Supplying of Chemicals, Glasswares, Electrodes and other Lab accessories for State Water Testing Lab, Karnal and all other works contingent thereto-- 1 pH 4.0 Buffer-500ml Certified reference material (CRM) Make: BND, Merck, Inorganic Ventures Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. The CRM manufacturer must be RM Producer accredited as per ISI 17034. The material in no case shall be more than 6 month old on the date of receipt. 2 pH 7.0 Buffer-500ml Certified reference material (CRM) Make: BND, Merck, Inorganic Ventures Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. The CRM manufacturer must be RM Producer accredited as per ISI 17034. The material in no case shall be more than 6 month old on the date of receipt. 3 pH 10.0 Buffer-500ml Certified reference material (CRM) Make: BND, Merck, Inorganic Ventures Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. The CRM manufacturer must be RM Producer accredited as per ISI 17034. The material in no case shall be more than 6 month old on the date of receipt. 4 Turbidity Solution-500ml 1000 NTUCertified reference material (CRM) Make: BND, Merck, Supelco Sigma Aldrich Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. 5 Colour Standard Solution- 500 HazenCertified reference material (CRM) Make: BND, Merck, Supelco Sigma Aldrich Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. 6 Conductivity Standard Solution- 1413 µS/cm Certified reference material (CRM) Make: BND, Merck,Supelco Sigma Aldrich Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. The CRM manufacturer must be RM Producer accredited as per ISI 17034. The material in no case shall be more than 6 month old on the date of receipt. 7 Fluoride Standard Solution 1000 mg/l Certified reference material (CRM) Make: BND, Merck,Supelco Sigma Aldrich Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. The CRM manufacturer must be RM Producer accredited as per ISI 17034. The material in no case shall be more than 6 month old on the date of receipt. 8 Sulphate Standard Solution- 1000 mg/l Certified reference material (CRM) Make: BND, Merck, Supelco Sigma Aldrich Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. 9 Nitrate Standard Solution- 1000 mg/l Certified reference material (CRM) Make: BND, Merck, Supelco Sigma Aldrich Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. 10 Iron Standard Solution- 1000 mg/l Certified reference material (CRM) Make: BND, Merck, Supelco Sigma Aldrich Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. 11 Potassium Chloride- 45gm Certified reference material (CRM) Make: BND, Merck,Supelco Sigma Aldrich Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. The CRM manufacturer must be RM Producer accredited as per ISI 17034. The material in no case shall be more than 6 month old on the date of receipt. 12 Holmium Oxide- 5gm Certified reference material (CRM) Make: BND, Merck,Supelco Sigma Aldrich, Briti Scientific Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. The CRM manufacturer must be RM Producer accredited as per ISI 17034. The material in no case shall be more than 6 month old on the date of receipt. 13 MUG EC Broth 500gm Make- Hi Media Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. 14 Mac Conkey Broth W/Purple Hi Media-500g Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. 15 Brilliant Green Bile Broth (BGLB) Culture Media-500 gm Make Hi-Media Expiry: At least 2 years from date of supply. 16 Toluene HPLC Grade- 500 ml Make: Merck, Thermo fisher, Qualigen, Supelco Sigma Aldrich Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. 17 Hexane HPLC Grade- 1000 mlMake: Merck, Thermo fisher, Qualigen, Supelco Sigma Aldrich Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. 18 TISAB-III 500mlMake: Merck, Thermo Orion, Qualigen, Supelco Sigma Aldrich Expiry: at least 2 years from date of supply. 19 Sulfa Ver 4.0 Sulphate Reagent Pk/100 Make: HACH/ Thermo Orion Expiry: 3 years from date of supply. 20 FerroVer Iron Reagent Pk/100 Make: HACH/ Thermo Orion Expiry: 3 years from date of supply. 21 NitraVer 5 Nitrate Reagent Pk/100 Make: HACH/ Thermo Orion Expiry: 3 years from date of supply. 22 SPADNS- 500 ml Make: HACH/ Thermo Orion Expiry: 3 years from date of supply. 23 Parafilm M Laboratory Film role 24 Potassium Iodide-500 gm Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/ Qualigen/finnar 25 Hydrochloric acid 2.5 ltr. Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/ Qualigen/finnar 26 Soium Hydroxide AR Grade 500 gMake: Merck/Thermo Fisher/ Qualigen/finnar 27 Nitrate Ion Selectie Electrode for Orion dual star Ion Meter Make: Orion/thermoscientific 9609 BNWP combination fluoride Electrode Epoxy Body with BNC Connector. Warranty at least 1 year. 28 Fluoride Ion Selectile Electrode for Orion dual star Ion Meter Make: Orion/ thermoscientific 9609BNWP combination fluoride Electrode Epoxy Body with BNC connector. Warranty at least 1 Year. 29 pH Electrode for Eutech pH700 Meter Make Thermoeutech (No. ECFC7252101B) single junction electrode. 30 Bromocrisol Green sodium salt AR Grade Make: Merck, Thermo Fisher, Qualigen. 31 Methyl red Sodium salt- 25 g Make: Merck, Thermo Fisher, Qualigen. 32 Isopropyl alcohol- 2.5 ltr Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 33 Phenolphthalin Indicator 125ml Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 34 Methly Orange Indicator 125ml Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 35 Ammonium Chloride AR Grade 500gm Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 36 Ammonium Hydroxide 500ml AR Grade Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 37 EDTA Salt AR Grade 500gm Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 38 Eriochrome Black T 25 gm Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 39 Murixide (ammonium purpurate) AR Grade 5gm Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 40 Sodium Chloride AR Grade 500gm Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 41 Silver Nitrate AR Grade 25 gmMake: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 42 Potassium Chromate AR Grade 500gm Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 43 Glacial acetic acid AR Grade 500ml Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 44 Chloroform AR Grade 500ml Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 45 Magnesium Chloride MgCl2.6H2O-500gm Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 46 Sodium Acetate CH3COONA.3H2O-500gm Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 47 Potassium Nitrate KNO3- 500 gm Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 48 Barium Chloride BaCl2.2H2O- 500 gm Make: Merck/Thermo Fisher/Qualigen/finnar 49 Quartz cell for UV-Spectrophotometer 10mm Pathlength (1 Box=2 Nos) Make: Lark or other reputed Brand 50 Cuvette for Spectrophotometer 50mm pathlength (1 Box=2 Nos) Make: Lark or other reputed Brand 51 24 mm pathlength round cell for spectrophotometer (1 Box=12 Nos cell) 52 Round Glass Cell Capacity 25ml Cat. No. 24019 Make: HACH foer DR 900 colorimeter (1 Box= 6 Nos) 53 Sterile Wooden Sticks w/o Cotton Bud Size 150 x 2.5mm diameter Packing (1x100)/pack) 54 Insulated Cool Box for sample transportation Capacity- 10 ltr Make: Jaypee/Cello/Milton 55 Latex Gloves (Pk/100) 56 Sampling or storage Vials Amber Colour- 100 ml Make Borosil/Glassco 57 Tissue Papers Super soft 58 Wash Bottles PolyLab-500ml 59 Autoclavables Plastic Caps for 15mm OD Red colour Packing 500 caps/Pack 60 Autoclavables Plastic Caps for 18mm OD Yellow colour Packing 500 caps/Pack 61 Evaprating Dish Borosil 100ml