
Tender For Supply, Complete Installation Commissioning Of Devices, Equipments, Instrument, Machineries, Tools, Teaching Aids Etc. For Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering And Science And Humanities Laboratories And Workshops At Bundwan Poly, bundwan-West Bengal

Technical Education and Training Department has published Tender For Supply, Complete Installation Commissioning Of Devices, Equipments, Instrument, Machineries, Tools, Teaching Aids Etc. For Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering And Science And Humanities Laboratories And Workshops At Bundwan Poly. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-02-2025. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in bundwan West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply, Complete Installation Commissioning Of Devices, Equipments, Instrument, Machineries, Tools, Teaching Aids Etc. For Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering And Science And Humanities Laboratories And Workshops At Bundwan Poly
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Supply, Complete Installation Commissioning Of Devices, Equipments, Instrument, Machineries, Tools, Teaching Aids Etc. For Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering And Science And Humanities Laboratories And Workshops At Bundwan Polytechnic-2 Anderson bridge to measure unknown inductance 3 Schering bridge to measure unknown capacitance 4 Single phase & Three phase electronic (digital) energy meter 5 Kelvin double bridge 6 Analog Oscilloscope (20MHz Dual Trace ) with Component Tester 7 C.T. & P.T. testing trainer kit 8 Function Generator 9 Training kit for study of Kirchhoff’s Current & Voltage Law 10 Series parallel resonance of R-L-C ckt. 11 Training kit for verification of- a) Superposition theorem. b) Thevenin’s theorem. c) Norton’s theorem. d) Maximum power transfer theorem. 12 Display board containing sample of different types of Overhead Conductors, Underground Cables. 13 Sample of different types ofLine supports and Line Insulators. 14 Power Factor Meter 15 AC distributor simulator 16 Synchronization of two 3 phase alternators (1 KVA, 415V) by synchroscope &. Pannel should comprises of frequency meter: 2nos; 17 Slip ring I/M 3 hp,400v,1500 rpm to determine effect of rotor resistance on T/S curve 18 Speed Control of the steppermotor with reversing facility 19 A.C.Motor Drives (variable voltage variable frequency) 20 Current differential relay , IDMT type 3 phase transformer with fault creation arrangement . 21 Testing of Directional Over Current Relay (DOCR) [ Industrial grade]by Relay Testing Kit. 22 Transmission line protection simulation Kit 23 Testing of static distance protection relay using Relay Testing Kit. 24 Complete set up of Poly crystalline silicon PV Cell to measure the cell parameters – O.C. voltage (Voc), Short circuit current (Isc), Voltage-Current-Power at Maximum Power point (Vmp, Imp, Mpp), Fill factor, Efficiency. 25 Complete set up to measure thermal performance of a solar water heating system 26 400W Small Wind Turbine (SWT) system to generate electricity 27 Complete set up of 40 Watt, 12 V DC solar street lighting system for student demonstration. Necessary components with installation are required. 28 Complete Set up unit to test the proper functioning of DIAC to determine the break over voltage and plot its V-I characteristics 29 Complete Set up unit to test the variation of R, C in R and RC triggering circuits on firing angle of SCR and observe the firing angles with R,C variation. 30 Complete Set up unit to perform the operation of Class – A, B, C commutation circuits of SCR. 31 Complete Set up unit to observe the output waveform of half wave-controlled rectifier using SCR with resistive load and determine the load voltage at different firing angles and observe the firing angles and load voltage in CRO. 32 Complete Set up unit to observe the output waveform of Full wave-controlled rectifier with R load, RL load and with freewheeling diode and determine the load voltage at different firing angles and observe the firing angles and load voltage in CRO. 33 Complete Set up unit to determine the firing angle using DIAC and TRIAC phase-controlled circuit on output power under different loads such as lamp, motor and observe the firing angles and load voltage in CRO. 34 Complete Set up unit to perform speed control of DC series / DC separately excited motor using SCR and observe the speed in digital meterand firing angles in CRO 35 Complete Set up unit to perform speed control of 3-phase Induction motor using PWM inverter. Interpret speed-torque characteristics. Use variable voltage variable frequency drive. 36 Training kit for 8051 Microcontrollerhaving facility to interface with PC 37 Complete Set up unit for run and test Speed Control of a D.C. motor and note speed vs. Load characteristics at open loop condition using 8051 microcontroller kit and interfacing with PC.and also haveb)8051 microcontroller having facility ofstand alone operation. 38 Kit for run and test Over voltage/under voltage andover current/under current relay circuit by 8051 microcontroller kit andwith suitable hardware circuit and also haveb)8051 microcontroller having facility ofstand alone operation. 