Tender For Providing Jointing Of All Types Of Pipe Line Fittings And Material For Leakages Of R M And Dist Linefor Chakan Municipal Council Tal Khed Dist Pune - Excavationforfoundation/pipetrenchesinearth,soilsofalltypes,sand,graveland softmurum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundationand excluding backfilling, etc. complete. (Bd-A-1/259) Lift 0 to 1.5 MMJP DSR 23-24/1/page 37 2 Excavationforfoundation/pipetrenchesin hardmurum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge,normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. (Bd-A-2/259)Lift 0 to 1.5 MMJP DSR 23-24/2/page 37 3 Excavationforfoundation/pipetrenchesinhard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, linedrillingbymechanicalmeans orbyallmeansotherthanblasting including trimmingand levelling the bed,removingthe excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding backfilling, etc. complete by all means. (Bd-A-6/259)Lift 0 to 1.5 M MJP DSR 23-24/7/page 38 4 Excavationforfoundation/pipetrenchesin all types of strata ie soft murum,Hard Murum hard rock,concrete Rd by Mechanical Means,Breaker etc including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge,normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. (Average)Lift 0 to 1.5 M MJP DSR 23-24/2/page 37-38 5 Desilting thesuuply well MJP DSR 23-24/13/page 40 6 JCB/Breaker on Rent MJP DSR 23-24/13/page 15 7 Dewatering the excavated trenches and pool of water in the pipe line trenches etc MJP DSR 23-24/14/page 40 8 Refilling the trenches with available excavatedstuffwithsoftmaterialfirstover pipeline and then hard material in 15 cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation,surcharging, etc. complete. MJP DSR 23-24/15/page 40 9 Filling in plinth and floors murum bedding in trencheswith approved murum from excavatedmaterials from foundation in 15 cm to 20 cm layers including watering andcompaction, etc. complete. (Bd-A-10/263) MJP DSR 23-24/16/page 41 10 Fillinginplinthandfloors/trencheswithcontractors murum for bedding in 15 cm to20cm layersincludingwateringand compaction, etc. complete. (Bd-A-11/263) MJP DSR 23-24/17/page 41 11 Plain cement concrete in PCC M-100MJP DSR 23-24/1a/page 47 12 Plain cement concrete in PCC M-150MJP DSR 23-24/1b/page 47 13 Plain cement concrete in RCC M-150MJP DSR 23-24/2b/page 47 14 Provinding and making PVC/HDPE pipe consumer service connection without water meter with all material and labour without road crossing 15 mm MJP DSR 23-24/17 B/62 15 For 15mm Service connectionMJP DSR 23-24/17 B/62 16 For 25mm Service connectionMJP DSR 23-24/17 B/62 17 Provinding and making GI pipe consumer service connection without water meter with all material and labour without road crossing 15 mm MJP DSR 23-24/18/63 18 For 15mm Service connectionMJP DSR 23-24/18/63 19 For 25mm Service connectionMJP DSR 23-24/18/63 20 Making cross connection to existing distribution main of any type including excavation, breaking and removing existingpipes,lowering, laying of specials and pipes in their position, refilling, closing the water supply in that area, dewatering and restarting the water supply, etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge for following diameters ofexisting pipeline, irrespective of diameter of branch line.a)80 mm MJP DSR 23-24/10/58 21 100 mm 22 125 mm 23 150 mm 24 200 mm 25 Providing D.I. pipesK-9Third party inspection charges of TPI Agency approved by MJP including Transit insurance, Railway Freight, Unloading from railway wagon, Loading into Truck, Transportation to departmental store, unloading, stacking etc. completed as directed by Engineer in charges (IS1536/2001 for pipes and IS 158/1969 and IS 12820/1989 or latest edi-tion/revision with amendments for Rubber Gaskets. 