
Tender For Appointment Of An Event Management Agency On Turnkey Basis For Designing, Execution And Management/ Supervision Of Arrangements, Activities And Ancillary Services For An Event Being Organized In Conjunction With Republic Day Celebrations – 2025, delhi-Delhi

India Tourism Development Corporation Limited has published Tender For Appointment Of An Event Management Agency On Turnkey Basis For Designing, Execution And Management/ Supervision Of Arrangements, Activities And Ancillary Services For An Event Being Organized In Conjunction With Republic Day Celebrations – 2025. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-01-2025. Event Management Tenders in delhi Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Appointment Of An Event Management Agency On Turnkey Basis For Designing, Execution And Management/ Supervision Of Arrangements, Activities And Ancillary Services For An Event Being Organized In Conjunction With Republic Day Celebrations – 2025
Open Tender

Tender Details

Appointment of an Event Management Agency on turnkey basis for Designing, Execution and Management/ Supervision of arrangements, activities and ancillary services for an Event being organized in conjunction with Republic Day Celebrations – 2025 at areas in front of Red Fort, Delhi (Gyan Path and two (2) adjoining lawns); 1 EntranceArchesmadeofmetalframewith fabric print 11mtr (W) x 4.5 mtr (H) duly finished as per design approved by ITDC/ Principal Organizer. 2 Entrance Arches made of metal frame with fabric print 6 mtr (W) x 4.5 mtr (H) duly finished as per design approved by ITDC/ Principal Organizer. 3 Help desk: Delhi Police, CCTV, Medical Room, Fire Control Room, Traffic police etc Waterproof Pagodas measuring 5 mtr x 5 mtr, Covered from all sides and top with lockable door for entry and exit having wooden platform base of 10 cm with new carpet (colour as per our requirement) 4 H/Desk - Octonorm Tables 3 ft x 1 .5ft 5 H/Desk· - Banquet chairs with chair covers 6 H/Desk - Power points 7 H/Desk · Dust bin 8 H/Desk - Facia 9 H/Desk - Adequate lighting (comprising of 3 light fittings of 40 Watt each or compatible LED Light Fittings in each pagoda) 10 Office set up of Concerned Ministries (Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Defence, ASI, Textile, Delhi Police,CPWD,ITDCetc.)Waterproof Pagodas measuring 5 mtr x 5 mtr , Covered from all sides and top with lockable door for entry and exithaving wooden platform base of 10 cm. with new carpet (colour as per our requirement) 11 Office setup - Octonorm Tables 3ft x 1.5ft 12 Office setup - Banquet chairs with chair covers 13 Office setup - Power points 14 Office setup - Dust bin 15 Office setup - Fascia 16 Office setup - Adequate lighting (comprising of 3 light fittings of 40 Watt each or compatible LED Light Fittings in each pagoda) 17 Office set up of Concerned Ministries ( Ministry of Road Transport,NECRT,MoEF&CC,Department of Post, Council of Architect, Ministry of Jal Shakti etc.)Water Proof Pagodas(10mtrx5mtr)Structureeachwith wooden platform base of 10 cm, carpet with each to have 12 light fittings of 40 watts each or compatibleLEDlightfittings,Furniture- OctonormTable3’x1.5’-08Nos,Banquet chairs with chair covers 8 nos, Power Points 08 Nos, Spot lights -15 Nos, Dustbin -02 No, etc. withModularstructureinside.EachModular structure within each theme Pavilion to have Presentable Almirah (all equal size) with lockable facility to be placed in each Central Ministry/ Department Pavilion pagoda and 1 No. fascia. Each Pavilion (10 mtr x 5 mtr ) to have additional average Electricity load of 6 KW for each pavilionincluding Electric load required from 22nd January,2025 for fabrication of stalls) 18 Office setup - Octonorm Tables 3ft x 1.5ft 19 Office setup - Banquet chairs with chair covers 20 Office setup - Power points 21 Office setup - Dust bin 22 Office setup - Fascia 23 Office setup - Adequate lighting (comprising of 3 light fittings of 40 Watt each or compatible LED Light Fittings in each pagoda) 24 Security Items / services - Baggage Scanning Machines(as per requirements of security agencies ) 25 Security Items / services – Door Frame Metal Detector at entry points (as per requirements of security agencies) with footfall counting device 26 Security Items/services -Manpowerfor Frisking, detection, security etc. arrangements by trained