Providing Designing Constructing Erecting And Giving Satisfactory Hydraulic Test Etc. Of Water Supply Scheme For Jawhar Municipal Council Jawhar District Palghar.- 1 Raw Water Rising Main 250 mm dia L- 2450 M -DI K9 PipePARTA:MATERIALProvidingD.I.pipes(pushonjointspressurepipesofD.I. of following class and diameters confirming to the I. S. specificationinclusivecost ofjointingmaterials(Rubber gasket of EPDM Quality ) excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect including Third party inspection charges of TPI Agency approved by MJP including Transit insurance, Railway Freight, Unloading from railway wagon, Loading into Truck, Transportation to departmental store, unloading, stacking etc. completed as directed by Engineer in charges (IS 1536/2001 for pipes and IS 158/1969 and IS 12820/1989 or latest edition/revision with amendments for Rubber Gasket250mmDiaD.IK-9Pipe 2 Providing and supplying ISI standard D. I. specials & fitting with sealing rubber gasket of S.B.R,complete with cast iron follower gland and M. S. nut bolts coated or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for D.I.pipes including cost of labour, materials, and transportation to stores, loading and unloading excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete as per IS-9523.D.I.specials &fitting 3 Manufacturing, providing and supplying spirally welded/ ERW/ SAW/ fabricated M. S. pipes(Commercial Quality) including procurements of plates, gas cutting to required size rolling, tack welding assemblingin suitable lengths to form pipes, weldingon automatic welding machine and forming ‘V’ edge onboth ends of pipes including railway freight, nsurance, unloading from railway wagon, loading into truck, transport to stores, unloading, stacking, excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete as perIS - 3589 and IS-5504 as applicable as per specifications (No negative tolerance in thickness is permissible).DiaofPipe :250mm(I.D.) 6mm Thick 4 Providing and supplying ISI standard MS specials of required thickness with 3 coats of approved makeepoxy paintfrom inside and outside including all taxes (Central and local), octroi, inspection charges, transportation to stores / site, and stacking, etc. complete. 5 Providing, fabricating and fixing expansion joints for pipelines as per the drawing. The rate to include machining the strakes and steel ring as shown in the drawing and welding on either automatic welding machine or manually, Rate includes plates and flats required for expansion joint and all other materialssuch as synthetic rubber, rubber ring, etc. complete. including packing as per specifications, grease, boltsand nuts, etc. includinglocal handling,includingallstatutary duties and taxes such as GST levied by Gol and GoM inall respectetc. complete.Expansion joints suitable for pipe diameters. - 300 mm Dia 6 Transporting within 500 meters,laying in position to correct line and level M. S. specials pipes with / without any outcoating, such as distance pieces, straps, bends, tapers, etc. on prepared bedding in trenches including marginal cutting wherever required, assembling tack welding, the same. The rate to including loading, unloading, hoisting, ect. complete as specifed5mmto8 mm thick.From250mm.Upto500mm.dia. 7 Welding in all positions with required number of runs, for M. S. pipes internally and / or externally including gauging wherever necessary, fixing appurtenances and other accessories in connection with pipe laying workas per specification.ButtJoints:Platethickness: 6mm thick. 8 LapJoints:Platethickness: 6mm thick. 9 Gascutting(eithersquarecut orV cut) pipes, plates,etc. of thickness above5mm.Upto10 mm. 10 Providing and applying 3 layer polyethylene coating of minimum 3000 micron composite coationg and internal fusionbondedepoxyliningasperIS3589annexCof 400 micron thickness for underground laying M.S.piped, Similarly dual kayer polyester Providing and applying externally 3 layer fusion bonded polyethylene (3LPE) lining to mild steel pipes of minimum 3000 micron confirming to DIN-30670 standards and internally fusion bonded epoxy lining as per IS 3589- 2001 annexture “C” of 400 micron thickness , 150 mm space shall be left uncoated (cutback) on both ends of mild steel pipes for welding purpose & same shall be coated after completion of welding at site with 100% solid, coldapplied, polymetriccoatingasspecified