
Tender For Rahera Village Retrofitting Water Supply Schemetq. Motala Dist Buldana - Trial Bore 2 Taking Trial Bore (Core Bore Sampling) By Calyxe Machine With Tct/Nx Bits Together Undisturbed Strata Samples For Investigation In All Types Of Strata Soft , Buldhana-Maharashtra

Rural Development Department has published Tender For Rahera Village Retrofitting Water Supply Schemetq. Motala Dist Buldana - Trial Bore 2 Taking Trial Bore (Core Bore Sampling) By Calyxe Machine With Tct/Nx Bits Together Undisturbed Strata Samples For Investigation In All Types Of Strata Soft . Submission Date for this Tender is 03-01-2025. Water Supply Project Tenders in Buldhana Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Rahera Village Retrofitting Water Supply Schemetq. Motala Dist Buldana - Trial Bore 2 Taking Trial Bore (Core Bore Sampling) By Calyxe Machine With Tct/Nx Bits Together Undisturbed Strata Samples For Investigation In All Types Of Strata Soft
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Rahera Village Retrofitting Water Supply Schemetq. Motala Dist Buldana - Trial Bore 2 Taking Trial Bore (Core Bore Sampling) by Calyxe machine with TCT/NX bits together undisturbed strata samples for investigation in all types of strata soft soil, murum, hard murum with boulders, soft rock hard rock & quartizite etc. The item includes all Hire & running cost of Callyx Machine conveying all materials to site of work excluding conveyance of callyx, machine and back sampling all over burden strata in glass jar and core samples serially numbered at site in a wooden Core Box, Samples to be taken at 1.0 m interval and conveying to the place as directed by Engineer-in-charge, The diameter of bore in overburden shall be 100 mm and of NX size (50mm) in other strata. The item shall also include M.S. casing pipe of 2.5 mm thick plate in overburdern only and shall be 1.0 m above GL with cap over it. 3 In Overbuden 4 In Weathered Rock with Boulder 5 In Weathered Rock/ Soft Rock 6 In Hard Rock other than quartzite 7 Supply Well 6.0 x 15.0 Mtr Deep 8 Excavation in general in Soft material comprising ofsoft soil ,hard murum with boulders etc as required in wet or dry condition for head worksincluding removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50m beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling etc complete. 9 Lift0.00to 1.50 m 10 Lift1.50to 3.00 m 11 Lift3.00to 4.50 m 12 In the Submergence of Dam 13 Excavation in general in hard material comprising of soft rock, hard rock, Manjara rock etc by blasting / controlled blasting, chiselling as required in wet or dry condition for Head works i.e. Intake well connecting pipe, Jack well, Pump House, supply well etc. for lift 0 to 1.5 and lead of 150 m including baricating, quarding, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km. as directed by Engineer-in-charge excluding refilling. 14 In the Submergence of Dam 15 Lift4.50to 6.00 M. 16 Lift6.00to 7.50 M. 17 Lift7.50to 9.00 M. 18 Lift9.00to 10.50 M. 19 Lift 10.50 to 12.00 M. 20 Lift 12.00 to 13.50 M. 21 Lift 13.50 to 15.00 M. 22 Providing and laying in situ 1:2:4 (M-150) grade of C.C. of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including dewatering from work, compacting and curing, finishing etc. complete with initial lift of 1.50m below / above ground level. 23 P.C.C M150 For Foundation 24 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns and steel stanchions including normal dewatering, form work, compaction, finishing and curing, etc, complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M-250 and M-300 only. Use of L & T, A.C.C., Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree, etc. cement is permitted.) 25 Footing in M300 26 Lift 5.00 to 10.00 27 Providing and casting in situ C.C. of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal of approved quality for RCC work as per detailed drawings and designs or as directed by Engineer-in-charge including normal dewatering, centering, from work, compaction, finishing the formed surface with CM 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to necessary or roughening if special finish is tobe provided and curing etc. complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M-250 and M-300 only. Use for L&T, ACC, Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree etc. cement is permitted excluding M.S. or Tor reinforcement)For RCC M-300 grade slabs / Landings / Vertical Walls/ Waist Slabs / Steps for Staircase. 28 Walling ( Lift 0.00 to 5.00 m.) 29 Walling ( Lift 5.00 to 10.00 m.) 30 Beam(Lift 0.00 to 5.00 m.) 31 Refilling the trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeline and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging etc. complete. 