and uniformed, presentable security personnel (on shift basis of 12 Hours per day) at identified points and as required: - Male - 125 Nos. per day of event on shift basis in ( Day/Night) 27 Security Items / services - Manpower for Frisking, detection, security etc. arrangements by trained and uniformed, presentable security personnel (on shift basis of 12 Hours per day) at identified points and as required: - Female- 50 Nos per day of eventin Day Shift only 28 Bouncers for Dais / Stage arrangements by trained and uniformed, presentable security personnel (on shift basis of 12 Hours per day) required; - Female 10 Nos per day of the event in day shift only) Men 10 Nos per day of the Event. 29 Security Items / services - Queue managers (ribbonised steel barricading) ( as per requirements of security agencies ) 30 Security Items / services - Security Tower ( Machaan) ( as per requirements of security agencies ) 31 CULTURE STAGE REQUIREMENTStage set up measuring 72ft x 52 ft. of at least three different levels ( 6ft,7ft &8ft) covered with grey carpet; Stairs: one stair complete on front side; and two stairs 6 feet wide on right & left side is required.Risers: approx. 8 ft. x 16 ft. with 1½ ft. height suitable for 8 to 10 artists to sit with dari/Kaleen covered with white cloth and Frontal steps all along the width.RedCarpet coveringthefrontofthe stage up to Sofa sets seating rows. 32 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING Well Ventilated Green rooms of size of 625 sq. ft. each separate for male and female interconnected with cultural stage. The green rooms to accommodate 150 artists in each at a time in vicinity of stage area, with wooden platformof 10cm with carpet, 20 banquets chairs with covers each, Garments hanger stand- 5 Nos each, 6 mirrors each, 2 shelves each. Green Rooms to be well lit with 6 nos. each light fitting of 40 watt each or compatible LED light fittings. 33 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - Holding areas of 10 mtrs x 5mtrs each for cultural artists at an area in the vicinity of the cultural stage with wooden platform of 10 cm, carpet, Banquet chairswithcovers-20nos.eachandlightfittings of 40 watt- 4 nos. each or compatible LED light fittings. 34 Cultural Area: Air-conditioned portable Toilets in vicinity of main cultural stage with dedicated staff deployment with toiletries, amenities and adequate water supply at all time of event. 35 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING – VIP ExecutiveHigh Back Chair for Dais 36 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING – Centre Tablefor Dais 37 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING – Podium withPodium Boards 38 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - Seating foraudience:- Sofa Double Seaters 39 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - Seating foraudience:- Centre Tables( Coffee Table size) 40 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - Seating foraudience:- Banquet chairs with chair covers and bands 41 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- Box Truss( 1000mm) 80 ft x 60 ft 42 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- Centre beam 70 ft 43 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- Side Cuts Section – 16 ft 44 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- LED PAR LIGHTS 54 x 3 Watt 45 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- Par 64 sealed beam 46 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- Laser light 47 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- Sharpy 48 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- Pointy 49 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- Aura 50 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- Profile 51 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- Follow Spot 52 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- Mole fays 53 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - StageLighting:- Haze Machine 54 CULTURE AREA INCLUDING - Stage Lighting:- Grand MA Lighting CONTROL Panel with NPU. 55 PC LED Warm-400 watts 56 LED Fresnel warm 57 Dimmer Par 500 KW Electronic 58 Avolite Board 59 Cultural Area -Video - LED WALL - Centre 52ft x 16ft 60 Cultural Area - Video - Side Wings – LED Wall3.5 ft x16ft 61 Cultural Area - Video - Watch out Servers 62 Cultural Area - Video - Plasma TV 52 inch on stand for backstage 63 Cultural Area - Multi Camera HD Set up with 04 cameras with editing table, Jimmy Jip with crane and adequate manpower to operate 64 Cultural Area - Sound Requirements - line array D and B 65 Cultural Area - Sound Requirements - Base D and B 66 Cultural Area -Sound Requirements - Stage Monitor 67 Cultural Area - Sound Requirements - Side Fill Line array approx. 