inthe standards. The rate shall include the cost of material, coating and wrapping over the pipes,handling changes cleaning of pipe internally and externally with proper blasting preparation of pipes surface dust free as per specifications transportation of pipes fromsite toworks to factory and back to site of works after coating etc complete. Note– Pipe coating shall be done at factory only and in any case the 3LPE coated pipes shall not be used for laying above ground and for making bends or specials.Note:- Pipe Coating Shall be done at factory 11 Lowering laying in position to correct line and level including M. S. pipes with / without any outcoating, on pedestals or chairs upon piers, trestles etc. The rate to include loading, unloading hoisting, marginal cutting wherever required, assembling and tack welding, transportaion upto 500 M. etc. complete.5mmto 8mmthick250to 500 mmDia 12 Hydraulic testing of M.S. pipeline to specified pressure including cost of all materials and labour and water for testing for the lenght upto 1km., using reciprocatingtype pumps which should be able to provide specified test pressure gauges and other necessary equipments, labour, operation charges, etc. required for testing. The rate under this item shall also include cost of retesting,if necessary.Upto600mm.dia.(I.D.) 13 Providing erecting cast steel/ Spheroidal Graphite (S.G) Iron D/F Sluice Valve/ Butterfly Valve with joining to pipe work (including all hardware and packing)water works quality, having non rising spindle with hand wheel and without bypass arrangement, spindle of stainless steel as per requirement, inspection charges, transportation upto departmental store, unloading, sacking , excluding GST Levied bu GOI & GOM in all respect etc. excluding C.C Foundation/ structural steel support. SluiceValvesCS-150SV250 mmDia 14 Providing erecting cast steel/ Spheroidal Graphite (S.G) Iron D/F Reflux valves single door with jointing to pipe work (including all hardware and packing) water works quality with jointing to pipe without bypass arrangement,withgunmentalseats includinginspection charges, transportation upto departmental store, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. completed but excluding C.C foundation/ structural steel support.RefluxValve250 mmDia 15 Providingdoubleflangesluicevalve confirming for IS- 14846 including worn gear arrangements as per test pressure, stainless steel spindle, caps, including inspection charges, transportation upto departmental store, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. completeSluicevalve-PN-1.6(Without bypass arrangement)SluiceValve150mmDia 16 Providing, erecting Kinetic Double Orifice Cast Steel Air Valves with an isolating Sluice Valve mounted in horizontal position operated by wheel gear suitable for working pressure of Class 300 rating (52 kg/cm2)AirValvesCS-150AirValves100mmDia 17 PARTB–LABOURExcavation for foundation/ pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 meters & lifts as below, stacking & spreading asdirected, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete.Soil 18 Excavation for foundation/ pipe trenches in hardmurum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back- filling, etc. complete.HMB 19 Excavation for foundation/ pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyondarea and lifts as below,stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charges, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete.Soft Rock 20 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling,by mechanical means or by all means other thanblasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding backfilling, etc. complete by all means.HardRockby Chieslling 21 Filling in plinth and floors / trenches with contractor’s murum for bedding in 15cm to 20cm layers including watering and compaction complete. 