Auction Sale Of Scrap Ms T And P And General Ferrous Items U//S To Rly. Use Such As A] Jack Screw 15 T Capacity (01 No), Jack Screw 10 T (01 No), Screw Jack Duff 35 T(01 No), Hydraulic Jack 50 T(01 No), Hydraulic Jack Screw 1 Ram (02 Nos), Hydraulic Jack Duff Type 30 T Capacity (02 No), Small Jack (01 No), Jack Screw Type(01 No), Key For Laminated Bearing Spring (75 Nos), Lifting Pulling (01 No), Old Scrap Drum (200 Ltr Capacity : 06 Nos.) , Universal Coupling (10Nos) , Release Valve (04 Nos), Safety Loop (30 Nos), Piston Rod (02 Nos), Piston Rod Nickle (03 Nos), Shackle (02 Nos), Shackle Pin For Spring (18 Nos), Kicker (02 Nos), Old High Pressure Water Jet Cleaning Machine U/S (01 No), Emergency Inflatable Lighting Tower(02 Nos), Rack 10X6- With Pigeon Hole (01 No) , Control Table Mfd (01 No), Mfd Hydraulic Jack (02 Nos), Grease Gun (01 No), Cupboard (Old And Damaged 02 Nos), Bench Vice (01 No) , Head Stock Spring Hanger (02 No), Brake Beam Hanger (11 Nos) , Reweaving Chair(01 No), Chair 10 Nos, 04 Wheel Trolley (01 No), Valve Clappet Washer C&W (11Nos) , Axle Guard Tie Rod (05 Nos) , Bucket Iron Glvd 2 1/2 Galf Cap (06 Nos). Painted Red Marked Fire, Plate Vacuum Testing(05 Nos), Stand Cleaning(01 No), Iron Bhatty(01 No), Old Damaged Hand Made Cupboard (01 No), Qty In Weight : 1732.4 Kg. Location: Sse(C&W)Ndb Depot.B] Shackle Pin (31 Nos), Rail Skate Trolley(Two Piece) -02 Nos. , Watering Ball Valve (Iron) 172 Nos, Bearing Brass White Metal (17 Nos.), Jack Screw 20 T (02 Nos). Qty In Weight : 1302.8 Kgs. , Location: At Sse(C&W) Ndb Depot., C] Telescopic Jack With Plate (04 Nos), Telescopic Jack With Plate (01 No), Telescopic Jack With Plate (02 Nos), Telescopic Jack With Plate (02 Nos), Tilting Jack (03 Nos), Sliding Plats (02 Nos) , Claw Jack (03 Nos) , Radius Plate (03 Nos) , Stacking Set (02 Nos), Puling Device (01 No), Lifting Belt (02 Nos), Control Table Lukas (01 No), Traversing (Roller Carriage Without Jack) 03 Nos, Telescopic Jack With Plate(04 Nos), Power Pack Machine(Diesel Operated) 01 No, Hand Pump-01 No , Resetting Device-(02 Nos), Qty In Weight: 1659.8 Kgs. Location : Sse(C&W) Ndb Depot. Custodian: Sse C And W Ndb Total Disposable Weight Of Lot Is 4695 Kgs, (4.695 Mt) , Mode Of Delivery By Actual Weight In Mt, Loading By Purchaser, To Be Sale On As And Where Is Basis, Note: 1] Purchasers Are Requested To See The Lot/Site Before Bidding. 2] Cutting Is Permitted If Required Necessary , 3] Fdp 50 Days .