Tender For Tourism Development Work Of Vankhandeshwar Temple Ukhrand, Sirsaganj In District - Firozabad (U.P.) - 1 MULTIPURPOSE HALLExcavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam clay or sand) including lift upto 1.50 meter and lead upto 30 meter and including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of sur-plus earth as directed by the Engineer incharge up to a distance of 30 meters from the foundation trenches. 2 Excavating, supplying and filling of local earth (including royalty) by mechanical transport upto a lead of 5km also including ramming and watering of the earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in trenches, plinth, sides of foundation etc. complete. 3 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 coarse sand :8 graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) including supply of all materials, labour T & P rtc required for proper completion of the work and curing complete also including cost of formwork in foundation & floors. 4 Sand filling in plinth including supply of necessary quantity of sand from a distance not exceeding 8 kms. from the site of work and including watering, dressing etc rate to include cost of all materials labour T & P etc required for proper completion of work. 5 Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300 mm apart including drilling 12 mm diameter holes and plugging with cement mortar 1 :2 (1 cement : 2 Coarse sand) to match the existing floor:With Chlorpyriphos E.C. 20% with 1% concentration 6 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works upto plinth level 7 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works above plinth level upto floor V level 8 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forFoundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 9 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forSuspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 10 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forLintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 11 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forColumns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts 12 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in:Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 13 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in : Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 14 Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level. 15 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete above plinth levelThermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more 16 15mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:4 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. 17 15mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand 18 12mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand 19 Forming groove of uniform size from 12x12 mm and upto 25x15 mm in the top layer of washed stone grit plastered surface as per approved pattern, including providing and fixing aluminum channels of appropriate size and thickness (not less than 2 mm), nailed to the under layer with rust proof screws and nails and finishing the groove complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. 20 Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) :25 mm thick 21 Providing and laying Polished Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing ,curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Polished Granite stone slab of colour Black, Cherry/Ruby Red or equivalent 22 Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) having VOC content less than 50 gram/litre, of approved manufacturer and of required shade and colour all complete to achieve even shade and colour :New work (two or more coats) over and including water thinnable priming coat with cement primer having VOC content less than 50 gram/litre 23 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Silicone additives of required shade: New work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.9 Ltr/10 sqm) 24 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. 25 Stone work (machine cut edges) for wall lining etc. (veneer work) upto 10 metre height, backing filled with a grout of average 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) including pointing in white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment matching the stone shade : (To be secured to the backing and the sides by means of cramps and pins which shall be paid for separately) : Red sand stone - exposed face fine dressed with rough backing .40mm thick 26 Providing and fixing stainless steel cramps of required size and shape for anchoring stone wall lining to the backing or securing adjacent stones in stone wall lining in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand), including making the necessary chases in stone and holes in walls wherever required. 27 Providing and fixing copper pins 7.5 cm long 6 mm diameter for securing adjacent stones in stone wall lining in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand), including making the necessary chases. 28 Stone work, plain in copings, cornices, string courses and plinth courses, upto 75 mm thick in Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand), including pointing with white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment matching the stone shade.Red sand stone 29 Providing precast cement concrete jali 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand(zone-III) : 4 graded stone aggregate 6 mm nominal zise ) reinforced with 16 mm dia mild steel wire, including centering and shuttering, roughening cleaining, fixing and finishing in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 fine sand) etc. complete, excluding plasterring of the jambls, sills and sofffits.40mm thick 30 Supplying, fabricating, transporting, hoisting and fixing in position good quality of 70 mm red sandstone in various elements for all levels. Stone shall be free from cracks, lines stains and even in shade for each element. The stone shall be fine grained and reddish or buff-colored (locally available). The work shall be carried out as per attached drawings with different process of i.e carving (manual/ by machine), ornamental work, traditional work, figure work (any type, any size), CNC cutting, moulding. The carving and molding work shall be of very good quality. The stones to be fixed in line, level and plumb in all respect with the use of brass clamps, pins, (to be paid separetely) dowels, cement slurry with matching pigment and Epoxy of Akemi Germany, Ardex Endura, MYK laticrete or approved make as required and as approved by the Architects. 31 STAIRSExcavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam clay or sand) including lift upto 1.50 meter and lead upto 30 meter and including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of sur-plus earth as directed by the Engineer incharge up to a distance of 30 meters from the foundation trenches. 32 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 coarse sand :8 graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) including supply of all materials, labour T & P rtc required for proper completion of the work and curing complete also including cost of formwork in foundation & floors. 33 Sand filling in plinth including supply of necessary quantity of sand from a distance not exceeding 8 kms. from the site of work and including watering, dressing etc rate to include cost of all materials labour T & P etc required for proper completion of work. 34 Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300 mm apart including drilling 12 mm diameter holes and plugging with cement mortar 1 :2 (1 cement : 2 Coarse sand) to match the existing floor:With Chlorpyriphos E.C. 20% with 1% concentration 35 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works upto plinth level 36 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works above plinth level upto floor V level 37 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forFoundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 38 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forSuspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 39 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forLintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 40 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forColumns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts 41 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in:Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 42 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in :Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 43 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete above plinth levelThermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more 44 15mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:4 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. 45 15mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand 46 12mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand 47 Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) :25 mm thick 48 Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) having VOC content less than 50 gram/litre, of approved manufacturer and of required shade and colour all complete to achieve even shade and colour :New work (two or more coats) over and including water thinnable priming coat with cement primer having VOC content less than 50 gram/litre 49 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Silicone additives of required shade: New work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.9 Ltr/10 sqm) 50 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. 