. Road Work Tenders in sathyamangalam Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Stmc From Km 257/800 - 267/400 (9.6 Km) Of New Nh 948 Coimbatore To Sathyamangalam Road For The Year 2024 - 25
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For Stmc From Km 257/800 - 267/400 (9.6 Km) Of New Nh 948 Coimbatore To Sathyamangalam Road For The Year 2024 - 25; 1 Road Property Maintenance 2 Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250gms per sqm area thickness of 2.5mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC: 35.The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes, per MORT specification amd as directed by the Engineer - in charge. 3 Providing & Fixing Reflective road studs of Category A Raised Pavement markers made out of poly carbonate/ methyl methecrylate/ ABS moulded body confirming to ASTM D 788 and reflective panelswith micro prismatic lens capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens face with retro-reflectance and chromaticity values conforming to ASTM D4280. The reflective raised pavement markers shall also conform to the MORTH circular No RW/NH.33023/10/97-DO.III dt 11.06.97 .The height, width and lengthshall not be less than 15mm, 90mm and 100mm and with minimum refelective area of 13 Sq.cm on each side and the slope to the base shall be 35+/-5 degree.Each reflector shall have a CIL not less than values specified in Table 2 of said MORTH circular. The strength of detachment of the integrated cylindrical shanks, (of diameter not less than 19+/-2mm and height not less than 30+/-2 mm) from the body is to be a minimum value of 500 kgf.Fixing will be by drilling holes on the road for the shanks to go inside,without nails and using epoxy resin based adhesive as per manufactures recommendation and complete as directed by the enginner. The marker shall support a load of 13635 kg tested in accordance with ASTM D4280 and conforming to IRC 35-2015 guide lines and MORT&H specification 804 etc.,complete. 4 Providing and erecting of Retro - Reflectorised Cautionary,Mandatory and Informatory signs (without definition board) made out of High Intensity Prismatic Grade Sheeting conforming to Type - IV standards of IRC 67 : 2012 and ASTM D 4956 -09, specification and fixed over 2mm thick Aluminium sheet fixed over a back supporting frameof 25mm x 25mmx3mm Mild Steel angle and supported on a mild steel angle post 75x75x6mm wirh a clear height of not less than 2.10m from the groundlevel to the bottom of the sign board and 0.60m below ground level. The sign post should be painted as per IRC 67 - 2012 and firmly fixed to the ground means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45cmx45cmx60cm size including cost and conveyance of all materials equipment. Machinery and labour with all leads and lifts, loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by the engineer in charge. High intensity Retro Reflectro sheet shall consist of minimum coefficient of Retro - reflection as per table 6.6 of IRC 67 -2012. The retro - reflective sheeting shall be covered under 7 year warranty issued for field performance and a certified copy of three years outdoor exposure report shall be obtained as per IRC 67 - 2012.(as per MORT &H Specification No.801) (90 cm equilateral triangle board) 5 Providing and erecting of Direction and Place Identification Retro-reflectorized Sign made out of High Intensity Prismatic Grade Sheeting confirming to Type-IV standards of IRC-67: 2012 and ASTM D 4956 –09, specification and fixed over 2mm thick Aluminium sheet fixed over a back supporting frame of 25mmx25mmx3mm Mild Steel angle and supported on a mild steel angle post 75X75X6mm with a clear height of not less than 2.10m from the ground level to the bottom of the sign board and 0.60m below ground level. The sign post should be painted as per IRC 67-2012 and firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45cmX45cmX60cm size including cost and conveyance of all materials, equipment, Machinery and labour with all leads and lifts, loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by the engineer- in-charge. High intensity Retro Reflectro sheet shall consist of minimum coefficient of Retro-reflection as per Table 6.6 of IRC 67-2012. The retro- reflective sheeting shall be covered under 7 year warranty issued for field performance and a certified copy of three years outdoor exposure report shall be obtained as per IRC 67:2012. (as per MoRT&H Specification No.801) for area more than 0.9sqm 6 Providing and erecting of Retro - Reflectorized Cautionary,Mandatory and Informatory signs (without definition board) made out of High Intensity Prismatic Grade Sheeting conforming