
Tender For Supply Of Consumable Items For Jan Aushadhi, patiala-Punjab

Department Of Medical Education And Research has published Tender For Supply Of Consumable Items For Jan Aushadhi. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-02-2025. Medical Equipment Tenders in patiala Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Consumable Items For Jan Aushadhi
Open Tender

Tender Documents

Tender Details

Tender For supply of Consumable Items For Jan Aushadhi , 2-0 17Mm 3X3x1.5 With Pledgets , Braided Polyster And Coated With Polt Butylate Suture (Ethibond)5-0 4846 , Braided Polyster And Coated With Polt Butylate Suture (Ethibond)No.2 , Braided Polyster And Coated With Polt Butylate Suture (Ethibond)No.5 , 0.014*260Cm Wire , 0.018*300Cm Wire , 0.035*150Cm Wire , 0.035*260Cm Wire , 1 Cc Syringe , 1.4 Mm Side Port Keratome , 10-0 Double Arm Nylon Suture , 10-0 Double Armed Nylon Suture On A Spatulated Needle , 1971 Bag+Plate , 1972 Bag+Plate , 1973 Bag +Plate , 2 Cc Syringe , 20Ml Syringe , 5.2 Mm Keratome , 50Cc Syringe , 5Cc Syringe , 5F Tiger Catheter , 60 Cc Syringe , 6-0 Double Silk Suture , 6100 Bag , 6Fr Femoral Sheath , 6Fr Radial Sheath , 8-0 Vicryl Suture , Act Vials (Bl Life Sciences) , Adk 28 No , Adk 32 No , Airway 4 No , Ambu Bag Adult , Ambu Bag With Mask , Ankle Binder(All Sizes) , Antimicrobial Incise Drape L Size , Antimicrobial Incise Drape M Size , Aortic Cannula 18Fr , Aortic Cannula 20Fr , Aortic Cannula 22Fr , Arm Pouch (All Sizes) , Arm Pouch Sling , Baby Wipes , Biliaflet Mechanical Aortic Valve , Biliaflet Mechanical Mitral Valve , Bimannual Irrigation Aspiration (21G) Compatible With Oertli Faros Machine , Bipap Mask , Blade 11No , Blade 12 No , Blade 15No , Blade 23No , Blood Transfusion Set (Sterilized) , Bone Wax Sterlised , Bp Apparatus , Braided Polyster And Coated With Polt Butylate Suture (Ethibond) 2 No. 4843 , Braided Polyster And Coated With Polt Butylate Suture (Ethibond) 2-0 26Mm 6X3x1.5 With Pledgets , Cap Surgical , Cardioplegia Aortic Root Cannula With Vent 5Fr , Cardioplegia Aortic Root Cannula With Vent 7Fr , Cardioplegia Aortic Root Cannula With Vent 9Fr , Cardioplegia Cornary Ostial Perfusion Cannula 10Fr , Cardioplegia Cornary Ostial Perfusion Cannula 12Fr , Cardioplegia Cornary Ostial Perfusion Cannula 14Fr , Cardioplegia Delivery System(Delnido) , Cardioplegia Retrograde Cannula 15Fr , C-Arm Cover , Catgut 1 No Rb 4259Ep , Catgut 1-0 4242 , Catgut 2-0 Rb , Catgut 3-0 Rb , Catgut 5-0 Cutting Needle , Catgut Loop , Catgut No 1Rb 40Mm , Cautery Lead Bipolar , Cautery Pencil Unipolar , Cbd Stent 10Fr X 10Cm Double Pigtail , Cbd Stent 10Fr X 10Cm Straight , Cbd Stent 7Fr X 10Cm Double Pigtail , Cbd Stent 7Fr X 10Cm Straight , Center Line Triple Lumen , Chest Tube 28 No , Chest Tube 32 No , Chest Tube No 20 Straight And Angled , Chest Tube No 28 Straight And Angled , Chest Tube No 32 Straight And Angled , Chest Tube No 36- Straight And Angled , Chromic Catgut No. 2 Roundbody , Cicular Stapler 28 Mm , Cicular Stapler 33 Mm , Clavicle Brace , Codan Set Pvc , Colostomy Adhesive Remover Spray , Colostomy Bag And Kit , Colostomy Barrier Cream , Combined Spinal Epidural Set 18 No , Composite Mesh 15 X 15 Cm , Composite Mesh 20 X 15 Cm , Composite Mesh 30 X 20 Cm , Connectors- Y Connector Size, 3/8X3/8X3/8 For Heart Lung Machine , Connectors- Y Connector