Tender For Solar Power Pressurized Irrigation Infrastructure In Overflowing Village Pond Salwan, Mata Wala Pond Dist. Karnal - 1 Providing and lowering of HDPE floater manufactured with 225 mm dia PE pipe having PE-80 and PN-10 to float the submersible open well pump/motor 2 Galvanized steel chain link wire mesh fabric with opening size 7.5x7.5 cm and 10 gauge wire 2.4 meter ht MS Angle 50x50x5 mm supports of MS Flat 35x5 mm. The Msangle supports shall be anchored in cement concrete (1:3:6) blocks 45x45x60 cm additional barbed wire fencing shall be provided at the top of mesh fencing 3 Providing and fixing 12 Watt LED StreetLighting of 75 watt solar panel, 12.8 volt 30Ah Lithium Ferro Phosphate battery,12 Watt WhiteLED Luminaireand Pole of 5Meter above ground level withdusk to dawn operation {first 4hours full lightSystem ding, fixing and testing of Solar light including battery: min. 24 lux) , rest of the time at lowerlight (50% Min. 12 lux) level} and 3 days or minimum 36operating hoursautonomy or as per direction of engineer-in-charge 4 Providing, fixing, testing of 110 mm HDPE pipe (for jointing floater, all filters, PRV etc) PE 80 5 Providing and fixing Tank Type (Make of Metal) Fertilizer and Chemical Injector System confirming to IS 14483 (Part 3) of 2018 for demonstration and guiding the farmers regarding fertilization and chemicalisation of system. (rates include ventury with manifold 1.0`=1300 and 60 litter fertilizer tank= 4400 ) rate approved by Worthy Administrator, MICADA, Haryana@5700/- 6 Horizontal directional drilling with micro tunneling methods, for pipe laying under pacca rasta/road crossing (N.S.Item) @ 820 per mtr 7 Providing, laying, aligning, and jointing with uPVC heavy body solvent at all level/ depths ISI marked PVC pipe of pressure as per design for raw water supply as per IS 4985 (amended up to date) in trenches in complete, including cost of all Specials, labour, and commissioning as per Technical Specifications and approved make as per direction of Engineer. (Make Duraline,Reliance, jain Irrigation, Nimbus, Finolex, Hasti, or equivalent)(Rate analysed with rate approved by worthy Administrator) (PVC Pipe 140 mm dia) 8 Providing, fixing,testing and commissioning of pressure gauge 2` dial with Glycerin filled to be fixed before and after filtration unit. 9 Providing fixing of Header Assembly/Manifold 3` to connenct the filtration unit (loose) 10 Construction of 8`x10` regulation hut constructed with 9` thick brick ( common burnt clay non-modular designation 10.5 )masonary inner side covered with 1.25 mm thick class-1 GI corrugated sheets (with 750 gm Zinc coating per sqm on its both sides) provided with proper door (size 6`x3` with mild steel fabricated chowkhet and mild steel pannel of 1mm thick with sliding bolt, handle, lock rail etc all complet.) and windows (size 3`x4`) as per approved design and drawing inner size 10`x8` Av. Height 10` covered with Precoated G.I. Corrugated sheet supporting by a SS C-type channel of size3`x1.5`x2mm 11 Hydrant assembly for Nakka in fields, Rates are including rates of Tee, riser pipe, butterfly valve, Flange and labour for fixing butter fly valve should be as per IS 13095-2020 another 12 Providing and fixing of three phase 50Hz ±3% rated motor frequency, 415V ± 3% rated motor voltage, with constant motor flux control, (Submersible motors shall conform to all the requirements of IS 9283) Solar A.C. Agricultural Pumps alongwith Universal Solar Pump Controller (USPC) all external part of motor used in open well submersible pump having casing of Alloy steel confirming to IS 3444 including fixing PVC insulated polymer sheathed 3 core flat type cabling in conduit, required from solar plant to solar pump through control room required to connect, including cost of and as per IS code 14220-2018 including third party inspection.Average discharge 13 LPS / Head 52 meter / minimum / minimum output rating of 15 KW duly installed on the suitable foundation. Actual pump set`s parameters will be finalized after approval of design and drawing. Solar Pumping Sets should be of the make: KSB / Shakti/ Kirloskar /CRI/Lubi/ Crompton/ WPIL, (NS Item) @ Rs 11002.3/- per HP Quantities are total sum of varrious pumps capacity in HP may varry as per design requirement for site. (NS Item) Per HP. 13 Supply Installation testing commissioning of Solar Photovoltaic Stand alone Plant conforming to MNRE specifications as amended, consisting of Mono Crystalline silicon solar cells, necessary protections, earthing, mounted on Aluminium/GI structure of suitable strength. Including lightning and surge voltage protection, Fixing of Array junction box and Main junction box with IP 65 protection and termination arrangement for incoming and outgoing cable along with glands, lugs and other accessories etc. as required, built in metering system to moniter plant performence (Amp-meter, Volt-meter, Frequency meter, Energy meter, Watt-meter, and other instrument/equipment as required) Note:- PV modules used must qualify to the latest edition of IEC PV module qualification test or equivalent BIS standards Mono Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Modules IEC 61215/IS14286. In addition, the modules must conform to IEC 61730 Part-1- requirements for construction and Part 2 – requirements for testing, for safety qualification or quivalent IS and be mounted on fixed Aluminium/GI structure of adequate strength and design as per IEC/IS specification. Including field-based electroluminescence (EL) study be performed after receiving the modules at site and after installation. Module mounting structure (MMS) design and drawing shall be duly vetted from government institute Including third party inspection Actual parameters/capacity will be finalized after approval of design and drawing. Per KW 14 Complete operation and Mantinance and watch and ward of the project for one year including operation of pump, pipeline, accessories, elctromechanical, Solar Plants complete in all respect.