
Tender For Provision Of Stfe Manufacturing Facility In Drdo Land Near Batl Complex At Thiruvananthapuram, thiruvananthapuram-Kerala

Defence Research And Development Organisation has published Tender For Provision Of Stfe Manufacturing Facility In Drdo Land Near Batl Complex At Thiruvananthapuram. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-01-2025. Vehicle Hiring Service Tenders in thiruvananthapuram Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Provision Of Stfe Manufacturing Facility In Drdo Land Near Batl Complex At Thiruvananthapuram
Open Tender

Tender Details

Provision Of Stfe Manufacturing Facility In Drdo Land Near Batl Complex At Thiruvananthapuram; SUBHEAD-I :Dismanteling Works , Demolishing cement concrete manually/ by mechanical means including disposal of material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer - in - charge. Nominal concrete 1:3:6 or richer mix (i/c equivalent design mix) , Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer - in- charge. , Disposal of building rubbish / malba / similar unserviceable, dismantled or waste materials by mechanical means, including loading, transporting, unloading to approved municipal dumping ground or as approved by Engineer-in-charge, beyond 10km initial lead, for all leads including all lifts involved. , Credit for Reinforcement steel obtained form above items , SUBHEAD-II :EARTH WORK & EXCAVATION : , Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 Sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. including pumping out water as required or liquid mud, , All kinds of Soils , Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/manual means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 Sqm on plan) including getting out and disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in-charge. . including pumping out water as required or liquid mud, , All kinds of Soils , Excavating, supplying and filling of local earth (including royalty) by mechanical transport upto a lead of 5km also including ramming and watering of the earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in trenches, plinth, sides of foundation etc. complete. , Supply,Laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specified sizes to Rubble solling specifications in uniform thickness, hand picking, rolling with 3 wheeled road/vibratory roller 8-10 tonne capacity in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening / binding material to fill up interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting to the required density . , SUBHEAD-III :ANTI TERMITE TREATMENT : , Supplying chemical emulsion in sealed containers including delivery as specified. , Chlorpyriphos/ Lindane emulsifiable concentrate of 20% , Diluting and injecting chemical emulsion for POST-CONSTRUCTIONAL anti-termite treatment (excluding the cost of chemical emulsion) : a) Along the external wall below concrete or masonry apron using chemical emulsion @ 2.25 litres per linear metre including drilling and plugging holes etc.:With Chlorpyriphos/ Lindane E.C. 15% with 1% concentration. , Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300 mm apart including drilling 12 mm diameter holes and plugging with cement mortar 1 :2 (1 cement : 2 Coarse sand) to match the existing floor: With Chlorpyriphos/Lindane E.C. 15% with 1% concentration. , SUBHEAD-IV:PLAIN & REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE : , Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : , 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) , Providing and laying cement concrete in retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, columns, piers, abutments, pillars, posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses, parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor blocks, plain window sills, fillets, sunken floor,etc., up to floor five level, excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and finishing: , 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) , Making plinth protection 50 mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over 75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, including finishing the top smooth. , Providing and laying in position ready mixed or site batched design mix cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work; using coarse aggregate and fine aggregate derived from natural sources, Portland Pozzolana / Ordinary Portland /Portland Slag cement, admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate / retard setting of concrete, to improve durability and workability without impairing strength; including pumping of concrete to site of laying, curing, carriage for all leads; but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement as per direction of the engineer-in-charge; for the following grades of concrete. , Note: Extra cement up to 10% of the minimum specified cement content in design mix shall be payable separately. In case the cement content in design mix is more than 110% of the specified minimum cement content, the contractor shall have discretion to either re-design the mix or bear the cost of extra cement , Concrete of M25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum , All works upto plinth level , All works above plinth level upto floor v level , Concrete of M25 grade with minimum cement content of 330 kg /cum , All works above plinth level upto floor v level , Add/ Deduct for using extra/ less cement in the items of design mix over and above the specified cement content therein. , Boring, providing and installation bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles of grade M-25 of specified diameter and length below the pile cap, to carry a safe working load not less than specified, excluding the cost of steel reinforcement but including the cost of boring with bentonite solution and temporary casing of appropriate length for setting out and removal of same and the length of the pile to be embedded in the pile cap etc. by percussion drilling using Direct mud circulation (DMC) or Bailer and chisel technique by tripod and mechanical Winch Machine all complete, including removal of excavated earth with all its lifts and leads (length of pile for payment shall be measured up to bottom of pile cap). 450 mm dia piles , Supplying, fabricating and fixing in position reinforcement bars at all levels and positions including the cost of steel, straightening, cutting, bending, binding and placing in position etc., as per drawings and specifications including the cost of binding wire, labour etc., all complete for reinforced concrete. , Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars (Fe 500 Grade or More) at all levels , Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : , Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete , Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers , Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts , Weather shade, Chajjas, corbels etc., including edges , Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform , Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, butteresses, plinth and string courses etc. , Stairs, (excluding landings) except spiral-staircases , Extra for additional height in centering, shuttering where ever required with adequate bracing, propping etc., including cost of de-shuttering and decentering at all levels, over a height of 3.5 m, for every additional height of 1 metre or part thereof (Plan area to be measured). , Suspended floors, roofs, landing, beams and balconies (Plan area to be measured) , Vertical load testing of piles in accordingwith IS 2911(Part IV) including installation of loading plateform and Preparation of pile head or construction of test cap and dismantling of test cap arter test etc., complete as per specification & the direction of Engineer-in-charge Single pile upto 50 tonne safe capacity Routine test , SUBHEAD-V : STONE & BRICK MASONRY : , Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and plinth including levelling up with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand : 12 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) upto plinth level with, Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand). , Providing and laying autoclaved aerated cement blocks masonry with 150mm/200mm/230/300 mm thick AAC blocks in super structure above plinth level up to floor V level with RCC band at sill level and lintel level with approved block laying polymer modified adhesive mortar all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (The payment of RCC band and reinforcement shall be made for seperately). , Providing and laying autoclaved aerated cement blocks masonry with 100 mm thick AAC blocks in super structure above plinth level up to floor V level in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand ). The rate includes providing and placing in position 2 Nos 6 mm dia M.S. bars at every third course of masonry work. , SUBHEAD-VI :PLASTERING & SURFACE TREATMENT : , Pointing on stone work with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) : , Flush/ Ruled Pointing , 6 mm cement plaster of mix cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 fine sand). , 12 mm cement plaster finished with a floating coat of neat cement of mix 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand). , 15 mm cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand). , 18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) finished with a top layer 6 mm thick cement plaster 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand). , Extra for providing and mixing water proofing material in cement plaster work in proportion recommended by the manufacturers. , Extra for plastering exterior walls of height more than 10 m from ground level for every additional height of 3 m or part thereof. , Providing and fixing 22 gauge chicken mesh wire at the junction of RCC and brick work with overlapping of 100mm on both sides, etc., complete. , White washing with lime to give an even shade: New work (three or more coats) , Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. , Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) having VOC content less than 50 gms/litre, of approved manufacturer, of required shade and colour (Two or more coats on new work) complete, as per manufacturer’s specification. , Finishing walls with textured exterior paint of required shade : New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.28 ltr/10 sqm) over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20kg/10 sqm , Applying priming coat , With ready mixed pink or Grey primer of approved brand and manufacture on wood work (hard and soft wood) , With ready mixed red oxide zinc chromate primer of approved brand and manufacture on steel galvanised iron/ steel works. , Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade, Two or more coats on new work , French spirit polishing : Two or more coats on new works including a coat of wood filler. , SUBHEAD-VII :FLOORING : , Providing and laying C.C. pavement of mix M-25 with ready mixed concrete from batching plant. The ready mixed concrete shall be laid and finished with screed board vibrator , vacuum dewatering process and finally finished by floating, brooming with wire brush etc. complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in charge. (The panel shuttering work shall be paid for separately). (Note:- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330 kg/cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is payable/ recoverable separately). , Deduct for using of M-20 grade concrete instead of M-25 grade concrete in C.C. pavement. , Making provision for contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints (size 5x20mm) by groove cutting machine. , Providing and filling in position at expansion joints(size 5x20mm) with poly sulphate sealants of approved brand. , Supply and application of SealArm Tape TPE with adhesive ReArm Bond 4031 for 25mm width expansion joint. Work includes Insert backer rod same or higher dia into the joint and Apply of epoxy adhesiveReArm Bond 4031 first on the flanges of the joint followed by laying tape and press it on the adhesive. Again apply second layer of ReArm Bond 4031 on the tape (sandwiching the tape with adhesive both on top and bottom). Work including surface preparation all incl etc, not incl of joint protection works. Supply and apply of polyurethane sealant to expansion joint. work includes Insert backer rod of same or higher dia into the joint and apply polyurethane sealant - SealArm PU. Ensure that depth of sealant filling is atleast 1/2 of the width of joint as minimum criteria. , Providing and placing the 2.0mm thick and 300mm width aluminium plate as a protection for the tape. , Supplying & Fixing in position of pre-moulded, high performance joint filler board of 25mm thickness in expansion joints in Concrete, brick work, block work or isolation joints and should be rot free and with no bitumen content (ShaliTex Expansion Joint Filler Board of M/s Shalimar Tar Products or equivalent) , 52 mm thick cement concrete flooring with concrete hardener topping, under layer 40 mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and top layer 12 mm thick cement hardener consisting of mix 1:2 (1 cement hardener mix : 2 graded stone aggregate 6 mm nominal size) by volume, hardening compound mixed @ 2 litre per 50 kg of cement or as per manufacturer’s specifications. This includes cost of cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc., complete. , Providing cement skirting in CM (1:3) 18mm thick finished with a floating coat of neat cementetc., complete. , Supplying and applying Epoxy Flooring System as per the following Specification: Surface Preparation:- Providing and cleaning all floor area to make it free from dirt, dust and other contaminants, making grooves etc .as per manufacturers specification. Priming:- FloArm Primer 1260is a two-component solvent free, low viscous epoxy resin primer for both horizontal & vertical applications. It may also be used for producing leveling and scratch coats for surface preparation prior to final flooring. Epoxy Screed- FloArm ESF 2-M consists of graded aggregates bound is a epoxy resin binder. It is supplied as a 3component system, pre-weighed for on-site mixing. When laid it provides a smooth surface. FloArm ESF 2 M is designed for use in industrial environments where high abrasion and impact loads are likely. It provides a dense, impervious, coloured and chemically resistant floor surface which is hygienic and easy to clean. The designated floor area shall be surfaced FloArm ESF-2 a Heavy duty, trowel applied flowable 2-3 mm thick epoxy resin floor topping. The topping shall achieve a compressive strength of >50N/mm² and a flexural strength of >20 N/mm² at 7 days. , Epoxy Top Coat- FloArm SL-2 M consists of graded aggregates bound in a pigmented epoxy resin binder. It is supplied as a four component system, pre-weighed for on-site mixing. When laid it provides a smooth, light reflective surface. It is available in a range of standard colours. FloArm SL-2 Mis designed for use in industrial environments where high abrasion and impact loads are likely. It provides a dense, impervious, coloured and chemically resistant floor surface which is hygienic and easy to clean. The designated floor area shall be surfaced FloArm FloArm SL-2 M a Heavy duty, trowel applied flowable 2 mm thick epoxy resin floor topping. The topping shall achieve a compressive strength of >50N/mm² and a flexural strength of >25 N/mm² at 7 days. Make of Epoxy Flooring :- MYK or as Approved by Chief Construction Engineer (R&D)South. , Anti Static Flooring Surface preparation:- Providing and cleaning all floor surface including wall up to required height to make it free from dirt, dust, loose particles, wax, polish, efflorescence, laitance, curing compound and other contaminants by using wire brush, grinding all sharp edges to make it flush with the surface etc and complete as per manufacturers specification. , Priming:- Prepared substrates to be treated with FloArm SL Conductive system should be primed with FloArm Primer EP. FloArm Primer EP should be mixed in the proportions supplied by adding the entire contents of hardener can to the base can. Once mixed the FloArm Primer EP, should be immediately applied in a thin, continuous filmusing stiff brushes or rollers. Over application and puddles should be avoided. Porous floors may require two coats of FloArm Primer EP. FloArm Primer EP should be allowed to become tack free (over night Air dry) prior to application of Copper tape and subsequent FloArm SL Conductive Undercoat. Copper tape Fixing: - Make a suitable pattern to lay the copper strips of Copper band in a 5/5 m grid. , Screed:FloArm Cempo4 is a three part; epoxy modified cementitious, fine textured mortar for self-smoothing floors creeds in thinlayers of 4mm , Applying undercoat: The mixed undercoat shall be applied with a roller or brush on the primer at a material consumption rate of 6m²/kg for FloArm SL Conductive under coat. Care shouldbe taken to avoid over application or puddles. Theundercoat provides a Conductive system passagetoearth so correct application and strict adherence tocoverage rates are critical to the final electrical propertiesof the completed floor. Adequate ventilation and air movement are necessary for complete curing of undercoat. Thorough covering of earthing connections isessential. The Resistivity of the undercoat needs to bemeasured before applying the top coat (after overnight Air Dry). the surface resistance (FloArm SL Conductiveundercoat) should be: approx. 3x103- 9 x103 Ohm , Applying Topcoat: When mixed, FloArm SL Conductive Topcoat should bepoured immediately on to the surface and spread @2mmwith a steel trowel or a float. Immediately after applicationthe surface should be firmly rolled in perpendicular directions with a nylon spiked roller to help release anyentrapped air in the material and help to spread any slight trowel marks. Make of Anti Static Flooring :-MYK or as Approved by Chief Construction Engineer (R&D)South. , Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) : 25 mm thick. , Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement 3 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete. , Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in floor in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS:15622, of approved brand & manufacturer, in all colours and shade, laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) jointing with grey cement slurry @3.3 kg/sqm including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc. The tiles must be cut with the zero chipping diamond cutter only . Laying of tiles will be done with the notch trowel, plier, wedge, clips of required thickness, leveling system and rubber mallet for placing the tiles gently and easily. Size of Tile 600 x 600 mm , Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm(thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in all colours, shades, except White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @3.3kg/sqm including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. , Providing and fixing Ist quality ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to IS: 15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of approvedmake, in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, in skirting, risers of steps and dados, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm, including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. , Providing and laying Polished Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing , curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. , Polished Granite stone slab of all colour and texture except Black, Cherry/Ruby Red , SUBHEAD-VIII :STEEL & WOOD WORKS : , Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete , Providing and fixing M.S. grills of required pattern in frames of windows etc. with M.S. flats, square or round bars etc. including priming coat with approved steel primer all complete Fixed to openings /wooden frames with rawl plugs screws etc. , Providing and fixing pressed steel door frames conforming to IS: 4351, manufactured from commercial mild steel sheet of 1.60 mm thickness, including hinges, jamb, lock jamb, bead and if required angle threshold of mild steel angle of section 50x25 mm, or base ties of 1.60 mm, pressed mild steel welded or rigidly fixed together by mechanical means, including MS pressed blet hinges 2.50mm thick with morter guards, lock strike plate and shock absorbers as specified and applying a coat of approved steel primer after pre-treatment of the surface as directed by Engineer-in-charge: , Profile B, fixing with adjustable lugs with split end tail to each jamb , Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I) non-decorative type, core of block board construction with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters: , 35 mm thick , Providing and fixing Fiber Glass Reinforced plastic (FRP) Door Frames of cross-section 90 mm x 45 mm having single rebate of 32 mm x 15 mm to receive shutter of 30 mm thickness. The laminate shall be moulded with fire resistant grade unsaturated polyester resin and chopped mat. Door frame laminate shall be 2 mm thick and shall be filled with suitable wooden block in all the three legs. The frame shall be covered with fiber glass from all sides. M.S. stay shall be provided at the bottom to steady the frame. , Providing and fixing to existing door frames, 30 mm thick Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) panelled door shutter of required colour and approved brand and manufacture, made with fire - retardant grade unsaturated polyester resin, moulded to 3 mm thick FRP laminate for forming hollow rails and styles, with wooden frame and suitable blocks of seasoned wood inside at required places for fixing of fittings, cast monolithically with 5 mm thick FRP laminate for panels conforming to IS: 14856, including fixing to frames. , Extra for providing lipping with 2nd class teak wood battens 25 mm minimum depth on all edges of flush door shutters (over all area of door shutter to be measured). , Providing and fixing the following hardware fittings of approved make: , 200mm long SS Tower Bolts , SS Aldrop 300mm long , Providing and fixing bright /matt finished Stainless Steel handles of approved quality & make with necessary screws etc all complete. , 125mm long , Providing and fixing aluminium hanging floor door stopper (Single rubber stopper), ISI marked, anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour and shade, with necessary screws etc. complete. , Providing and fixing aluminium extruded section body tubular type universal hydraulic door closer (having brand logo with ISI, IS : 3564, embossed on the body, door weight upto 36 kg to 80 kg and door width from 701 mm to 1000 mm), with double speed adjustment with necessary accessories and screws etc. complete. , Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour sliding glazed window upto 1.50 m in height dimension comprising of uPVC multi-chambered frame with in-built roller track and sash extruded profiles duly reinforced with 1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick galvanized mild steel section made from roll forming process of required length (shape & size according to uPVC profile), appropriate dimension of uPVC extruded glazing beads and uPVC extruded interlocks, EPDM gasket, wool pile, zinc alloy (white powder coated) touch locks with hook, zinc alloy body with single nylon rollers (weight bearing capacity to be 40 kg), G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame to finished wall and necessary stainless steel screws etc. Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut and fusion welded at all corners, including drilling of holes for fixing hardwares and drainage of water etc. After fixing frame the gap between frame and adjacent finished wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon sealent over backer rod of required size and of approved quality, all complete as per approved drawing & direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (Single / double glass panes, wire mesh and silicon sealent shall be paid separately). Variation in profile dimension in higher side shall be accepted but no extra payment on this account shall be made. , Note: For uPVC frame and sash extruded profiles minus 5% tolerance in dimension i.e. in depth & width of profile shall be acceptable. Three track three panels sliding window with fly proof S.S wire mesh (Two nos. glazed & one no. wire mesh panels) made of (big series) frame 116 x 45 mm & sash 46 x 62 mm both having wall thickness of 2.3 ± 0.2 mm and single glazing bead / double glazing bead of appropriate dimension. (Area of window above 1.75 sqm). , Providing and fixing Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron)work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws.(Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) : , For sliding windows & ventilators including the cost in-built roller track, uPVC extruded interlocks, EPDM rubber,wool pile, zinc alloy ( powder coated) touch locks with hook, zinc alloy body with single nylon rollers (required weight bearing capacity ),neoprene gasket, G.I fasteners riquired size for fixing frame to finished wall and necessary stainless steel screws etc all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge.(Glazingand paneling to be paid for separately, Only weight of aluminium sections to be measured for payment). , Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriate Z sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing, paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) : , For fixed portion , Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) , For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid for separately) , Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) , Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item): , With float glass panes of 5 mm thickness (weight not less than 12.50 kg/ sqm) , Providing and fixing Motorised Sliding Door of size 6 x 8 mCE Certified As Per European Standard BS EN 13241-1:2003+A1:2011 Single Side 0.50 mm thick GI Cladding Sheet Both Side Automation System : Bottom Drive Inbuilt wicket door with, locking arrangement & auto sensor - (w)1000 x (h)2100 mm Enamel Paint including all necessary fittings,hardwares etc complete as directed engineer in charge. , Providing and fixing Motorised Sliding Door CE Certified As Per European Standard BS EN 13241-1:2003+A1:2011 Single Side 0.50 mm thick GI Cladding Sheet Both Side Automation System : Bottom Drive Enamel Paint including all necessary fittings, hardwares etc complete as directed engineer in charge. , D1 ( 3.5 x 2.1) , D2 (2.5 x 2.1) , Providing and fixing Motorised GI Rolling Shutter CE Certified As Per European Standard EN 13241-1:2003+A1:2011 GI Slat Box Type Guide Powder Coated Motorised System : Indirect Drive With Std. Control Push Button - 1 No. Hood Cover - R/Meter including all necessary fittings,hardwares etccomplete as directed engineer in charge. , RS1 (4 x 3) , RS2 (3 x 3) , Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S. laths, interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete, including the cost of providing and fixing necessary 27.5 cm long wire springs manufactured from high tensile steel wire of adequate strength conforming to IS: 4454 -part 1 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters. , 80x1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover , Providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling shutters , STRUCTURAL STEEL : , Analysis, Design, Engineering, Preparation of Detailed Drawings, MAnufacturing, Fabrication, Supply, Loading,Transporting to SIte, Unloading, Erection of Steel PEB(Pre-Engineered Building)System, Consisting ofMS Platesof 345MPayield strength and Coating Thickness of 275gsm forcolumns, jack trusses, crane beams, Platforms, canopies, lattice girders, rafter , sub rafters ,at all elevations, levels and heights including aligning, leveling, providing and fixing bolts, nuts, washers, comprising MS angles, chann`els, joists, rails, tees, plates, rounds, squares,etc., of various sizes and other structural steel sections conforming to latest IS CODE including straightening, cutting, welding, bending to shape, bolting,and inclusive ofGrit / sand blasting and applying two coats ofSynthetic Enamel paint over one coats of approved Zinc Chromate primer . , The rate to include the cost of all materials, labours, tools, tackles, cranes, devices and plants, bolts, nuts, washers, clamps, welding electrodes and connection required for work, shims and packing pieces, any cutting, fabrication work required on electrically operated machines in the work shop including transportation to site and erection as per specifications and drawing complete. , a) For trusses , Rafters, gable frame ,lattice girders, Jack Beam, Crane beams, Columns.etc at all heights. , Supplying, fabricating, hoisting and erecting in position Purlins , cladding runners, girts of minium 345mpa yeild strength at all elevations, levels and heights including aligning, leveling, providing and fixing bolts, nuts, washers, comprising MS angles, channels, joists, rails, tees, plates, rounds, squares etc.,of various sizesincluding straightening, cutting, welding, bending to shape, bolting,Acid Pickling / GALVANISING of minium 120gsm &inclusive of following finishes. structural Grit blasting and applying two coats ofSynthetic Enamel paint over one coat of Zinc Chromate primerofapproved make and colouras per specifications and drawing complete. , Providing and fixing in position GI High Strength Foundation Bolts of approved make ofwith nuts of various diameters and lengths confirming with IS 4000-1992, Class 8.8 Type I for joining of various Structural components like Column, Rafters, Jack Beams,etc., including work at all levels and locations complete all as shown in the drawing , Roof Sheeting TOP SHEET : Supply of 360-degree FORTISS™ 470 standing seam panels shall be 470mm effective cover width, 73mm rib height, with strengthening rib/ flute in the pan for strength. The end lap shall be seamed with 360 degree seeming using Seamer machine. The sheeting material shall be 0.50 mm Base Metal Thickness (BMT), (0.55mm TCT, 0.58mm TPT). The steel sheet is having high tensile strength G300 (Fy=300Mpa), metallic coated with Zinc-Aluminium alloy (i.e. 55% Al, 43.4% Zinc, 1.6% Si - Zincalume), AZ150 (min 150 g/m2 total on both side), pre-painted with NextGen COLORBOND® XRW. The sheet conforms to general requirement of AS/NZS 2728 type 4 / IS 15965 class 3 durability of Tata BlueScope Steel make. The sheet shall be IGBC Green pro, Griha, EPD certified and steel sheet shall have brand marking of coated steel manufacturer (product details, date, mfg. name, etc.) on back side at regular interval confirming genuinity of the material. , ROOF INSULATION: Insulation shall be 50mm thick, density 48kg/m3 Rockwool with or without facing as per design requirement complying with IS8183 BS - 3958 Part-5. ASTM C592-80, as approved by engineer in-charge shall be laid uniformed over Purlin. SUB GIRTS: LYSAGHT ZED-plus™ purlins and Girts 1.5mm thick high strength galvanized steel with min 345 MPa yield strength, zinc coating of Z275 (275 g/m2 minimum coating mass) confirms to IS 277 / IS 15961 pre-punched to the required dimensions, suitable for roof and wall cladding support and portal framing up to a certain span. The design of cold formed ZED-plus purlins sections shall be subject to the requirement of IS 801 / AISI 1996, cold formed steel structures code. LINER - Bottom Sheet : Pre-painted Zincalume trapezoidal sheets shall be made of 0.45mm BMT (0.50mm TCT, 0.53mm TPT), G550 (min 550 yield strength), 1015mm effective cover width with five major corrugation, 28mm high rib spaced at 203mm c/c with subtle square fluting in the pan and the end rib shall have anti-capillary groove and return leg of Lysaght Trimdek. Color : COLORBOND XRW Standard or as Approved by Chief Construction Engineer (R&D)South. Make of Sheeting :-Tata Blue Scope or as Approved by Chief Construction Engineer (R&D)South. , Wall Panelling OUTER SHEET : Pre-painted Zincalume trapezoidal sheets shall be made of 0.45mm BMT (0.50mm TCT, 0.53mm TPT), G550 (min 550 yield strength), 1015mm effective cover width with five major corrugation, 28mm high rib spaced at 203mm c/c with subtle square fluting in the pan and the end rib shall have anti-capillary groove and return leg of Lysaght Trimdek. Steel should be metallic coated with Zinc-Aluminium alloy (i.e., 55% Al, 43.4% Zinc, 1.6% Si - Zincalume), AZ150 (min 150 g/m2 total on both side), pre-painted with NextGen COLORBOND® XRW. The sheet conforms to general requirement of AS/NZS 2728 type 4 / IS 15965 class 3 durability of Tata BlueScope Steel make. The sheet shall be IGBC Green pro, Griha, EPD certified and steel sheet shall have brand marking of coated steel manufacturer (product details, date, mfg. name, etc.) on back side at regular interval confirming genuinity of the material. , Wall INSULATION: Insulation shall be 50mm thick, density 48kg/m3 Rockwool with or without facing as per design requirement complying with IS8183 BS - 3958 Part-5. ASTM C592-80, as approved by engineer in-charge shall be laid uniformed over Purlin. SUB GIRTS: LYSAGHT ZED-plus™ purlins and Girts 1.5mm thick high strength galvanized steel with min 345 MPa yield strength, zinc coating of Z275 (275 g/m2 minimum coating mass) confirms to IS 277 / IS 15961 pre-punched to the required dimensions, suitable for roof and wall cladding support and portal framing up to a certain span. The design of cold formed ZED-plus purlins sections shall be subject to the requirement of IS 801 / AISI 1996, cold formed steel structures code. LINER - INNER Sheet : Pre-painted Zincalume trapezoidal sheets shall be made of 0.45mm BMT (0.50mm TCT, 0.53mm TPT), G550 (min 550 yield strength), 1015mm effective cover width with five major corrugation, 28mm high rib spaced at 203mm c/c with subtle square fluting in the pan and the end rib shall have anti-capillary groove and return leg of Lysaght Trimdek. Color : COLORBOND XRW Standard or as Approved by Chief Construction Engineer (R&D)South. Make of Wall Panelling :-Tata Blue Scope or as Approved by Chief Construction Engineer (R&D)South. , Providing and fixing tiled false ceiling of approved materials of size 595x595 mm in true horizontal level, suspended on interlocking metal grid of hot dipped galvanized steel sections ( galvanized @ 120 grams/ sqm, both side inclusive) consisting of main T runner with suitably spaced joints to get required length and of size 24x38 mm made from 0.30 mm thick (minimum) sheet, spaced at 1200 mm center to center and cross T of size 24x25 mm made of 0.30 mm thick (minimum) sheet, 1200 mm long spaced between main T at 600 mm center to center to form a grid of 1200x600 mm and secondary cross T of length 600 mm and size 24x25 mm made of 0.30 mm thick (minimum) sheet to be interlocked at middle of the 1200x600 mm panel to form grids of 600x600 mm and wall angle of size 24x24x0.3 mm and laying false ceiling tiles of approved texture in the grid including, required cutting/making, opening for services like diffusers, grills, light fittings, fixtures, smoke detectors etc. , Main T runners to be suspended from ceiling using GI slotted cleats of size 27 x 37 x 25 x1.6 mm fixed to ceiling with 12.5 mm dia and 50 mm long dash fasteners, 4 mm GI adjustable rods with galvanized butterfly level clips of size 85 x 30 x 0.8 mm spaced at 1200 mm center to center along main T, bottom exposed width of 24 mm of all T-sections shall be pre-painted with polyester paint, all complete for all heights as per specifications, drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. , 8 mm thick fully perforated calcium silicate board made with Calcareous & Siliceous materials reinforced with cellulose fiber manufactured through autoclaving process to give stable crystalline structure with minimum compressive strength 225 kg/ sq. cm, bending strength 100 kg/sq. cm , of size 595x595 mm, having perforation of dia. 10 mm with minimum perforated area 18 % with non woven tissue on the back side, having an NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient) of 0.85, with 50 mm thick rockwool of 48 kg /cum backing. , Providing and fixing false ceiling at all height including providing and fixing of frame work made of special sections, power pressed from M.S. sheets and galvanized with zinc coating of 120 gms/sqm (both side inclusive) as per IS : 277 and consisting of angle cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with flanges of 27 mm and 37 mm, at 1200 mm centre to centre, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5 mm dia x 50 mm long with 6 mm dia bolts, other flange of cleat fixed to the angle hangers of 25x10x0.50 mm of required length with nuts & bolts of required size and other end of angle hanger fixed with intermediate G.I. channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at the spacing of 1200 mm centre to centre, to which the ceiling section 0.5 mm thick bottom wedge of 80 mm with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5 mm, at 450 mm centre to centre, , shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I. intermediate channel with connecting clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm long G.I. wire at every junction, including fixing perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mm high having flanges of 20 mm and 30 mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/partition with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre, with 25mm long dry wall screws @ 230 mm interval, including fixing of gypsum board to ceiling section and perimeter channel with the help of dry wall screws of size 3.5 x 25 mm at 230 mm c/c, including jointing and finishing to a flush finish of tapered and square edges of the board with recommended jointing compound , jointing tapes , finishing with jointing compound in 3 layers covering upto 150 mm on both sides of joint and two coats of primer suitable for board, all as per manufacturers specification and also including the cost of making openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts made with frame of perimeter channels suitably fixed, all complete as per drawings, specification and direction of the Engineer in Charge but excluding the cost of painting with : , 12.5 mm thick tapered edge gypsum plain board conforming to IS: 2095- (Part I) : 2011 (Board with BIS certification marks) , Providing and fixing stainless steel ( Grade 304) railing made of Hollow tubes, channels, plates etc., including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and making curvature (wherever required) and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, i/c fixing the railing with necessary accessories & stainless steel dash fasteners , stainless steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top of the floor or the side of waist slab with suitable arrangement as per approval of Engineer-incharge, (for payment purpose only weight of stainless steel members shall be considered excluding fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.). , SUBHEAD- IX : MISCELLANEOUS: , Providing and laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including preparation of surface as required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc consisting of following operations: , a) Applying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/Sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS. 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over the RCC slab including adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including cleaning the surface before treatment. , b) Laying brick bats with mortar using broken bricks/brick bats 25mm to 115 mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over 20 mm thick layer of cement mortar of mix 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge to required slope and treating similarly the adjoining walls upto 300 mm height including rounding of junctions of walls and slabs. , c) After two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry using 2.75 kg/ Sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge. , d) Finishing the surface with 20 mm thick jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge including laying glass fibre cloth of approved quality in top layer of plaster and finally finishing the surface with trowel with neat cement slurry and making pattern of 300x300mm square 3 mm deep. , e) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for final test.All above operations to be done in order and as directed and specified by the Engineer-in-Charge, with average thickness of 120 mm and minimum thickness at khurra as 65 mm. , Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. , Single socketed pipes of 110mm diameter , Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion. , 110mm Bend 87.5° , 110mm Shoe (Plain) , Providing and fixing unplasticised -PVC pipe clips of approved design to unplasticised - PVC rain water pipes by means of 50x50x50 mm hard wood plugs, screwed with M.S. screws of required length, including cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and making good the wall etc. complete. , 110mm , Providing and fixing Duraborad HD100(Formely Known as Capcell HD100/Silflex) The most Compressible Filler boad for expansion joint with Density of 100kg/cum.in 100mm Thickness , SUBHEAD-X : SANITARY SERVICES: , Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan ) with 100 mm sand cast Iron P or S trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required : , White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440 mm with integral type foot rests. , Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type W.C. pan) with seat and lid, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device (handle lever), conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required : , W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid. , Providing and fixing floor mounted, white vitreous china single piece, double traps syphonic water closet of approved brand/make, shape, size and pattern including integrated white vitreous china cistern of capacity 10 litres with dual flushing system, including all fittings and fixtures with seat cover, cistern fittings, nuts, bolts and gasket etc., including making connection with the existing P/S trap, complete in all respect as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge. , Providing and fixing G.I. inlet connection for flush pipe connecting with W.C. pan. , Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back urinal basin of 430x260x350 mm size. , Providing and fixing C.P 15 mm Urinal spreader size 95x69x100 mm with 1/2 BSP thread and shapes, weighing not less than 60 gms. , Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever required : , White Vitreous China Wash basin size 630x450 mm with a single 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps. , Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal for wash basin completely recessed at the back for the reception of pipes and fittings. , Providing and fixing toilet paper holder, C.P. Brass. , Supply and fixing of 15 mm CP Health faucet Cum bib tap with 1.25 mts long tube with end nuts and hook and 1 no 15 mm CP brass angular stop cock with wall flange, Hook to be fixed with CP brass with suitable counter sunk screws, all of approved make etc., complete. , Providing and fixing 18 mm thick gang saw cut, mirror polished, premoulded and prepolished, machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters, window sills , facias and similar locations of required size, approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20 mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), joints treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to edges to give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels. , Granite of any colour and shade. , Providing edge moulding to 18 mm thick marble stone counters, Vanities etc., including machine polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc., complete as per design approved by Engineer-in-Charge. , Granite Work , Extra for providing opening of required size & shape for wash basin/ kitchen sink in kitchen platform, vanity counter and similar location in marble/Granite/stone work, including necessary holes for pillar taps etc., including moulding, rubbing and polishing of cut edges etc. complete. , Providing and fixing stone slab with table rubbed, edges rounded and polished, of size 75x50 cm deep and 1.8 cm thick, fixed in urinal partitions by cutting a chase of appropriate width with chase cutter and embedding the stone in the chase with epoxy grout or with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 6 mm nominal size) as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and finished smooth. , Granite Stone of approved shade , Providing and fixing P.V.C. waste pipe for sink or wash basin including P.V.C. waste fittings complete. , 32mmdia Flexible pipe , Providing and fixing 600x450 mm beveled edge mirror of superior glass (of approved quality) complete with 6 mm thick hard board ground fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass screws and washers complete. , Providing and fixing CP towel rail complete with brackets fixed to wooden cleats with CP brass screws with concealed fittings arrangement of approved quality and colour. 600 mm long towel rail with total length of 645 mm, width 78 mm and effective height of 88 mm, weighing not less than 190 gms. , Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning of 75 mm pipe diameter uPVC SWR Type B pipe comforming to IS : 13592, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382 for vertical pipe & Selfit uPVC Adhesive solvent joint inside in the toilet, including all fittings such as bends, junctions, inspection doors, offests, cowl, clean out, access pieces/plugs etc. complete the job. The rate shall be including all the engineered support at every one Meter (support, hanger, nuts/ bolts, anchor fasteners, fixing clamp/channels with U-bolts, etc) as per detail technical specification etc. complete the job. , 100mm dia upvc/ SWR Single socket , 75mm dia UPVC/SWR Single socket , Providing and fixing bend of required degree with access door, insertion rubber washer 3 mm thick, bolts and nuts complete for UPVC SWG Pipes conform to is 13592-1992. , 100mm dia UPVC/SWR Single socket , 75mm dia UPVC/SWR Single socket , Providing and fixing PVC door bends as per IS - 13592-1992 single equal plain junction of required degree with access door, insertion rubber washer 3 mm thick, bolts and nuts complete. , 100x100x100 mm , 75x75x75 mm , Providing and fixing terminal guard, Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989. , 100mm dia. , 75mm dia. , Providing and fixing M.S. stays and clamps for pvc pipes of diameter. , 100mm , 75mm , Providing and fixing trap of self cleansing design with screwed down or hinged grating with or without vent arm complete, including cost of cutting and making good the walls and floors, Sand cast iron S&S as per IS: 3989. , 100 mm inlet and 100 mm outlet , Cutting chases in brick masonry walls for following diameter sand cast iron/ centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes and making good the same with cement concrete 1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand :6 graded stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size), including necessary plaster and pointing in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) : , 100mm dia. , 75 mm dia , Supply and fixing in position best quality and approved make CP brass coat hooks with flanges fixed to wall/door shutters with necessary screws washers etc., complete. , SUBHEAD-XI :WATER SUPPLY SERVICES: , Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. - External Work. , 25 mm dia nominal bore , 32 mm dia nominal bore , 40 mm dia nominal bore , Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.Concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the walls etc., , 15 mm dia nominal bore , 20 mm dia nominal bore , Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end) : , 25 mm dia nominal bore , 32 mm dia nominal bore , 40 mm dia nominal bore , Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank, ISI : 12701 marked, with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but without fittings and the base support for tank. , Providing and fixing ball valve (brass) of approved quality, High or low pressure, with plastic floats complete : , 25 mm nominal bore , Providing and fixing CP brass bib cock of approved quality : , 15 mm nominal bore , Providing and fixing CP brass stop cock of approved quality : , 15 mm nominal bore , Providing and fixing C.P. brass angle valve for basin mixer and geyser points of approved quality conforming to IS:8931. , 15 mm nominal bore , Making chases up to 7.5x7.5 cm in walls including making good and finishing with matching surface after housing G.I. pipe etc. , SUBHEAD-XII : INTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION : , Point Wiring for Light/ Fan/ exhaust fan with 2 runs of 1100V grade 1.5 Sq.mm & 1 run of1.5 Sq.mm PVC insulated multistrand , FRLS , Copper conductorwires , run in and including 25mm dia heavy gauge PVC conduits concealed in wall / ceiling conforming to IS732 including all accessories such as junction boxes, conduit bends elbowsand anodised GI Switch box with modular switch and the box coveredwith front plate including connections to Earth terminal. , One Light point controlled by one 6 Aswitch. , Two Light point controlled by one 6 Aswitch. , Three Light point controlled by one 6 Aswitch. , Four Light point controlled by one 6 Aswitch. , Ceiling fan point controlled by one 6 A switchand electronic fan regulatorof 100 W step typewith concealed MS fan hook box. , Exhaust fanpoint controlled by one 6 A switch. , Point Wiring for Light/ Fan/ exhaust fan with 2 runs of 1100V grade 1.5 Sq.mm & 1 run of1.5 Sq.mm PVC insulated multistrand , FRLS , Copper conductorwires , run in and including 25mm dia, 14SWG black enameledMS conduits surface / concealed in wall / ceiling conforming to IS732 including all accessories such as junction boxes, conduit bends elbowsand anodised GI Switch box with modular switch and the box coveredwith stainless steel front plate including connections to Earth terminal. , One Light point controlled by one 6 Aswitch. , Two Light point controlled by one 6 