
Tender For Estimate For Electrification Work In Baghel Colony Basai At Bhitarwar Dc, gwalior-Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited has published Tender For Estimate For Electrification Work In Baghel Colony Basai At Bhitarwar Dc. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-03-2025. Electrification Work Tenders in gwalior Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Estimate For Electrification Work In Baghel Colony Basai At Bhitarwar Dc
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Estimate For Electrification Work In Baghel Colony Basai At Bhitarwar Dc; 1 1 KM OF 11 KV LINE ON 8 Mtr PCC Pole Using Raccoon Conductor maximum Span 70 Mtrs IN RURAL AREA 2 140 Kg.,8.0 Mtrs. long PCC pole 3 11 KV V cross arm 65X65X6 mm. angle type 4 Back Clamp for 140 Kg PCC Pole MS Flat 50x6 mm 5 11 KV Top clamp 65X65X6 mm. angle type 6 Earthing Coil of 115 Turns of 50 MM.Dia and 2.5 Mtr. Lead of 4.0 MM G.I Wire 7 11 KV Pin Insulator Polymer Composit (5 KN) 8 Jointing Sleeves suitable for Rabbit (55Sq.mm.Al. Eq. ) AAAC conductor 9 Stay set complete without Stay wire 16 mm. (Painted) 10 STAY WIRE 7/3.15 MM.(7/10 SWG) 11 Clamp for 140 Kg PCC Pole MS Flat 50x6 mm 12 Stay Insulators 90X65mm 13 Back filling of poles with boulders. 14 G.I. WIRES 4.0 MM. (8 SWG) 15 Stone Block/Pre cast block for base pedding(450X450X75MM) 16 Concreting of stay (16 mm / 12 mm) @ 0.2 Cmt. per stay 17 Red oxide paint 18 Aluminium paint 19 Danger Boards Enamelled 11 KV 20 Aluminium Binding wire and tape 21 M.S.Nuts with Bolts 22 Anti climbing devices ( Barbed wire 2.24 mm dia, 14 SWG) 23 AAAC Raccoon conductor 0.075 sq. inch (80 sq.mm. Al.Eq.) 24 Schedule for 11 KV Single Pole Cut Point in 8 M PCC pole for Straight Line & angle upto 45 degree for Urban Area 25 140 Kg.,8.0 Mtrs. long PCC pole 26 11 KV Single pole cut point fitting 100x50x6 mm channel 27 11 KV Pin Insulator Polymer Composit (5 KN) 28 11 KV(45KN) Composite Polymer Disc Insulators 29 11 KV Strain hardware (T&C type) fittings 30 MS strain plate 65x8mm 250mm long 31 Earthing Coil of 115 Turns of 50 MM.Dia and 2.5 Mtr. Lead of 4.0 MM G.I Wire 32 Stay set 20 mm. complete without Stay wire (Painted) 33 STAY GI WIRE 7/4.00 MM.(7/8 SWG) 34 Clamp for 140 Kg PCC Pole MS Flat 50x6 mm 35 Back Clamp for 140 Kg PCC Pole MS Flat 50x6 mm 36 Stone Block/Pre cast block for base pedding(450X450X75MM) 37 Back filling of poles with boulders. 38 Concreting of structures & foundation (1:3:6) 39 Red oxide paint 40 Aluminium paint 41 M.S.Nuts with Bolts 42 Danger Boards Enamelled 33 KV 43 Anti climbing devices ( Barbed wire 2.24 mm dia, 14 SWG) 44 One Km. L.T. LINES 3 PHASE 5 WIRE ON PCC 8 M USING 1100 Volts Grade A.B. Cable 3 X 50+1x16+1x35 Sq.mm. XLPE WITH MAXIMUM SPAN OF 50 METERS WITH 200 KG PCC 45 200 Kg., 9 Mtrs. long PCC pole 46 LT A.B Cable tension clamps (Galvanized) 47 LT A B cable Suspension clamps (Galvanized) 48 Clamps for neutral for AB Cable 49 Piercing connector Type-I for single/three phase (Main 16-50 sqmm tap-off 16-50 sqmm) 50 Piercing connector Type-II (Main 16-50 sqmm tap-off 16-50 sqmm) 51 Stay set complete without Stay wire 16 mm. (Painted) 52 STAY WIRE 7/3.15 MM.