51 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required.In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works 52 Painting Steel work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint to give an even shade. Two or more coat applied @ 0.90 ltr/10 sqm over an under coat of primer applied @ 0.80 ltr/10 sqm of approved brand and manufacture 53 ELECTRICALWiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed medium class PVC conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required.Group - C 54 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.2 X 1.5 sq. mm + 1 X 1.5 sq. mm earth wire 55 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire 56 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1200 mm sweep, BEE 5 star rated, ceiling fan with Brush Less Direct Current (BLDC) Motor, class of insulation: B, 3 nos. blades, 30 cm long down rod, 2 nos. canopies, shackle kit, safety rope, copper winding, Power Factor not less than 0.9, Service Value (CM/M/W) minimum 6.00, Air delivery minimum 210 Cum/Min , 350 RPM (tolerance as per IS : 374-2019), THD less than 10%, remote or electronic regulator unit for speed control and all remaining accessories including safety pin, nut bolts, washers, temperature rise=75 degree C (max.), insulation resistance more than 2 mega ohm, suitable for 230 V, 50 Hz, single phase AC Supply, earthing etc. complete as required. 57 Supplying and fixing two module stepped type electronic fan regulator on the existing modular plate switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required. 58 Providing and fixing circular/ Hexagonal cast iron or M.S. sheet box for ceiling fan clamp, of internal dia 140 mm, 73 mm height, top lid of 1.5 mm thick M.S. sheet with its top surface hacked for proper bonding, top lid shall be screwed into the cast iron/ M.S. sheet box by means of 3.3 mm dia round headed screws, one lock at the corners. Clamp shall be made of 12 mm dia M.S. bar bent to shape as per standard drawing. 59 Supply & fixing of recess mounting round 15 to 18 watt LED down Lighter having Powder coated die cast aluminium housing with heat sink , diffuser /reflector and driver with theft protection set complete in all respect. 60 Supply and Fixing 24 Wattage Burial UNIIn Ground- Burial ip68 waterproof BBP343 LED2400/1800/WW 24W/18W 20D 100-240V (Philips/Siems/or Equivalent) 61 Supply and fixing of steplight Robust DESIGN IP67/IK10 easy to mount with suitable mounting box BWG 50led50/NWPSU 220-240V IP67 7043(Philips/Panasonic/Havells or Equivalent) 62 Supplying and fixing following way ,single pole and neutral,sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 240 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powder painted including earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator)6 Way Double Door 63 Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32 amps rating, 240/415 volts, C curve, miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required.Single pole 64 Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32 amps rating, 240/415 volts, C curve, miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required.Double pole 65 Supplying and fixing single pole blanking plate in the existing MCB DB complete etc. as required. 66 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE powerCable of 1.1 KV grade of following size direct in ground including excavation, sand cushioning, protective covering and refilling the trench etc as required.Up to 35 sq.mm. 67 Supplying and making cable end terminations with brasscompression gland and aluminium lugs for following size of PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, completeas required.2 X 6 sq. mm (19mm) 68 KIOSKExcavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam clay or sand) including lift upto 1.50 meter and lead upto 30 meter and including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of sur-plus earth as directed by the Engineer incharge up to a distance of 30 meters from the foundation trenches. 69 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 coarse sand :8 graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) including supply of all materials, labour T & P rtc required for proper completion of the work and curing complete also including cost of formwork in foundation & floors. 70 Sand filling in plinth including supply of necessary quantity of sand from a distance not exceeding 8 kms. from the site of work and including watering, dressing etc rate to include cost of all materials labour T & P etc required for proper completion of work. 71 Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300 mm apart including drilling 12 mm diameter holes and plugging with cement mortar 1 :2 (1 cement : 2 Coarse sand) to match the existing floor:With Chlorpyriphos E.C. 20% with 1% concentration 72 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works upto plinth level 73 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works above plinth level upto floor V level 74 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forFoundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 75 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forSuspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 76 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forLintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 77 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forColumns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts 78 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in:Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 79 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in : Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 80 Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level.Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) 81 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete above plinth levelThermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more 82 15mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:4 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. 83 15mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand 84 12mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand 85 Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) :25 mm thick 86 Providing and laying Polished Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing ,curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Polished Granite stone slab of colour Black, Cherry/Ruby Red or equivalent 87 Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) having VOC content less than 50 gram/litre, of approved manufacturer and of required shade and colour all complete to achieve even shade and colour :New work (two or more coats) over and including water thinnable priming coat with cement primer having VOC content less than 50 gram/litre 88 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Silicone additives of required shade: New work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.9 Ltr/10 sqm) 89 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. 90 Stone work (machine cut edges) for wall lining etc. (veneer work) upto 10 metre height, backing filled with a grout of average 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) including pointing in white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment matching the stone shade : (To be secured to the backing and the sides by means of cramps and pins which shall be paid for separately) : Red sand stone - exposed face fine dressed with rough backing .40mm thick 91 Providing and fixing stainless steel cramps of required size and shape for anchoring stone wall lining to the backing or securing adjacent stones in stone wall lining in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand), including making the necessary chases in stone and holes in walls wherever required. 92 Providing and fixing copper pins 7.5 cm long 6 mm diameter for securing adjacent stones in stone wall lining in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand), including making the necessary chases. 93 Providing and fixing stone jali 40 mm thick throughout in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), including pointing in white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment, matching the stone shade, jali slab without any chamfers etc. Red sand stone 94 Supplying, fabricating, transporting, hoisting and fixing in position good quality of 70 mm red sandstone in various elements for all levels. Stone shall be free from cracks, lines stains and even in shade for each element. The stone shall be fine grained and reddish or buff-colored (locally available). The work shall be carried out as per attached drawings with different process of i.e carving (manual/ by machine), ornamental work, traditional work, figure work (any type, any size), CNC cutting, moulding. The carving and molding work shall be of very good quality. The stones to be fixed in line, level and plumb in all respect with the use of brass clamps, pins, (to be paid separetely) dowels, cement slurry with matching pigment and Epoxy of Akemi Germany, Ardex Endura, MYK laticrete or approved make as required and as approved by the Architects. 