
Tender For Providing E Quotation Services And Software For Property Tax Assessment Survey And Computerization For Municipal Council Kalamnuri, Dist. Hingoli., kalamnuri-Maharashtra

Directorate Of Municipal Administration has published Tender For Providing E Quotation Services And Software For Property Tax Assessment Survey And Computerization For Municipal Council Kalamnuri, Dist. Hingoli.. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-01-2025. Customised Software Development Tenders in kalamnuri Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Providing E Quotation Services And Software For Property Tax Assessment Survey And Computerization For Municipal Council Kalamnuri, Dist. Hingoli.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Providing E Quotation Services And Software For Property Tax Assessment Survey And Computerization For Municipal Council Kalamnuri, Dist. Hingoli.-2 The selected agency should assist to Municipal Council carry on detail property survey and collect the specified parameters by the Municipal Council as Floor, Age, Use, Type of Construction, and area where ever the changes are recorded during verification of the property survey. The agency shall assist to Municipal Council capture all revised and relevant details required for assessing the property tax and prepare the internal line plan of every property along with digital photograph.The plan and photos of property shall be duly linked with the property database in the software. The agency should assist to prepare the Survey form and the floor plan of each property as per specimen specified. The agency shall prepare on external measurement site plan of property with special demarcation of carpet, built up area and mark the occupiers and the type of construction, use, age wise occupied area while surveying on the graph paper on survey form. The agency shall collect the signature of the property holder or occupier on such plan wherever is possible. It shall also be necessary to mark all room dimensions on this plan. Separate plan shall be prepared of separate floors wherever floor plans are different.3A(III) 3 The agency selected should assist to Municipal Council to carry out the work of enumeration and listing of owners/occupiers of each property for which Municipal Council concerning Ward Inspector and registers will be provided agency to numbered all properties.The properties which are dedicated to public use or exempted from property tax shall also be covered in numbering system. The selected agency, on behalf of Kalamnuri Municipal Council, shall procure the UAV drone high resolution image of less than 10 cm resolution surface model geospatial data and Geo Ultra image, required mapping of Ground Control Points if any, as per the tender and process the image on GIS applications for geo referencing for further uses. All permissions of UAV drone shall be the responsibility of Municipal Council. The agency shall newly create a Unique Property Identification Code Number for every property. However, agency shall use Google base high resolution freeware image for works as required. UAV drone image shall be used for the numbering procedure. Also, the agency shall collect relevant and additional information as toilet numbers, rain water harvesting, solar electric facilities, terrace and porch area, renter and rent details, water connections details etc. The agency shall mark ward and property wise zoning details on zoning map. As per directions and rules given by the Hon. Chief Officer Municipal Council Kalamnuri. the agency shall carry on survey of socio-economic demarcation, high rent area, medium rent area, low rent areas, commercial, residential, slum etc. pockets of assessment of rates for expected rental values and prepare, provide Zone Map showing all ward and zone boundaries for Taxations.3A(II) 4 The agency shall computerize the above prepared floor plans of the properties in any compatible software format and shall mark all details on the computerized plans. The plans should be linked to the individual data of the properties in the database along with photograph.The selected agency shall capture computerize old property numbers and old current taxes details as per record of Municipal Council, zone, other registered details from Municipal Council and enter the data in the existing software as per tender.The agency shall computerize ward and property wise zoning details for atomized Assessment of rental values also the agency shall link the old information, old current taxes, photo and computerize plan to the database. Also, the agency shall make any changes in data entry after hearing and any update needed by Municipal Council until final publication of assessment lists as posting of results, changes in survey, mutations, alterations, additions, deletions. As per directions and rules given by the Hon Chief Officer of Municipal Council Kalamnuri, the agency shall prepare and provide Computer Printed multicolor Ward wise individual Computerized Property tax assessment case papers along with Photo and plans printed showing all Calculations and old records details with all required printings and stationery and bindings. The agency shall provide ward wise Primary tax assessment lists in annexure, Individual multicolor Notices of taxes as per annexure and Resisters of objections, Hearing Note sheets, etc. with preprinted stationary and necessary bindings. The agency shall assist Municipal Council for objection hearings, revivification survey of properties, performing changes and update in the survey forms, plans, photos, taxations, data entry etc. and reprint the documentation and its Posting after hearings, the agency shall provide updated Final assessment lists after all process etc. complete with required stationary, printings and bindings for the entire work under scope. 