
Tender For Supply Of Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Consumables, Etc For The Department Of Cardio Thoracic And Vascular Surgery (Ctvs) Of Cn Center, Gmch, Guwahati, guwahati-Assam

Health And Family Welfare Department has published Tender For Supply Of Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Consumables, Etc For The Department Of Cardio Thoracic And Vascular Surgery (Ctvs) Of Cn Center, Gmch, Guwahati. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-01-2025. Medicine Tenders in guwahati Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Supply Of Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Consumables, Etc For The Department Of Cardio Thoracic And Vascular Surgery (Ctvs) Of Cn Center, Gmch, Guwahati
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Consumables, Etc For The Department Of Cardio Thoracic And Vascular Surgery (Ctvs) Of Cn Center, Gmch, Guwahati , (Male To Male) Pmo Line , Abdominal Sponge Type 17 With Radio Line , Abdominal Sponge Type 17 With Radio Line , Abg Cartige , Act Cartidge , Adrenaline , Aeromist Paediatric/Infant/Neonatal , Agbel , Anemol , Antimicrobial Incise Drape , Aortic Cannula , Aortic Cannula , Aortic Cannula , Aortic Cannula , Aortic Root Cannula , Aortic Root Cannula , Aortic Root Cannula , Aortic Root Cannula , Arterial Cannula , Arterial Filter , Arterial Filter , Arterial Filter , Arterial Filter , Arterial Line Catheter 20G , Arterial Line Catheter 20G , Arterial Line Cathter , Asepto Syringe , Atransparent Bulb With Asepto , Atransparent Bulb With Asepto , Autoclave Indicator , B. T. Set , Bartroclot , Betadine Ointment , Betadine Solution , Biomedicus Insertion Kit , Bi-Valve , Bone Wax , Bureta , Calcium Gluconate , Cannula , Cap , Carbomedics Standard Valve (Aortic) Prosthetic Heart Valve , Carbomedics Standard Valve (Mitral) Prosthetic Heart Valve , Cardiac Sumps , Cardio Thoracic Drape , Cardioplegia Solution , Cardioplegia System (Gmch Model) , Cefozen Fourt , Central Venous Cath , Central Venous Catheter , Central Venous Catheter (Anti Microbial Coated) , Chest Binder , Chest Binder , Chest Binder , Chest Binder , Chlorohexidine , Chlorohexidine , Comprezon Cl-2-Ag , Comprezon Cl-2-Ag , Comprezon Cl-2-Ag , Comprezon Cl-2-Ag , Connector 1/4 X 1/4 Cll , Connector 1/4 X 1/4 St , Connector 1/4 X 1/4 X 1/4 Yll , Connector 3/8 S T With Luer Lock , Corodorone , Coronary Ostial Cannula , Coronary Ostial Cannula , Crepe Bandage , Crepe Bandage , Custom Pack (Gmch Model) , Custom Pack Bhl 63 , Custom Pack Bhl 83 , Custom Pack Bhl 96 , Custom Pack With Arterial Filter , Custom Pack With Arterial Filter , Custom Pack With Arterial Filter , Custom Tubing Pack , Discofix , Dispo Gurd , Disposable , Disposable Foot Wear , Disposable Gown , Disposable Sterile Mask 3 Layer , Disposable Syringe , Disposable Syringe , Dlp Rigid Suction Tubes , Dobutamine , Double Stage Venous Cannula , Double Stage Venous Cannula , Duolin Respules , Dvt 18 Extra Large , Dvt 18 Large , Dvt 18 Medium , Dvt 18 Small , E Tube (Sacett) , Ecg Lead , Ecoflac Plus N S , Ecoflac Plus R L , Elastic Adhesive Bandage , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethisteel Rb , Ext. Line With 3 Way Stop Cock , Femoral Aortic Cannula , Femoral Aortic Cannula , Femoral Aortic Cannula , Femoral Arterial Cannula , Femoral Arterial Cannula , Femoral Arterial Cannula , Femoral Arterial Cannula , Femoral Arterial Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Fibrillar , Flexi Musk Infant , Flexi Musk Neonatal , Flexi Musk Paediatric , Foleys Cath , Foleys Cath , Foleys Cath , Foleys Cath , Foleys Cath , Fusion Ventilator Circute Adult , Fusion Ventilator Circute Ped , H M E Filter Paediatric , Half Gown Sterile , Handrub , Hemo Filter/Tubing Set , Hemo Filter/Tubing Set Infant , Hemo Filter/Tubing Set Paediatric , Heparin , Heparin , Hiv Kit Large , Human Albomine , Human Lbobin , Imipenem & Cilastation , Inj Adenosine , Inj Adrenaline , Inj Adrenaline Bitartrate , Inj Adrenaline Bitratrate , Inj Amiodarone , Inj Atracurium , Inj Atropine , Inj Botroclot , Inj Bupivacaine , Inj Buprigesic , Inj Calcium Gluconate , Inj Dexamethasone , Inj Dexem , Inj Dexmedetomidime , Inj Dobutamine , Inj Dobutamine , Inj Dopamine , Inj Ephedrine , Inj Esmolol , Inj Etomidate , Inj Fentanyl , Inj Frusemide , Inj Glycopyrolate , Inj Hamostat , Inj Heparin Sodium , Inj Heparin Sodium , Inj Heparine , Inj Hydrocortisone , Inj Isoprenaline , Inj Ketrolac (Uket) , Inj Magnesium Sulphate , Inj Mephentermine , Inj Meropenum , Inj Meropenum , Inj Metoprolol , Inj Midazolam , Inj Midazolam , Inj Morphine , Inj Myopyrolate , Inj Neostigmine , Inj Nitroglycerine , Inj Nor-Adrenaline , Inj Nystegmine , Inj Ondansetron , Inj Papaverine , Inj Paracetamol , Inj Phenylphrine , Inj Piperacillin & Tazobactum , Inj Piperacillin & Tazobactum , Inj Potassium Chloride , Inj Protamine , Inj Protamine Sulphate , Inj Rocuronium , Inj Ropivacaine , Inj Ropivacaine , Inj Sodim Biocorbonate , Inj Sterile Noradrenaline Concentrate , Inj Succinyl Chloride , Inj Thiopentone , Inj Tramadol , Inj Tranexamic Acid , Inj Vasopressin , Inj Vecurofix , Inj Vecuronium , Inj. Aminocaproic Acid , Insulin Syringe , Intercostal Tube , Intercostal Tube , Intercostal Tube , Intercostal Tube , Intercostal Tube Angled , Intercostal Tube Angled , Intercostal Tube Angled , Intercostal Tube Angled , Ioban , L V Vent Cath , L V Vent Cath (Cannula) , L V Vent Cath (Cannula) , L V Vent Cath (Cannula) , L V Vent Cath (Cannula) , Lasix , Leader Cath , Leader Cath Arterial , Left Ventricular Vent , Ligaclip , Ligaclip , Ligating Clip (Horizon) , Ligating Clip (Horizon) , Ligating Clip (Horizon) , Ligating Clip (Horizon) , Lubic Jelly , Mannitol , Mask , Medaish , Medazolam , Mentor Glucose Strip , Merothem , Merothem , Mersilk Cutting , Mersilk Cutting , Mersilk Cutting , Mersilk R/B , Mersilk R/B , Mersilk R/B , Micropore , Micropore , Microshield , Microshield , Microshield , Microshield , Microshield , Milrinone Lactate Inj , N95 Mask , Noradrenaline , Normal , Opthalmic Knife , Oxy Set Adult , Oxy Set Pediatric/Infant/Neonatal , Oxygenator Adult , Oxygenator D901 , Oxygenator D902 , Oxygenator Rx15 , P. M. Kit Double Dom , Pacing Wire , Paediatric Aortic Root Cannula , Paediatric Arterial Cannula , Paediatric Arterial Cannula , Paediatric Arterial Cannula , Paediatric Arterial Cannula , Paediatric Arterial Cannula , Paediatric Arterial Cannula , Paediatric Circute Ventilator , Paediatric Coronary Ostial Cannula , Paediatric Coronary Ostial Cannula , Paediatric L V Ventcath , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Parauniport Non Pvc Bag , Plasama Casate , Plasmolyte Solution , Pleural Drainage System , Pleural Drainage System , Pmo Line , Potassium Chloride , Powder Free Gloves 6 , Powder Free Gloves 6.5 , Powder Free Gloves 7 , Powder Free Gloves 7.5 , Premium Cap (Sterile Single Pack) , Prolene , Prolene , Prolene , Prolene , Prolene , Promojet , Ptfe Felt Soft , Pvc Tubing , Pvc Tubing , Pvc Tubing , Pyroaish , R. L. Glass Bottle , Respirometer , Romo Chek , S. S. Sanare With Snugger Set , S. S. Sanare With Snugger Set , Savlon , Sevoflurane , Sevoflurane , Shunt , Shunt , Shunt , Shunt , Sinapi Paediatric Cardiac Surgery , Single Dome Pressure Monitoring Kit , Single Stage Venous Cannula Straight , Single Stage Venous Cannula Straight , Single Stage Venous Cannula Straight , Single Steg Venous Cannula Angled , Single Steg Venous Cannula Angled , Single Steg Venous Cannula Angled , Skin Stepler , Sodium Bicarbonate , Sponge , Steile Full Gown 90 Gsm And Above , Straight Connector , Straight Connector , Straight Connector , Straight With Female Luer Lock , Straight With Luer Lock , Straight With Luer Lock , Suction Cath , Suction Catheter , Suction Catheter , Sugic Fibrillar , Surgical Blade , Surgical Blade , Surgicel , Sutupak , Syringe , Tegadram , Tegadram 1626 , Themitaz , Thoracic Drainage Catheter , Three Way Cannula , Ticothem , Ticuthem , Tocothem , Tranemic , Tranexacure , Transpore , Transpore , Tyvek Roll (Plasma Paper) , Umbilical Tap , Umilical Tab , Uro Cath , Urometer , Urometer Plus , Vaccu Suck Yankaur Set , Vartaz-P , Velswab , Venofundin , Venous Cannula , Venous Cannula , Venous Cannula , Ventilator Cicute , Venx Anti Microbial Coated 4L Cvc , Venx Anti Microbial Coated 4L Cvc , Vicryl Rapide/Caprosyn , Vicryl Rapide/Caprosyn , Vicryl Rapide/Polysrb , Vicryl/Polysorb , Vicryl/Polysorb , Vicryl/Polysorb , Video Camera Cover , Vsd Patch , Y Connector , Y Connector , Y With Luer Connector , Yankaur Set Ct

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 18-01-2025 Corrigendum notice BOQ 28-01-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
Refer document
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