Tender For Procurement Of Equipment, Instrument, Machineries, Tools, Accessories Etc. Related To Laboratories And Workshops Of Various Department Of Contai Polytechnic- 1 Hydraulic Bench with 10 Experiment: 2 Hot Air oven 3 Direct shear apparatus 4 Universal permeability test apparatus ( both for constant and falling head permeability test) 5 Auto level 6 Vernier Transit Theodolite & Accessories 7 Hand held GPS: 8 pH: Digital pH meter with temperature probe 9 Chlorine: Spectrophotometer with Reagent/ Kit (semi-quantitative) 10 Determine suspended, dissolved solids and total solids of given sample of water/sewage 11 DO meter &Determine Fluoride concentration in given water sample. Spectrophotometer with SPADNS Reagent/Ion selective electrode 12 Determine the optimum dose of coagulant in a given raw water sample by jar test 13 SPECTROPHOTOMETER 14 90 micron sieve 15 Trowel 16 Standard Spatula 17 GaugingTrowel BS:12, IS:4031, IS : 10086-1982 18 Porcelain container for mixing of cement 19 Sets of slide wrench (taparia make) 20 Sieve for fine aggregates 21 Measuring cylinder, graduated (250 ml) 22 Plastic limit test apparatus 23 Spade (tata make) with handle 24 Pick axe (tata make ) with handle 25 Shovel (Tata make)with handle 26 Aluminium Trays (16 x32x1.25 inch) 27 Crucibles(porcelain) – 15, 30, 50 , 100 ml capacity 28 Mortar and pastle – 300 mlcapacity; brass 29 Steel Sampler (38 mm inner Dia. And 150 mm length) 30 Glass rod 31 Wash bottle – Capacity: 500 ml 32 Non corrodible air tight moisture can(numbered) 33 Palette knife set 34 Straight edge 3 m SS 35 Apparatus for extracting samples from the cutter 36 Enameltray or container (water tight) – 37 Glass plate – 450 mm2, 9 mm thick 38 Graduated Cylinders with stopper (25, 50, 100, 250, 500 & 1000 ml capacity) -borosilicate glass 39 Volumetric Flasks, Stoppered (100, 250, 500 ml) 40 Volumetric Flasks, un-stoppered (100, 250, 500 ml) 41 Weighing bottles -15,25,60ml capacity) 42 Buckets of stainless steel (dia 30 cm and 30 cm deep) 43 Evaporating dish- 75, 100, 125 and 150 ml ( glass) 44 Conical beaker – 1 L, glass 45 Griffin low form beakers with pour out for general laboratory use (25, 50, 100, 250, 500 & 1000 ml capacity) 46 Funnel 47 Filter paper 48 Filter flask - 500ml 49 Glass filter bottle- 100mm in dia; 50 Glass rod - 4 to 5 mm in dia and 150-200 mm long; 51 Mixing tools 52 Trimming equipment 53 Mixing tray; 54 Ranging poles 55 Offset rods 56 Arrows 57 Garden umbrella (largest size) – for protecting instruments 58 Cross staff 59 Optical sqaure 60 Dumpy level 61 GLASSWARE: 62 Balance of 250 g capacity,0.01g sensitivity 63 3 HP DC shunt motor with 4-point starter 64 DC shunt motor(3HP)-Generator (2 kW) Set for load test with all accessories 65 Experimental set upto perform brake test on 2 HP DC series motor 66 Experimental set up for Speed Control of 3 HP DC Shunt Motor 67 1 KVA single- phase air cooled transformer. 68 3 phase Transformer with all terminals brought out for different connections. 69 Anderson bridge to measure unknown inductance 70 Schering bridge to measure unknown capacitance 71 Single phase & Three phase electronic (digital) energy meter 72 Kelvin double bridge 73 Analog Oscilloscope (20MHz Dual Trace ) with Component Tester 74 Dual channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope 50 MHz. 75 C.T. & P.T. testing trainer kit 76 Training kit for study of Kirchhoff’s Current & Voltage Law 77 Series parallel resonance of R-L-C ckt. 78 Training kit for design of parallel resonance circuit 79 Training kit for design of series resonance circuit 80 Training kit for verification of- a) Superposition theorem. b) Thevenin’s theorem. c) Norton’s theorem. d) Maximum power transfer theorem. 81 Power Factor Meter (Digital) 82 Experimental setup for Speed control of 1 HP Induction Motor (Frequency Changing with required Panel & VVVF drive and other accessories). 