Aswitch. , Three Light point controlled by one 6 Aswitch. , Four Light point controlled by one 6 Aswitch. , Point Wiring for Light/ Fan/ exhaust fan with 2 runs of 1100V grade 2.5 Sq.mm & 1 run of2.5 Sq.mm PVC insulated multistrand , FRLS , Copper conductorwires , run in and including 25mm dia , 14 SWG black enameledMS conduits surface / concealed in wall / ceiling conforming to IS732 including all accessories such as junction boxes, conduit bends elbows etc including connections to Earth terminal. , One Light point controlled by one 6A SP MCB , Two Light point controlled by one 6A SP MCB , Three Light point controlled by one 6 ASP MCB . , Four Light point controlled by one 6 ASP MCB , Point Wiring for Light/ Fan/ exhaust fan with2runs of 1100V grade 1.5 Sq.mm & 1 run of1.5 Sq.mm FRLS insulated multistranded Copper wires, run in & including 25mm dia, 14 SWGMS conduitssurface / concealed in Slab/ wall after necessary chase cutting with finishing/surface in wall / ceiling conforming to IS 732 including all accessories such as junction boxes, conduit bends, elbows and ceiling rose, anodised GI Switch box withmodular switch and the box coveredwith front plate and alsoincluding connections to Earth terminal. , One Light point controlled by one 6A Switch , Two Lights point controlled by one 6A switch. , Three Lights point controlled by one 6A switch. , Four Lights point controlled by one 6A switch. , Supply and laying of 25mm dia, 16 SWG black enamelled M.S. conduit concealed in wall/ ceiling/ floor including all accessories such as junction boxes, conduit bends, etc., complete as required for Telephone etc., , Supply and laying of 32mm dia, 16 SWG black enamelled M.S. conduit concealed in wall/ ceiling/ floor including all accessories such as junction boxes, conduit bends, etc., complete as required for Telephone etc., , Supply and fixing of 6A, 3Pin Socket outlet with 6Aswitch in Lighting switch boards. (Dependant). , Supply and fixing of 6A, 3Pin Socket outlet with switch of 6A ratingwith wiring of 2 Runs of 2.5 Sqmm and1 Run of 2.5 Sqmm FRLS, PVC insulatedmultistranded Copper conductorwires run inand including 25 mm Dia, 2 mm thick PVC conduit. (Independant). , Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular Stainless Steelplate and cover in front on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 3 pin 5/6 amps modular socket outlet and 5/6 amps modular switch, connection etc. as required. (For light plugs to be used in Clean Room). , Supply and Wiring with the following size 1100V grade PVC insulated multistrandFRLSCopper conductor wires inand including suitable size heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in wall / Ceiling including all accessories suchas junction boxes, bends, elbows including end terminated with suitable lugs. , 2 runs of 2.5 Sq.mm wires with 1run of 2.5 Sq.mm wire in and including25 mm Dia PVC Conduit (For Lighting Circuit) , 4 runs of 6 Sq.mm wires with 2 runS of 6 Sq.mm wiresin and including32 mm Dia PVC Conduit (For Lighting Sub Mains) , Supply and Commissioning of thefollowing type Fluorescent/ Compact fluorescentlight fixtures on wall/ Ceiling including all fixing accesssories such as leads, etc complete as required. The Fluorescent/CFL fixtures shall be complete with Low loss copper ballast PF improvement capacitor, Bipin Rotor type lamp holder,starter, starter base, all prewired upto the terminal block. All fixtures shall besupplied with lamps. The Catalogue Numbers refers to Philips Make. , 36 W Surface mounted LED 4 Feet LengthLuminaire , (Philips : BN308C LED40S-6500 L120 PSU WH/or Equivalent as per approved makes) , 1 x12 WSurface MountedLED Luminaire , (PhilipsCat No : SM250C LED 12S-6500PSU WH or Equivalent as per approved makes) , 40 WRecessMountedLEDLight Fixture , (PhilipsCat No :RC 380 B LED 40S-6500 G4L60W60 PSU OD/Equivalent as per approved makes) , 20W Recess mounted DownLight Fixture , (PhilipsCat No DN296B LED20S-6500 PSU WH S2/Equivalent as per approved makes) , 36W Surfacemounted SquareLight Fixture , (PhilipsCat No SM36S -6500 G6L54W54PSU OD/Equivalent as per approved makes) , 40 W Bulk Head Light Fixture Indoor , (PhilipsCat No WT 202W LED 10S CW PSU S3 PC/Equivalent as per approved makes) , 210WLED High Bay Light Fixture , (PhilipsCat No BY616P LED200S 5700 WB PSU GR/Equivalent as per approved makes) , 104WLED High Bay Light Fixture , (PhilipsCat No BY225P LED104S CW SYWB PSU FG GR V2/Equivalent as per approved makes) , 36WLED2 X 2 Top openable cleanroom Light Fixtures , (PhilipsCat No CR652B LED36S-6500 PSU CA BO W30L120 WH /Equivalent as per approved makes) , Supply and Installation Testing and Commisioning of 1200 mmsweep single phase Ceilingfan including fixing accessories etc., complete.( BEE 5 star rated ceiling fan ) , Supply and Installation Testing and Commisioning of 600 mm dia sweep single phase wall mounted fan including fixing accessories etc., complete. , Supply and Installation Testing and Commisioning of 600 mm dia Air circulator single phase wall mounted with metal blades including fixing accessories etc., complete. , Supply and commissioningof305 mm sweep Exhaust fans with Metallic blades and MS gravity louversincluding all accessories / Installation materials required. , Installtionof Fluorescent/ Compact fluorescentlight fixtures on wall/ Ceiling including all fixing accesssories such as leads, etc complete as required. , Installation of 1200 mm sweepwhite colour Ceiling fan with standard down rod(600mm length down rod in false ceiling areas) andall accessoriesas required etc complete. , Installationof305 mm sweep Exhaust fans with Metallic blades and MS gravity louversincluding all accessories / Installation materials as required. , Supplying and fixing following way, horizontal type three pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar,neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powderpainted including earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator) , 8 way (8 + 24), Double door , 4 way (8 + 12), Double door , Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, (three phase and neutral), 415 volts, residual current circuitbreaker (RCCB), having a sensitivity current 30 mA in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. , 40A , Supplying and fixingof 6A to 32A rating 240/415V,10kA , C Curveminiature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following polesin the existing MCB DB complete with connections ,testing and commissioning etc complete. , Single Pole , Supplying and fixing following way, vertical type three pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar,neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powderpainted including earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator) , 8 way (4 + 24), Double door , Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, (three phase and neutral), 415 volts, molded case circuitbreaker (MCCB), having a breaking capacity 25 KA in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. , 160A 4P MCCB, 25 kA , Supplying and fixingof following rating 240/415V,10kA , C Curveminiature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following polesin the existing MCB DB complete with connections ,testing and commissioning etc complete. , 40A Three Pole MCB 10 kA , SUBHEAD-XIII : AIR CONDITION: , HVAC SYSTEM , All works should include Supply, Lifting, Shifting, Positioning, Installation, Testing, commissioning & handing over , All the equipments shall be five star rated only , All Techincal data sheet & drawing shall be submitted and get approved by department before supply , All equipment factory inspection shall be carried out by department , First prefers as per BOQ followed by Techincal specification , VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW (VRF) / VARIABLE REFRIGERANT VOLUME (VRV) , Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning & Handing over of the following: , HIGH SIDE VRF/VRV EQUIPMENT , VRF/VRV HI BRID AIR-CONDITIONING EQUIPMENTS: (100% INVERTER TYPE ONLY TO BE QUOTED) - R410A Refrigerant , Supply, Lifting, Shifting, Positioning, Installation, Testing, commissioning & handing over of VRV/VRF air conditioning systemunit suitable for cooling and heatingmode having all hermetically sealed inverted type screw compressor with 5 Star and above Rating as per OEM comprising of Modular type high efficiency Twin Rotary MultipleCompressor with inverter, High efficiency heat transfer Cooling Coil suitable for Environment friendly R410a refrigerant,Air cooled propeller type condenser fan with DC motor drive,interconnecting piping, suction line insulation etc., Micro-processor control panel suitable for automatic operation,High speed calculation inverter control, active oil control mechanism incorporating all safety functions as per equipment specifications & other points as listed below: , The unit mounted starter panel shall be complete with IP-65 protection consisting of power disconnecting switches with fuses, soft starters, for compressor motors, under/over voltage trip, single phase preventers, communication card which can accept 4-20 mA or 2-10 Vdc analog signal. , All components shall be mounted on welded steel base frame, structural steel profiles/panels made out of galvanized sheet steel, protected with primary coat & finished with epoxy paint. , Modular type outdoor units equipped with highly efficient scroll compressors, withinvertertype compressor(s),special acryl precoated heat exchanger,low noise condenser fan,auto check function for connection error, auto address & UNIT Price shall be inclusive of outdoor stand price. Shifting & Installing of ODU as per shop drawing is part VRV vendor scope.(ODU Location & Capacity mentioned below). Shifting of Out door units from GF to repective location is part of VRF vendor scope . ODUs shall have service valve station for easy operations and monitoring of system , All VRV units should be compatible for third party BMS integration .necessary integrator should be consider in part HVAC VRF/VRV vendor scope (Bacnet over MSTP protocol to be considered for BMS compatibility requirement). Centralized controller shall be considered combined for all the VRF/VRV indoor and outdoor units and same to be located in a specific location as per client requirement. , Supply & providing of MS stand for VRF/VRV ODU along with proper supports-suitable for above configuration , Installation and pressure testing with nitrogen Gas, Vaccumising including all consumables for all system shall be part of scope of supply (Pre commissioning ) , First Filling, testing, commissioningincluding topping up of R410 A Refrigerant Gas. , Factory acceptance test to be conducted for all the units and cost of the same to be included , Testing tools and instruments of approved make and required quantity tobe maintained by Contractor , Contractor shall engage dedicated commissioning manager for project and shall coordinate for all testing activities and documentations , Central remote controller should be considered and provided along with VRF/VRV units , With all necessary accessories including vibration insolation i.e fixing etc complete. , Lifting, shifting and positioning of VRF/VRV System as per design location , Outdoor unit suibtable for both cooling & heatingmode having all hermetically sealed inverted typescroll compressor, minimum two compressors for above 14hP Modules, microprocessor based controller. , The unit shall be delived the rate capacity at AHRI conditions and work even at 50c ambient temperature with out tripping , The COP at AHRI conditions shall not be less than3.1 and IEER not less than 6.5.The motor shall be by IEE3 Rated , (*Note:The cost includes themaintenancegranttee includes 24months from the date ofCommissioning without any additional cost) MAKE: Daikin, Blue star, Voltas, Carrier, Trane. , Outdoor Unit (ODU) : Cooling Capacity : 218HP (OFFICE, LAB & QC LAB) , Outdoor Unit (ODU) : Cooling Capacity : 65HP (CLEAN ROOM) , Outdoor Unit (ODU) : Cooling Capacity : 220HP (WORK SHOP) , INDOOR UNITS , Indoor Unit (IDU):Coolingtype All the units should be supplied with thermostat control. The following Indoor unit capacities are required for each type of Room including heating & cooling mode. considered for Auto change over,failure status,overload sequencing etc. Along with proper supports-suitable for above configuration With all necessary accessories i.e fixing etc complete. , It should be suitable for BMS connectivity with necessary accessories. , 4-WAY CASSETTE UNIT , Four way Cassette 1.6TR , Four way Cassette 2.0TR , Four way Cassette 2.6TR , Four way Cassette 3.2TR , HI-WALL SPLIT UNIT , Hi-wall Unit 1.0TR , Hi-wall Unit 2.0TR , Supply, Lifting, Shifting, Positioning, Installation, Testing, commissioning & handing over of the following Inverter model with5 star capable Cool type split AC unit with high wall mounted Single Split indoor unit and outdoor condensing unit Hermetically sealed compressor suitable for operation on 230V, 50Hz, 1Phase AC supply capable of performing Heat, cool, dehumidifying, air circulating and filtering with cooling and condensing units with 3 mts of copper piping, insulation kit and 4 mts of 4 core copper flexible chord with cordless remote control etc., dual barrier coating in order to protect coil form oxidigation and with copper condenser only. , Hi-wall Unit 1.6TR5 star capable ofdelivering 19200 BTU/hr and above with operating on refrigerant R-32/ R-410A, COP not less than 4.5 , Hi-wall Unit 2.0TR5 star capable ofdelivering 24000 BTU/hr and above with operating on refrigerant R-32/ R-410A, COP not less than 4.5 , AIR HANDLING UNITS , Supply, Lifting, Shifting, Positioning, Installation, Testing, commissioning & handing over of following capacity floor mounted Thermal Break Double skin construction with internal and external sheets of 1.0 mm thickness with galavanizing of 120 gm/m2 ,Air handling unit made out of extruded aluminium structural frame work. Panels shall be made of 50 mm PUF injected panels having density 43 Kg/m3 in galvanised sheet casings having scratch free preplasticised coating on galvanised sheet on external side and plain GI inner sheet. The whole unit shall be mounted on spring isolators , i) The Air handling unit shallcomprise of fan section with Plug Fan/ Backward curvedfanwith limit load characteristics , spark proof fan. fan mounted on the scroll and not on the casing, coil section comprising of vrv/vrf water coil,stainless steel drain pan under coil section, Filter section comprising of prefilter 10 micron and 3 micron fine filters,mixing box along with RA and FAdampers etc. complete in all respect whether specifically speltor not but required to complete the system works. , The entireunitcasing shall be weather proof , made out of50 mm thk.43 Kg/ cum densitydouble skin PUF panels. The entire assembly of the unitshall be mounted on a rigid GSS base frame. Inner skinof the panel shall be 1 mm thickGSS plain and the outer skin shall be with 1 mm thk. Pre plasticized powder coated. The total unit along with VRV/VRF coils and hot water coil shall be AHRI certified. The face velocity of the coils shall not exceed 500 FPM . Theface velocity across the filters shall not exceed 500 FPM. , The coils and filters shall be full face of the unit. The fan and motor shall be mounted on a common base frame with cushy foots / spring isolator to avoid vibration transmission to the base of the unit. The motor shall be effiency 1 and with VFD compatable. , The fan shall be AMCA certified and motor shall be energy efficientEFF1. The fan out let velocity shall limit to 12 m/ sec. The fan access door shall have safetydoor interlock arrangement with motor. The unit shall be supplied withfire retardantdouble canvass connectionbetween the fan out let and supply air flange. , Variable frequency drives including harmonic filters and surge suppresors to be installed in independently with bypass starter panel and also differential pressure sensorwith cabling from the sensor located on the duct to the VFD for Air handling units of following capacity Motors including necessary fittings and fixing accessories etc., complete , The unit shall be supplied with an outletflange at the the supply air side along with opposed blade volume control damper. The damper casing and blades shall be made out of 16 G Aluminum. , The scope includes one set of commissioning filters along with the VFD & Starter panel with Bypass and control panels with MCB,MCCB. , The AHU unit shall outdoor type with all season weather proof protection , The noise level at all-round the unit shall limit to 60 dBA from 1 m distance to the unit. , The fan curves, coil selectionandtechnical data sheet shall be submittedby vendor for scrutiny. , The unit shall be included withAHU & VFD DRIVE STATER & CONTROL PANEL , The unit shall be included withAHU CONTROLL KITS WITH CORDED REMOTES , Unit shall be ultra violet lamp to kill germs/fungus , AHU1 - 30TR capacity , total air qty 12000 cfm, 65mm Static pressure with suitable High efficency motor, 24sqftarea of6 rowcoil(QC LAB). , Heater section should be with 8kW electric strip heater in 2 banks (QC LAB). , AHU2 - 52TR capacity , total air qty50000 cfm, 150mm Static pressure with suitable High efficency motor, 100sqftarea of6 rowcoil (ASSEMBLY HANGER). , Heater section should be with 12kW electric strip heater in 2 banks (ASSEMBLY HANGER). , AHU3 - 44TR capacity, total air qty 17600 cfm, 125mm Static pressure with suitable High efficency motor, 35.2sqftarea of6 row coil (WORKSHOP). , Supply and fixing of thyristor control Duct Heater Bank for humidity control 14kw capacity & necessary accessories to maintain RH (WORKSHOP). , Imported fittings like Y-Joints and headers etc as per the layout (additional supports should consider for both ends of the Y joint) With all necessary accessories i.e fixing etc complete. , CENTRAL CONTROLLER & REMOTE SYSTEM (FOR VRF UNITS) , Centarl controller integrating advanced I Touch screen display Controller type (System controller) for floor Indoor units with necessary software & spare parts. It shall be BMS compatible with BACNet over MSTP output to connect to the main IBMS system and showes real time data for both temperature Limitation and RH% in screen display. This Controllershall be stand-alone controller with features like visual navigation, graphical report, Multi-PC accessand have the capability to program for sequential operation of indoor units etc.,complete. , LOW SIDE VRV/VRF EQUIPMENT , REFRIGERANT PIPING , Interconnecting copper refrigerant pipe work duly insulated with elastomeric nitrile rubber typetubular insulation betweenindoor & outdoor units as per specifications . All piping inside the room shall be properly supported with hanger and all piping should be run in perforated cably tray.Cable tray qty specified seperately.. MS supports for refrigerant piping & cables, using angles, channels, Tees, flats, etc should be considered as part of scope.All MS supports shall be given a coat of red-oxide primer and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved colour. Class O insulation to be considered for the piping insulation. Cu.pipes shall be supported with PVC sleeves with clamps around and all wall/partition crossings shall have PVC sleeves , 41.3mm OD (insulation =19 mm thick) , 38.1mm OD (insulation =19 mm thick) , 34.9mm OD (insulation =19 mm thick) , 31.8mm OD (insulation =19 mm thick) , 28.6mm OD (insulation =19 mm thick) , 25.4mm OD (insulation =13 mm thick) , 22.2mm OD (insulation =13 mm thick) , 19.1mm OD (insulation =13 mm thick) , 15.9mm OD (insulation =13 mm thick) , 12.7mm OD (insulation =13 mm thick) , 9.5mm OD (insulation =13 mm thick) , 6.4mm OD (insulation=13mm thick) , DRAIN PIPE , Supply & Installation ofCPVC drain pipe insulated with 6 mm thick closed cell FM approved class O nitriler rubber insulation. Necessary U trap for units with clean out plugs to be provided. , 32 mm dia , 25 mm dia , Providing & fixing of 2 Cx 1.5 sqmm cu. cable for control cum trans-mission between Indoor unit and Out Door Unitthrough PVC Conduit. , Supply & providing of MS stand for VRV ODU along with proper supports-suitable for above configuration also including coat of red-oxide primer and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved colour. , Supply and installing following size of perforated Hot Dipped Galvanised iron cable tray (Galvanisation thickness not less than 50 microns) with perforation not more than 17.5%, in convenient sections,joined with connectors,suspended from the ceiling with G.I. suspenders including including Cover on above tray, G.I. bolts & nuts, etc. as as required and also inculding 14 SWG GI cover sheet with 40x5mm GI strip on both sides. , 150mm wide x 75mmHeight, 1.6mm thick , 300mm wide x 75mmHeight, 1.6mm thick , 450mm wide x 75mmHeight, 1.6mm thick , MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM , Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning & Handing over of the following: , Supply, Lifting, Shifting, Positioning, Installation, Testing, commissioning & handing over of the Circular Inline fan Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of low noise silent type Inline fan with @15mm WC static pressure. The motor shall be suitable for 220 volt single phase 50 cycles AC supply, 6/15 Ampplug and wiring between the fan and the socket andlow sound level exceeding not more than 50dBA. Fan shouldbe complete with all accessories, gravity louver/ shutter as required etc., as per manufacturer specification including transportation to site, all mounting arrangements like brackets etc.,as per specification including transportation to site, all mounting arrangements like brackets etc. It should be suitable for BMS connectivity with necessary accessories and cost of all accessories and all labour charges complete. , Circular Inline fan 100CFM/15mm WC static pressure , Circular Inline fan 200CFM/15mm WC static pressure , Circular Inline fan 400CFM/15mm WC static pressure , Circular Inline fan 500CFM/15mm WC static pressure , Circular Inline fan 600CFM/15mm WC static pressure , Circular Inline fan700CFM/15mm WC static pressure , Circular Inline fan 800CFM/15mm WC static pressure , CLEAN ROOM , CLEAN ROOM FALSE CEILING , Supply, Lifting, Shifting, Positioning, Installation, Testing, commissioning & handing over of the False ceiling panels are designed to fit within each other and suspended by threaded tension bars to the overhead support at fixed intervals , Standard Ceiling Panels have a composite construction of two skins of powder coated GI over an GI frame work with a sealed and insulated interior. 150-200 Kg per sq. mtr load bearing & factory manufacture only to be supply. , 50mmdouble Skin Walkable False Ceiling made of 0.45 mm both Top & Bottom with pre coated GI Sheetswith mounting accessories PUF as in fill (40 +/-2 kg./m3).False ceiling support rods lengthsuit to site condition. Note: 1.All ceiling joints and gaps between panel to panel, ceiling elements (such as HEPA module, diffusers, pipe & electrical drops etc.) etc. to be sealed usingApprovedfood grade silicon sealant of same or nearest colour as panel. The gap above panel to civil wall shall be properly closed with aluminium L - angle secured properly between civil wall and panels. All the gaps between panel to panel shall be closed with GI pre coated External Flashing . All the gaps between ceiling elements and ceiling panel shall be sealed using food grade silicon sealant of the same colour as the panel. , CLEAN ROOM PANELS , Standard wall partitions are a composite construction of two skins over an GI frame work with a sealed and insulated interior. Standard panel dimensions are 1200 mm. Standard panels have an overall thickness of 80 mm.Including Silicon Sealant. The self supporting internal walls are constructed with an interior floor Flashing to suit panel thickness.The Partition seams are sealed by silicone(Food grade) with a perfectly flush finishing. The panels should be factory manufacture. , CLEAN ROOM COVINGS , Extruded Aluminum Powder Coated /Anodized clip on type covings of 60mm radius for Panel to Panel and Panel to Ceiling. , Horizontal & Vertical Coving , 3DCorner Powder Coated , 2D Corner Powder Coated , AL powder Coated TEE Support for Ceiling Panels with threaded Rods and clamps , CLEAN ROOM DOORS , Doors are designed to fit flush into the wall panel / civil walls system on both sides and are supplied in different dimensions. Doors are fabricated from Pre Coated GI sheets & Pufas infill(48 +/-2 kg./m3). Shutter has sheet thickness of 1mm and the frame of 1.2mm. jam depth of door shutter inline with adjacent panel thicknessand shutter width of 40mm. Doors are available in various sizes as per the requirement. The following accessories are a part of the door: Note: 1.All joints between view panel and door panel to be sealed usingapproved food grade silicon sealantof the same or nearest colour as the panel. 