tender for Nit No 23 Rc For The Work Of Construction And Commissioning Of Bore Hole By Dth/Rotary/Combination Rig Of 200 Mm Dia, Supply And Installation Of Energy Efficient Submersible Pump Sets, Panels, Cables And Other Jurisdiction Of Division Kishangarh Ajme, Annual Rate Contract for the work of “Construction And Commissioning Of Bore Hole By DTH/Rotary/Combination Rig Of 200 Mm Dia Supply And Installation If Energy Efficient Submersible Pump Sets, Panels, Cables And Allied Work Including Commission And Testing Of Tube Well Under Jurisdiction Of Division Kishangarh Ajmer With 24 Months Defect Liability With 5 Years Operation And Maintenance (ARC)” Sl. No. Item Description 1 Constructionoftubewellfromgroundlevel& upto 100mtrdepthto accommodatehousingandassemblypipeoffollowingsizesinalltypeof alluviumstrata unconsolidatedformationsuchaspebbles,bouldersetc.by percussion/rotary drilling method as per IS:2800 Part 1: 1991 andIS:2800 Part II: 1979 (both amended up to date) and technical specifications, with gravel as per IS:4097-1967 and its packing as per IS: 2800 (Part I & II) 1979 as amended uptodate(theworkincludesthecostofgravel&itsprimarypackingand packingduringdevelopment,loweringofhousing&strainerassemblypipes withsupplyandwrappingofcoir-rope,wherevernecessaryforarrestingfine sandparticlesanddevelopmentwork,butexcludingthecostofhousingand strainerpipeassembly).Theworkwouldbecompletedafterobtainingsand free water. 2 Nominal bore 200 mm dia. 3 Add 15% extra on above item (Item no 2) for drilling depth beyond 100 mtr and up to 200 mtr, rate shall be applicable for only extra depth beyond 100 mtr and up to 200 mtr. 4 Add 40% extra on above item (Item no 2) for drilling depth beyond 200 mtr, rate shall be applicable for only extra depth beyond 200 mtr . 5 ConstructionofTubeWellfromgroundlevelandupto100mtr.depth to accommodate housing and assembly pipe in all type of alluvium strata, unconsolidated formation such as pebbles, boulders etc. by percussion/ rotary drillingmethod asperIS:2800Part1:1991and IS:2800PartII:1979(both amended up todate) andtechnical specificationsfor removalofoverburden. The work includes the cost oflowering of casing pipe, but excludes the cost of casingpipe. 6 Nominal bore 200 mm dia. 7 Add 15% extra on above item(Item No 6) for drilling depth beyond 100 mtr, rate shall be applicable for only extra depth beyond 100 mtr . 8 Constructionoftubewellaftercompletionofdrillingbyrotary/percussion method&upto100mtr.depth inalltypeofrocksbyDTHsystem asper IS:2800 Part 1: 1991 andIS:2800 Part II: 1979 (both amended up to date) and technicalspecifications.Thework shallbedeemedcompletedonlyafter obtainingsandfreewater.Theborewellshouldhaveathroughoutnominal size bore beyond casing pipe. 9 Nominal bore 200 mm dia. 10 Add 15% extra on above item (Item No 9) for drilling depth beyond 100 mtr and up to 200 mtr from ground level, rate shall be applicable for only extra depth beyond 100 mtr and up to 200 mtr. 11 Add 30% extra on above item(Item No 9) for drilling depth beyond 200mtrandfromgroundlevel,rateshallbeapplicableforonlyextradepth beyond 200 mtr . 