83 Experimental set up for load test of 3 phase 2 HP Induction Motor 84 Three phase, 415 V, 2HP SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR with excitation control 85 Speed Control of the steppermotor with reversing facility 86 Relay testing kit withrelay to test neumerical/ static over current (Industrial grade) 87 Kit for demonstrating the operation of single phasing preventer by creating single phasing fault of a 3-ph induction motor with D.O.L. starter. : 88 Pyranometer with Shading ring facility: 89 Complete set up of Poly crystalline silicon PV Cell to measure the cell parameters – O.C. voltage (Voc), Short circuit current (Isc), Voltage-Current-Power at Maximum Power point (Vmp, Imp, Mpp), Fill factor, Efficiency. 90 One piece Flat plate collector with complete set up and measuring facility of temperature, flow, pressure. 91 Complete set up of 40 Watt, 12 V DC solar street lighting system for student demonstration. Necessary components with installation are required. 92 Set up to test the proper functioning of DIAC to determine the break over voltage and plot its V-I characteristics 93 Set up to test the variation of R, C in R and RC & UJT triggering circuits on firing angle of SCR and observe the firing angles with R, C variation. 94 Set up to perform the operation of Class – A, B, C , D, E commutation circuits of SCR. 95 Set up to observe the output waveform of half wave-controlled rectifier using SCR with resistive load and determine the load voltage at different firing angles and observe the firing angles and load voltage in CRO. 96 Set up to observe the output waveform of Full wave-controlled rectifier with R load, RL load and with freewheeling diode and determine the load voltage at different firing angles and observe the firing angles and load voltage in CRO. 97 Set up to determine the firing angle using DIAC and TRIAC phase-controlled circuit on output power under different loads such as lamp, motor and observe the firing angles and load voltage in CRO. 98 Set up to perform speed control of DC series / DC separately excited motor using SCR and observe the speed in digital meterand firing angles in CRO 99 Set up to perform speed control of 3-phase Induction motor using PWM inverter. Interpret speed-torque characteristics. Use variable voltage variable frequency drive. 100 Training kit for 8051 Microcontrollerhaving facility to interface with PC 101 Operation of a stepper motor with a fixed no. of steps and to determine the angular displacement per step by measuring the total angular rotation interfacing with 8051 microcontroller kit and PC. (8051 microcontroller having facility of stand-alone operation. 102 Setup for measurement of ac voltage, current, frequency and phase angle difference (either between two voltages or between voltage and current) using suitable PT, CT, zero crossing detectors, A/D converters etc. using 8051 microcontroller kit and interfacing with PC. (8051 microcontroller having facility of stand-alone operation) 103 Setup for run and test Speed Control of a D.C. motor and note speed vs. Load characteristics at open loop condition using 8051 microcontroller kit and interfacing with PC (8051 microcontroller having facility of stand-alone operation). 104 Setup for run and test Traffic light Control with 8051 microcontroller kit and interfacing with PC (8051 microcontroller having facility of stand-alone operation). 105 Setup for run and test Over voltage/under voltage and over current/under current relay circuit by 8051 microcontroller kit and with suitable hardware circuit (8051 microcontroller having facility of stand-alone operation). 106 Set up to measure the output voltage of chopper for resistive load by varying the frequency and /or duty cycle of chopper. 107 Set up to measure change of speed of given D.C. series motor by varying armature voltage using step down chopper. 