2.Colour of the door panel:Same as Panel Colour or Blue 3.Double face VHB tapes of required thickness or silicon sealant to be provided on the periphery of the view panel frame to avoid any play between view panel frame and the slot in the door leaf. , Shutter Thickness: 40 mm thick , Stainless steel hinges (Any reputed Make) , Stainless Steel D type of handles on pull side , Stainless steel push plates on push side. , Heavy duty Concealed door closure , concealeddouble glazed Vaccumized View panel along with self adhesive tape and silicon sealant (500mmWx750mmH) with toughened glass with 6mm thick and black border , Mortice dead lock (ML100D) with both Side Key Operation Cylinder-Dorset , Concealed Flush Bolt Body with rod , Gasket at bottom for Double Door , Stainless Steel kick plates on both sides of 1.2mm thick with 300mm height for material transfer doors for Double Door. , DOUBLE DOOR SIZE , 3500mm Width X 2500mm Height Door (width of each door 1800mm) , VIEW PANELS ON MODULAR PARTITION , SINGLE GLAZED , All Viewpanel units are Double glazed and round profiled Epoxy based powder coated GI wall panel system. Thickness of 6/8 mm Tougened glass. The window system is completelyof food grade Silicone sealed. All veiw panels to have black border. Approx Size of view panels will be 800 x 1000mm , View Panel on 80mm wall panel , FALSE CEILING CUTOUTS FOR ELECTRICAL & HVAC GRILSS,LIGHT FIXTURES ETC. , Frame Work for Wall Panel Cutouts , Back Boxes for Electrical Sockets includes 3M, 2M, 6M, 8M, Single Phase, Three Phase industrials sockets respectively of apprvoed makes like Anchor, MK, North West & Legrand. , Frame work for False Ceiling Cutouts for Electrical & HVAC , PVC Conduit for Electrical Cables / Data Cables 24mm dia / 40 mm dia respectively , INBUILT RETURN RAISER , Supply and Installation of wall panel inbuiltReturn Air Risers of0.8 mm thick GI sheet & G4 Filter in aluminium frame work with proper fixing arrangement & fastening using SS 304 Dome nuts. to be provided up to the top of the false ceiling for HVAC duct connection. along with Butter fly Dmpers on the Top side. , Inbuilt raiser 600 x 600 , GI RETURN AIR FILTER WITH SS PERFORATED SHEET MODULE , Supply & installation of Return Air Raisers SS PERFORATED SHEET MODULE WITH 20 MICRON FILTER ASSEMBLY TO FLUS FIT THE RETURN AIR RISER PANEL. The RA raiser shall be adequately supported to ensure the rigidity. , 450 mm x 450 mm x 450 mm , Supply and Laying ofSelf levelling Expoxy flooring with Floor Preparation work and application ofone coat primer, screed and finishing with Self levelling Epoxy up to a max of 2mm of approved Colour , INSULATED FLEXIBLE DUCT WITH NECESSARY FIXING CLAMPS ON BOTH SIDE FOR TERMINAL HEPA MODULE , Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of The insulated flexible duct of class 1 air duct, light weight, strong, fully flexible & made of double lamination of films permanently bonded to a coated spring tough steel wire helix. The thermal efficiency is ensured with a blanket of fiberglass wool insulation in between. Necessary Fixing Clamp on both side shall be considered. (With Spigot Connection & Rigid GI Round Duct). Note: Rigid GI Round Duct area shall be part of GI Ducting. Each Flexible connection shall not be more than 1 Mtr. , 200 mm Dia , TERMINAL HEPA FILTER WITH MODULES , Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of H14 HEPA Filterwith Housing & Damper (Bottom Discharge Module Type with SS304 perforated grille of 16 SWG sheet along with SS chain link). Complete Housing (Sides + Top) made of extruded aluminium anodized material and low leakage aluminum collar damper with operating bevel gear arrangement, Diffuser Plate,Housing shall be suitable for fixing the Gel Sealtype (Polyurethane gel) terminal HEPA filter (H-13) with Protective Expanded Metal Screen. The Filter Housing shall have provision for smoke aerosol test point and differential pressure measuring point. The filter mounting box shall have a provision to replace filter & control the airflow from inside conditioned space. The HEPA filter modules are of the following sizes: , Plenum box size of 485x485x220H (530X530mm Flange to Flange) inlet collar with Diffuser plate & TOP entry 305 Sq / dia Collar with necessary clamps completewith gel seal filter minipleat H-13 of Size: 450X450X70mmwith DOP port and bevel gear arrangement room side operation damper. , PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM , Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Compound Magnahelic gauges housed in a SS304 front cover (50-0-50 Pa) complete with PVC tubing and SS perforated nozzle (For Installation in Clean Room Panel for Classified Areas) , MISCELLANEOUS , Commissioning of Classified Areas with Validation reports comprising of: , AHU & Duct leakage testing with pressurization (As per SMACNA air duct leakage standards). This process to be documented. , HVAC testing adjusting and balancing as per ASHRAE standard. , Air balancing with flow hood meter , Room Temperature & Humidity mapping for 24 hours and monitoring for 3 days. , Room pressure balancing with monitoring for 3 days. , HEPA Filter Integrity Test. , Particle count test , Providing all documentation of DQ, IQ, OQ & PQ in approved formats. , The Validation has to be carried out for minimum 3 working days continuously for Air flow, Temperature and Humidity. For Room Pressure Differential continuously for 3 working days. In case of any non compliance the system has to be set right and the Validation has to be carried out once again as per the above schedule. Validation has to be carried out by valued Certification ISO 14644-1 is a widely recognized certification .Its shouldissued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or The FDA, Health Canada, and the EU recognize this certification. , Clean Air Devices Equipments , Supply, Lifting, Shifting, Positioning, Installation, Testing, commissioning & handing over of personal Air shower , single entry and single exit,high velocity, low pressure system SS304 nozzles,pre and HEPA fillers, completely self contained unit, utilizing low wall return (floor grill type not accepted) , The Unit shall be consisting of ISO class 8 clean room compatible pre-fabricated units built up, in place having fluorescent lamp with acrylic cover, electronic ballast , both side red and green indicators, elector-magnetic latches on both sides of Dorma make to ensure both doors do not open simultaneously, 5.0 mm thick viewing glass,SS304 finish handles of Dorma make, door closer with hold open arm of Dorma make, blower, control wiring, emergency stop switch etc. , For 3 persons entry , Supply, Lifting, Shifting, Positioning, Installation, Testing, commissioning & handing over of stainless steel centrifugal air curtain having following specification.The product should be made up stainless steel 304Grade having 3 Blowers(in M.Steel), 2 Motors operating on three phase , Power =1650 Watt having RPM (Max/Min = 2700) and CFM. Overall Dimension of 6000X230X212(mm) with Noise level < 66 db. Air Curtain should be provided with velocity control switch and a Door sensor. The product should carry manufacturers warranty of one year from the Date of Supply. Along with Fabrication work of providing 2/1 MS Pipe , Tin Sheet as cover, Bracked and screws*Variations acceptable in parameters above - 5-10% The Product should be Supplied along with PVC curtains & SS Bracket for PVC Support. Supply, installation, testing and commissioninging of transparent blue PVC Strip curtain,these medium weight strip will help with temperature control or dust exclusion without impeding access, It is suitable for the door is the main entry gate of the premises, means exposed to air.The Product should be complete in all aspect as per Engineer incharge instructions , Supply, Lifting, Shifting, Positioning, Installation, Testing, commissioning & handing over of stainless steel centrifugal air curtain having following specification.The product should be made up stainless steel 304Grade having 2 Blowers(in M.Steel), 2 Motors operating on three phase , Power =1650 Watt having RPM (Max/Min = 2700) and CFM. Overall Dimension of 3500X230X212(mm) with Noise level < 66 db. Air Curtain should be provided with velocity control switch and a Door sensor. The product should carry manufacturers warranty of one year from the Date of Supply. Along with Fabrication work of providing 2/1 MS Pipe , Tin Sheet as cover, Bracked and screws*Variations acceptable in parameters above - 5-10% The Product should be Supplied along with PVC curtains & SS Bracket for PVC Support. Supply, installation, testing and commissioninging of transparent blue PVC Strip curtain,these medium weight strip will help with temperature control or dust exclusion without impeding access, It is suitable for the door is the main entry gate of the premises, means exposed to air.The Product should be complete in all aspect as per Engineer incharge instructions , SS/PP Furniture , Design, engineering, fabrication, supply, erection and testing of Cross over bench made up of 10 mm thick PP sheets of size which has to fully fixed in the designated placein the changeroom, with heat welding .Bottom of bench will have pegion holes for keeping dayshoes/CR sleepers of equal size 250 mm X182 mm in two rows. , Design, engineering, fabrication, supply, erection,testing and commissioning ofgarment cubicle compatible for ISO class 8 cleanroom either SS304 sheet material for keeping maximum 15 cleanroom garments including 15 sets of garments, sliding doors, glazing, UV light, Pre filter, HEPA filter and blower for recirculation of air, complete ready to use. , ELECTRICL LIGHTS AND ACCESSORIES , LIGHT FIXTURES , Supply,Installation, Testing & commissioning of following LED light fittings for lighting fixture with accessories and LED chip. The Luminaire shall be with CRCA housing and Luminaire and an operating Voltage Range of 120 - 277V, Internal Surge Protection 2.5KV. , 40W 2x2 (600mmx600mm) LED Screw less Clean room recess mounted bottom opening luminaires with toughed glass with diffused acrylic cover, construction of the housing with engineering push back mounting arrangement system of Approved make. System output 4000 lumens to be considered.(Philips or equivenlant) , Electrical Cabling with PVC Conduiting for the Lights 3 Core1.5 Sqmm , POWER SOCKETS , Supply, Installation, Testing & Commisioning of following Plug sockets & Push buttons. The assembly shall be housed in metal box / on partition / on wall concealed type. Rate shall include the internal wiring, terminations, GI back box and front face plate, enclouser with fixing accessary like lugs, screws, blot nuts, ferruls etc. as per tender technical specifications.Necessary wall chipping, drilling & fixing of back box in concelead type. Rate shall be included backbox fixing concelead on the walland chipping along the wall fixing chicken mesh and making good surface of wall as required at site. Note : Modular sockets Back box should be considered 45mm depth only. , Emergencystop push button station with enclosure fixed on wall or on required MS angle support with all its accessories of approved make. , EARTHING , GI Plate Earthing , Supply and Laying of following earthing strips / earth wire of the following sizes with required accessories like clamps,bolts & nuts, painting. Two numbers of earth strips should run along with cable tray/civil wall with proper using bolt and nuts for strips connectivity and two earth points shall be end terminated for all equipments, motors, all Electrical and ELV panels, DB etc., refer the earthing schematic for considering the earth strips. , 50mmx6mm GI Strip , DRAIN PIPE , Supply & Installation ofPVC drain pipe insulated with 9 mm thick closed cell FM approved class O nitriler rubber insulation. Necessary U trap for units with clean out plugs to be provided , 40mm dia , Sheet Metal Work usingFactor Fabricated Duct with Ductmate (TDF) Flanges for all sizes of the duct. Fabrication as per SMACNA Standards , Galvanizing shall be Class VIII – light coating of zinc, nominal 120 gm / sqm surface area and Lock Forming Quality prime material alongwith mill test certificates.In addition, if deemed necessary, samples of raw material, selected at random by owner’s site representative shall be subject to approvaland tested for thickness and zinc coating at contractor’s expense. , All duct construction and installation shall be in accordance with SMACNA standards.In addition ducts shall be factory fabricated utilizing the following machines to provide the requisite quality of ducts. , All ducts shall be fabricated and installed in workmanlike manner, conforming to relevant SMACNA codes. , To ensure the air tightness, all ducts shall be checked with Duct pressure Test after completion of duct installation but before applying insulation , Guide vanes to be installed in elblow, reducers and other accessories , Stiffernner to be considered for ducts with more than 1200mm wide ducts , Duct joining shall completed with adhesive type gasket and sealant , All ducts needs to properly supported with suitablewire supports as per makes given in make list. The cost shall be inclusive of anchor fastners/wedge supports suiting to steel structure. , With all necessary accessories i.e fixing etc complete. , Rectangular Ducting , Sheet Metal Ducting As per Specification. Pressure 500 Pa , 24 G Ducting with Factor Fabricated Duct/ TDF flanges , 22 G Ducting with Factor Fabricated Duct/ TDF flanges , 20 G Ducting with Factor Fabricated Duct/ TDF flanges , Thermal & Acoustic insulation , Thermal Insulation for ducts , Supply, installation and testing of Class- O, 25 mm thick Closed cell elastomeric insulation for thermal insulation for indoor supply air ducts with density not less than 50 kg / cum. Microban antimicrobial protection insulation material to be fire retardant. Joining tapes & low VOC adhesive to be supplied with the insulation material by the insulation material manufacturer. , Supply, installation and testing of Class- O, 19 mm thick Closed cell elastomeric insulation for thermal insulation for indoor supply air / return air ducts with density not less than 50 kg / cum. Insulation material to be fire retardant. Joining tapes & low VOC adhesive to be supplied with the insulation material by the insulation material manufacturer. , Supply, installation and testing of Class- O, 13 mm thick Closed cell elastomeric insulation for thermal insulation for indoor supply air / return air ducts with density not less than 50 kg / cum. Insulation material to be fire retardant. Joining tapes & low VOC adhesive to be supplied with the insulation material by the insulation material manufacturer. Refer method statement in technical specification for insulation works. , Acoustic Insulation for ducts , Supply, transportation , Lifting , Shifting ,installation ,testing and commissioning of Acoustic insulation for ducting with 50mm TF quality thermocole, density 18kg/cum, chicken wire mesh and 2 coats of 12mm thick sandcement plastering for exposed ducting. , Air Terminal Devices , Supply, installation, testing and balancing Powder Coated extruded aluminium grilles with collar damper for supply and return distribution(colour for the grill to be confirmed by department before placing theorder) . Deflection of the grille shall be 0 / 15 / 30. same will be confirmed later. Single / 2 way / 4 way deflection shall be confirmed later. , Supply, Fixing, Testing and commissioning of Aluminium powder coated4-Way Diffusers with Anti smudge ring and all fixing accesseroies as per standard specifications and practice. , Supply, installation and testing ofJet diffuserwith fire resistance flexible double canvas Connection for supply distribution(colour for the Jet to be confirmed by consultant/ PMC team before placing theorder) , Ø 315 , Supply and fixing of 18G circular butterfly damper with provision to fix to the rectangular duct with GI circular flanges. , Supply and fixing of Insulated Aluminum flexible duct with 25mm thick glass wool insulation covered with aluminum foil suitable to connect the ducting including necessary clamps at both ends of size , Acoustic Insulation for AHU rooms , Supply, installation and testing of acoustic insulation on walls & ceilings for the AHU Rooms with 50mm thk. 24 kg/ cum density Resin bonded fiber glass covered with 24 G GI perforated sheet as per specification. The FG slabs shall be placed in the grid of 600mmx600mm centers formed out of GI channels. , Supply and Fixing of Fresh Air / Exhaust air Louvers with brass wire mesh backing with Pre filter along with Dampers for all AHU room fresh air wall openings. , Supply, installation and testing of Factory fabricated Rectangular shape - GI Volume control dampers, 1.6-mm GI Steel Frame, 1.6-mm GI blades, 150-mm width, with required hardware and accessories. Stiffen damper blades for stability. Include locking device to hold single-blade dampers in a fixed position without vibration & engraved marking on position of damper. , Supply, installation and testing of Aluminium powder coated fresh air intake / exhaust air louvers backing with pre filters complete with HDPE insect mesh with cowl mounting frame and 45 deg angle suitable for protection against splashing rain water fixed in a powder coated Aluminium angle mount frames as required for all AHU ROOM fresh air wall openings. , Supply, installation and testing of Motorized Fire dampers (MSFD) with ON/OFF type actuator. The dampers to be fire rated for 120 minutes at 250Deg C. Fire damper to be provided with matching flanges on both sides. Fire dampers should be supplied with extended fire rated sleeves. Actuators shall be for spring return type & shall be fire rated for 120 minutes @ 120Deg C. Actuators to be internally mounted. Actuators should be suitable for BMS connectivity with necessary accessories. , Note:Duly factory fitted and tested at manufacturers works and certificate to this effect produced along with delivery of fire damper. , Fire damper , Actuator,Sensor,Control panel and relay/communication module, interlinking cabling , Supply, installation and testing ofGI Non ReturnDampersat suction & discharge side, suitable for duct mounted including mating galvanized angular iron flanges. , Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Fire Retardant Canvass Connections with MS Eoxy painted / Al powdercoated finish angle flanges on both sides as per the specifications and approved drawings. , Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of FM approved 32mm thickness of closed cell nitrile rubber without aluminium foil temperature range from -10ºC to +60ºC, Class O fire category and as per specification.for Underdeck insulation, as per technical specifications and as shown in approved drawings. Adhesive shall be used as recommended by insulation manufacturer for applying over concrete structures and it shall be green building complaint. Makes: Galaxy, sheth insulation, ALP Aeroflex,neothermalinsulation. , MS structural Steel for supports ofUnit, Piping, Control cabling supports including fabrication,erection with GI clamps and brackets with adequate number of supports for pipes every 2.5 mts interval and at bends for Insulated refrigerant pipe for exposed areas etc , FALSE CEILING WORK , Providing and fixing false ceiling at all height including providing and fixing of frame work made of special sections, power pressed from M.S. sheets and galvanized with zinc coating of 120 gms/sqm (both side inclusive) as per IS : 277 and consisting of angle cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with flanges of 27 mm and 37mm, at 1200 mm centre to centre, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5 mm dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia bolts, other flange of cleat fixed to the angle hangers of 25x10x0.50 mm of required length with nuts & bolts of required size and other end of angle hanger fixed with intermediate G.I. channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at the spacing of 1200 mm centre to centre, to which the ceiling section 0.5 mm thick bottom wedge of 80 mm with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5 mm, at 450 mm centre to centre,shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I. intermediate channel with connecting clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm long G.I. , wire at every junction, including fixing perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mm high having flanges of 20 mm and 30 mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/partition with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre, with 25mm long dry wall screws @ 230 mm interval, including fixing of gypsum board to ceiling section and perimeter channel with the help of dry wall screws of size 3.5 x 25 mm at 230 mm c/c, including jointing and finishing to a flush finish of tapered and square edges of the board with recommended jointing compound , jointing tapes , finishing with jointing compound in 3 layers covering upto 150 mm on both sides of joint , all as per manufacturers specification and also including the cost of making openings for light fittings, grills,diffusers, cutouts made with frame of perimeter channels suitably fixed, all complete as per drawings, specification and direction of the Engineer in Charge but excluding the cost of painting with : (a)12.5 mm thick tapered edge gypsum moisture resistant board. (Make : Gproc , L Strong , Armstrong) , ELECTRICAL WORKS: , MV Panels VRF/VRV OUTDOOR PANNEL-1 , Supply, installation,Testing and Commissioning of 3 phase and Neutral 415V, 4 wire Free Standing Floor mounted MV panel made out of 14 SWG MS sheet after seven tank process and painting with Epoxy powder coating. , The panel shall consist of suitable rating TPN Aluminium busbar (at the rating of 0.8A/Sq.mm) supported with DMC/ SMC barriers and color coded with Heat shrinkable sleeves. , The Metering shall be provided as specified. The panel shall have Short circuit withstanding capacity of minimum 50KA and consist of the switchgear as mentioned below. , The panel shall be got fabricated from manufacturers with CPRI Test certificate only. The PCC shall have at least two spare cubicles of the maximum rating. The size of all Panel Mounting Meters shall be 96X96mm. , The Panels shall be mounted on U channels including supply and fixing of the same. Every ACB shall be provided with ON/OFF /Trip Indication lamps of LED type. For all Electrically operated Breakers, Local Remote Selector switches shall be provided for controlling the Breakers remotely. , M.V.PANEL ( OUTDOOR ) -VRF OUTDOOR UNIT , Incoming : 800A FP 50KA EDO ACB with Microprocesser Based releases for Overload, S/Cand earth fault- 1 set , BUSBARS : 800A, TPN Aluminium busbars – 1set , Metering for Incomer , Phaseindicating lamps - 1 set withtoggle switch , Voltmeter (0-500V) with selector switch - 1 set , Ammeter (0-800A) with selector switch - 1 set , Multifunction Meter -1Set , 800/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs with resin cast- 3Nos. , Outgoing Feeders :- , 63A TP 16KA MCCB As Outgoing Feeder - 18 Nos , Earth bus bar with GI Strip , MV Panels VRF/VRV OUTDOOR PANNEL-2 , Supply, installation, Testing andCommissioning of 3 phase and Neutral415V 4 wire Free Standing Floor mounted outdoor type weather proof double door with canopy on top MV panel made out of 3mm thick CRCA/Galvanised steel enclosurefor main frame and 2mm thick partitions for mechanical strength/ruggedness, after seven tank process and painting with Epoxy powder coating. The panel shall consist of suitable ratingTPN Aluminium busbar (at the rating of 0.8A/Sq.mm) supported with DMC/ SMCbarriers and color coded with Heat shrinkable sleeves. The Metering shall beprovided as specified. The panel shall have Short circuit withstanding capacity of minimum 50KA and consist of the switchgear as mentioned below. Outdoor panels shall have IP-55 degree of protection wiith external door . Enclosure shall be modular with bolted design. Enclosure shall be powder coated with RAL-7035 coat with matt finish. Design ambient temperature shall be 50 degree centrigrade. No use of hygroscopic material like FRP/Hylam/Bakellite sheet inside the panel for partitions or any other purpose. , The PCC shall have at least twospare cubicles. The size of all Panel Mounting Meters shall be 96X96mm. The Panels shall be mounted on U channels including supply and fixing of the same. Every ACB shall be provided with ON/OFF /Trip Indication lamps of LED type. For all Electrically operated Breakers, Local Remote Selector switches shall be provided for controlling the Breakers remotely.ACBs shall have built-inAll ACBs shall be provided with Digital type Ammeter of suitable range along with CTs. All ACBs shall be provided with ON/OFF/TRIP indication lamps and shunt trip coils. All MCCB/ACBs of rating 160Aand above shall be with Micro processor releases All MCCBs below 160A shall be with adjustable thermal magnetic based releases. All MCCBs shall be with spreader links and rotary handle. All MCCBs shall be over load & short circuit releases withIcu=100% Ics. All CTs/CBCT shall be resin cast type. All Controlling wiring shall be FRLS cables, all the bus bar sleeves shall be Heat shrinkable kits.Panels shall have form 4b/form 3b construction as per the requirement. ACBs shall conform to IEC 60947 (part 1&2), shall be suitable for rated system voltage 690V, Insulation voltage 1000V and Impulse withstand of 12KV. , For MCCB with Microprocessor based release : A common indication LED for internal temp/ fault/alarm . MCCB should have in-built feature of logical selectivity by which it can give a time delay of 50msec between upstream and downstream MCCB The microprocessor based release should have the following settings: • Overload Settings: 0.4 to 1 times of Ir • Short Circuit Settings: 1.25 to 10 times of Ir. • Earth fault Settings: 0.2 to 1 times of In. • Neutral protection settings: 0 – 50% – 100%Ir. • Manually closing mechanism should be accommodated in a Moulded housing of robust and vermin-proof construction. • MCCB shall be provided with double insulation (insulation between front cover and internal power circuits to avoid any accidental contact with live current carrying path with the front cover open) • The tripping devices shall be ambient temperature compensated type. The insulating case shall be made of high strength heat resistant and flame retardant thermosetting insulating material. , OUTDOOR MAIN PCC PANEL , Incoming : , Incoming : 800A FP 50KA EDO ACB with Microprocesser Based releases for Overload, S/Cand earth fault- 1 set , Busbars :800A TPN Aluminiumbusbars - 1 set , Outgoings : , 63A TPN, 16kA,Moulded Case Circuit Breakerand Electromagnetic based protection release having adjustable over load, short circuit and earth fault protection.