800 Watt each 68 Cultural Area - Sound Requirements- Corded Mikes 69 Cultural Area - Sound Requirements - Cordless Mikes 70 Cultural Area - Sound Requirements- Headset mike 71 Cultural Area - Sound Requirements - Foot Mike 72 Dynamic wired mikes of different sizes 73 Digital Console 96 Channels (sound engineers and adequate number of technicians to be available at all times during the event.) 74 Carpet on 26.01.2025 for Parade Gyanpath and outer area with Pasting. 75 Saw dust provision 76 Spinkler for water spray 77 Drummer Technical Rider1) Drum Kit: DW Performance or Yamaha Maple Custom (or similar).Completing: drums: bass drum 22’, tom 10’, tom 12’,floor tom16’;snare 14’,Cymbalspaistechokes; Hi Hat 14”, Ride 20”, Crash 16” and Splash 10” stands: one for hi-hat, one for snare drum, 4 (four)boom stands for cymbals besides hi-hat stand; Drum chair with adjustable height; all elements of drum kit should be located on a carpet or rubber covering (against sliding);Drum Riser is a mus + Monitors + in ear monitor-One shaker,2) in-ear Monitor3) Wedge Monitor One jackOne monitorOne keyboard stand One notation stand 78 Guitar tech rider:1. Guitar amp (Fender twin reverb/ Marshall JCM 900)2. Guitar stand3. 1 Amp(Fender Twin Reverb or JCM 900 or Marshal100HCFX Amp Head with 4 Speaker Marshal Cabinet )4. 1 Mic With Stand (Shure SM57)5. 2 DI Box6. 4 Guitar Aux7. 1 Guitar Stand8. In Ear monitor-1 no.9. Notation stand- -1 no. 79 Keyboard: (Keyboard TR) stereo wires 2DI Keyboard amp Keyboard stand 80 MAIN ARTISTSEENHIESER e845 only wireless MEDIUM BOOM STANDSMultifunction Power Extension Boards- 4 Nos 81 Harmonium1. SM58 One Laptop 82 Drums:Pearl session / Master / Pearl decade maple Or• Tama superstar Hyper drive/Tama Silver star/Star Classic• HI Hat 14 inch, Crash 18 inch, 16 inch Crash Ride 20 inch, China 16 inch, Splash 10 inch, with Stands and 1 extra Boom Stand(All from K Custom series of ZILDJIAN)Drum Mic Kit- Audix Mic Kit OR PGA and( Beta 52A For Kick separately) 83 OUTPUT PATCH 84 INPUT CHANNEL MONITOR 85 TaIkBactMac.ForCoordinationStageto Mixing Console with Monitor 86 Power source must be 280V, earthed aria connected ro a safety system thai breaks tke c rcu›r whenever Phase is connected to ground, 4 Power outlet Stripe are required for the musicians on Stage placed according to where the musicians at onstage. 87 Floor Monitor Monitors fPRx 8 S/SRX 8t5) 88 8 x: Floor Monitor S wzT1 carry their individual preferred mix for the musicians on stage side file 89 JBL SRX 725 WITH SRX 718-2 PAIR 90 Channel 22-23 Keyboard 2nos. DI BOX with PowerPoint Vocal mic. SM58 1no. With Tripod 8uom stand 91 MONITOR MIK.8 & 9 92 JBL Lirte Array w th sub Low 93 Two LED Plasma 60 inches with touch screen facility with dedicated 10 MBPS lease line for internet connectivity 94 Cultural Area Console : a dedicated 100 mpbs board band internet connectivity for live coverage & sharing on various SocialMedia Platforms 95 Reserved Lounge: To cater requirements for Dignitaries as per security agencies.- Construction of Space Frame Pillar less, Water Proof, Fire Retardant Aluminum hanger Structure 20m x 10m with fabric false ceiling with top and covered from all sides with wooden platform base of 10 cm with new carpet, Double Door Entrance and Exit, Well Lit befittingthe Ambiance as per our requirement- using fittings, cables etc of ISI standards, well ventilated, with colorful fabric and befitting interiors.10Nos. for entire Event Flower Bouquets and 8 Nos. for entire Event table top flower arrangements on daily basis. All material used should be in consonance to fire safety norms and adhere to fire safety standards. 96 Reserved Lounge: 10 nos. round table of 8 pax seating capacity each and 100 banquet chairs with covers. 