Tender For Printing Of Printing Articles For Health Programmes By The Cmoh & Secretary, District Health & Family Welfare Samity, Diamond Harbour Health District NTEP REQUEST (15A) Form for examination of biological specimen for TB size-A/4 Type of paper-70 GSM, PRINTING BLACK & WHITE, both side, portrait binding: pad binding at the top with single board at back 50 leafs ger pad. Size: A4, Type of Paper: 300 GSM Paper, Printing: Black and white; both side, Landscape Size: A5, Type of Paper: 300 GSM Paper, Printing: Black and white; both side, Portrait Size: A4, Type of Paper: 300 GSM Paper, Printing: Black and white; both side, Landscape, Binding: Centre folding & Stapled, pages: 8 (4 Leafs) Size: A5, Cover Page: Four Pages, 150 GSM Paper, Front Page Colour, Inside Page: 80 GSM, Printing: Black and white, Both Side, Binding: Stapled, No. Of Pages: 22(11 leaves) excluding cover Size: A4, Type of Paper: 80 GSM Paper, Printing: Black and white; Single side, Portrait, Binding: Pad binding at the top with single board at back (1 booklet of 50 leaves) Size: A4, Type of Paper: 80 GSM Paper, Printing: Black and white; Single side, Portrait, Binding: Pad binding at the top with single board at back (1 booklet of 50 leaves) Size: A3 Size, cover: 300 GSM Hard binding with red cloth/rexin corners with end leaves, Inside: 95 GSM ledger paper, Printing: Black and white, Both side; Landscape: Good quality hard board register binding gutter on left side; Perfect sewn, Fabrication: rows of the table on the left side of the page should be aligned with the rows of the table on the right hand side, No. of pages: 101 sheets(with number) i.e. 202 pages excluding cover and same No. on the left and right. Size: A3 Size, Cover: 300 GSM Hard binding with red cloth/rexin corners with end leaves, Inside: 95 GSM ledger paper, Printing: Black and white, Both side; Landscape: Good quality hard board register binding gutter on left side; Perfect sewn, Fabrication: rows of the table on the left side of the page should be aligned with the rows of the table on the right hand side, No. of pages: 101 sheets(with number) i.e. 202 pages excluding cover and same No. on the left and right. Size: Legal Size, Cover: 300 GSM Hard binding with red cloth/rexin corners with end leaves, Inside: 95 GSM ledger paper, Printing: Black and white, Both side; Landscape: Good quality hard board register binding gutter on left side; Perfect sewn, Fabrication: rows of the table on the left side of the page should be aligned with the rows of the table on the right hand side, No. of pages: 151 sheets(with number) i.e. 302 pages excluding cover and same No. on the left and right. OPD Ticket-875x10 75, 70 GSM Single side print, white paper, 100 pages/pad M1/100 Leafs per pad -70 GSM paper white finished size:8.25x13.25 top head pad binding single colour single side print. M2/100 Leafs per pad -70 GSM paper white finished size: 8.25x13.25 top head pad binding single colour single side print. M4/100 Leafs per pad - 70 GSM paper white finished size: 17.25X10 75 top head pad binding single colour single side print. Verbal Autopsy Format under NTEP-70 GSM paper single colour both side print; A4 size (8.8x10.8) paper; staple binding (set of 3 pages) Format-Non-specific 1: SINGLE COLOUR print 70 GSM Maplitho paper(ISI Mark) size: 8.75x11/ Single side print/100 Leafs per pad/top head PAD bind with board Format-Non-specific 2: SINGLE COLOUR print 70 GSM Maplitho. paper(ISI Mark)size: 8.25x13.25/ Both side print/100 Leafs per pad/top head PAD bind with board Module type 1-8.5x10.75 printing centre stich text: multicolour 90 GSM Matt art paper 24 page or 12 leaf; cover: multicolour with lamination 170 GSM GLOSS Alt board. Proportionate 4 pages or 2 leaf may be added for text with proportionate extra cost (if added for text only) cover will be as above. no soft copy