12 Add 15% extra on above item (Item No 9) for drilling, where strata iscollapsibleandloweringofcasingpipeisrequired.Theworkincludes lowering of casing pipe, but excluding the cost of casing pipe. The rate shall be applicable for stretch of collapsible strata only. 13 ConstructionofTubeWellupto100mtr.depth inalltypeofrocksbyDTH system&overburdentoaccommodatecasingpipeoffollowingsizesinall typesofsoils&overburdenincludingloweringofcasingpipes,(ifrequired) excluding cost of casing pipes, as per IS:2800 Part 1: 1991 andIS:2800 Part II: 1979 (both amended up to date) and technical specifications. The work would becompletedafterobtainingsandfreewater.Thetubewellshouldhavea through out bore as per nominal dia of casing pipe. 14 Nominal bore 200 mm dia. 15 Add 15% extra on above item (Item No 14) for drilling depth beyond 100 mtr and up to 200 mtr from ground level, rate shall be applicable for only extra depth beyond 100 mtr and up to 200 mtr. 16 Add 30% extra on above item(Item No 14) for drilling depth beyond 200mtrandfromgroundlevel,rateshallbeapplicableforonlyextradepth beyond 200 mtr . 17 Add 15% extra on above item (Item No 14) for drilling, where strata iscollapsibleandloweringofcasingpipeisrequired.Theworkincludes lowering of casing pipe, but excluding the cost of casing pipe. The rate shall be applicable for stretch of collapsible strata only. 18 Constructionoftubewellfromgroundlevelandupto100mtr.depthand above of following sizes in all types of soils in alluvium strata, unconsolidated formationsuchaspebbles,bouldersetc.bybailingmethodandwithout gravelpackingasperIS:2800Part1:1991and IS:2800PartII:1979(both amended up to date) and technical specifications. The work includes formation of cavity at bottom by development with appropriate air compressor or bailer pumping and also lowering of casing pipe but excluding cost of the casing pipe. The tube well should have a throughout bore as per nominal dia of casing pipe. The work would be completed after obtaining sand free water. 19 Nominal bore 200 mm dia. 20 Constructionoftubewellfromgroundlevelandupto100mtrdepthand abovetoaccommodatehousingassemblypipeinalltypeofunconsolidated formation such as pebbles, boulders, collapsible formation etc. by Odex drilling method as per IS: IS:2800 Part 1: 1991 andIS:2800 Part II: 1979 (both amended uptodate)andtechnicalspecifications.Theworkwillincludeloweringof housing andstrainerpipeassemblyandcasingshoeincludingcostofcasing shoe, but excluding cost of the casing pipe. The work would be completed after obtaining sand free water. 21 Nominal bore 200 mm dia. 22 Add 15% extra on above item (Item No 21) for drilling depth beyond 100 mtr, rate shall be applicable for only extra depth beyond 100 mtr . 23 Deepening of existing tube well by DTH system beyond existing depth up to 100 mtr. and above in all type of rocks including flushing of tube well and obtainingsand free water. 24 Nominal bore 200 mm dia. 25 Testingverticalityoftubewellbyplumbingsystemandyieldtestanddraw downtestbypumpingsystemasperIS:2800(Part–II)–1979orasperamended up to date. 26 Supplying & PackingP-gravel suitable for slot size/mesh size as suggested in IS 2800 (Part-1) 1991 or as per amended up to date. 27 Development of tube well having depth up to 250 mtr as per IS: 11189- 1985 and IS: 2800 (Part- I)- 1991 (both amended up to date) using suitable methods to give sand free water for required yield of the gravel packed tube well. 28 Supply of ERWM.S. black casing pipe ISI marked (IS: 4270/2001) or amendedup to dateoffollowing sizes 29 150 mm dia NB(Thickness of pipe 5.0 mm & mass of tube 20.13 Kg/m) 30 200 mm dia NB (Thickness of pipe 5.4mm & mass of tube 28.46 Kg/m) 31 250 mm dia NB (Thickness of pipe 7.1 mm & mass of tube 46.57 Kg/m) 32 Labour charges for making slots on blank pipes made of ERW MS black pipe ISI marked of following sizes, the slotting should be as per IS:8110-1985. 