32 Dewatering the excavated trenches and pools of water in the building trenches / pipeline trenches, well works by using pumps and other devices including disposing of water to safe distance as directed by Engineer-in-charge (including cost of machinery, labour, fuel ) etc. complete. 33 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameter for RCC pipes, caps, foootings, foundation, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircase, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc as per detailed designs, drawing and schedules including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc. complete. ( including cost of binding wire ) Tor steel. 34 Lift 0.00 to 5.00 35 Lift 5.00 to 10.00 36 Providing structural steel work in single stanchions composed of RSJ, channel etc with caps, bases, mild steel plates, angles, brackets cleats, gusset plates, anchor bolts, etc as per detaild design and drawing or as directed by Engineer-in-charge including cutting, fabrication, hoisting, erecting, fixing in position, making riveted/ bolted/ wided connections and one coats of anticorrosive paint and over it two coats of oil painting etc complete. 37 Carrying out recuparation / Yield test for ascertaining the discharge of constructed well / excavated profile as directed by Engineer - In - Charge. The test carried out by drawing down water from the well / profile below normal / subsoil water level upto full depth rise is recorded. The normal water level / subsoil water level / subsoil water level in the well / profile as well as strainer / suction level at pump as per design of W.S. Scheme shall be recorded prior to the test including cost of all materials, overload, labours etc. complete as directed. 38 Switch room 2.50 x 2.50 x 3.0 Mtr 39 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 metres and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, manual dewatering, preparing the bed forfoundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. 40 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. roadremoving the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-incharge, normal dewatreing, preparing the bed forfoundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. 41 Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road by all means including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding backfilling, etc. complete. 42 Providing dry trap/granite/gnesis/quartizite Rubble stone soling 15 cm to 20 cm thick including hand packing etc complete 43 Providing and laying in situ following grades of Plain Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including normal dewatering, form work, compaction and curing, etc, complete. Use of L & T, A.C.C., Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree, etc. cement is permitted.) etc complete. 44 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns and steel stanchions including normal dewatering, plywood form work, bully/steel propups, compaction, finishing and curing, etc, complete. (By weigh batching and mix design for M-250 and M-300 only. Use of L & T, A.C.C., Ambuja, Birla Gold, Manikgad, Rajashree, etc. cement is permitted.) 45 A) For RCC Foundation 46 B) RCC Column 47 C) RCC Beam 48 D) RCC Chajjas 49 F) Top Slab 50 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC piles, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases. newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules; including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required, etc. complete. (including cost of binding wire). 51 Lift 0.00 to 5.00 M 52 Providing second class Burn brick Masonary with convential/Indian standard brick in cm 1:6 in superstructure including striking joints, racking out joints ,watering and scaffolding complete. 53 providing and fixing steel frame of angle50 x50 x 6 mm size for Door And Windows with 16 mm with mild steel bars horizontally at 10 cm/c/c for ventilator portion and at 15 cm c/c for remaining portion etc complete. 54 Providing and Fix Steel windows of Various sizes as per detailed drawing without hot dip zinc coating,ventilators,including fabricating/ glazing with pain/obscured glass panels etc Completd. 55 Filling in plinth and floors murum bedding in trenches with approved murum from excavated materials from foundation 15 cm to 20cm layers including watering and compaction complete. 56 Providing internal cement plaster 12 mm thick in single coat in CM 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all position etc completed 57 Providing internal cement plaster 20 mm thick in single coat in CM 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all position etc completed 58 providing and applying water proofing treatment using Acrylic polymer modified cement based water proofing coating with fibre glass mesh mixing at the rate of powder to liquid(2:1) by weight covering 9 to 10 Sqm/Kg etc complete. 