provided. design & artwork to be provided by printer with colour print proof Module type 2-8.5x10.75 printing side stich text: single colour 90 GSM Matt art paper 48 page or 24 leaf; cover: multicolour with lamination 170 GSM GLOSS Art board. Proportionate 4 pages or 2 leaf may be added for text with proportionate extra cost (if added for text only) cover will be as above. no soft copy provided Design & artwork to be provided by printer with colour print proof in 2 times NTEP referral slip Size: A4 size, Landscape, Type of paper: 500 GSM, Printing: Black and White; single side;landscape Two Perforated Line (Verticle). TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT CARD-SIZE:12X18 Card type of paper 250 GSM Paper, BLACK & WHITE both side landscape TB Notification Register Size:A3 Size(11.7x16.5 inch) printing register 300. GSM Hard binding with red cloth/rexin corners with end leaves; Inside 95 GSM map litho; Printingboth side; landscape; 200 gages or 100 leafs Tuberculosis Laboratory Register Size: A4 Size printing register 300 GSM Hard binding with red cloth/rexin corners with end leaves, Inside 95 GSM map litho paper; Printing:Black and White both side; 200 pages or 100 leafs. Culture and DST Register Size:A3 Size (11.7x16.5 inch) printing register 300 GSM Hard binding with red cloth/rexin corners with end leaves; Inside 95 GSM map litho, Printing:both side; landscape; 200 pages or 100 leafs RNTCP PMDT Treatment Register Size: A3 Size(11.7x16 5 inch) printing register 300 GSM Hard binding with red cloth/rexin comers with end leaves; Inside 95 GSM map litho; Printing:both side; landscape; 200 pages or 100 leafs. TB DRUG stock Register Size:A3 Size(11.7x16.5 inch) printing register 300 GSM Hard binding with reo cloth/rexin corners wilh end feaves;Inside 95 GSM map litho, Printing:both side; landscape; 200 pages or 100 leafs. PRIORITY CARD, Paper size 4.5 X 3.5, Single Colour Single Side, 65 GSM colour Maplitho (Green) Binding-side stitch, Leaf per Book -50+50 ( Original + Carbon copy) i.e. 100 Leaf per Book Numbering - 6 digit machine serial numbering LAB MATERIAL INDENT FORM size-A4 Type of paper 70 GSM, PRINTING BLACK & WHITE. both side, portrait binding: pad binding at the top with single board at back 50 leafs per pad. ANNEXURE-C (RBRC) size-A4 Type of paper-70 GSM, PRINTING BLACK & WHITE. Both side, portrait binding: pad binding at the top with single board at back 50 leafs per pad. ANNEXURE-D (RBRC) size-A4 Type of paper -70 GSM, PRINTING BLACK & WHITE. Both side, portrait binding: pad binding at the top with single board at back 50 leafs per pad. LAB & PRINTING MATERIALS CHALLAN size-A4 Type of paper-70 GSM; Single Colour Single Side, 65 GSM colour Maplitho(Green) Binding-side stitch. Leaf per Book-50+50 (Original + Carbon copy) i.e. 100 Leaf per Book Numbering - 6 digit machine serial numbering REAGENT & LAB MATERIALS STOCK register size: 16x11, printing register type of paper-70 GSM, PRINTING BLACK & WHITE, both side, landscape, double page single no,300 folio rexine binding SAMPLE COLLECTION & TRANSPORTATION REGISTER Size 8.75x10.75, 70 GSM, PRINTING BLACK & WHITE, both side, landscape, double page single no,300 folio rexine binding X-Ray Voucher Paper-size 4.5 X 3 S, Single Colour Single Side, 65 GSM colour Maplitho(Green) Binding-side stitch, Leaf per Book-50+50 (Original + Carbon copy) i e. 100 Leaf per Book Numbering-6 digit machine serial numbering MULTIPURPOSE SPUTUM REFERRAL REGISTER-size: 16x11, printing register type of paper 70 GSM PRINTING BLACK & WHITE, both side. landscape, double page single no,200 folio rexine binding WRDR Format book size-legal type of paper-70 GSM, printing black white both side, portrait binding: book binding 60 page with hard cover NTEP Module (1-4) - Book size: A4 Type of paper-80 GSM, PRINTING BLACK & WHITE both side, portrait binding: book binding 