22 Lowering layingand jointingwith SBR ruber gaskets C.I. S/S pipes of various classes with CI / MS specials of following diameter in proper position, grade and alignment as directed by Engineer-in-charge including conveyance of material from stores to site of work, including cost of jointing materials and rubber rings labour, giving hydraulic testing etc. complete. Note :Only S.B.R. Rubber gasket to be used as per IS 5382 and IS 12820250mmDiaD.IK-9Pipe 23 Hydraulic testing of C.I./D.I. pipe line to specified pressure including cost of all materials and labour and water for testing for specified length including cutting, placing end cap making arrangement for filling safe water using reciprocating type pumps which should be able to provide specified test pressure gauges and other necessary equipments, labour, operation charges, etc. required for testing. The rate under this item shall also include cost of retesting, if necessary and reinstating to original position 250mmDiaD.IK-9Pipe 24 Lowering laying and jointing in position following C.I.D/F Reflux valves Butterfly valves and sluice valves including cost of all labour joining material, including not bolts and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing etc. complete. (Rate for all class of sluice valves) SluiceValve250mmDia 25 Lowering laying and jointing in position following C.I.D/F Reflux valves Butterfly valves and sluice valves including cost of all labour joining material, including not bolts and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing etc. complete. (Rate for all class of sluice valves)RefluxValve250 mmDia 26 Lowering laying and jointing in position following C.I.D/F Reflux valves Butterfly valves and sluice valves including cost of all labour joining material, including not bolts and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing etc. complete. (Rate for all class of sluice valves)SluiceValvesfor Washout SV150 mmDia 27 Providing and laying in situ following grades ofC.C. of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including dewatering, formwork, compaction and curing,finishing, etc, complete.IncasingM-150 28 Providing and fixing in position air valve shaft including providingandfixingGIMediumClassor6mmthickM.S. pipe shaft 2.70 M long over branch flange of air valvetee, providing PCC block of M-150 concrete, 150 mm thick around the air valve tee including encasing of vertical shaft in PCC M-150 as shown in type design together with providing and making flanged joints wherever required and fixing of air valve tee, etc. complete aspertype designand asdirectedby Engineer-in-charge for following diameters of pipe lines (type design attached.)AirValveshaft (Upto 150mm) 29 Providing and constructing B.B. masonry valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6 proportion PCC bedding, including excavation, B.B. masonry in C.M. 1:5 proportion12 mm thick cement plaster in cm 1:4 proportion on both sides with providing and fixing C.I. manhole frame and cover in RCC 1:2:4 coping or cm thickslabetc.completeasdirectedbyEngineer-in-charge. Size0.9 x0.6 x 1.20 30 Refilling the trenches with available excavated stuffwith soft material first over pipeline and then hard materialin15cmlayerswithallleadsandliftsincluding consolidation, surcharging, etc. complete 31 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC piles, caps, footings, foundation, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases. newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules; including cutting, bending, hookingthe bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required, etc. complete.(including cost of binding wire) 32 Pushing of M.S. pipes of following dia for road crossing and railway crossing by push through method in all types of strata by using hydraulic jack and drilling machine of required diameter of below M.S. casingpipes, lowering, laying, jointing of material, required welding machinery, tripod, shain -pulley block crain, blower, compressor, loading and unloading ofmachinery into the trench, etc. transportation and dewatering, etc complete, as directed by engineer-in- charge but excluding the cost of M. S. pipes.200mmto 499 mmdiaMSpipe 33 Manufacturing, providing and supplying spirally welded/ ERW/ SAW/ fabricated M. S. pipes(Commercial Quality) including procurements of plates, gas cutting to required size rolling, tack welding assemblingin suitable lengths to form pipes, weldingon automatic welding machine and forming ‘V’ edge onboth ends of pipes including railway freight, nsurance, unloading from railway wagon, loading into truck, transport to stores, unloading, stacking, excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete as perIS - 3589 and IS-5504 as applicable as per specifications (No negative tolerance in thickness is permissible).DiaofPipe :300mm(I.D.)8mmThk 34 Sub Work -2 Raw Water Pumping Machinery(V.T.) 90 HP (1W+1S)A)RemovingofEx.Motorof 60HPRemoving dismantling of 2 Nos of 60 HP VHS Motors, with all accessories, includingloading, unloading etc. complete. 