33 200 mm dia nominal bore of 5.4mm thickness 34 Providing & laying ISI marked GI Pipe Light duty ( “A” class) as perIS: 1239for casingpipeforsubmersiblecableexternalwork40mmdiacompleteinallrespect. 35 Supply & Installation of single phase ISI marked submersible motor pump set ofthreestarorbetterratingofBEEandasperIS:8034-2018(pump)andIS 9283-2013 (motor) or as amended up to date ofapproved make of following duty condition with required accessories including making connection suitable fortubewell/DCB.Thejobincludesloweringofmotorpump,installationof complete fitting & accessories, jointing of electrical cables up to switch board, testingofsubmersiblepumpsetandinterconnectionuptowatermains, complete in all respect. 36 Up to 2.0 KW 37 Above 2.0 KW 38 Supply&Installationof3phaseISImarkedsubmersiblemotorpumpsetof three star or better rating of BEEand as per IS: 8034-2018 (pump) and IS 9283- 2013(motor)orasamendeduptodateofapprovedmakeoffollowing duty conditionwithrequiredaccessoriesincludingmakingconnectionsuitablefor tubewell/DCB.Thejobincludesloweringof motorpump,installationof complete fitting & accessories, jointing of electrical cables up to switch board, testingofsubmersiblepumpsetandinterconnectionuptowatermains, complete in all respect. 39 Up to 5.5 KW (7.5 HP) & head up to 120 mtr. 40 Up to 5.5 KW (7.5 HP) & head above 120 mtr. 41 7.5 KW (10 HP) & head up to 120 mtr. 42 7.5 KW (10 HP) & head above 120 mtr. 43 9.3 KW (12.5 HP) & head up to 120 mtr. 44 9.3KW (12.5 HP) & head above 120 mtr. 45 11 KW (15 HP) & head up to 120 mtr. 46 11 KW (15 HP) & head above 120 mtr. 47 13 KW (17.5 HP) & head up to 120 mtr. 48 13 KW (17.5 HP) & head above 120 mtr. 49 15 KW (20 HP) and above, head up to 120 mtr. 50 15 KW (20 HP) and above, head above 120 mtr. 51 Supply and Fixing of Electric feeder panel (having projected canopy)for submersible pump set Single phase up to 5 HP, comprising of DOL Starter, MCB, Indicating Light, Ammeter, Volt meter, connection plate, condensers of approvedmakeandthepanelenclosureshouldbemadeoutfrom18gaugeM.S.Sheetwithpowdercoating.PanelsizeHeight600mmWidth500mm depth250mmwithStand(madeofangleironofsize35x35x5mm)duly bolted/screwedwithenclosureboxhaving4legs,eachleg’slength18and double door including in built locking system.The legs should be embedded in M-15cementconcreteplatform.ThesizeofCCplatformshouldbeequalor biggerthanthebasesizeofpanelhavingheightofatleast200mmfrom groundlevel.Theoperationofpanelshouldbesuitableforon240VoltAC Supply. 52 Supply and Fixing of electric control feeder panel comprising of suitable rating MCCB, DOL starter, overload relay, ampere meter, volt meter, phase preventer, phase indicators, lighting arrangement etc. completesuitable forthree phase pumpset.Thepanel shouldhavespaceforenergy meter( suppliedby DISCOM). All these equipments shall be housed by panel box made out from 18 gauge M.S. Sheet with powder coating. Panel should be ofminimum size 900 x 600x300mmwithStand(madeofangleironofsize35x35x5mm)duly bolted/screwedwithenclosureboxhaving4legs,eachleg’slength18and double door including in built locking system.The legs should be embedded in M-15cementconcreteplatform.ThesizeofCCplatformshouldbeequalor biggerthanthebasesizeofpanelhavingheightofatleast200mmfrom ground level.The panel should have opening of suitable size in front of space for energy meter with glass for meter reading. The operation ofpanel should be suitable for on 440 Volt AC Supply. 