320 page with hard cover binding (4 colour cover) Side binding NTEP Module (5-9)- Book size: A4 Type of paper-80 GSM, PRINTING BLACK & WHITE. both side, portrait binding: book binding 250 page with hard cover binding (4 colour cover) side binding Drug stock register size: 16x11, printing register type of paper - 70 GSM, PRINTING BLACK & WHITE, both side, landscape, double page single no,300 folio rexine binding ACF Reporting format size: A/4 Type of paper -70GSM, PRINTING BLACK & WHITE. both side, portrait binding: Pad binding at the top with single board at back 50 leafs per pad. OSE Summary sheet - paper size A4, 2 PAGE BOTH SIDE., 70 GSM(Record and reporting for EQA) On-Site Evalution summary of EQA of Smear Microspocy of DMC both side 70 gsm. Review of five positive and five negative slides from NTEP TB Lab Register both side 70 GSM3 Public health action register - A3 size (11.7x16 5 inch) printing register 90 GSM Maplitho paper double pages single number. 100 folio rexine binding Patients TB Identity Card-Size A5, Type of paper 300 GSM, Printing: Black ano Whte; both side; portrait. NTEP PMDT treatment CgFg Treatment Card Size: A3, Type of paper: 300 GSM Paper, Printing. Black and white; single side; landscape, Binding: Centre folding with binding & Belt, Pages:8 NTEP PMDT Treatment Booklet Size: A5, Cover Page: Four pages, 150 GSM Paper, Front page Colour, inside Page:80 GSM, Printing: Black and White; both side. Binding: Stapled, No. of pages: 36 NTEP Referral/Transfer form Size: A4, Type of paper:80 GSM, Printing: Black and White; single side; portrait, Binding: Pad binding at the top with single board at back (1 booklet of 50 leaves) NTEP PMDT Referral form Size A4, Type of paper: 70 GSM, Printing: Black and White; single side: portrait, Binding: Pad binding at the top with single board at back (1 booklet of 50 leaves) Miscellaneous Fofmat 1 SINGLE COLOUR print 70 GSM Maplitho paper(ISI Mark) size 8.75x11/ both side print/100 Leafs per pad/top head PAD bind with board Miscellaneous Format 2 SINGLE COLOUR print 70 GSM Mapltho paper(IS) Mark)size: 8 25x13.25/ Single side prim100 Leafs per pad/top head PAD bind with board Envelope Skews :50 skews (each) with different number sequences 3 FDC- Macleods 99DOTS Envelope.Size: 14.485cm X 9.908 cm 210GSM CFBB Paper sealing with 8 mm A-grade solvent based double sided tape printed by offset lithogrghic printer. Pill Compartment: There are 28 pre cut pill compartments along the 2 long edges, folded at one of the short edges and perforated along the last short edge. On the inner side of the 8aps, phone no are printed on 14 of 28 llaps and the outer side of that flaps are printed with Phone Call symbol Envelope design: Prototype and numbersequencing to be shared by the authority Envelope Skews:50 skews (each) with different number sequences 3 FDC- Macleods 990OTS Envelope Size; 14 485cm X 9.908 cm 210GSM CFBB Paper sealing with 8 mm A-grade solvent based double sided tape printed by offset lithogrphic printer. Pill Compartment: There are 28 pre cut pill compartments along the 2 long edges, folded at one of the short edges and perforated along the last short edge. On the inner side of the flaps, phone no are printed on 14 of 28 flaps and the outer side of that flaps are printed with Phone Call symbol. Envelope design: Prototype and numbersequencing to be shared by the authority. 