
Tender For Request For Proposal (Rfp) For Rate Contract For Supply Of Stationary, Consumables &Amp Other Office Items For One Year - Package-A (Computer Media & Allied Items) (Package Cost = 10 Lac) Storage, Memory & Others S. No. Item Description Tent, Jaipur-Rajasthan

RajCOMP Info Services Limited has published Tender For Request For Proposal (Rfp) For Rate Contract For Supply Of Stationary, Consumables &Amp Other Office Items For One Year - Package-A (Computer Media & Allied Items) (Package Cost = 10 Lac) Storage, Memory & Others S. No. Item Description Tent. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-01-2025. Office Equipments Tenders in Jaipur Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Request For Proposal (Rfp) For Rate Contract For Supply Of Stationary, Consumables &Amp Other Office Items For One Year - Package-A (Computer Media & Allied Items) (Package Cost = 10 Lac) Storage, Memory & Others S. No. Item Description Tent
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Request For Proposal (Rfp) For Rate Contract For Supply Of Stationary, Consumables &Amp Other Office Items For One Year - Package-A (Computer Media & Allied Items) (Package Cost = 10 Lac) Storage, Memory & Others S. No. Item Description Tentative Quantity Unit Rate Excluding GST (Rs.) A B C D 1. CD/DVD (Frontech/Samsung/Moser Baer/HP) (c) CD-R with cover 50 (d) DVD-R with cover 50 2. Pen drive/Flash Memory Drive (Kingston/SanDisk/Transcend/HP/Moser Baer) (e) 16 GB 100 (f) 32 GB 100 (g) 64GB 100 (h) 128 GB 100 3. Portable Hard disk (External USB) (Iomega/Seagate/Western digital/Toshiba) (e) 1 TB 30 (f) 2 TB 20 (g) 4 TB 10 (h) 8 TB 5 4. OTHERS PERIPHERALS: 4 (i) Network Cable/Patch cord (D-link /Molex/Finolex/Digisol) (d) 3 Mtr. 50 (e) 5 Mtr. 50 (f) 10 Mtr. 30 4 (ii) Optical Mouse (USB) (Logitech/HP//Dell) 150 4(iii) Keyboard & Mouse (Combo Set) (Wireless) (Logitech/HP/Dell) 20 4(iv) Keyboard (USB) (Logitech/HP/Dell) 100 4(v) Keyboard (USB) (TVS Gold) 50 4(vi) Desktop/Printer Power Cable (e) 2 Mtr 50 (f) 3 Mtr 30 (g) 5 Mtr 30 (h) 10 Mtr 30 4(vii) Printer USB Cable (d) 2 Mtr 50 (e) 3 Mtr 30 (f) 5 Mtr 20 4(viii) USB Extension Cable (d) 2 Mtr 20 (e) 3 Mtr 10 (f) 5 Mtr 10 4(ix) HDMI Cable (d) 2 Mtr 50 (e) 5 Mtr 30 (f) 10 Mtr 30 RFP for Rate Contract for Supply of Stationary, Consumables & Other Office Items for One year Page 65 of 80 Package-B: Printable Stationary Items (Package Cost = 5 Lac) S. No. Item Description Tentative Qunatity Unit Rate Excluding GST (Rs.) A B C D 1. Envelops (size 11x5) Min. 75 GSM (As per sample) (c) Window envelops (Printed) with RajCOMP Info Services Ltd. logo and address (white & sunshine paper) 15000 (d) Plain Envelop (Multicolour) 500 2. File cover (cobra printed) Min. 400 GSM with RajCOMP Info Services Ltd. logo (As per sample) 800 3. Folder (plastic) with RajCOMP Info Services Ltd. logo and address (with Pocket) (As per sample) 1000 4. Folder (paper) with RajCOMP Info Services Ltd. logo and address (with Pocket) (white & sunshine paper) Min.100GSM (As per sample) 500 5. Receipt Book with RajCOMP Info Services Ltd. Logo [with 2 printed receipt (pink and