- 20 No. , Metering : , 0-500V Digital Voltmeter withselector switch and Fuses - 2 sets , 0-800A Digital Ammeter with CTs ofratio 800/5A,Class 1 Accuracy and15VA burden and selector switch - 2sets , LED Phase indication lamps with individuals Fuses and control withtoggle switches- 2sets , CT Operated Load Manager with RS 485 port ( Similar to EM-6400) – 2sets , Suitable Earth strip at bottom of the panel of GI Strip , Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following size 1.1 KV Grade Aluminum / Copper conductor XLPE insulated PVC sheathed armoured cable and shall be laid on cable traywith all installation materials. the cable shall conform to IS 7098 / part-I. , 4Core X 10Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 20HP ODU ) - 27Nos , 4Core X 10Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 28TR AHU ) - 1Nos , 4Core X 6Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 8KW HEATER ) - 1Nos , 4Core X 16Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 52TR AHU ) - 1Nos , 4Core X 10Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 12KW HEATER ) - 1Nos , 4Core X 16Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 42TR AHU ) - 4Nos , 4Core X 10Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 15KW HEATER ) - 4Nos , Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following size ELECTRICAL TERMINATIONS WITH SINGLE COMPRESSION GLANDS / LUGS: , 4Core X 10Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 20HP ODU ) - 27Nos , 4Core X 10Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 28TR AHU ) - 1Nos , 4Core X 6Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 8KW HEATER ) - 1Nos , 4Core X 16Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 52TR AHU ) - 1Nos , 4Core X 10Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 12KW HEATER ) - 1Nos , 4Core X 16Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 42TR AHU ) - 4Nos , 4Core X 10Sqmm (Copper)(Armoured) (for 15KW HEATER ) - 4Nos , SITC of GI Earthing for equipment , 8 SWG G.I. Wire , SUBHEAD-IVX : POWER WIRING : , Supplying and fixing following way, horizontal type three pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar,neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powderpainted including earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator) , 12 way (8 + 36), Double door , 8 way (8 + 24), Double door , Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, (three phase and neutral), 415 volts, residual current circuitbreaker (RCCB), having a sensitivity current 30 mA in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. , 63A , Supplying and fixingof 6A to 32A rating 240/415V,10kA , C Curveminiature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following polesin the existing MCB DB complete with connections ,testing and commissioning etc complete. , Single Pole , Supplying and fixing following way, vertical type three pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar,neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powderpainted including earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator) , 12 way (4 + 24), Double door , 8 way (4 + 24), Double door , Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, (three phase and neutral), 415 volts, molded case circuitbreaker (MCCB), having a breaking capacity 25 KA in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. , 200A 4P MCCB, 35 kA , Supplying and fixingof following rating 240/415V,10kA , C Curveminiature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following polesin the existing MCB DB complete with connections ,testing and commissioning etc complete. , 63A Three Pole MCB 16 kA , Supply,erection,testing and commissioning of the following switchsockets with anodised G.I. Box,front plate and fixing screws etc . , 6/16 Amps, 5-pin (250 Volts) single phase modular type socket controlled by 16 Amps SP Switch. , Supply and fixing of factory made 20A, 1Ph Metalclad socket with plugtop &20A SPMCB in MS box including all fixing accessories , Supply and fixing of factory made 25A, 1Ph Metalclad socket with plugtop &25A SPMCB in MS box including all fixing accessories , Supplying and fixing 32A, 415V, TPN industrial type socket outlet with 4 pole and earth metal enclosed plug top alongwith 32A C Curve, TP MCB in sheet metal enclosure on surface/recess with chained metal cover for the socket outlet and complete with connections ,testingand commissionining etc complete as required. , Supplying and fixing 63A, 415V, TPN industrial type socket outlet with 4 pole and earth metal enclosed plug top alongwith 63A C Curve, TP MCB in sheet metal enclosure on surface/recess with chained metal cover for the socket outlet and complete with connections, testingand commissionining etc complete as required. , Supply,erection,testing and commissioning of the following switchsockets with anodised G.I. Box, Stainless steel front plate and fixing screws etc . , 6/16 Amps, 5-pin (250 Volts) single phase modular type socket controlled by 16 Amps SP Switch. , Supply and Wiring with the following size 1100V grade PVC insulated multistrand, FRLS Copper conductor wires in and includingsuitable size heavy gauge PVC conduit concealed in wall / Ceiling including all accessories such as junction boxes, bends, elbows including end terminated with suitable lugs. , 2runs of 4Sq.mm wires with 1run of 4 Sq.mm wireinand including 25mm diaPVC Conduit(For 16A Sockets). , 2runs of 6Sq.mm wires with 1run of 6 Sq.mm wireinand including 25mm diaPVC Conduit(For AC Sockets). , 4runs of 10Sq.mm wires with 2run of 6 Sq.mm wireinand including 25mm diaPVCConduit. , 4 X 16 sq. mm + 2 X 16 sq. mm earth wire in existin PVC / Floor raceways , Supply and Wiring with the following size 1100V grade PVC insulated multistrand, FRLS Copper conductor wires in existingMS/PVC conduit / Floor race way including all necessary interconnections etc complete. , 2runs of 2.5Sq.mm wires with 1run of 2.5 Sq.mm wire in existingPVC Conduit(For 6A Sockets & Switch boards),ferrules incliding all labour charges etc., complte.. , 2runs of 4Sq.mm wires with 1run of 4 Sq.mm wiresin existingPVC Conduit(For 16A Sockets), ferrules incliding all labour charges etc., complte.. , 2runs of 6Sq.mm wires with 1run of 6 Sq.mm wiresin existing PVC Conduit(For AC Sockets), ferrules incliding all labour charges etc., complte.. , 4runs of 6Sq.mm wires with 2run of 6 Sq.mm wiresin existing PVC Conduit. for run of mains, ferrules incliding all labour charges etc., complte. , 4runs of 10Sq.mm wires with 2run of 6 Sq.mm wireinexistingPVCConduit.for run of mains, ferrules incliding all labour charges etc., complte. , 4 X 16 sq. mm + 2 X 16 sq. mm earth wire in existin PVC / Floor raceways for run of mains, ferrules incliding all labour charges etc., complte. , Providing and fixing of maintenance free earthing which consists of 40mm Dia, standard length (as per Equipment Supplier) electrode capsule,filled with earth enhancing compound,sealed at both ends and brazed lead for connection at one end suitable for direct installation at site at a depth of 2.5 mtr.Earth enhancingcompound upto a depth of 2.0 mtr around the electrode capsule and also wih brick chamber and cast Iron cover etc complete including excavation in all types of soil. , Supply and laying of following size strips including all necessary inter connections with earth station and equipments , 50 X 5 mm Hot dip GI strip , 25 X 5 mm Hot dip GI strip , Supplying and laying 6 SWG G.I. wire at 0.50 meter below ground level for conductor earth electrode, including connection/ termination with GI thimble etc. as required. , Supply and fixing of following size GIPerforated type cable tray made out of 2mm thick G.Isheet including MS supports for fixing the tray, anchor fasteners etc., laid including 2runs of 25x5 GI strip etc including with 2 mm thickGI covers. , 300 mm widex 50 mm Height , 150 mm widex 50 mm Height , 100 mm widex 50 mm Height , Supply, laying, jointing GI pipes of medium quality including specials of approved make fixed to wall/to the required lengths, threading jointing chasing the walls and floor, making holes, clamping of clamps and making good the same, necessary excavation, etc., complete as specifed and directed. , 50mm Dia , SUBHEAD-XV : SHOP ELECTRIC: , Supplying and fixing 20A, 415V, TPN industrial typesocket outlet with 4 pole and earth metal enclosed plug top alongwith 20A C Curve,4 P MCB in sheet metal enclosure on surface/recess with chained metal cover for the socket outlet and complete with connections ,testingand commissionining etc complete as required. , Supplying and fixing 32A, 415V, TPN industrial type socket outlet with 4 pole and earthalongwith 32A C Curve, TP MCB in sheet metal enclosure on surface/recess with chained metal cover for the socket outlet and complete with connections ,testingand commissionining etc complete as required. , Supplying and fixing 63A, 415V, TPN industrial type socket outlet with 4 pole and earthalongwith 63A C Curve, TP MCB in sheet metal enclosure on surface/recess with chained metal cover for the socket outlet and complete with connections ,testingand commissionining etc complete as required. , Supply, testingand commissioning of following size 1.1KV grade XLPE insulated armoured aluminium conductor cable. The cable shall conform to IS 7098/ Part-II. , 4C X 10Sq.mm , 4C X 16Sq.mm , 3.5C X 25Sq.mm , 3.5C X 35Sq.mm , 4C X 50Sq.mmCu Armoured Cable , Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size direct in ground including excavation, sand cushioning, protective covering and refilling the trench etc as required. , Upto 35 sq. mm , Above 35 sq. mm and upto 95 sq. mm , Above 95 sq. mm and upto 185 sq. mm , Above 185 sq. mm and upto 400 sq. mm , Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size in the existing RCC/ HUME/ METAL pipe as required. , Upto 35 sq. mm , Above 35 sq. mm and upto 95 sq. mm , Above 95 sq. mm and upto 185 sq. mm , Above 185 sq. mm and upto 400 sq. mm , Laying and fixing of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size on cable tray as required. , Upto 35 sq. mm , Above 35 sq. mm and upto 95 sq. mm , Above 95 sq. mm and upto 185 sq. mm , Above 185 sq. mm and upto 400 sq. mm , Providing Indoor ordinary end terminations for thefoollwing 1.1 KV grade XLPE insulated armoured alluminium conductor cables with compression type steel gland, Bi-metallic lugs using crimping tool, Insulation tape, Identification tags etc., including end termination and Earthing of Gland with 8SWG GI Wire. , 4C X 10Sq.mm , 4C X 16Sq.mm , 3.5C X 25Sq.mm , 3.5C X 35Sq.mm , 4C X 50Sq.mmCu Armoured Cable , Supply and fixing of following size GIPerforated type cable tray made out of 2mm thick G.Isheet including MS supports for fixing the tray, anchor fasteners etc., laid including 2runs of 25x5 GI strip etc including with 2 mm thickGI covers. , 600 mm widex 50 mm Height , 450 mm widex 50 mm Height , 300 mm widex 50 mm Height , 150 mm widex 50 mm Height , Providing and fixing of maintenance free earthing which consists of 40mm Dia, standrad length (as per Equipment Supplier) electrode capsule,filled with earth enhancing compound,sealed at both ends and brazed lead for connection at one end suitable for direct installation at site at a depth of 2.5 mtr.Earth enhancingcompound upto a depth of 2.0 mtr around the electrode capsule and also wih brick chamber and cast Iron cover etc complete including excavation in all types of soil. , Supply and laying of following size strips including all necessary inter connections with earth station and equipments. , 50 X 5 mm Hot dip GI strip , 25 X 5 mm Hot dip GI strip , Supplying and laying 6 SWG G.I. wire at 0.50 metre below ground level for conductor earth electrode, including connection/ termination with GI thimble etc. as required. , Supplying and fixing of following ways surface/ recess mounting, vertical type, 415 V, TPN MCBdistribution board of sheet steel, dust protected, duly powder painted, inclusive of 200 A tinned copper bus bar, common neutral link, earth bar, din bar for mounting MCBs (but without MCBs andincomer ) as required . (Note : Vertical type MCB TPDB isnormally used where 3 phase outlets are required.) , 12 way (8 + 36), Double door , Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, (three phase and neutral), 415 volts, residual current circuitbreaker (RCCB), having a sensitivity current 30 mA in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. , 250 A, 35KA 4P MCCB , 200 A, 35KA 4P MCCB , 63 A, 4P RCBO , 100 A, 4P ,25ka MCCB ( , 125 A, 4P ,25ka MCCB ( , Supply,Installation Testing Commissioning of following TTA PANEL.Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 415V, 3 phase 4 wire 50 c/s Main LT Panel at Substation fully compartmentalized cubical type, as per the standards IEC61439-1&2 as tested assembly (TTA) ,tested for impulse voltage 8 KV,IP 42 fabricated CRCA sheet steel of 2 mm thick for frame work and covers, 3 mm thick for gland plates i/c cleaning & finishing complete with 7 tank process for powder coating in approved shade, having required capacity extensible type FP bus bars of high conductivity, DMC / SMC bus bars of high conductivity, DMC/ SMC bus bar supports, with short circuit withstand capacity of 35KA for 1 Sec., bottom base channel of MS section not less than 100 mm x 50 mm x 5 mm thick, fabrication shall be done in transportable sections, Form of separation shall be form 4b with metallic separation only entire panel shall have a common copper earth bar of size 25 mm x 5 mm at the rear with 2 Nos. earth stud, solid connections from main bus bar to switch gears with required size of bus bars, interconnection, interlocking between feeders etc.,with indication lamps, push buttons necessary accessories, complete with following incoming and outgoing switchgears with protection and metering etc. as per specification and schematic diagram including provision to be made for interfacing with BMS etc. complete as required, with incoming & outgoing cable entry from bottom/top and bus-duct entry from top, wiring with 2.5sq. mm. FRLS insulated copper conductor , cable alleys, PLC cable gland i/c providing following switch gears , All ACBs should have Ics=Icu=Icw for 1 sec All MCCBs shall be rating for 25kA (Ics=Icu). All MCCBs above 63A should be provided with Copper Spreader Terminals Marshalling Bay To Be Provided for BMS Operation Approval shall be taken for each panel before fabrication. PLC based control with 100% hot redundant PLC arrangement with touch-screen LCD / LED display board (min. 8 Diag size)along with all accessories for complete automatic, manual andHMI controls & indication. Energy Management Software wth necessary cabling shall be in scope, nos. of breaker / Meters to be connect with energy management software shall be inform by Engineer In Charge. , USER EQUIPMENT PANEL , Incomer , 630 A, 50KA, 4P , ACB, Should be supplied with Microprocessor basedS/C, E/F, O/CProtection.(70 - 100% Plug setting) – 1No , 2A, controlMCB - 3 Nos. , Outgoings : , 200A ,35KA TP, MCCBs - 9 Nos , 125A ,25KA TP, MCCBs - 3 Nos , 100A ,25KA TP, MCCBs - 3 Nos , 63A ,16KA TP, MCCBs - 3 Nos , Surge Protection Device - 1 No , Bus Bar : 630 A TPN Alluminium Bus Bar-1 Set , MeteringIncomer : , 0-500V Digital Voltmeter with selector switch andMCB-1set , CT Operated Load Manager (similar to EM-6400) - 1 No , 0-630A Digital Ammeter with resin cast CTsof ratio 630/5A Class 1 Accuracy and 15VA burden and selector switch -1set , LED phase indication lamps with toggle switch -1set , Main LDB , Incomer , 250 A, 35KA, 4P , MCCB, Should be supplied with Microprocessor basedS/C, E/F, O/CProtection.(70 - 100% Plug setting) – 1No , 2A, controlMCB - 3 Nos. , Outgoings : , 160A ,35KA TP, MCCBs - 5 Nos , 63A ,16KA TP, MCCBs - 2 Nos , Surge Protection Device - 1 No , Bus Bar : 250 A TPN Alluminium Bus Bar-1 Set , MeteringIncomer : , 0-500V Digital Voltmeter with selector switch andMCB-1set , CT Operated Load Manager (similar to EM-6400) - 1 No , 0-250A Digital Ammeter with resin cast CTsof ratio 250/5A Class 1 Accuracy and 15VA burden and selector switch -1set , LED phase indication lamps with toggle switch -1set , Main PDB , Incomer , 630 A, 50KA, 4P , MCCB, Should be supplied with Microprocessor basedS/C, E/F, O/CProtection.(70 - 100% Plug setting) – 1No , 2A, controlMCB - 3 Nos. , Outgoings : , 200A ,35KA TP, MCCBs - 5 Nos , 63A ,16KA TP, MCCBs - 2 Nos , Surge Protection Device - 1 No , Bus Bar : 630 A TPN Alluminium Bus Bar-1 Set , MeteringIncomer : , 0-500V Digital Voltmeter with selector switch andMCB-1set , CT Operated Load Manager (similar to EM-6400) - 1 No , 0-630A Digital Ammeter with resin cast CTsof ratio 630/5A Class 1 Accuracy and 15VA burden and selector switch -1set , LED phase indication lamps with toggle switch -1set , COMPRESSOR PANEL , Incomer , 250 A, 35KA, 4P , MCCB Should be supplied with Microprcessor basedS/C, E/F, O/CProtection.(70 - 100% Plug setting) – 1No , 2A, controlMCB - 3 Nos. , Outgoings : , 160A ,25KA TP, MCCBs – 3 Nos , 63A ,16KA TP, MCCBs - 1 Nos , 40A ,16KA TP, MCCBs - 1 Nos , Surge Protection Device - 1 No , Bus Bar : 250 A TPN Alluminium Bus Bar-1 Set , MeteringIncomer : , 0-500V Digital Voltmeter with selector switch andMCB-1set , CT Operated Load Manager (similar to EM-6400) - 1 No , 0-250A Digital Ammeter with resin cast CTs of ratio 250/5A Class 1 Accuracy and 15VA burden and selector switch -1set , LED phase indication lamps with toggle switch -1set , SUBHEAD-XVI :TELEPHONE AND LAN : , Supply and laying of 25mm dia, 16 SWG black enamelled M.S. conduit concealed in wall/ ceiling/ floor including all accessories such as junction boxes, conduit bends, etc., complete as required for Telephone etc., , Supply and laying of 25mm dia, heavy gaugePVC . conduit concealed in wall/ ceiling/ floor including all accessories such as junction boxes, conduit bends, etc., complete as required for Telephone etc., , Supply and laying of 25mm dia, heavy gaugePVC . conduit concealed in wall/ ceiling/ floorand drawing of 12 SWG GI Wireas fish wire for laying of LAN Cables at a later stage and supply of all fixingaccessories such as junction boxes, conduit bends, etc., complete as required. , Supply and fixing of Telephone outlet (RJ11) with anodised GI box with front plate and fixing screws. , Supply,Installation,Testing and commissioning ofRJ 45 socket(FOR LAN) with flush mounting G.I. box, with front plate and fixing screws etc complete. , Supply and laying of 2pair 0.5mm dia PVC insulated Copper conductor Telephone wireconforming to DOT Specifications in already laid PVC Conduit including necessary interconnections. , Supply and laying of Cat 6 LAN cable conforming to DOT Specifications in already laid PVC Conduit Floor Race way including necessary interconnections. , Supply and laying of 10 Pair0.5 sqmm armoured copper conductor cable cable conforming to DOT Specifications in existing cable trench /Floor Race way including necessary interconnections. , Supply and installation of100 pair Krone connectors inMS junction box complete as required. , Supply and installation of50 pair Krone connectors inMS junction box complete as required. , Supply and installation of20 pair Krone connectors inMS junction box complete as required. , Supply, laying, jointing GI pipes of medium quality including specials of approved make fixed to wall/to the required lengths, threading jointing chasing the walls and floor, making holes, clamping of clamps and making good the same, necessary excavation, etc., complete as specifed and directed. , 50mm Dia , SUBHEAD-XVII :UPS WIRING : , Supply and fixing of2 Nos of 6/16A, 5Pin Socket outlet with 2Nos ofswitch of 16A ratingincluding Modular G.I Box, Front Plate and also including all fixing accessories etc complete. ( For UPS Socket) , 6/16 Amps, 5-pin (250 Volts) single phase modular type socket controlled by 16 Amps SP Switch including Modular G.I Box, Front Plate and also including all fixing accessories etc complete. , Supplying and fixing of following ways surface/ recess mounting, vertical type, 415 V, TPN MCBdistribution board of sheet steel, dust protected, duly powder painted, inclusive of 200 A tinned copper bus bar, common neutral link, earth bar, din bar for mounting MCBs (but without MCBs andincomer ) as required . (Note : Vertical type MCB TPDB isnormally used where 3 phase outlets are required.) , 4 way (4 + 12), Double door , Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, (three phase and neutral), 415 volts, molded case circuitbreaker (MCCB), having a breaking capacity 25 KA in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. , 200A 4P MCCB, 35 kA , Supplying and fixingof following rating 240/415V,10kA , C Curveminiature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following polesin the existing MCB DB complete with connections ,testing and commissioning etc complete. , 63A 4P MCB 10 kA , 63A TPN MCB 10 kA , Supplying and fixing following way, horizontal type three pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar,neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powderpainted including earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator). , 8 way (8 + 24), Double door , Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, (three phase and neutral), 415 volts, residual current circuitbreaker (RCCB), having a sensitivity current 30 mA in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. , 63 A , Supplying and fixingof 6A to 32A rating 240/415V, 10kA, C Curveminiature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following polesin the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc complete. , Single Pole , Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copperconductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed medium class PVC/MS/Floor race wayas required including necessary interconnections etc complete. , 2runs of 4Sq.mm wires with 1run of 4 Sq.mm wire , 4Runs X 10 sq. mm + 2 X 6 sq. mm earth wire in existing PVC / Floor raceways /MS Conduit , 4Runs X 16 sq. mm + 2 X 10 sq. mm earth wire in existing PVC / Floor raceways , Earthing with copper earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 3 mm thick including accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt asrequired including excavation in all types of soil. , Supplying and laying following copper strip at 0.50 metre below ground as strip earth electrode, includingconnection/ terminating with nut, bolt, spring, washer etc. as required. (Jointing shall be done by overlapping and with 2 sets(Jointing shall be done by overlapping and with 2 setsof brass nut bolt & spring washer spaced at 50mm). , 25 mm X 5 mm copper strip , 50 x 5 mm copper stripbelow ground. , Supply and Installationof 300 x 38 mm heightG.I Floor raceway including supply and installation ofJunction Boxes ,bends and fixing accessories etc complete.The scope also includes civil work for installation of Raceways i.e chipping of flooe wherever required and also laying of sand and cement mortar for alignment of Floor raceways etc complete.The minimum thickness of the floor raceways and junction boxes shall be 2 mm (Make : Legrand ) , Supply and Installationof 150 x 38 mm heightG.I Floor raceway including supply and installation ofJunction Boxes ,bends and fixing accessories etc complete.The scope also includes civil work for installation of Raceways i.e chipping of flooe wherever required and also laying of sand and cement mortar for alignment of Floor raceways etc complete.The minimum thickness of the floor raceways and junction boxes shall be 2 mm (Make : Legrand ) , Supply,Installation Testing Commissioning of following TTA PANEL.Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 415V, 3 phase 4 wire 50 c/s Main LT Panel at Substation fully compartmentalized cubical type, as per the standards IEC61439-1&2 as tested assembly (TTA) ,tested for impulse voltage 8 KV,IP 42 fabricated CRCA sheet steel of 2 mm thick for frame work and covers, 3 mm thick for gland plates i/c cleaning & finishing complete with 7 tank process for powder coating in approved shade, having required capacity extensible type FP bus bars of high conductivity, DMC / SMC bus bars of high conductivity, DMC/ SMC bus bar supports, with short circuit withstand capacity of 35KA for 1 Sec., bottom base channel of MS section not less than 100 mm x 50 mm x 5 mm thick, fabrication shall be done in transportable sections, Form of separation shall be form 4b with metallic separation only entire panel shall have a common copper earth bar of size 25 mm x 5 mm at the rear with 2 Nos. earth stud, solid connections from main bus bar to switch gears with required size of bus bars, interconnection, interlocking between feeders etc.,with indication lamps, push buttons necessary accessories, complete with following incoming and outgoing switchgears with protection and metering etc. as per specification and schematic diagram including provision to be made for interfacing with BMS etc. complete as required, with incoming & outgoing cable entry from bottom/top and bus-duct entry from top, wiring with 2.5sq. mm. FRLS insulated copper conductor , cable alleys, PLC cable gland i/c providing following switch gears All ACBs should have Ics=Icu=Icw for 1 sec All MCCBs shall be rating for 25kA (Ics=Icu). All MCCBs above 63A should be provided with Copper Spreader Terminals Marshalling Bay To Be Provided for BMS Operation Approval shall be taken for each panel before fabrication. PLC based control with 100% hot redundant PLC arrangement with touch-screen LCD / LED display board (min. 8 Diag size)along with all accessories for complete automatic, manual andHMI controls & indication. Energy Management Software wth necessary cabling shall be in scope, nos. of breaker / Meters to be connect with energy management software shall be inform by Engineer In Charge. , UPS INPUT PANEL INDOOR , Incomer , 200 A, 35KA, 4P, MCCB Should be supplied with S/C, E/F, O/CProtection.(70 - 100% Plug setting) – 1No , 2A, controlMCB - 3 Nos. , Outgoings : , 100A ,25KA 4P, MCCBs - 3 Nos , Surge Protection Device - 1 No , Bus Bar : 200 A TPN(100%)Alluminium Bus Bar-1 Set , MeteringIncomer : , 0-500V Digital Voltmeter with selector switch andMCB-1set , CT Operated Load Manager (similar to EM-6400) - 1 No , 0-200A Digital Ammeter with resin cast CTsof ratio 200/5A Class 1 Accuracy and 15VA burden and selector switch -1set , LED phase indication lamps with toggle switch -1set , UPSOUTPUT PANEL INDOOR , Incomer , 200 A, 35KA, 4P , MCCB, Should be supplied with S/C, E/F, O/CProtection.(70 - 100% Plug setting) – 1No , 2A, controlMCB - 3 Nos. , Outgoings : , 63A ,10KA 4P, MCCBs - 5 Nos , Bus Bar : 200 A TP+NAlluminium Bus Bar-1 Set , MeteringIncomer : , 0-500V Digital Voltmeter with selector switch andMCB-1set , CT Operated Load Manager (similar to EM-6400) - 1 No , 0-200A Digital Ammeter with resin cast CTsof ratio 200/5A Class 1 Accuracy and 15VA burden and selector switch -1set , Surge Protection Device - 1 No , Supply, testingand commissioning of following size 1.1KV grade XLPE insulated armoured aluminium conductor cable. The cable shall conform to IS 7098/ Part-II. , 4C X 50Sq.mmCu Armoured Cable , Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size direct in ground including excavation, sand cushioning, protective covering and refilling the trench etc as required. , Above 35 sq. mm and upto 95 sq. mm , Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size in the existing RCC/ HUME/ METAL pipe as required. , Above 35 sq. mm and upto 95 sq. mm , Laying and fixing of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size on cable tray as required. , Above 35 sq. mm and upto 95 sq. mm , Providing Indoor ordinary end terminations for thefoollwing 1.1 KV grade XLPE insulated armoured alluminium conductor cables with compression type steel gland, Bi-metallic lugs using crimping tool, Insulation tape, Identification tags etc., including end termination and Earthing of Gland with 8SWG GI Wire. , 4C X 50Sq.mmCu Armoured Cable , SUBHEAD-XVIII : SPECIAL EARTHING : , Providing and fixing of maintenance free earthing which consists of 65 MM Dia ,2.5mtr long electrode capsule,filled with earth enhancing compound,sealed at both ends and brazed lead for connection at one end suitable for direct installation at site at a depth of 2.5 mtr.Earth enhancingcompound upto a depth of 2.0 mtr around the electrode capsule and also wih brick chamber and cast Iron cover etc complete including excavation in all types of soil. , Supply and laying under ground/above ground offollowing size strips including all necessary interconnections between earth station and equipments including earth excavation, back filling, intermediate supports for strips as applicable and directed by engineer in charge. , 25 x 3 mm copper strip on DMC insulators , 25 x 3 mm copper stripbelow ground. , 50 x 5 mm copper stripbelow ground. , Supply and fixing of Static Discharge Handles made out of 40 mm dia Copper rod 600 mm Long fixed on wall with brass spacers and connected to 25 x 3 mm copper strip by brazing. , Supply, laying, jointing GI pipes of medium quality including specials of approved make fixed to wall/to the required lengths, threading jointing chasing the walls and floor, making holes, clamping of clamps and making good the same, necessary excavation, etc., complete as specifed and directed. , 50mm Dia , SUBHEAD-XIX : LIGHTNING PROTECTION : , Providing and fixing of maintenance free earthing which consists of 40mm Dia ,standrad length (as per Equipment Supplier ) electrode capsule,filled with earth enhancing compound,sealed at both ends and brazed lead for connection at one end suitable for direct installation at site at a depth of 2.5 mtr.Earth enhancingcompound upto a depth of 2.0 mtr around the electrode capsule and also wih brick chamber and cast Iron cover etc complete including excavation in all types of soil. , Supply and laying of following sizestripsincluding all necessary inter connectionsbetween earth station and equipment. supports for strips as applicable and directed by engineer in charge. , 32 X6 mm Aluminiumstrip conductor with DMC Insulator Supports , 50 X 5 mm GI strip conductor including excvation and back filling. , 25 X 5 mm Hot dip GI strip , Supply and installation of vertical air termination with 100mm dia copper hollow sphere with spikes, fixed on 1500mm length 50mm dia Class C GI pipe including all fixing accessories. , Providing and fixing of Test links for Lightning protection system. , SUBHEAD-XX: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM : , Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Intelligent AddressableFire Alarm Control Panel(a minimum of 159 detectors/ 159 modules per loop )with Network Communication Module expandable to 2 loop, to monitor loop Devices located in allfloor with dual stage alarm facilities,built in buzzer,built in NAC Circuits & RS 485 port on CPU boardwith optional net work software connectivity, fire/fault indicators, audio-visual signals, battery, battery charger, central processing unit,80 character display unit,fibre optic converter and networking card etc complete in all respects . , 2 - Loop Panel ( One Loop for Integration ) , Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of repeater panel wih 320 character/ Touch screen LCD display with inbuilt reset, acknowledge and silence switches etc complete. , Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of Online UPS of 1 KVA capacity with built-in SMF Batteries (12V 7Ah X 3nos) for battery back up and regulated AC supply to the FAS. , COMIBINATION/MULTI SENSOR DETECTORS(Photoelectric + Heat Sensing) , Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of Addressable anloguetype multi sensor detectors (Photo electric + Heat sensing) with dual chamber, solid state design,Rotatable DIP Switch Setting indicating lamp, mounting base etc. . , Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of Response Indicators with all required accessories etc complete. , Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning of Addressable anloguetype Beam Detector with transmitter and receiverincluding short circuit isolator including connections with remote test features etc complete. Range 100 Mtr , MANUAL CALL POINTS: , Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Addressable analogue typemanual call point for indoor installtion. , Supply, Installation, Testing and commissining of Addressable analogue type manual call point stations weather proofwith 1500 mm Length ISMC 100 standing Post. , FAULT ISOLATION MODULE: , Supply, fixing, testing and commissioning ofFault Isolation module. , Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of addressable fire control module complete as required. , Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of addressable fire Monitormodule complete as required. , CABLE: , Supply, laying , testing and commissioning of 1100 V grade FIRE RESITANCE LOW SMOKE PVC insulatedcopper conductor control cables as per specification. , Armoured Twisted pair2Cx 1.5 sq. mm. shielded FRLS insulated copper conductor cable to be laid on cable tray /to be clamped to wall including supply and fixing of clamps etc complete. , Armoured Twisted pair2Cx 1.5 sq. mm. shielded FRLS insulated copper conductor cable to be laid in cable trench including excavation and backfilling. , 3 core x 2.5 Sq.mm armoured sheilded twisted pair copper conductor cable on cable tray/on wall including clamping etc complete and including cable end termination with double compression weather proof cable glands and copper lugs. , Supply and Installtion of 12 Way Elmex terminal powder Coated junction Boxincluding all terminations andNecessary Glands. , Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of Weather proof siren to be operated on Single Phase 230 V, 50 Hz ,A.C.Supply with a range of 2/3 km distance including fixing clamps and accessories.complete. , Supply, laying of 50mm dia, class-B GI pipe including specials of approved make fixed to wall/to the required lengths, threading jointing chasing the walls and floor, making holes, clamping of clamps and making good the same, necessary excavation, etc., complete as specifed and directed. , Supply and laying of of 6 core 9/125 micro meters armored single mode optical fiber cable with suitable dia HDPE pipe (1300nm wave length) including splicing & terminations and laid in ground at 750 mm below ground including excavation andsand, brick protection and refilling of earth and cable route markers at every 50 meters intervals. 6C SM ARM-OFC - 6 C Armoured Single Mode Optical Fiber Cable networking card and fibre optic converter etc., complete. , Supply and laying of 25mm dia, 16 SWG black enamelled M.S. conduit on wall surface/ ceiling/ floor including all accessories such as junction boxes, conduit bends, etc., complete as requiredduly coated with two coats ofred colour enamel paintetc., complete. , SUBHEAD-XXI :FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM : , Supplying and fixing Single headed external yard hydrant valve with 1 No. 63 mm dia instantaneous FM Gunmetal/Stainless Steel coupling and cast iron wheel, ISI marked, conforming to IS 5290 (type A) with blank Gunmetal/Stainless Steel cap and chain as required : , Single headed Gunmetal , Supplying, fixing, testing and commissioning of butterfly valve of PN 1.6 rating with bronze /gunmetal seat duly ISI marked complete with nuts, bolts, washers, gaskets conforming to IS 13095 of following sizes as required : , 80 mm dia , 150 mm dia , Supplying, fixing, testing & commissioning of double flanged sluice valve of rating PN 1.6 with non rising spindle, bronze/gun metal seat, ISI marked complete with nuts, bolts, washers, gaskets and conforming to IS 780 of following sizes as required : , 80mm dia , 150mm dia , Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of non-return valve of following sizes confirming to IS: 5312 complete with rubber gasket, GI bolts, nuts,washers etc.as required : , 80mm dia , 150mm dia , Supplying and fixing 63 mm dia, 15 m long RRL hose pipe with 63 mm dia male and female couplings duly bound with GI wire, rivets etc. conforming to IS 636 (type-A) as required : , Gun Metal , Supply, installtion, testing and commissioning off Hose Box to accommodate 2sets of CP hoses of 15 mtr length each and with 1 pair of Male and female coupling, and one branch pipe with nozzle. The cabinet shall be made of 16 SWG MS Sheet with double door glass front and painted with Scarlet Red colour of size 30x24. , Supplying & fixing 63 mm dia gun metal short branch pipe with 20 mm nominal internal diameter size nozzle conforming to IS 903 suitable for instantaneous connection to interconnect hose pipe coupling as required : , Gun metal , Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Swinging type fire hose reel drum of Rubber hose 30mtrs length. , Supplying and fixing of fire brigadeconnectionofcast iron body with gun metal male instantaneous inlet couplings complete with cap and chain as reqd. for suitable dia MS pipe connection conforming to IS 904 as required : , 4 way - 150 mm dia M.S. Pipe , Providing, laying, testing & commissioning of C class heavy duty MS Pipe conforming to IS 1239/3589 i/c fittings like elbows, tees, flanges, tapers, nuts bolts,gaskets etc. in ground including welding, as supports, anticorrosive treatment with coaltar/asphalt/bitumen tape as per IS 10221, refilling the trench etc. of following sizes complete as required. , 150 mm dia. Pipe , 80 mm dia. Pipe , 50 mm dia. Pipe , Supply, errect, jointing, testing and commissioning of heavy class MS pipes (as per IS-1239). The pipes being fixed on to the wall or suspended from the ceiling/ truss with angle iron supports complete with bends, tees, flanges and with all other required accessories including painting of the pipeline with two coats of approved enamel paint over a coat of primer etc. complete. , 150 mm dia. , 100 mm dia. , 80 mm dia. , 65 mm dia. , 50 mm dia. , 40 mm dia. , 32 mm dia. , 25 mm dia. , Supply and installation , Testing andcommissioingofapproved make 15mm orifice quartzoid bulb pendent type sprinklers,68°C rating, recessed , Supply and installation, Testing andcommissioingofapproved make 15mm orifice quartzoid bulb side wallpendant type sprinklers,68°C rating. , Supply installation and fixing of flow switchesin the followingPipe line with1NO+1NC Contacts , a)150/100mm dia , Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering, etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m : Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia. but not exceeding 300 mm dia. , In ordinary soil. , Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc, including excavation for sockets, depth upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated materials, returning the soil as required in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, including consolidating each deposited layers by ramming, watering etc., stacking serviceable material for measurements and disposal of unserviceable material as directed, within a lead of 50 m : Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia but not exceeding 300 mm dia , Hard rock (blasting prohibited) , Ordinary rock : , Construction valve chamber 1.8 Mtrs x 1.2 Mtrs x 1.2 Mtrs in first classbrick (table moulded) masonry in CM 1:6 on PCC bed to 100mm thick plastering with CM 1:4 internal and providing CI Cover with stiffness lifting arrangement frame work etc. complete with providing anticorrosive paint on both side for steel works.Cover should be in two halfs fixed to frame work by means of hinges. , Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 class (light duty) R.C.C. pipes with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete : , 300 mm dia. R.C.C. pipe , Supply, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning heavy class M.S pipe (as per IS-1239) in Pump roomwithMS supports including two coats of red oxide and two coats of Red coloure enamel paint . Rate quoted shall include for necessary specials like long radius bends, tees, including cutting, welding/ flanged joints with necessary washers, nuts, bolts etc., complete. , 250 mm dia. Pipe , 200 mm dia. Pipe , 150 mm dia. Pipe , 100 mm dia. Pipe , 80 mm dia. Pipe , Supply, Installation,Testing and Commissioning of air cussion vessel ofcapacity 250 litreswith air releasevalve and ball valve. , Supply,Installation,Testing and Commissioning of PN 16Sluice valves with gateof the following sizes. , a) 250mm dia , b) 200mm dia , c) 100mm dia , Supply,Installation,Testing and Commissioning of PN 16Butterfly valves of the following sizes including flanges and hardware ,nuts and bolts etc complete. , a) 200mm dia , b) 80mm dia , Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CI Non Return valves of the following sizes. , a) 200mm dia , b)80mm dia , Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of approved make brass Y strainer with necessary flanges which should include nuts, bolts, washers, gaskets. , a) 200 mm dia. , c) 100 mm dia. , Supply,Installation,Testing and Commissioning ofelectrical control panel for diesel engine, main motor and for jockey pump comprising of following. , Incoming : 800A,50KA TPNMCCB - 1SET , 800A TPN aluminium busbars - 1set , Outgoings: , Main Fire Pump 250 Amp, 50kA TPN MCCB, Ics=100% Icu, with fully automatic Star/Delta starter suitable for 100 hp pump with overload protection, current sensing type single phase preventor complete with all acceessories and internal wiring required for automatic operation, selector switch for local/remote, auto/manual/OFF operation. - 2 sets , (with built in single phase preventor) and ON/OFF/TRIP , indication lamps for motor-2set , Jockey Pump 125 Amp, 50kA TPN MCCB, Ics=100% Icu, with Suitable HP fully automatic Star/Delta starter with overload protection, current sensing type single phase preventor complete with all acceessories and internal wiring required for automatic operation, selector switch for local/remote, auto/manual/OFF operation. - 2 sets , Diesel Engine Control , Automatic/Manual selctor switch & 3 attempts starting device, timers and relays as required, push buttons, start/stop in manual mode Indicating lamp for high/ Low Lub. Oil pressure, High Water Temp and Engine on indication Battery charger suitbale for 12V/24 V DC with boost and trickle selector switch, 0-30 V DC volt meter, and 0-20 A DC Ammeter All standard relays and accessories for automatic operation of diesel engine System Controller Designing, Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of system controller to control operation of main electric fire pump, diesel pump, Pressurization pump, Terrace pump in sequence as per specification consisting of relays, timers. Sensors, annunciation window for fault indication, complete as per specification , Supply installation testing and commissioning of Instrumentation Board on type pressure gauges for pumps in delivery line and common delivery header , Supply fabrication and erection of MS angle supports for Pipe lines , Supply and fixing of G.M. ball type valves Conforming to IS , a) 25mm dia , b) 15mm dia , Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Pressure Switches. Make: Indfoss/Donfoss , Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of Electric driven Main Fire Pump suitable for automatic operation and consisting of following, complete in all respects, as required : Horizontal type, multistage, centrifugal, split casing pump of cast iron body & bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal conforming to IS 1520. Suitable HP Squirrel cage induction motor, TEFC, synchronous speed 1500 RPM, suitable for operation on 415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz, AC supply with IP 55 protection for enclosure, horizontal foot mounted type with Class-F insulation, conforming to IS-325. M.S. fabricated Common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc. as required. Suitable cement concrete foundation duly plastered with anti vibration pads. 2280 lpm at 70 m Head with 70% of Pump efficiency. , Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of diesel engine driven main fire pump suitable for automatic operation and consisting of following, complete in all respects, as required : (Diesel Driven Pump) Horizontal type, multistage, centrifugal pump of cast of iron body and bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal conforming to IS 1520. Suitable HP, 1500 RPM water cooled with radiator, diesel engine conforming to relevant IS standard complete with auto starting mechanism, 12 /24 volts electric starting equipment, diesel tank, exhaust pipe extended upto 10 m outside pump house duly insulated with 50 mm thick glass wool with 1.0 mm thick aluminium sheet cladding, residential silencer, instruments and protection as per standard specification, stop solenoid for auto stop in the event of fault with audio indications, painted with post office red colour etc. as required. M.S fabricated, common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc. as required. Suitable cement concrete foundation duly plastered and with anti vibration pads. 2280 lpm at 70 m Head with 70% of Pump efficiency. , Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of electric driven pressurisation pump suitable for automatic operation and consisting of following, complete in all respects, as required : (Jockey Pump) Horizontal type, multistage, centrifugal pump of cast iron body and bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal conforming to IS : 1520. Suitable HP squirell cage induction motor TEFC type suitable for operation on 415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz AC supply with IP 55 class of protection for enclosure, horizontal foot mounted type with Class-F insulation, conforming to IS : 325. M.S.fabricated Common base plate, coupling, coupling guard, foundation bolts etc. as required. Suitable cement concrete foundation duly plastered and with anti vibration pads. 180 lpm at 70 m Head , Supply, Installation of following Fire extinguishers & accessories: , CO2 6.5 kg capacity trolley mounted , CO2 22.5 kg capacity trolley mounted , DCP 5 kg capacity (potassium bi-carbonate Uria reaction) , Water buckets with stand , Sand buckets with stand , Showels , Fire Beater , Fire gong/ hand siren , Ceiling Hook , Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of 1000 MM sprinkler flexible pipe (UL Listed) of stainless steel complete with 15 NPT on reducer thread with maximum working pressure of 175 PSI test pressure of 875 PSI (Burst) with branch line (Inlet) 25mm NPT male thread to sprinkler head (Outlet) 15mm NPT female thread with reducer, nipple, 2 side brackets, center bracket, stockbar of following sizes complete as required. , Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of 1500 MM sprinkler flexible pipe (UL Listed) of stainless steel complete with 15 NPT on reducer thread with maximum working pressure of 175 PSI test pressure of 875 PSI (Burst) with branch line (Inlet) 25mm NPT male thread to sprinkler head (Outlet) 15mm NPT female thread with reducer, nipple, 2 side brackets, center bracket, stockbar of following sizes complete as required. , Supplying Installation Testing & Commissioning of Ceiling Mountedexit sign/emergency lighting unit uses high-performance led lamps. , Supply installation testing and commissioning of900LPM,35mtrs head Booster pump with Suitable HP 2900 RPM Electrical motor and coupling as per TAC regulations with necessary accessory including base plate of MS channel and suitable reinforced CC foundation with nuts andbolts , Supply, installation, testing and commissioningof weather proof type MPCB box made out of 2mm thick CRCA sheet including painting with epoxypowder coating for Suitable HPBooster pump motor. The box shall be suitable for terminating AYFY cable ofsuitable angle frame work of 450mm height on a PCC pedestal including all materials Outgoings : DOL starter for 15HP with MPCB and contractor, over load relay, single phasing preventor and ON/OFF/TRIP , SUBHEAD-XXII: WATER COLLERS , Supply and fixing of 40 (cooling)/ 80 (storage) ltrswater cooler with water purifier (RO system) and voltage stabilizer etc. complete. , SUBHEAD-XXIII :LIFTS : , Supply, erection, testing and commissioning ofMachine room less gear less 1000Kgs Goods liftwith a speed of 0.75 meters per second,suitable for (Ground + 2floors) floors operation with 3 phase ACVVVF drive of suitable HP to operate on 415 volts 50 HZ with base including 1100X 1300X2300 mm car made of all stainless steel body, heavy duty cabin suitable for one number car entrance and landing entrance doors ( Center operated doors ) , SS hairline finish , with clear opening of 800x2100mmn height suitable for simplex selective and collective operation with or without attendant including call register and other parameters as per specification , SUBHEAD-XXIV : EOT CRANES , Design, Manufacture, supply , erection, testing and CommissioningofTandem operator (1 set consist of 2 nos of cranes)DoubleGirderNon FLPEOT Cranewithall speeds VVVF drivecontrol and micro speed arrangement for hoist, CT & LT and confirming to IS 807/IS 3177 /4137cand other relevant IS standards of the latest revisions as shown below complete with all taxes, duties and other charges such as transportation to site, loading and unloading at stores / building, where to be installed etc., movement of material to work spot including the cost of paint as required loaded testing at factory and at site. The crane shall be designed for earthquake and sesmic qualification.Span to be measured by the the Bidder at Site and it shall be its sole responsibility to provided Spansuitable . Design drawings and list of materail to be submitted to department duly approved checked by Govt., agency/ reputed technical institute as approved by department. VVVF drive controls with along travel andcross travel movement and with pendent control opeartion as per IS807 &IS3177(includingfestool cable, 60 lb rails, third party inspection, transportation, design proof check)Double Girder Box Type. 25% overload ,Duty class- III, head Room 2.5mtr,side clearence 300.indoor operation.AC Control Supply , Floor operated via pendant push button,All drives should be provided with alternative parallel path with DOL starter for Main Speed only , MOTORS- Conformingto IS 325-1978& 900-1965, , GEAR BOX- Electro Hydraulic Thrusters type,3Ph, 440V, A.C. Conforming with IS 3938 - 1983 , WIRE ROPE- 6X 36 Cont. Hempcore(IS 2365-1963) , Rope Drum- made from Seamless/ms rolled , Hook- Forged Material EN-3A , WHEEL ASSEMBLY- Made from forged steel- Double flange hardened to BHN 275 Conforming with IS 807-1976. , BEARING- All bearings are of anti Friction Ball/ Roller Conforming, with IS 6455-1972 , COUPLING- AlI Couplings will be Geared Coupling , SHAFT-All Shafts will be of EN - 9 , RESISTANCE BOXES- AlI resistance boxes will be stainless steel, Wire grid and 15 min. Rated heavy duty, (IS 1822 -1967 ) , LIMIT SWITCH- Rotary Limit Switch for Hoisting & Lever Type for L.T &C.T. Conforming with IS- 3936 - 1983 , PANEL BOXES - All panel boxes will be of steel febricated , CONTROL TRANSFORMER- 750 VA, 44OV / LLOV. , POWER CONTROL CABLE -Sheet Metal housing, DustlVermin Proof having BCH/Siemens Contactors & Overload ReIays BCH time delay Relay , PAINT- Two coats of Red Primer & Two coats of Golden Yellow. , Fullplatform on driving side & two small platform on non driving side.