3Envelope Skews :50 skews (each) with different number sequences 4 FDC- Macleods 99DOTS Envelope. Size; 12.914cm X 12.185 cm 210GSM CFBB Paper sealing with 8 mm A-grade solvent based double sided tape printed by offset lithogrphic printer. Pill Compartment: There are 28 pre cut pill compartments along the 2 long edges, folded at one of the short edges and perforated along the last short edge On the inner side of the flaps, phone no are printed on 14 of 28 Gaps and the outer side of that flaps are printed with Phone Call symbol. Envelope design: Prototype and number sequencing to be shared by the authority. Envelope Skews :50 skews (each) with different number sequences 3 FDC-Lupin 99DOTS Envelope. Size; 11.2 cm X 18.2 cm 210GSM CFBB Paper sealing with 8 mm A-grade solvent based double sided tape printed by offset lithogrphic printer. Pill Compartment: There are 28 pre cut pill compartments along the 2 long edges, folded at one of the short edges and perforated along the last short edge. On the inner side of the flaps, phone no are printed on 14 of 28 flaps and the outer side of that flaps are printed with Phone Call symbol. Envelope design: Prototype and number sequencing to be shared by the authority, Envelope Skews :SO skews (each) with different number sequences 4 FDC-Lupin 99DOTS Envelope. Size: 12.3 cm X 20.4 cm 210GSM CFBB Paper sealing with 8 mm A-grade solvent based double sided tape printed by offset lithogrphic printer. Pill Compartment There are 28 pre cut pill compartments along the 2 long edges, folded at one of the short edges and perforated along the last short edge. On the inner side of the flaps, phone no are printed on 14 of 28 flaps and the outer side of that flaps are printed with Phone Call symbol. Envelope design: Prototype and number sequencing to be shared by the authority, Vulnerability Assessment Form 1-14 X 8.5 70 GSM maplitho paper 50 leafs +1 addi leaf on top of the pad_both side print_rate per pad (total 51 leaf) Vulnerability Assessment Form2-13.5X 8.5_70GSM maplitho paper 50 leafs 1 addl.leaf on top of the pad_both side print rate per pad (total 51 leaf) Size: A3 Size, cover: 300 GSM Hard binding with red cloth/rexin corners with end leaves, Inside: 95 GSM ledger paper, Printing: Black and white, Both side; Landscape: Good quality hard board register binding gutter on left side; Perfect sewn, Fabrication: rows of the table on the left side of the page should be aligned with the rows of the table on the right hand side, No. of pages: 101 sheets(with number) i.e. 202 pages excluding cover and same No. on the left and right. ASHA Form 1: Triplicate form for Revised Comprehensive Incentive Package ( 60 GSM, A4 size, Multi clour) 100 leafs per pad ASHA Form 2: Triplicate form for Drug Stock Maintenance (60 GSM, A4 size, Multi clour) ASHA Form 3: Triplicate form referrals by ASHA (60 GSM, A4 size, Multi clour ASHA Form 4: Quadruplicate form for ASHA for accompanying PW for institutional delivery (60 GSM, A4 size, Multi clour) ASHA Form 5: Quadruplicate form for ASHA providing comprehensive abortion care (60 GSM, A4 size, Multi clour) ASHA Form 6: Home visit Form for HBPNC Legal Size will be printed as bound register with a laminated cover page of 220 GSM art board having ASHA logo as per refresher martix, pages will be Multi in colour 60 GSM, 3x10=30 leafs per register ASHA Form 7: Quadruplicate form for ASHA accompanying women for PPIUCD, PAIUCD (60 GSM, A4 size, Multi clour) ASHA Form 1A: Triplicate form for Revised Comprehensive Incentive Package for non JSY Cases (Single side Print, 60 GSM, A4 size, Multi clour) 100 leafs per pad ASHA Form 4A: Quadruplicate form for ASHA for accompanying Non JSY PWS for institutional delivery (60 GSM A4 size, Muiti clour) Obstetric Case Sheet for L1 Facility Size-8.25 X 11.25, No. Of Leaf (Pages) - 6 (12) Text paper-90 GSM Maplitho paper. All through 4 colour printing. Fabrication Centre stitch binding & perforation on last page. Obstetric Case Sheet for L2 Facility Size-8.25 X 11.25, No. Of Leaf (Pages) - 10 (20) Text paper-90 GSM Maplitho paper. All through 4 colour printing. Fabrication - Centre stitch binding & perforation on last page. Obstetric Case Sheet for L3 Facility Size-8.25 X 11.25, No. Of Leaf (Pages) - 14 (28) Text paper-90 GSM Maplitho paper. All through 4 colour printing. Fabrication - Centre stitch binding & perforation on last page. Labour Room Register (250 Pages), Size-11 x 34, No. Of leaf (Pages) - 250(500). Text paper-95 GSM Conquest paper (ISI Mark). All through 1 colour printing. Fabrication - Leather rexin binding with 32 ounce board. Labour Room Register (100 Pages), Size 11 x 34, No. Of leaf (Pages). 