
Tender For Baldevpur To Salempur Bangar Road - Construction Of Sub Grade And Earthern Shoulders With Approved Material Obtained From Borrow Pits With All Lifts And Leads Transporting To Sites, Spreading, Grading To Required Slope And Compacted To Meet Req, moradabad-Uttar Pradesh

Public Works Department has published Tender For Baldevpur To Salempur Bangar Road - Construction Of Sub Grade And Earthern Shoulders With Approved Material Obtained From Borrow Pits With All Lifts And Leads Transporting To Sites, Spreading, Grading To Required Slope And Compacted To Meet Req. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-01-2025. Road Work Tenders in moradabad Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Baldevpur To Salempur Bangar Road - Construction Of Sub Grade And Earthern Shoulders With Approved Material Obtained From Borrow Pits With All Lifts And Leads Transporting To Sites, Spreading, Grading To Required Slope And Compacted To Meet Req
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Baldevpur To Salempur Bangar Road - Construction of sub grade and earthern shoulders with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads transporting to sites, spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet requirement of table 300.2including all labour, material, labour cess, T&P etc complete but excluding GST. 2 Construction of sub grade and earthern shoulders with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads transporting to sites, spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet requirement of table 300.2 with lead upto 1000 m as per technical specification clause 303.1including all labour, material, labour cess, T&P etc complete but excluding GST. 3 Construction of granular sub-base by providing well graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method, with rotavator at O.M.C. and compacting with smooth wheeld roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per Technical Specification clause 401.including all labour, material, labour cess, T&P etc complete but excluding GST. 4 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness hand packing rolling with smooth wheel roller 80-100 Kn in stages to proper grade and camber applying and brooming stone screening / binding material to fill up the interstics of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required dencity . Grading 2 as per technical specification clause 405including all labour, material, labour cess, T&P etc complete but excluding GST. 5 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness hand packing rolling with smooth wheel roller 80-100 Kn in stages to proper grade and camber applying and brooming stone screening / binding material to fill up the interstics of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required dencity . Grading 3 as per technical specification clause 405including all labour, material, labour cess, T&P etc complete but excluding GST. 6 Providing and applying Tack coat with bitumen VG-10 using Bitumen pressure distributer @0.30 kg. per sqm on the prepared dry and hungry bitumenious surface cleaned with Hydraulic broom as per Technical specification Clause 503. including cost of bitumen, material, labour, labour cess, royalty, T&P etc and all other taxes but excluding GST. 7 Providing, laying and rolling of open graded P.C. of 20mm thickness composed of 13.2mm to 5.6mm aggregates using (VG-10) bitumen to required line grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base i/c mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a three wheeld 80-100 kN static roller capacity, finished to required level and gredes to be followed by seal coat of eigher Type C as per Technical Specification Clause 508 including cost of bitumen, material, labour, labour cess, royalty, T&P etc and all other taxes but excluding GST. 8 Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a bituminous surface laid to the specified levels, grade and cross fall using Type C as per Technical Specification Clause 510 including cost of bitumen, all material, labour, labour cess, royalty, T&P etc complete and all other taxes but excluding GST. 9 Construction of un-reinforced plain cement concrete pavement, 15 cm thickness as per design over a prepared sub base, with 43 grade cement or any other type as per Clause 1501.2.2 M 30 Grade coarse and fine aggregates conforming to IS:383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a concrete mixer of not less than 0.2 cum capacity and appropriate weigh batcher using approved mix design, laid in approved fixed side frame work (steel channel, laying and fixing of 125 micron thick polythene film, wedges, steel plates including leveling the framework as per drawing), spreading the concrete with shovels, rakes compacted using needle, screed and plate vibrators and finished in continious operation including provision of contraction and expansion, construction joints by providing 12mm thick dura board at the specified spacing, applying debonding strips primer near approaches to bridge/culvert and construction joints admixtures as approved, curing of concrete slabs for 14-days and water finishing to lines and grade as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1501 but including cost of polythene sheet. 10 Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam clay and sand) including lift upto 1.50 M and lead upto 30M and including filling watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and the side of foundation, including cost of material, labour,Royalty, labour cess, T&P etc and other taxes but excluding GST. 11 Cement Concrete with 4 cm gauge with Stone Ballast coarse sand & Cement in proportion 8:4:1 in foundation proper completion of the work including cost of material, labour,Royalty, labour cess, T&P etc and other taxesbut excluding GST S.I. No. 281 12 M-150 brick work in One cement and Three course sand mortar in foundation and plinth proper completion of work Including cost of all materials, labour, T&P etc. and also including labour cess, royalty and all other taxes. But excluding GST SI.No. 307 13 Struck pointing with cement mortar consisting of 1 part cement and 2 part of the fine sand of 1.25 finenes modulus on brick work including supply of all materials labour and completion of work. Including all taxes but excluding GST SI.NO. 574 14 Cement Concrete with 2 cm gauge stone grit / single course sand and cement in proportion of 4:2:1 including supply of all material labour & T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work including cost of material, labour,Royalty, labour cess, T&P etc and other taxes complete but excluding GST SI.No. 279 (a) 15 Supply and laying of NP-3 1000mm dia Hume pipe including cost of material, labour,Royalty, labour cess, T&P etc complete but excluding GST. 16 R.C.C. Work with cement approved coarse sand and 2cm. gauge approved stone grit in proportion of 1:2:4 in lintels of doors, windows and sunshades excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with 24 B.W.G.G.I Binding wire and including necessary centering and shuttering etc. and supply of all meterials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. Binding wire to be supplied by the contractor free of cost. Including making of drip coarse but excluding GST. 17 Mild steel or TMT Bars(Fe-500D grade or higher) orHYSD Bars or iron in plain work such as reinforced concrete or reinforced brick work (when not included in an over all rates) brought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of the work and including supply of all steel. but excluding GSTS.I.No. 504.

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