
Tender For Malangaon Medium Project Taluka Sakri District Dhule Repair Work Of Canal Ch 0 Km To 24 Km With Other Allied Works - Item No.1 :- Cleaning Grass And Removal Of Rubbish Up To A Distance Of 50 Meters Outside The Periphery Of The Area As Directed, dhule-Maharashtra

Irrigation Department has published Tender For Malangaon Medium Project Taluka Sakri District Dhule Repair Work Of Canal Ch 0 Km To 24 Km With Other Allied Works - Item No.1 :- Cleaning Grass And Removal Of Rubbish Up To A Distance Of 50 Meters Outside The Periphery Of The Area As Directed. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-01-2025. Canal Construction Tenders in dhule Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Malangaon Medium Project Taluka Sakri District Dhule Repair Work Of Canal Ch 0 Km To 24 Km With Other Allied Works - Item No.1 :- Cleaning Grass And Removal Of Rubbish Up To A Distance Of 50 Meters Outside The Periphery Of The Area As Directed
Open Tender

Tender Details

Malangaon Medium Project Taluka Sakri District Dhule Repair Work Of Canal Ch 0 Km To 24 Km With Other Allied Works - Item No.1 :- Cleaning grass and removal of rubbish up to a distance of 50 meters outside the periphery of the area as directed. 2 Item No.2 :- Cutting down trees including cutting trunks & branches and stacking the material as directed with 15 mtr. lead and lift up to 1.5 mtr. etc. complete including up roofing and refilling the pit with material as directed (excluding extramaterial required for refilling) (a) Girth between 30 cm to 60 cm 3 Item No.3 :- Dismantling the Stone Masonry in cement mortar including stacking the material with all lifts etc.complete as directed. 4 Item No.4 :- Dismalting R.C.C. works and removal the stuff to a distance of 15 m and all lifts including stacking etc.complete as directed. 5 Item No.5 :- Removing wet silt from canal bed with 15.00 mtr. lead and 1.50 mtr.including depositing the excavated stuff as directed. Complete as directed 6 Item No.6 :- Excavation in all kinds of soil/Hard Murum/Soft Rock including boulders upto 0.6 m diameter (0.113 cum) for canal, seating of embankment, filter drains / catch water drains etc., and placing the excavated stuff neatly in dump area or for formation of service road / embankment as directed including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, dressing bed and sides to required level and profile etc., complete with lead upto 1 km and with all lifts as directed 7 Item No.7 :- Providing casing embankment using selected pervious materialfrom approved borrow areas (Government acquired land) in layersincluding cost of allmaterials, machinery,labour,allother operations suchascollectionofsoil,spreadingsoilinlayerof specified thickness, sorting out, breaking clods, levelling,sectioningedges / sides, watering, compactingeachlayertodensitycontrolofnotless than 95 % of Proctor density using vibratory compactor includingcostofwateretc., completewith leadupto1 km and all lifts as directed. 8 Item No.8 :- Providing and laying murrum bedding using material from borrow areab(Private land/contractors own material) in trenches with murrum of approved quality in layers not exceeding 150mm to 200mm,each layer shall be compacted by watering and ramming etc complete with lead upto 1km & all lifts as directed. 9 Item No.9 :- Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of grade M-15 of trap / granite / gneiss / quartzite / graded metal for RCC works of retaining walls, piers, abutments, etc. with Batching Plant and Transit mixer including centering,shuttering, scaffolding, placing, compacting, curing etc. complete with all lifts as directed. (a) M-15 (20 MSA) (Cement 5.64 bags/Cum) i) For Abutment, wing walls, returns, transition walls 10 Item No.10 :- Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of grade M-20 of trap / granite / gneiss / quartzite / graded metal for RCCworksofabutment,wingwalls,returns,transition walls, piers, columns, beams and slabs, diaphragm walls, roadslabstrough(BoxCulvert)troughforaqueduct, wearing coat, etc. . with Batching Plant and Transit mixer includingcentering,shuttering,scaffolding,placing, compacting, curing etc. complete with all lifts as directed. (a) M-20 (20 MSA) (Cement 6.60 bags/Cum) i ) For Abutment, wing walls, returns, transition walls 11 Item No.11 :- Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of grade M-20 of trap / granite / gneiss / quartzite / graded metal for RCCworksofabutment,wingwalls,returns,transition walls, piers, columns, beams and slabs, diaphragm walls, roadslabstrough(BoxCulvert)troughforaqueduct, wearing coat, etc. . with Batching Plant and Transit mixer includingcentering,shuttering,scaffolding,placing, compacting, curing etc. complete with all lifts as directed. (a) M-20 (20 MSA) (Cement 6.60 bags/Cum) vii) Trough for aqueduct 12 Item No.12 :- Providing and applying wet shotcrete (M-25 : 10MSA) 50 mm thick in two layers through adit / itself of tunnel including admixtures, neccessary machinery , labours ,scaffolding, lighting, drainage, ventilation with providing and all other ancillary operations etc. complete with all lifts. 