100mm MJP DSR 23-24/3/69 26 150mm 27 200mm 28 250mm 29 Erecting,jointing,testing ofMS/CI D/F pipes and specials 80mm MJP DSR 23-24/9/71 30 ii) 100mm. Joint 31 iii) 125mm. Joint 32 iv) 150mm. Joint 33 v) 200mm. Joint 34 vi) 250mm. Joint 35 vii) 300mm. Joint 36 Providing and supplying in Working Pressure 4 Kg./Sq.cmstandard lengths ISImarkrigidunplasticised PVCpipes suitable for potable water with solvent cement jointsincludingcostofcouplers,asperIS specificationno. 4985 / 1988 excludingGST levied byGOI and GOM inall respect, includingtransportation,freightcharges, inspectioncharges,loading,unloading, conveyancetothedepartmentalstoresand stacking the same in closed shed duly protectedfromsunraysandrainsincluding costofjointingmateriali.e.solventcement, etc.complete(selffittypetobejointedwith cement solvent). 63 mm.MJP DSR 23-24/1 A/74 37 75 mm. 38 90 mm. 39 110 mm. 40 140 mm 41 160 mm. 42 Working Pressure 6 Kg. / Sq.cm 63 mm. MJP DSR 23-24/1 B/74 43 75 mm. 44 90 mm. 45 110 mm. 46 140 mm. 47 160 mm dia 48 Lowering laying and jointing of in Working Pressure 4 Kg./Sq.cmstandard lengths ISImarkrigidunplasticised PVCpipes. 63 mm. MJP DSR 23-24/4 A/78 49 75 mm. 50 90 mm. 51 110 mm. 52 140 mm 53 160 mm. 54 Working Pressure 6 Kg. / Sq.cm 63 mm MJP DSR 23-24/4B/78. 55 75 mm. 56 90 mm. 57 110 mm. 58 140 mm. 59 160mm 60 Hydraulic testing of PVC pipe a)Working Pressure 4 Kg/Sq.cm line to specified pressure including cost of all materials and labour and water for testing for specified length including cutting, placing end cap making arrangement for filling safe water using reciprocatingtype pumps which should beabletoprovidespecifiedtestpressure gauges and other necessary equipments, labour,operationcharges,etc.requiredfor testing.Therateunderthisitemshallalso includecostofretesting,ifnecessaryand reinstating to original position. 63 mm. 61 75 mm. 62 90 mm. 63 110 mm. 64 125 mm 65 140 mm. 66 160 mm. 67 b) Working Pressure 6 to 12.5 Kg./Sq.cm. 63 mm. MJP DSR 23-24/5 AB/79 68 75 mm. 69 90 mm. 70 110 mm. 71 125 mm 72 140 mm. 73 160 mm. 74 ProvidingISI mark G.I. pipemedium duty of following class and dia. excludingGST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, inspection charges, transportation to stores, etc. complete as per IS-1239/2004. Note : One coupler shall be provided with each full length of pipe cost of which is included in rates below15 mm. ( 1.23 kg./m ) MJP DSR 23-24/1B/93 75 20 mm. ( 1.59 kg./m ) 76 25 mm. ( 2.40 kg./m ) 77 32 mm. ( 3.17 kg./m ) 78 40 mm. ( 3.65 kg./m ) 79 50 mm. ( 5.16 kg./m ) 80 65 mm. ( 6.63 kg./m ) 81 80 mm. ( 8.64 kg./m ) 82 100 mm. ( 12.40 kg./m ) 83 125 mm ( 16.70 kg/m ) 84 150 mm.