35 B)RemovingofEx. PumpsRemoving dismantling of 2 Nos of 60 HP VT Pumps,with all accessories, includingloading, unloading etc complete 36 C)RemovingSluiceValve 37 D)RemovingNonReturn Valve 38 E)RemovingAlltypesCablesabove50 39 V.T.WATERLUB.PUMPSupply, erection, testing & commissioning of water lubricated V.T. pump having following discharge, Head& total suspended length with CF 8 M impeller, 1450 RPM, with strainer, bowl assembly, column assy, discharge head ,sole platewith frameand Bourdentype Pressure Guage etc. complete as per specifications.Discharge: 48LPSDutyHead:84Mtr,Total suspended column assembly -5.5 m. 40 SLUICEVALVE(CLASSP.N.-1.6)Providing, installing and commissioning with test and trialdouble flange sluice valve confirmingfor IS- 14846 including worn gear arrangements as per test pressure, stainless steel spindle, caps, including inspection charges, transportation upto departmental store, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete200mmdia,PN-1.0forPumpdischargePipe 41 250mmdia,PN-1.0forRisingMain 42 VALVE ACTUATORProviding, erecting electric Valve actuators totallyenclosed,weather-proof anddust proofconstruction with IP-67, protection class suitablefor installation in any position without lubrication,leakage or other operational difficulty with specialgrease filled gear box and hand wheel foremergency manual operation which willautomatically dis-engage on restoration of powerto motor and with 10 watt single phase spaceheater and contineous local mechanical positionindicator and individually replaceable counter gearassembly and with two torqueand four limitswitches with S.S. flap and operated with geardriven cams and of rating 250 Volt, 5 Amp, AC/DC, torque switch dial and with TEFC squirellcage induction motor working on 440 Volts +/- 10%, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC of intermittent duty ratingS-2, insulation class F and temp rise restrictedto class B with IP - 67 protection class suitablefor DOL starting and with three thermostat and 30% over load margin. The torquerating of reductiongear box shall be atleast 1.5times max. torque required for opening and closing of valve.Electric Valve Actuator with non risingspindletype sluice valve, PN 1.6 ratingi)200mmdia,PN-1.0forPumpdischargePipe 43 ii)250mmdia,PN-1.0forCommonheaderPipe 44 REFLUXVALVE(CLASSP.N.-1.6)Designing, Providing, Erecting, Testing &CommissioningCastiron,D.F.RefluxvalveofclassP.N. 1.6 rating , Part I with renewable gun metal sealing face on swing door without bypass arrangement as per detailed specifications enclosed. Withbypass arrangementi)250mmdia,PN-1.0forPumpdischargePipe 45 KINETICAIR VALVEProviding and supplying Kinetic Double Orifice type Air Valves confirming to IS 14845 as perMJP’s standard specifications combined with screw down isolating valve, small orifice elastic ball resting on a gun metal orifice nipple, large orifice vulcanite ball seating on moulded seat ring, inlet face and drilled, including insurance, thirdparty inspection charges, loading, unloading,transportation upto departmental stores, excludingGST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc.complete.50mmdia,PN-1.6forCommonHeader 46 M.S.PIPES& SPECIALSProviding and supplying ISI standard MS pipes and specials of required thickness with 3 coats of approved make epoxy paint (Shalimar, Ciba or Mahindra & Mahindra make) from inside and outside excluding all statutory duties & taxes such as GST levied by GOI & GOM in allrespect, inspectioncharges, transportationto stores / site, and stacking, etc. complete. 47 Providing and supplying ISI standard MS pipes and specials of required thickness with 3 coats of approved make epoxy paint (Shalimar, Ciba or Mahindra & Mahindra make) from inside and outside excluding all statutory duties & taxes such as GST levied by GOI & GOM in allrespect, inspectioncharges, transportationto stores / site, and stacking, etc. complete. 