95 Supply & filling of cinder in sunken portion of building including breaking into required sizes including supply of all materials,Labour, T & P required for proper complition of work. 96 Providing and laying water proofing treatment on roofs of slabs by applying cement slurry mixed with water proofing cement compound consisting of applying:(a) after surface preparation, first layer of slurry of cement @ 0.488 kg/ sqm mixed with water proofing cement compound @ 0.253 kg/sqm. (b) laying second layer of Fibre glass cloth when the first layer is still green. Overlaps of joints of fibre cloth should not be less than 10 cm. (c) third layer of 1.5 mm thickness consisting of slurry of cement @ 1.289 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing cement compound @ 0.670 kg/sqm and coarse sand @ 1.289 kg/sqm. This will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours followed by water curing for 48 hours. The entire treatment will be taken upto 30 cm on parapet wall and tucked into groove in parapet all around.(d) fourth and final layer of brick tiling with cement mortar (which will bepaid for separately. For the purpose of measurement the entire treated surface will be measured. 97 ELECTRICALWiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed medium class PVC conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required.Group - C 98 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire 99 Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate & switch box excluding modular plate as required 100 Supply & fixing of recess mounting round 15 to 18 watt LED down Lighter having Powder coated die cast aluminium housing with heat sink , diffuser /reflector and driver with theft protection set complete in all respect. 101 Supplying and fixing following way ,single pole and neutral,sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 240 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powder painted including earthing etc. as 6 Way Double Door 102 Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32 amps rating, 240/415 volts, C curve, miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required.Single pole 103 Supplying and fixing single pole blanking plate in the existing MCB DB complete etc. as required. 104 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE powerCable of 1.1 KV grade of following size direct in ground including excavation, sand cushioning, protective covering and refilling the trench etc as required.Up to 35 sq.mm. 105 Supplying and making cable end terminations with brasscompression gland and aluminium lugs for following size of PVC insulated PVC sheathed/XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade, completeas required.2 X 6 sq. mm (19mm) 106 TOILET BLOCKExcavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam clay or sand) including lift upto 1.50 meter and lead upto 30 meter and including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of sur-plus earth as directed by the Engineer incharge up to a distance of 30 meters from the foundation trenches. 107 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 coarse sand :8 graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) including supply of all materials, labour T & P rtc required for proper completion of the work and curing complete also including cost of formwork in foundation & floors. 108 Sand filling in plinth including supply of necessary quantity of sand from a distance not exceeding 8 kms. from the site of work and including watering, dressing etc rate to include cost of all materials labour T & P etc required for proper completion of work. 109 Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300 mm apart including drilling 12 mm diameter holes and plugging with cement mortar 1 :2 (1 cement : 2 Coarse sand) to match the existing floor:With Chlorpyriphos E.C. 20% with 1% concentration 110 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works upto plinth levelR.C.C. Work in Footing 111 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works upto plinth levelR.C.C. Work in Plinth Beam 112 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works upto plinth levelR.C.C. Work in Column 113 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works Above plinth levelR.C.C. work in Lintel 114 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works Above plinth levelR.C.C. work in Beam 115 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works Above plinth levelR.C.C. work in slab 116 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works Above plinth levelR.C.C. work in Column 117 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forFoundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 118 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forSuspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 119 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forLintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 120 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forColumns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts 121 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in:Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 122 Providing and laying damp-proof course 40 mm thick with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size) 123 Applying a coat of residual petroleum bitumen of grade of VG-10 of approved quality using 1.7 kg per square metre on damp proof course after cleaning the surface with brushes and finally with a piece of cloth lightly soaked in kerosene oil. 124 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 125 Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level.cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) 126 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level.Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 127 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete above plinth levelThermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more 128 15mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:4 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. 129 15mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand 130 12mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand 131 Forming groove of uniform size from 12x12 mm and upto 25x15 mm in the top layer of washed stone grit plastered surface as per approved pattern, including providing and fixing aluminum channels of appropriate size and thickness (not less than 2 mm), nailed to the under layer with rust proof screws and nails and finishing the groove complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. 132 Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in floor in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to 1S:15622, of approved brand & manufacturer, in all colours and shade, laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) jointing with grey cement slurry @3.3 kg/sqm including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc. The tiles must be cut with the zero chipping diamond cutter only . Laying of tiles will be done with the notch trowel, plier, wedge, clips of required thickness, leveling system and rubber mallet for placing the tiles gently and easily.Glazed Vitrified tiles Matt/Antiskid finish of Size of Tile 600 x 600 mm 133 Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) :25 mm thick 134 Providing and fixing Ist quality ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to IS: 15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of approved make, in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, in skirting, risers of steps and dados, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm, including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. 135 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources) over 75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, including necessary excavation, levelling & dressing & finishing the top smooth. 136 Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I) non-decorative type, core of block board construction with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters:35 mm thick including ISI marked Stainless Steel butt hingeswith necessary screws 137 Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I) non-decorative type, core of block board construction with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters:Both side laminated 138 Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour casement/casement cum fixed glazed windows comprising of uPVC multi-chambered frame, sash and mullion (where ever required) extruded profiles duly reinforced with 1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick galvanized mild steel section made from roll forming process of required length (shape & size according to uPVC profile), uPVC extruded glazing beads of appropriate dimension, EPDM gasket, stainless steel (SS 304 grade) friction hinges, zinc alloy (white powder coated) casement handles, G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame to finished wall, plastic packers, plastic caps and necessary stainless steel screws etc. Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut and fusion welded at all corners, mullion (if required) shall be also fusion welded including drilling of holes for fixing hardwares and drainage of water etc. After fixing frame the gap between frame and adjacent finished wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon sealant over backer rod of required size and of approved quality, all complete as per approved drawing & direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (Single / double glass panes and silicon sealant shall be paid separately) Using R4 series with frame (64 mm & above) x (50 mm & above) & sash (64 mm & above) x (70 mm & above) & mullion (64 mm & above) x (70 mm & above). (Height above 1.8 metre; each openable shutter upto 0.8m width) 139 Providing and fixing M.S. Tubular frames for doors, windows, ventilators and cupboard with rectangular/ L-Type sections, made of 1.60 mm thick M.S. Sheet, joints mitred, welded and grinded finish, with profiles ofrequired size, including fixing of necessary butt hinges and screws and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer.Fixing with 15x3 mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in cement concrete block 15x10x10 cm of C.C. 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 140 Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade :New work (two or more coats) over and including water thinnable priming coat with cement primer 141 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Silicone additives of required shade:New work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm) 142 Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade :New work (two or more coats) over and including water thinnable priming coat with cement primer 143 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. 144 Providing and fixing 150 mm bright finished floor brass door stopper with rubber cushion, necessary brass screws etc. to suit shutter thickness complete. 145 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S. Sliding door bolts with nuts and screws etc. complete300 mm x 16mm 146 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S. Tower bolts black finish, (Barrel Type) with necessaryscrews etc. complete 250 mm x 10mm 147 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S. handles conforming to IS 4992 with necessary screws etc. complete.125mm 148 Providing and laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including preparation of surface as required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc consisting of following operations: a) Applying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm. of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS. 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over the RCC slab including adjoining walls upto 300mm height including cleaning the surface before treatment.b) Laying brick bats with mortar using broken bricks/brick bats 25 mm to 115mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand)admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over 20 mm thick layer of cement mortar of mix 1:5 (1 cement :5 coarse sand ) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge to required slope and treating similarly the adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including rounding of junctions of walls and slabs c) After two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry using 2.75kg/ sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved byEngineer-in-charge. d) Finishing the surface with 20 mm thick jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge including laying glass fibre cloth of approved quality in top layer of plaster and finally finishing the surface with trowel with neat cement slurry and making pattern of 300x300 mm square 3mm deep. e) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for final test. All above operations to be done in order and as directed and specified by the Engineer-in-Charge : With average thickness of 120mm and minimum thickness at khurra as 65 mm. 149 Stone work (machine cut edges) for wall lining etc. (veneer work) upto 10 metre height, backing filled with a grout of average 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) including pointing in white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment matching the stone shade : (To be secured to the backing and the sides by means of cramps and pins which shall be paid for separately) : Red sand stone - exposed face fine dressed with rough backing . 40mm thick 150 Providing and fixing stainless steel cramps of required size and shape for anchoring stone wall lining to the backing or securing adjacent stones in stone wall lining in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand), including making the necessary chases in stone and holes in walls wherever required. 151 Providing and fixing copper pins 7.5 cm long 6 mm diameter for securing adjacent stones in stone wall lining in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand), including making the necessary chases. 152 ELECTRICALWiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit,with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required.Group C 153 Wiring for light/ power plug with 2X4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit alongwith 1 No. 4 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable for loop earthing as required. 154 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.2 X 1.5 sq. mm + 1 X 1.5 sq. mm earth wire 155 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire 156 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.2 X 4 sq. mm + 1 X 4 sq. mm earth wire 157 Supplying and fixing following modular switch/ socket on the existing modular plate & switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required.5/6 A switch 158 Supplying and fixing following modular switch/ socket on the existing modular plate & switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required.3 pin 5/6 A socket outlet 159 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 3 pin 5/6 A modular socket outlet and 5/6 A modular switch, connections etc. as required. 160 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 6 pin 5/6 & 15/16 A modular socket outlet and 15/16 A modular switch, connections etc. as required. 161 Installation of exhaust fan in the existing opening, including making good the damage, connection, testing, commissioning etc. as required.Upto 450 mm sweep 162 Supplying and fixing PVC batten/ angle holder including connections etc. as required. 163 Supplying and laying ofaluminium conductor PVC insulated armoured served sheathed cable 1100 volts grade at the depth of 750 mm bellow ground level over a cushion of 75 mm thick sand all around and protected with burnt bricks on side and on top .On surface the cable run shall be fixed on MS clamps etc.of suitable size or as directed bythe Engineer-Incharge ,complete in all respect.The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor by clamps etc. Following sizesize 6 sq mm x 2 core 164 Supply and fixing of brass nickle plated compression gland for pvc insulated & armoured served sheaththed ,underground cable including rubber ring etc. complete in all respect. Thearmouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earthas per direction of engineer-incharge. for cable size 6 sq mm x2 core 165 Supply and fixing ofplain or pin type copper tin plated cable socket (lug) to cable leadsfor pvc insulated & armoured cable insulating with tape and making connection. complete in all respect as per direction of engineer -incharge. for cablesize 6 sq mm 166 Supplying and fixing following way, single pole and neutral (SPN), sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar, neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powder painted including earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator)6 way , Double door 167 Supplying and fixing 5 A to 32 A rating, 240/415 V, 10 kA, C curve, miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required.Single pole 168 Supplying and fixing single pole blanking plate in the existing MCB DB complete etc. as required. 169 Supplying and fixing following rating, double pole, 240 volts, isolator in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required.40 A 170 Supply and fixing of LED 18w Round Sky Glow Next Gen LED Downlight fitting 18 watt suitable with complete Including tube suitable for both surface & suspended complete in all respect.CAT. - AAA 171 Supply & fixing of 225/300mm sweep ventilating (Light Duty) exhaust fan complete with Metallic Blade (Steel bird guard protector /Copper motor for high air suction performance /Capacitor etc.), Noise level : (45 - 50) dB, Power consumption : 45 W, Rated voltage : 230 V, Rated frequency : 50 Hz, Motor type : Normal Speed. Complete in all respect. 172 Supply and Fixing 24 Wattage Burial UNIIn Ground- Burial ip68 waterproof BBP343 LED2400/1800/WW 24W/18W 20D 100-240V (Philips/Siems/or Equivalent) 173 Supply and Fixing Mirror Light(Philips/Siems/or Equivalent) 174 PLUMBINGProviding and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan ) with 100 mm sand cast Iron P or S trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required: 175 Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps,32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever require: White Vitreous China Flat back wash basin size 550x 400 mm with single 15 mm C.P. brass pillar tap 176 Extra for providing opening of required size & shape for wash basin/ kitchen sink in kitchen platform, vanity counter and similar location in marble/ Granite/ stone work, including necessary holes for pillar taps etc. including moulding, rubbing and polishing of cut edges etc. complete. 