Notice Inviting Rates For Items Not Included In State Scheduled Rates Rate Approval- 1 Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix lime concrete in 1:3:6 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailing out water, Steel centering, formwork, laying/pumping, compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided, finishing if required and curing etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc) 2 Providing and casting in situ lime concrete 1:2:4 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for steps including steel centering, plywood/steel formwork, compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided, finishing uneven and honeycombed surface and curing etc. complete. The Lime Mortar 1:3 plaster is considered for rendering uneven and honeycombed surface, only. Newly laid concrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin etc. (Wooden centering will not be allowed.) mixing by Lime Miller ....With natural sand. 3 Providing uncoursed rubble masonry of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss stones in Lime mortar 1:2 in foundation and plinth of inner walls / in plinth of external walls including bailing out water manually, striking joints on un exposed faces and watering etc.complete. 4 Providing uncoursed rubble masonry second sort of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss stones in Lime mortar 1:2 in superstructure including raking out joints when plastering is to be done and striking joints when no plastering is to be done on the inside, watering scaffolding etc.complete. 5 Providing random rubble masonry second sort of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss stones in lime mortar 1:2 in plinth including bailing out water manually ,striking joints on unexposed faces.(Excluding pointing) etc.complete. 6 Providing random rubble masonry second sort of trap/ granite /quartzite /gneiss stones in Lime mortar 1:2 in superstructure racking out joints when plastering is to be done/ striking joints when no pointing or plastering is to be done on the inside watering and scaffolding etc.complete. 7 Providing coursed rubble masonry second sort of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss stones in Lime mortar 1:2 in superstructure including raking out joints when plastering is to be done and striking joints when no plastering is to be done on the inside, watering scaffolding etc.complete. 8 Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional/ I.S. type bricks in Lime mortar 1:2 in foundations and plinth of inner walls/ in plinth external walls including bailing out water manually, striking joints on unexposed faces, raking out joints on exposed faces and watering etc. Complete. 9 Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional/ I.S. type bricks in Lime mortar 1:2 in superstructure including striking joints, raking out joints, watering and scaffolding etc. Complete. 10 Providing vee pointing with Lime mortar 1:3 for stone / Brick masonry including scaffolding and curing etc. complete 11 Providing sand faced plaster externally in lime mortar using approved screened sand, in all positions including base coat of 15 mm thick in lime mortar 1:4 using waterproofing compound at 1 kg per lime bag curing the same for not less than 2 days and keeping the surface of the base coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment 6 to 8 mm thick in lime mortar 1:4 finishing the surface by taking out grains and curing for fourteen days scaffolding etc.complete. 12 Providing internal lime plaster 20mm. thick in two coats inlime mortar 1:3 without neeru finish, to concrete, brick surface, in all positions including scaffolding and curing etc. complete 13 Providing and laying Kadappa stone flooring With Hand Cut one side Polished Kadappa Stones 30mm to 40 mm thick and required width in plain/diamond pattern on bed of 1:6 Lime mortar including Lime float, filling joints with neat Lime slurry, curing, cleaning etc complete. 14 Providing and laying in position skirting of polished Kota Stone slab ofapproved quality 25mm to 30mm thick on plaster in lime mortar 1:4, including lime float, filling joints with neat cement slurry, curing polishing add cleaning etc. complete. 15 Providing weathered pointing with Limemortar 1:3 for stone/ Brick masonary including scaffolding and curing etc. complete. 16 Providing and Laying Rubble Stone hammer tooled dressing in Random shape for Paving of varying sizenot less than 0.30X0.30 X0.200 Meter in required pattern filling the gap in compressed murum preparing bottam surface with compresed murum including striking joint cleaning the residue and watering etc, complete. 17 Providing and Laying Rubble Stone hammer tooled dressing in Random shape for Paving of varying sizenot less than 0.30 x 0.40 x 0.150 to 0.200 Meter having paper joint, in required pattern filling the gap in 1:1 Lime mortar over provided beddingincluding striking joint cleaning the residue and watering etc, complete. 18 Providing and Laying Rubble Stone hammer tooled dressing Step (for Tread Riser) of size 0.350 x 0.30 x 0.150 to 0.200meter having paper joint in required pattern filling the gap 1:1 Lime mortar over provided on a beddingincluding striking joint and watering etc, complete. 19 Providing and Laying Rubble Stone hammer tooled dressing coping of size 0.200 x 0.600 x 0.100 meter having paper joint in required pattern filling the gap in1:1 Lime mortar over provided on a bedding, including striking joint and watering etc, complete 20 Providing Dry random rubble masonry first sort of trap /granite /quartzite / gneiss stones in superstructure including bailing out water manually ,raking out joints from outside and striking joints when no pointing or plastering is to be done from insidescaffolding etc. complete. 21 Providing Dry random rubble masonry first sort of trap /granite /quartzite / gneiss stones in superstructure including bailing out water manually ,raking out joints from outside and striking joints when no pointing or plastering is to be done from insidescaffolding etc. complete. (By Using available Stone) 22 Providing uncoursed rubble masonry of available stones in Lime mortar 1:2 in foundation and plinth of inner walls / in plinth of external walls including bailing out water manually, striking joints on un exposed faces and watering etc. complete. 