97 Reserved Lounge: Sound system with adequate speakers, amplifier etc. with 8 number table mikes; 2 podium mikes and 4 number cordless mikes 98 Reserved Lounge: Sofa set ( Double Seaters) 99 Reserved Lounge: Centre Tables 100 Reserved Lounge: Side Tables 101 Reserved Lounge: Air Circulators 102 Reserved Lounge: Air-conditioned portable Toilets in vicinity of VIP Hanger with dedicated staff deployment with toiletries, amenities and adequate water supply at all time of event. 103 Reserved Lounge: Internet lease line 20 Mbps forcreating Wi-Fi zone with complete set up / infrastructure 104 Hangar for Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (I&B) Exhibition - Construction of 01 Nos. for entire Event of Space Framepillar less, Water Proof, Fire Retardant, Safe Aluminum Hanger Structure (10mx20m) with fabric false ceiling, 10cm wooden platform base with carpet and covered from three sides plus top and well lit. 20 number octonorm tables, 40 banquet chairs with cover. 05 Nos. air circulators and 10 Nos pedestal fans. The average electrical load should be 10KW including load required from 22nd January 2025fabrication of exhibition area. All materialused should be in consonance to fire safety norms and adhere to fire safety standards. 105 Hangar for Ministry of Tourism Experiential Zone - Construction of 01 Nos. for entire Event of Space Frame pillar less, Water Proof, Fire Retardant, Safe Aluminum Hanger Structure (10mx20m) with fabric false ceiling, 10cm wooden platform base with carpet and covered from three sides plus top and well lit. 20 number octonorm tables, 40 banquet chairs with cover. 05 Nos. air circulators and 10 Nos pedestal fans. The average electrical load should be 10KW including load required from 22nd January 2025 for fabrication of exhibition area. All material used should be in consonance to fire safety norms and adhere to fire safety standards. 106 Hangar for Ministry of AYUSH - Construction of 01 Nos. for entire Event of Space Frame pillar less, Water Proof, Fire Retardant, Safe Aluminum Hanger Structure (10 mtr. X 20 mtr.) with fabric false ceiling, 10cm wooden platform base withcarpet and covered from three sides plus top and well lit. 20 number octonorm tables, 40 banquet chairs with cover. 05 Nos. air circulators and 10 Nos pedestal fans. The average electrical load should be 10KW including load required from 22nd January 2025for fabrication of exhibition area. All materialused shouldbe in consonance to fire safety norms and adhere to fire safety standards 107 Hangar for Ministry of Railways - Construction of 01 Nos. for entireEvent of Space Frame pillar less, Water Proof, Fire Retardant, Safe Aluminum Hanger Structure (10 mtr. x 10 mtr.) with fabric false ceiling, 10cm wooden platform basewith carpet and covered from three sides plus top and well lit. 10 number octonorm tables, 20 banquet chairs with cover. 02 Nos. air circulators and 5 Nos pedestal fans. The average electrical load should be 10KW including load required from 22nd January 2025 for fabrication of exhibition area. All material used should be in consonance to fire safety norms and adhere to fire safety standards 108 Hangar for Ministry of Food Processing - Construction of 01 Nos. for entireEvent of Space Frame pillar less, Water Proof, Fire Retardant, Safe Aluminum Hanger Structure (10 mtr. x 10 mtr.) with fabric false ceiling, 10cm wooden platform basewith carpet and covered from three sides plus top and well lit. 10 number octonorm tables, 20 banquet chairs with cover. 02 Nos. air circulators and 5 Nos pedestal fans. The average electrical load should be 10KW including load required from 22nd January 2025 for fabrication of exhibition area. All material used should be in consonance to fire safety norms and adhere to fire safety standards 109 Hangar for Footwear Design & Development Institute - Construction of 01 Nos. for entire Event of Space Frame pillar less, Water Proof, Fire Retardant, Safe Aluminum Hanger Structure (10 mtr. x10 mtr.) with fabric false ceiling, 10cm wooden platform basewith carpet and covered from three sides plus top and well lit. 10 number octonorm tables, 20 banquet chairs with cover. 