48 B)M.S.FlangesProviding, fabricating, erecting, M.S. Flanges sleep on type (all tables) of required size and thickness withboth side machined. Above 300 NB 49 C)FlangedJointsProviding and making flanged joints to flanged C.I./M.S. pipes of all classes/specials etc. including cost of all jointing materials (rubber packing, nut bolts, etc.), labour, hydraulic testing etc. complete200 mmdia 50 250 mmdia 51 D)RCCFOUNDATIONProvidingandcastingR.C.C.foundationICM1;2;4ratio as per specification 52 E)DISMANTLINGJOINTSProviding, erecting and commissioning M.S.Dismantling joint as per requirement and Departments approved drawing andspecifications, including machining and rubberrings and suitable for 16 kg/cm2 working pressurewith required flanges of suitable size with nut boltset complete.The joint should have through longbolts so that during normal working pressure thereshould be no sliding movement of sliding flanges.L.O.F.(length over flange) should not be less than75% of dia.i)200mmdiaforRisingmainPipe 53 ii)250mmdiaforpumpPipe 54 iii)200mmdiaforFlow Meter 55 LIFTING EQUIPMENTa) Providing, erecting and commissioning double girder Hand Operated Rectangular Overhead Travelling Crane with 8 m lift complete.3Ton,6to 8mtrSpan 56 c) Providing, erecting and fixing square bar of EN 8 as rail for over head crane on provided track, girder / continuous corbel beam, including supporting plate and J bolts. 57 11kVMeteringcubicalSupplying, erecting, testing, commissioning 11 KV HT metering cubical (compact type)approved by MSEDCL/ licensee fabricatedwith 2 mm (14 SWG) MS sheets with supporting angle and channel, painted withpowder coating / epoxy paint of required shadecopper bus bar size 25x6 mm electronicsecurity lock and heavy duty mechanical lock,with counter meter formeasuring no of timesthe opening of doors, top side cover (CT,PTcover) interlock with meter doors, epoxycoated 3 no CT having required ratio between5/5 A to 25/5 A, VA10, class0.5S, 22000/V3/110/V3 VA50, class 0.5 epoxyterminal blocksuitable for provided trivector meter,andprovision for incoming and outgoing cablesetc. complete duly tested by licensee withnecessary test certificates and erected onprovided plinth/ cc foundation 58 ELECTROMAGNETICFLOWMETERSupply, install and commission Electromagnetic Flow Meter (EMF) As Per ISO4064, for Raw/Pure water with accuracy+/-0.5% of measured value & protection as pergiven specifications for size 100 mm-1000mm including sensor, transmitter surge arrestor, cable GI duct if suitable size for 25 mtrs built in GSM (with Simcard and its charges,valid for 36 months) including the pipe cutting, leveling and installation of flow meter in the pipelines with necessary tool tackles, cranes including 36 months guarantee etc complete, as may be required at site & basedon technical specifications.200mmdia.ForCommonHeader 59 B)ValveChamberfor flowmeterProviding and constructing B.B. masonry valve chamber with 15cm thick 1;3;6 proportion PCC bedding, excluding excavation, B.B.masonery in CM 1:5 proportion precast RCC frame & cover etc comp.Asaboveof0.90x0.45Minternalsizeanddepthupto 1.2MwithprecxastRCCslab.cover. 60 MOTORProviding, erecting and giving test and trial ofVertical flange Mounted TEFC motor 1500 RPM,squirrel cage induction motor, conforming to IS12615:2011 having continuous rating suitable for operationat415Volts +/10%, 3 Phase, 50 Hz+/-3% with F class insulati on temperature riselimited to class B insulation. Motor shall be fittedwith suitable space heater and six nos. RTD. 90HPVHSMotor,1500 RPM 61 L.T.PANELDesigning, providing , fabricating, erecting commissioning and testing L.T. Panel board cubical type with equipment’s as per detailed specifications Panelfabrication-16SWG 62 Ironwork 63 ElectrolyteBusbaralluminium(30X5mm) 64 4Pole250 MCCBasMainincomer 65 3Pole250 AmpMCCB TPfor90 HPPump&1 spare 66 200AmpMCCB TPforAPFC panel 67 TerminalSpreadersfor4poleupto250AMCCB 68 TerminalSpreadersfor3poleupto250AMCCB 69 ExtendedRotaryHandleforMCCBupto250 A 70 ReverseForwardStartersforValve Actuator 71 32AmpMCBDPforlightingCseries 72 VoltmeterDigital 73 AmmeterDigital 74 CTs 75 Selectorswitch 76 PVCSyntheticelectrolytemating 77 Cautionboard- 78 Selflockingarrangement 79 Panelwiring180HP 80 LEDRYB&others Lamp 81 Motorprotection Relay 82 Cooling fan 83 HourMeter 84 LEDLampfiitinginpanel 85 LEDtypeindicatingPilotLamp 86 ThirdParty&DeptInsp. Charges 87 AUTOTRANSFORMER STARTERProvidingerectingcommissioningwith testandtrialof of Auto Transformer starter with Air break contactor, assembled locally with Contactors of approved make in 14 SWG sheet fabricated floor mounted type cubicle panel, suitable for operation on 380-440 Volts, 3 Phase, 50 Hz, fitted with accessories. The incoming & outgoing cable end boxes shall be on either sides of main panel. The cable entries from auto transformer shall be totally enclosed in sheet metal. The starter shall have screened louvers on both sides. 