
Providing, Installation Of Pumping Machineries With Other Electro-Mechanical Accessories At Additional Tubewell For Augmentation Works For Aguribandh Punisole (Zone C) Water Supply Scheme In The Block Onda Under Bankura Mechanical Division, Phed, bankura-West Bengal

Public Health Engineering Department has published Providing, Installation Of Pumping Machineries With Other Electro-Mechanical Accessories At Additional Tubewell For Augmentation Works For Aguribandh Punisole (Zone C) Water Supply Scheme In The Block Onda Under Bankura Mechanical Division, Phed. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-01-2025. Pumping Machiney Tenders in bankura West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Providing, Installation Of Pumping Machineries With Other Electro-Mechanical Accessories At Additional Tubewell For Augmentation Works For Aguribandh Punisole (Zone C) Water Supply Scheme In The Block Onda Under Bankura Mechanical Division, Phed
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Providing, Installation Of Pumping Machineries With Other Electro-Mechanical Accessories At Additional Tubewell For Augmentation Works For Aguribandh Punisole (Zone C) Water Supply Scheme In The Block Onda Under Bankura Mechanical Division, Phed-2 Supply, delivery of clear water vertical wet type submersible pump suitable for bore well conforming to IS:8034(and as amended threreafter) with standard MOC for potable clear cold water and BEE 3 star minimum rated capable with a continuous rated-2 pole suitable wet type vertical squirel cage induction motor conformoning to IS: 9283(and as amended threafter) suitable for operation in AC Three phase 415V, 50Hz(category B motor) and as per technical specification givebn in NIT Method of starting – star deltaTube Well size-250mma) Discharge-12.5 M3/Hour, Total head -63 MtrN.B-T.C. & G.C. needed. (Manufacturer test certificate along with curve chart should be submitted at the time of delivery) 3 Supply and delivery of the following materials at site : - 4 Supply, delivery and storage at site 50 mm dia UPVC Column pipe medium gauge both side 8 TPI threaded and one side heavy type socket other site rubber cap for threaded protector Standard (17kg/cm2). 5 1.5 mtr long 6 3 mtr long 7 Supply and delivery at site 50 mm dia CI Top Adaptor with flange (Single clamp) 8 Supply and delivery at site 50 mm dia CI Bottom Adaptor(Single clamp) 9 Split type MS fabricated suitable tubewell cover as per tubewell housing with a necessary arrangement for clamping devices including holes for air pipe and cable entry gland 10 Safety device for the above pump set by supplying MS cage with proper clamping arrangement andRound Twisted Machine Made Nylon rope 20 mm dia (super quality)as per requirement including supply of all required materials with nuts and bolts as required 11 102mm Ф 0-12 Kg / cm2 pressure gauge with brass three way cock and syphone and other necessary fittings 12 Supply & delivery of M.S. suspension clamp with necessary nuts, bolts & washer etc suitable for 80mm dia pipe (Size-300 mm x 80 mm x 8 mm each) 13 Supply and delivery of following valves 14 80 mm dia CIDF single door swing check Non Return valve(P.N-1.0) generally conforming to IS 5312 Part I fordelivery line and as per technical Specification given in NIT. 15 80mm dia CIDFnon-rising Sluice Valve (P.N-1.0) generally conforming to IS 14846 and as per technical Specification given in NIT . (for 1 no by pass arrangement ) 16 Supply and delivery ofthree phase actuator and actutator operated 80mm dia wafer type slim seal wafer type butterfly valve (PN-1.0) as per Bs-5155 having valve body of steel cast and shaft steel (AISI-410)Actuator As per technical Specification given in NIT 17 102mm Ф 0-7 