Tender For Civil Work Of Surface Improvement And Road Safety Work On Kamta Tiraha - Surface Improvement and Road Safety work on Kamta Thiraha. (Civil Work) - Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantled materials upto a lead of 100 m, stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately as per Technical Specification Clause 202 ByBituminous Surface As per SOR Ch 25 Item No 10. 2 Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantled materials upto a lead of 100 m, stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately as per Technical Specification Clause 202 ByGranualSurface. As per SOR Ch No 25 Item No 10. 3 Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 202.By Mechanical means (B) Reinforced Cement Concrete / R.B. As Per SOR Ch No 25 Item No 08 4 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan), excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m.including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift up to 1.5 m, including getting out the as per DSR 2023 (2.8) 5 Disposal of moorum/building rubbish/ malba/ similar unserviceable, dismantled or waste material by mechanical transport including loading, transporting, unloading to approved municipal dumping ground for lead upto 10 km for all lifts, complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. As Per SOR 25 Item No 52. 6 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level .1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand (zone-III) : Derived from natural sources 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm norminal size derived from natural sources (As per DSR 2023(4.1.8). 7 Brickworkwithcommonburntclay F.P.S (nonmodular)bricksofDesignation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in- Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) As Per DSR 2023 Ch. No.6(6.1). 8 Sand Filling in Foundation Trenches as per Drawing & Technical Specification As Per SOR Ch No 25 Item No 39. 9 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix: 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand)As per DSR 2023 13.1 10 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Silicone additives of required shade: New work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied@ 0.90 kg/10 sqm)(Apex ultima, waether coat all gurad),Asian, berger As per DSR 13.46.1. 11 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete.As per DSR 13.80. 12 Reinforced Cement Concrete in Open Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.RCC Grade M25 using batching plant transit mixer & manual placing 13 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in sub-structure complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications 14 Cast-in-Situ Cement Concrete M 20 Kerb Construction of cement concrete kerb with top and bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M 20 grade PCC on M-10 grade foundation 150 mm thick, foundation having 50 mm projection beyond kerb stone, kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all complete as per Clause 408.As Per SOR 26 Item No 17 15 Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with front end loader at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 16 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density. 17 Providing and applying primer coat with SS-2 grade bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.70 kg/sqm using mechanical means. 18 Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen VG-10 using bitumen pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous surface cleaned with mechanical broom. 19 Providing and laying dense graded bituminous macadam with higher capacity HMP using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 4.5 per centby weight of total mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MoRTH specification clause No. 505 complete in all respects. 20 Providing and laying bituminous concrete withhigher capacity hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.4per centof mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 507 complete in all respects