02 Nos. air circulators and 5 Nos pedestal fans. The average electrical load should be 10KW including load required from 22nd January 2025for fabrication of exhibition area. All material used should be in consonance to fire safety norms and adhere to fire safety standards 110 Food Court: Gazebo: Water proof, Specialized covered structure on truss for all over the venue at food court. Flat roof structure size10mx10m with 10cm wooden flooring with carpet and thematic colorful decoration to give a festive look. 111 Food Court - Water Proof Pagodas (5 mtr. x5 mtr.) with wooden platform base of 10 cm, carpet and each pagoda consisting of 3 light fittings of 40 watts each or compatible LED light fittings, Furniture- 4 Nos. working table of 6’ x 3’ with white disposable laminated sheets (to be changed regularly) 4 Nos. Plastic/ Banquet chairs, o1 No Pedestal fan, 5 Nos. power points, 1 nos. Dustbin, and 1 No. Fascia. The average Electricity load should be 5 KW in each pagoda. 112 Food Court – 5 Kitchen Areas of 250 SQM each tin Sheds and stone / brick surface with each kitchen areas consisting working tables of 6’ x 3’ (30 No’s in each kitchen area) with facility of water for cooking and dish washing. Kitchen area to be adjoining food court area. Allkitchen areas to have adequate fire safety measures like ABC fire extinguishers, sand bags, sand buckets, fire Marshalls etc., as per the fire safety guidelines 113 Food Court – Steel Dustbin with Garbage bags with clearance at regular interval and timely cleaning to maintain hygiene during the entire period of event. Theme of Swachh Bharat to be adhered. Large size with covers. 114 Food Court - Outdoor LED Wall 16ft x 8ft, with fabric Branding, Platform and sound system. 115 Food Court – Banquet (Plastic Tables) Tables Round with approx. 1.5 mtr. Dia (25 nos) with Umbrella and Rectangular/Square Dining Tables (25 Nos) with umbrella to accommodate 4/6 chairs each. Table covers for all tables. 116 Food Court – Banquet/ Plastic chairs with chair covers and bands/ Wooden chairs 117 Food Court - Bistro Tables with covers 118 Food Court - Stage for Performance of Nukkad nataks, size 50sq mtrs with 2 Ft height and steps on two side with sound system – 4 speakers, 10- standing mikes, 2 cordless mikes and 2 collar mikes. 119 Handicraft Area- Water Proof Pagodas (3 mtr. x 3 mtr.) Structure with wooden platform base of 10 cm, carpet and each pagoda to have 3 light fittings of 40 watts each or compatible LED light fittings, Spot Lights (9 nos), Furniture- 2 Nos. Octonorm Table 3’x 1.5’, Banquet/Plastic chairs with covers 2 nos., 3 Nos. Power Points, 1 No. Dustbin etc with Modular structure inside. Each Modular structure within each pagoda to have 9 shelves/slabs (3 on each wall) for display their products, Presentable Almirah (all equal size) withlockablefacilitytobeplacedineach handicraft and handloom pagoda and 1 No. fascia. 120 Handicraft Craft Area- Including: Dustbin with Garbage bags with clearance at regular interval and timely Cleaning to maintain hygiene during the entire period of event. Theme of Swachh Bharat to be adhered. 121 Handicraft Craft Area- Including: Outdoor LED Wall 16’x 8’ with fabric Branding with platform and sound system. 122 Handicraft Area: Internet lease line 20 Mbps for creating Wi-Fi zone with complete set up/ infrastructure 123 Handicraft Craft Area- Including State Theme Pavilions: Water Proof Pagodas (6 mtr x 6 mtr) Structure each with wooden platform base of10 cm, carpet with each to have 6 light fittingsof 40 watts each or compatible LED light fittings, Furniture- Octonorm Table 3’x 1.5’ - 04 Nos, Banquet chairs with chair covers 4 nos,Power Points 08 Nos, Spot lights -15 Nos, Dustbin -01 No, etc. with Modular structure inside.EachModularstructurewithineach theme Pavilion to have Presentable Almirah (all equal size) with lockable facility to be placed in each Theme Pavilion pagoda and 1 No. facia. Each theme Pavilion (6 mtr x 6 mtr) to have additional average Electricity load of 4 KW for each pavilionincluding Electric load required from 22nd January,2025 for fabrication of stalls) 124 HandicraftCraftArea-IncludingCentral Ministries/ Departments Pavilions: Water Proof Pagodas(5mtrx5mtr)Structureeachwith wooden platform base of 10 cm, carpet with each to have 6 light fittings of 40 watts each or compatibleLEDlightfittings,Furniture- OctonormTable3’x1.5’-04Nos,Banquet chairs with chair covers 4 nos, Power Points 08 Nos, Spot lights -15 Nos, Dustbin -01 No, etc. withModularstructureinside.EachModular structure within each theme Pavilion to have Presentable Almirah (all equal size) with lockable facility to be placed in each Central Ministry/ Department Pavilion pagoda and 1 No. fascia. Each Pavilion (5 mtr x 5 mtr ) to have additional average Electricity load of 4 KW for each pavilionincluding Electric load required from 22nd January,2025 for fabrication of stalls) 125 Neat Barricading and Fencing: Strong, proper, effective, presentable and complete barricading and fencing (using good material) of each tableau. (Total Tableaux expected to be 40) in parv area without disturbing the décor of the tableaux and inconvenience to the visitors 126 Military Band Stage - 4 sides open with for Military Bands of size 12m x 8.5m size with fabric branding on four sides with two side steps, carpet, with stage lighting (20 par /LED lights) from the front side of the stage 127 Military Band Stage -Sound system for Military Bands (48-piece band), 20 Micro phone, Cordless mikes -2nos and collar mikes- 2 nos, JacksandwiresforGuitar,keyboardand Octopad, Speakers -12 nos, Monitor speaker- 4 nos, Woofers and Tweeters, Mixer Channel, amplifier etc. 128 Military Band Stage - Banquet chairs with chair covers and bands with covers on band stages- 30 each stage 129 AYUSH Stage (Yoga Performance) 4 side open and covered on top with waterproof, stage for Yoga Performance of 12m x 8.5m size with 4ft. height with fabric branding on four sides with two side steps, carpet, with stage lighting (20 par/LED lights) from the front side of the stage. Sound System with Speakers, amplifiers,04 Cordless/Collar Mike & LED Wall 20’x10’ with platform. 130 Revolving / Rotating CCTV Cameras with wiring – (in entire event area including periphery, surrounding areas and parking),Installation and operation during entire event with Night vision capacity, monitoring andrecording and including deployment of technically trained manpower to monitor CCTV Operation. At the end of the event complete recording of all the days to be submitted in hard disk. 131 Fire Fighting - Provision (in entire event area including parking and surrounding areas) with firefighting equipment and manpower including Fire Tenders- 6, ABC Type fire extinguishers (10 Kg) – 300 Nos., Sand Buckets 300 andSand Bags – 750 Nos., Fire Marshalls– 40 Nos.and Fireman – 40 Nos. duly trained as perprevailing fire safety norms in uniform as per requirements of Authorities. 132 Conservancy and housekeeping - Provision of 250 Nos.cleaningStaffeach dayfor conservancyandmaintenanceoftheentire event areas including back areas, surrounding areasincludingsurroundingtoiletareasetc. Staff should be in proper uniform with cleaning equipment’s like vacuum cleaner, brooms, garbage bags etc. 133 Ceremonial Gas Filled balloons of Tri-colors and medium size- On the Inaugural Day only 134 Catering Arrangements at Reserved Lounge for 350 Pax (Each Day Menu to be changed on daily basis) Variety of Tea, coffee, cold beverages to be available on daily basis along with savory, sweet items like samosa, pakora, mini patties, dry Indian sweet, cookies and biscuits and 2 nos. water dispensing machines with 6 nos. drinking water jars of reputed brands approved by FSSAI with glass and disposable eco-friendly paper glasses. Well- groomed and uniformed staff to cater in Reserved Lounge. Menu to be change on daily basis 135 Office equipment’s: Computer with UPS 136 Office equipment’s : Printers along with paper for printing 137 Office equipment’s : Photocopier Machine with photocopier paper 138 Office equipment’s: Data cards for internet connectivity (4 GB) 139 Creative Branding in fabric: Creative and graphic designing of symbol of event with options, designing of view cutter, signage, backdrop, gates, 3D Cut out at various locations and direction indicator panels (as per input from principal organizer) in and aroundthe entire Parv Area and periphery. In addition, Interactive wall using good material- fabric, wood crafted jaalis, fabric prints using 3-D effects, selfie points; Graffiti walls, masks; Dance Postures with Special Emphasis on concepts like “Viksit Bharat @ 2047” “Vikas bhi Virasat bi” “One District One product”, “Nari Shakti, Millets, Life Millets, Travel for Life”,”Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat” etc. to create and enhance the ambiance to give patriotic, festive and colorful look as well as for more public participation. The entire creatives for branding will be as perthe approval of Ministry of Tourism. 140 Cloth masking on frame of entire Boundary wall with 09 Feet height as per site requirement. 