50(100). Text paper - 95 GSM Conquest paper (ISI Mark). All through 1 colour printing. Fabrication - Leather rexin binding with 32 ounce board. Nischay Yan Voucher, Paper size-9x 5.5, Print Area-8 x 4.75, Single colour Single side, 65 GSM colour Maplitho (green). Binding- Side stitch, Leaf per book-50+50 (original + Carbon copy) i.e. 100 leaf per book, Numbering - 6 digit machine serial numbering. Name of the district to be printed on the Nischay Yan voucher Admission Register - Size 13 x 8, 4mm board binding with side and corner rexin binding contains 200 leaf, 70 GSM, Paper with side stitch binding both side, B/W printing Admission Register (Emergency) -Size 10.75 x 17.5, Conquest paper 95 GSM (star), 32 Pound Hard Board Binding, Top rexin, Serial page numbere, 98 leaf or 196 pages. Admission Register (Indoor) - Size 10.75 x 17.5, Conquest paper 95 GSM (star), 32 Pound Hard Board Binding, Top rexin, Jus Stitching, Serial page numbere, 196 leaf or 392 pages. OPD Register 8.25 x 13.25, 70 GSM, Both side print, Conquest, hard Board binding with Cloth & rexin, 200 Leafs/book (400 pages per book) Autoclave Register 10.75 x 17.5, Conquest paper 95 GSM (star), 28 Pound Hard Board Binding, Top rexin, Jus Stitching, Serial page numbere 200 leaf or 400 pages. OT intimation Register 10.75 x 17.5, Conquest paper 95 GSM (star), 28 Pound Hard Board Binding, Top rexin, Jus Stitching, Serial page numbere 98 leaf or 196 pages. Fumigation Register 10.75 x 17.5, Conquest paper 95 GSM (star), 28 Pound Hard Board Binding, Top rexin, Jus Stitching, Serial page numbere 98 leaf or 196 pages. SAM Chart, Size: 20 x 30, Printing both side, Single colour print, papre 120 GSM Art paper NRC Register, Size-A3, Printing: both side single colour, Binding: hard board with a photo single colour (6 x 4) of mother and child on cover, Page: 100 pages or 50 leaf. Paper: 90 GSM maplitho Discharge follow up card, Size: 8.5 x 5.5. Printing: Single colour, 10000 transparent plastic cover 9 x 6 size, 150 micron, pages: 4 pages, Paper: 170 GSM S-Register, Text: 96 pages/48 leafs/60GSM, Paper & cover: 200 GSM SS board 4 pages/ Centre stitch book binding/finished, Size: 8.25 x 13.25 / Single colour printing P-Register/Tally Sheet, Text: 96 pages/48 leafs, 60 GSM, Paper & Cover: 200 GSM SS board 4 pages/ Centre stitch book binding/finished, Size: 8.75 x 10.75/Single colour printing Sub-centre Clinic register or its Equivalent, Text: 192 pages or 96 Leafs/single colour both side print/70 GSM White Maplitho paper, Cover: 170 GSM MG Board Pink/ one side print, Size: 8.25 x 13.25/side stitched/ strap pack of 50 registers per bundle School Health Screening Register/Unspecific, Text: 384 pages or 192 leafs/ single colour both side print/70 GSM White Paper, Cover: hard board/sise & corner canvas cloth/marble top & back/ multi coloured lebel on top (3x2) Size: 8.25 x 13.25/side stitched/strap pack of 25 Registers per bundle AWC/WIFS/Adolescent Clinic Register/Unspecific, Text: 192 pages or 96 leafs /single colour both side print/70 GSM White Paper, Cover: 170 GSM MG Board Blue/ one side print, Size: 8.25 x 13.25/Centre stitched/ strap pack of 50 registers per bundle NIPI Register (ASHA); Text: 96 Pages or 48 Leafs/single colour both sided print, Cover: 170 GSM MG Board Blue/ one side print, Size: 8.25 x 13.25/Centre stitched/ strap pack of 50 registers per bundle Attendance Register, Full rexin register 32 pound paper 95 GSM conquest 16.5 x 13.5 325 leafs, both side printing Register or its Equivalent, Text: 96 Pages or 48 Leafs/single