59 Providing and laying Polished Shahabad Stone flooring 25 mm to 30 mm thick and required width wide inplain/diamond pattern on a bed of 1:6 C.M.including cement float,filling joints, with neat cement slurry, curing, polishing and cleaning etc. complete. 60 Providing and applying Two Coatsof Water proof cement paints of approved colour and shed to new surfaces in two coats included scaffolding and preparing the surface (Excluding primer coat) etc Completed 61 providing and applying Washable Oil Bound Distemper in two coats in old/newplastered or masonary surfaces and asbestos cement sheets including scaffolding and preparing the surface by brushing and blooming down complete. 62 Providing and applying Two Coats of lead/zinc base Oil Paint bituminious paint of approved to new structural steel work and iron work in building including scaffolding if necessary ,cleaning and preparing the surfaces. 63 Swith room electrification (2TL + 1 Plug ) 64 Pure Water Pumping Machinery 7.5 HP &Head 48M 65 Providing, errecting and giving test of submersible Pump set confirming to I.S. 8034 and motor confirming to I.S. 9283 with water proof wiring, pump shall be suitable for 64m delivery head and discharge of 4.90 LPS with stainless steel shaft, motor suitable for working 415V(+/-) 10%, 3 Phase, 50 Hz AC supply with cable guard, thrust carbon bearing to withstand entire hydraulic thrust. The pump shall be suitable for direct coupling with suitable suction, straining pump should have suitable discharge outlet as per manufacturers design. Stream lined non return valve shall be provided with pump, 3m submersible copper conductor cable and 2 pair of erection clamps, 65mm width, 150mm Dia thick shall be provided with each pump. 66 7.50HP Submerssible Pumpset 67 17562LPH Discharge 68 48Head in M. 150 MM Dia. 69 Providing ISI mark G.I. pipe of following class and dia.excluding GST levied by GOI and GOM in all respect including inspection charges, transportation to stores, etc. complete as per IS-1239/2004. 70 100mm Dia. G.I. Pipe ( Heavy ) 71 Lowering, laying and jointing G. I. pipes and specialsof following class and diameter including conveyance from stores to site of works, all labour, etc. complete either underground or in vertical position, as directedby Engineer-in-charge. 72 100mm Dia. G.I. Pipe ( Heavy ) 73 Providing and Fixing ISI mark CI D/F reflux valves (non-return valves ) of following dia including railway freight, inspection charges, unloading from railway wagon, loading into truck, transportation upto departmental stores, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete.Reflux valves as per I.S.5312 Part I (1984) 74 100 mm dia Non return valve PN -1.60 75 Providing & fixing double flange sluice valve confirming for IS-14846 including worn gear arrangements as per test pressure,stainless steel spindle, caps, including inspection charges, transportation upto departmental store, unloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect etc. complete. 76 100mm dia sluicevalve PN -1.60 77 Providing & fabricating of suitable size base frame for submerssible pump sets. 78 Supplying errecting G.I. pipes A grade errected for enclosing armoured cable 25 mm diafor underground and above ground cable with etc. complete to cover the cable all over. 79 25 MM Dia G.I.Pipe 80 Making trench in soft soil of suitable width & depth for laying provided L.T cable up to 10 sq.mm complete.As per specification No. CW-EXN-CTR 81 Providing and fixing L.T. Panel comprising of ameter, voltmeter switches capacitor, water level guard etc. 82 7.5HP Pump 83 Providing & fixing electric cable ( flat ) 25 mm² for submerssible pump complete. 84 3 Core 10 Sqmm 85 Providing and supplying ISI standard CI flanged / S& S specials excluding GST levied by GOI & GOM in all respect including railway freight, insurance, unloading from railway wagon, loading into truck transport to departmental store, unloading stacking etc. complete. 86 EARTHINGSupplying & errecting galvanised cast iron earth plate size 60 x 60 x .6 cm complete with all materials , testing as per specification No.EA-EP 87 Providing & making flanged joints to flanged C.I pipes of all classes/specials etc including cost of all jointing materials ( rubber packing,nut bolts etc),labour,hydraulic testing etc complete. 88 100mm dia 89 Providing & fixing 100 mm dia. Pressure gauge. 90 Iyeze mobile Auto pro to monitor Pump. 91 Rising Main 110mm dia PVC 6 kg/cm2 ,L-2565 Mtr 92 Providing and supplying in standard lengths ISI mark rigid unplasticised PVC pipes suitable for potable water with solvent cement joints including cost of couplers, as per IS specification no. 4985 / 1988 including all local and central taxes, transportation, freight charges, inspection charges, loading, unloading, conveyance to the departmental stores / site and stacking the same in closed shed duly protected from sun rays and rains including cost of jointing material i.e. solvemt cement, etc. complete (selffit type to be jointed with cement solvent). 