Size:1/2X1/2X1/2For Heart Lung Machine , Connectors- Y Connector Size:1/4X1/4X1/4For Heart Lung Machine , Container 30Ml , Container 60Ml , Cord Clamp , Core Biopsy Gun 18 No. , Core Biopsy Gun 20 No. , Corrugated Drain , Cotton Umbilical Tape , Crape Bandage 10Cm X 4M , Crape Bandage 15 Cm X 4M , Crescent Blade 2.6Mm , Cresecent Blade , D.L.T Tubeleft & Right 37Frg , D.L.T Tubeleft & Right 39Frg , D.L.T Tubeleft & Right 41Frg , Dialyzer , Digital Thermometer , Disposable Examination Gloves Latex Free Size , Disposable Pressure Infusion , Disposable Pressure Pump For Rfa , Disposable Proctoscope , Disposable Syringe Without Lock 10Ml , Disposable Syringe Without Lock 20 Ml , Disposable Syringe Without Lock 50 Ml , Disposable Vitrectomy Cutter Compatible With Oertli Faros Machine , Dj Stent 6No , Drape Sheet , Dy Connecting Tube , Dynamic Cock Up Splint(All Sizes) , Ecg Electrode , Elastic Adhesive Bandage 1M , Elastic Adhesive Bandage Lonoline Free Streach Nlt 60% Size 10Cmx4mtr. , Elbow Guard(All Sizes) , Et Tube 7 No Non Flexometalic , Etttube 2.5 , Ett 5 No Cuffed , Ett 5.5 Cuffed , Ett 6.5 No Cuffed , Ett 7.5No Cuffed , Ett 8.5 No Cuffed , Ett Tube 3 No , Ett Tube 3.5 No , Ett Tube 4 No , Ett Tube 4.5 No Cuffed , Ett Tube 7No. Cuffed , Ett Tube 8No Cuffed , Extension Tube 100Cm , F2 8Ta 23 Cutter , Face Mask , Face Shield , Femoral Catheter , Femoral Sheath 7Fr , Fibercast 4 , Fiberwire (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (Uhmwpe) No 0 , Fiberwire (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (Uhmwpe) No 2 , Fibre Tapeuhmwpe #2, Suture And Needle Assembly,(Assorted Colour) , Fibre Tape Uhmwpe #2-0, Suture And Needle Assembly (Assorted Colour) , Fibre Wire Uhmwpe#1, Suture And Needle Assembly (Assorted Colour) , Fibre Wire Uhmwpe#2, Suture And Needle Assembly, 38 (Assorted Colour) , Fibre Wireuhmwpe #2-0, Suture And Needle Assembly (Assorted Colour) , Fibrecast 6 , Fibrillar 1962 , Finger Cot Splint(All Sizes) , Fishur Bur , Fistulla Needle , Flat Drain , Fluid Shield Mask With Visor , Fogarty Catheter6 Fr. , Fogarty Catheter 4 Fr. , Foleys Cath 14No (2Way) , Foleys Cath 16No (2Way) , Foleys Catheter (2 Way) 10 No , Foleys Catheter (2 Way) 12 No , Foleys Catheter (2 Way) 18 No , Foleys Catheter (3 Way) 14 No , Foleys Catheter (3 Way) 16 No , Foleys Catheter (3 Way) 18 No , Foleys Catheter 2Way (No. 6) Sterile , Foleys Catheter 2Way (No. 8) Sterile , G Patch , Giggly Saw Wire , Glass Slides , Glucometer , Guide Wire 0.035X70cm Uncoated St Tip , Haemodialysis Catheter , Haemostatic Sponge , Harmonic Shears Laparoscopic , Harmonic Shears Open , Heart Lung Pack With Arterial Filter , Heel Cushion , Hemoloc Vascular Clips 10 , Hemoloc Vascular Clips 8 , Hip U Drape , Hiv Kit , Hme Filter , Horizon Ligating Clips 001204 Yellow , Horizon Ligating Clips 002204 Blue , Humby Knife Blade , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol + 16.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol + 19.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol + 19.50 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol + 22.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +15.0 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +17.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +18.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +18.50 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +20.