23 Providing and laying pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment complete as per drawing and technical specifications etc. complete. (by using available stone/boulder) 24 Scientific clearance by excavation of stone debris mixed with earth murum stone boulders, R.R Stone, C.R stone, ashlar stone and stone blocks including sorting of excavated material such as stone boulders with R.R Stone C.R Stone ashlar stone,stone block & shifting near the site for using in conservation work of fortification wall with all lead and lift including levelling and dressing of the area etc complete. 25 Carefully taken out old budge uneven dislodge out of plumb masonry wall in core inner and outer face one by one after documentation numbering and keeping near the site for resetting with all lead and lift etc complete. 26 Surface clearance of the wall top not exceeding 15 cm in depth between masonrywall inner and outer core & removal of earth deposit by small tools like knife, khurpies small pick axe including cleaning by brush and water (if surface cleaning work executed before rain the joint of stone will be washed& cleaned by rain water) and removal of rubbish away from site etc complete 27 Providing & fixing stone work in plain ashlar one face dressed including resetting missing or broken inner and outer core of masonry of fortification wall by using 20% old and 80 % new stone matching with the original & fixed with 1:1:1 lime sand surkhi mortar (1 lime putty1 course sand and 1 brick surkhi) with all lead & lift of the material mortar water etc complete 28 Water tightening of wall top with R.R stone available at site in 1:1:1 lime sand surkhi mortar (1 lime putty, 1 course sand, 1 brick surkhi) mixed with binding material such as jute sisal or sun fibre belgiri gud etc including collection of stone mortar water up to the site of work with all lead and lift etc complete 29 Resetting of dry R.R stone masonry wall towards back side of fortification wall by using available stone including dismantling of old uneven budge broken dry stone masonry including sorting of stone for reuse the same for resetting of dry stone masonry wall with all lead & lift etc complete Note- this wall diverted the rain water from wall top toward water spout point andsafe the fortification wall from direct current of rain water etc complete. 30 Earth work in rough excavation banking excavated earth in layer exceeding 30 cm in depth breaking clods including dressing the area & removal of surplus material ramming the surface and making good in accordance with gradient of wall to drain out the rain water etc complete. 31 Resetting of ashlar stone masonry with available stone in accountancy matching with the original with all lead & lift etc complete. 32 Removal of accumulated debris sandy silt from the tank mixed with earth murum, stone boulders, heavy stone manually lifting and throwing away from site with an additional load of 100 meter and lift 2 to 8 meter by head load etc complete. 33 Carefully dismantling of cement concrete block from the surface of wall of tank adjoining with veneering wall without causing damage to the structure including throwing rubbish away from site with all lead & lift (lead 100 meter lift 2 to 8 meter by head load) etc complete. 34 Removal of vegetation growth from the high wall of the tank including removal of shrub, bushes, wild plants, removal of roots and throwing away from the site, provide tree killer chemical to stop the further growth of vegetation with the help of rope ladder etc complete. 35 Resetting of Dry stone block masonry of structure wall by using available stone including collection from the site with the help of chain pully block and manually with all lead and lift etc. complete. 36 Random Rubble stone masonry wall in lime sand surkhi mortar in 1; 1:1:1 (1 lime putty; 1coarse sand; 1 surkhi) including collection of stone available at site with all lead and lift of the material mortar water etc. complete. 37 Providing and laying lime concrete in 1; 3; 6 (1lime putty, 1.5 coarse sand 1.5 surkhi and 6 brick aggregate 20 to 25 mm nominal size mixed with binding material such as sun or juite fiber, belgiri, gud etc including ramming beating with hand thapies till the surface become smooth with all lead and lift of the material mortar water etc. complete. 38 Engaging unskilled labor for excavation and conservation of structures at Raigad Fort, including tasks such as the careful excavation of soil, debris, and other materials around historical structures, cleaning the site, and assisting in the restoration and preservation of existing architectural elements. Also laborers will assist skilled workers in the restoration process, ensuring the site is cleaned, safe, and organized for ongoing conservation efforts etc complete. 39 Engaging semi-skilled labor for the excavation and conservation of structures at Raigad Fort, involving tasks that require some specialized skills, training, and experience in handling materials and assisting skilled labor in restoration and preservation work with support excavation activities by operating basic tools and machinery, assisting in the disassembly and restoration of structural elements, and handling construction materials under supervision including clearing rubble, assisting with masonry, mixing materials for restoration, preparing work areas, and maintaining site safety and cleanliness. 40 Engaging skilled labor for excavation and conservation of structures at Raigad Fort, including tasks such as the careful excavation around historical structures, restoration, and conservation of exposed heritage elements including managing delicate excavation operations, preserving the structural integrity of the forts heritage features, and coordinating with conservation experts to ensure that all activities adhere to conservation standards etc complete. 41 Engaging a site supervisor for the excavation and conservation of structures at Raigad Fort for managing all activities related to the excavation, preservation, and restoration of historical structures on-site including coordinating the work of skilled and unskilled labor, ensuring adherence to conservation standards, maintaining safety protocols, and ensuring that the excavation and restoration processes align with the projects objectives with proper documentation of work progress, reporting on daily activities, managing the allocation of materials and resources, and ensuring compliance with environmental and archaeological guidelines.