yellow) and one blank paper for carbon copy] 65 GSM paper (100 sheets) (as per sample) 30 6. Letter head (RajCOMP Info Services Ltd.) (as per sample) Four colour Screen print Executive Bond 85 GSM Pad of 100 Leaves 10 7. Slip pad (ordinary), with RajCOMP Info Services Ltd. Logo & 65 GSM paper (40 sheets) (as per sample) 800 8. Slip pad (ordinary), with RajCOMP Info Services Ltd. Logo & 65 GSM paper (80 sheets) (as per sample) 500 9. Name Plate (size 15x5) (as per sample) 100 10. Sun Stamp (as per sample) 250 11. Visiting Card (as per sample) (Set of 100 cards) 100 RFP for Rate Contract for Supply of Stationary, Consumables & Other Office Items for One year Page 66 of 80 Package-C (Office Stationery & General Items) (Package Cost = 10 Lac) S. No. Item Description Tentative Quantity Unit Rate Excluding GST (Rs.) A B C D 1. Alpin – Make: zebra, bell (26 MM, NW 70 Gm) 10 2. Binder clip (Set of 12 Pieces): - (Best Quality) (As per Sample) (e) 19 MM 30 (f) 25 MM 30 (g) 32 MM 30 (h) 44 MM 30 3. Carbon (Kores/Camlin) (Set of 100 Sheets) 2 4. Tape transparent cello (Best Quality) (As per Sample) (c) 1” 30 (d) 2” 100 5. Tape Packing brown (Best Quality) (As per Sample) (c) 1” 30 (d) 2” 100 6. Stapler (Kangaroo/Kores/Max) (d) HD-10 120 (e) HD-45 (24x6) 80 (f) HP-45 (24/6 – 26/6)(Iron) 10 7. Cell Make: (Nippo/Everyday/Novino/Panasonic) (c) Pencil Cell (AA) 500 (d) Pencil Cell (AAA) 500 8. Punching Machine (Kangaroo/ Kores) (c) 280 70 (d) 500 100 9. Eraser (Natraj) (Pack of 20 Pcs.) 10 10. Sharpener (Natraj) (Pack of 20 Pcs.) 10 11. HB Pencil (Natraj) (Pack of 10 Pcs.) 100 12. Envelop A-4 Size 90 GSM paper with cloth binding (lining) (As Per Sample) (white & sunshine paper) 200 13. Envelop A-3 Size 90 GSM paper with cloth binding (lining) (As Per Sample) (white & sunshine paper) 200 14. Glue Stick 15gm. (Kores/Fevistick) 250 15. High Lighter Pen (Luxor/Faber castle) (Multicolor) 50 16. High Lighter (Luxor/Faber castle) (Multicolor) 150 17. Permanent Marker (Camlin/Luxor) (Multicolor) 120 18. Paper Weight (Acrylic) Boss/ASVEE (As Per Sample) 10 19. Peon Book (200 Page) laser paper (As Per Sample) 2 20. Register (Make: Monark/RB) -Superior Quality (As Per Sample) (i) Stock Register 7 no. with cloth binding 3 (j) Stock Register 10 no. with cloth binding 3 RFP for Rate Contract for Supply of Stationary, Consumables & Other Office Items for One year Page 67 of 80 S. No. Item Description Tentative Quantity Unit Rate Excluding GST (Rs.) A B C D (k) Dispatch register (page 600) 12 no. 3 (l) Receipt register (page 600) 12 no. 2 (m)Driver Log book register (page 200) 15 (n) Permanent issue register 6 No. (o) (Page 400) 3 (p) Line register (iv) Page 120 20 (v) Page 180 20 (vi) Page 240 10 21. Slip pad (Neelgagan/Monark) – Superior Quality (As per Sample) (e) Page 40 300 (f) Page 80 200 (g) Page 120 100 (h) Page 180 50 22. Spiral Slip pad (four colour paper) (Neelgagan/Spico) – Superior Quality (c) Page 80 sheets – (No.4) 200 (d) Page 120 sheets – (No.5) 200 23. Stapler pin (kangaroo/Kores) (c) No. 10-1 M 200 (d) No. HP45 (24x6) 100 24. Plastic A4 Report File Folder (Best Quality) (As Per Sample) (White) 200 