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +20.50 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +21.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +21.50 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +22.50 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +23.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +23.50 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +24..00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +25.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +26.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +27.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +28.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +29.00 , Hydrophobic Foldable Iol +30.00 , I / V Cannula 24 G Purple , I / V Cannula 26 G Purple , I V Set Vented With Needle , Icd Underwater Seal Bag , Icg Dye , Ileostomy Bag And Kit , Infant Feeding Tube Size 10 , Infant Feeding Tubes Size 6 , Infant Feeding Tubes Size 7 , Infant Feeding Tubes Size 8 , Insulin Syringe U-40 , Intercostal Chest Drainage Tube Size 16 , Intercostal Chest Drainage Tube Size 20 , Intercostal Chest Drainage Tube Size 24 , Intercostal Chest Drainage Tube Size 28 , Introducer Needle , Iso-G 500Ml , Iv Drip Set , Jp Drain , Kehr T Tube 10 No , Kehr T Tube 12 No , Kehr T Tube 14 No , Kehr T Tube 16 No , Kehr T Tube 8 No , Keratome 2.8Mm , Keratome 5.2Mm , Knee Cap (All Sizes) , Knee Immobiliser , Knee-O-Drape , Knotless Suture Sxpp1a410 , Lactulose Enema , Laryngoscope 2 , Laryngoscope 3 , Laryngoscope 4 , Liga Clip Lt300 , Ligaclip Lt 400 , Linear Gi Endostapler 36 Mm , Linear Gi Endostapler 55 Mm , Linear Gi Endostapler Catridge 55 Mm , Linear Gi Endostapler Catridge 75 Mm , Linear Gi Stapler 100 Mm , Linear Gi Stapler 55 Mm , Linear Gi Stapler 60 Mm , Linear Gi Stapler 75 Mm , Linear Gi Stapler 80 Mm , Linear Gi Staplercatridge 100 Mm , Linear Gi Staplercatridge 55 Mm , Linear Gi Staplercatridge 60 Mm , Linear Gi Staplercatridge 75 Mm , Linear Gi Staplercatridge 80 Mm , Liner Gi Endostapler 36 Mm , Liner Gi Endostapler 75Mm , Long Knee Brace (All Sizes) , Lv Vent Catheter 13Fr , Lv Vent Catheter 16Fr , Male To Female Luer Connector , Male To Male Luer Connector , Malecots Catheter 26 No. , Malecots Catheter 28 No. , Malecots Catheter 30 No. , Malecots Catheter 32 No. , Medial Arch (All Sizes) , Medtronic Drill 14 No Burr , Medtronic Perforator 14Mm , Mekentosh 1M , Merocel Dressing , Metatarsal Bar (All Sizes) , Micropore 1 , Multiple Perfusion Set 15 Inch , Mvr Blade 19Gauze , Nasal Prongs Child Size , Nasal Prongs Infact Size , Nasal Prongs Neonate Size , Neb Kit For Tracheostomy , Nebulizer Machine , Nebulizer Mask Child , Nebulizer. Mask Ult , Needle 18 , Needle 23 , Needle 24 , Needle 26 No , Needle 27No , Needles 30 Mm , Neonatal Feeding Tubes No. 5 , Neonatal Feeding Tubes No. 6 , Ng Tube 6 No , Ng Tube 7 No , Ng Tube 8 No , Nrm Mask Ad , Nylon 3-0 Cutting Needle , Nylon 4-0 Cutting Needle , Nylon 5-0 Cutting Needle , Nylon No. 2-0 Cutting Needle , Nylon Suture (Ethilon)1-0 3389 , Nylon Suture (Ethilon) 10-0 3719 , Nylon Suture (Ethilon) 2-0 3336 , Nylon Suture (Ethilon) 3338 , Nylon Suture (Ethilon)3-0 3328 , Nylon Suture (Ethilon)4-0 3319 , O2 Mask Ad , O2 Mask Child , Online Blood Tubing , Ortho Cotton 4 , Ortho Cotton 6 , Orthopaedic 7 No