39 Push button switches 40 ON Delay timer 41 OFF delay timer 42 Three phase electromagnetic contactor 43 Complete Set up unit to measure the output voltage of chopper for resistive load by varying the frequency and /or duty cycle of chopper. 44 Complete Set up unit to measure change of speed of given D.C. series motor by varying armature voltage using step down chopper. 45 Complete Set up unit to measure change of speed of the given D.C. separately excited motor by varying voltage using step down chopper. 46 Complete Set up unit to control the speed of theseparately exited DC motor by changing the firing angle of SCR using single phase full converter and measure the speed. 47 Complete Set up unit to control the speed of a three phase induction motor by using constant V/f method and facility to plot the graph between speed and frequency. 48 Complete Set up unit to control the speed of a three phase induction motor by varying frequency and facility to plot the graph between speed and frequency. 49 Complete Set up unit to control the speed of a single-phase capacitor split phase induction motor using DIAC –TRIAC circuit and facility to measure speed. 50 Complete Set up unit to control the speed of a DC motor using DC drives and microcontroller. 51 Single phase variac 52 Wire wound Rheostat 100 ohm, 5A 53 Wire wound Rheostat 50 ohm, 2A 54 Power factor meter 55 LPF portable Wattmeter 0-500W, 2.5A/5A, 150V/300V 56 Portable Wattmeter 0-500W, 2.5A/5A, 150V/300V 57 R-L/ R-C/R-L-C trainer kit 58 Demonstration kit showing different parts of a single-phase transformer 59 Demonstration kit showing different parts of a DC motor 60 Demonstration kit showing different parts of a squirrel cage induction motor 61 Air-dielectric variable capacitor 6.4 to 153pF 62 Single phase energy meter 63 Single phase Motor (Celling Fan) 64 Floursent lamp with choke and starter 65 Soldering & Riveting machine. 66 Hammering Drill Machine. 67 Electrical Drill Machine 68 M.C.B 69 Digital Multimeter 70 Electrical Calling Bell 71 Electrical tester 72 Pliers 73 Wire Cutter 74 Half round File 75 Soldering and de-soldering machine 76 Digital & Analog Multimeter 77 Hook up Wire 78 Register 79 Capacitor 80 Relay 81 Diode 82 ZenerDiode 83 L.E.D 84 Regulated 85 Dot Vero Board 86 Transistor PNP & NPNType 87 Solder 88 Soldering paste 89 Electrical tester 90 Electrical Fault Finder 91 Lags / joint Socket (30 nos. for each dimensions) 92 Analog Ammeter DC 93 Multi-Function Energy Meter 3200 imp/kWh Class-1.0, and IS 13779 (1999) 94 Electric Circular Saw, 95 Electric Hand Drill, 96 Items for Mechanical Engineering Department 97 Actual Cut Section Model of Differential Gear Box 98 Actual Cut Section Model of 3:1 Speed type Synchromesh Gear Box 99 Non-working model of a actual centrifugal pump 100 Nonworking model of actual Reciprocating pump 101 Pneumatic Drill 102 Pneumatic Wrench 103 Pressure Gauge 104 Roller Bearing 105 Ball Bearing 106 Out Side Micrometer, Mitutoyo Make 107 Digital Out Side Micrometer, Mitutoyo Make 108 In Side Micrometer, Mitutoyo Make 109 PRO 29 Pieces HSS Thread Tap and Die Set 110 Vernier Height Gauge 111 Vernier Caliper 112 Universal Bevel Protector 113 Pipe Vice 114 Hydraulic Pipe Bender 115 Hydraulic pressure machine for testing leakage in GI pipe fitting etc 116 Ratchet type pipe threading die set 117 Outer pipe threading BSP die set 118 Electric PPR pipe welding machine set 119 Chain pipe wrench 120 Level spirit 121 Stillson wrench 122 Cutting pliers 123 Screw driver 124 Steel tape 125 V Block with Clamp 126 Hand vice 127 Screw pitch gauge set 128 Adjustable Hacksaw frame 129 Monkey spanner 130 Pipe Cutter wheel type 131 Adjustable spanner 132 Hammering drilling machine 133 Electric pump 134 Blacksmith’s Forge with HandBlower 135 Blacksmith Anvil 136 Swage Blocks 137 Top And Bottom Swage Set 138 Electric Planer Optimized Air Flow,+ Hex Key, Parallel Guide, Sharpening Device & Setting Gauge for HSS Blade 139 Circular Saw 140 Hand drilling Machine 141 Hand shearing Machine 142 Hydraulic Power Saw Machine 143 Feeler Gauge 144 Screw Pitch Gauge 145 Radius Gauge 146 Snap Gauge 147 Ring Gauge 148 Plug Gauge 149 120° V-Block (with two clamps) 150 Cut out Model of Four Cylinder Engine Cooling System 151 Cut out Model of Four Cylinder Engine Lubricating System 152 Mollier Chart 153 Items for Science & Humanities 154 Friction Board Apparatus 155 Hooks Law Apparatus 156 Ohms Law Apparatus 157 Kit to verify laws ofresistance in Series and Pareallel by P.O . BOX 158 Kit to draw V-I characteristics of law of a semiconductor diode ( ge,si) and determine its knee voltage 159 Analytical Balance 160 Digital PH meter 161 Digital Conductivity meter 162 Digital colorimeter 163 Digital DO-meter 164 Complete set for Thin Layer Chromatography 165 Arsenic set (For Laboratory) 166 Digital Thermometer or Normal Thermometer 167 Water Bath 168 Redwood Viscometer 169 ABLES FLASH POINT Apparatus 170 Distillation plant 171 Daniel -Cell for EMF measurement

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INR 40000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 41.99 Lakhs /-
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