177 Providing and fixing flexible P.V.C. waste pipe for sink or wash basin including PVC waste fittings complete. Flexible pipe 32 mm dia 178 Providing and fixing mirror of superior glass (of approved quality) and of required shape and size with plastic moulded frame of approved make and shade with 6 mm thick hard board backing : Circular shape 450 mm dia 179 Providing and fixing 600x120x5 mm glass shelf with edges round off, supported on anodised aluminium angle frame with C.P. brass brackets and guard rail complete fixed with 40 mm long screws, rawl plugs etc., complete. 180 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. pipe type -B confirming to IS- 13592 including jointing the pipes with rubber ring, lubricant and UPVC SWR cuplar confirming to IS - 14735. Also including excavation of trenches cutting of walls and holes and repairing the walls floors and refilling the trenches as before but excluding supply and cost of other fittings such as elbow, bead, tee and Y-tee including supply of all material labour and T&P .Required for proper completion of the work.90 mm O.D. 181 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. pipe type -B confirming to IS- 13592 including jointing the pipes with rubber ring, lubricant and UPVC SWR cuplar confirming to IS - 14735. Also including excavation of trenches cutting of walls and holes and repairing the walls floors and refilling the trenches as before but excluding supply and cost of other fittings such as elbow, bead, tee and Y-tee including supply of all material labour and T&P .Required for proper completion of the work.110 mm O.D. 182 Providing and fixing unplasticised -PVC pipe clips of approved design to unplasticised - PVC rain water pipes by means of 50x50x50 mm hard wood plugs, screwed with M.S. screws of required length, including cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and making good the wall etc. complete.110 mm 183 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. door bend confirming to IS- 1473590 mm size 184 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. door bend confirming to IS- 14735110 mm size 185 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. Plain Tee confirming to IS- 1473590x90x90 mm size 186 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. Plain Tee confirming to IS- 14735110x110x110 mm size 187 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. Plain bend confirming to IS- 1473590 mm size 188 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. Plain bend confirming to IS- 14735110 mm size 189 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. Door Y confirming to IS- 1473590 mm size 190 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. Door Y confirming to IS- 14735110 mm size 191 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. Cowel confirming to IS- 1473590 mm size 192 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. Cowel confirming to IS- 14735110 mm size 193 Supply and fixin g of UPVC S.W.R. Nahni trap size 100/75mm, 100/90mm confirming to IS - 14735 self cleannig design fixed in PCC 1:2:4 and supply and fixing of 125mm dia heavy duty CP brass jali. 194 Providing and fixing PTMT liquid soap container 109 mm wide, 125 mm high and 112 mm distance from wall of standard shape with bracket of the same materials with snap fittings of approved quality and colour weighing not less than 105 gms. 195 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings and clamps, i/c cutting and making good the walls etc.Internal work - Exposed on wall 20 mm nominal outer dia pipes 196 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings and clamps, i/c cutting and making good the walls etc.Internal work - Exposed on wall 25 mm nominal outer dia pipes 197 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings and clamps, i/c cutting and making good the walls etc.Internal work - Exposed on wall 32 mm nominal outer dia pipes 198 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.Internal work - Exposed on wall25 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 199 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.Internal work - Exposed on wall32 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 200 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings, with one step CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the wall etc.15 mm nominal outer dia pipes 201 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings, with one step CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the wall etc.20 mm nominal outer dia pipes 202 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with GI fittings and clamps including cutting and making good the walls etc. External work40 mm dia, nominal bore 203 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with GI fittings and clamps including cutting and making good the walls etc. External work50 mm dia, nominal bore 204 Providing and fixing of gun metal gate valve with CI wheel of approved quality (screwed ends)25mm dia, nominal bore 205 Providing and fixing of gun metal gate valve with CI wheel of approved quality (screwed ends)32 mm dia, nominal bore 206 Making connection of G.I. distribution branch with G.I. main of following sizes by providing and fixing tee, including cutting and threading the pipe etc. complete :25 to 40 mm nominal bore 207 Making connection of G.I. distribution branch with G.I. main of following sizes by providing and fixing tee, including cutting and threading the pipe etc. complete :50 to 80 mm nominal bore 208 Providing and fixing uplasticised PVC connection pipe with brass unions :45 cm length15 mm nominal bore 209 Painting G.I. pipes and fittings with synthetic enamel white paint with two coats over a ready mixed priming coat, both of approved quality for new work (internal work -exposed on walls)20 mm nominal outer dia pipes 210 Painting G.I. pipes and fittings with synthetic enamel white paint with two coats over a ready mixed priming coat, both of approved quality for new work (internal work -exposed on walls)25 mm nominal outer dia pipes 211 Painting G.I. pipes and fittings with synthetic enamel white paint with two coats over a ready mixed priming coat, both of approved quality for new work (internal work -exposed on walls)32 mm nominal outer dia pipes 212 Painting GI pipes and fittings with two coats of anti corrosive bitumastic paint of approved quality40 mm dia, nominal bore 213 Painting GI pipes and fittings with two coats of anti corrosive bitumastic paint of approved quality50 mm dia, nominal bore 214 Providing and filling sand of grading zone V or coarser grade, allround the G.I. pipes in external work 40 mm dia, nominal bore 215 Providing and filling sand of grading zone V or coarser grade, allround the G.I. pipes in external work 50 mm dia, nominal bore 216 Providing and fixing ball valve (brass) of approved quality, High or low pressure, with plastic floats complete :20 mm nominal bore 217 Providing and fixing ball valve (brass) of approved quality, High or low pressure, with plastic floats complete :25 mm nominal bore 218 Providing and fixing C.P. brass bib cock of approved quality confirming to IS:893115mm nominal bore 219 Providing and fixing C.P.brass angle valve for basin mixer and geyser points of approved quality conforming to IS 8931 a) 15 mm nominal bore.15 mm nominal bore 220 Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc, including excavation for sockets, depth upto 1.5 m including getting out the excavated materials, returning the soil as required in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth including consolidating each deposited layers by ramming, watering etc. stacking serviceable material for measurements and disposal of unserviceable material as directed, within a lead of 50m :Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia but not exceeding 300 mm dia. 221 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W.R. pipe type -B confirming to IS- 13592 including jointing the pipes with rubber ring, lubricant and UPVC SWR cuplar confirming to IS - 14735. Also including excavation of trenches cutting of walls and holes and repairing the walls floors and refilling the trenches as before but excluding supply and cost of other fittings such as elbow, bead, tee and Y-tee including supply of all material labour and T&P .Required for proper completion of the work.160 mm O.D. 222 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) all-round S.W. pipes including bed concrete as per standard design : 150 mm diameter pipe 223 Supply and fixing of UPVC S.W. R. Gully trap confirming to IS - 14735 size 150x110 mm dia of self cleaning design including fixed brick Masonary chamber 250x250x250mm Size i/ c supply and fixing of CI cover with frame weight not less then 4.50Kg. & CI grating 150x150mm complete in all respects. 224 Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand ) with R.C.C. top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) Fisnihed with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design : Inside size 900 x 800mm and 500mm deep including C.I. Cover frame. 