Kg / cm2 pressure gauge with brass three way cock and syphone and other necessary fittings 18 Supply and delivery of 80mm diafollowing GI specials for delivery line 19 Tee 20 Pipe (TATA Medium) (including Socket 21 Bend (90) 22 flange (G.I) heavy type for 80 mm dia 23 Plug 24 Socket 25 Supply and delivery of 32mm diafollowing GI specials for Cable Protection 26 100mm long short piece (50mm upto 150mm long) 27 Bend (90) 28 Union 29 Pipe (TATA Medium) (including Socket) 30 Supply, delivery and storage at site of following cables 31 2.5 sqmm 3core, 1100 Volt grade copper water proof PVC insulated submersible flat submersible cable,Conforming To IS : 694 As Amended Up To Date. 32 1.5 sq mm , 12 core , 1.1 KVGrade PVC insulatedCopper Armoured control cable Armoured and Extruded PVC Type ST2 Outer Sheathed As Per IS-7098 (Part 1) 2011 with Up To Date Amendments. (For Actuator) 33 6 Sq. mm 4 core, 1.1 KV grade, Al. Ar, XLPEAcable conforming to IS : 7098 (Part – I).For MCC to Chlorine machine15 mtr x 1 nos=15 mtr 34 4 Sq. mm 2 core, 1.1 KV grade, Al. Ar, XLPEAcable conforming to IS : 7098 (Part – I).For MCB to 2nos Out door light25 mtr x 1 nos=75 mtr 35 25 mm2 3.5Core, 1100V grade XLPE insulated aluminium Armored cable ,cable As Per IS-7098 (Part 1) 2011 with Up To Date Amendments, 36 Supply, deliveryat site of following items 37 Supplying delivery of 63 Amps 415 Volt TPN Sheet steelenclosed re-wireable fuse type Main Switche with side handle operated. 38 Supplying delivery of 63 Amps 415 Volt TPN Sheet steelenclosed Onload Changeover Switch side handle operated. 39 Supply deliveryof wall mounted 415 Volt TPN sheet metal (16 SWG) Iron Clad Busbar chambers on angle iron frame on wall, incl. earthing attachment and painting as requiredi)63 Amp 4way 40 Supply and delivery of 415 Volt MCC cum PDB with minimum 2mm thickness and degree of protection IP-54, conforming to IS-8623 with suitable Bus Bar, Digital Voltmeter, Ammeter, contractor, delay timer, MCB, Valve actuator stater etc. with PLC logic & UPS and detailed in as per tecnical specification given in NIT. i) 5-7.5 H.P withDOL StarterN.B. Single line diagram ,bills of materials and internal circuit diagram should be submitted for approval before delivery of Panel. 41 Supplyand deliveryoil coolling type Voltage Stabiliser, having unbalance 200 - 500 V input voltage, and 415(±1%) out put voltage , Auto/manual servo voltage stabilizer with U/V,O/V,O/L protection with contactor at out put side, input MCB, Ammeter Bell etc. as per I.E rules and as per tecnical specification given in NITN.B.:- Manufacturer Test Certificate for Stabilizer, core material, winding copper & oil should be produced at the time of delivery 42 i) 15 KVA for Pump House 43 Supply and delivery of 1200 mm sweep, 1 phase, 60/70 watt, 5 star and having 300 mm down rod, 1.1mm thick alluminium bled, conforming IS 374, 2 mm shank thickness ceilling fan. 44 Supply deliveryof outdoor typeLED light fixture Operating Voltage 140V-270 V AC 50Hz ,LED light fixture having LM6 pressure die cast Al. housing pot optical reflector and heat resistant toughened Polycarbonate/ Glass cover complete set.M.No-BRP333 LED110 CW R5C FG PSU S1 V1 or Equivalant modelof Philips make or equivalent model.2 nos in boosting site and 4 nos in OHR site 45 Supply delivery80mm diaM.S Black pipe Medium (Class B) as per IS:1239 PART-1 (2004). 1.5 mtr each (For holding Arm at Pump House Roof) 46 Supply delivey of 1.5 mtr. long M.S Arm bracket made out of40 mm dia MS pipe with painted anticorrosive paint . 