Procurement Of Surgical And Textiles Items For Echs Polyclinics , Drugs And Consumables , Corn Cap , Adhesive Plaster 2.5 , Adhesive Plaster 5 , Bandage Triangular Roll , Bandage 6Cm X 4 Metres , Bandage 2.5Cm X 4 Metres , Bandage 10 Cm X 4 Meters , Gauge Pieces , Condom Cathreter , Knee Caps Size Xxl , Dressing Set , Compression Stocking Below Knee , Surgiscrub , Ryles Tube , Anklet , Band- Aid , Bandage Crepe 10Cm , Bandage Crepe 15Cm , Cervical Collar Size L , Cervical Collar Size M , Cervical Collar S , Disposable Gown , Dvt Stocking Large , Dvt Stocking Medium , Dvt Stocking Xl , Elastoplast , Foleys Catheter All Size , Foleys Catheter 2 Way Size 14 Fr , Gauze Surgical 60 Cm Wide , Uro Bag , Iv Cannula With Port And Wings 18 G , Iv Cannula With Port And Wings 20 G , Knee Caps (Size-L) , Knee Caps (Size-M) , Knee Caps (Size-Xl) , Knee Caps (Size-Xll) , Lumber Belt Large , Lumber Belt Medium , Silicon Heel Cup , Silicon Insole , Sterile Disposable Plastic Towel/Trolley Cover (Size 66Cmx120cm) , Sterile Gauze 10Cm X 10Cm X 8 Ply , Suction Catheter 16Fg , Suction Catheter 18Fg , Surgical Mask , Wax For Wax Bath (Physiotherapy ) , Abdominal Binder All Sizes , Micropore 3 , Arm Sling Pouch , Compression Stockins Above Knee , Shoulder Immobilizer All Size , Thumb Spica Splint All Size , Mersilk 3/0. , Ankle Wrap , Ortho Arthritis Knee Brace , Roller Bandage 15 Cm , Foleys Catheter 2 Way Size 18 F , Ortho Arthritis Ankle Brace R/L , Carpal Tunnel Splint , Gauze Surgical Open Woven 1 Mtr , Elbow Support , Suspensary Bandage , Ankle Strap Large , Lumber Belt Extra Large , Adhesive Plaster Size 7.5 , Ankle Support , Catheter Foleys Silicon 2 Way All Size , Comfort Back Support , Cot Finger Splint , Tennis Elbow Support , Wrist And Forearm Splint , Knee Iimmobilizer , Abdomen Swab , Scalp Vein Set , Micropore 1 Inch Plaster , Micropore 2 Inch Plaster , Micropore 1/2 Inch , Oxygen Mask , Surgical Cap , Dvt Stocking Small , Surgical Blade , Cannula Iv Fixator , Male External Condom Catheter Size L , Cotton 300 Gm , Lint Absorbent , Gauze Folded , Iv Canula Size 22 G , Dressing Medicated Gauze Paraffin, 10 Cm X10 Cm, Tin Of 24 , Cervical Collar Xl , Knee Cap Small , Sterile Gauze 4 X 4 Pkt Of 5 , Thermometer , Alcoholic Hand Sanitizer Bott Of 500 Ml , Cotton 50Gm Pkt , Cotton Absorbent 500 Gm , Cotton Non Absorbent 500 Gm , Gloves Operation Size 7( Powdered) , Gloves Operation Size 7.5 Â (Non Powderd) , Gloves Size 6.5 (Powdered) , Gloves Size 6.5( Non Powdered) , Gloves Size 7( Non Powdered) , Gloves Size 7(Powdered) , Gloves Size 7.5 (Powdered) , Glucometer Strips One Touch Select , Glucometer Strips One Touch Ultra , Non Sterile Gloves Medium , Non Sterile Gloves Small , Non Sterile Gloves Xl , Printing Paper Sysmex Xp-100 , Test Tube 100X12mm , Urobag , Disposable Insulin Pen Needles 4Mm , Disposable Insulin Pen Needles 6Mm , Insulin Syringe (Disposable) , Syringe 2Ml , Syringe Dispo Plastic 10Ml With Needle , Syringe Dispo Plastic 2Ml With Needle , Syringe Dispo Plastic 3 Ml With Needle , Syringe Dispo Plastic 5Ml With Needle