( 19.70 kg./m ) 85 Lowering laying and jointing of G.I. pipemedium duty of following class and dia. excludingGST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, inspection charges, transportation to stores, etc. complete as per IS-1239/2004. Note : One coupler shall be provided with each full length of pipe cost of which is included in rates below15 mm. ( 1.23 kg./m ) MJP DSR 23-24/2B/94 86 20 mm. ( 1.59 kg./m ) 87 25 mm. ( 2.40 kg./m ) 88 32 mm. ( 3.17 kg./m ) 89 40 mm. ( 3.65 kg./m ) 90 50 mm. ( 5.16 kg./m ) 91 65 mm. ( 6.63 kg./m ) 92 80 mm. ( 8.64 kg./m ) 93 100 mm. ( 12.40 kg./m ) 94 125 mm ( 16.70 kg/m ) 95 150 mm.( 19.70 kg./m ) 96 MEDIUMHydraulic testing of G. I. pipe lineto specified pressure including cost of all materials and labour and water for testing for the length upto 1km using reciprocating type pumps which should be able to provide specified test pressure gauges and other necessary equipments,labour operationcharges etc. required for testing, The rates under this item shall also include cost of retesting if necessary and reinstating to original postion 15 mm. ( 1.23 kg./m ) MJP DSR 23-24/3B/95 97 20 mm. ( 1.59 kg./m ) 98 25 mm. ( 2.40 kg./m ) 99 32 mm. ( 3.17 kg./m ) 100 40 mm. ( 3.65 kg./m ) 101 50 mm. ( 5.16 kg./m ) 102 65 mm. ( 6.63 kg./m ) 103 80 mm. ( 8.64 kg./m ) 104 100 mm. ( 12.40 kg./m ) 105 125 mm ( 16.70 kg/m ) 106 150 mm.( 19.70 kg./m ) 107 Blank Flange -PN-1D.I./ MS fitting with ISI mark socket pushon joints or flanged jointsconfirmingto table12 to 31 of IS 9523/2000upto latestamendmentsincludingcostofSBR/EDPMtyton rings.Fittingsshouldbewithinternallyordinaryportland cement mortor lined and externally metallic zinc coating/zinc richpaintwithfinishinglayerofblackbitumencoating including transportation & excluding all statutary duties and taxes such as GST levied by Gol and GoM in all respect et80 mm dia MJP DSR 23-24/x/100 108 100 mm dia 109 150 mm dia 110 200 mm dia 111 250 mm dia 112 300 mm dia 113 Mechanical Joint/Jiffy --Providing and supplyingMJ Collar/Coupling D.I. fittings withISI mark Mechanical joint confirming to tables 12 to table 31 of IS9523/2000 upto latest amendments including cost of SBR/ EDPMgaskets,Nuts,Bolts,WashersandDuctileiron follower glands. Fittings should be with internally Ordinary portland cement mortor lined and externally metallic zinc coating/zinc rich paint with finishing layer of black bitumen coating including transportationand excluding all statutary duties and taxes such as GST levied by Gol and GoM in all respect etc. complete. 80 mm dia MJP DSR 23-24/1/103 114 100 mm dia 115 150 mm dia 116 200 mm dia 117 250 mm dia 118 Flange Socket-PN-10 MJP DSR 23-24/ix/107 80mm dia 119 100mm dia 120 150mm dia 121 200mm dia 122 250 mm dia 123 300 mm dia 124 350 mm dia 125 H. D. P. E. PIPES Providing PE-100 a) 6 Kg/Sq. cm :andsupplyinginstandardlengthsPolyethelenePipes,confirmingtoIS4984/14151 / 12786/ 13488with nesessaryjointing material like mechanical connector i. e. thread / insert joint / quick release coupler joint / compression fitting joint or flanged joint excluding coupler/specials, including transportation and freightcharges,inspectioncharges,loading/ unloading charges, conveyance tothe departmentalstores&stackingthesamein closedshadedulyprotectingfromsunrays& rains, excluding GST levied by GI & GOM in all respect etc. complete. 