225 Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank, IS : 12701 marked, with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflowpipes but without fittings and the base support for tank. 226 SUBMERSIBLE WITH BOARINGBoring/drilling bore well of required dia for casing/ strainer pipe, by suitable method prescribed in IS: 2800 (part I), including collecting samples from different strata, preparing and submitting strata chart/ bore log, including hire & running charges of all equipments, tools, plants & machineries required for the job, all complete as per direction of Engineer -in-charge, beyond 90 metre below ground level. 300 mm dia 227 Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in vertical position in bore well, unplasticized PVC medium well casing (CM) pipe of requireddia, conforming to IS: 12818, including required hire and labour charges, fittings & accesDSRies etc. all complete, for all depths, as per direction of Engineer -in-charge. 150 mm nominal size dia 228 Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in vertical position in bore well unplasticized PVC medium well screen (RMS) pipes with ribs, conforming to IS: 12818, including hire & labour charges, fittings & accesDSRies etc. all complete, for all depths, as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.150 mm Nominal Size dia 229 Gravel packing in tubewell construction in accordance with IS: 4097, including providing gravel fine/ medium/ coarse, in required grading& sizes as per actual requirement, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 230 Development of tube well in accordance with IS : 2800 (part I) and IS: 11189, to establish maximum rate of usable water yield without sand content (beyond permissible limit), with required capacity air compresDSR, running the compresDSR for required time till well is fully developed, measuring yield of well by V notch method or any other approved method, measuring static level & draw down etc. by step draw down method, collecting water samples & getting tested in approved laboratory, i/c disinfection of tubewell, all complete, including hire & labour charges of air compresDSR, tools & accesDSRies etc., all as per requirement and direction of Engineer-in-charge. 231 Providing and fixing suitable size threaded mild steel cap or spot welded plate to the top of bore well housing/ casing pipe, removable as per requirement, all complete for borewell of: 150 mm Dia 232 Providing and fixing M.S. clamp of required dia to the top of casing/ housing pipe of tubewell as per IS: 2800 (part I), including necessary bolts & nuts of required size complete.150 mm clamp 233 Providing and fixing Bail plug/ Bottom plug of required dia to the bottom of pipe assembly of tubewell as per IS:2800 (part I).150 mm Dia 234 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including trenching and refilling etc.50 mm nominal size dia 235 Electric logging of bore hole 236 Supply and Installation of 1.5 HP Submersible pump set complete 237 SEPTIC TANK & SOAKPITEarth work in surface excavation not exceeding 30 cm in depth but exceeding 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan including getting out and disposal of excavated earth upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in- Charge: All kinds of soil 238 Earth work in surface excavation not exceeding 30 cm in depth but exceeding 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan including getting out and disposal of excavated earth upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in- Charge: All kinds of soil1.50 M TO 3.0 M 239 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size derived from natural sources) 240 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope up to 15° landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases above plinth level up to floor five level, including the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) derived from natural sources : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources). 241 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forSuspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 242 Brick Work with common burnt clay ( non modular) bricks of class - 150 in foundation and plinth in: Cement mortar 1:6 ( 1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 243 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete upto plinth level.Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 244 Cement plaster (1:3) finished with a floating coat of neat cement.20 mm Cement Plaster 245 Providing M.S. foot rest including fixing with 20x20x10 cm. cement concrete block 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 gradded aggregate of nominal size 20mm ) as per standard design with 20x20mm sq bars. 246 Providing and fixing C.I. tee at the inlet and outlet of septic tank. 247 Providing & fixing 75mm dia vent pipes. 248 Providing & fixing of 75mm dia cast iron terminal guard. 249 Providing and fixing in position precast RCC manhole cover and frame of required shape and approved quality.HD . -20- Circular shape 500mm internal diameter 250 Making soak pit 2.5 m diameter 3.0 metre deep with 45 x 45 cm dry brick honey comb shaft with bricks of class designation 75 and S.W. drain pipe 100 mm diameter, 1.8m long complete as per standard design. With F.P.S. bricks 251 INTERLOCKING TILEEarth work in Excavation in trenches for foundations pipes cable etc in ordinary soil (loam clay or sand) including lift upto 1.50 meter and lead upto 50 meter and including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earthdisposal of sur-plus earth as directed by the Engineer incharge up to a distance of 50 meters from the foundation trenches. DSR2.8.1 252 Providing and layingin cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand : 8 graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and curing complete, including cost ofform-work, in foundation and floors. DSR 4.1.8 253 Providing and laying factory made chamfered edge Cement Concrete paver blocks in footpath, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc, of required strength, thickness & size/ shape, made by table vibratory method using PU mould, laid in required colour & pattern over 50 mm thick compacted bed of sand, compacting and proper embedding/laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer through vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweepingextra sand. complete all as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.80 mm thick C.C. paver block of M-35 grade with approved colour design and pattern.DSR 16.91.2 254 Providing and laying at or near ground level factory made kerb stone of M-25 grade cement concrete in position to the required line, level and curvature, jointed with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including making joints with or without grooves (thickness of joints except at sharp curve shall not to more than 5 mm), including making drainage opening wherever required complete etc. as per direction of Engineerin- charge (length of finished kerb edging shall be measured to calculatevolume for payment). (Precast C.C. kerb stone shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge). 255 BOUNDRYWALLExcavation in foundations in ordinary soil (Loam clay or sand) including lift upto 1.5 m (5 fts.) and lead upto 30 mt. (100 fts.) & including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the Engineer-Incharges upto a distance of 30mt. (100 fts) from the foundation trenches. 256 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement :4 coarse sand :8 graded Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) including supply of all materials, labour T & P rtc required for proper completion of the work and curing complete also including cost of formwork in foundation & floors. 257 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.All works upto plinth level 258 Steel Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bening, placing in position & binding all complete upto plinth level or above plinth level. Thermo-mechanically, Treating bars of grade Fe-500D or more. 259 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in:Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 260 12mm thick plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement & coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. (1) 1 cement : 6 coarse sand 261 Providing and laying Polished Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing ,curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Polished Granite stone slab of colour Black, Cherry/Ruby Red or equivalent 262 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Silicone additives of required shade:New work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm) 263 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. 