
Tender For Conversion The Existing Wss Into Piped Wss Under Jjm By Extension Of Distribution Pl And Provision For Providing Fhtcs In Vill Kurthal And Kumawato Ki Basti Gp Nandsi Block Bhinai Defect Liability Of 1 Yr On Risk Cost Of Ms Ronak Construction B, kekri-Rajasthan

Public Health Engineering Department has published Tender For Conversion The Existing Wss Into Piped Wss Under Jjm By Extension Of Distribution Pl And Provision For Providing Fhtcs In Vill Kurthal And Kumawato Ki Basti Gp Nandsi Block Bhinai Defect Liability Of 1 Yr On Risk Cost Of Ms Ronak Construction B. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-01-2025. Water Pipe Line Tenders in kekri Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Conversion The Existing Wss Into Piped Wss Under Jjm By Extension Of Distribution Pl And Provision For Providing Fhtcs In Vill Kurthal And Kumawato Ki Basti Gp Nandsi Block Bhinai Defect Liability Of 1 Yr On Risk Cost Of Ms Ronak Construction B
Open Tender

Tender Details

tender for Conversion The Existing Wss Into Piped Wss Under Jjm By Extension Of Distribution Pl And Provision For Providing Fhtcs In Vill Kurthal And Kumawato Ki Basti Gp Nandsi Block Bhinai Defect Liability Of 1 Yr On Risk Cost Of Ms Ronak Construction Bhinai - Conversion the existing water supply scheme into piped water supply scheme under JJM by Extension of Distribution Pipe line and Provision for Providing Functional House Tap Connections in the village- Kurthal &Kumawato ki Basti, GP-Nandsi, Block-Bhinai under MLA Constituency-Masuda Under JJM and defect liability of one year on risk and cost of M/S Ronak construction Bhinai Sl. No. Item Description 1 For Distribution Pipe line 2 Providing, lowering, laying in trenches, alligning, fixing in positionand jointing DI ISI marked K-7 grade S&S pipes as per IS:8329-2000 (ammended up to date) with internal cement mortar lining suitable for potable water with rubber ring (EPDM) joints as per IS:5382-1985 including specials (tees, bends etc.)complete including all material, labour hydraulic testing and commissioning (exclding earth work) as per technical specifications and direction of Engineer Incharge. with excise duty exemption. 3 DI K-7 80 mm dia 4 DI K-7 100 mm dia 5 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in trenches for water supply pipe lines,shoring and strutting if required as per required gradient and line including safety provisions using site rails and stacking excavated stuff including up to all required lead cleaning the site etc. complete forlifts up to 1.5 depth and strata as specified. The work also includesdepositing and refilling of trench with watering & ramming /compacting in layers and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed for lead up to 50 mtr. 6 For dia of pipe up to 150 mm nominal, for HDPE pipe dia above 110 & up to 140 mm. 7 In soft Rock 8 For dia of pipe up to 150 mm nominal, for HDPE pipe dia above 110 & up to 140 mm. 9 Dismantling of cement concrete pavement for pipe lineand chambers by mechanical means using pneumatic tools, cutting the peripheral edge by CC cutter, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 meters. Measurement for dismantled trench to be madeas per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shallbe made for trench width more than specified, re-handling of material/earth to complete the tasks as per technical specification and scope of work. 10 Providing and laying in position cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) in base course complete including all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding for road restoration work in trenches of pipe line and chamber work. Measurement for CC work to be madeas per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shallbe made for trench width more than specified,complete work as per technical specification and scope of work. 11 Providing and laying in position cement concrete in specified grade over prepared base course complete including finishing, curing, all material, labour, machinery, lighting, guarding for road restoration work in trenches of pipe line and chamber work. Measurement for CC work to be madeas per standard trench width specified in tender document and no extra payment shallbe made for trench width more than specified,complete work as per technical specification and scope of work. 12 M20 grade Nominal Mix 1: 1.5: 3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). 13 Providing and fixing of flanged/ plain ended MS Specials made from MS sheet strips of relevant IS specification of approved thickness by welding,lowering,laying,aligning,fixinginpositionatalllevel/ depths in trenches complete includingall taxes, material,labour, inside lining, outside coating, testingandcommissioning alongwithpipelineaspertechnicalspecifications anddirection of Engineer-in-charge. 