
Tender For Special Repair Of Boundary Wall Including Concertina Wireand Provision Of Additional Socket Points And Allied Works At Inhs Kalyani, Visakhapatnam., visakhapatnam-Andhra Pradesh

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Special Repair Of Boundary Wall Including Concertina Wireand Provision Of Additional Socket Points And Allied Works At Inhs Kalyani, Visakhapatnam.. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-01-2025. Wall construction Tenders in visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Special Repair Of Boundary Wall Including Concertina Wireand Provision Of Additional Socket Points And Allied Works At Inhs Kalyani, Visakhapatnam.
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Special Repair Of Boundary Wall Including Concertina Wireand Provision Of Additional Socket Points And Allied Works At Inhs Kalyani, Visakhapatnam. ; 1 Dismantling of wrought iron or mild steel work of any description not otherwise provided for complete all as specified and directed. 2 Demolition of un-reinforced cement Concrete of any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided for and removing rubbish to a distance not exceeding 100m complete all as specified and directed. 3 Demolition of reinforced cement concrete in any position not otherwise specifically provided for and removing rubbish to a distance not exceeding 100m complete all as specified and directed. 4 Excavation in trenches, not exceeding 1.5 M wide and not exceeding 1.5 M depthfor foundation, trenches for shafts, wells, cesspits, manholes, pier holes, etc. n exc 10sq m on plan and n exc 1.5m in depth and getting out in soft/disintegrated rock complete all as specified and as directed. 5 M&L for Plain Cement Concrete 1:4:8 type D2 (using 40 mm graded stone aggregate) as in foundations, filling and mass concrete complete all as specified and directed. 6 Use and waste of form work to formwork to sides of concrete foundations, footings, bases of columns, raft and raft beams, sides and soffits (if any) of foundation and plinth beams; and similar work; vertical or to battercomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 7 M&L for reinforced cement concrete M-30 (Design Mix) using 20mm graded stone aggregate as in foundation, plinth beams, bases of columns and mass concrete complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 8 Useand waste offormwork to sides of pillars, posts, struts, piers, columns and stanchions flat or curved of concretecomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 9 M&L for reinforced cement concrete M-30 (Design Mix) using 20mm graded stone aggregate as inColumns, pillars, piers, posts and struts etc.complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 10 Use and waste offormwork to sides and soffits of floor or roof beams, beam haunch ings, girders, bressummers, lintels, cantilevers, shelves ,plinth beam including sup- ports, overhangs, etc. also splays between floors and beams, etccomplete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 11 M&L for reinforced cement concrete M-30 (Design Mix) using 20mm graded stone aggregate as in beams, cantilevers, bressummers, lintels over 1.5m span etc.complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 12 S & F high strength corrosion resistant TMT steel bars 10 mm dia., and over cut to length, bend to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9 mm dia or securing with clips quality complete all as specified and directed. 13 S & F high strength corrosion resistant TMT bars 5mm dia and over upto and including 10mm dia in strirrups, spacers and binders spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9 mm dia or securing with clips etc complete all as specified and directed. 14 Returning, filling in, including spreading, levelling, watering and well ramming in layers not exc 25 cm as in soft/disintegrated rockcomplete all as specified and directed. 15 Removing excavated materials exc 10 Km but n. exc 20 Km and depositing where directed at a level n.exc 1.5 m above the starting point complete all as specified and directed. 16 S & F 110 mm borePVC (SWR) Soil, waste and vent pipes single socketed in any length with rubber ring joints fixed towalls complete all as specified and directed. 17 Demolition of brick work or stone / boulder masonry, built in cement mortar including all quoins, pillars etc stacking the serviceable bricks after removing mortar and cleaning for re-use and disposal ofdebris to a distance not exceeding 100m as directed by the Engr-in-Charge. 18 M&L for Brickwork with fly ash bricks, straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius, built in cement mortar 1:6complete all as specified and directed. 19 M & L for Walling of random rubble, uncoursed, well bonded, bedded and solidly hearted, builtin cement mortar 1:6 as in retaining walls, abutments and similar workcomplete all as specified and directed. 20 All as per serial item No. 19 above but except stone complete ditto. (Note: Old serviceable stones as obtained from serial item No. 17 above shall be re-used under this item after cleaning etc) 21 M & L for cement concrete (1:2:4), type B1 (using 20mm graded stone aggregate) as in lintels upto 1.5m clear span, cills, steps; seismic and other similar bands, plinth courses, string courses, lacing courses, parapets and railings upto 60 cm in height, copings, kneelers, apex stones, bed plates, kerbs, water troughs and the like including weathering, slightly rounded or chamfered angles and throating, including necessary formwork complete all as specified and as directed. 