
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services Cleaning, Sanitation And Disinfection Service - Similar Category Outcome Based Supply Of Labours For Following Works: (For 01 Year) (I)Daily Two Times Sweeping Of Open Concreted Area And Disposal Of Any Typ, Paschim Bardhaman-West Bengal

Chittaranjan Locomotive Works has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services Cleaning, Sanitation And Disinfection Service - Similar Category Outcome Based Supply Of Labours For Following Works: (For 01 Year) (I)Daily Two Times Sweeping Of Open Concreted Area And Disposal Of Any Typ. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-01-2025. Disinfection service Tenders in Paschim Bardhaman West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services Cleaning, Sanitation And Disinfection Service - Similar Category Outcome Based Supply Of Labours For Following Works: (For 01 Year) (I)Daily Two Times Sweeping Of Open Concreted Area And Disposal Of Any Typ
Open Tender
West Bengal
Paschim Bardhaman

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services Cleaning, Sanitation And Disinfection Service - Similar Category Outcome Based Supply of labours for following works: (for 01 year) (i)Daily two times Sweeping of open concreted area and disposal of any type of garbage at CRJ Bhawan, Karnail Singh Bhawan, P.C Mukherjee Bhawan, Transit 15/7 Ashoke Avenue, Kangoi Bhawan, Bakhle House/ Mihijam Bhawan, SSE(W)/ Colony(I, II & III), SSW(W)/WD, SSE(W)/WS and J.E/P.Way offices and their premises at CLW, Chittaranjan. Collection and segregation of waste (paper, card board boxes, organic waste etc.) from all the blocks and common areas and keeping to designated place inside the premises and further disposal of the same upto 3 kms from the office complex as directed by competent authority. (ii) Daily two times sweeping / cleaning of the area including pathway, garden, main road, lawn, fountain, etc. Removal of vegetation to be done regularly to keep the area vegetation free. (iii) Daily two times sweeping , cleaning, surrounding area upto boundary wall of CRJ Bhawan, Karnail Singh Bhawan, P.C Mukherjee Bhawan, Transit 15/7 Ashoke Avenue, Kangoi bhawan, Bakhle House/Mihijam Bhawan. Keep the area vegetation free. (iv) Daily two times sweeping /moping/washing of all the common area (staircase, lift, lobby, waiting/visitor rooms, meeting/ conference Hall, Dining Hall, open corridor etc.) inside all the office buildings of the complex and spraying of room freshener. (v) Daily one time Cleaning/ moping/sanitizaton/mat cleaning /wall mark removing in all rooms of CRJ Bhawan, Karnail Sing Bhawan, P.C Mukherjee Bhawan, Transit 15/7 Ashoke Avenue, Kangoi Bhawan, Bakhle House/Mihijam Bhawan. These include ceiling, floor, table, door, window, cupboard, furniture and all the accessories available in the rooms except mentioned in item. (vi)Spraying of room freshener/ beehive removal to be done on daily basis. (vii) Daily dustbins should be emptied, cleaned and dried inside and outside, bin liners replaced where necessary and placed in their original locations. Bin liners should be used at all times. (viii) Monthly once Roof cleaning and ensuring the proper water way for R.W.P including cleaning of chajja/sunshed, facade & exterior wall surface of all buildings within the complex. (ix) lime/bleaching powder should be properly sprayed in the drain after cleaning on daily basis / as and when required. (x) The toiletries /all consumable products to be used of popular /ISI marked/eco-friendly. (xi) All the wastage to be collected and to be segregated according to wet and dry and to be disposed off to the nominated place within 03 km from the premises as directed by competent authority. Collecting the garbage from different locations to be carried out to be segregated. Proper waste management system shall be adopted. (xii) No. of labour to be provided @17 nos. per day. The attendance register of staff and all type of activities should be properly maintained and recorded. Supply of labours for 1 year for following works: (i)Daily Two time cleaning of all toilet at CRJ Bhawan, Karnail Singh Bhawan, P.C Mukherjee Bhawan, Transit 15/7 Ashoke Avenue, Kangoi Bhawan, Bakhle House/ Mihijam Bhawan, SSE/W-Colony(I, II & III), SSW(W)WD, SSE(W)/WS and J.E/P.Way offices including moping sanitized and providing toiletries before 09.00 hrs. In addition to that cleaning is to be done as and when required. (ii) Daily cleaning of all common toilets/toilet complex in CRJ Bhawan, Karnail Singh Bhawan, P.C Mukherjee Bhawan, Transit 15/7 Ashoke Avenue, Kangoi Bhawan, Bakhle House/Mihijam Bhawan House, SSE(W)Colony (I, II & III), SSW(W)/WD, SSE(W)/WS and J.E/P.Way Offices. (a) One round cleaning of all the Toilet complex to be completed in all respect before 9.00 Hrs. daily (b) The toilet complex to be kept neat & clean also in dry floor round the day. Minimum 2 times to be cleaned/moped per day. (iii) Applicable to all toilets:- (a)The wall & ceiling surface to be kept neat and clean. All the WC pan, wash basin, commode, water point, flusher all accessories available in the toilet to be kept neat and clean & providing room freshener to avoid any bad odour. All the toilet/ toilet complex should be maintained in hygenic condition. (b)Hand wash should be available round the clock.