For Pune Municipal Corporations Hospitals And Dispensaries To Purchase Medical Equipments And Instruments For A Period Of 24 Months , Equipment List (As Per Tender Abstract) , Anaesthesai Work Station , Anaesthesiamachine , Autoclave High Pressure , Baby Transfer Trolley , Baby Warmer , Bed Side Locker , Bed Side Screen Ss , Bed Side Stool Ss , C Arm Machine , Cabinet With 15 Compartment , Cauttery Machine , Co2 Insufflator , Cylinder Trolley , Cystoscope , Defribrillator , Micordebrider, High Speed Micro Drill Set , Double Step Stool , Dressing Trolley , Ecg Machine Adult , Ecg Machine Neonatal , Endoscope , Ent Chair Unit , Ent Work Station , Episoptomy Lamp , Fetal Doppler Digital , Fogger , Foot Suction , Fresh & Soiled Linen Trolley , Gynaec Ot Table , Harmonic Cauttery , Head Light Led , Hysteroscope And Reresetoscopeset , Inafntometer , Infusion Pump , Infusion Pump Paed/ Neo , Instrument Trolley Large , Instrument Trolley Medium , Instrument Trolley Small , Instrumrent Cabinet , Laproscope With Intrumnent Sets , Laproscopy Trolley , Linen Trolley Large , Mayos Trolley , Multi Para Monitor , Multi Para Monitor Aped / Neo , Multiparam Monitor With Etc02 , Nst Machine , Nubilizer , Ot Table Motorized , Ot Table Ortho , Otoscope Led , Patient Transfer Roller , Pereferal Nerve Stimulator , Phototherapy Unit , Pulse Oximeter With Monitor Ault , Pulse Oximeter With Monitor Infant , Pulse Oximeter With Monitor Paed , Revolving Stool Ss , Room Heater , Saline Stand Ss , Scrub 4 , Stretcher Trolley , Suction , Suction Machine 80 Lpm , Surgical Ot Light Led , Surgical Pedestal Lamp , Syringe Pumpm Paed/ Neo , Syringe Pumps , Telescopic Delivery Table , Trauma Care Medicine Trolley , Wheel Chair , Xray Viewer , Rotary Microtone , Automated Enzyme Immunoassay Analyzer