22 M & L for Broken glass coping on top of wall in 25mm layer of cement mortar (1:3) with a rounded or weathered finish and before the mortar has set, glass (of bottle or thick glass) broken to approximately 63mm gauge, shall be firmly embedded at the rate of 10 Kg of glass per square metre of rendered surface, jogged edges of the glass being left projecting complete all as specified and directed. 23 M & L for Mild Steel Hand rails, half round or other stock section or core for wooden hand-rail straight portion, drilled and countersunk for balusters running bars, for doors, balusters, nosing to steps including embeding in concrete and screwing etc. wind ties for roof including securing bolts posts and struts in fencing (fencing post) including cutting tops to shape as directed, drilling holes, notching for wire, etc.; flat iron fillets (for securing wire mesh etc.) including all necessary drilling, bolting or riveting, etc., and similar work conforming to Fe-290 Gde E-165 ® complete all as specified and directed. 24 M&L for preparation of new or previously untreated steel surfaces of any description, over 10 cm width or girth, not otherwise described and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide zinc primer complete all as specified and as directed.. 25 S & FGalvanised 2 strand, steel barbed wire 2.24mm dia barbed with 2mm dia barbs at 75mm spacings and straining and fixing to any type of standard rails straining bolts, including, securing or tying at crossings with and provision of galvanised mild steel wire, staples or steel pins, etc. as directed (each line wire to be measured) complete all as specified and as directed. 26 S & F 1050 mm diapunched tapeconcertina coil as per IS 4454 with galvanised coatingand punched tape material as per IS-513deep drawn quality with galvanising coating , having medium barbs( barb length: 24+1 mm ,Pitch between two barbs 35+ 1mm ) fixed in position and securedto both sides of shaped angle iron post , stretched to a length of 6 to 8 metre openable length ( total length 90 m), having 50 nos rounds per 6 metre length, upto 3 m height of wall fixed over angle iron ‘Y’ shaped,Spring core (2.5mm thick) wire of high tensile strength of 165 kg/ sq.mm with tape (0.52 mm thick)to achieve 1050 mm diaas in fencing to steel post and to another coil /MS ribs including fixing with special galvanisedfasterners such as J clips , C clips, U clips all as specified and directed(Note : After stretching the coil, the length of the compound wall on which it has been stretched shall be considered for measurement.) 27 M & L for Raking out joints/ pointing torandom rubble or polygonal rubble uncoursed or brought up to courses complete all as specified and directed. 28 M & L for Keyed pointing to random or polygonal rubble, uncoursed or brought upto coursein cement mortar 1:4complete all as specified and directed. 29 Taking down cement plaster on brick or stone walls etc including racking out joints, hacking for key, scrubbing down with water and removing rubbish toto a distance not exceeding 100m complete all as specified and directed 30 M & L for rendering 15 mm thick on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces in cement mortar 1:4 and finished the surfaces even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. 31 S & F mild steel Framed work as in doors or gates of angle or other section with gusset plates, rails,braces, etc., complete, drilled for fixing of steel sheeting or other covering. Doors, etc. to be prepared for hanging or sliding with and including either hooks and hinges or steel hanging door fittings (exclusive of steel sheeting or other covering, running rails and guides) and hanging; also fastening and fixing complete conforming to Fe-450 Gde-E-250 Quality -A complete all as specified and directed. 32 M&L for preparation of new platered surface of wall and applying two coats of weather proof exterior acrylic emulsion paint havingdart pick up resistant,silicon enhanced,UV resistant and PU enhanced propertyover a coat of alkali resistant primer including applying one or more coat of wall care putty to a smooth surface including making good any undulations on the surfacesincluding all necessary scaffolding,complete all as specified and directed.Note :-Painting work shall be carried out acoording to Smart Painting procedure mentioned in PS 33 M&L for preparation of old decorated surface of wall by complete removal of existing treatment, washing, rubbing, stopping etc and applyingtwo coats of weather proof exterior acrylic emulsion paint havingdart pick up resistant,silicon enhanced,UV resistant and PU enhanced propertyover a coat of alkali resistant primer including all necessary scaffolding complete all as specified and as directed.Note :- Painting work shall be carried out acoording to Smart Painting procedure mentioned in PS (ii) Sanding of surfaces shall be done by mechanical sander with 1500-2700 rpm with internal dust extraction system for clean environment certified by the Paint manufacturer) 34 M & L for Preparation of old painted steel surfaces of any description, over 10 cm in width or girth, not otherwise described after complete removal of existing treatment and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide, zine chrome primer complete all as specified and directed. 