(7/10 SWG) 53 Back Clamp for 280 Kg PCC Pole of MS Flat 65x8mm.(Each weight 1.92 Kg) 54 Stay Insulators 90X65mm 55 Back filling of poles with boulders. 56 Stone Block/Pre cast block for base pedding(450X450X75MM) 57 Concreting of stay (16 mm / 12 mm) @ 0.2 Cmt. per stay 58 M.S.Nuts with Bolts 59 Earthing Coil of 115 Turns of 50 MM.Dia and 2.5 Mtr. Lead of 4.0 MM G.I Wire 60 Earthing for PCC Pole 4.00 mm-8 SWG G.I wire- 0.8 Kg, per pole 61 Clamp 65X8 MM of MS Flat for pcc Pole 280Kg. (Each weight 3.04 kg ) 62 Single Phase Service connection box (Deep Drwan Metal Service Connection Boxes )with one incoming up to 25 mm2 and 8 no outgoing up to 10 mm2 with insulated multiple outgoing connector- 63 Three Phase Service connection box(Deep Drwan Metal Service Connection Boxes ) with one incoming up to 35 mm2 and 4 no outgoing up to 16 mm2 with insulated multiple outgoing connector- 64 LT XLPE Cable Arial Bunch 3X50 + 1X16 + 1X35 Sq mm. 1100 Volts with aluminium alloy Bare messenger wire 65 11/0.4 KV, 25KVA OUT DOOR SUB-STATION (ON PCC POLE ) 66 140 Kg.,8.0 Mtrs. long PCC pole 67 D.C. Cross-arms 8 ft centre to center (100x50x6mm) Channel 68 11 KV(45KN) Composite Polymer Disc Insulators 69 11 KV Strain hardware (T&C type) fittings 70 D.O.Mounting Channel 75x40x6mm 71 Back Clamp for 140 Kg PCC Pole MS Flat 50x6 mm 72 11 KV D.O. Fuse Unit Polymer type 73 9 KV Gapless type ( 5KA) Polymer for DTR 74 Transformer mounting Channel (100X50x6 mm.) 75 Trans. Belting with 50 X 50 X 6 mm.angle with two cross fixing channels 76 Stay set complete without Stay wire 16 mm. (Painted) 77 STAY WIRE 7/3.15 MM.(7/10 SWG) 78 Stay Insulators 90X65mm 79 Clamp for 140 Kg PCC Pole MS Flat 50x6 mm 80 Stone Block/Pre cast block for base pedding(450X450X75MM) 81 Concreting of structures & foundation (1:3:6) 82 Concreting of stay (16 mm / 12 mm) @ 0.2 Cmt. per stay 83 Complete jumpering of DTR 84 Danger Boards Enamelled 11 KV 85 Bi-metallic clamps Distribution Transformers Bushing 86 Bi-metallic clamps suitable for 12mm dia stud and 80sqmm AAAC 87 Red oxide paint 88 Aluminium paint 89 M.S.Nuts with Bolts 90 Meter cum protection box for 25 KVA DTR 91 Three phase Static Energy meters 20-80 Amps.with L.S. & TOD Facility with box 92 G.I. STRIP 25X3 MM1 93 G.I.Pipe 40 mm Dia C grade type 94 Bentonite compound powder 95 Galvanized nut & bolt with washer 96 XLPE Cable 1 core unarmoured 35 sqmm Aluminium conductor 1100 Volts 97 XLPE Cable 1 core unarmoured 70 sqmm Aluminium conductor 1100 Volts 98 AAAC Rabbit conductor 0.05 sq. inch. (55 sq.mm. Al.Eq.) 99 DTR 11/0.4 KV BIS Level-III Conventional 25 KVA 100 Anti climbing devices ( Barbed wire 2.24 mm dia, 14 SWG) 101 Other Charges 102 TOTAL COST WITHOUT GST 103 GST

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 11-02-2025 Date Extend Dt 11-02-25 Date 19-02-2025
2 20-02-2025 Date Extend Dt 20-02-25 Date 06-03-2025
3 28-01-2025 Date Extend Dt 28-01-25 Date 10-02-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 590 /-
INR 7400.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 2.46 Lakhs /-
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