
Tender For Eramam Lt Rerouting And Conversion Work, Kannur-Kerala

Kerala State Electricity Board has published Tender For Eramam Lt Rerouting And Conversion Work. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-01-2025. Overhead Line Tenders in Kannur Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Eramam Lt Rerouting And Conversion Work
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Eramam Lt Rerouting And Conversion work - 1 Providing Stay for LT poles incl. digging & back filling pit. 2 Providing Strut using LT PSC pole incl. digging & back filling pit. 3 Loading LT PSC pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transport by vehicle). 4 Providing Fly stay for LT pole using LT PSC pole incl. digging & back filling pit. 5 Erecting one LT PSC Pole in position incl. digging & back filling pit. 6 Erection of Anchor clamp / dead end clamp for LT ABC of any size 7 Installation of Pre-insulated straight through joints for 16sqmm cable 8 Installation of Pre-insulated straight through joints for 50sqmm cable 9 Installation of Pre-insulated straight through joints for 70sqmm cable 10 Erection of suspension clamp for LT ABC of any size 11 TransportingLTABCbyhiredvehicletoadistanceupto5kmand carring up to 2 drum including loading and un loading using crane 12 Stringing of 1.1 kV Aerial bunched cable of size 3 x 70 + 1 x 16+1x 50 sqmm with bare/insulated Messenger through existing poles 13 InstallingOneNo.4waySatelliteConnectorofsizeMain:16to95, Tap:4 to 35 Sq.mm to the LT AB cable of Standard size 14 Conversion of one km LT Sph 2 wire to 3ph 4 wire line incl. dismantling existing 2 conductors, stringing 3 Rabbit & 1 Weasel incl. conveyance. 15 Installing One No. Insulation piercing connector of size Main :16 to 95,Tap:1.5 to 16 Sq.mm 16 Installation of Insulation piercing connector for main to service line main:16-95 sqmm, Tap 16-95 sqmm 17 Additional rate for refitting/redoing one Shackle set and reshackling one span while renewing any type of pole. 18 Loading HT PSC pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transport by vehicle). 19 Renewing damaged PSC/RCC Transformer DP structure with new PSC Transformer DP and re-erecting all accessories 20 Fitting one set AB switch and giving connection 21 FittingoneAdditional2.4m/3mChannelcrossarm(100x50x6mm),in existing 11kV DP incl. conveyance of materials. 22 Drilling hole of various sizes on existing Channel/Cross Arm. 23 Fitting and providing one HT Stay for 11kV pole incl. digging & back filling pit. 24 AdditionalrateforprovidingonediscsetonanytypeofHTpolefor making cut point. 25 Fitting and erecting one HT DP using A type pole in position incl. fitting 2 channel cross arms, digging & back filling pit, drawing earth leads. 26 Loading HT A type pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transport by vehicle). 27 Fitting and erecting one HT DP using PSC pole in position incl. fitting 2 channel cross arms, digging & back filling pit, drawing earth leads.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1770 /-
INR 18700.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 7.45 Lakhs /-
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