93 110 mm dia 6kg/sq.cm 94 Providing ISI mark GI Pipe of followin classand dia excluding GST levied by GOI GOM in all respect, inspection charges,transportation to stores,etc completed as per IS-1239/2004 Note:One coupler Shall be provided with each full length of pipe cost of which is included in rates below 95 100 mm dia (M) 96 Providing and supplying Air Valves as per IS-14845 and MJP’s standard specifications double orifice type combined with screw down isolating valve, small orifice elastic ball resting on a gun metal orifice nipple, large orifice vulcanite ball seating on moulded seat ring, inlet face and drilled, including insurance,third party inspection charges, loading, loading, transportation upto departmental stores, excluding 97 50mm dia Double BallAir Valve 98 Providing and supplying PVC/C.I / G.I. Specials as directed by Engineer in charge etc complete 99 (As Per General Note ) 100 Excavation for foundation / Pipe Trenches inall types of strata including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50mtrs. And lift as below stacking and spreading as directed, manual dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling etc. complete. ( Average Strata) 101 Lowering laying and jointing with P.V.C. pipes and spcials of Class and diameter including cost of conveyance from stores to site of work including cost of all labour, material except cement solvent, rubber ring, giving satisfactory hydraulic testing as per IS code, etc. complete. (with cement solvent joint / ring fit joint), 102 110 mm dia 6 kg/sq.cm 103 Lowering ,laying and jointing G.I Pipes and specials of following class and dia including conveyance from store to site of works ,all labour etc complete.Complete either underground or in vertical position,as directed by Engineer in Charges. 104 100 mm dia (M) 105 Hydraulic testing of PVC pipe line to specified pressure including cost of all materials and labour and water for testing for specified length including cutting , placing end cap making arrangement for filling safe water using reciprocating type pumps which should be able to provide specified test pressure gauges and other necessary equipments,labour,operation charges etc required for testing. the rateunder this item shall also include cost of retesting,if necessary and reinstalling to original position etc complete. 106 110 mm dia 6 kg/sq.cm 107 Hydraulic testing of G.I pipe line to specified pressure including cost of all materials and labour and water for testing for specified length upto 1Km using reciprocating type pumpswhich should be able to provide specified test pressure gauges andother necessary equipment,labour operation charges etc.required for testing, The rates under this item shall also include cost of retesting if necessary and reinstallingto origineal position. 108 100 mm dia (H) 109 Refilling the trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipelines and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation surcharging etc complete. 110 Providing and fixing in position air valve shaft including providing and fixing GI Medium Class or 6 mm thick M.S. pipe shaft 2.70 M long over branch flange of air valve tee,providing PCC block of M-150 concrete, 150 mm thick around the air valve tee including encasing of vertical shaft in PCC M-150 as shown in type design together with providing and making flanged joints wherever required and fixing of air valve tee, etc.complete as per type design and as directed by Engineer -in- charge for following diameters of pipe lines (type design attached.) 111 Up To 150 mm 112 Replacing & Extended Existing Distribution System 113 Providing and supplying in standard lengths ISI mark rigid unplasticised PVC pipes suitable for potable water with solvent cement joints including cost of couplers, as per IS specification no. 4985 / 1988 including all local and central taxes, transportation, freight charges, inspection charges, loading, unloading, conveyance to the departmental stores / site and stacking the same in closed shed duly protected from sun rays and rains including cost of jointing material i.e. solvemt cement, etc. complete (selffit type to be jointed with cement solvent). 114 110 mm dia 4kg/sq.cm 115 90 mm dia 4kg/sq.cm 116 Providing and supplying ISI mark G.I pipes of following class and dia.exclusing GST levied by GOI and GOM in all respect including inspection charges,transportation to stores etc complete as per IS-1239/2004 117 80mm Dia GI Pipe Medium class 118 Providing double flangessluice valve confirming for IS-14846 including worn gear arrangements as per testpressure, stainless stell spindle,caps including inspection charges, treansporation upto departemental store, undloading, stacking excluding GST levied by GOI GOM in all respect etccompletd. 