(Monkey ladder &side railing shall be provided by civil) , PART- I : SUPPLY , Supply of Non-FlameproofTandem Operated ( 1 set consist of2 Nos of 5 Ton capacity cranes) 5 Ton capacityDoubleGirder Crab type EOT Crane with VVVF drive complete with long travel and cross travel movements as per technical specifications and as per IS: 807 / IS: 31774137 and other relevant IS standards of the latest revision.All drives should be provided with alternative parallel path with DOL starter for Main Speed only. Span:14.5 mts. ± 0.5 mtrs.to bechecked as per site condition ± Lift: 8.5 mts. Bay length: 73± 0.5 mtr (to bechecked as per site condition ± , Crane operating speeds , Main speed Micro speed , Main hoist:2.5m/min 0.25m/min , Cross travel :10m/min1.0m/min , Long travel: 15m/min 1.5m/min , Micro speedfor all motions : 10% of main speed through VVVF drives. , Provision of inching is to be incorporated in the drives. , Supply of shrouded bus bar system with double shoe copper current collections system complete with support tracks, cable loops, junction boxes and cable from main supply point to crane festoons with all necessary fixtures etc completeas per site condition (For 5 ton capacity crane as per above BOQ EOT 1.1) , Supply of material for Gantry Rails section 60 lb of prime material in length of 10 mts and above complete with mounting arrangement at the building over the crane girder including painting of rails with approximate colour code as approved by the dept as per site condition(For 5 ton capacity crane as per above BOQ EOT 1.1) , Supply of Non-FlameproofTandem Operated ( 1 set consist of2 Nos of 2 Ton capacity cranes) 2 Ton capacityDoubleGirder Crab type EOT Crane with VVVF drive complete with long travel and cross travel movements as per technical specifications and as per IS: 807 / IS: 31774137 and other relevant IS standards of the latest revision.All drives should be provided with alternative parallel path with DOL starter for Main Speed only. Span:17.5 mts. ± 0.5 mtrs.to bechecked as per site condition ± Lift: 5.5 mts. Bay length: 17.5± 0.5 mtr (to bechecked as per site condition ± , Crane operating speeds , Main speed Micro speed , Main hoist:2.5m/min 0.25m/min , Cross travel :10m/min1.0m/min , Long travel: 15m/min 1.5m/min , Micro speedfor all motions : 10% of main speed through VVVF drives. , Provision of inching is to be incorporated in the drives. , Supply of shrouded bus bar system with double shoe copper current collections system complete with support tracks, cable loops, junction boxes and cable from main supply point to crane festoons with all necessary fixtures etc completeas per site condition (For 2 ton capacity crane as per above BOQ EOT 2.1) , Supply of material for Gantry Rails section 50 mm sqr barof prime material in length of 10 mts and above complete with mounting arrangement at the building over the crane girder including painting of rails with approximate colour code as approved by the dept as per site condition(For 2 ton capacity crane as per above BOQ EOT 2.1) , Part-II: - ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING , Erection, testing and commissioning ofNon FLP EOTTadem Opereated followingDouble Girder EOT Cranesincluding loaded testing and others mentioned in item S.No.EOT-1.1 to EOT-2.3 of Part-I as per the relevant IS standards and as mentioned in the technical specifications. , Erection, testing and commissioning ofNonFlameproof Tadem Opereated Double Girder EOT Cranes of 5 Ton capacity( 1 set consist of2 Nos of 5 Ton capacity cranes) mentioned in Items .No.EOT-1.1of Part-I with VVVF drive complete with long travel and cross travel movements as per technical specifications and as per IS: 807 / IS: 3177 and other relevant IS standards of the latest revision.including loaded testingAll drives should be provided with alternative parallel path with DOL starter for Main Speed only. Span:14.5 mts. ± 0.5 mtrs. Lift: 8.5 mts. Bay length: 73± 0.5 mtrto bechecked as per site condition ± , Erection testing and commissioning of shrouded type current collection system complete as per the item Sl No.EOT-1.2 of Part I over the crane bay including tapping of supply for electrical panel testing & handing over the crane as per the approved QA plan etc complete as per site condition. , Erection, testing & commissioning of Gantry rail section 60 Lb mentioned in item Sl No.EOT-1.3 of Part -I with mounting arrangementand fixing hardware etc., complete over the bay length to match the span of the crane within the permissible accuracy levels for span in height variation as per the QA Plan etc complete as per site condition. , Erection, testing and commissioning ofNonFlameproof Tadem Opereated Double Girder EOT Crane of( 1 set consist of2 Nos of 2 Ton capacity cranes)mentioned in Items .No.EOT-2.1of Part-I with VVVF drive complete with long travel and cross travel movements as per technical specifications and as per IS: 807 / IS: 3177 and other relevant IS standards of the latest revision.including loaded testingAll drives should be provided with alternative parallel path with DOL starter for Main Speed only. Span:17.5 mts. ± 0.5 mtrs. Lift: 5.5 mts. Bay length:17.5± 0.5 mtrto bechecked as per site condition ± , Erection testing and commissioning of shrouded type current collection system complete as per the item Sl No.EOT-2.2 of Part I over the crane bay including tapping of supply for electrical panel testing & handing over the crane as per the approved QA plan etc complete as per site condition. , Erection, testing & commissioning of Gantry rail section 50 mm sqr barmentioned in item Sl No.EOT-2.3 of Part -I with mounting arrangementand fixing hardware etc., complete over the bay length to match the span of the crane within the permissible accuracy levels for span in height variation as per the QA Plan etc complete as per site condition. , Supply of Test loads of 5 Ton along with Slings and D-shakles (Suitable for 5 Ton, loads of 5 ton -1 no, 1 ton-1 nos, 0.25 ton -1 nos , Supply of Test loads of 2 Ton along with Slings and D-shakles (Suitable for 2 Ton, loads of 2 ton -1 no, 0.5ton -1 nos , SUBHEAD-XXV : BOOM BARRIER: , Supply,Installation,Testing and commissioning of 6 mtr length Boom Barrier electromechanical hydraucally operatedopening and closing times can be adjusted between 3 to 6 seconds and speeds can be adjusted seperately through hydraulic adjusters in a closed circuit system optional emergency close option 2 seconds shall be available with 100% duty cycle with power supply unit,photo sensors,flashing lights on the boom ,push button for entry,exit & Remote control.This shall be along with safety features like Induction and safety loop etc with remote operating facility with remote control unit,along with 4 nos of photo cells with each boom barrier.The system shall be complete in all respects along with all fixing accessories and civil works , SUBHEAD-XXVI :ROADS/HARDSTANDING & DRAINS : , Preparation and consolidation of sub grade with power road roller of 8 to 12 tonne capacity after excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm depth, dressing to camber and consolidating with road roller including making good the undulations etc. and re-rolling the sub grade and disposal of surplus earthwith lead upto 50 metres. , Banking excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, breaking clods, watering, rolling each layer with ½ tonne roller, or wooden or steel rammers, and rolling every 3rd and top-most layer with power roller of minimum 8 tonnes and dressing up, in embankments for roads, flood banks, marginal banks, and guide banks etc., lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m in all kinds of soils. , Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate (size range 53 mm to 0.075 mm ) to wet mix macadam (WMM) specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in for all leads & lifts, laying in uniform layers with mechanical paverfinisher in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity to achievethe desired density, complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge. , Providing and laying Bituminous concrete using crushed stone aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site by tippers, laying with paver finisher equiped with electronic sensor to the required grade, level and alignment and rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction and density as per specification, complete and as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge. , 40/50 mm compacted thickness with bitumen of grade VG-30 @ 5.5% (percentage by weight of total mix) and lime filler @ 3% (percentage by weight of Aggregate) prepared in Batch Type Hot Mix Plant of 100-120 TPH capacity. , Providing and applying tack coat using bitumen emulsion conforming to IS:8887, using emulsion pressure distributer including preparing the surface & cleaning with mechanical broom.With rapid setting bitumen emulsion. On W.B.M / W.M.M. @ 0.4kg/Sqm. , Providing and laying seal coat of premixed fine aggregate ( passing 2.36 mm and retained on 180 micron sieve) with bitumen using 128 kg of bitumen of grade VG - 10 bitumen per cum of fine aggregate and 0.60 cum of fine aggregate per 100 sqm of road surface, including rolling and finishing with road roller all complete. , Providing and laying at or near ground level factory made kerb stone of M-25 grade cement concrete in position to the required line, level and curvature, jointed with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including making joints with or without grooves (thickness of joints except at sharp curve shall not to more than 5mm), including making drainage opening wherever required complete etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (length of finished kerb edging shall be measured for payment). (Precast C.C. kerb stone shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge). , SUBHEAD-XXVII :EXTERNAL WATER SUPPLY SERVICES: , Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including trenching and refilling etc. , 25 mm dia nominal bore , 40 mm dia nominal bore , 50 mm dia nominal bore , 100 mm dia nominal bore , Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end) : , 50 NB , Making connection of G.I distribution branch with G.I mainof folloeing size by providing and fixing tee, inclding cutting and threading the pipe etc. complete: , 25 to 40 mm nominal bore , 50 to 80 mm nominal bore , Providing and fixing gun metal non- return valve of approved quality (screwed end) : , 25mm nominal bore , 40 mm nominal bore , 50 mm nominal bore , Supply,erection, testing and commissiong of C.I Air release valves flanged end type with bolts,nuts and rubber insertions etc., complete andof following sizes: , 25mm nominal bore , 50 mm nominal bore , Supply and Fixing of cast iron pipe line Route Marker for water supply Network system , Borewells , Geological Survey by specialist Agencies and submitting the report for number of poit surved and yield available , Drilling and developing of 61/2 inch dia Bore Wells by DTH method in any type of soil, Conducting yield test as per V Notch method and submission of yield report, including filling of filter media clamps, MS Cover etc., complete. , a) 0-60 mtrs , b) 61-100 mtrs , c) 101-200 mtrs , Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. 150 mm Dia. , Providing HDPE pipe PE-80 grade (12.5 kg/ sq.cm) of 63 mm OD for bore wells. , Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 3 Cu.m/hr at 70 m head submersible pump set 3Phase-415V, 50 Hz, 2 HP/ 12 stages, 2900 rpm as approved by Engineer in charge at site.(As per depth of base) , Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Gun metal Check valve (Non return valve PN-10) conforming to IS 778 with screwed ends type with bolts, nuts and rubber insertions etc., complete and of following sizes: , a)50 NB , Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Brass / GM / Bronze Air Release valves with threaded ends of following sizes: , a) 25 NB , Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of pressure gauges with range of 0-10 bar along with isolation cock and pipe for bore wells. , Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of weather proof type box (IP-55) made out of 2 mm thick CRCA sheet including painting with epoxy powder coating. The box shall be consisting of star-delta starter suitable for 3 Cu.m/hr and 200 meters head pumpmotor with MPCB, contactor, overload relay, ON/ OFF push button. ON/ OFF/ TRIP indications. Ammeter with resin cost Cts and selector switch, Voltmeter with selector switch. The box shall be suitable for terminating suitable cable. The box shall be mounted on suitable angle frame work of 450 mm height on a PCC pedestal including all materials, complete. , Providing maintenance free Earth station with consisting of 40 mm dia pipe standard length (as per equipment supplier) electrode capsule, filled with earth enhancing compound, sealed at both ends and brazed lead for connection at one end, suitable for direct installation at site, at a depth of 2.5 mtrs. Bentonite compound (as per equipment supplier) upto a depth of 2.0 meters around the electrode capsule. Brick chamber & CI Cover complete. , Supply and laying of following size strips including excavation and refilling of each when laid in ground and with all fixing accessories when laid inside the building including all necessary interconnections with earth station and equipments. , a) 25 x 5 mm hot dip galvanized iron strip , b) 8 SWG GI Wire , Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc., including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering, etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m in All kinds of soils , Supply, Laying, testing and commissioning of Medium grade G.I. Pipes conforming to IS 1239 Part - I including all necessary fittings etc., complete for sizes , a) 65 NB (Borewell to sump) , b) 50NB (Borewell) , c) 40NB (Borewell to sump) , d) 32NB , e) 25NB , Supply, Erection, testing and commissioning of Cast Iron Butterfly valves (Wafer type) (PN-10) above nd upto 50mm dia with necessary flanges, bolts, nuts etc., and gun metal gate valves from 40mm dia and below , a) 65NB(GM Gate Valve) , b) 50NB(GM Gate Valve) , c) 40NB(GM Gate Valve) , d) 32NB (GM Gate Valve) , e) 25NB (GM Gate Valve) , Constructing of Valve Chamber of size 750 x 750 x 1000mm deep comprising of 230mm thick brick walls in cement mortar 1:5 over a bed of 150mm thick PCC 1:4:8 alround beyond the masonry faces plastered with CM 1:3 mixed with approved water proofing compound as per manufacturers specifications, 13mm thick on internal, external, top surfaces, finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement, providing and fixing painted light duty double seal CI frame and cover of size 600 x 450mm weighting not less than 52 kgs conforming to IS 1726 with locking arrangements, fixing the frame in RCC 1:2:4 including fabrication, form work, curing etc., complete all as specified and directed. , Making connection of G.I. distribution branch with G.I. main of following sizes by providing and fixing tee, including cutting and threading the pipe etc. complete (a) 50 to 80 mm nominal bore: , Providing and fixing gun metal non- return valve of approved quality (screwed end) :Vertical (a) 50 mm nominal bore . , Supply, laying and commissioning of following size 1.1KV grade PVC insulated flexible Copper conductor in the bore withall installation materials. The cable shall conform to IS 694 , a) 3C x4sqmm (copper ), pvc Flat Water proof cable. , Conducting water yield test without sand content (beyond permissible limit), with required capacity air compressor, running the compressor for required time till well is fully developed, measuring yield of well by V notch method or any other approved method, measuring static level & draw down etc. by step draw down method, collecting water samples & getting tested in approved laboratory, i/c disinfection of tubewell, all complete, including hire & labour charges of air compressor, tools & accessories etc., all as per requirement and direction of Engineer-in-charge. , Providing and fixing M.S. clamp of required dia to the top of casing/ housing pipe of tubewell as per IS: 2800 (part I), including necessary bolts & nuts of required size complete. , 200mm clamp , SUBHEAD-XXVIII : EXTERNALELECRIFICATION , 11KV HT SWITCHGEAR INDOOR , Supply,Installation,Testing and commissioning ofthe following indoor floor mounted 11kv Rated VCB Panel in Metal Enclosure fabricated out of 14 swg sheet steelto be operated on 11KV,Three phase,50HZA.C Power supply .The panel is to be compartmentalised with individual compartments for Bus bars, Cable and CTs and Instrument and relay control Panel. The VCBshall behorizontal draw out single breakas per IS 13118.The short circuit fault level of the system shall be 350MVA- Indoor , 11 KV- H.TSWITCH GEAR PANEL - INDOOR , 11KV VCB panel withone noof1250A vcb -Indoor as Incomer and 3 Nos 800A VCB as out goings. , 11 KV H.T Switch Gear Panel (INDOOR TYPE) With 1 No. OF 1250 Vaccum Circuir breakerasIncomer. , CONSTRUCTION - The Switch Gear Panel shallbe compartmentalised Designed with cubicles fabricatedout of High Quality Sheet Steel. The panels shall be designed having the Following Segregations separately. , a) Busbar compartment , b) Cable and CT compartment , c)) Instrument and Relay Compartment , The clearances between phase to phase and phase to earth shall be provided in accordance with the relevant standards. The bus bars shall be supported by bus support insulators placed at regular intervals. , The panels shall be powder coated with epoxy base paint to give an aesthetically pleasing appearance. The paint shade shall be as per the requirement. , SAFETYFEATURES: , a) Mechanical Interlock and earth switch for out goings , b) Door interlock in service position. , INCOMING VCB PANEL , 11 , KV, 1250A, 26.2 KA,Horizontal Draw out type Vaccum Circuit breaker withmotor/manual spring charge mechanism and also with mechanical indications for breaker on /off/trip indications and also with Local Remote selector switch and with breaker TNC Switch. , CURRENT TRANSFORMER: (3 No’s) Cast Resin , Ratio 200-100- 5/5 A, Core 1: 15 VA, CI – 0.2 for Metering and 5P10 for protection. , METERING: ( 1set) , 96 Sq.mm Digital Ammeter with selector switch Digital type 0-200A. , POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER: (3 No’s) Cast Resin , Ratio 11000 V/ rt 3 / 110 v / rt 3 , 100 VA, CI – 0.2 for Metering and 3 P for Protection and also with 2 numbers of Under Volage relays. , OUTGOING VCB PANEL , 11 , KV, 800A, 26.2 KA,Horizontal Draw out type Vaccum Circuit breaker withmotor/manual spring charge mechanism and also with mechanical indications for breaker on /off/trip indications and also with Local Remote selector switch and with breaker TNC Switch.-Outgoing-4Nos , CURRENT TRANSFORMER: (3 No’s) Cast Resin , Ratio 75 /5 A, Core 1: 15 VA, CI – 0.2 for Metering and 5P10 for protection. , METERING: ( 1set) , 96 Sq.mm Digital Ammeter with selector switch Digital type 0-100A. , Digital Multi function Meter for KW,KWH,KVA, KVAR , COS PHI Parameters reading. , INDICATION LAMPS: , 1) TCH, Battery failure , Spring charge, discharge, ON, OFF and Trip Indication Lamps, Phase indication Lampsfor RYB.-(1 set) , CONTROL SWITCHES/PUSH BUTTON , Bus Bar with 1250 Amps Copper- (1 set) , COMMON FOR SWITCHGEAR: , Heater ON and OFF Switch with Space heater, single Phase switch socket and cubicle lamp for panel illumination, MCBs for AC/DC Control - (1 set) , MS sheet enclosure suitable for Indoor installation withoutgoing cable entry.- (1 set) , RelaysIncomer ; Undervoltage relays 2 nos,IDMT relay ,TCH and Master trip relay and also with 12 window annunciator , Power Pack - 1 No with necessary Interconnections. , Supply andcommissioning of 11KV earthed HT cable of size3 c x300 sqmm XLPE insulated armoured alluminium conductor cable as per IS 7098- Part 2 - 1983 , Supply andcommissioning of 11KV earthed HT cable of size3 c x185 sqmm XLPE insulated armoured alluminium conductor cable as per IS 7098- Part 2 - 1983 , Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 11 KV grade of following size direct in ground including excavation, sand cushioning, protective covering and refilling the trench etc as required. , Above 120 sq. mm and upto 400 sq. mm , Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 11 KV grade of following size in the existing RCC/ HUME/ METAL pipe as required. , Above 120 sq. mm and upto 400 sq. mm , Laying and fixing of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 11 KV grade of following size on cable tray as required. , Above 120 sq. mm and upto 400 sq. mm , Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 11 KVearthed heat shrinkable end termination kit of 11 KV earthed XLPE insulated armoured alluminium conductor HT Cable of size 3 c x 300sqmm ( Indoor Termination Kit). , Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 11 KVearthed heat shrinkable end termination kit of 11 KV earthed XLPE insulated armoured alluminium conductor HT Cable of size 3 c x 185sqmm ( Indoor Termination Kit). , Supply and Installation ,Commissioning of HT Straight through Joint Kit for 3 C x 300 Sqmm EarthedXLPE insulatedarmoured alluminium conductor cable. , Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 1000KVA, 11kv / 433 v, 3 PHASE, 50 Hz, Dyn 11 ,outdoorANAN Resin cast dry typeTransformerwithon load tap changer, RTCC panel, AVR andHT Side marshalling box for termination of 11 kv grade , 3 c x 300 sqmm XLPEinsulated alluminium conductor screeened cable and LT side provision for connecting sandwich type of Alluminium bus trunking system of 1600 A capacityas per IS 11117 etc , LT SANDWICH TYPE BUS DUCT , Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 415 V, 50 Hz, A.C, 1600 A, Three phase and neutral Sandwhich type Alluminium bus bars Bus trunking system with necessary fixing Clamps and Jointing accessories including all required horizontal and vertical bends, tees for outdoorApplicationIp -65( Transformer feeder Incomer ) .As p-er IS ; 8623 Part 1 & 2. , M.V.PANELS , Supply,Installation Testing Commissioning of following TTA PANEL.Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 415V, 3 phase 4 wire 50 c/s Main LT Panel at Substation fully compartmentalized cubical type, as per the standards IEC61439-1&2 as tested assembly (TTA) ,tested for impulse voltage 8 KV,IP 42 fabricated CRCA sheet steel of 2 mm thick for frame work and covers, 3 mm thick for gland plates i/c cleaning & finishing complete with 7 tank process for powder coating in approved shade, having required capacity extensible type FP bus bars of high conductivity, DMC / SMC bus bars of high conductivity, DMC/ SMC bus bar supports, with short circuit withstand capacity of 35KA for 1 Sec., bottom base channel of MS section not less than 100 mm x 50 mm x 5 mm thick, fabrication shall be done in transportable sections, Form of separation shall be form 4b with metallic separation only entire panel shall have a common copper earth bar of size 25 mm x 5 mm at the rear with 2 Nos. earth stud, solid connections from main bus bar to switch gears with required size of bus bars, interconnection, interlocking between feeders etc.,with indication lamps, push buttons necessary accessories, complete with following incoming and outgoing switchgears with protection and metering etc. as per specification and schematic diagram including provision to be made for interfacing with BMS etc. complete as required, with incoming & outgoing cable entry from bottom/top and bus-duct entry from top, wiring with 2.5sq. mm. FRLS insulated copper conductor , cable alleys, PLC cable gland i/c providing following switch gears All ACBs should have Ics=Icu=Icw for 1 sec All MCCBs shall be rating for 25kA (Ics=Icu). All MCCBs above 63A should be provided with Copper Spreader Terminals Marshalling Bay To Be Provided for BMS Operation Approval shall be taken for each panel before fabrication. PLC based control with 100% hot redundant PLC arrangement with touch-screen LCD / LED display board (min. 8 Diag size)along with all accessories for complete automatic, manual andHMI controls & indication. Energy Management Software wth necessary cabling shall be in scope, nos. of breaker / Meters to be connect with energy management software shall be inform by Engineer In Charge. , MAIN MVPANEL - 1- Indoor , Incomer 1,3,4 : 3 Nos of 1600 A, 4P. EDO ACB, 50KA,shallbe supplied with S/C,E/F,O/C AND INSTANTANEOUS TRIP RELAY UNIS WITH TIME DELAY SETTINGS. , 2A, control MCB - 9 Nos. , RYB indicating lamps - 3 sets , Voltmeter (0-500V) with selector switch - 3 sets , Ammeter (0-1600A) with selector switch - 3 sets , 1600/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs with resin cast- 3 nos. , A Single CT with ratio of1600 / 5 A , 15 VA, 5 P 10 ,CT for feeding APFC relay of APFC panel. ( For 3 Nos of Incomers ) , Bus Coupler : 3 Nos of 1600 A, 4P. EDO ACB, 50KA,shallbe supplied with S/C,E/F,O/C AND INSTANTANEOUS TRIP RELAY UNIS WITH TIME DELAY SETTINGS. , Incomer 2 : 1 No of 1250 A, 4P. EDO ACB, 50KA,shallbe supplied with S/C,E/F,O/C AND INSTANTANEOUS TRIP RELAY UNIS WITH TIME DELAY SETTINGS. , 2A, control MCB - 3 Nos. , RYB indicating lamps - 1 sets , Voltmeter (0-500V) with selector switch - 1 sets , Ammeter (0-1250A) with selector switch - 1 sets , 1250/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs with resin cast- 1 nos. , A Single CT with ratio of1250 / 5 A , 15 VA, 5 P 10 ,CT for feeding APFC relay of APFC panel. , Outgoing , 1250A, 3P, 50KA, EDO ACB - = 2 Nos , 800A, 3P, 50KA, EDO ACB - = 3 Nos , 630A, 3P, 50KA, EDO ACB - = 3 Nos , 250A, 3P, 35KA, MCCB, -=1 No , 200A, 3P, 35KA, MCCB, -=1 No , 160A, 3P, 25KA, MCCB, -=2 Nos , 63A, 3P, 16KA, MCCB, -=3 Nos , Surge Protection Device - 1 No , 63 A, 3P, 16KA, MCCB, -= 1 No and also with 20 A TPNMCB as outgoings 3 Nos with timer circuit for controlling of street lights and the timer should be with required24 hors clock settings. , Bus Bars : 1600A, 3Ph, 4 wireTPN , 50Hz, aluminium bus bars , Metering Instruments ; Load Manager in the Incomer and ACB/ MCCB on , off , Trip Indication Lamps and with Breaker Status indication Lamps and also with Phase indication Lamps. , Earth Bus; To be provided at the bottom of the Panel of Gi Strip , MAIN BUILDING PANEL- INDOOR , Incomer: 1 No of 1250 A, 4P. EDO ACB, 50KA,shallbe supplied with S/C,E/F,O/C AND INSTANTANEOUS TRIP RELAY UNIS WITH TIME DELAY SETTINGS. , 2A, control MCB - 3 Nos. , RYB indicating lamps - 1 sets , Voltmeter (0-500V) with selector switch - 1 sets , Ammeter (0-1250A) with selector switch - 1 sets , 1250/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs with resin cast- 1 nos. , A Single CT with ratio of1250 / 5 A , 15 VA, 5 P 10 ,CT for feeding APFC relay of APFC panel. , Outgoing , 630A, 3P, 50KA, EDO ACB - = 2 No , 630A, 3P, 50KA, MCCB - = 2 Nos , 250A, 3P, 35KA, MCCB, -=3 Nos , 200A, 3P, 35KA, MCCB, -=2 Nos , 63A, 3P, 16KA, MCCB, -=3 No , Surge Protection Device - 1 No , Bus Bars : 1250A, 3Ph, 4 wireTPN , 50Hz, aluminium bus bars , Metering Instruments ; Load Manager in the Incomer and ACB/ MCCB on , off , Trip Indication Lamps and with Breaker Status indication Lamps and also with Phase indication Lamps. , Earth Bus; To be provided at the bottom of the Panel of Gi Strip , APFC PANEL INDOOR TTA PANEL - 300KVAR , Supply,Installation,Testing andCommissioning of APFC PANEL with Automatic power factor control relay and with 2 nos of 50 kvar capacitor banks and 25 kvar capacitor banks 8 nos with the following incoming and out goings.. The Panel is to be installed in Indoor. The panel is to be supplied with necessary power and control wiring required for the automatic operation of Power factor control. , INCOMER , 630 A, 4 P , 50KA MCCB with O/c, S/c,E/f Protection Microprocessore Relay Unit , 2A, control fuse - 3 Nos. , RYB indicating lamps - 1 set , Voltmeter (0-500V) with selector switch - 1 set , Ammeter (0-630A) with selector switch - 1 set , 630/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs with resin cast- 3 nos. , Outgoing , 125 A, 3P, SDF , - 2No , 63 A, 3P, SDF , - 8 No , Bus Bars : 630A, 3Ph, TPN, 50Hz, aluminium bus bars , Metering Instruments ; Multi Function Meter in the Incomer and SDFon , off , TRIP Indication Lamps and with Breaker Status indication Lamps and also with Phase indication Lamps , Earth Bus; To be provided at the bottom of the Panel of copper , The panel is to be supplied with Required capacity Capacitor Banks as per BOQ quantity and also with required capacity over load relays,contactors ,Switch disconnecting fuses and also with APFC relay control wiring for manual and Auto operation. , EARTHING , Providing and fixing of maintenance free earthing which consists of 40 mm Dia, 3 mtr length (as per Equipment Supplier) electrode capsule,filled with earth enhancing compound,sealed at both ends and brazed lead for connection at one end suitable for direct installation at site at a depth of 2.5 mtr.Bentonite compound upto a depth of 2.0 mtr around the electrode capsule and also wih brick chamber and cast Iron cover etc complete including excavation in all types of soil. , Providing and fixing of maintenance free earthing which consists of 65 mm Dia, 3 mtr length (as per Equipment Supplier) electrode capsule,filled with earth enhancing compound,sealed at both ends and brazed lead for connection at one end suitable for direct installation at site at a depth of 2.5 mtr.Bentonite compound upto a depth of 2.0 mtr around the electrode capsule and also wih brick chamber and cast Iron cover etc complete including excavation in all types of soil. , Supply and fixing of following earth strips/ conductors.The scope incudes supply and fixing of copper lugs wherever found necessary, brass bolts, nuts and washers for fixing arrangement etc., (from earth station to main panel). , 50x5 MM G.I.Flat , 25 x3 MM GI Flat , 50 x 6MM Copper Flat , 6SWG G.I.Wire , Cable Trays , Supply and fixing of following size GIPerforated type cable tray made out of 2mm thick sheet including MS supports for fixing the tray, anchor fasteners etc complete as required.Including with GI covers. , 600mm wide , 300mm wide , SAFETY ITEMS , Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of the Follwing Safety itemsas per standrads and specification. , Fire Extinguishers- 5 KG CAPACITY CO 2 Confirming to IS 2878 fitted with discharge bend pipe and horn , Rubber Mats 11 KV , 2 Mtr x 1 Mtr , Rubber Mats 415 V , 2 Mtr x 1 Mtr , Shock treatment Chart with frame and glass , First Aid Box , Sand Bucket with stand with 3 Nos of buckets and also with canaopy. , 415 V Danger Boards , 11 kv Danger Boards , Single Line Diagram with frame and glass. , Supply, testingand commissioning of following size 1.1KV grade XLPE insulated armoured aluminium conductor cable. The cable shall conform to IS 7098/ Part-II. , 3.5C X 400Sq.mm , 3.5C X 300Sq.mm , 3.5C X 240Sq.mm , 3.5C X 185Sq.mm , 3.5C X 150Sq.mm , 3.5C X 95Sq.mm , 3.5C X 70Sq.mm , 3.5C X 50Sq.mm , 3.5C X 25Sq.mm , 4C X 16Sq.mm , Copper armoured control cables , i) 4C X 2.5Sq.mm , ii) 7C X 2.5Sq.mm , iii) 19C X 2.5 Sq.mm , Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size direct in ground including excavation, sand cushioning, protective covering and refilling the trench etc as required. , Upto 35 sq. mm , Above 35 sq. mm and upto 95 sq. mm , Above 95 sq. mm and upto 185 sq. mm , Above 185 sq. mm and upto 400 sq. mm , Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size in the existing RCC/ HUME/ METAL pipe as required. , Upto 35 sq. mm , Above 35 sq. mm and upto 95 sq. mm , Above 95 sq. mm and upto 185 sq. mm , Above 185 sq. mm and upto 400 sq. mm , Laying and fixing of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size on cable tray as required. , Upto 35 sq. mm , Above 35 sq. mm and upto 95 sq. mm , Above 95 sq. mm and upto 185 sq. mm , Above 185 sq. mm and upto 400 sq. mm , Providing Indoor ordinary end terminations for thefoollwing 1.1 KV grade XLPE insulated armoured alluminium conductor cables with compression type steel gland, Bi-metallic lugs using crimping tool, Insulation tape, Identification tags etc., including end termination and Earthing of Gland with 8SWG GI Wire. , 3.5C X 400Sq.mm , 3.5C X 300Sq.mm , 3.5C X 240Sq.mm , 3.5C X 185Sq.mm , 3.5C X 150Sq.mm , 3.5C X 95Sq.mm , 3.5C X 70Sq.mm , 3.5C X 50Sq.mm , 3.5C X 25Sq.mm , 4C X 16Sq.mm , End terminations of Copper armoured control cables including supply and fixing of crimping type copper lugs. , i) 4C X 2.5Sq.mm , ii) 7C X 2.5Sq.mm , iii) 19C X 2.5 Sq.mm , SUBHEAD-XXIX : AREA LIGHTING : , Supply and erection of steel stepped and swaged tubular poles of 9 mtr long(410 SP25) (1.5 mtr below ground) with base plate earthing studs 1.5 mtr out reach single /Double arm , FRP terminal Box 2 Nos of 40 mm Dia Class B G.I Pipe ,0.5 mtr Longfor incoming and outgoing cables including excavation in all types of soil ,PCC 1:2:4 ,PCC Pedestal with painting with black bitumen paint inside the coping for embedded portion and two coats of Zinc chromite primer and two coats of Alluminium paint externally for length above the ground.The pole shall be with FRP junction box consisting of 10A MCB.The wiring from Junction box to Light fixture shall be carried out with 3 Core 2.5 Sqmm Copper conductor flexible cable. , The Street Light Pole shall be fixed with 70W LED street Light fixture including supply of controlgear / driver and lamp(Make : Cat No.LR02-102-XXX-57-G2,WIPRO MAKE / CAT NO - Greenline V2 (BRP410) Philips/equivalent make.) , Supply and erection of 65 mm Dia, Class B GI Pipe of 3 mtr. long with base plate, earthing studs, 3 phase and neutral loop-in and loop-out box as per specifications, 2nos 50mm dia,1.5mtr. long GI bent pipes for incoming and outgoing cables, including excavation , 1 :2 : 4PCC Pedestal etccomplete. The pole shall be with Junction box consisting of MCB.The Junction box shall be of weather proof. The wiring from Junction box to Light fixture shall be carried out with 3core 2.5sq.mm flexible copper conductor cable. The Pole shall be fixed withweather proof 72W LED ( Philips Cat No :BRP046 LED 30 CW MR S1 PSU GR/equivalent) Light fixtureincluding supply of driver and fixing clamps etc complete. , Supply, testingand commissioning of following size 1.1KV grade XLPE insulated armoured aluminium conductor underground cable. The cable shall conform to IS 7098/ Part-II. , 4Core10sq.mm , Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size direct in ground including excavation, sand cushioning, protective covering and refilling the trench etc as required , Upto 35 Sqmm , Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of following size in the existing RCC/ HUME/ METAL pipe as required. , Upto 35 Sqmm , ProvidingEnd terminations for the following size of 1.1 KV grade XLPE insulated armoured alluminium conductorcablewith compression type steel gland, alluminumlugs using crimping tool, Insulation tape, Identification tags etc.,complete , 4Core 10 sq.mm , Providing Spiral coil earthing with 8 SWG GI wire including spreading of salt and charcoal as per IS 3043/87 with latest amendments. , Supplying and fixing following way, horizontal type three pole and neutral, sheet steel, weather proof MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar,neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powderpainted including earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator) , 4 way (8 + 12), Double door , Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, (three phase and neutral), 415 volts, residual current circuitbreaker (RCCB), having a sensitivity current 30 mA in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. , 40A , Supplying and fixingof 6A to 32A rating 240/415V,10kA , C Curveminiature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following polesin the existing MCB DB complete with connections ,testing and commissioning etc complete. , Single Pole , Supply and Commissioning of thefollowing type Fluorescent/ Compact fluorescentlight fixtures on wall/ Ceiling including all fixing accesssories such as leads, etc complete as required. The Fluorescent/CFL fixtures shall be complete with Low loss copper ballast PF improvement capacitor, Bipin Rotor type lamp holder,starter, starter base, all prewired upto the terminal block. All fixtures shall besupplied with lamps. The Catalogue Numbers refers to Philips Make. , 40 W Bulk Head Light Fixture Outdoor , (PhilipsCat No WT1 40W LED 7S NW PSU S1 PC /Equivalent as per approved makes)) , 150WLED Flood Light Fixture outdoor with alluminium die cast housing and also includind driver with fixing clamps etc complete , (PhilipsCat No BVP283 LED240 CW FG SY5NB 200W V1 /Equivalent as per approved makes)) , Installtionof Fluorescent/ Compact fluorescentlight fixtures on wall/ Ceiling including all fixing accesssories such as leads, etc complete as required. , SUBHEAD-XXX :SEWAGE DISPOSAL : , Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc., including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, including consolidating each deposited layer by ramming, watering, etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m in All kinds of soils. , Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia. but not exceeding 300 mm dia. , PVC SWR PIPES , Providing, laying and jointing PVC/ SWR Pipes conform to IS:13592-1992 of Type-B on sand cushion at bottom and around the pipw and testing of joints etc. complete : , 100 mm dia PVC/SWR Single Socket , 150 mm dia PVC/SWR Single Socket , Providing and fixing square-mouth PVC gully trap conform to IS:13592-1992 complete with brick masonry chamber around as per standard design : , 100x100 mm PVC Gully trap with Sewer bricks conforming to IS : 13592-1992. , Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand) with R.C.C. top slab with 1:1.5:3 mix (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand (zone- III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand (zone- III) : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design : , Inside size 90x80 cm and 45 cm deep including C.I. cover with frame (light duty) 455x610 mm internal dimensions, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 38 kg (weight of cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15 kg), With Sewer bricks conforming to IS : 4885. , Extra for depth for manholes : , Size 90x80 cm, With Sewer bricks conforming to IS : 4885 , Providing M.S. foot rests including fixing in manholes with 20x20x10 cm cement concrete blocks 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) as per standard design, With 20x20 mm square bar. , Making soak pit 2.5 m diameter 3.0 metre deep with 45 x 45 cm dry brick honey comb shaft with bricks and S.W. drain pipe 100 mm diameter, 1.8 m long complete as per standard design, With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 3.5. , Supply and positioning of ready made polyethylene septic tank of size 2.3M long 1.3M dia 16mm shell thickness with 2/3 chambers and 2Nos manholes of size 550mm dia and 100mm/160mm dia inlet outlet pipe and airvent pipe 50mm dia of make United Septic tank Design Reg.No 173352 Type-4 , SUBHEAD-XXXI : ARBORICULTURE : , TREE PLANTATION , Digging pits in all type of soils and refilling the same with the good earth (excavated / imported) & manure (organic manure/cow dung/sludge) in the ratio of 3:1 (03 part of stacked volume of manure). Cost of manure / sludge and good earth if needed to be paid separately, after reduction of 20% of stacked volume of good earth &8% stacked volume of manure. Each pit to be mixed with antitermite chemical / granules, Thimet 10G @100-200 am/pit , (I) AVENUE / FLOWERING TREES / Palms , a) 1mts x 1mts x 1mts (L X W x D ) , b) Each pit to be added with 100gms of Thimet 10 g granule, to control termite attack. (Repeat the treatment after 06 months, if termite persists). Flooding the pit basin with water, dressing including removal of rubbish & surplus earth, if any, with all lead & lifts , c) Supply and plantation of approved varieties of healthy, disease free, stout stem & well developed root system tree sapling of, 5-6 height, with a clear minimum height of 4-5 from basin / ground level, after plantation. Staking the tree sapling upto 3/4 height with appropriate strength of bamboo stick. Lower 1 feet of stake portion should be treated with antitermite chemical , i) Phonix Palm , ii) Red Palm , iii) Golden Palm , iv) Fox Tail Palm , v) Areca Palm , d) Maintenance of tree sapling, after plantation for 30 days or more as minimum guarantee period, for well establishment of tree sapling. Stacking to be continued till tree sapling attains the stem strength. Replacement of saplings casualties immediately , LAWM PLANTATION , a) Preparation of ground by trenching in all type of soils upto a depth of 30cm including removal & stacking of serviceable material than disposing the surplus soil with all lead & lifts, by spreading and leveling neatly. Making up the trenched area well leveled by filling with additionally supplied earth (if needed). , b) Now rough dressing of trenched ground including breaking clods & flooding with water. , c) After 10-15 days removal of weeds / unwanted grass (motha etc) with roots & disposal of uprooted material, stone rubbish etc., with all lead & lifts. , d) Then fine dressing of ground. Spreading and mixing with the good earth (excavated / imported) & manure (organic manure / cow dung / sludge) in the ratio of 8:1 (08 part of stacked volume of good earth if needed to be paid separately, after reduction of 20% of stacked volume of good earth & 8% stacked volume of manure. The area to be mixed with antitermite chemical / granules, Thimet 10G @ 100-200gm / sqmts. If termite persists repeat the treatment after 06 months by surface spreading the chemical. , e) Supply of grass and planting by dibbling the area including watering & maintenance of lawn for 30 days or more till grass forms a thick lawn cushion free from weeds , i) With Bermunda grass (15cm x 15cm apart) , ii) Carpet of grass turfing , iii) Supply & turfing of artificial lawn , iv) After ward maintenance of lawn area, green & weed free for 01 year with standard specification , SHRUB PLANTATION (SOLO) , Digging pits in all type of soils and refilling the same the good earth (excavated / imported) & manure (organic manure / cow dung / sludge) in the ratio of 5:1 (05 part of stacked volume of manure). Cost of manure / sludge and good earth if needed to be paid separately, after reduction of 20% of stacked volume of good earth & 8% stacked volume of manure. Each pit to be mixed with antitermite chemical / granules thimet 10G @50-100gms / pit , i) Pit size 0.60mts x 0.60mts (Dia x Depth) , ii) Pit size 0.45 dia x 0.60mts Depth , b) Supply & plantation of shrub and / or rose sapling to pit, appropriate stacking & initial maintenance for 30 days. Replacement of sapling casualties immediately. , c) Afterward 01 year maintenance as per standard specification , SHRUBBERY PLANTATION - (SHRUBS IN GROUPS) , Digging beds in all type of soils and refilling the same with the good earth (excavated / imported) mixed with antitermite chemical / granules @100gm/sqmts) & manure (organic manure / cow dung / sludge) in the ratio of 5:1 by volume (05 part of staked volume of good earth & 1 part of stacked volume of manure). Cost of manure / sludge and good earth if needed to be paid separately, after reduction of 20% of stacked volume of good earth &8% stacked volume of manure , i) L X W X 0.60 mts depth , b) For roses, rose mixture @500gms / sq mts to be used additionally, before plantation , c) Termite treatment - Thimet 10G granules @100 gms / Sqmts , d) Supply & plantation of shrub sapling to pit, appropriate stacking & initial maintenance , e) Afterward 01 year maintenance as per standard specification , HEDGE PLANTATION , a) Digging trenches of approved / desired size of L X W (45-50cms) X D (30-60cm) in all type of soil. Refilling the trenches with good earth (excavated / imported) mixed with manure (cowdung / sludge / dump) in the ration of 5:1 (05 part of good earth and 01 part of manure by stacked volume). Cost of manure / sludge and good earth if needed to be paid separately, after reduction of 20% of stacked volume of good earth &8% stacked volume of manure. Fore Termite treatment add Thimet 10G granules @ 100gms / running mts. Flooding the trench with water and than rough & fine dressing of trenched area including removal of undesirable weeds & vegetation. , b) Supply & plantation of approved varieties of hedge plant saplings. It should be well grown, fully established & disease free. Sapling height & density as follows , i) Hedge with sapling height -0.45 mts to 0.60mts (After Plantation) , ii) Density - @07 Nos plants / running meters (staggered condition) , c) Maintenance the hedge by regular watering, trimming & pruning etc for 30 days initially. Replacement of sapling casualties immediately , d) Afterward maintenance of hedge length for 01 (one) year as per standard maintenance specification , GROUND COVER , Digging of ground cover marked area upto a depth of 30 cms in all type of soils. Refilling the same with (excavated / supplied) good earth mixed with manure (organic / cow dung / sludge) in the ration of 8:1 (08 part of good earth *01 part of manure by stacked volume). Cost of manure / sludge and good earth if needed to be paid separately, after reduction of 20% of stacked volume of good earth & 8% stacked volume of manure. For Termite treatment add Thimet 10G granules @100 gms/Sq mts. Flooding with water the entire area. Rough & fine dressing of the ground cover bed area and removal of weeds & unwanted vegetation & its disposal , b) Supply and plantation of approved / desired ground cover plant varieties, well established, fully grown, disease free and good foliage. Plantation density should be @36 ground cover plants / square metre, or less as desired or decided by site incharge. Maintenance of all the ground cover area for 30 days till the plants establish well. , c) Regular maintenance afterward for 01 year as per standard specification , FLOWER BED PREPARATION , Digging of FLOWER BED marked area upto a depth of 30 cms (Canna Beds - 60cms depth) in all type of soils. Refilling the same with (excavated / supplied) good earth mixed with manure (organic / cowdung/ sludge) in the ration of 5:1 (05 part of good earth & 01 part of manure) . Cost of manure / sludge and good earth if needed to be paid separately, after reduction of 20% by stacked volume of stacked volume of good earth & 8% stacked volume of manure. For Termite treatment add Thimet 10G granules @100gms / sq mts. Flooding the entire with water. Rough & fine dressing the flower bed area and removal of weeds & unwanted vegetation & its disposal with all lead and lifts , a) SEASONAL FLOWERING BED SIZEFORMAL STYLE - Lx1.0mts width, INFORMAL STYLE - Any style as desired , b) Supply & plantation of seasonal flowers sapling @36 seedlings / sq mts (minimum three times in a year) , i) BUL BOUS / CUTTINGS - FLOWERING - Dahalia Plants @16 plants / Sqm) Winter , c) Maintenance of flower beds regularly upto 1 year as per standard specifications. Replacement of casualty immediately , MOUND , Preparation of mounds of various size and shape by available excavated / supplied earth in a layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, breaking clods, watering of each layer, dressing etc with all lead & lifts complete as per direction of Officer in charge. Cost of manure / sludge and good earth if needed to be paid separately, after reduction of 20% of stacked volume of good earth and 8% stacked volume of manure , BRICK EDGING , Edging with bricks (Class I) laid in PCC (1:2:4) length wise, including required excavation, refilling, consolidating withhand packing and spreading surplus earth neatly within all lead and lifts , Brick Paving : Supply and Paving of wire cut bricks on sand bed , Terracotta Pot : Terracotta Pots of height 4 & width 1m made with 8mm rod chicken mesh with cement mortar complete , PVC Pipe Line : Supply & laying of 63mm dia PVC pipeline of ISI including excavation of outlet back filling of trenches of 0.60m depth fixing with all accessories and providing outlet wherever required backfilling of trenches etc complete , Supply & erection of 2 Hp pump with all accessories including panelboard etc , Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 1.5sqmm 3 core copper cable , GOOD EARTH / AGRICULTURE SOIL , a) Supply and stacking of good earth / agriculture soil from approved source / field ; of approved quality / pH & suitable for plantation work with all leads, lifts, carriage and royalty / taxes etc. Cost of good earthto be paid separately, after reduction of 20% of stacked volume of good earth , b) Cattle manure : Supply of cattle manure , Note:- Where Ever Written for Sand Should be Read as Manufacture Sand

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