13 Item No.13 :- Providing and Guniting in CM 1:3 (cement consumption 15.94 kg/sqm) pnumatically under pressure of 2.1 to 2.8 kg/Sqcm,with weld mesh 50x50x2.54 mm (13 gauge),after duly cleaning the surface by wire brushing,degreasing etc.including necessary admixture (200ml/bag of cement ),curing etc complete with all lead & lift as directed. 14 Item No.14 :- ProvidingandlayinginsituM-15(20MSA)(28days cube compressive strength not less than 15N/sqmm) grade cement concretewith clean, hard, graded aggregates for canal lining for side and bed including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning with batchingplantandtransitmixerplacinginposition, finishing with all slope of canal including centering, scaffolding, formwork, compaction, curing, bycutting grooves, filling with sealing compound and providing porousplugspreparationofsubgradeetc.complete with all lifts etc. complete as directed.a) For Bed Linning (Cement 5.64 Bags/Cum) 15 b) For Side Linning by curing with water (Cement 5.64 Bags/Cum) 16 Item No.15 :- Providing pointing with cement mortar for stone masonry including racking joints, centering, scaffolding, curing etc. complete as directed. A) In Cement mortar 1:3 17 Item No.16 :- Providing & Laying cement plaster 6 mm thick in CM 1:3 single coat without neru finish to concrete surface in all position including centering,scaffolding,curing etc.complete as directed.(0.057 bags/cum) 18 Item No.17 :- ProvidingandfixinginpositionTMT-FE-500bar reinforcement of various diameters for R.C.C. pilecaps, footings,foundations,slabs,beamscolumns, canopies, staircase,newels,chajjas,lintelspardis, copings,fins, arches etc. as per detaileddesigns, drawings and schedules.includingcutting,bending,hookingthebars, bindingwithwiresortackweldingandsupportingas required complete as directed. 19 Item No.18 :- Providing and fixing 25 mm diameter steel anchor dowel in hard rock including drilling hole of 32 mm diameter upto 0.75 m depth,placing the dowel in position & Effectively grouting the hole with CM 1:1 proportion etc.complete 20 Item No.19 :- Providing and Laying expansion/construction joint with 18 SWG copper plates & shalitex expansion pad below and above the copper plates including sealing the joints with shalitex compound including 50x50x5 mm angle frame with stainless steel bolts etc.as directed(For all slab thickness) 21 Item No.20 :- Providing and laying concrete pipes of I.S.NP. class of 300mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including necessary collars, excavation, laying, fixing with collars in cement mortar 1:1 and refilling the trench complete. 22 Item No.21 :- Providing R.C.C .pipe of NP2 class conforming to IS4582003 of following diameter including cost of all material and labour required, inspection charges, transportation to stores, transit insurance, loading, unloading and stacking excluding GST levied by GOI and GOM in all respect etc. complete as directed.f) 450mm dia 23 e) 600mm dia 24 c) 900mm dia 25 Item No.22 :- Laying and jointing R.C.C. pipe of NP2 class or IRC standard in C.M. 1:2, proportion by volume including cost of all materials (excluding pipes and collars), labour, aligning pipes, batching and mixing mortar, packing joints with hemp and mortar, finishing, curing etc. complete with all lifts as directed.f) 450mm dia 26 e) 600mm dia 27 c) 900mm dia 28 Item No.23 :- Manufacturing with QAP & fabrication of Sliding Type 0.3 X 0.3 Mtr Gate with hoisting arrangement including Manufacturing with QAP, fabrication, erection, commissioning & testing as per standard drawing / approved drawings & Specifications with relevent IS codes mentioned in drawing. All materialsused shall conformed to related IS Codes. Itincludes all materials, Labour charges, machining and machinery charges, with leads & lifts at site etc complete as per drawings and instructions of Engineer-inChargea) MS Sliding Gate 300mm X 300 mm 29 b) MS Sliding Gate 450mm X450 mm 30 c) MS Sliding Gate 600mm X 600 mm 31 Item No.24 :- Repairs & Renovation by Manufacturing, fabrication & erection of following size sliding types gate frame, gate leaf and required capacity screw hoist along with necessary anti corrosive paint, Transportation & necessory Test & Trial as directed by site incharge etc complete joba) MS Skrew Type Gate 900mm X 900 mm 32 Item No.25 :- Providing cohesive non-swelling (CNS) material lining to canals using selected material from approved borrow area (Government acquired land) including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, spreading soil in layers of thickness not more than 150 mm including providing 20 cm or so (perpendicular to side slope) of extra pride ,removing pride just prior to the placement of lining, breaking clods, watering, compacting to density control of not less than 95 % of Proctor density, dressing to required profile including cost of water etc. complete with lead upto1 km for water and all lifts as directed.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 5900 /-
INR 260000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 5.19 Crore /-
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