53 Up to 5.00 HP 54 Supply and Fixing of electric control feeder panel comprising of suitable rating MCCB , fully automatic star-delta starter, over load relay,ampere meter with CTs, volt meter, phase preventer, suitable starting capacitors, phase indicators, lightingarrangementetc.completesuitableforthreephasepumpset.The panelshouldhavespaceforenergymeter(suppliedbyDISCOM). Allthese equipments shall be housed by panel box made out from 18 gauge M.S. Sheet with powder coating. Panel shouldbe of minimumsize900 x600 x450 mm with Stand ( made of angle iron of size 35x35x5mm) duly bolted/screwed with enclosure box having 4 legs, each leg’s length 18 and double door including in built locking system.The legs should be embedded in M-15 cement concrete plat form. The size of CC platform should be equal or bigger than the base size of panel having height of at least 200 mm from ground level. The panel should have opening of suitable size in front of space for energy meter with glass for meterreading.Theoperationofpanelshouldbesuitableforon440VoltAC Supply. 55 Above 5 HP and up to 10 HP 56 Above 10 HP and up to 15 HP 57 Above 15 HP and up to 20 HP 58 Above 20 HP and up to 30 HP 59 Supply & Fixing of ISI marked three core PVC flat submersible cableas per IS 694:1990 or amended up to date and conductor as per class 5 of IS 8130:1980 including making connection etc. 60 3 core 4.0 Sq.mm 61 3 core 6.0 Sq.mm 62 3 core 10.0 Sq.mm 63 3 core 16.0 Sq.mm 64 Supply&FixingXLPEinsulated/P.V.C.sheathedcableof1.1KVgradewith aluminium conductor Armoured of IS:7098-I/1554-1 approved makein ground asperIS:1255includingexcavationof30cmx75cmsizetrench,25cmthick underlayer ofsand, second Class bricks covering, refilling earth, compaction of earth, making necessary connection, testing etc. as required of size. 65 10.0 Sq.mm, 4 core 66 16.0 Sq.mm, 4 core 67 25.0 Sq.mm, 3.5 core 68 35.0 Sq.mm, 3.5 core 69 Plate Earthingas per IS:3043 with G.I. Earth plate ofsize 600mmx 600mmx 6.0mm by embodying3 to 4 mtr. below the ground level with 20 mm dia. G.I. B class watering Pipe including all accessories like nut, bolts, reducer ,nipple, wire meshed funnel, and C.C.finished chamber covered with hinged type with locking arrangement C.I. Cover,C.I. Frame of size 300mm x 300mm complete withalternatelayersofsaltandcoke/charcoal,testingofearthresistanceas required. 70 Supply & Fixing M S clamp set of 50x6 mm flat from iron with nuts and bolts etc. for holding the riser pipe assembly of submersible pump set. 71 Supply & Fixingtube well coverofMS sheet 8mmthick attop &5mmthick 100mmwideshroudaroundtheedgesoastoformacaponthe topend of casing pipe with GI Nipple 45cm long & two GI flanges at both ends in 80mm sizes passing through a hole in the centre ofMS sheet. A25 mmsocket with end plug shall also be welded over top plate. A GI nipple having outside thread ofsize 1/2 (for installation pressure gauge) shall be provided &welded with 80mm GI nipple near top plate nipple shall be provided with end plug. 72 125 mm dia 73 150 mm dia 74 200 mm dia 75 250 mm dia 76 Providing & Lowering in tube well ISI marked GI Pipe medium duty (“B class), SteeltubeasperIS:1239oramendeduptodateandzinccoatingasperIS 4736,threadedanddoubleflanged(welded)onbothendsandtwonumber 25x3mm MS flat welded on both ends between pipe & flange, rubber washer &nut bolts etc. complete in all respect. 77 32 mm dia 78 50 mm dia 79 65 mm dia 80 80mm dia 81 Providing & Lowering in tube well ISI marked HDPE pipe as per IS 4984:1995 or amended up to date in PE 80 grade and class PN 10 of following dia. including HDPE/GIfittings andPVC ropeconfirming toIS 5175:1992or amendedup to date, along with clamping of submersible cable etc. complete in all respect. 