141 Creative Zone: for activities like short quiz competition, face painting/ tattoos, Karaoke activities with sound systems for public participation with activity co-coordinators and any other participative concepts with adequate coordinators etc. 142 30 Nos. of Drinking water dispensers equipped with 20 Ltr. Packaged Drinking water jar of reputed brand, replenish able CAN/JAR with sufficient disposable eco-friendlycups (CAN/JAR to be replaced at regular interval for un-interrupted supply) on daily basis for entire event. 1000 jars of 20 ltr per day 143 Still and Video Photography of entire Event – comprising of two single Camera Setup withlive projection in Food Court and Handicraftarea and at least 4 still photographers. Softcopy of photo shoot and video recording to be handed over on daily basis/as and whenrequired basis to ITDC for entire event including photo Album/s, DVD’s and teasers(short clippings of 3 to 5 minutes’ duration for the event as per the requirements of Ministry). 500 nos. of photos (5”x7”) with presentable album. All data pertaining to Bharat Parv to be delivered in a separate hard disk. 144 Toilets for General Public (Male and Females) with hand washers with liquid soap, proper water facility and their cleanliness at regular intervals and to maintain proper hygiene. All the toilets in the parv area to have provision of light inside. 145 Drinking water Tanker - 5000 Ltr. in Food Court area for kitchen purpose - on Daily basis. 10 Water tankers of 5000 liter each per day 146 Central PA System for entire venue (Help desk and control rooms ) 147 Battery Operated Golf Cart with driver for VIPs ( 5 +1) seating capacity each 148 Wheel Chairs for Differently abled persons 149 Walkie-TalkiesCommunicationDeviceswith System 150 Kitchen Apron of size 42”x24” with strap andgood quality fabricwith Incredible India branding 151 Umbrella large size with Branding 152 Media Hanger structure in Food Court Area: To cater requirementsfor Media Personnel: Construction of Space Frame Pillar less, Water Proof, Fire Retardant Aluminum hanger Structure with fabric false ceiling of size 15m x 10m with top and covered from all sides with wooden platform base of 10 cm with new carpet, Double Door Entrance and Exit, Well Lit befitting the Ambience as per our requirement- using fittings, cables etc of ISI standards, well ventilated, with colorful fabric and befitting interiors, 8 nos. table top flower arrangements on daily basis. All material used should be in consonance to fire safety norms & adhere to fire safety standards. 153 Media Lounge: Sofa set ( Double Seaters) 154 Media Lounge: Centre Tables 155 Media Lounge: Side Tables 156 Media Lounge: Office set –up: Computers with UPS 157 Media Lounge: Office set –up Black and White Printers with printing paper 158 Media Lounge: Office set –up Colour Printers with printing paper 159 Media Lounge: Internet lease line 20 Mbps for creating Wi-Fi zone with complete set up/infrastructure 160 Media Lounge: Output Box with 20 Points for Media 161 Media Lounge: Office set –up Photocopy Machine with adequate photocopy paper and stationery. 162 Media Lounge: Office setup - Octonorm Tables 3ft x 1.5ft 163 Media Lounge: Office setup - Banquet chairs with chair covers 164 Media Lounge: Office setup - Power points 165 Media Lounge: Office setup – s t e e lDust bin 166 Media Lounge: Arrangements for press briefing for 75-100 pax with banquet chairs and head table for 5 pax. Audio Visual arrangements with 5 mikes for head table and 4 cordless mikes for Q and A. Podium with Podium Board and 2 mikes. Flower arrangements for head table. 167 Catering Arrangements for 300 Pax per day at Media Lounge – (Each Day; Menu to be changed on daily basis). Variety of Tea, coffee, cold beverages to be available on daily basis along with savory, sweet items like samosa, pakora, mini patties, French fries, Dry Indian sweet, cookies and biscuits and 2 nos. water dispensing machines with 4 nos. drinking water jars of reputed brands approved by FSSAI with glasses and disposable eco-friendly paper glasses. Well-groomed and uniformed staff to cater in Media Lounge. 168 Media Lounge: Enclosure with 4 tables and chairs for dedicated catering 169 Air-conditioned portable toilets in vicinity of Media Lounge with dedicated staff deployment with toiletries, amenities and adequate power supply, water supply at all time of event. 