35 M & L for Point wiring with two runs of single core 1.5 Sq.mm. (Nominal area) PVC insulated unsheathed multistranded copper conductor cable FRLSH (ISI marked) drawn through and including non metallic PVC conduit 20 mm bore (Minimum) medium grade (ISI marked) surface fitted type including Flush type metal GI/PVC boxes of suitable module including modular white cover plate of suitable module for fixing modular type switchesincluding provision of multistranded 1.5 Sq.mm copper conductorcable FRLSH [ISI marked] as earth wire connected to common earth dolly and earth in distribution board for one 3/5 pin socket outlet 6 amps on independent board complete all as specified and as directed.(Note.: (i) The rate quoted is deemed to include making good the disturbed sufaces and to match the adjoining surface.) 36 All as per item No. 35 above but for One 3/5 pin socket outlet 6 amps pointon same boardcomplete ditto 37 All as per item No. 35 here in before but for one 15 Amps power point on the independent board with two runs of PVC insulated and unsheathed copper conductor cable of size 2.5 sqmm multistrandedFRLSH (ISI marked) and 2.5 sqmm PVC insulated unsheathed solid copper conductor cableFRLSH (ISI marked) as earth lead complete ditto 38 S & F switch modular single pole one way 6 amp 240 volts,1 Module complete all as specified and as directed. 39 S & F switch modular single pole one way 16 amp 240 volts,1 Module complete all as specified and as directed. 40 S & F Modular socket outlet6A, 2/3 pin combined, 2 module, AC 230V, 50HZ complete all as specified and as directed. 41 S & F Modular socket outlet6A/16A, 2/3 pin combined, 2 module, AC 230V, 50HZ complete all as specified and as directed. 42 S&F SP&N enclosure with 2 pole and Earth Metal Plug & Socket with 20 Amps MCB SP cpmplete all as specified and directed(Make : Havells Cat Part No. DHDPUSN020/DHDPUDP020 or equivelant model of make mention in PS) 43 S & F Distribution Board, SPN 8 Way, 240V, Double door with IP 43 protection IK 09 complete all as specified and as directed. (Make: Havells cat part No. DHDPSHODRW08 or equivalent make as per List of Manufacturers) 44 Supply, fixing, commissioning and testing in repairs MCB SPN 63 Amps, 240 Volts, 10KA, C curve complete all as specified and as directed (Make: Havells cat part No. DHMGCSNF063 or equivalent make as per List of Manufacturers) 45 Supply, fixing, commissioning and testing MCB SP 6 to 32 Amps, 240 Volts, 10KA, C Curve,complete all as specified and as directed (Make: Havells cat part No. DHMGCSPF006-032 or equivalent make as per List of Manufacturers) 46 M & L for Sub main wiring with 2 runs of Single core 2.5 sqmm [ for Phase & Neutral ]PVC insulated multi stranded FRLSH (ISI marked) copper cable drawn through and including surface PVC conduit of suitable size with all conduit accesories and fittings along with 1 run of single core 2.5 sqmm PVC insulated multi stranded FRLSH (ISI marked) copper cableas earth continuity conductorcomplete all as specified and as directed.(Note :- Two runs of 2.5 sqmm and one runs of 2.5 sqmm cable as earth wire and one run of conduitshall be measured as one length) 47 M & L for Sub main wiring with 2 runs of Single core 4 sqmm [ for Phase & Neutral ]PVC insulated multi stranded FRLSH (ISI marked) copper cable drawn through and including surface PVC conduit of suitable size with all conduit accesories and fittings along with 1 run of single core 4 sqmm PVC insulated multi stranded FRLSH (ISI marked) copper cableas earth continuity conductorcomplete all as specified and as directed.(Note :- Two runs of 4 sqmm and one runs of 4 sqmm cable as earth wire and one run of conduitshall be measured as one length) 48 M & L for Sub main wiring with 4 runs of Single core 6 sqmm [ for Phase & Neutral ]PVC insulated multi stranded FRLSH (ISI marked) copper cable drawn through and including surface PVC conduit of suitable size with all conduit accesories and fittings along with one run of single core 6 sqmm PVC insulated multi stranded FRLSH (ISI marked) copper cableas earth continuity conductorcomplete all as specified and as directed.(Note :- Four runs of 6 sqmm and one runs of 6 sqmm cable as earth wire and one run of conduitshall be measured as one length) 49 Supply, fix, installation and commissioning BLDC ceiling fan of less noise, silent operation, light colour, conforming to IS-374-2019, 1200 mm sweep, 230 Volts, BEE 5 Star rating including all accessories such as down rod etc and connecting up with 1.5 Sqmm, PVC insulated, multistranded copper conductor cables from ceiling rose to fan complete all as specified and directed. (Note: Ceiling fan should have minimum 3 years manufacturers warranty) 50 Supply and fixing vertical electric water heater, storage type, shock resistant ABS body,glasslined Coated inner tank with high density PUF insulation, fitted With specially designed acrificial magnesium anode to prevent corrosion due to hard water,100% copper heating element upto 2 KW, 230 volts, capacity 15 litre, BEE 5 star rated complete with all accessories such as safety valve, thermostate, NRV,4 nos fixing bolt of suitable size including nuts and washer etc,2 nos PVC connection pipe and making the electrical connection with and including 16A Plug Top including testing after installation complete all as specified and directed.Make:- Crompton , Havells, Racold , Bajaj Note : Contractor Shall submit manufacturer test report as per BIS to GE before payment.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 24-01-2025 BOQ CORRIGENDUM BOQ 31-01-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 96800.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 48.40 Lakhs /-
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