14 MS pipespecialsupto600mmdia (withminimum5mmthickness sheet) 15 Providing, lowering, aligning, fixing in position in pipe line at work site, DI D/F Resilient seated (soft seated) Sluice Valves (Gate Valves) , Vacuum tight(bubble tight), straight and pocket less body passage of approved make of following class & dia complete confirming to BS-EN-1171/ AWWA C-509 and of following specifications: Body & bonnet of Ductile cast iron of grade GGG40/GGG50 as per DIN 1693 or GR SG-400/12 as per IS 1865 or equivalent grade as per IS :3896-part2-1985 and subsequent revisions, Wedge of same material as body & shall vulcanisedrubber lined with EPDM (food grade quality) and seals of NBR Face to face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/ IS 14846/2000 (amended up to date) /Din 3202 F4, Stem/ spindle of SS (AISI 316 or equivalent) Electrostatic epoxy powder(EP-P)/ Fusion bond epoxy ( Non-Toxic- suitable for drinking water) coated with minimum thickness of 250 microns inside and outside, Drilled as per IS 1538. Nut-Bolt confirming to IS:1363 and IS: 1367(Galvanised steel) Insersion rubber of black EPDM 6mm thick. Suitablesupport structure as per directions of EIC, Sluice valves including all jointing & jointing material, labour, testing and commissioning along with pipe line as per Technical Specifications and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Note: Rates are exclusive of tail piece/ dismantling joints and earth work.Manually Operated Resilient Seated Sluice Valves of Class PN 1.0/1.6 16 80 mm dia 17 100 mm dia 18 Construction of RCC valve chamber for different type of valves including earthwork excavation, 100mm PCC M10 (1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) as leveling course,RCC M20 grade (1:1½:3 (1 Cement : 1½ coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) for base slab, side wall & cover slab all 125mm thick with C.I. surface box with hinged cover 100x100x75mm (deep), including cost of steel reinforcement not less than 80kg per cum CC, form work, proper curing of concrete work complete in all respect as per standard specifications and drawings and as directed by Engineer. 19 60cm x 60cm x 75cm (depth) for 80/100/125/150 mm dia valve 20 Providing Functional House Tap Connections. 21 Providing service connection as per technical specification and standard drawing as per relevant IS code (amended up to date) from all kind of water mains up to consumer meter/premises (Complete job).This job includes digging out suitable size of pits and trench for laying service line in all kinds of soil including demolishing of cement concrete,WBM, Black top etc. of all thickness; cutting of CC road/jhiri by using a concrete cutter machine; depositing and refilling of pit & jhiri with watering & ramming /compacting in layers and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed with in a lead of 50 meter ; providing & fixing of all fitting duly approved in accordance with ISO/DTR 9080 as per specification for potable water including approved make of MS/PVC clamp with saddle piece, gunmetal ferrule 4.0 mm (ISI make) ,valve (IS: 778) and specials with MDPE pipe PE80 PN 12.5 as per ISO 4427 below ground level and GI 15 mm class B (ISI mark) above ground level ( max. length 3.0 mtr), P&F a Bib Cock (IS : 8931 Mark), Superior quality Brass 400 gm,15 mm nominal bore including accessories with flushing, cleaning, disinfecting and testing of pipe line complete required for making of service connection complete in all respect including labour charges . In addition to the ferrule, an orifice of 4.0 mm dia should also be provided in the service line at the entry point of the consumers property in such a way that it should be accessible for inspection to VWSC, PHED and any other authority which would like to inspect as and when required. The service line should be laid at least 45 cm below ground level, except in case of concrete/bituminous roads where minimum depth shall be 20 cm.For detailed specifications of MDPE pipes please refer section Technical Specifications of bid document. General specifications of MDPE pipes shall be as under:• The raw material shall be virgin PE 80 Blue compound and comply with the requirements of ISO/Directive of testing material : 9080 with minimum required strength of 8 Kg/sq.cm.• The raw material shall be Food grade quality Pressure rating shall be 12.5 Bar.• The pipes shall bear ISO marking. 22 Average length up to 05 mtr 20 mm dia MDPE pipe and 2 mtr15 mm GI class B pipe 23 Extra length of 20 mm MDPE pipe including excavation, providing, laying & jointing of service line above 5.00 mtr. 24 Data entry of existing FHTCs in rural area under JJM on website ejalshakti.gov.in; work includes visiting the village for collecting basic data consumers likei.e. Aadhar no./ration card/voter ID/BPL card/ PAN card/driving licence/passport/Antyodaya card/mobile no. etc. and entering the details on the above website. The cost also includes computer and operator.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 100520.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 50.26 Lakhs /-
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