Supply Of Medicines, Surgical Instruments, Consumables, Etc For The Department Of Cardio Thoracic And Vascular Surgery (Ctvs) Of Cn Center, Gmch, Guwahati , (Male To Male) Pmo Line , Abdominal Sponge Type 17 With Radio Line , Abdominal Sponge Type 17 With Radio Line , Abg Cartige , Act Cartidge , Adrenaline , Aeromist Paediatric/Infant/Neonatal , Agbel , Anemol , Antimicrobial Incise Drape , Aortic Cannula , Aortic Cannula , Aortic Cannula , Aortic Cannula , Aortic Root Cannula , Aortic Root Cannula , Aortic Root Cannula , Aortic Root Cannula , Arterial Cannula , Arterial Filter , Arterial Filter , Arterial Filter , Arterial Filter , Arterial Line Catheter 20G , Arterial Line Catheter 20G , Arterial Line Cathter , Asepto Syringe , Atransparent Bulb With Asepto , Atransparent Bulb With Asepto , Autoclave Indicator , B. T. Set , Bartroclot , Betadine Ointment , Betadine Solution , Biomedicus Insertion Kit , Bi-Valve , Bone Wax , Bureta , Calcium Gluconate , Cannula , Cap , Carbomedics Standard Valve (Aortic) Prosthetic Heart Valve , Carbomedics Standard Valve (Mitral) Prosthetic Heart Valve , Cardiac Sumps , Cardio Thoracic Drape , Cardioplegia Solution , Cardioplegia System (Gmch Model) , Cefozen Fourt , Central Venous Cath , Central Venous Catheter , Central Venous Catheter (Anti Microbial Coated) , Chest Binder , Chest Binder , Chest Binder , Chest Binder , Chlorohexidine , Chlorohexidine , Comprezon Cl-2-Ag , Comprezon Cl-2-Ag , Comprezon Cl-2-Ag , Comprezon Cl-2-Ag , Connector 1/4 X 1/4 Cll , Connector 1/4 X 1/4 St , Connector 1/4 X 1/4 X 1/4 Yll , Connector 3/8 S T With Luer Lock , Corodorone , Coronary Ostial Cannula , Coronary Ostial Cannula , Crepe Bandage , Crepe Bandage , Custom Pack (Gmch Model) , Custom Pack Bhl 63 , Custom Pack Bhl 83 , Custom Pack Bhl 96 , Custom Pack With Arterial Filter , Custom Pack With Arterial Filter , Custom Pack With Arterial Filter , Custom Tubing Pack , Discofix , Dispo Gurd , Disposable , Disposable Foot Wear , Disposable Gown , Disposable Sterile Mask 3 Layer , Disposable Syringe , Disposable Syringe , Dlp Rigid Suction Tubes , Dobutamine , Double Stage Venous Cannula , Double Stage Venous Cannula , Duolin Respules , Dvt 18 Extra Large , Dvt 18 Large , Dvt 18 Medium , Dvt 18 Small , E Tube (Sacett) , Ecg Lead , Ecoflac Plus N S , Ecoflac Plus R L , Elastic Adhesive Bandage , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethibond Excel , Ethisteel Rb , Ext. Line With 3 Way Stop Cock , Femoral Aortic Cannula , Femoral Aortic Cannula , Femoral Aortic Cannula , Femoral Arterial Cannula , Femoral Arterial Cannula , Femoral Arterial Cannula , Femoral Arterial Cannula , Femoral Arterial Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Femoral Venous Cannula , Fibrillar , Flexi Musk Infant , Flexi Musk Neonatal , Flexi Musk Paediatric , Foleys Cath , Foleys Cath , Foleys Cath , Foleys Cath , Foleys Cath , Fusion Ventilator Circute Adult , Fusion Ventilator Circute Ped , H M E Filter Paediatric , Half Gown Sterile , Handrub , Hemo Filter/Tubing Set , Hemo Filter/Tubing Set Infant , Hemo Filter/Tubing Set Paediatric , Heparin , Heparin , Hiv Kit Large , Human Albomine , Human Lbobin , Imipenem & Cilastation , Inj Adenosine , Inj Adrenaline , Inj Adrenaline Bitartrate , Inj Adrenaline Bitratrate , Inj Amiodarone , Inj Atracurium , Inj Atropine , Inj Botroclot , Inj Bupivacaine , Inj Buprigesic , Inj Calcium Gluconate , Inj Dexamethasone , Inj Dexem , Inj Dexmedetomidime , Inj Dobutamine , Inj Dobutamine , Inj Dopamine , Inj Ephedrine , Inj Esmolol , Inj Etomidate , Inj Fentanyl , Inj Frusemide , Inj Glycopyrolate , Inj Hamostat , Inj Heparin Sodium , Inj Heparin Sodium , Inj Heparine , Inj Hydrocortisone , Inj Isoprenaline , Inj Ketrolac (Uket) , Inj Magnesium Sulphate , Inj Mephentermine , Inj Meropenum , Inj Meropenum , Inj Metoprolol , Inj Midazolam , Inj Midazolam , Inj Morphine , Inj Myopyrolate , Inj Neostigmine , Inj Nitroglycerine , Inj Nor-Adrenaline , Inj Nystegmine , Inj Ondansetron , Inj Papaverine , Inj Paracetamol , Inj Phenylphrine , Inj Piperacillin & Tazobactum , Inj Piperacillin & Tazobactum , Inj Potassium Chloride , Inj Protamine , Inj Protamine Sulphate , Inj Rocuronium , Inj Ropivacaine , Inj Ropivacaine , Inj Sodim Biocorbonate , Inj Sterile Noradrenaline Concentrate , Inj Succinyl Chloride , Inj Thiopentone , Inj Tramadol , Inj Tranexamic Acid , Inj Vasopressin , Inj Vecurofix , Inj Vecuronium , Inj. Aminocaproic Acid , Insulin Syringe , Intercostal Tube , Intercostal Tube , Intercostal Tube , Intercostal Tube , Intercostal Tube Angled , Intercostal Tube Angled , Intercostal Tube Angled , Intercostal Tube Angled , Ioban , L V Vent Cath , L V Vent Cath (Cannula) , L V Vent Cath (Cannula) , L V Vent Cath (Cannula) , L V Vent Cath (Cannula) , Lasix , Leader Cath , Leader Cath Arterial , Left Ventricular Vent , Ligaclip , Ligaclip , Ligating Clip (Horizon) , Ligating Clip (Horizon) , Ligating Clip (Horizon) , Ligating Clip (Horizon) , Lubic Jelly , Mannitol , Mask , Medaish , Medazolam , Mentor Glucose Strip , Merothem , Merothem , Mersilk Cutting , Mersilk Cutting , Mersilk Cutting , Mersilk R/B , Mersilk R/B , Mersilk R/B , Micropore , Micropore , Microshield , Microshield , Microshield , Microshield , Microshield , Milrinone Lactate Inj , N95 Mask , Noradrenaline , Normal , Opthalmic Knife , Oxy Set Adult , Oxy Set Pediatric/Infant/Neonatal , Oxygenator Adult , Oxygenator D901 , Oxygenator D902 , Oxygenator Rx15 , P. M. Kit Double Dom , Pacing Wire , Paediatric Aortic Root Cannula , Paediatric Arterial Cannula , Paediatric Arterial Cannula , Paediatric Arterial Cannula , Paediatric Arterial Cannula , Paediatric Arterial Cannula , Paediatric Arterial Cannula , Paediatric Circute Ventilator , Paediatric Coronary Ostial Cannula , Paediatric Coronary Ostial Cannula , Paediatric L V Ventcath , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Paediatric Venous Cannula , Parauniport Non Pvc Bag , Plasama Casate , Plasmolyte Solution , Pleural Drainage System , Pleural Drainage System , Pmo Line , Potassium Chloride , Powder Free Gloves 6 , Powder Free Gloves 6.5 , Powder Free Gloves 7 , Powder Free Gloves 7.5 , Premium Cap (Sterile Single Pack) , Prolene , Prolene , Prolene , Prolene , Prolene , Promojet , Ptfe Felt Soft , Pvc Tubing , Pvc Tubing , Pvc Tubing , Pyroaish , R. L. Glass Bottle , Respirometer , Romo Chek , S. S. Sanare With Snugger Set , S. S. Sanare With Snugger Set , Savlon , Sevoflurane , Sevoflurane , Shunt , Shunt , Shunt , Shunt , Sinapi Paediatric Cardiac Surgery , Single Dome Pressure Monitoring Kit , Single Stage Venous Cannula Straight , Single Stage Venous Cannula Straight , Single Stage Venous Cannula Straight , Single Steg Venous Cannula Angled , Single Steg Venous Cannula Angled , Single Steg Venous Cannula Angled , Skin Stepler , Sodium Bicarbonate , Sponge , Steile Full Gown 90 Gsm And Above , Straight Connector , Straight Connector , Straight Connector , Straight With Female Luer Lock , Straight With Luer Lock , Straight With Luer Lock , Suction Cath , Suction Catheter , Suction Catheter , Sugic Fibrillar , Surgical Blade , Surgical Blade , Surgicel , Sutupak , Syringe , Tegadram , Tegadram 1626 , Themitaz , Thoracic Drainage Catheter , Three Way Cannula , Ticothem , Ticuthem , Tocothem , Tranemic , Tranexacure , Transpore , Transpore , Tyvek Roll (Plasma Paper) , Umbilical Tap , Umilical Tab , Uro Cath , Urometer , Urometer Plus , Vaccu Suck Yankaur Set , Vartaz-P , Velswab , Venofundin , Venous Cannula , Venous Cannula , Venous Cannula , Ventilator Cicute , Venx Anti Microbial Coated 4L Cvc , Venx Anti Microbial Coated 4L Cvc , Vicryl Rapide/Caprosyn , Vicryl Rapide/Caprosyn , Vicryl Rapide/Polysrb , Vicryl/Polysorb , Vicryl/Polysorb , Vicryl/Polysorb , Video Camera Cover , Vsd Patch , Y Connector , Y Connector , Y With Luer Connector , Yankaur Set Ct