63 mm MJP DSR 23-24/1A/123 126 75 mm 127 90 mm 128 110 mm 129 125 mm 130 140 mm 131 160 mm 132 180 mm 133 200 mm 134 225 mm 135 250 mm 136 280 mm 137 Lowering, Laying and Jointing H. D. P. E./M. D.P. E. pipesin properpositionincludingall specials by compression fitting/electrofusionand butt fusion jointing procedure as per relevent IS Codecompletewithallmaterialsforjointing procedurelikeElectrofusionmachine,Electric heater/butt fusion welding machine with hydraulic jack, top loading clamp etc. and all laboursas directedby engineerin chargeas per IS-7634Part II For all classes. 20 mm MJP DSR/23-24/2/125 138 25 mm 139 32 mm 140 40 mm 141 50 mm 142 63 mm 143 75 mm 144 90 mm 145 110 mm 146 125 mm 147 140 mm 148 160 mm 149 180 mm 150 200 mm 151 Hydraulictestingof H. D. P. E./ M. D. P. E. pipe line to specified pressure including cost of all materials and labour and water for testing for specifiedlengthincludingcutting,placingend capmakingarrangementforfillingsafewater using reciprocating type pumps which should be able to providespecifiedtest pressuregauges and othernecessaryequipments,labour, operation charges, etc. required for testing. The rateunderthisitemshallalsoincludecostof retesting, if necessary and reinstating to original position.. 20 mm dia MJP DSR/23-24/3/126 152 25 mm dia 153 32 mm dia 154 40 mm dia 155 50 mm dia 156 63 mm dia 157 75 mm dia 158 90 mm dia 159 110 mm dia 160 125 mm dia 161 140 mm dia 162 160 mm dia 163 180 mm dia 164 200 mm dia 165 Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion Fittings/couplersin accordance with BS EN12201: Part-3 suitable for drinkingwaterwith in black/ blue colour manufacturedfromcompoundedPE80/PE100 virginpolymerand compatiblewith PE80/PE100 pipes, in pressure rating SDR11 with min PN12.5 rated for water application and shall be inclusive of allcostsuchastesting, inspection charges, transportation up to store, transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, etc. complete. Couplers 20 MJP DSR23-24/2/130 166 Couplers 25 167 Couplers 32 168 Couplers 40 169 Couplers 50 170 Couplers 63 171 Couplers 75 172 Couplers 90 173 Couplers 110 174 Couplers 125 175 Couplers 140 176 Couplers 160 177 Couplers 180 178 Couplers 200 179 Equal Tee Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion Fittings in accordance with BS EN12201: Part-3 suitable for drinkingwaterwith in black/ blue colour manufacturedfromcompoundedPE80/PE100 virginpolymerand compatiblewith PE80/PE100 pipes, in pressure rating SDR11 with min PN12.5 rated for water application and shall be inclusive of allcostsuchastesting, inspection charges, transportation up to store, transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, etc. complete. Equal Tee 20 MJP DSR23-24/2/130 180 Equal Tee 25 181 Equal Tee 32 182 Equal Tee 40 183 Equal Tee 50 184 Equal Tee 63 185 Equal Tee 75 186 Equal Tee 90 187 Equal Tee 110 188 Equal Tee 125 189 Equal Tee 160 190 Equal Tee 180 191 Equal Tee 200 192 Elbow 90 Deg. Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion Fittings in accordance with BS EN12201: Part-3 suitable for drinkingwaterwith in black/ blue colour manufacturedfromcompoundedPE80/PE100 virginpolymerand compatiblewith PE80/PE100 pipes, in pressure rating SDR11 with min PN12.5 rated for water application and shall be inclusive of allcostsuchastesting, inspection charges, transportation up to store, transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, etc. complete. Elbow 90 Deg. 20 MJP DSR23-24/2/131 193 Elbow 90 Deg. 25 194 Elbow 90 Deg. 32 195 Elbow 90 Deg. 40 196 Elbow 90 Deg. 50 197 Elbow 90 Deg. 63 198 Elbow 90 Deg. 75 199 Elbow 90 Deg. 90 200 Elbow 90 Deg. 110 201 Elbow 90 Deg. 125 202 Elbow 90 Deg. 160 203 Elbow 90 Deg. 180 204 Elbow 90 Deg. 200 205 Reducer Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion Fittings in accordance with BS EN12201: Part-3 suitable for drinkingwaterwith in black/ blue colour manufacturedfromcompoundedPE80/PE100 virginpolymerand compatiblewith PE80/PE100 pipes, in pressure rating SDR11 with min PN12.5 rated for water application and shall be inclusive of allcostsuchastesting, inspection charges, transportation up to store, transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, etc. complete. Reducer 25X20 MJP DSR23-24/2/131 206 Reducer 63X32 207 Reducer 63X40 208 Reducer 63X50 209 Reducer75 x 63 210 Reducer 90X63 211 Reducer90X75 212 Reducer 110X50 213 Reducer 110X63 214 Reducer 110X75 215 Reducer 110X90 216 Reducer 125X90 217 Reducer 160X90 218 Reducer 160X110 219 End Cap Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion Fittings in accordance with BS EN12201: Part-3 suitable for drinkingwaterwith in black/ blue colour manufacturedfromcompoundedPE80/PE100 virginpolymerand compatiblewith PE80/PE100 pipes, in pressure rating SDR11 with min PN12.5 rated for water application and shall be inclusive of allcostsuchastesting, inspection charges, transportation up to store, transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, etc. complete. End Cap 20 MJP DSR23-24/2/131 220 End Cap 25 221 End Cap 32 222 End Cap 40 223 End Cap 50 224 End Cap 63 225 End Cap 75 226 End Cap 90 227 End Cap 110 228 End Cap 125 229 End Cap 140 230 End Cap 160 231 Electrofusion Reducing Tee Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion Fittings in accordance with BS EN12201: Part-3 suitable for drinkingwaterwith in black/ blue colour manufacturedfromcompoundedPE80/PE100 virginpolymerand compatiblewith PE80/PE100 pipes, in pressure rating SDR11 with min PN12.5 rated for water application and shall be inclusive of allcostsuchastesting, inspection charges, transportation up to store, transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, etc. complete. Reducing Tee 32 x 32 x 20 MJP DSR23-24/2/133-134 232 Reducing Tee 63 x 63 x 20 233 Reducing Tee 63 x 63 x 25 234 Reducing Tee 63 x 63 x 32 235 Reducing Tee 63 x 63 x 40 236 Reducing Tee 63 x 63 x 50 237 Reducing Tee 75 x 75 x 40 238 Reducing Tee 90 x 90 x 50 239 Reducing Tee 90 x 90 x 63 240 Reducing Tee 90 x 90 x 75 241 Reducing Tee 110 x 110 x 50 242 Reducing Tee 110 x 110 x 63 243 Reducing Tee 125 x 125 x 75 244 Reducing Tee 125 x 125 x 90 245 Reducing Tee 125 x 125 x 110 246 Reducing Tee 160 x 160 x 50 247 Reducing Tee 160 x 160 x 90 248 Reducing Tee 160 x 160 x 110 249 SpigotLongNeckPipeEnd(StubEnd)for Electro Fusion joint Providing & Supply of Electro Fusion Fittings in accordance with BS EN12201: Part-3 suitable for drinkingwaterwith in black/ blue colour manufacturedfromcompoundedPE80/PE100 virginpolymerand compatiblewith PE80/PE100 pipes, in pressure rating SDR11 with min PN12.5 rated for water application and shall be inclusive of