108 Set up to measure change of speed of the given D.C. separately excited motor by varying voltage using step down chopper. 109 Set up to control the speed of theseparately exited DC motor by changing the firing angle of SCR using single phase full converter and measure the speed. 110 Set up to control the speed of a three phase induction motor by using constant V/f method and facility to plot the graph between speed and frequency. 111 Set up to control the speed of a three phase induction motor by varying frequency and facility to plot the graph between speed and frequency. 112 Set up to control the speed of a single-phase capacitor split phase induction motor using DIAC –TRIAC circuit and facility to measure speed. 113 Set up to control the speed of a DC motor using DC drives and microcontroller. 114 Single Phase Rectifier with and without filters Trainer Kit 115 Zener diode Trainer Kit 116 BJT Trainer Kit 117 FET Trainer Kit 118 Trainer Kit for Realization of Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor. 119 Trainer Kit for Verification of the function of SR, D, JK and T Flip-flops. 120 Trainer kit for Realization of Encoder and Decoder circuit. 121 Triner Kit for Realization of Multiplexer and Demultiplexer circuit. 122 Trainer Kit for Construction of binary Asynchronous & Synchronous counter. 123 Trainer Kit for Construction controlled shift register & verify SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO operation. 124 Digital to AnalogConverter Trainer Kit 125 Analog to Digital Converter Trainer kit. 126 Single phase variac 127 Wire wound Rheostat (50 ohm) 128 Wire wound Rheostat (350 ohm) 129 Portable Power factor meter 130 Portable LPF Wattmeter 131 Portable UPF Wattmeter 132 Portable Voltmeter (Moving iron type) 133 Portable Ammeter (Moving iron type) 134 R-L/ R-C/R-L-C trainer kit 135 PN junction Diode Trainer kit 136 Trainer kit to verify Truth Table of different Logic Gates (TTL only) and Verification of DE Morgan’s theorem. 137 Digital Multimeter 138 DC Regulated Power Supply Unit 139 Actual Cut Section Model of 3:1 Speed type Synchromesh Gear Box 140 Non-working model of a actual centrifugal pump 141 Nonworking model of actual Reciprocating pump 142 Surface Grinding Machine 143 Oxy-Acetylene Gas Welding Set-up 144 Spot Welding Machine 145 TIG Welding Machine 146 MIG Welding Machine 147 Surface Plate 148 Feeler Gauge 149 Outside Vernier Micrometer 150 Inside Micrometer 151 Combination Square Set 152 Slip Gauge (Metric Set) 153 Dial Indicators (Metric Standard) with Magnetic Stand with Fine Adjustment 154 Electro-Pneumatic Trainer Kit 155 Oil Hydraulic Circuit Trainer Unit 156 Cut Section Model of Gas Turbine Plant (both open and close type) 157 Working Model of a Hydro-Electric Power Plant 158 Cut Section Model of Impulse Turbine 159 Cut Section model of Reaction Turbine (water) 160 Model of La-Mont Boiler (water tube boiler) 161 Cut Section Model of following Boiler Mountings and Accessories 162 Cut out Model of Reciprocating Compressor 163 Cut section Model of Centrifugal Compressor 164 Chart Showing the Layout of Modern Thermal Power Plant 165 Stefan-Boltzmann’s Apparatus, 166 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF METAL ROD, For Laboratory, Copper 167 Cut Section Model of Plate type Heat exchanger 168 Cut section model of hermetically sealed compressor 169 Reynolds Apparatus 170 Poiseuille’s Viscosity Apparatus 171 V-Notch Apparatus 172 Bernoulli’s theorem apparatus 173 Losses in Pipe Fitting Apparatus 174 Centrifugal pump test rig 175 Positive displacement pump test rig 176 Fixed And Fluidised Bed Apparatus 177 Pipe Friction Apparatus 178 Centrifuge for Solid Liquid Separation 179 Circular Vibratory screen 180 Vacuum filtration apparatus with Buckner funnel apparatus 181 Froth-flotation cell apparatus 182 Thermal Expansion Apparatus 183 Shell & tube heat exchanger apparatus 184 Jacketed open pan evaporator 185 