88 CABLEA)L.T.cablei) Supplying, erecting & terminating XLPE armoured cable 1 Run 3½ core 120 sq. mm. aluminium conductor with continuous 12.97 sq. mm. (8 SWG) G.I. earth wire complete erected with glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/pole or laid in provided trench/ pipe as per specification no. CB-LT/AL (FROM TRANSFORMER TO PANEL) 89 ii ) Supplying, erecting & terminating XLPE armoured cable 1Run X 3.0 core 70 sq. mm. aluminium conductor with continuous 5.48 sq. mm. (12 SWG) G.I. earth wire complete erected with glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/pole or laid in provided trench/ pipe as per specification no. CB-LT/AL (fromStarter to Motor ) 90 iv ) Supplying, erecting & terminating XLPE armoured cable 3.0 core 25 sq. mm. aluminium conductor with continuous 5.48 sq. mm. (12 SWG) G.I. earth wire complete erected with glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/pole or laid in provided trench/ pipe as per specification no. CB-LT/AL for( For APFC Panel ) 91 vi) Supplying and erecting armoured control cable with ISImarkstranded/solidcopperconductor1.1kVgrade complete erected on wall / panel or in provided trench in an approved manner.1 Core X 6 X1.5 Sq mmCU XLPE cable 92 A.P.F.C.PANELi) Supplying and erecting 50 kVAr,3 phase, 50 Hz., capacitor duty contactor with de-latching mechanism microprocessor APFC controller with MPP/ APP type capacitor with 525 Vand having minimum overcurrent capacity of 1.8 In,peak inrush current capacity 300 In and minimum life 150000 hours with , consisting of suitable steps of MPP / APP type capacitor units with detuned aluminium filter 7% reactors with circuit breaker as main incomer and MCCB for each branch protection, as per specification no CP-ED/APFC 93 CABLETRAYa) Providing & erecting Hot deeped Galvanised ladder type Cable tray manufactured from 16 swg (1.6 mm thick) GI sheet of comprising all required standard accessories. i)150 mmx 100mm 94 i)150 mmx 100mm 95 EARTHINGi) Providing earthing with galvanizediron earth plate size 60 x 60 x 0.6 cm with funnel with a wire mesh for watering and brick masonry block C.l. covercomplete with all materials, testing & recording the results asper specification no. EA-EP 96 ii) Supplying and erecting GI strip of required size used for earthing on wall and/or any other purpose with necessary GI clamps fixed on wall painted with bituminous paint in an approved manner with joints required. As per specification no EA-EP. 97 iii) Providing earthing with copper earth plate size 30 x 30 x 0.315 cm complete with all materials, testing & recording the results as per specification no. EA-EP. 98 iv) Supplying and erecting copper strip of required size used for earthing on wall and/or any other purposewith necessary copper clamps fixed on wall paintedwith bituminous paint in an approved manner with joints required. As per specification no.EA-EP 99 INTERNAL & EXTERNAL ELECTRIFICATIONProviding and fixing internal electrification to Pump House, Transformer room, Panel room, Office Room, Toilet block etc providing, installing and Testing of Internal & External Lighting electrification etc.complete as per detailed specifications.InternalElectrification - T8LED20Wtubelightfitting(4feet) 100 Pointwiringforlight/fan/bell 101 LED street light fitting suitable25 W lamp, including lamp, with PF >0.95class IP65 and above housing of pressure die cast aluminium alloy and heat sink extruded aluminium complete as per specification No FG-ODF/FLS2. 102 streetlightWallbracketmadefrom25mm.dia‘B’class G.I.pipe1.2min total length 103 ExternalElectrificationProviding&erecting8mtrhighgalvanisedOctagonal pole 104 Foundationforpole 105 Supplying and erecting LED street light fitting 50 W, including lamp, with PF > 0.95 class IP65 and above housing of pressure die cast aluminium alloy and heat sink extruded aluminium complete per specification No FG-ODF/FLS-2. 