allcostsuchastesting, inspection charges, transportation up to store, transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect, etc. complete.LNPE63 MJP DSR23-24/2/-134 250 LNPE75 251 LNPE90 252 LNPE110 253 LNPE125 254 LNPE140 255 LNPE160 256 Sluice valve - PN - 1.6 (Withoutby pass arrangement)Providingdouble flange sluice valve confirming for IS- 14846 including worn gear arrangements as per test pressure, stainless steel spindle, caps, including inspection charges,transportationuptodepartmental store,unloading,stackingexcludingGST leviedbyGOI&GOMinallrespectetc. complete 50 mm.. MJP DSR23-24/1 c/146 257 65 mm. 258 80 mm. 259 100 mm. 260 125 mm. 261 150 mm. 262 200 mm. 263 250 mm. 264 Reflux Valve - PN - 1.6 (Withoutby pass arrangement)Providingdouble flange sluice valve confirming for IS- 14846 including worn gear arrangements as per test pressure, stainless steel spindle, caps, including inspection charges,transportationuptodepartmental store,unloading,stackingexcludingGST leviedbyGOI&GOMinallrespectetc. complete 50 mm..MJP DSR23-24/1 c/144 265 65 mm. 266 80 mm. 267 100 mm. 268 125 mm. 269 150 mm. 270 200 mm. 271 250mm 272 300mm 273 Air ValveSingleBall Flanged/ Screwed Type - PN -1.6Providing andsupplying Air Valves as per IS- 14845-2000andMJP’sstandard specifications of approved make and quality of following diameters including railway freight,inspectioncharges,unloadingfrom railwaywagons,loadingintotruck, transportation upto departmental stores, unloding and stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete 12/15 mm. MJP DSR 23-24/5 b/149 274 20 mm. 275 25 mm. 276 32 mm. 277 40 mm. 278 50 mm. 279 Lowering, laying and jointing in position following C.I.D/F Air valves including cost of all labour jointing material, including nut bolts and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing etc. complete. (Rate for all class of valves.)15 mm.MJP DSR 23-24/10 a/151-152 280 20 mm. 281 25 mm. 282 32 mm. 283 40 mm. 284 50 mm. 285 Lowering, laying and jointing in position following C.I.D/FReflexvalves,Butterfly valves and Sluice valves including cost of all labour jointing material, including nut bolts and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing etc. complete. (Rate for all class of valves.) 50 mm.MJP DSR 23-24/4 a/148 286 65 mm. 287 80 mm. 288 100 mm. 289 125 mm. 290 150 mm. 291 200 mm. 292 250 mm. 293 300 mm. 294 Supply ofC.I. MechanicalCompressionFlanged /Socket Tailpiece (Popularly known as I TM Flanged / Socket Tailpiece) suitable for making flanged connection with the plain barrel of C. I. Spun Pipes ( as per - IS - 1536 /2001) and D. I. Pipes ( as per IS:8329 / 2000).TheTailpiec to be suppliedcompletewith sealing rubbergasketofS.B.R,C.I.FollowerGlandsandM.S.Nut Bolts.Thewholeassemblyshouldbe mechanicallyand hydraulicallytestedtotheprovisionsaslaiddowninIS:1538 /1993. The rates are inclusive of cost of material, freight charges, loading,transportationandunloadingatdepartementalstore, excluding GST levied by Gol and GoM in all respect, etc. complete 80 mm diaMJP DSR 23-24/1/161 295 100 mm dia 296 125 mm dia 297 150 mm dia 298 200 mm dia 299 Supply ofCI Mechaincal joint Double Socket Reducersas described in Table -21 of IS - 13382/1992 complete with sealing rubber gasket of SBR( dimensionally described in IS-12820/ 1989) with cast iron followergland and mild steel nut bolts coatedor otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for C. I. pipes. 