170 Air Circulators for Media Hangar 171 Studio Kitchen Stage built on 18” inches raised wooden platform with 240 degree open,one entry and exit, size 12 x 8 with running water , attached mise en place area size 6 x 12 with running water facility and wash up area size 6x12 with sink and running water facility for Washing utensils, Size of Studio kitchen tent should be 20 x 40 with waterproof roof and barricading of 3 feet height with one entry and exit 172 Studio Kitchen: Theatre seating with 50 banquet chairs with covers in front of the studio kitchen. 173 Studio Kitchen Sofa set for VIP (Single Seater) 174 Studio Kitchen Power Point 15Amp 175 Studio Kitchen Electrical Load 176 Studio Kitchen: Video Camera placed on the working area and both sides with complete recording of entire event 177 Studio Kitchen LED Screen size 12x8 178 Studio Kitchen Collar Mike 179 Studio Kitchen Sound System with four Speaker 180 Studio Kitchen Fire Extinguishers –ABC Type 10 Kg, Sand Buckets and Sand Bags 181 Studio Kitchen Chef Caps with Incredible India Print 182 Studio Kitchen: 04 Utility workers for the studio kitchen per day 183 Pathway: Wooden platform of 10cm with grey carpet properly fixed throughout the Parv area to access the food court stalls, stage, Handicrafts and Handlooms stalls, State Theme Pavilion, VIP Lounge, Media Lounge, I&B Hangar, Hangars, offices of ministries, ITDC and Public Conveniences etc. The entire pathway to be with grey carpet (properly fixed) and approx. of size 8 ft. in front and 4 ft. in back of all the areas for smooth movement of public at large. The pathway to also be disabled friendly with interconnected pathway facility with platforms at various places includingconnectivity from Gyanpath to both the lawns. The pathways to be made with clear cut space for movement of differently abled persons’ in wheelchair. 184 Green net spread all across the parv area except the wooden platform ,Pathway to control Dust 185 Arrangement of sprinkling of water on daily basis to settle dust in the Parv area 186 Office Equipment: Comprising of: Computers with UPS and skilled manpower for Registration (preparation of badges etc.) with printers for colored and black and white printing along with stationery and paper. 187 Office Equipment: Heavy Duty Photocopier machine along with stationery and photocopy paper 188 Manpower: Ushering Staff per day (Female).12Hrs Shift Presentable, soft – spoken duly uniformed as per our requirement. Uniform to be provided by the bidder. 189 Manpower: Assistants (Male) per day 12 Hrs. shift. Presentable, soft – spoken duly uniformed as per our requirement. Uniform to be provided by the bidder. 190 Augmentation of lights over and above normal lighting for a well-lit Parv Area and surrounding area with 300 nos. LED metal lights. 191 Divider Railing: To regulate smooth entry and exit of visitors to the food court area and the tableaux/ handicraft area. As per our requirement. 192 Security Items or Services: Tensil Canopies of water proof stretchable fabric with MS Frame to cover 40ftx13 ft to cover 10 No’s DFMD at entry points 193 Tableaux Lighting: LED Parcan up lighters for Tableaux area 194 Water for cultural Artists: 4 nos. water dispensing machines with 50 nos of 20 litre each drinking water jars of reputed brands approved by FSSAI for the cultural artists eachday with ecofriendly disposable paper glasses 195 Promotional Tee Shirts with assorted sizes having Incredible India & Travel for LiFE Logo (as per size requirements) 196 Lamp Lighting With accessories viz oil, wicks, candle, floral decoration etc 197 ProvisionofcoveredkioskswithiPadsor equivalentsoftwarewithgadgetsatvarious places in the parv area to provide pre - ordering of food to avoid crowd at the counters in the food court. 198 Dedicated Social Media team to promote & publish the event on various social media platforms and under overall supervision/ Guidance / requirement of Ministry of Tourism. 199 A special stage of size 24ft x 12 ft with carpet and with all necessary audio visual systems at the venue for on – the – spot performance by kids up to 14 years old.

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 690000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 4.60 Crore /-
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