106 FRP box of size150 x125 x100mm, 107 Supplying and erecting Street light bracket made from 40 mm. dia ‘B’ class G.I. Pipe, 0.6m. in length along with pole cap of 300 mm length and 80 mm dia duly welded with provided leads as per specification no. FG- BKT/BPC 108 aluminium 109 Bunchof wire2 X1.5 sq.mmFRLS 110 Supplying & erecting G.I. pipe ‘A’ class 25 mm dia. erected for enclosing XLPE armoured cable onwall/poleas per specification no. CB-CE 111 DPMCB 6 Ato 32 A B-series (for lighting) 112 Providing pipe type earthing with 40mm. dia. G.l. pipeor20mmdia.G.l.Rodcompletewith allmaterials asper specification no. EA-EP 113 IRONWORKProviding structural steel work in rolled sections like joists, channels, angles, tees etc as per detailed design and drawing including fixing in position without connecting plates, braces, etc & one coat of anticorrossive paint &over it two coats of oil painting of approved quality and shade etc comp ( Bd-C-2/275) 114 TOOLSProviding, tool and equipments for the operation and maintenance of the pumping machinery along with electrical equipments etc comp.(Rate analysis)D.E.Fixspannerset12piece6-32mm 115 BihexagonRingspannerset12piece6-32mm 116 BallpenHammerwithhandle800gm 117 Combinationsidecutting200mmplierKDPE coated. 118 Adjustablewrenchcromevanadium250-30mm 119 Pipewrenchstillsonpatterncarbonsteel450-60mm 120 ScrewdriverEngineeringpattern6x300mm 121 ScrewdriverEngineeringpattern8x200mm 122 Screwdriverwith green neon bulb line tester 3.6 x 60 mm 123 Hacksawframe300mmsizewithheavydutyblade 124 Tool box fabricated from M.S. sheet of SWG of size 50 x 30 x 30 cm locling arrangement 125 TublarboxspannersetwithTommybar8pieces6-22. 126 Hydraulic crimp[ingtool flip flop typesetof dies ranging from 6 to 500 mm2 cable lugs( Usha - ismail or similar make ) 127 TEST&TRIALCarrying out test and trial of the aboe pumping machinery for two months in two shifts by deputing requiredoperatingstaffandmaintainingrecordetc. completePumpoperator 128 Helper 129 SIMPLEAUTOMATIONProviding and ERECTING at site SIMPLE Automation for Jackwell . Supplying,Installing&commissioningofSMSbasedON / OFFoperation of pumps at remotre locations with test & trial including one year guarentee & two year comprehensive maintenance including SMS card & SMS charges. Wireless Motor Controller is suitable for all range of electrical motors & starters & pumps sets. it shall protect pump set from dry run. Controller shall be controlled through SMS, call, IVRS or Smart Phone application (All controlling modes are must). It shall have following features as, a. Auto Mode operation - Pump shall be operated with time inputs & limits , Pump shall be programmed for the specific time pumping. b. Feedback - Shall produce feedback of Voltage , Current & power factor parameters. c Cylic timer - For daily operationd dry Run Protection. e-Overloadprotectionf-Phasefail-Phaseinbalance/LowVoltage.ItshallhaveRS485portofoptionaloperations.hHighgainantenaforhealtyreceptionofthe signals.i-HighdurabilityPC-ABS_FRenclosurej-Additionalsenserinterface.k-Shallhavepumphouselampcontrolthrough remeote signal. 130 Surveillance system CCTV IR -Desiging, supplying, installing, commissioning & testing of CCTV IR water proof camera suitable for upto 100ft. with control key board, DVR, Hard Disk,cables, UPT transreceivers etc. complete with not less than following specifications 1. Four numbers of IP Camera with night vision functionality with range up to 30 meters. Camera construction shall be suitable for weather proofoutdoor installation. 2. Eight Channe DVR withmetal body consturction, having software features of motion detect recording. 3. 3.5 inch 2 GB HDD 4. 8 port POE Switch 5. 32 inch LED Screen, Keyboard & mouse. 131 Pressure transmitter -Designing, supplying, Installing, commissioning & testing of pressure transmitter CE marked with following technical parameters at raw water pump house & interfacing with PLC panel. ( For Pumps -2Nos) 132 TransformerSupplying, installing, testing & commissioning 3 phase, 11/0.433 kV, 50 Hz., 200 kVA, Mineral oil immersedand naturally cooled outdoor type, Copper wound, without gas cushioning, hermetically Sealed transformer, delta/ star connected with additional neutral brought out on load side, temperature rise should not exceed 40℃ by thermometer in oil and 45℃ by the resistance methodin winding at full load rating, using type A winding insulation (kraft paper), with HV tapping (with off load tap changer) off load +2.5 to -5 in steps of 2.5%, having4 number of tap positions, with standard