colour both sided print/70 GSM white paper (151 Mark), Cover: 170 GSM MG Board Yellow/ one side print, Size: 8.25 x 13.25/Centre stitched/ strap pack of 50 registers per bundle Cash Book-Text: 100 leafs/single colour both side print with numbering, 70 GSM white paper hard board cover with rexin binding Size: 11x 17 Cash Book- Text: 200 leafs/single colour both side print with numbering, 70 GSM white paper hard board cover with rexin binding Size: 11x 17 S Form- Text: 47 GSM paper, colour paper- yellow/pad binding of 100 leafs, Size: 8.75 x 10.75 single side print/top head pad binding P Form-Text: 47 GSM paper, colour paper- Pink/pad binding of 100 leafs, Single colour both side printing, Size: 8.75 x 10.75 single side print/top head pad binding L Form-Text: 60 GSM White pad binding of 100 leafs, Size: 8.75 x 10.75 single side print/top head pad binding M1-100 leafs per pad/60 GSM paper white finished, Size: 8.25 x 13.25/ top head pad binding single colour single side print M2-100 leafs per pad/60 GSM paper white finished, Size: 8.25 x 13.25/ top head pad binding single colour single side print M4-100 leafs per pad/60 GSM paper white finished, Size: 17.25 x 10.25/ top head pad binding single colour single side print Discharge certificate 8.75 x 1.75 single side print, 60 GSM, white paper, 100 pages/pad Sterilization consent Form: 2 leafs o 4 pages, bi-lingual Single Colour both side printing, Paper: 70 GSM white paper, Size: 13.25 x 8.25 with Annexture- I/II/IIIA/III/IIIB/IV Sub-centre/PHC/CHC/SGH/SDH/DH monthly reporting format: 70 GSM maplitho paper, Size: 8.75 x 11, both side print, 11 leafs or 22 pages, centre stitch, strap pack of 500 nos per bundle Format-New born entry format 70 GSM maplitho paper (ISI mark), Size: 8.75 x 11, both side print, 100 leafs per pad, top head pad binding with board (it may be taken loose) Format-Child registration form 70 GSm mplitho Paper (ISI Mark)/ Size:8.75x11/single side print/100 Leafs per pad/Top Head PAD bind with board(It may be taken loose) Format -E.C. registration format 70 GSm mplitho Paper (ISI Mark)/ Size:8.75x11/both side print/100 Leafs per pad/Top Head PAD bind with board( It may be taken loose) NIPI Reporting Format-3/4A/4B/7A/WIFS 70 GSM maplitho Paper(ISI Mark)/Size: 8.75X11/ Single side print/100 leafs per pad/Top Head PAD bind with board Death Reporting Form: 2 Death report Form no: 2( 80 GSM Paper Yellow single colour both side printing 100 Leafs per book middle perforation/Side stitched binding Size: 8.8X10.8) Birth Reporting Form: 1 Form no: 1(80 GSM Paper Pink single colour both side printing 100 Leafs per book middle perforation/Side stitched binding Size: 8.8X10.8) Spiral bound Demonstration book_digital print 24 Leafs_300 GSM Multicolour Both side It may be proportionate increase the leaf may be on extra cost. No extra sprial cost is allowed. Size A4 Diet Requisition form/8.75X10.75 single colour printing in duplicate_serial for original printing in duplicate 200 leaf per book Paper 70 GSM single side printing NIPI Child Compliance Card (Individual) Size: 8.75X 11/ Single side Single colour/230 GSM SS Board White Jsy Card/JJ HEALTH HOME HOME CARD/Non-specific: 190 GSM Green MG Board/Both sided Print/Single Colour/Size: 10.75X8.75/ Strap pack of 500 Nos. pack Referral Card 11X 14, 200 GSM, green colour, Both side print OPD Ticket, Size 6.5X8.75, 60 GSM Pad Binding (100 Leafs) One side Print single Colour with Performation Non-specific Card:5.25X8.25 190 GSM MG Board_white/Colour Both side Single colour Print Non-specific Card: 10.5X8.75 190 GSM MG Board_white/Colour Single side Single colour Print NIPI-LEAFLET 70 GSM maplitho Paper(ISI Mark)/ Size:8.75X11/Single side/Print Leaflets Both Sided 8.5X5.25 colour paper, 50 GSM Multi colour print 1000 Leaf per Binding Leaflets Both Sided 7X10 colour paper, 47 GSM single side multi colour print 1000 Leaf Binding Non-specific: A4 size paper, 55 GSM paper, Single colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A4 size paper, 55 GSM paper, by-colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A4 size paper, 55 GSM paper, multi colour, both side print, 100. Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A4 size paper, 80 GSM paper, single colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A4 size paper, 80 GSM paper,by-colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A4 size paper, 80 GSM paper, multi colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A4 size paper, 90 GSM paper, single colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A4 size paper, 90 GSM paper, by- colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A4 size paper, 90 GSM paper, multi colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A3 size paper, 55 GSM paper, single colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A3 size paper, 55 GSM paper, by colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A3 size paper,55 GSM paper, multi colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A3 size paper, 75 GSM paper, single colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A3 size paper, 75 GSM paper, by- colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A3 size paper, 75 GSM paper, multi colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A3 size paper, 90 GSM paper, single colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A3 size paper, 90 GSM paper,by-colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Non-specific: A3 size paper, 90 GSM paper, multi colour, both side print, 100 Leafs in pad binding Poster multicolour_90 GSM paper 19X29 size/ Back side strip gumming /Single side print/lay out & design to be done by the printer at own cost/2nd colour proof to be given if order placed. Format-Non-specific 1: Single colour Print 70 GSM maplito paper (ISI Mark)/ Size: 8.75X11/Single side print/100 leafs per pad/ Top Head PAD bind with board Format-Non-specific 1 A: Single colour Print 70 GSM maplito paper (ISI Mark)/Size: 8.25X13.25/ Single side print/100 leafs per pad/Top Head PAD bind with board(It may be taken loose) Format-Non-specific 2 A: Single colour Print maplito paper (ISI Mark)/ Size: 8.25X13.25/ Single side print/100 leafs per pad/Top Head PAD bind with board(It may be taken loose) 70 GSM Voucher Printing 5.25X8.5 with numbering_single colour_Single side_100 leafs per Pad with Board Head bound Paper 68 GSM_White Maplitho/colour Sun Guard Single Colour Print on 300 GSM Plub board-punch cut with i-let & String elastic Cloth HAT-CAP free size_White cloth_Single colour_ Screen Print area(3X1.5) item Size: 8.75X11/70 GSM paper Maplitho 64 pages /32 leafs or its proportionate thereof Any format both side single colour printing cover 190 GSM art board multi colour Print centre stitch or side stitch bind as per requirement item Digital Multi colour Certificate Single side_250 GSM Art Board_A4 size (Design & layout by the printer) iteml Digital Printing 13X19_multi colour_200 GSM art board single side print itemi Digital Printing 12X18_multi colour_200 GSM art board single side print itemi Digital Printing 12X18 multi colour_170 GSM art board single side print item15 Flex Banner 240 GSM media/Multicolour Single side print Metal Eye-lets in four corners/having design unit, Rates as per Sq.ft. item15 Flex Banner 280 GSM media/Multicolour Single side print_ Metal Eye-lets in four corners/having design unit, Rates as per Sq.ft. item15: Flex Banner 240 GSM media/Multicolour Single side print Wooden frame with installation Rates as per Sq.ft. item153 Flex Banner 280 GSM media/Multicolour Single side print Wooden frame with installation Rates as per Sq.ft. it it ite iter item item154 Flex Banner_240 GSM media/Multicolour Single side print Iron