119 65 mm dia CIDF Sluice valve 120 80 mm dia CIDF Sluice valve 121 100 mm dia CIDF Sluice valve 122 Providing and supplying PVC/C.I / G.I. Specials as directed by Engineer in charge etc complete 123 (As Per General Note ) 124 Excavation for foundation / Pipe Trenches inall types of strata including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50mtrs. And lift as below stacking and spreading as directed, manual dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling etc. complete. ( Average Strata) 125 Lowering laying and jointing with P.V.C. pipes and spcials of Class and 90mm diameter including cost of conveyance from stores to site of work including cost of all labour, material except cement solvent, rubber ring, giving satisfactory hydraulic testing as per IS code, etc. complete. (with cement solvent joint / ring fit joint), Working Pressure 4 Kg./Sqm 126 110 mm dia 4kg/sq.cm 127 90 mm dia 4kg/sq.cm 128 Loweing and Laying and joiting with pvc Pipes and specials of following class and diameter including cost of conveyance from stores to site of works including cost of all labour,material except cement solvent, rubber ring giving satisfactory hydraulic testing as per IS Code etc complete (with cement solvent joint/ ring fit joint working pressure 4Kg/cm2) 129 80mm Dia GI Pipe Medium class 130 Hydraullic testing ofPVC pipe line to specified pressure including cost of all material and labour and water for testing for specified length including cutting, placing end cap making arrangement for filling safe water using reciprocating type pumps which should be able to provide specified test pressure gauges and other necessary equipements, labour,operation charges, etc required for testing. The rate under this item shall also include cost of retesting, if necessary and retesting to original position 131 110 mm dia 4kg/sq.cm 132 90 mm dia 4kg/sq.cm 133 Hydraulic testing of G.I pipe line to specified pressure including cost of all materials and labour and water for testing for the length upto 1KM using reciprocating type pumps which should be able to provide specified test pressure gauges and other necessary equipment, labour,operation charges etc. required for testing. The rates under this item shall also include cost of retesting 134 80mm Dia GI Pipe Medium class 135 Lowerin,Laying and jointing valves and specials of following class and diameter including conveyance from stores to site ofworks,all labour.giving satisfactory hydraulic test etc complete either underground or in vertical position as directed by Engineer- in -charges 136 65mm dia CIDF Sluice Valve 137 80mm dia CIDF Sluice Valve 138 100mm dia CIDF Sluice Valve 139 Providing and fixing C.I.Road Box Including loading unloading and carting to site of work including all necessary excavation in all types ofstrata and fixing in murum packing etc complete 140 100mm x 225mm (20KG/NO) 141 Refilling the trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipelines and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation surcharging etc complete. 142 Trial And Run 143 Commisioning running and maintaining the scheme to quantites, rated capacity, including manning necessary personnel such as operator, valveman, etc. as per requirements of the scheme and who should also administer chemical dose for a period of 1 month for individual scheme and 3 months for regional scheme, together with training of personnel spared by MJP/ Local Body and handing over the scheme to Local Body after completion of the above period as directed by Engineer-inchargea) For single village Without WTP 144 Note:Required chemicals to be supplied byDepartment free of cost and electricity bill willalso be paid by the Depertmen 145 a) For single village Without WTP 146 Miscellaneous Works 147 Providing and erecting chainlink fencing 1.6M .height with G.I. chainlink of size 50x50mm,8 gauge thick and fixed 75 mm above ground level on vertical M.S.Angles of 40x40x6 mm size, includind excavating pits for foundation and embedded in C.C.block of 1:4:8 mix of size 450x450x670mm. at 1.75M.c/c with iron bar 16mm dia as hold fast including welding link with angle frame at 30 cm c/c with nuts and bolts and horizontal M.S. Angle sattopand bottom of 25x25x5 mm size and vertical M.S .flat 35x5mm and 25x5 mm horizontal including crosss upport of 40x40x6mm angles both side at every corner or bend embedded in concrete blocks of 1:4:8 of size 450x450x670 mm including 3 coats of oil painting etc. complete 148 Providing and fixing M.S. gate 2.5 M wide for compound with 40 mm dia M.S.black pipe medium class, approved grill work, RCC M - 150 side pillars of 25 cm x 40 cm x 2.5 M height, its foundation, finishing, painting etc. complete

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 5900 /-
INR 55350.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 55.35 Lakhs /-
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