
Tender For Construction Of Road Work (Pr), rourkela-Odisha

Rural Works Department has published Tender For Construction Of Road Work (Pr). Submission Date for this Tender is 25-01-2025. Road Work Tenders in rourkela Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Construction Of Road Work (Pr)
National Competitive Bid

Tender Details

Tender For Construction Of Road Work (Pr)- 1 Clearing grass and removal of rubbish upto a distance of 50m outside the peiphery of the area as per direction of the Engineer in charge 2 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 3 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 4 Road-C (MDR-26 to Mangratola, Pkg. No-OR-30-218) 5 Road-D (NH-23 - Khodhantola,Pkg.No-OR 30-128B ) 6 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregatesto wet mixed macadam specification including Premixing the materials with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant,carriage of mixed materials by tripper to site ,laying in uniform layer with paver in sub-base/base course on well prepared surface and conpacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desire dencity as per clause of MoSRT&HSpecification for road and bridge works and direction ofEngineer -in- Charge. 7 Road-C (MDR-26 to Mangratola, Pkg. No-OR-30-218) 8 Road-D (NH-23 - Khodhantola,Pkg.No-OR 30-128B ) 9 Providing and applying Primer Coat with bitumen emulsion SS-1 at the rate of 0.60kg/sqm on the prepared treated with primer and cleaned as per technical specification for Road and Bridge works and direction of Engineer -in- Charge.. 10 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 11 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 12 Road-C (MDR-26 to Mangratola, Pkg. No-OR-30-218) 13 Road-D (NH-23 - Khodhantola,Pkg.No-OR 30-128B ) 14 Providing & applying Tack Coat with bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor@ 0.20Kg/ Sqm on prepared bituminous surfaceusing mechanical means as per Clause- 503 of MoSRT&H Specification for Road & Bridge works(4th Revision).and direction ofEngineer -in- Charge. 15 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 16 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 17 Road-C (MDR-26 to Mangratola, Pkg. No-OR-30-218) 18 Road-D (NH-23 - Khodhantola,Pkg.No-OR 30-128B ) 19 Providing and laying bituminous macadam with hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with bituminous binder of 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen, transported to site, laid over a previousely prepared surface with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment and rolling with smooth wheeled,vibratory roller and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compactionas per Clause-504 of MoSRT&H Specification for Road & Bridge works(4th Revision) and direction ofEngineer -in- Charge. 20 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 21 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 22 Road-C (MDR-26 to Mangratola, Pkg. No-OR-30-218) 23 Providing and laying Semi dense bituminous concrete with batch type hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with bituminous binder of 60/70 penetration grade of bitumen, transported to site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment and rolling with smooth wheeled,vibratory roller and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compactionas per Clause-508 of MoSRT&H Specification for Road & Bridge works(4th Revision)and direction ofEngineer -in- Charge. 24 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 25 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 26 Road-C (MDR-26 to Mangratola, Pkg. No-OR-30-218) 27 Road-D (NH-23 - Khodhantola,Pkg.No-OR 30-128B ) 28 Earth work in hard soil or gravelly soil in embankment, roads etc. within 50m initial lead and 1.5m initial lift including rough dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layers not exceeding 0.3m in depth and as per specification approved by the Department alongwith proper compaction with P.R.R. including hire and running charges of P.R.R. etc complete as per specification and direction of Engineer -in- charge. 29 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 30 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 31 Road-C (MDR-26 to Mangratola, Pkg. No-OR-30-218) 32 Road-D (NH-23 - Khodhantola,Pkg.No-OR 30-128B ) 33 Providing & fixing RCC ordinaryKM stone & 5th KM stone for finished item of work as perapproved drawings and technical specification and Clause 804 & 806of MORT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works(4th Revision) and direction ofEngineer -in- Charge. 34 (A) Ordinary Kilometre Stone 35 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 36 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 37 Road-C (MDR-26 to Mangratola, Pkg. No-OR-30-218) 38 (B) 200m road Stone 39 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 40 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 41 Providing and errecting direction and place identification retro-reflective sign as per IRC-67-2012 made out of Class-B and high intensity prismatic grade sheeting as per ASTM D 4956-09 Type-III and IV strictly conforming to clause 801.3, fixed over 2mm thick aluminium sheeting Clause 6.5.2 of IRC: 67-2012 with angle iron frame 75mm x 75mm x 6mm fixed with 2 nos and 3 nos horizontal and 1 no vertical extra supporting member of MS angle of size 50x50x6mm firmly fixed to the ground with M-15 grade cement concrete 45x45x75cm as per approved drawing inculding cost, conveyance, royality & taxes of all materials, labour, T&P etc, complete as per direction of the E.I.C. 42 1200 mm x 900 mm Informatory Sign Board 43 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 44 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 45 Village identification board(600X450) mm 46 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 47 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 48 Hospital,School,Bus Stop Inform. sign(800X600) mm 49 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 50 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 51 900 mm Equilateral Triangle 52 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 53 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 54 Supplying & fixing 15cm dia and 1m long RCCguard post in cement concrete (1:2:4) including cost, conveyance, taxes, royality of all materials including centering and shuttering finished the exposed surface smooth,watering cost and labour for reinforcement. etc complete as per specification and direction of Engineer -in- charge. 55 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 56 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 57 Road-C (MDR-26 to Mangratola, Pkg. No-OR-30-218) 58 Painting two coats with any approved quality of Weather seal coat over a coat of primingon new work to give an even shadeincluding cost of all materials,labour, T&p required for the work complete.as per specification and direction of Engineer -in- charge. 59 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 60 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 61 Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35 .The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes etc complete as per specification and direction of Engineer -in- charge. 62 Road-A ( L034-MDR 32 to Tantitola,Pkg.No-OR-30-457 ) 63 Road-B (L050-MDR 32 to Kapatmunda,Pkg.No-OR-30-366) 64 Road-C (MDR-26 to Mangratola, Pkg. No-OR-30-218) 65 Road-D (NH-23 - Khodhantola,Pkg.No-OR 30-128B )

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 10000 /-
INR 316318.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 3.16 Crore /-
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