to Type - IV standards of IRC 67 : 2012 and ASTM D 4956 -09, specification and fixed over 2mm thick Aluminium sheet fixed over a back supporting frameof 25mm x 25mmx3mm Mild Steel angle and supported on a mild steel angle post 75x75x6mm wirh a clear height of not less than 2.10m from the groundlevel to the bottom of the sign board and 0.60m below ground level. The sign post should be painted as per IRC 67 - 2012 and firmly fixed to the ground means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45cmx45cmx60cm size including cost and conveyance of all materials equipment. Machinery and labour with all leads and lifts, loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by the engineer in charge. High intensity Retro Reflectro sheet shall consist of minimum coefficient of Retro - refelction as per table 6.6 of IRC 67 -2012. The retro - refective sheeting shall be covered under 7 year warranty issued for field performance and a certified copy of three years outdoor exposure report shall be obtained as per IRC 67 - 2012.(as per MORT &H Specification No.801) (60 x 45 cm Rectangular Chevorn making) 7 Providing and erecting of Retro - Reflectorized Hazard Marker made out of High Intensity Prismatic Grade Sheeting conforming to Type - IV standards of IRC 67 : 2012 and ASTM D 4956 -09, specification and fixed over 2mm thick Aluminium sheet fixed over a back supporting frameof 25mm x 25mmx3mm Mild Steel angle and supported on a mild steel angle post 75x75x6mmand 0.60m below ground level. The sign post should be painted as per IRC 67 - 2012 and firmly fixed to the ground means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45cmx45cmx60cm size including cost and conveyance of all materials equipment. Machinery and labour with all leads and lifts, loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by the engineer in charge. High intensity Retro Reflectro sheet shall consist of minimum coefficient of Retro - reflection as per table 6.6 of IRC 67 -2012. The retro - reflective sheeting shall be covered under 7 year warranty issued for field performance and a certified copy of three years outdoor exposure report shall be obtained as per IRC 67 - 2012.(as per MORT &H Specification No.801) 8 Supplying and installation of delineators (road way indicators, hazard markers and object markers), 80-100 cm high above ground level, painted at alternatively black and white in 15 cm wide strips, fitted with 80 x 100 mm rectangular or 75 mm dia circular reflectorized panels at the top, buried or pressed into the ground and conforming to IRC-79 etc., complete (as per MORT&H specification No. 806) 9 Providing fixing of Median marker double sided made of polycarbonate for impact resistance and good weather ability. Polycarbonate used for molding the median marker shall have a minimum lzod impact strength value of 600 J/m at room temparature. The impact strength of the poly carbonate should not decrease to less than 70% of its initial value on being subjected to UV weathering as per ASTM G 155 for 1000 hours or exposure to 2 years of natural weathering. The body of the median marker shall be in the form of an isosceles trapezoidal structure of length 15 cm height and width of 10 x 10 cm.The median marker shall have fluorescent yellow retro - reflective sheeting conforming to Type XI specifications as per ASTM D 4956.Area of reflective sheeting should not be less than 70 cm2.Edge of retro reflective shall be concealed using a grill/mesh/similar mechanism to prevent vandalism and sheeting pilferage.The logo of the manufacturer shall be embossed and painted in contrasting colour on both side of median marker for distinct identification. 10 Providing RCC M15 grade Precast KM Stones of standard design as per IRC 8-1980 and fixing in position including painting and printing etc., complete [as per MORT &H Specification No.804] 11 Providing RCC M15 grade Precast HM Stones of standard design as per IRC 8-1980 and fixing in position including painting and printing etc., complete [as per MORT &H Specification No.804] 12 Pavement Repairs 13 Filling Pot-holes and Patch Repairs with Bituminous concrete, 40mm (Removal of all failed material, trimming of completed excavation to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning of surface, painting of tack coat on the sides and base of excavation as per clause 503, back filling the pot holes with hot bituminous material as per clause 504, compacting, trimming and finishing the surface to form a smooth continuous surface, all as per clause 3004.2)

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INR 261000.0 /-
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