47 Supply of PVC pipes & fittings Schedule 80 (medium duty) conforming to ASTMD - 1785 and threaded to match with GI Pipes as per IS : 1239 (Part - I).a) 40 mm dia [ for Control Cable protection] 48 a) Supply, delivery and automatically controlled planger type chlorinator dosing pump with Flow Rate 0-100 Ltr./Hr. and Max pressure of 10kg/cm2) with all relive valve and diaphragm rupture indicator , pressure gauge , parure switch, base plate, flexible coupling guard for pump and Motor, foundation bolt,dosing solution of 100 Ltr. capacity and the prime mover to be coupled with pump of 0.5 HP 3 Phase 1440 RPM (+-4%) squirrel cage TEFC induction Motor. 49 b) Supply delivery at site of additional 100 ltr capacity PVC chlorine solution tank 50 Supply delivery and storage at site of Electromagnetic Flow Meter with remote indicator cum totalizer unit and cable between the meter and indicatoras per technical specification 51 i) DN: 80 (for delivery line) 52 PART-B 53 a) Installation and commissioning of the above PLC automatic panel with pumping machinery,Voltage Stabiliser,of item no (1 to 14)excluding item no-16, outdoor lighting, outdoor type actuater making delivery line, washoutline by the G.I specials, with cable protection pipe,including cable finishing, supplying ofall necessary metrials andincluding necessary finicing of serounding area of T/Wby the brick works, plastering, Net finishing etc and cost of hiring D.G set ( if required) to complete the jobs includingLaying of two nos 2.5 sqmm 3 coreCablein an underground trench, Laying of 1.5Sq mm control cable through 40 mm dia PVC Schedule-80 pipe in under ground trench, Laying of cable from 3/3½ core up to 25 sqmm on wall/surface andPainting of anty corrosive paint in all respect as per tecnical specification and as per direction of E.I.C. 54 b) Installation & commissioning of above chlorinator with supplying & drawing of suitable length 1.1Kv grade 3x36/03(2.5Sqmm) single core standard FRLSh PVC insulated unsheathed copper wire(approved make) from installed panel board through 20mm size PVC rigid conduct FR(Precision make) incl. necessary fittings as required and continuous earthing from nearest earth grid. This includes the cost of making required height brick foundation base with neat cement finishing by supplying all required materials and testing the entire set as per direction of E.I.C(Height of tank foundation shall be higher than that chlorine machine) 55 Making 300mm(W) x 300mm(B) x 900 mm (H) size rising main supporting brick pillar at least 300mm depth from ground level to pumping floor level and neat cement finish all complete as per direction. 56 Making internal wiring /electrification of Pump House by 2x 22/0.3(1.5DSq mm + 1x 22/0.3(1.5sqmm) single core PVC insulated multistranded FRLSH grade flexible copper wire through 20mm PVC conduit pipe/cashing by supplying one no 40Amp, 10KA , 240/415V , 50HZ, SPN/DP MCB isolator conforming to IS/IEC:60947-3, C characterise / As per approved latest vendor list of PHED with required model PVC Board & Piano key type switch (Avg Run 6mtr). i) LED Tube Set point-2nos, Bulk Head light point-1no each with necessary earthing arrangement & one fan point(Total point 6nos)including drawing power DB through 20mm PVC cashing caping (precision make) as per direction of EIC(fitting cut-out to SPN/DP MCB wiring should be with continuous earthing arrangement and 20W two no’s x 4ft long LED tube light make-Philips, Bulk Head lightM.No- Endra WT202W LED6S NW PSU S2 PC one nno 0.4 Stap fan regulator fitting etc to be supplyed by agency 57 Excavation of soil for installation of Earth Electrode and filling & ramming. For Soft Soil 58 Earthing with 50mm dia GI pipe 3.64 mm thick x 3.04 Mts. long and 1x4 SWG GI (hot dip ) wire (4 mts long) , 13 mm dia x 80 mm long GI bolts, double nuts, double washers incl S & F 15 mm dia GI Pipe protection ( 1 mtr long ) to be filled with bitumin purely under the ground level and