Tender For Major Repair And Painting Work Of Block Development Officer Awas No.-9 In Block First - Scraping old white or colour wash including disposal of refuse as directed by Engineeer E/I with in adistance of 60 mtr (200 feet) S.I No - 708 2 Dismantling existing plaster ,including disposal ofrefuse as directed by engineerincharge within a distance of 60.00 mtr ( S.INo706) 3 Raking out joints of brick work in cement mortar in depth of 1 cm (3/4) including disposal of refuse as directed by engineer incharge within a distance S.INo 707. 4 Dismantling cement concrete or brick work or granolithic floors, including base concrete and including stacking of dismantled material as directed by engineer incharge within distance of 60 mtr ( 200 ft ) as per S.I No 697. 5 Dismantling door & window , leaves including stacking of dismentled materials as directed as directed by engineerincharge with in a distance of 60.00 mtr ( S.INo704) 6 Dismantling brick work or stone work in lime or cement mortar including stacking of dismantled material as directed by engineer incharge within distance of 60 mtr ( 200 ft ) as per S.I No 692. 7 Providing and laying in cement concrete 1:6:12 ( 1 cement : 6 fine sand : 12 graded brick aggregate to 40 mm nominal size ) including labour and T & P etc required for proper completion of the workand curring complete also including cost of form work in foundation and floor as per S I No 275. 8 M-150 class brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand 2.25 F.M.mortar in super structure including necessary cutting and moulding of bricks as required and also honey comb brick work as per SI No.305(b),309 & 310(a) 9 12 mm plaster with cement & fine sand of 1.25 F.M mortar in 1:6 including supply of all materials , labour and T & P etc required for proper completion of the work S.INo 586 10 Finishing wall with Premium Acylic smooth exteriorpaint with silicon additive of required shade on new work ( two or more coat applied @ 1.43 ltr / 10 sqm over and including priming coat of exerioir pimer applied @ 2.20 kg / 10 sqm as per D.S.R No 13.47.1 11 Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm of approved bond and manufacturer over the plastered wall surface even and smooth surface as per D.S.R -13-80 12 Painting of door ,windoow, ventilator, Wooden almirah onnewsurface of two coat of high grade super syenthetic enamel paint .i/c all complete.S.I no 641 +642) 13 Supply and fixing of 35 mm thick flush door commercial quality confirming to I.S 2202 Part 1 ( 1983) including fixing of wooden cleats and stoppers and including fixing and adjustment of hinges , bolt , locks handles, spring fitting as per D.S.R 9.21.1 14 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S.sliding bolt 16mm dia nuts and 250 mm long with necessary screws etc.completenas per DSR-9.62.2 15 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S.door handles 125 mm long conforming to IS:4992 with necessary screws etc.completenas per DSR-9.66.1 16 Providing and fixing ISI marked oxidised M.S.tower bolt 10 mm dia nuts and 150 mm long with necessary screws etc.completenas per DSR-9.63.3 17 Providing and fixing Glass panes with putty and glazing clips in steel doors , window , clerestory windows all complete with 4 mm thick glass pan as per DSR - 10.30.1 18 providing and fixing ofFly poof Galvanised M.S Wire gauge with M.S Flat 15 x 3 mmand nut and bolt completewith0.63 mmdia wire and 1.40 mm aperture on both side 19 Providing and fixing of 110 mm dia wall face unplasticised Rigid P.V.C rain water pipe confirming to to IS:13592 type A including jointing with seal ring confirming to IS : 5382 leaving 10 mm gap of terminal expantion as per DSR 12.41.12 Detail of cost for 6.00 mtr 20 Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles confirming to IS : 15622 ( thickness to be specified by the manufacturer , of aproved make , in all colours , shades except burgundy , bottle green , black of any size as aproved by engineer i/c in skirting , riser of steps and dadoes , over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand ) and jointing with grey cement slury @ 3.30 kg per sqm i/c pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete as per 11.36 21 Providing and laying rectified Glazed Ceramic floor tiles of size 300x300 mm or more (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in all colours, shades, except White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ sqmincluding pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. as D.S.R - 11.40 . 22 Providing and laying vetrified floor tiles size of the 600mm x 600 mm with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS:15622,of approved make,in all colours and shades,laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc.complet as per DSR.No.11.49.2 23 Providing and fixing 20 mm thick gang saw cut, mirror polished, premoulded and prepolished, machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters, window sills,facias and similar locations ofrequired size, approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20 mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (l cement : 4 coarse sand), joints heated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to edges to give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels. Black granite Area of slab over 0.50 sqm as per schdule S.No.8.2.1 24 Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing complete with base ol cement mortar 1 : 4 (l cement : 4 coarse sand) : 25 mm thick as per schdule S.No.11.26.1 25 Laying brick bats with mortar using broken bricks/brick bats 25mm to 115 mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compoundconforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-chargeover 20 mm thick layer of cement mortar of mix 1:5 (1 cement:5 coarse sand ) admixed with water proofing compoundconforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge torequired slope and treating similarly the adjoining walls upto300 mm height including rounding of junctions of walls andslabs With average thickness of 120 mm and minimumthickness at khurra as 65 mm. As Per S.I. - 22.7.1 26 P/Fixing of white vitreous china pedastal type (European type/wash down type) water closet pan. As Per S.I. No 17.15 27 P/Fixing of 8 mm dia C.P./S.S. Jet with Flexible tube up to 1 mtr long S.S. tringular plate to Eureopeantype W.C. Quality and make as approved by Engineer In Charge. 28 Providing and fixing of white virious china flat back or wall corner type lipped front urinal basin of 40 x 260 x 350 and 340 x 410 x 265 mm size respectevily with automatic flushinf cistern with standered flush pipe and cp brass spreader with brass union and G.Iclamp complete i/c painting of fitting and bracket , cutting and making wall and floor where ever required . As per Item no 17.4.1 29 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel A ISI 304 (18/S)kitchen sink as per IS:13983 with C.I. brackets andstainless steel plug 40 mm, including painting of fittingsand brackets, cutting and making good the walls whereverrequired : Kitchen sink with drain board 510x1040 mmbowl depth 250 mm 30 Providingand placing on terrace ( at all floor level ) polythene water storage tank of approved brand and manufacture with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet outlet and overflow pipes but without fitting and base support of tank as Per Item no 18.48 31 Providing an*fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride. (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00m spacing. This ncludes jointing ofpipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement ard the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testiang of joints Complete as per direction ofEngineer in Charge. Concealed work including cutting chases and making good the walls etc. l5mm dia nominal outer dia pipes SI No 18.7.1,2,3 :- A.Supply of 25 mm dia G.I. Pipe Class B 32 B. Supply of 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe Class B 33 C. Supply of 15 mm dia G.I. Pipe Class B 34 Providing and fxing C.P. brass Long Nose bib cock of approved quality. Conforming to IS Standerd and weighing not less than 810 gms. 15 mm dia Nomonal bore SI.No 18.50.1 35 Providing and fxing C.P. brass stop cock (concealed) of standard design and of approvedConforming to IS:8931 15 mm dia Nomonal bore SI.No 18.52.1 36 Providing and fxing C.P. brass angle value for basin mixer and geyser points ofapprovedquality Conforming to IS:8931 15 mm dia Nomonal bore SI.No 18.53.1 37 Providing and fxing brass bib cock of approved quality 15 mm nominal bore SI.No 18.15.1 38 Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I Braket 15 mm C.P Brass piller tape 32 mm C.P Brass waste of standered pattern , i/c painting of fitting and bracket cutting and making goods and walls wherever required white vitous china flat back wash basin size 550 x 400 mm with single 15 mm C.P Brass piller tap as per D.S.R - 17.7.4 . 39 Wiring points for light with 1.5 sq.mm. FR PVC insulated multistrand single core copper conductor cable in H.G.PVC conduit concealed in the wall with 14 SWG copper eath continity wire,piano type switch & ceiling rose/angle/batten holder on 3 mm thick phenolic laminated backlite sheet etc complete in all respect as directed including matching colour wahas per SI.No.1.3.1 40 Wiring points for fan / fresh air fan (light duty exhaust fan ) with 1.5 sq.mm. FR PVC insulated multistrandsingle core copper conductor cable in heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in the wall with 14 SWG copper eath continity wire, piano type switch & ceiling rose on 3 mm thick phenolic laminated backlite sheet etc complete in all respects including matching colour wah as per SI.No.1.3.1 41 Supply and fixing of power plug with 15Amp/250Volt flush type witch and 5 pin 15 A/250 Volt flush type universal socket switch in suitableM.S.box of 175mm x 100mm x 50mm size with phenolic laminated bakelite sheet cover 3mm thick with brass machine screw and cup washer as per SI.No.1.5 42 Supply and fixing of 23 watt CFL approved make etc.complete as required. 43 Supply and fixing of AC 1200 mm sweep size pacer model hawells make energy saver 230/250 Volts,50 Hz ceiling fanetc.complete as required as per market rate. 44 Supply andfixing of AC 300mm sweep 230/250 Volts,50 Hz exhaust fans including providing nuts,bolts,mounting frame and other accessories including connections etc.complete as required. 45 Supply and fixing ofLED Tube Light with batten suitable for up to 1 X 22 watt LED tube light fittingincluding tube on Surface complete in all respect. (CAT - A ) 46 Supply of Unskilled labour for Cleaning of block campus & Tree Cuttingincluding up rooting of trunk vegetation grass i/c all complete. 47 Supply and fiixing of 2 feet x 2.50 feet Inagurationpiller of granite i/cengraving of letter up to 250 words and also making of padestal with foundation and brick work as per engineer i/c all.