100x80 mm dia MJP DSR 23-24/9/164 300 150x80 mm dia 301 150x100mm dia 302 200x100mm dia 303 200x150mm dia 304 250x150mm dia 305 250x200mm dia 306 C I Double Flanged Specials MJP DSR 23-24/6ai/70 307 M S Double Flanged Specials MJP DSR 23-24/7c/70 308 Providing and making flanged joints to Flanged CI/MS pipes etc 80 mmMJP DSR 23-24/8/71 309 100 mm 310 150 mm 311 200 mm 312 250 mm 313 GI Elbow Elbow 1/2 inch to 1 inch 314 Elbow1.5 to 2.5 inch 315 Elbow 3 inch 316 Elbow 4 inch 317 Elbow 6 inch 318 GI T 1/2 inch to 1.25 inch 319 T 1.5 to 2.5 inch 320 T 3 inch 321 T 4 inch 322 T 6 inch 323 GI Double Nipple1/2 inch to 1 inch 324 Double Nipple 1.25 inch t 2 inch 325 GI bend1/2 inch to 1 inch 326 bend 1.5/ 2 inch 327 bend2.5/3 inch 328 bend4 inch 329 Union(conformingto BIS & ISI marked)1/2 inch to 1.25 inch 330 Union 1.5 to 2.5 inch 331 Union 4/3 inch 332 GI Socket1/2 inch to 1 inch 333 GI Socket 1.5 inch 334 GI Socket 2 inch 335 GI Socket2.5 inch 336 GI Socket 3 inch 337 GI Socket 4 inch 338 GI Socket6 inch 339 G I Barrel piece with both side threaded 20/25 mm x .3mtr 340 G I Barrel piece with both side threaded 40/50mm x .3mtr 341 G I Barrel piece with both side threaded 65/80 mm x .3mtr 342 G I Barrel piece with both side threaded100/150 mm x .3mtr 343 S V Check Nut80/100 mm 344 Check Nut150/200 mm 345 Check Nut250 mm 346 S V Spindle80 to 150 mm 347 Spindle200 to 250 mm 348 Supply ISI Mark Rubber packing2/2.5 inch 349 Rubber packing 3/4 inch 350 Rubber packing5/ 6 inch 351 White Rubber sheet 352 Supply ISI Mark Plating Nut bolt and with washers 1/2x 2 inch to 3 inch 353 Nut bolt 1/2x 4 inch 354 Supply ISI Mark Nut bolt and with washers 5/8x 2 inch to 4 inch 355 Valve operating spanner with Valve cap,Steel Rod vert.and horizontal necessry length of2.5/3 inch 356 Valve operating spanner with Valve cap,Steel Rod vert.and horizontal necessry length of 4/ 6 inch 357 Supply and Jointing Of ISI Mark PVC Socket upto 1 inch 358 PVC Socket 1.5/2 inch 359 PVC Socket2.5/ 3 inch 360 PVC Socket 4 inch 361 PVC Socket 5/6 inch 362 ISI Mark PVC Elbowupto 1 inch 363 ISI Mark PVC Elbowupto 1.25 to2.5 inch 364 Elbow 3/4 inch 365 Elbow 6/5 inch 366 ISI Mark PVC T uupto 1inch 367 PVC T 1.25 inch 368 PVC T 1.5 inch 369 PVC T 2 inch 370 ISI Mark PVC T from 1.25 uupto 2.5inch 371 PVC T 3/ 4 inch 372 PVC T5 inch 373 PVC T 5/ 6 inch 374 ISI Mark PVC 90Degree/Shoe Bendupto 1.25 inch 375 Bend 1.5 to2.5 inch 376 Bend3/ 4 inch 377 Bend 5/6 inch 378 Reducer1x3/4inch 379 Reducer1.5x2 inch 380 Reducer2.5x3 inch 381 Reducer3x4 inch 382 Reducer3x2 inch 383 Reducer 3x2.5inch 384 Reducer4 x2inch 385 Reducer 4x2.5 inch 386 Reducer 6x4inch 387 Reducer 6x3inch 388 Provinding laying and Jointing ofS V MS/CI Flanged PVC Tail Piece 63 mm 389 Provinding laying and Jointing of SV MS/CI Flanged PVC Tail Piece 75 mm 390 Provinding laying and Jointing of SV MS/CI Flanged PVC Tail Piece 90 mm 391 Provinding laying and Jointing ofSV MS/CI Flanged PVC Tail Piece 110 mm 392 Provinding laying and Jointing of SVMS/CI Flanged PVC Tail Piece 160 mm 393 ISI Mark PVC Inernal/External thread piece (FTA/MTA) 1/2 inchto 1 inch 394 1.25 inchto2 