25. Plastic Legal size Report File Folder - Superior Quality (As Per Sample) (White) 50 26. Separator – A4 size (Best Quality) (Set of 30 Piece) (As Per Sample) 200 27. Mosquito machine (All-out/Good Knight) (with 45ml.Refill) 50 28. Mosquito refill 45Ml. (All-out/Good Knight) 50 29. Mosquito Killer spray 600Ml. (Hit) 50 30. Plastic Dust Bin (Cello/Neelkamal) (As per Sample) - Superior Quality (d) Big (25Ltr.) 2 (e) Medium (12ltr.) 2 (f) Small (7ltr.) 2 31. Plastic Padel Dust Bin (Cello/Neelkamal) (As per Sample)- Superior Quality (d) Big (25Ltr.) 2 (e) Medium (12ltr.) 2 (f) Small (7ltr.) 2 32. Towel – (Bombay Dyeing/ /Raymond) (As per Sample) (Min. 500 GSM) (d) Car Towel (100*160) CM. (White) 40 (e) Chair Towel (75*150) CM. (Multicolour) 50 (f) Hand Towel (40*60) CM. (Multicolour) 80 33. Duster cloth (cotton/khadi) size 45x45 Cm. (As per Sample)-Best Quality 100 34. White Board (3 * 4) (As per Sample) 5 35. White board marker (Camlin/ Cello/ Luxor) (Multicolor) 70 36. White board magnet – Superior Quality – As per Sample 10 37. Whitener pen (Faber Castle/ Cello/ Camlin) 50 RFP for Rate Contract for Supply of Stationary, Consumables & Other Office Items for One year Page 68 of 80 S. No. Item Description Tentative Quantity Unit Rate Excluding GST (Rs.) A B C D 38. Rim A4 size (75 GSM) Make: JK Red 1000 39. Rim A4 size (100 GSM) Make: JK 5 40. Rim A4 size (250 GSM) (Superior Quality) (As per Sample) 5 41. Rim FS size (Legal) (75 GSM) Make: JK Red 300 42. Rim A3 (75 GSM) Make: JK Red 5 43. Rim Green (Pipe) Paper (Legal) (80GSM) - JK Green (As Per Sample) 10 44. Address label, 24 label per page (for laser printer A4 size) Century 2 45. Attendance register (Laser paper) (Best Quality) (As Per Sample) (e) Page 80 10 (f) Page 120 7 (g) Page 180 3 (h) Page 240 2 46. Basta Cloth Khadi Size 90x90 Cm. 500 47. File pad – (32 Owns) Size 10x15 36” (Dori 4x27 flap) (Best Quality) (As Per Sample) 800 48. Calculator (Citizen/Casio 12 digit) 30 49. Cutter (Natraj) (As per Sample) (c) Medium 30 (d) Big 30 50. Dak Pad (Neelgagen) (Best Quality) (As Per Sample) 5 51. File lace, 24inch Length, (thick), 100-piece packet 50 52. Measuring scale plastic 12’’ (Natraj) 10 53. Measuring scale steel 12’’ (Natraj) 3 54. Pen (Black, Blue, Green & Red) (As per Sample) (g) Renold 0.45 2500 (h) Add gel Achiver 250 (i) Uni-ball pen (eye) Micro 400 (j) Impact gel 100 (k) Pilot – 0.7 100 (l) Pilot Hi-tecpoint V10 Grip 100 55. Refill Packet (Black, Blue, Green & Red) (c) Add gel Achiever 50 (d) Impact gel 30 56. Post TT (3x3) (Century/3M) three colour 100 57. Post TT (Single colour) (d) Size - 3x3 30 (e) Size - 3x4 5 (f) Size - 3x6 5 58. Index file (Solo, Neelgagan) (Best Quality) (As Per Sample) 150 59. Transparent Folder A4 (Solo) (Set of 20 Piece) 50 60. Transparent Folder FS (Solo) (Set of 20 Piece) 50 61. Ring binder file (solo, Neelgagan) (Best 100 RFP for Rate Contract for Supply of Stationary, Consumables & Other Office Items for One year Page 69 of 80 S. No. Item Description Tentative Quantity Unit Rate Excluding GST (Rs.) A B C D Quality) (As Per Sample) 62. Stamp Pad (Ashoka) Size 110x70 mm 10 63. Scissor Medium (8 Inch) (Kangaroo/ Gem) (Best Quality) (As Per Sample) 70 64. Notesheet Tag (8 inch) (Parnami/Sup.) 10 65. Extension Board with min. 6 points and min. 5 mtr. Wire (Belkin) with one year warranty 30 66. Bed sheet - Single Bed (Bombay Dying/Raymonds) with 2 pillow covers 5 67. Pillow Cover (Bombay Dying/ Raymond’s) (Set of 2 Piece) 2 68. U-Clip/Gem clip Plastic coated (Box of 20 Packet) 30 69. Board Pin (Soldier/Scoder & other superior quality) 20 70. CD Marker (Faber Castell/Luxor) 50 71. Mouse Pad (Logitech/i-Ball & other superior quality) 50 72. Poker (Steel) 20 73. Tape Both side (1 Inch) 20 74. White Board Duster (Magnetic) 50 75. Air Freshener refill with Air Freshener Machine (AIR WICK) 3 76. Air Freshener refill for Air Freshener Machine (AIR WICK) 10 RFP for Rate Contract for Supply of Stationary, Consumables & Other Office Items for One year Page 70 of 80 Package-D (Office Pantry Items) (Package Cost = 5 Lac) S. No. Item Description Tentative Quantity Unit Rate Excluding GST (Rs.) A B C D 1. Tea Thermos steel (1 litre) (Cello/Milton) 5 2. Electric Kettle steel (1.5 litre) (Cello/Milton) 10 3. Tea Thermos Plastic (1 litre) (Cello/Milton) 5 4. Water Jug plastic (2 ltr.) (Cello/Milton) 150 5. Water glass–295ml (Plain)– (Borosil) (Set of 6 Glass) 50 6. Cup Soccer Set – (100-140ml) (Golden Line Bone China) (Make: Bharat/ Cello) 30 7. Serving Tray – Melamine (39x27)cm 10 8. Tea Coaster – Melamine (Set of 6 Pieces) 10 9. Washing powder 1Kg. (Nirma/Ghadi) 10 10. Poncha Big (Cloth) (As Per Sample) 20 11. Girnar Tea (Detox Desi Kahwa) (Set of 36 Tea bags) 100 12. Girnar Masala Chai (Set of 36 piece) 20 13. Green Tea (Lipton) (Set of 25 Tea Bags) 100 14. Lemon Tea (Lipton) (Set of 25 Tea Bags) 50 15. Everyday Milk Powder 1Kg. 150 16. David off Coffee Powder 100gm. Jar 20 17. Amrita Tea 500gm. 20 18. Nescafe Coffee Jar 200gm. 70 19. Sugar Cubes 500gm. (Dhampur/ Uttam) 100 20. Sugar 2kg. pack (Madhur/ Uttam) 150 21. Red Label Brooke Bond Tea 1Kg. 100 22. Paper Cup (185 GSM) 200ml (As per sample) (Pack of 50 Piece) 100 23. Dishwash Soap 400gm. (Vim) 50 24. Dishwash Liquid 500Ml. (Vim) 20 25. Paper Napkin (2 ply Tissue Paper) (As Per Sample) (Pack of 50 Piece) 50 RFP for Rate Contract for Supply of Stationary, Consumables & Other Office Items for One year Page 71 of 80 Package-E (Refurbishing / Refilling Tonner) (Package Cost = 5 Lac) (A) Refurbishing tonner with own packaging like new) S. No. Item Description Tentative Quantity Unit Rate Excluding GST (Rs.) A B C D 1. HP LaserJet 28A 100 2. HP LaserJet 78A 50 3. HP LaserJet 88A 150 4. HP LaserJet 77A 200 5. Canon FX-9 30 6. Canon 308 30 7. Canon 309 30 8. Canon 319 50 9. Canon 337 50 10. Canon 320 30 11. Canon 328 50 (B) Refill – Toner S. No. Item Description Tentative Quantity Unit Rate Including GST (Rs.) A B C D 1. HP LaserJet 28A 100 2. HP LaserJet 78A 50 3. HP LaserJet 77A 200 4. HP LaserJet 88A 150 5. Canon FX-9 30 6. Canon 308 30 7. Canon 309 30 8. Canon 319 50 9. Canon 320 30 10. Canon 328 50 11. Canon 337 50

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 35 Lakhs /-
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