Tenders For The Supply Of Chemicals/Glassware/ Consumables Of Reputed Brands Required For Mangalore University Health Centre On Rate Contract Basis For A Period Of One Year. - Serum Creatinine Sarcosine Oxidase Method,Blood Urea Urease Gldh Uv Method,Hdl Direct Method,Triglycerides Gpo Pod Method,Total Cholesterol Chod Pod Method,Glucose God Pod Method,Hand Disinfectant,Percent 3.8 Sodium Citrate Tube,Pregnancy Kit,Hemoglobin Test Strip,Dengue Card Test,Malaria Card,Glucometer Strip Sd Code Free,Blood Group Reagent,Hba1c Kit,Tsh Rapid Test,T4 Rapid Test,T3 Rapid Test,Tsh,T4,T3,Urine Analysis Strip 14 Parameters,Clinchem Multicontrol Level 1,Alkaline Phosphatase Amp Buffer Method,Alanine Aminotransferase Ifcc Method,Asparate Aminotransferase Ifcc Method,Direct Bilirubin Dsa Method,Total Bilirubin Dsa Method,Albumin Bromcresol Green Method,Total Protien Biuret Method,Serum Uric Acid Uricase Peroxidase Method,Bs240 Cuvettes,Waste Bin Plastic Cover Red Black Yellow And Blue,Gloves Nitrile,Pastur Pipettes Plastic 5Ml Capacity,Urine Container,Blue Tips,Yelow Tips,Test Tubes Hc,Glass Slides,Bs 240 Lamp,Tourniquet Buckle Type,Band Aid,Printer Roll 50Mm,Tissue Roll Hc,Cd 80,Reagent Pack Na K Cl Ca,Probe Cleaner 50Ml,Lh Lyse 100Ml,Diff Lyse 500Ml,Diluent 20L,Plain Bottle,Edta Bottle,Flouride Bottle,Floor Disinfectant,Acetone Hc