Gloves , Orthopaedic 7.5 No Gloves , Oxy Set Adult , Oxygenator With Reservoir (Sorin) , Paediatric Oxygen Masks , Paper Adhesive Plaster 5*5 , Paraffin Gauze , Pds5-0 Rb , Pds 2-0 9133 , Pds 2-0 Knotless Tissue Control Device Half Circle Device Half Circle Taperpoint 36Mm , Pds 4-0 Rb , Pds 6-0 Rb , Pds Ii 6-0 W9091h , Pds Loop No 1 R/B , Pedia Drip Set , Pedia Set , Pediatril Urine Collector Bag , Phaco Sleeves , Pig Tail With Needle 14 Fr , Platelet Aphresis Kit With Acd (Compatible With Trima Accel Lrs Platelet , Plasma Set (80300) , Pledgets Pcp20 , Pmo Line , Poly Drape Sheet , Pop 10Cm X 2.7M , Pop 15Cm X 2.7M , Powerdrool , Pph Stapler , Pregnancy Card Test Kit , Preloaded Hydrophobic Iol , Pressure Inducer Bag , Pressure Monitoring Kit , Pressure Monitoring Line Male/Female Luer Lock , Pressure Monitoring Line Male/Male Luer Lock , Prolene 2-0 Rb 844 , Prolene 3-0 018 , Prolene 3-0 Rb 838 , Prolene 5-0 Rc 889 , Prolene 6-0 829 , Prolene Mesh 3*6 , Prolene Mesh 30X30 , Prolene Mesh 6*6 , Prolene No 1 Suture On Reverse Cutting Needle , Prolene No. 1-0 Rb , Prolene No. 2 Rb, Cn , Prolene No. 2-0 Rb Cn , Prolene No. 3-0 Rb Cn , Prolene No. 4-0 17Mm (Double Needle) Rb , Prolene No. 4-0 20Mm ( Double Needle ) Rb , Prolene No. 4-0 26Mm ( Double Needle ) Rb , Prolene No. 5-0 17Mm ( Double Needle ) Rb , Prolene No. 6-0 11Mm ( Double Needle ) Rb , Prolene No. 6-0 13Mm ( Double Needle ) Rb , Prolene No. 7-0 8Mm ( Double Needle ) Rb , Prolene No. 7-0 9.3Mm ( Double Needle ) Rb , Prolene No. 8-0 7Mm ( Double Needle ) Rb , Pulse Lavage For Tkr , Radial Artery Cannula , Raneys Clips , Respirometer , Rfa Introducer Needle , Rfa Sheath , Rfa Vascular Sheath , Rhaney Clip , Romoseal Bottles-Kit , Romovac Suction Drain 10 , Rotaflow , Ryle Tube 10 No , Ryles Nasogastric Tube Size 12 , Ryles Nasogastric Tube Size 14 , Ryles Tube 16 , Scalp Vein 21No , Shoulder Immobilizer (All Sizes) , Sideport 15 , Silk 1-0 Rb 5332 , Silk 1-0 Rc5037 , Silk 2-0 5331 , Silk 2-0 Free Ties , Silk 2-0 Rc 5036 , Silk 3-0 5085 , Silk 3-0 Cutting Needle , Silk 3-0 Free Ties , Silk 3-0 Rb , Silk 3-0 Rc 5028 , Silk 4-0 5082 , Silk 4-0 5086 , Silk 4-0 Rb , Silk 5-0 5081Rb , Silk I No Cn 5062 , Silk No. 2-0 Cn , Silk No. 2-0 Sutupack , Silk No. 3-0 Sutupack , Silk No.0 Cn , Silk No.0 Rb , Silk No.0 Sutupack , Silk No.1 Rb , Silk No.1 Sutupack , Silk No.3 Rb , Skin Graffting Blade , Skin Leg Traction , Skin Stapler , Skin Stapler Remover , Soft Gelatin Sponge , Soft Roll 10Cm , Soft Roll 15Cm , Spinal Needle 18No , Spinal Needle 22No , Spinal Needle 23G , Spinal Needle 25G , Spinal Needle 26G , Static Cock Up Splint(All Sizes) , Steel Wire No 6 Cn , Steel Wire No. 6 Rb , Sterile Ophthamic Irrigation Solution 500Ml (Basal Salt Solution Bss) , Stockinett , Straight Connector Size: 1/4X1/4 , Straight Connector Size: 1/4X3/8 , Straight Connector Size: 3/8X3/8 , Straight Connector Size:, 1/2X1/2 , Straight Connector Size:3/8X1/2, , Stripper , Strips Glucose Test , Suction Cannula No 7 , Suction Catheter16no , Suction Catheter 10 No , Suction Catheter 12 No , Suction Catheter No 14 , Suction Catheter No 16 , Suction Drain 12No , Suction Drain 14No , Suction Drain 16 No , Suction Tube 16Fr Shaft With 20Fr Fluted Tip , Suimuplex A305mm 22G , Sump Intracardiac 12Fr , Superoxide Spray , Suprapubic Catheter With Trocar 16 , Suprapubic Catheter With