inch 395 3/2.5 inch 396 4 to6 inch 397 Supply and Jointing at site of work UPVC/PVC Repair joint 2 inch 398 Repair joint 2.5nch 399 Repair joint 3 inch 400 Repair joint 4 inch 401 Repair joint 5 inch 402 Repair joint 6 inch 403 SupplyISI Mark PVC End capupto 1.25 inch 404 End cap1.5 to 2.5 inch 405 End cap3/ 4 inch 406 End cap5/ 6 inch 407 New connection PVC Clamp Service saddle 2.5x1/2inch to 1 inch 408 New connection PVC Clamp Service saddle 3 x1/2inch to 1 inch 409 New connection PVC Clamp Service saddle 4 x1/2inch to 1 inch 410 clamp 6x1 inch 411 New connection Ferrule upto1 inch 412 Tap upto1inch 413 Providing and supplying and Jointing of UPVC PIPE standard lengths ISImarkUPVCpipes 15 mm.10 kg 414 U PVCpipes 20mm. 415 U PVCpipes 25mm. 416 UPVCpipes 32 mm. 417 U PVCpipes 40 mm. 418 U PVCpipes 50 mm. 419 U PVCpipes 65 mm. 420 ISI Mark U PVC Socket upto1.25 inch as under 421 Socket 1.5/2 inch 422 PVC Socket2.5/ 3 inch 423 Socket 4/5 inch 424 Socket 6 inch 425 ISI Mark UPVC brass Elbowupto1.25 inch 426 Elbow 1.5 to 2.5 inch 427 Elbow 3 to5 inch 428 Elbow 6 inch 429 ISI Mark UPVC T upto1.25 inch 430 1.5 toT 2.5 inch 431 T 3 to 4 inch 432 T 5 to6 inch 433 SupplyISI Mark UPVC Bend upto1.25 inch 434 Bend 1.5 to2.5 inch 435 UPVC Reducer / Bushing 1x1/2 inchto 1 inch 436 Reducer1.5x2 inch 437 Reducer2.5x3 inch 438 Supply ISI Mark UPVC/Brass Inernal/ External thread piece Brass(FTA/MTAupto1.25 inch 439 Supply ISI Mark UPVC/Brass Inernal/ External thread piece Brass(FTA/MTA1.5-2.5 inch 440 Supply ISI Mark UPVC/Brass Inernal/ External thread piece Brass(FTA/MTA 3-4 inch 441 Supply ISI Mark UPVC/Brass Inernal/ External thread piece Brass(FTA/MTA 5-6 inch 442 ISI Mark UPVC End cap upto 1.5 inch 443 ISI Mark UPVC End cap 2 to 4 inch 444 Supplying MS New connection Clamp Service saddle 2.5x1/2inch set 445 3x1 inch 446 4x1inch 447 6x1 inch 448 8x1 inch 449 HDPE Nipple2- 3 inch 450 HDPE Nipple4- 5 inch 451 HDPE Nipple 6 inch 452 HDPE/Hose/ clip2 to 3 inch 453 HDPE /hose clip4 to 6 inch 454 Supply and Jointing ofHose Pipe 20-25 mm 455 Hose Pipe 50 mm 456 Hose Pipe80 mm 457 Hose Pipe 100 mm 458 Threaded Hose Nipple 20 mm 459 Threaded Hose Nipple20- 25 mm 460 Threaded Hose Nipple 50-80 mm 461 Threaded Hose Nipple 100 mm 462 Threaded MS Flange2/ 2.5 inch 463 Threaded MS Flange3/ 4inch 464 Threaded MS Flange 6 inch 465 Supply Of Genaral Material - tefflon tape 3 mtr 466 Hacksaw blade high speed 467 Hand operated cripling tool 468 Grinder wheel 4 inch 469 PP Rope 470 Nylon Rope 471 GumBoot 472 Hand gloves 22 kv 473 Bronze Cock 1/2inch to1 inch 474 PVC Cock 1/2 inch to 1 inch 475 Godrej Nav Tal 7 Lever 476 4 inch cutoff wheel 477 Mangalam Rod 3.15 478 Tag 100 gm 479 Making Greasing for valves 480 Replacving 10 to 12 mm Gland Rassi of Valves 481 CI Gate valve 20/40mm 482 PVC cock 15to 25 mm 483 UPVC/CPVC solution 250 ML ISI 484 PVC solution 250 ML ISI 485 Hole Tight 100grm 486 M seal100 gm 487 GI /MS plug 1/2 inch 488 MS Blank Flange 2inch to 3 inch 489 MS Blank Flange 4inch to 6 inch 490 Water storage PVC Tank 491 UPVC tank Nipple 25 mm 492 2 inch Nutbolt Heavy Plating 493 Stud 494 MSclamp With Nutboltupto 3 inch 495 MSclamp With Nutbolt 4 inch to 6 inch 496 Brass Ball Valve H 20 to 40 mm 497 Brass Ball Valve H 50 to80 mm 498 15 mm to 25 mm GI u clamp