264 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required.In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works 265 Painting Steel work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint to give an even shade. Two or more coat applied @ 0.90 ltr/10 sqm over an under coat of primer applied @ 0.80 ltr/10 sqm of approved brand and manufacture 266 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forLintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 267 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forFoundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete 268 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forColumns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts 269 GATEDemolishing brick work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.In cement mortar 270 Disposal of building rubbish / malba / similar unserviceable, dismantled or waste materials by mechanical means, including loading, transporting, unloading to approved municipal dumping ground or as approved by Engineer-in-charge, beyond 50 m initial lead, for all leads including all lifts involved 271 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in :Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 272 Stone work (machine cut edges) for wall lining etc. (veneer work) upto 10 metre height, backing filled with a grout of average 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) including pointing in white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment matching the stone shade : (To be secured to the backing and the sides by means of cramps and pins which shall be paid for separately) : Red sand stone - Exposed face machine cut and table rubbed with rough backing. .40mm thick 273 Providing and fixing stainless steel cramps of required size and shape for anchoring stone wall lining to the backing or securing adjacent stones in stone wall lining in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand), including making the necessary chases in stone and holes in walls wherever required. 274 Providing and fixing copper pins 7.5 cm long 6 mm diameter for securing adjacent stones in stone wall lining in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand), including making the necessary chases. 275 Stone work, plain in copings, cornices, string courses and plinth courses, upto 75 mm thick in Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand), including pointing with white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment matching the stone shade.Red sand stone 276 Supplying, fabricating, transporting, hoisting and fixing in position good quality of 70 mm Red sandstone in various elements for all levels. Stone shall be free from cracks, lines stains and even in shade for each element. The The stone shall be fine grained and reddish or buff-colored (locally available). The work shall be carried out as per attached drawings with different process of i.e carving (manual/ by machine), ornamental work, traditional work, figure work (any type, any size), CNC cutting, moulding. The carving and molding work shall be of very good quality. The stones to be fixed in line, level and plumb in all respect with the use of brass clamps, pins, (to be paid separetely) dowels, cement slurry with matching pigment and Epoxy of Akemi Germany, Ardex Endura, MYK laticrete or approved make as required and as approved by the Architects 277 Painting Steel work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint to give an even shade. Two or more coat applied @ 0.90 ltr/10 sqm over an under coat of primer applied @ 0.80 ltr/10 sqm of approved brand and manufacture 278 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Silicone additives of required shade: New work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm) 279 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. 280 Forming groove of uniform size from 6x12 mm and upto 10x15 mm in the top layer ofstone stone surface as per approved pattern, including providing and fixing aluminum channels of appropriate size and thickness (not less than 2 mm), nailed to the under layer with rust proof screws and nails and finishing the groove complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge 281 Supplying, fabricating, transporting, hoisting and fixing in position good quality of Red sandstone Chhatri in various elements for all levels, inlcuding the cost of oranmental stone work and mouldings, carvings as required, the stone of varied thickness shall be used for stacking. Also includes the cost of structural load calculation and design with respect to the drawing recevied from architect in charge.Preferable tentative size.6M DIA X 1.15 M Ht.OR tentative Size as approved from architect in charge 282 Providing and fixing stone jali 40 mm thick throughout in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), including pointing in white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment, matching the stone shade, jali slab without any chamfers etc.Red sand stone 283 MURAL WALLEarth work in excavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam, clay or sand) including lift up to 1.5 m. & lead of 30 m. including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms filling of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth in 200 mm th. layers and getting out (removal of) the excavated surplus soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed by engineer-in-charge up to a distance of 30 m from foundation trenches 284 Providing and laying cement concrete in 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and curing complete, Including cost of form work. In Foundation and floors. 285 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.Upto Plinth Lvl. 286 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.Above Plinth Lvl. 287 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.Upto Plinth Lvl. 288 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.Upto Plinth Lvl. 289 Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete.Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 1.10 times of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extraement,Concrete of M-25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum.Above Plinth Lvl. 290 Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in :Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 291 Steel Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete in all level - TMT Bars of Grade Fe-500D or more. 292 12mm Cement plaster with cement mortar in proportion of1:6 cement & coarse sand of single coat for interior plastering upto floor two level including internal rounded angles chamfers, and rounded angles not exceeding 80mm in girth and finished even and smooth. 293 Stone work (machine cut edges) for wall lining etc. (veneer work) upto 10 metre height, backing filled with a grout of average 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) including pointing in white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment matching the stone shade : (To be secured to the backing and the sides by means of cramps and pins which shall be paid for separately) : Red sand stone - Exposed face machine cut and table rubbed with rough backing. 40 mm thick Red Sand Stone 294 Providing and fixing stainless steel cramps of required size and shape for anchoring stone wall lining to the backing or securing adjacent stones in stone wall lining in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand), including making the necessary chases in stone and holes in walls wherever required. 295 Providing and fixing copper pins 7.5 cm long 6 mm diameter for securing adjacent stones in stone wall lining in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand), including making the necessary chases. 296 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forLintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers with water proof ply 12 mm thick 297 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forFoundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concree 298 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form forColumns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts 299 LANDSCAPINGTrenching in ordinary soil up to a depth of 60 cm including removal and stacking of serviceable materials and then disposing of surplus soil, by spreading and neatly leveling within a lead of 50 m and making up the trenched area to proper levels by filling with earth or earth mixed with sludge or/and manure before and after flooding trench with water (excluding cost of imported earth, sludge or manure). 300 Supplying and stacking of good earth at site including royalty but including carriage1km (earth measusred in stacks will be reduced by 20% for payment). 301 Supplying and stacking at site dump manure from approved source, including carriage up to 1 km (manure measured in stacks will be reduced by 8% for payment) : Screened through sieve of I.S. designation 16 mm 302 Mixing earth and sludge or manure in the required proportion specified or directed by the Officer-in-charge.. 303 Spreading of sludge, dump manure and/or good earth in required thickness as per direction of officer-in-charge (cost of sludge, dump manure and/ or good earth to be paid separately). 304 Rough dressing the trenched ground including breaking the clods. 305 Fine dressing the ground 306 Grassing with selection No.1 grass including watering and maintenance of the lawn for 30 days or more till the grass forms a thick lawn, free from weeds and fit for mowing including supplying good earth, if needed (the grass and the good earth shall be paid for separately). 307 Uprooting weeds from the trenched area after 10 to 15 days after flooding with water including disposal of uprooted vegetation. 308 Providing & laying Selection no. 1 grass turf with earth 50mm to 60mm thickness of existing ground prepared with proper level and ramming with required tools wooden and than rolling the surface with light roller make the surface smoothen and light watering the same maintenance for 30 days or more till the grass establish properly,as per direction of officer in chargeWith grass Turf 309 Preparation of mounds of various size and shape by available excavated / supplied earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, breaking clods, watering of each layer, dressing etc., lead upto 50 meter and lift upto 1.5 m complete as per direction of Officer-in-charge. 