partly above ground level driven to the averagedepth of 3.65 Mts. below the ground levelas below:By ISI-Medium GI pipe 59 Extra for providing masonery enclosure on the top of the earth electrode of overall size 86.36 cm x 86.36 cm x 46 cm deep (below Ground level) complete with cemented brick work(1:6) of 25 cm width duly plastered with cement morter (inside) CI hinged inspection cover of size 36.56 cm x 35.56 cm with locking arrangement, GI reducer including drilling of 46 nos.12 mm dia holes on the GI pipe 60 Connecting the equipments body to earth busbar incl. S & F 25 mm x 6 mm Galvanized (Hot Dip) MS flat on wall/floor with GI saddle as required and connection to equipments with incl. drilling holes, bolts, nuts,washers etc. 61 Supply and delivery of safety equipment like Rubber Mat, fire extenguser, hand gloves etc as per technical specification given in NIT 62 Cost of supply and delivery at site of calcium hypochlorite granule minimum CI content 60%-65% in air plastic jar (3kg each) as per direction of EIC. (Make PHE approved) 63 Supply and delivery of 2(Two) nos Colored cast Plastic Chair & 1(one) nos rectangular foldable potable table as per technical specication given in NIT 64 Trial run of pumping machinery, through PLC / Automatic panel also operation of Chlorinator, V.S etc. including operation of rising main valve if required and guarding of installationas per direction of E.I.C.(Each T/W for 90 days engaiging 1 personal for each T/W) 65 PART-C 66 Supply and delivery and storage of the following at site 67 Supply of swaged / stepped type steel tubular pole of 9 m long (410‐SP‐26) conformed to IS : 2713-1980. The length of bottom section shall be 5.0 mtr, middle section shall be 2.0 mtr & top of2.0 mtr. The bottom section of the pole shall be114.3 x 4.50mm dia, middle section of the pole shall be 88.9 x 4.05 mm dia & the top portion shall be 76.1 x 3.25 dia, 1.5 mtr. long MS bracket made out of40 mm dia MS pipe shall be fixed on top of the pole for fixing light fiottings.The MS mounting bracket shall be fixed on top of the pole weight approx 92 KgMake- Calcutta Pole/India Pole/jindal/Any approved makeN.B- Certificate of Pole from manufacturer should be produce at the time of delivery 68 a) Single Arm 69 Supply delivery & fitting fixing of Operating Voltage 140V-270 V AC 50Hz ,LED light fixture having LM6 pressure die cast Al. housing pot optical reflector and heat resistant toughened Polycarbonate/ Glass cover complete set.M.No-BRP409 LED115 CW SLC FG PSU GR V2 of Philips make or equivalent model) 70 Supply and delivery of 6 sq.mm. 2 core PVC insulated XLPEAr. AL conductor cable,As Per IS-7098 (Part 1) 2011 with Up To Date Amendment 71 Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches or drain in all sorts of soil( including mixed soil but excluding laterite or sand stone) including removing spreading or stacking the spoil with in a lead of 75 m as directed .The item includes necessary a) Depth of excavation for additional depth beyond1,500 mm. and upto 3,000 mm. but not requiringshoring. 72 Erection of Singletubular pole of length as given below with/without sole plate & Cap etc. in CC foundation (Proportionand dimension indicated below), having 600 x 600x150 mm thick CC (4:2:1) base block below sole plate/pole with hard jhama metal including CC (6:3:1) muffing 0.30 mts. dia and 0.30 mts. above ground level including 3 mm thick neat cemented finishand GI earth bolt after making drilled holes etc. on pole & carriage of pole upto 1.6 Km from Store to work-site including filling up the excavated earth pit with shifted soil and ramming properly Upto 9.0 mtr. Size 0.6x0.6x1.70 mts 73 Extra on items 1 & 2 above, for providing CC (6:3:1) base block (around the pole) dimension 