
Tender For Supply Of Lab Equipments, Ernakulam-Kerala

Government Ayurveda College has published Tender For Supply Of Lab Equipments. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-01-2025. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in Ernakulam Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Lab Equipments
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Lab Equipments-DEPARTMENT OF DRAVYAGUNA 2 Buchner funnel 3 Dean and stark with stop clock 4 Plastic can-5 L,PET 5 Condenser-B40/38 6 Condenser-B14/26 7 Mortar and pestle-Stainless steel 8 Dissecting microscope 9 Magnification lens with light 10 Dissection box 11 Digital weighing scale -Up to 10gms with accuracy 0.001mg 12 TLC kit with TLC applicator, TLC platform, atomizer, glass plates TLC chamber and TLC scale 13 Digital pH meter 14 Pycnometer 15 UV cabinet 16 d/w brushes 17 Dissecting Needle 18 Pipe clay triangles 19 Evaporating dish 20 Hand gloves cloth-cotton padded oven gloves(pairs) 21 DEPARTMENT OF PRASUTHITANTRA 22 Gloves (unsterile) 7 inch(Packets) 23 Sterlized gloves ( 7 inch) 24 Disposable under pads ,double layer,with absorbent core, tear and slip resistant with waterproofback sheet 25 Examination table disposable sheet 26 Hot water bag2L made of rubber20cm x 30 cm 27 Perineometer Analog type-With 3 vaginal probes for exercise training 28 Ovum forceps 250mm x 10” metal 29 IV Stand6ft height stainless steel with fibre base and 2 hooks 30 Cusco’s speculum (medium -10 no.sand large-10 no.s) 31 Cotton swab stick 32 Kochers forceps 33 Hegar cervical Dialator set 34 Green armytage forceps 35 IUCD removing hook 36 Endocervical Speculam 37 Electro surgical cautery machine 38 DEPARTMENT OF KOUMARABRITYA 39 Ball Pool ( Multicolour, Frame material Plastic, Ball material Polyester, LxWxH (1M x 60cm X 30 cm) 40 R & B ANALYTICAL LAB 41 Simple monocular microscope 42 DEPARTMENT OF AGADATHANTRA 43 ARG LABS Multi- functional nursing care Manikin Male 44 Indo surgical stomach pump tube 45 ISKO – CPR Training Mannequin Half BodyGupta scientific & glass works 46 Examination table disposable sheet 47 Hicks BS-X976 White Infrared Thermometer 48 Clear & sure frosted Microscope Glass slide, Ground Edges & Lint Free Packing/ Pack of 50 slide 49 Derma pen Battery Operated (Derma Ultima pro basic 0.25mm to 2.0mm) with 10 pieces needle cartridge 50 18 Ga dispensing needle (100 piece) 51 Surgical magnifying lens 4 inch 52 Flat Bottom Borosilicate Glass dish- 4.6 Diameter - 53 Laboratory Watch Glass (Pack of 6) (10 mm) 54 Gem lab small test tube 15ml (6 pieces) with Plastic Test Tube Stand and Borosilicate Glass with Rim and Wooden Handle Chromium Plated Test Tube Holder Combo of 8 Products 55 Wart speckle remover pen -Dimension 10X5x5 cm,Material ABS,Item form -Pen 56 Indo Surgicals Silvery stethoscope 57 Gas / electric burner-bunsen burner 58 Test tube stand-100 capacity 59 DEPARTMENT OF SALYATANTRA 60 Clinical thermometer (mercury) 61 Mosquito forceps 62 Suture cutting scissors 63 Foleys urinary catheter (16 F) 64 Butterfly IV cannula 19G (yellow) 65 Roof fitted shadowless lamp with reflectors for operation theatre Halogen series700 S 66 Electro Cautery machine 50W (small) 67 SALYATHANTRA OT 68 Examination Gloves (Disposable) – Medium- 100 Nos – Box 69 AbsorbentGauze Cloth 10M X1M 70 DEPARTMENT OF RACHANASAREERA 71 Disposable gloves box 72 Rubber gloves 73 Washable apron 74 DEPARTMENT OF SHALAKYATANTRA 75 trial frame adult 76 paediatric T frame 77 LED Mini Near vision chart 78 Prism Bar set 79 RAF ruler 80 SALAKYATANTRA DENTAL OP 81 Airotor Handpiece 82 GLASS IONOMER CEMENT (NO 9) 83 NORMAL SALINE -500ML 84 DISPOSABLE GLASS 85 LIGNOCAINE HYDROCHLORIDE INJECTION 86 SYRINGE 2.5ML 87 MOUTH MIRROR 88 PROBE 89 TWEEZER 90 HAND PIECE LUBRICATION TUBE SPRAY 91 SUCTION TIP PLASTIC 92 RC HELP 93 POLISHING BUR 94 ROUND BUR 95 SALAKYATANTRA OT 96 STERILE GAUZE AND PAD FOR EYE BANDAGING 97 MORTAR AND PESTLE --- CLAY 98 INSULIN SYRINGE - 3 IG X 6 mm 99 3M Micropore 1530-1, 1 inch x 10 ya rd 100 SURGICAL BLADE 11 101 SURGICAL SCISSORS 102 ORDINARY SCISSORS 103 DEPARTMENT OF KAYACHIKITSA 104 Fort shaped medical monofilament 105 Rubber tube (Nadi Swedam) 106 Infrared lamp 107 Cheatle forceps (10 inch) 108 Sponge holding forceps 109 Astery forceps 110 Vasti Netram (Bronze) 111 DEPARTMENT OF PANCHAKARMA 112 Janu vasthi apparatus - Small, medium, large, XL-5 each 113 IR lamp- Deep penetration, IR lamp 114 Cautery pen - surgical cautery pencil surgical cautery 115 Mini pocket weighing scale – digital 116 DEPARTMENT OF R&B 117 Fulcrum Hand Pallet Truck 118 Mortar of Pestle 30cm diameter (big)-good Quality Porcelein 119 Garden gloves 120 Latex Gloves 121 Anti Pollution dust masks 122 Ear Muffs 123 Blue jeans gloves cotton gloves 124 Industrial anti flog full face protection shield with elastic band 125 900 Watts (unbreakable body sparkless technology) 100% copper air blair 126 Mercuric BP apparattus 127 IR apparattus (heat therapy lamp) 128 White naturalstone mortar and pestle (marble) 129 Borosilicte glass measuring cylinder (50 ml) 130 PHYSIOTHERAPY UNIT 131 STIMULATOR,Digital

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 944 /-
INR 3700.0 /-
Tender Value
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