82 40 mm dia 83 50 mm dia 84 63 mm dia 85 75 mm dia 86 90 mm dia 87 Providing,installing,testingandcommissioningofdoubleflangedbulkflow meterwithremovablemechanism,ofclassBconformingtoISO4064/1or amendeduptodateofapprovedmakeincludingcostofallmaterialand labouras per specifications with GI Box (sheet 16 SWG) suitable with lockingarrangement of following dia. 88 50 mm dia 89 65 mm dia 90 80 mm dia 91 Providing&FixingpumpsafetycageasperspecificationsorasdirectedbyEngineer in charge. 92 Providingand FixingofISImarked PVCstorage tankoffollowingcapacityas per IS: 12701-1989 (ofapproved make) with cover, 25 mm dia. 1 mtr long GI overflowpipe,25cmlong25mmdiawashoutGIpipewithplug&socket, including P&F 32 mm dia Ball Cock (Float valve) IS 1703 marked with rod and PVCballcompletewithbrassweight1000gm,includingP&F15mmdiaCI quarter turn heavy duty Bib Cocks four nos ofsuperior quality and approvedmake, including interconnections complete job. 93 1000 litres capacity 94 2000 litres capacity 95 Fabrication & Fixing M.S.Stand of specified class of angle iron L-shaped of 50 mmsizewithfourlegsgroutedby300*300*300mmCCBlockM-15inthe groundandalllegstiedupwitheachotherthroughsamesizeofangleiron along with cross bars to support the bottomof1000 Ltr./ 2000 Ltr.PVC tankcomplete in all respect. 96 Providing&Fixingofdoubleflanged,CIbody,ISImarkedNRVofapprovedmake of following sizes 97 65 mm dia 98 80 mm dia 99 ProvingandFixing32mmdiaFullwayvalveorwheelvalveas perIS:778 or amended up to date of approved make, on pump delivery pipe. 100 Supplying&Installing100mmdiametersealeddiaphragmbourdontype pressuregaugeofrange0to10kg. includingalljointingmaterialasperspecification with safety cover. 101 Constructionofboreholeforshallowdepthtubewellfromgroundlevelto required depth for following size for all type of relevant strata by percussion/ rotarydrilling/handboringmethodexcludingcostofcasingpipe.The bore holeshouldbeaspernominalboreofPVCcasingpipe.Theworkwillbecomplete after obtaining sand free water. 102 200 mm dia nominal bore 103 ProvidingandLoweringofISImarkPVC-UcasingandscreenpipeasperIS: 12818:2010oramendeduptodatehavingpipethicknessasperIScode suitableforTWandDCBwiththreading,windingwithsuperiorqualityof plasticmesh&ropeinthreelayerswithendcapcompleteaspertechnical specification and direction of Engineer In charge. 104 Shallow well casing pipe (CS) suitable for depth up to 80 mtr. 105 200 mm nominal dia ( internal dia ). 106 Medium well casing pipe (CM) suitable for depth above 80 mtr and up to 250mtr. 107 200 mm nominal dia ( internal dia ) 108 Supply of ISI mark AC pressure pipe class 15 manufactured by MAZZA process asperIS:1592-2003oramendeduptodate,forcasingoftubewell for following dia nominal bore, with jointing material PVC coupler as per technicalspecification and direction of Engineer In charge. 109 200 mm nominal dia 110 Making slots of hole size and Nos. as directed by EIC in AC pressure pipe Class 15 as per technical specification for using slotted pipe in TW casing. 111 Construction of soakage well in all type of soil with 300 mm thick dry masonry, top and bottom 300 mm course in CM 1:6, 80mm thick stone slab, jointing of slab in CM 1 : 3, Ralthal, Kharanja, 40 mm thick M-15 grade C.C flooring , earthwork complete as per approved drawing including disposal of earth within a lead of 50 mtr.: 112 Size 300 Cm. dia outside & 300 Cm. depth .