
The Work Related To Stage Decoration, Light, Sound, Etc. For The Programme Of Sahitya Utsav And Little Magazine Fair 2025, Darjeeling-West Bengal

Department Of Information And Cultural Affairs has published The Work Related To Stage Decoration, Light, Sound, Etc. For The Programme Of Sahitya Utsav And Little Magazine Fair 2025. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-12-2024. Decoration Work Tenders in Darjeeling West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

The Work Related To Stage Decoration, Light, Sound, Etc. For The Programme Of Sahitya Utsav And Little Magazine Fair 2025
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

The Work Related To Stage Decoration, Light, Sound, Etc. For The Programme Of Sahitya Utsav And Little Magazine Fair 2025-1 Making Stall for Little Magazine & Book Stall for 3 days 1.01 Construction of temporary structure of stalls at Siliguri College, Siliguri to be covered with fireproof tarpoline with bamboo structure & backside of all stalls will be covered by framing with designed flex and celling with cloth . Stall constructed by Bamboo & wooden structure with 320 running ft (width 8 ft and 10 ft height, with wooden floor of height 4 inch), has to be covered properly with cloth/ tarpoline, at night, after the closure of the stalls. 1.02 Table (300 ruft) for Book Stall (Rate should be quoted including transportation, fitting & Fixing), with sufficient temporary wooden rack for 2 book stalls (20ft x 8 ft) 1.03 PVC chair with cover for all little magazine stalls, Book stalls, Office (Rate should be quoted including transportation, fitting & Fixing) 1.04 2 X1.5 vinyl printing of stickers with self adhesive along with fixing including manpower 2 Stage, Branding, Gates, Publicity, etc. Creative idea for venue branding 2.01 3D L gate at the entrance of stage including setup, transport and dismantling. 2.02 3D overhead Gate with Bamboo structure, flex, wooden frame at College Entry Gate. (including setup, transport and dismantling) 2.03 4 nos of 3D overhead Gate with Bamboo structure, flex, wooden frame at the City. (including setup, transport and dismantling) 2.04 Enquiry Corner at Mela Ground with chair, table, etc (including setup, transport and dismantling) 2.05 Construction of 3 sides open temporary structure for stage of length 36 ft & width 24 ft (height 4 ft above the ground and roof height 12 ft from stage surface) at Siliguri College, Siliguri, to be made with fireproof tarpoline with bamboo structure & wooden platform with backside covered by cloth and LED Screen (20 x 8) (designed flex) on wooden frame & ceiling to be covered with decorated cloth as well as floor with carpet 2.06 Construction of 4 sides open temporary structure for pandal (40 ft x 80 ft) in front of the stage, which is to be covered with fireproof tarpoline with bamboo structure & ceiling to be covered with decorated cloth 2.07 Two stage at the classroom ofSiliguri College with backdrop, Platform and Chair and carpeting of the platform and its front area (including setup, transport and dismantling) 2.08 Green room at Siliguri College with chairs and tables 2.09 Setting up of 1 (one) temporary Office and 1 (one) VIP lounge in the Classroom of Siliguri College with proper masking (of walls), chairs, tables and sofa (including transportation and dismantling) 2.1 Setting up of 1 (one) temporary exhibition room in any classroom of Siliguri College with proper masking (of walls), carpeting (including transportation and dismantling) 2.11 VIP Chairs for stage, Green room and office, etc. (Rate should be quoted including transportation, fitting & fixing) 2.12 Low Centre table at the stage and office (Rate should be quoted including transportation, fitting & fixing) 2.13 2 seater sofa for pandal, VIP Lounge etc. (Rate should be quoted including transportation, fitting & fixing) 2.14 Flex 5000 SqFt (Rate should be quoted including transportation, Printing & fixing) for Header of the stalls (4ft x 320ft), Background of stalls (10ft x 320ft), Backdrop of main Stage (10ft x 20ft), Backdrop of 2 other stages in the classrooms (10ft x 8ft x 2), Header of pandal (4ft x 40ft), others as per requirement (500 Sqft) 2.15 Flower Decoration 2.16 City Branding [40 pc 8ft x 4 standee & 10 pc 8ft x 6 ft hoarding on wooden/ iron frame and 15 pc 20ft x 10ft hoarding without frame (to be fixed on permanent structures)] (approximately 6,000 Sqft) 2.17 Venue Branding (60pc 8ft x 4 ft standee & 6 pc 8ft x 6ft hoarding on wooden/ iron frame) 2.18 PVC Chairs 2.19 PVC Tables 2.2 Podium 3 Installation of Sound system for 3 days 3.01 Installation of sound system with speaker box, Mixer consule(24 channels) , Microphones (with stands), Cordless Microphones, Voltage Satbilizer etc.. (Rate should be quoted including transportation, fitting & fixing) 3.02 Installation of 1 Public Address System, in the Enquiry/ Office for 3 days 3.03 Installation of 2 Sound systems with speaker boxes, Amplifiers, Microphones (with stands), Cordless Microphones for the 2 stages in the Classrooms for 2 days on 11th and 12th january 2025 4 Installation of Venue Lighting & Stage Light for 3 days 4.01 Installation of venue Lights with Metal, LED Chains, Lamp, LED Tube etc.. (Rate should be quoted including transportation, fitting & fixing) 4.02 Generator for Venue ligts (sound proof) 2 nos. of 62.5 KVA for 3 days for Backup for light (Fuel cost will be provided separately on the basis of actual consumption) 5 Miscellenous 5.01 Cleaning, Masking, framing etc.. 5.02 Security Guard (to ensure security of the stalls as well as the Fair campus from 8 PM to 12 noon on 10th and 11th January, 2025)

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INR 20000.0 /-
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