(c)Sanitary napkin roll to be kept at toilet/ Common toilet complex should be available round the clock.(d)For ladies toilet complex and in the toilet attached to Ladies officer , Sanitary napkin of ISI mark brand should be available round the clock.(e) Extra materials beyond the mentioned quantities, if required to be procured by the agency for which no extra payment will be made from Railway. (f) General pest control service(ant, mosquito, house fly, flies, cockroach, fogging) and Pro guard service to be used (crawling insects, centipedes) weekly. (iv)No. of labour to be provided @8 nos. per day.T attendance register of staff should be properly maintained and recorded. All related office stationeries stock maintenance & replenishmen Supply of Consumables for CRJ Bhawan, Karnail Singh Bhawan, P.C Mukherjee Bhawan, Transit 15/7 Ashoke Avenue, Kangoi Bhawan, Bakhle House/Mihijam Bhawan, SSE(W)Colony (I, II & III), SSW(W)/WD, SSE(W)WS and J.E/P.Way offices and their premises, at CLW, Chittaranjan. (for 01 year) (i) Napthalene balls (Bleeco/Drolia fresh/Trishul) @31.2kg per month 374.40 414.00 kg 1,55,001.60 (ii) Floor cleaner (Lizol /Herbal Strategi/Koparo) @ 79.20 ltr. per month 950.40 162.15 ltr. 1,54,107.36 (iii) Broom for office @6 nos. per month 72 114.43 Nos. 8,238.60 (iv) Coconut broom for road @15 nos. per month 180 64.78 Nos. 11,660.31 (v) Glass and surface cleaner (Colin /Kleenest/Mr Muscle) @10.8 ltr. per month 129.60 195.50 ltr. 25,336.80 (vi) Cotton duster @10.8 nos. per month 129.60 38.15 Nos. 4,943.66 (vii) Toilet cleaner (Harpic/ Domex/ Kleenest) @58.8 ltr. Per month 705.60 200.68 ltr. 1,41,596.28 (viii) Floor wiper (Kleeno/Scotch brite/Gala) @7.35 nos. per month 88.20 251.85 Nos. 22,213.17 (ix) Spin Moper for office (Esquire /Scotch Brite/Sparkmate) @ 4.8 nos. per month 57.60 194.35 Nos. 11,194.56 (x) Bathroom freshener (48 gm) (Odonil /Godrej/ airodo) @ 88.2 nos. per month 1058.40 55.20 Nos. 58,423.68 (xi) Mosquito and fly killer spray (hit /Baygon/No-P) @12 ltr. Per month 144 556.93 ltr 80,198.42 (xii) Bleaching powder (Bala easy/ SLCHEM/Generic) @ 304 kg per month 3648 85.10 kg 3,10,444.80 (xiii) Hand wash liquid (Dettol/Savlon/ Greenitya care) @22 ltr. Per month 264 77.97 ltr. 20,584.08 (xiv) Plastic bucket (18 ltr.) (Kuber/ Nayasa/Cello) @03 nos. per month 36 258.75 Nos. 9,315.00 (xv) Room freshener (220 ml) (Godrej/Odonil/Air Roma) @15 nos. per month 180 135.70 Nos. 24,426.00 (xvi) Lizard and spider repellent spray (URBA/Herbal Strategi/ Pestero/Zyax) @ 12 ltr. Per month 144 1604.25 ltr. 2,31,012.00 (xvii) Toilet brush (kleeno/gala/scotch brite) @85 no. per year 85 148.35 Each 12,609.75 (Rate has been evaluated including Contractors profit) Total of NS-3 12,81,306.07 NS-4 Laundry charges ( for 1 year) for CRJ Bhawan, Karnail Singh Bhawan, P.C Mukherjee Bhawan, Transit 15/7 Ashoke Avenue, Kangoi Bhawan, Bakhle House/ Mihijam Bhawan, GM Camp office. (i) Bed sheet ( double) 1056 50 Nos. 52,800.00 (ii) Bed sheet ( single) 1884 40 Nos. 75,360.00 (iii) Bed Cover ( double) 708 80 Nos. 56,640.00 (iv) Bed Cover ( single) 732 70 Nos. 51,240.00 (v) Blanket double dry wash 120 300 Nos. 36,000.00 (vi) Blanket single dry wash 144 250 Nos. 36,000.00 (vii) Pillow cover 2376 30 Nos. 71,280.00 (viii) Towel (Big) 996 50 Nos. 49,800.00 (ix) Towel ( small) 1392 40 Nos. 55,680.00 (x) Curtain 828 90 Nos. 74,520.00 (xi) Quilt 384 250 Nos. 96,000.00 Total of NS-4 6,55,320.00 NS-5 Providing and engaging cook including gas cylinder daily for cooking foods for officers & guests of ORH as per requirement and with satisfaction of Engineer-in- charge. Working time for 1st cook is from 6 am to 2pm and for 2nd cook is from 2 pm to 10 pm. at (i)CRJ Bhawan including Karnail Singh Bhawan, P.C Mukherjee Bhawan, Transit 15/7 Ashoke Avenue (ii)Kangoi Bhawan.. N.B: Minimum for the above mentioned work. CRJ Bhawan- (Day shit-01 cook & 01 helper), (Night shift-01 cook & 01 helper) Kangoi Bhawan-(Day shit-01 cook & 01 helper), (Night shift-01 cook & 01 helper)=Total-04 cook & 04 helper per day. The attendance register of staff and all type of activities should be properly maintained and recorded. 12 213726.40 month 25,64,716.80 NS-6 Cutting and clearing jungle, bushes etc. including removal of 46782 8.53 sqm 3,99,050.46 cut materials with lead upto 2 km minimum four times in a year at an interval of 03 months or as directed by Engineer at site. First time cutting of jungle, grass, bushes & shrubs etc. to be done within 02 months after issue of letter of acceptance. The payment will be done after every operation @ 1/4 th of stipulated rate. Cutting of jungle ,bushes to be done upto root and machine cutting is preferable. Total Quantity :

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 223100.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.11 Crore /-
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