0.60 x 0.60 x 0.76 mt. above ground level, neatly cemented finish (3 mm thick), at the base pole (in lieu of CC muffing) suitable for alkathene/ polythene pipe entry as directed for street light wiring, incl. S & F 25cm x 25cm x 10cm GI Loop box, 16SWG & incl. drilled hole in pole 74 Supplying and Fixing GI water proof looping cable box having hinged GI Top Cover having 4 mm thick with rubber gasket lining, railway type mechanical locking arrangement, earthing terminal with lug etc. of the following sizes as indicated below, Comprising of one 250 V, 15 A Kit-Kat fuse unit, one NL on porcelain insulator etc. and housing the same in pole muffing incl. addition and alteration to the existing CC muffing (6:3:1) after dismantling the damaged looping cable box etc. where necy. incl. painting250 x 250 x 100mm 75 Supply and inter connection of power line from light fixture to jointing box by the 1.5 sq mm x 2 nos pvc insulated HRFR 1.1 kv grade copper flaxible cable 76 Supply and fitting fixing of 20mm dia GI pipe Medium quality (TATA) from muffing to Joint box 77 Laying through Underground TrechLaying of one No. cable upto 35 sqmm in underground trench 460 mm wide x 760 mm average depth, with brick protection on the top of the cable with 8 (eight) Nos. bricks per metre, including filling the space between the brick & cable and also the trench with shifted soil, leveling up and restoring surface duly rammed 78 Laying on Wall / surface with Saddles / clampsLaying of cable upto 2 core 25 sqmm on wall/surface incl. S & F M S saddles with earthing attachment in 10 SWG GI (Hot Dip) Wire, making holes etc. as necy. mending good damages and painting 79 Supplying and fixing compression type gland complete with brass gland, brass ring & rubber ring for dust & moisture-proof entry of XLPE/PVC armoured cables as below :For 2 core 6 sqmm cable 80 Finishing the end of following XLPE/PVC armoured cables by crimping method incl. supplying and fixing solderless socket (Dowels make), tapes, anticorrosive paste & jointing materials :i) 2 core 6 sqmm cable 81 Painting of Steel Tubular Pole of lengths and no. of coats of paint,as given below with ready mixed paint/primer of approved make, and brand incl. preparation of surface by sand paper/emery paper, cleaning etc. for receiving fresh coat of paintUpto 9.0 mtr. long pole 82 i) One coat of red lead/Zinc chromate priming 83 ii) 1st coat of synthetic enamel paint over the primer 84 ii) 2nd coat of synthetic enamel paint over the 1st coat 85 Excavation of soil for installation of Earth Electrode and filling & ramming.i) For Soft Soil 86 Earthing with 50 mm dia GI pipe 3.64 mm thick x 3.04 Mts. long and 1 x 4 SWG GI (Hot Dip) wire (4 Mts. long), 13 mm dia x 80 mm long GI bolts, double nuts, double washers incl. S & F 15 mm dia GI pipe protection (1 Mts. long) to be filled with bitumen partly under the ground level and partly above ground level driven to an average depth of 3.65 Mts. below the ground level as below:By ISI-Medium GI pipe 87 a) Supplying and fixing 240/415V MCB Isolator on din rail of existing DBs and necessary connection.i) 40Amp DPMake-Havels/L&T/Legrand/Any Approved make 88 b) Supplying and fixing 240/415 V MCB of Breaking capacity 10kA & C characteristics on din rail of existing DBs and necessary connectionA) 16 A (SPN)Make-Havels 89 Supplying and fixing double-door SPN MCB Distribution Board with IP-42/43 protection, concealed in wall after cutting the wall & mending good the damages to original finish incl. Inter connection with suitable size of copper wire and neutral link & provision for earthing attachmenta) 2+4 wayMake-Havells Enclosure (DHDPSNODRW04) 90 Add: 18% GST 91 Add: 1% Cess

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