3A(IV) 5 DMA provide IWBP software for assessment data store and other tax department related work. Selected agency shall complete field survey and collect property related data for tax assessment and doing complete tax assessment process by Nagar Panchayt after completion of tax assessment process then the indusial tax will be fixed, owner details, other collected information will final this final data entry into the IWBP software this responsibility of selected bidder. 6 The agency shall study and analyses the existing work flows and documentations in the existing property tax and the data of Municipal Council properties of property tax department and shall computerize and enter the individual property wise, shop wise data as names, renter names, taxation and dues details, year wise arrears of taxes, current taxes, as per Municipal Council information in the software. The software should be capable for entering ward/ property wise property tax collections and maintain the credits and debits of Property tax, demand and collection for the financial year. The day-to-day collection of taxes on Municipal Councilcounter or door to door collection shall be done by Municipal Councilclerks and daily, monthly receipt statement shall be generated along with daily ward wise and console dated challan of property tax collection and Municipal Council properties dues and rent collection including cash, cheque, online payments and door to door collection through mobile devises. The selected agency shall provide the yearly bills of property tax in multicolor format with all required stationary and necessary bindings.The selected agency shall provide demand and collection resisters for official uses showing pending, current and total taxes with the penalty and the collection part of the taxes, dues and rent. With all necessary stationery and bindings in the given format. The agencies have to give the Staff training to the staff of Tax Department for operations of the software and maintenance of the data. Municipal Councilmay extend the contract for next four financial years if the work is satisfactory with mutual consent of both parties. The software for android/Web mobile base d tax collections shall also be provided by the selected agency with required 4G enable tablet mobile devices, Bluetooth printer hardware and training as per bill of quantities. The rates of AMC shall be increase by 8% per year as natural price rise from second year of work. 3C 7 The agency shall computerize the entire survey data for the purpose of property tax assessment in the property tax assessment software developed and owned by the selected agency and evaluates the property and other relevant taxes as per the rules and regulations and law. The agency shall prepare printouts of the property case papers for every property and submit to Municipal Council for verifications and after due satisfaction and under supervision of Municipal Council the agency shall prepare the database for evaluation of reassessment of ratable values/Capital value and the agency shall print and provide primary tax assessment lists and final assessment lists. 3B(1) 8 The Selected agency shall provide web interface application for online property tax payment and linking the data of Property Tax dept. for the quick reference on Municipal Council Website for Online Property Tax Payment. Application should allow Property owner to search the relevant property by name, property number, sector number, plot number and view link update information and property data from the main frame software application of tax dept., make payments using any 1. Visa, Master Card or Credit Cards, Bharat Bill Payment system, wallet Payment, POS machine Integration 2. Debit Cards 3. Online Net Banking accounts or 4. Cash Cards, generate receipts, SMS and email alerts. Municipal Council shall provide Online Payment Gateway to the selected agency and agency shall integrate payment gateway with web application developed for the e-payment of property tax. 3B(2) 9 The software interface for mobile based tax collections shall also be provide by the selected agency with required mobile devices and Bluetooth printer hardware and training as per bill of quantities. The software should be capable for entering ward/ property wise property tax collections and maintain the credits and debits of Property tax demand and collection for the financial year. The day-to-day collection of taxes on Municipal Councilcounter or door to door mobile based collection shall be done by Municipal Council clerks and daily, monthly receipt statement shall be generated along with daily ward wise and consolidated challan of property tax collection including cash, cheque, online payments and door to door collection through mobile devises. The agency shall deploy the software as per the specifications, coordination’s and guidelines laid by Municipal Chief Officer Municipal Council Kalamnuri. The agency shall deploy the software as per the specifications, coordination’s and guidelines laid by Municipal Council Chief Officer Kalamnuri. All other terms and conditions to be specified in agreement shall be bindings and part of the scope of works as mentioned. 3B(3) 10 Maintainance of the all above software and the Database, installation-reinstallation as required by Municipal Council, Upgradtion of Software and Database for Consilation of the Next Financial year for one year 11 Providing mobile tablet devices ,bluetooth printer, hardware with warranty and one year on site servise against any fault.Training and Capacity building for Municipal Staff. 12 Providing Services for sending SMS for Demand of property tax, Send to property tax payer at a time of property tax collection, Send to defaulter property owner and any other work.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 02-01-2025 Due Date Extended for tenders closing on 31-12-2024. Admin Corrigendum Date Extend 03-01-2025

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 10000 /-
INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
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