Atmospheric tray dryer with electronic balance assembly 186 PLC Trainer 187 Automation LCD PLC Trainer kit for Laboratory 188 PID Controller Trainer Kit 189 PID Simulator 190 ON-OFF Temperature Controller Trainer 191 ARDUINO UNO R3 192 CT-ET-PIC Trainer Kit 193 SLIDE CALIPERS 194 SCREW GAUGE 195 Spherometer 196 Convex and concave mirror surface 197 Experimental Setup to Determine frictional coefficient 198 Hooks Law Apparatus 199 Flywheel with shaft 200 Stoke’s law apparatus for viscosity 201 Apparatus for Co-efficient of linear expansion of the material of a rod. 202 BOYLE’S LAW APPARATUS 203 Relative Density (Sand) Measurement Apparatus 204 Apparatus for Time period Measurement 205 Snells Law Apparatus 206 Focal Length & Magnifying PowerMeasurement Apparatus 207 Ohms Law Apparatus 208 Setup for Measurement of Resistance using PO Box & Voltmeter Ammeter method 209 Kirchhoff’s Law Trainer Kit 210 Apparatus for Determination of Galvanometer Resistance using Half Deflection Method 211 Apparatus for Conversion of Galvanometer to Voltmeter &Ammeter 212 Photoelectric Cell Apparatus for Verification of Inverse Square Law 213 PN Jn Diode characteristics trainer ( for Forward & Reverse characteristics curves expt) (Compact) 214 Parallel plate capacitor parameters measurement kit 215 Analytical Balance 216 Digital PH meter 217 Digital conductivity meter 218 Digital colorimeter 219 Digital DO-meter 220 Complete set for Thin Layer Chromatography 221 Arsenic set (For Laboratory) 222 Digital Thermometer or Normal Thermometer 223 Water Bath 224 Redwood Viscometer 225 ABLES FLASH POINT Apparatus 226 Distillation plant 227 Daniel - Cell for EMF measurement 228 Haemocytometer with Micropipettes 229 Sahli’s haemoglobinometers 230 Sphygmomanometers 231 Stethoscopes 232 Models for various organs: One model of each organ system : kidney, Heart, Brain, Liver, Lungs 233 Human Skeleton and bones One set of skeleton and one spare bone 234 Different Contraceptive Devices and Models One set of each device 235 IR Thermometer 236 Stop watch 237 Dummy Inhalers and Nebulizer 238 Pharmacotherapeutic charts for various diseases & disordersCommunicable Diseases like TB, AIDS, Dengue, Malaria and Non-communicable diseases like Diabetes, HTN, Cancer, COPD, Asthama, 239 Digital BP Instrument 240 Digital Thermometer 241 Pulse Oximeter 242 ESR Apparatus (Westergren and Wintrobe) 243 Peak Flow meter 244 Stadiometer 245 Adult Weighing Scale (150 kg) 246 Glucometer 247 Permanent slide set of plants and charts for Pharmacognosy Lab 248 Drug information resources 249 Various types of PPE Kits 250 Charts /displays/ AVs on tobacco control, glycemic index of foods, nutrition, reproductive health 251 Permanent slide of different microbes 252 Hot plates 253 Nessler’s Cylinders 254 Digital Melting Point Apparatus 255 Thieles Tube (Borosilicate glass) 256 Compound Microscopes 257 Standard sieves, sieve no. 8, 10, 12,22,24, 44, 54, 60, 80, 85, 100, 120 258 Magnetic stirrer, 500ml and 1 liter capacity with speed control 259 Digital pH meter 260 Electric water bath unit 261 Desiccator 262 Buchner Funnels (Medium) 263 Filtration assembly with Vacuum Pump 264 Andreasen’s Pipette 265 Ointment spatula 266 Pestle and mortar porcelain 267 Refrigerator 268 Sintered glass filter with vacuum 269 Friability test apparatus (Digital Single/Double unit) 270 Sieve shaker with sieve set 271 Bottle washing Machine 272 Bottle Sealing Machine 273 Liquid Filling Machine 274 Liquid Mixer 275 Orthopaedical & Surgical Aids such as knee cap, LS belts, abdominal belt, walker, walking sticks, etc 276 Different Types of bandagessuch as sterile gauze, cotton, crepe bandages, roll bandage etc 277 Mannequins for CPR-1 (with indication Signals) 278 Mannequins for injection IV Arm 279 Variety of catheters 280 IV set 281 Urine Bag 282 RYLE’s tube 283 Urine pots 284 Colostomy bags 285 Oxygen masks 286 Digital Sphygmanometer