310 Digging holes in ordinary soil and refilling the same with the excavated earth mixed with manure or sludge in the ratio of 2:1 by volume (2 parts of stacked volume of earth after reduction by 20% : 1 part of stacked volume of manure after reduction by 8%) flooding with water, dressing including removal of rubbish and surplus earth, if any, with all leads and lifts (cost of manure, sludge or extra good earth if needed to be paid for separately) :Holes 90 cm dia, and 90 cm deep 311 Preparation of beds for hedging and shrubbery by excavating 60 cmdeep and trenching the excavated base to a further depth of 30 cm, refilling the excavated earth after breaking clods and mixing with sludge or manure in the ratio of 8:1 (8 parts of stacked volume of earth after reduction by 20% : one part of stacked volume of sludge or manure after reduction by 8%), flooding with water, filling with earth if necessary, watering and finally fine dressing, leveling etc. including stacking and disposal of materials declared unserviceable and surplus earth by spreading and leveling as directed, within a lead of 50 m, lift up to 1.5 m complete (cost of sludge, manure or extra earth to be paid for separately). 312 Plantation of Trees, Shrubs, and Hedge at site i/c watering and removal of unserveiceable material’s as per direction of officer in charge (excluding cost of plant & water) 313 Providing and stacking of Acacia auriculiformis of ht 150-165 cm in bag size of 25 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge. 314 Providing and stacking of Adansonia digitata (kalp vricksh) of ht 150-165 cm in bag size of 25 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge. 315 Providing and stacking of Bombax ceiba of height 150-165 cm. in big poly bags of size 25 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge. 316 Providing and stacking of Bottle palm of ht. 150-180 cm bottom girth 20-25 cm well developed in big poly bags of size 25 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge. 317 Providing and stacking of Bottle palm of ht. 270-300 cm bottom girth 40-50 cm well developed in big HDPE bags as per direction of the officer-in-charge 318 SHRUBSProviding and stacking of Ficus panda of height 90-105 cm. with 10-12 branches and healthy foliage, well formed in cement pots of size 30 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge.. 319 TOURIST FACILITYProviding & fixing ofred/pink Sandstone/MS bench without Handrest and backrest with Ornamentetion engraving/embossing(size 1500mm length and 450mm and height 600 mm) including foundation & support with all necessary T&P etc all complete as per design of direction in engineer/ Architect in charge. 320 Providing & fixing of SS/MS Dustbin size 487 x 399 x 1138 fixing on a foundation with base plate and wrapped with red sandstone from all sides of 75mm with all complete as per design of direction in engineer/ Architect in charge. 321 Signage- A :- Design, fabricate, and install aluminum reflective signage with a 2mm thick aluminum panel (1200mm x 600mm for the upper, 1200mm x 300mm for the lower) coated with high-intensity retro-reflective vinyl sheeting as per ASTM D4956 Type IV standards. The signage will be mounted on two galvanized steel posts (65mm dia, 2400mm height), fixed on M20 grade concrete foundations (600mm x 600mm x 900mm deep) with stainless steel fasteners. The installation includes excavation, concrete work, and secure fitting of the signage at the designated location, with all work as per drawings and approved by the architect in charge. 322 Providing and installing signage made of 25 mm thick red/white sandstone with dimensions of 600 mm x 200 mm. The signage shall feature text in English and Hindi, with the English text -Helvetica and the Hindi text - Devanagari , both in approved sizes. The signage shall be mounted on an MS plate and securely fixed to the wall using holdfasts. The design, finish, and text specifications shall be approved by the Architect-in-Charge.Signage-C 323 EXTERNAL ELECRIFICATIONSITC of 15w integrated Solar All in one suitable at height of 5mtr mounting arrangement. pole with minimum 2750 lumen , luminous flux with min.>150lm/w luminous efficacy having power of PV module (Wp) 40, Panel Type Mono Crystalline, Panel Dimensions not more than (mm) 775 (L) x 340 (W) x 60 (H), Battery Capacity max. 18 (Ah), Battery Rated Voltage 12.8(V), Battery type LiFePO4, having BMS protection Battery Management System ,having min. Battery Back up to 2days (24 hours) (Autonomy mode),MPPT charge controller type, Efficacy>90%, having facility of Charging Indicator (Green blinking),Low Battery Indicator (Red blinking),Error Indicator (Both blinking),For the better battery life having Over Charge Protection, Deep Discharge Protection, Battery reverse polarity protection ,Load Short circuit protection, Load Open circuit protection, Reverse polarity protection for Panel, Over temperature protection. Motion sensor detection facility with Long Distance Detection 12m.CCT-5500-6000k, Make-Panasonic, Philips or equivalent 324 Supply and laying of aluminium conductor PVC insulated armoured served sheathed cables 1100 Volts grade at a depth of 750 mm below ground level over a cushion of 75 mm. thick sand all around and protected with burnt bricks on sides and on top. On surface the cable run shall be fixed on M.S. clamps etc. of suitable size or as directed by the Engineer-Incharge ,complete in all respect. The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor by clamps etc. 10.00 Sqmm 4 Core 325 Supply and laying of aluminium conductor PVC insulated armoured served sheathed cables 1100 Volts grade at a depth of 750 mm below ground level over a cushion of 75 mm. thick sand all around and protected with burnt bricks on sides and on top. On surface the cable run shall be fixed on M.S. clamps etc. of suitable size or as directed by the Engineer-Incharge ,complete in all respect. The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor by clamps etc. 25.00 Sqmm 3.5 Core 326 Supply and laying of aluminium conductor PVC insulated armoured served sheathed cables 1100 Volts grade at a depth of 750 mm below ground level over a cushion of 75 mm. thick sand all around and protected with burnt bricks on sides and on top. On surface the cable run shall be fixed on M.S. clamps etc. of suitable size or as directed by the Engineer-Incharge ,complete in all respect. The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor by clamps etc. 70.00 Sqmm 3.5 Core 327 Supplying and laying of following size DWC HDPE pipe ISI marked along with all accessories like socket, bend, couplers etc.conforming to IS 14930, Part II complete with fitting and cutting,jointing etc. in the existing trench, complete as required.63 mm dia (OD-63 mm & ID-51 mm nominal) 328 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of LEDRGB/RGBW flood lighting luminaire for facade lighting with Die- cast aluminium housing, powder- coated finish, of following wattage. Luminaire shall be capable of producing dynamic color changing light for with 16 million colors by DMX/ Ethernet based control. The be amangle of the fitting shall be narrow, medium, wide or asymmetric as per the requirement. Luminaire shall be complete with driver and capable of operating at line voltage without any separate power supply from 100-270 VAC, 50Hz with power factor>0.9. Fixture shall be suitable to operate at anambient temperature range of-10°Cto +50° C and shall be IP65 and IK06 rated. Life time shall be atleast L70:50000 burning hours at 50°C. Luminaire shall be conforming to BIS(IS10322) and shall be complete with all necessary accessories required for proper working of fixture in cluding weatherproof connection cables, waterproof connector setc. as required. 30 W 329 Supply and Fixing of Spike Light for trees 12 watt Warm White. (Including civil works) 330 Supply and Fixing 24 Wattage Burial UNIIn Ground- Burial ip68 waterproof BBP343 LED2400/1800/WW 24W/18W 20D 100-240V (Philips/Siems/or Equivalent) 331 Receiving, storing, handling, shifting, installation, testing & commissioning ofVoltas water cooler, including all accessories complete in all respect etc. (Make - Voltas or Equivalent) 332 MURAL WORKSupplying, designing, fabricating, transporting, hoisting and fixing in position mural works in good quality of 70 mm Red sandstone, and 18mm marble insertion and 6-10mm powder coated MS sheet in various elements for all levels. Stone shall be free from cracks, lines stains and even in shade for each element. The stone shall be fine grained and reddish or buff-colored (locally available). The work shall be carried out as per attached drawings with different process of i.e carving (manual/ by machine), ornamental work, traditional work, figure work (any type, any size), CNC cutting, moulding, etching, buffing and polishing. The carving and molding work shall be of very good quality. The work to be fixed in line, level and plumb in all respect with the use of brass clamps, pins, (to be paid separetely) dowels, cement slurry with matching pigment and Epoxy of Akemi Germany, Ardex Endura, MYK laticrete or approved make as required and as approved by the Architect in charge. 333 G.S.T Extra as per applicable