accessories complete with test certificate with losses below 780 Watts at 50% load, 2300 Watts at 100% load as per IS:1180 (part 1) : 2014, with necessary permissions of Electrical Inspector, as per specification no SS- TR-SL 133 Deduction - CreditForDismantledMaterialCredit for dismantled materials such as pump, valves, motor, starters, cable, transformer along with transportation from site to client godown withnecessary loading, unloading and required labour etc. complete 134 COMPOUNDWALL280Mx280MExcavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, manual dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete.Lift 0 to 1.5M(Bd-A-1/259) 135 Providing dry trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss rubble stone soling 15 cm to 20 cm thick including hand packing and compacting complete. 136 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for PCC work below foundation and footing including normal dewatering,plywood form work, compaction, finishing and curing, etc, complete.PCC M-150 137 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation andfooting of RCC columns and steel stanchions including normal dewatering,plywood form work, compaction, finishing and curing, etc, complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M-250 and M-300 only. Use of L & T, A.C.C.,Ambuja,BirlaGold,Manikgad,Rajashree,etc. cement is permitted.)ForRCCColumnfooting-M200 138 RCCCOLUMN-M200 139 Providing and casting in situ Cement Concrete of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal of approvedquality for RCC work as per detailed drawings and designs or as directed by Engineer-in-charge including normal dewatering, centering, plywood formwork, bully/steel prop-ups, compaction, finishing the formed surfaces with CM 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface wherever necessary or roughening if special finish is to beprovided andcuring, etc. complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M- 250 and M-300 only. Use of L&T, A.C. C., Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree, etc. cement is permitted) (excluding M.S, or Tor reinforcement)RCC Beam 140 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for PCC work below foundation and footing including normal dewatering,plywood form work, compaction, finishing and curing, etc, complete.PCC M-150 (1:2:4) for coping PCCM-150(1:2:4) for Coping 141 Providing second class Burnt Brick masonary with conventional/Indian standard type bricks in cement mortor 1:6 in superstructure including striking joints, raking out joints, watering and scaffolding complete. Spec. No. Bd.G.3 P.No.315 142 Providing and fixing M.S. gate 2.5 M wide for compound with 40 mm dia pipe medium class, approved grillwork,RCCM-150sidepillarsof25cmx40cmx 2.5 M height, its foundation, finishing, painting etc. complete. 143 Providing sand faced plaster externally in cementmortar using approved screened sand, in all positions including base coat of 15 mm thick in cement mortar1:4 using waterproofing compound at 1 kg per cement bag curing the same for not less than 2 days andkeepingthesurface of the basecoat rough to receivethe sand faced treatment 6 to 8 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 finishing the surface by taking out grains and curing for fourteen days scaffolding etc.complete 144 Providing and applying two coats of waterproof cement paint of approved manufacture and ofapproved colour and plastered surface including scaffolding if necessary andpreparing the surface curing etc. complete. 145 Providing and erecting Y type barbed wire fencing with seven rows of wire with 2.45 mm dia G.I. pipe (Rezan/ concenti Deleted ire 0.75 mm dia) with hot dip and G.I. coatedhooksasperdrawingsupported onM.S. angle50 x 50 x 6 mm at 2.5 mtr. c/c including fixing andfastening with wire, painting M.S. angles with one coatof red lead primer and two coat of oil paint etc.complete. 146 Providing and fixing in position TMT - FE - 500 bar reinforcement of various diameters for R.C.C. pile caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams columns, canopies, staircase, newels, chajjas, lintels pardis, copings, fins, arches etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules. including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required complete. 147 Royalty Charges - Sand 148 Royalty Charges - Metal / Rubble