Bids Are Invited For Purchase Of Chemicals Plasticware Glassware Stepu Tm 100Bp Dna Ladder 100 Loads 50Mg , Genei Tmpcr Master Mix 2X 5 X 100 Reactions , Agarose Foe Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis 1000G , Dntp Mix, 10Mm - 2.5Mm Each, 1000Ml , Tris-Base, Molecular Biology Grade,1Kg , Ethidium Bromide, 10Mg , 10X Tbe, 1000Ml , Rba-D Bacterial Primer Set-Full, 25Nos , Rfu-D Fungal Primer Set-Full, 25Nos , Kt208 Genpr Tm 3-In-1 Isokation Kit- Bacteria, 20Preps , Kt175 Geneipure Tm Total Rna Isolation Kit Bacteria, 20 Preps , Kt28a Genei Tm Genomic Dna Extraction Teaching Kit, -From Bacteria 10 Expts , Kt128a Genomic Dna Purification Teaching Kit From Bacteria -Dna Binding Membrane 10 Expts , Kt125agenei Tm Fungal Genomic Dna Extraction Teaching Kit, 10 Expts , Kt44a Genei Tm Student Pcr Teaching Kit, 10Expts , Kt94a Genei Tm Dna Fingerprinting Teaching Kit, 5 Expts. -Rflp , Taq Dna Polymerase -3 U-Ml -Includes Enzyme. 1Vial.10X Taq Buffer A.4 Vials 1000U , Dntp Mix, 10Mm- 2.5Mm Each 4 X 1000Ml , Stepup Mix, 100 Bp Dna Ladder Ready To Use - 100 Loads 50Mg , Gene Tm Hotstart Pcr Master Mix 2X 1 X 50 Rxns , 0.1Ml, Semi Skirted, Low Profile, 96Well Qpcr Plat 50 Plates , Pcr 96 Well Plate Sealing Membrane -100 Nos 1Ea , 50X Tae 1000 Ml Fc14j , Trichrome Stepup Tm 50Bp Dna Ladder, Ready To Use -100 Loads 50Mg Tmbd31 , Trichrome Stepup Tm 100Bp Dna Ladder, Ready To Use , Genei Tm Pcr Master Mix -2X 100 Rxns Mme22s , Water - Dnase, Rnase Free- 100Ml Fc41l , Cell And Tissue Culture Plate, 96 Well With Lid, Sterile 50 Plates L-96S Total Quantity : 152