Auction Sale Of Disposal Of Scrap, Rejected/Obsolete Materials, Unserviceable Plant And Machineries, Surplus Stores/Spares, And Miscellaneous Articles Available At Different Locations Of Bccl Scrap BE 195 Shovel, Manufacturing No. 140767, BCCL No. S-88, CIL No. EXC-943 with other unserviceable parts and without Crowd cushion, Dipper Handle, Dipper, (Crowd, Propel, Dipper trip, Main) Motor etc. & other serviceable parts. Shovel MT 140 ABOCP, Block-II Area BlockII Area 2 23089 Scrap EKG 5.0 Shovel, Manufacturing Serial no. HMB-492, BCCL No. S-357, CIL No. EXC-2449 with Boom Assy, Under carriage Assy, Swing Circle, A-Frame Assy, Hoist Winch Assy, Hoist Gearbox Assy & other unserviceable items and without Output shaft, Shaft, ML6 Contactor, Lock Bar Lever, Pulley, Top Slide, Master controller, Tie Rod, Shafts, 250 KV Main Motor, Hoist Generator, Swing/Propel Generator, Crowd Generator, Exciter Generator, Hoist Motor, Crowd Motor, Swing Motor, Propel Motor, & other servicable items. Shovel MT 80 AKWMOCP, Katras Area Katras 26 3 22156 Scrap CAT 35 T Dumper, Manufacturing No. 5335146, BCCL No. SD-81 CIL No. D12354 with Engine Assy,Transmission,Radiator, Suspension/Leaf Spring, Differential Assy,Steering Cylinder Assy & other unserviceable parts and without (LH & RH) & other serviceable parts. Dumper MT 9 DBOCP, CV Area CV Area 4 22157 Scrap CAT 35 T Dumper, Manufacturing No. 5335145, BCCL No. SD-80 CIL No. D12353 with Engine Assy, Transmission, Radiator, Suspension/Leaf Spring, Differential Assy & other unserviceable parts and without (LH & RH) & other serviceable parts. Dumper MT 9 DBOCP, CV Area CV Area 5 24112 Scrap BEML Dozer, Model No: D-155-A-I, Manufacturing Serial no. G-12463, BCCL No. TR-386, CL No. T-2596 with other items like Chassis, Under Carriage, Blade etc and other unserviceable items and without Engine, Transmission, Torque converter, Radiator and other serviceable items.