Trocar 18 , Surgical Gloves Sterilized 6.5 (Isi Mark) , Surgical Gloves Sterilized 7 (Isi Mark) , Surgical Gloves Sterilized 7.5 (Isi Mark) , Surgicel 4X8 , Sutupak 1-0 214 , Sutupak 1No 215 , Sutupak 2-0 Sw213 , Sutupak 3-0 212 , Suture Ethibond 2-0 17Mmpnw617 , Suture Ethibond 2-0 Mnw6556 , Suture Ethibond 2-0 W10b55 , Suture Ethibond 2-0 W10b77 , Suture Mersilk 2-0 Nw5670 , Suture Monofilament 6 M654g , Suture Monofilament 6 Mnw9494 , Suture Pacing Wire Tpw30 , Suture Pds Ii 2-0 W9133h , Suture Prolene 2-0 W8977 , Suture Prolene 4-0 W8557 , Suture Prolene 4-0 W8761 , Suture Prolene 4-0 W8845 , Suture Prolene 5-0 W8556 , Suture Prolene 6-0 W8597 , Suture Prolene 6-0 W8718 , Suture Prolene 6-0 W8802 , Suture Prolene 7-0 8735H , Suture Prolene 7-0 Ep8704slh , Suture Proline 6-08726H , Syringes 250Cc , Tacker Absorbable , Tacker Non Absorbable , Taylor Brace (All Sizes) , Tegderm Patch , Tennis Elbow Brace(All Sizes) , Terumo 0.035X150cm Wire , Terumo 0.03X260cm Wire , Three Way Connector , Three Way Connector With Iv Extension 36 Cm , Tissue Glue , Toe Separator(All Sizes) , Tongue Depressar , T-Piece , Tracheostomy Mount , Tracheostomy Tube Cuffed 6.5 Mm , Tracheostomy Tube Cuffed 7 Mm , Tracheostomy Tube Cuffed 7.5 Mm , Tracheostomy Tube Cuffed 8 Mm , Tracheostomy Tube Uncuffed 6.5Mm , Tracheostomy Tube Uncuffed 7.5Mm , Tracheostomy Tube Uncuffed 7Mm , Tracheostomy Tube Uncuffed 8Mm , Transparent Adhesive Poly Urethrane Surgical Incise Drape Large Size , Transparent Adhesive Poly Urethrane Surgical Incise Drape Mediume Size , Trop I Kit , Trop T Kit , Tubing Set , Tungsten Burr Cutting 1Mm , Tungsten Burr Cutting 2Mm , Tungsten Burr Cutting 3Mm , Tungsten Burr Cutting 4Mm , Tungsten Burr Cutting 5Mm , Tungsten Burr Cutting 6Mm , Tungsten Burr Cutting 7Mm , Tungsten Burr Diamond 1Mm , Tungsten Burr Diamond 2Mm , Tungsten Burr Diamond 3Mm , Tungsten Burr Diamond 4Mm , Tungsten Burr Diamond 5Mm , Tungsten Burr Diamond 6Mm , Tungsten Burr Diamond 7Mm , Turban Caps , Turp Set , Ultrasonic Gel , Umblical Tap , Under Pad , Under Water Seal , Unsterilized Gloves Box(60Pc) , Urine Collecting Bag , Usg Camera Cover , Uvc Cathetar 3.5 No , Uvc Cathetar 4.5 No , Vaccu Suck , Venous Cannula - Angled 18Fr , Venous Cannula - Angled 20Fr , Venous Cannula - Angled 22Fr , Venous Cannula - Angled 24Fr , Venous Cannula - Angled 26Fr , Venous Cannula- Two Stage36/46 , Venous Cannula- Two Stage 32/40 , Venous Cannula- Two Stage 34/46 , Venous Cannula-Straight Tip 22 Fr , Venous Cannula-Straight Tip 24 Fr , Venous Cannula-Straight Tip 26 Fr , Venous Cannula-Straight Tip 28 Fr , Venous Cannula-Straight Tip 30Fr , Venous Cannula-Straight Tip 32 Fr , Ventilater Circuit , Ventury Face Mask , Vicryl 1 No 2421 , Vicryl 1 No Rb 2347 Vp , Vicryl 1-0 2346 , Vicryl 2-0 2317 , Vicryl 2-0 Cn 2404 , Vicryl 3-0 Cn 2401 , Vicryl 3-0 Cn 2471 , Vicryl 3-0 Rb 2437 , Vicryl 4-0 2305 , Vicryl 4-0 Rb 2304 , Vicryl 5-0 2493 , Vicryl 5-0 Rb 2303 , Vicryl 6-0 2670 , Vicryl 6-0 Rb , Vicryl No. 0 R.B , Vicryl No. 1-0 Rb , Vicryl No. 2-0 R.B. , Vicryl No. 3-0 R.B. , Vicryl No.1 R.B. , Vicryl Round Body Nw2338 , Vloc Suture , Water Seal Bag , Y Adapter Cornary Perfusion , Yellow, Blue Vascular Clips

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 10000 /-
INR 400000.0 /-
Tender Value
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