Tender For Providing Lighting Facilities For Orion Cycle Shed.; 1 WIRING IN STEEL & PVC CONDUIT 2 Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable insurface /recessedmediumclassPVCconduit,withmodular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required. 3 Group C 4 3/4 Spring Metallic Hose 5 MCCB, MCB & DBS 6 Supplying and fixing 5 A to 32 A rating, 240/415 V, 10 kA, C curve, miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles intheexistingMOBDBcompletewithconnections,testingand commissioning etc. as required. 7 Single pole 8 Double pole 9 EARTHING 10 Supplying and laying 6 SWG G.I. wire at 0.50 metre below ground level for conductor earth electrode, including connection/ termination with GI thimble etc. as required. 11 MV CABLE LAYING 12 Laying of one number PVCinsulated andPVC sheathed / XLPE powercableof1.1KVgradeof followingsizedirectingroundas required. 13 Upto 35 sq. mm 14 MV CABLE JOINTING & END TERMINATION 15 Supplyingandmakingendterminationwithbrass compression gland and aluminium lugs for following size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1KV grade as required. 16 2 X 16 sq. mm (22mm) 17 MISC. CIVIL ITEMS 18 Supplying and laying of following sizeDWC HDPE pipe ISI marked along with all accessories like socket, bend, couplers etc.conforming toIS 14930, Part II complete with fitting and cutting, jointing etc.direct in ground (75 cm below ground level) including excavation and refilling the trench but excluding sand cushioning and protective covering etc., complete as required. 19 40 mm dia (0D-40 mm & ID-32 mm nominal) 20 Foundation Works 21 Providing and laying in position cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) in foundationDG set baseetc including form work etc as required. 22 CHANNEL/ANGLE WORKS 23 Supplying & erection at site iron Angle Channel, Flat & strut of required size including bottom to be split and bent at right angle in opposite direction for 10 cm length and drilling holes upto 10 mm dia. etc. complete. (L channel, [(pa) channel , - Flat) 24 Removing and refixing of Paver Block as required 25 FABRICATION OF CUBICLE BOARDS/LADDER/SOLAR STRUCTURE 26 Fabrication, supply of out-door feeder pillar type made out of not less than 2.2 mm thick MS sheet and angle iron base frame with hinged door on both side and gowden locks welded on the door i/c painting connection inter-connection etc. as per CPWD specifications (Part IV & V) of following size and providing and fixing following switch gears with cable entry boxes for both incoming and outgoing cables termination, glands, interconnection, connections powder coated painting, earthings , including of all erection, Labelling ofincoming and outgoing feeders & transport charges etc., as required. The panel drawing should be submitted before execution of the works. (Make:L&T/Legrand/Schneider/Siemens).Specification for Microprocessor based MCCBConforms to IS/IEC 60947-2 & IEC 60947-2, Ics=100% of Icu,Suitable for Isolation,Adjustable Overload from 0.4-1.0 X In,Adjustable short circuit from 1.5-8XIr, Inbuilt Instantaneous protection,Provisional of thermal memory : ON/OFF,Variable trip class at 7.2 lr & 6 lr, Front LED indication of Over load (Ready, Over load pre-alarm & Overload),Provision of Manual, Rotary or motorized versions,Wide range of snap fit internal and external accessories Specification for Thermal Magnetic MCCBConforms to IS/IEC 60947-2 & IEC 60947-2, Ics=100% of Icu,Suitable for Isolation,Adjustable Overload from 0.8-1.0 X In,Adjustable short circuit from 6-10 XIn, Provision of Manual, Rotary or motorized versions,Wide range of snap fit internal and external accessories. 27 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 400x400x200mm deep outdoor, double door type powder coated with provision of2 pole MCB with necessary 6 way, 4 way connector block with necessary erection works etc. as required. 28 Supplying of Cables. 29 Supply of aluminiumArmouredXLPE UG CABLE1.1KV as per ISI Specification IS:7098/(Part-I) 1988 with latest amendments. 30 2x16sq mm 31 Supply of Light Fixtures with Lamps 32 Supplying and fixing glass reinforced SMC (sheet moulding compound) looping box of nominal size not less than 250mm X 170mm X 100mm deep on the existing street light foundation with built-in bracket clamp, terminal block & mounting plate etc.as required. 33 Supply and fixing of outdoor of LED Floodlighting made up pressure die cast aluminium housing with toughened glass and high power LEDs and secondary lenses with IP66 protection.System efficiency>110/120 LPW,10KV SPD version to be ordered separately.(Philips,Crompton, Bajaj,Equ) 34 TFS-504-100-57-60D-SL-GL-NSG.