frame with installation Rates as per Sq.ft. Flex Banner 280 GSM media/Multicolour Single side print_Iron frame with installation Rates as per Sq.ft. Vinyl Board_120 micron multi colour print with Fixing/Pasting_Rates as per sq.ft SBA protocol or Equivalent/unspecific Multicolour Printing_eco-solvant Printing ON WPC5mm on vinyl which will pre-gummed on back side & Front side machine lamination (10 micron positively) photo frame hanger affixed 2 pcs on top Citizens character_Flex of good quality solvant print Matter to be written in Bengali/ Local language_SS STEEL to be used_Rates as per Sq.ft. (Structural details to be available during pre-bid meeting) Schedule of OPD Multi colour vinyl (120 micron) Eco-solvant print_ pasting on Sun board(12 mm) Fixing on open area_Rates as per Sq.ft. Demarcation of all rooms of the OPD Multi colour Vinyl (120 Micron)_Eco- solvant print Pasting on Sun Board (5 mm) both side on hunger (fixed on 3 dia steel round to be fix on wall & 3/4 th inch ss pipe with ending top English, Bengali/Local language_Rates as per Sq.ft. Directional signage for entire Hospital Multi colour vinyl (12 micron)_Eco- solvant print pasting on Sun board (12mm) English & Bengali / Local Language SS STEEL to be used Rates as per Sq.ft. (Structural details to be available during pre-bid metting) Hospital lay out plan with location and names of all the deparments_Multi colour vinyl (120 micron) Eco-solvant print_pasting on Sun board (12 mm Structural details as per local need and viability_SS STEEL to be used_Rtaes as per Sq.ft. (Structural details to be availble during pre-bid meeting) NCD dairy_Size:17 inchX13 inch(open)_Front Cover: Maplitho 300 GSM Mat Art_Board(Multi colour printing) Back Cover: Maplitho 300 GSm Mat Art Board(4-colour printing Text Page: 120 GSM in 4 colour,6 sheets (12 pages including front & back cover), Both side Printing, (Patient referral slip for CHO/ANM and Patient referral slip for M.O. in multicolour printing) Binding: Center Stiched bundled in 100 diary per packet Flip Chart Table Calendar Spiral Binding Paper size 8X11.5_Como Art Paper 330 GSM Total no. of Sheet 13(5 pages single side print and 8 both side print) Multi colour printing Training Module_A4 Maplitho paper_Both side black& white print_20% multi-colour printing Spiral binding hard cover in Front & Back side (rates for 25 leafs) 2 Round Batch (School tye)_Multicolour safety pin on back_acrylic body Identity Card_8.5 CmX5.5 Cm_PVC_Laminated_Multicolour both side print with Ribbon(Printed)_Hanger_Case ordinary Identity Card_size as per requirement_Multicolour single side Print with Ribbon(Printed)_Hanger_Case 12 Months Desk Calender Special Features to add Events, Text or to Highlight Themes for the Occasion size 8 X 6 Multicolour_Standard Glossy Paper Sprial Binding at Top M3: 100 leafs per pad/610 GSm paper white finished, size :8.25X 13.25 /Top head Pad binding colour single side print ASHA Register for Malaria: Text 96 Pages/48 leafs /60 GSM paper & Cover 200 GSM SS Board 4 pages/ Centre stitch book binding/finished, Size:8.25X 13.25/Single colour printing Death & Birth Certificate Paper, 180 GSM white paper( 500 sheets Brochure: A4,130 GSM, 1 Sheet Glossy Art Paper both side, Multicolour, 2 Fold team Diary: 8X13, 52 sheets(104 pages), front & Back cover,80 GSM, white maplitho, bothside single colour. Standee: Alluminium frame with flex printing 240 GSM, size: 2.5X6, Rate per Pc Standee: Iron frame with flex printing 240 GSM, size: 2.5X6, Rate per Pc Pamphlet: A4 size 4 pages, multicolour 80 GSM, 2 fold /3 fold (Rate per thousand) Reagent Labeling Sticker :- Name of the Reagent, Batch No., Manufacturing Date, Expiry date, Supply date Wall Painting: Oil painting on wall, Rates as per Sq Ft. Hoarding: Iron frame with flex print 280 GSM media/multicolour single side print with installation, Rate as per Sq.Ft.